HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-24, Page 1The Seaforth News
51.59 a Year
Authorized- as Second Clara mail, Pees
Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros.. Publishers
X -Ray Clinic
Now At Seaforth
'The TB X-ray 'clinic is in pro-
gress at ;Seaforth. On 'Tuesday
afternoon it opened and X-rayed
200 people in the (basement of
Northside United !Church.
Wednesday morning the clinvc
!visited Boshart's and Seaforth
,Shoes factories, Thiursd•ay !morn-
ing it will be at SSeafoatth Dis-
trict High !School.
The X-ray clinic will -0bi11 be
alt Seaforth Thursday afternoon
and evening and it is hoped.
everyone will take advantage of
it by !that time.
;Congratulations are extended
to Mr. Ronald J. K. Weber, of
Xibdhener, who has received his
bachelor of education degree
from the University of Toronto.
3gr., Welber is at present on loan
to the—Vittoria School staff at
Kitchener, !frown Margaret Aven-
ue .School. The degree, which re-
quires a year of post -graduate
studies after a bachelor of arts
degree, will be conferred May
Oath at the Ontario College of
Education, University of Toron-
to. Ronald is !the son of Mrs. E.
J. Weber of Egmondville.
A pretty wedding took place
at First Presbyterian Church ,cat
ISaturd'ay afternoon, at 2.30 0'-
'clocic, when .Leis Isabel; Charters,
daughterofMr. and Mrs. Robert
!Charters, Seaforth, became the
bride of William James Meriam,
sou of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morison
of 'Goderich. Rev. D. Glenn
!Campbell officiated. Given in
marriage by her father, the bride
was gowned in pink embossed
nylon with white .accessories;
she carried white carnations
with nosegay. Her sister, Miss
Joan .Charters was bridesmaid,
wearing turquoise crystallized
drt s aaith white accessories and
her flowers were yellow ',carna-
tions. Best man was Jack Meriam
of tGorclerieh, (brother of the
groom. A reception was !herd for
the initmediate families 'at the
home of the ;bride's parents. The
house was 'decorated with white
carnations and pink sna'pdrag-
ons.:Lun'cheon was served by
Misses Marian Dick and ,Carol
G]ew. The !bride and groom left
on a honeymoon trip to Wind-
sor and !points east. Mr. and Mrs.
Meriam will reside in G,oderich,
Guests from out of town includ-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Roy !Mariam,
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Meriaan, Mr.
and ,Mrs. Jack Meriam and Mr.
William Irwin, all of Goderinh.
Thirty-five friends and neigh-
bors held a shower at the home
.of 'ars, Sid Pullman last week
is�` honor of !the !bride-to-be. The.
elnmg was spent in making a
bride's book, playing 'gannesand
contests. Miss 'Carol ,Glew read
an address and !Lois was present-
ed with many !beautiful, useful
gifts. A ,delicious lunch was
served by Mrs. John ,Miller and
(Mrs. Helen 'Glees. She was also
the recipient of arnany gifts at
the London Life Office in Lan-
don, prior to her marriage.
Mr. and !Mrs.. William James
!Storey, R)R. 2, .Seaforth, wish to
announce tine engagement of
their daughter, Elsie Mae, to
Merton 'Thomas Keyes, son of
Mr. and 'Mrs, Wilber E. Keyes,
R. R. 3, )Seaforth. The !marriage
will take (place Saturday, June
16 at 2 pm. in First 'Presbyter-
ian Church, :Seaforth.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter J. Bick-
nell announce the engagement
of their eldest daughter, Mary
Veronica, Reg. N., to Mr. Maur-
ice Kirby •Hallatlran, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. !Simon P. Hal'lahan
,of ,Beigrave, Ont. The marriage
will take place on Saturday,
June 9, at 9.30 in St. !Colutmban
Noonan ,Catholic Church.
Mr. and Mrs. James R'atcho. of
D+gmondville wish to announce
the engagment of their second
youngest daughter, Joan Mar-
garet to Donald George Eaton,
youngest son of Mr. and !Mrs.
.George E'arton, .Seaforth. The
marriage to take place early in
Mr. and. 'Mrs. Joseph L..Ottyan,
R. R. 1, Dublin, !wish to an-
nounce the engagement of !their
daughter Mildred 'Genevieve to
Mr. James kldw'ard' 'Cronin, son
of !Mrs. Elizabeth 'Cronin and
(the late Ms. Joseph Cronin. The
weddingwill 'take place June
in St. •Colummb'an Ronan ,Catholic
,Church at '9.30 •a.an.
William Henderson has purdh-
used the three storey factory
building on !South Main , Street
from the 'Hesky 'Flax .Co. This
was formerly thetSeaforth Wool-
len Mill and will Ibe used by Mr.
Henderson for a (bulk storage
ware house .for feeds.
This ;building is !mostly Ideat-
ed in Egnaondville hut a few
feet at !the north end which is in
Five High .School 'Cadets from
Seaforbh rw'ill train for seven
weeks at !Camp llppeiwash start-
ing 'Jolly and: 'Craig Willis, (toy
Dungey, Wayne ,Chappel, Ron
DhleraThonnas Broome. Another
Cadet, Frank Bryans, will go to
the tramp alb Bamff.
Lions Trout Derby
A Big Success
The first Lions ,Club trout
derby at .Seaforth was a wonder-
ful success on (Monday. 358
children in the event 'competed
for 405 trout placed in the
stream bhreugh the co-operation
of the IDepartnient, of Lands and
Forests of Ontario.
350 fish were taught by the
children between 9 'a.an. and 3
p.m. Catches ranged down from
the full quota of four fish, and
the parents had jtust as much
fun and excitement out of bheir
pant in helping and guiding the
The weather was excellent ex-
cept for a slight shower around
noon and the water in the creek
was just the right level for fish-
'The idea behind the 'derby
was to 'give these fishermen of
!the ,future a training in conser-
vation !practises, and from this
standpoint alone it 'Ma well
worth while.
And listening to the stories,
one is impressed that these kids
have the !makings of meal fisher-
men. They solemnly assure you
that the one that got away was
the biggest fish.
After 3 pan. the netts at the
end of 'the fishing area were re-
'Lions in charge of the trout
.derby were E. C. Boswell, 13. 0.
Free, Wm. M. Hart and Fred
Snow, assisted by many other
members of the !club, and offa-
'rials of the Department of Lands
and Forests, and Provincial Po-
lice were in charge of traffic at
the bridge.
It is hoped that arrangeinents
can be made to repeat trout der-
by next year.
Youngest boy with a trout,
Doug Hildebrand, age 214. years,
size 10, 10/ inches, 2 fish.
Youngest girl with a trout,
Penny !Moore, age 5, size 10 in-
clhes, 1 fish.
!Best 'catch under age 5, Bobby
Black, age 5, size 10, 11 inches,
2 Sisth.
(Best 'catch between age 5 ,and
10, Bryan Broome, age 7, total
40'i inches, 4 fish.
Best ciatoh over age 10, John
Patterson, age 12, total 413
inches, 4 fish.
Largest dish, any age, Garth
Flannigan, age 12, 11 1/8 in-
ches, 1 fish•
Extra prizes for tagged fish:
James Racho, John Patterson
Douglas Hu.gill, Peter !Sillery,,
Andy !Calder, Jr., Gordon Peth-
ick, John !Sawchuck, Jimmy
'clew, Pang Rau, Brian Habkirk.
A total of .358 children regis-
tered for !the event and of 405
trout placed in the stream over
350 were caught.
The following item from the
Independent of Stettler, Alberta,
refers to the passing of Charles
L. Willis, a sort of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Willis, Seaforth:
Death has claimed another of
the thinning ranks of Stettler's
pioneer businessmen with the
death of Charles L. Willis, which
occurred' early this morning
(May 10) in Stettler Municipal
Hospital after an illness of sev-
eral weeks. He was editor and
publisher of the Stettler Inde-
pendent since 1908, and was ac-
tive right up to the time he ent-
ered the hospital.
,,The late Mr. Willis was born
at Seaforth, Ont., on June 10,
1874, and received his early edu-
cation there. He graduated from
the University of Toronto with
degrees of B.A. and M.A. in
mathematics. He taught school
until he started a weekly news-
paper at Sydney, Man., in 1905.
On June 16th, 1905, he pur-
chased the Independent from the
late Will ,Godson. His weekly
column was later to stamp him
as Basil Dean, publisher of Cal-
gary Herald said, "the most ar-
ticulate and forthright weekly
editor in Western Canada."
Mr. Willis played a foremost
role in this community. He was
a member of the board of Stett-
ler School District from 1912 un-
til 1952 and for most of these
years he acted as chairman; for
more than 40 years he was choir-
master of Stettler Presbyterian
and Stettler United Churches; he
was past president of Stettler
Board of Trade and also past
president of Stettler Rotary.
He was known throughout Al-
berta's golfing circles, and he
was a member of the Alberta
Senior Golfers' Association and
honorary president of Central
Alberta's Senior Golfers' Associ-
He is survived by his wife;
two daughters, Mrs. Isabel Me-
Caeller•nand Mrs. Kathleen
2lrnery, both of Vancouver; and
one son, Roy, of •Stettler. There
are also three brothers, James,
of Seaforth, Roy of Detroit, and
Frank of Winnipeg.
Funeral services were held
from Stettler United Church on
Monday, May 14111, at 2 pan.
'NLay 17-1069; (May 18--B8;
May 119--124; May 21—N36;
May 22`075; .May 23— 'B•2.
!Previous numbers; 065; J045;
117; 06'6; 125; 073; 87; B10;
G58; 1N33; 063; G47; I20; B.13;
G52; 1314; 067; I30; B6; 11.9;
068; 639; 115'3; 062; L217; N31;
I16; N42;)33;'072; ,B4; N41;
121;, Na4;'B12; Bll; B15;; 1074;
070; 1129; IN3,5; 046.
Seaforth, Enters Two
Teams in W.O.A.A.
An organization meeting ie
being held on Wednesday night
for the ,Seaforth Baseball Club,
which (has entered' two teams,
tine Peewees and Bantams, in the
At a meeting. in Wingham ]vat
.week, attended by John Patter-
son and Arthur :Stacey, both
teams were placed in .group 2.
The Peewees are grouped with
New 'Haaruburg, St. (Marys and
Clinton. The 'Bantams with New
Hamburg, St. Marys, Exeter and
Seaforth Peewees were the
WOAA dhaanpions in 1955 and
went into the 0.B.A. semi-finals.
This team of players asp to 12
years will lose two :or three boys
to the Bantams, ages up to 14
years, but expect to field an-
other bunch of winners again.
The Bantams also have good
Sale Is Victim of
Weather and Prices
Reflecting lowered farm prices
and poor weather conditionst'his
spring, the sale of pure bred
Scotch .Shorthorns, at !the fawn
of William Devereaux & Son on
Tuesday 'could not be 'described
as a success.
Attendance was small be-
cause most prospective buyers
were avorking on the land, it be-
ina one of the few good days.
Only 11 of the 26 head were
The previous sale at Bear
Spring Farms, six years ago, at-
tracted a crowd of more than
1000 persons and ,at that time
excellent prices were realized
for stock from this valuable Herd
of imported blood lines.
"I had hoped prices +night be
half what they were six years
ago", Mr. Devereaux stated.
Funeral services took place in
Halifax, N.S., for Lorenzo James
Proctor, who died ,at his home
138 University Ave. The funeral
was held from his late home.
Mr. Proctor retired in 1946
as general manager of the Royal
Print and Litho Ltd -
Born near Constance in Hul-
lett ttwp., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jatmes Proctor, and went to
school there. He was associated
with Lawson and Jones of Lon-
don before going to Halifax in
Mr. Proctor took an active
part in various phases of com-
munity !life. He was a member
of Acadia Lodge A.F. and A.M.,
a member of the Board of Trade
and a former member ,of the
Halifax Rotary !Club, Be was a
member of St. Andrew's United
'Church, !Halifax. 'Mr. Proctor
was twice anarried. His first
wife was Nora !Lawson of Lon-
don. Surviving are his wife, the
!former Annie !Stafford Aiding -
ton; one ,daughtter, Lyda. Mrs. A.
F. Miller, Kentville, N.S., a
twin brother, Hiram, New !Lisk-
eard, Ont, and a sister Etta,
Mrs. C. W. Wilson, 'Casper, Wy-
oming. One !brother, Richard
predeceased him.
Forsythea and Daf.£otds lent
a sunny background in the 'par-
ish hall of ;St. Thomas' Church
when the W. A. held its !Blossom
Tea and Bake Sale on Wednes-
ady afternoon. !Soft music was
provided in the tea room by
Mrs. Chas. Cunningham. Guests
were welcomed by Mrs. J. H.
James 'and Mrs. Geo. McGavin.
Pouring tea for the afternoon
were ;Miss 'Mary Galbraith and
Mrs. W. E.;Southgate Sr. Assist-
ing in the tea room were Mrs.
Carmen Rbwcliffe, Mrs. John
Oldfield, ;Mrs, Harold Free, Mrs.
Norman ,Scoins, Mrs. ;Bruce Mc-
Lean, !Miss Dorothy Parke, Mrs.
Wan. Oldfield, ;Mrs. Earl Dins-
more and Mrs. Wm. O'Shea. in
charge of the home baking booth
were 'Mrs. A,da Reid, Mrs, Ken
Chambers and Mrs. Gerald
Mrs. J. R. Spittal, Miss Dor-
othy Parke and !Mrs. Earl Dins-
mture. were .general convenors of
the event.
Miss Frances !Houston spent a
few days with friends at Walton
IMr. •and 'Mrs. Mervin Nott and
Mr. and !Mrs. E. Durst spent the
weekend at Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Henderson
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Broadfoot of Walton were week-
end visitors with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Close and
family of Waterloo were Sunday
visitors with .the fornmer''s eister,
Mr. and Mrs. Neiman lvk'eLean
and aerially.
Rev. W. E. ,and Mrs. Milroy
entertained Mrs. Winnie Curtis
of Toronto, formerly of England
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLach-
lan were 'Sunday visitors with
the latter's son, Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip McKenzie of 'Stanley.
Teachers who spent the holi-
day weekend here were, Mr. G.
R. Keyes of Windsor with his
mother, Mrs. N els o n Keyes;
Miss Jessie Finlayson of Lorne
Park with her mother, (Mrs. Jas,
Finnlayson; Miss Laura IMOMillan
with her .mother, 'Mrs. W. F. Mc-
Millan; Miss !Alice Watson of
London with her another, Mrs. J.
S. Watson; Mies Margaret Grieve
of 'Centralia and 'Miss, 'Bessie
'Grieve 'of'CliatHhaan with their:
father, Mr. Thomas 'Grieve..
Presentation To Mr.,.
Mrs. Somerville
A. reception was held art the
home of Mr. and +Mrs. 'W. R.
!Somerville on Wednesday, May
2.3, the occasion being their gol-
den wedding. During the after-
noon and evening many .friends
called to offer congratulations
and best wishes do the popular
couple. ,During the afternoon
Mass Minnie ISomervllle poured
tea and membersof the lankily
served lunch. They were present-
ed with a convertible space saver
for the living room by the fam-
ily and the !Session of Cavan
!Church called and presented
them with a suitable gift. They
are both members of 'Cavan
,Church and he is a member of
the session.
Scouts At
Attending the scout camporee
at 'Duncan Lake near Coiling -
wood over the weekend from
Seaforth were Troop Leader,
Jinn ,Crich, and !Scouts Craig Wil-
lis, Stan (Brown, Roy Dungey,
Ray Scoins. Ron Myott, Brian
)Brady, Glen Coutts. The boys
and their equvpment were trans-
ported by Messrs. Mel Clark and
Dick Box. Going up Friday night
they 'camped out in tents.
The Seaforth troop placed 4th
out of .37 patrols in the scout
Peter Spittal received his
Queen Scout award at a cere-
mony at !Stratford on Friday
night when the presentation was
nnade by Lieut -Governor of On-
tario, Louis O. tBreithaupt.
Graduating last Wednesday at
0. A. C. were Mary Whyte in
the one-year course and John
Whyte in the two-year course.
Mary will attend Teachers' Col-
lege next year. John is now em-
ployed with the !Maple !Leaf Mill-
ing Co. and is at !present at Cay-
yuga, Ont.
;Murray Gaunt, of Lucknow
and Ross ISanith, R. IR, 1, Ethel
also graduated in the 2 -year
The marriage took place at
St, Patrick's Rectory, Dublin, on
Saturday, morning at 10.30,
when Shirley Eleanor Dick,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Dick, 'Cromarty, became the
bride of Louis Joseph Kramers,
son of !Mr. and Mrs "Albert Kra-
mers, Dublin. Rev. r, Ffoulkes
officiated. The 'brr esmaid was
Miss Shirley Quinn of Seaforth
and Paul Kramers, 'brother of
the groom was best man. The
bride wore a light .blue suit with
white accessories and white cor-
sage. The !bridesmaid wore a.
light grey suit with pink acces-
sories and pink corsage. A wed-
ding dinner was served at the
home of the bride's parents. The
dining room was decorated in
pink and white and the wedding
cake centered the table. Later
the 'bride and grooan left on a
trip to .Stratford, London, S'trath-
roy and other points. On their
return they will reside in Tuck-
The 'bride was honored prior
to her !marriage at a miscellan-
eous shower at the home of Mrs.
Wilmer Aitken, Hilbert. Mrs. At -
ken read an address. !Mrs. Bert
Riley gave a reading and !Mrs.
Jack Brintnell read 'tale gift
cards alter 'Shirley opened the
gifts. She was also honored at a
shower at Mrs. Ron Dale's, Sea -
forth, on Wednesday evening
and the .Shoe Factory staff pre-
sented her with two table 'lamps
and a trilite lamp.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown,
Joyce and Elaine were in Pont
Huron on the holiday visiting
,Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt
and .family visited at the home
of 'Mr. ,and Mrs. !Robert Mac -
'Pilaw' on ,Sun•day evening.
!Miss (Florence Taylor, Reg.
N., of Victoria, B. C., is holiday-
ing at the home of her brother,
Mr. Harvey Taylor and her
sisters, Mrs. Verne Dale and
Mrs. Earl .Lawson and other rel-
Mr. D. S. Lawless, Norfolk
Public (School Inspector, is one
of 70 educationalists from Can-
ada's ten provinces meeting in
Edr onton for three weeks be-
ginning May 14th to study prob-
lems of educational leadership
in local eoeti nunities. He 'has
been selected a Member of a
short coarse for school superin-
ttentdentts and vnspectoos, English
and French Speaking alike offer-
ed by tike Canadian Education
Association in conjunction with
the Faculty of Education at the
University of Alberta,
Mr. Lawless was a former
teacher at Walton Public .School
and is married to tbhe fomner
Dorothy Turnbull, daughter of
'Mr. ,and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull,
Grey Township.
Visitors et 'the home of Mr.
•antd Mrs• atobt..MeMichael -were
tMr. and .Mrs. Wm. Lemnonon and
sons of Barrie, Mr. .and Mrs,
Ralph Watson, !Sarnia, Mr. and
Mrs. Fergus Wright,- Dianne and
Larry of •Brampton and Mrs.
Etta Eyre and son Lloyd cif
Michael Bechely
Graduate at Western
Among tike graduates at the
University of Western Ontario
in honor Psychology is Michael
Bechely, son of Mrs. Bed -rely and
tihe late Dr. Beohely, Searfontfi,
who wild receive his BA; on Sat-
urday, at convocation.
!Michael has been in Toronto
for the past two weeks and
work until the close of school in
June ,under Dr. Chas. Stagdill,
a former .Seaforth boy who is
now !head of the Child Psychol-
ogy Depanttment of the Toronto
Board of Education.
tTm .Septetmtber he will enter
the University of Toronto to
study for his M. A. degree, and
will continue his work with Dr.
Stogdihl on a part time basis.
!Anyone taking cars or want-
ing a ride to the District An-
nual at Zurich on June 5, will
please contact Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Kenzie. Also anyone wishing to
have the June meeting please
contact MTS. McKenzie.
Mrs. John Flannery and Mrs.
William Feeney at the Catholic
Women's League 'Convention at
Hotel London.
Mr. Fergus Kelly, Mr. Benny
Flanagan, Kitchener, with Mr.
and Mrs. Fergus Kelly.
,Mr, and ,Mrs. Wilfred 0a
Rourke, Margaret and Mrs.
Phyllis !Butters in London.
Miss Patricia Costello, Lon-
don, Mr. Gordon Costello, King-
ston, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Miss Gloria Lithgow, CCapreol,
with Mr. ,and ,Mrs. Fred Lithgow.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds
of Detroit with Mrs. Joseph Car-
Mr. Fred Jones and family of
Oakville with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mr, Kenny Stapleton, Kitch-
ener with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus
Mr. and !Mrs. Campbell and
Harry, Miss Anne Tomlinson of
.gelLon:Nagledon with Mr. and Mrs. Mich -
Mr. and Mrs. James Kraus-
kepf Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Krauskopf, Bonnie and Bobbie
with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nich-
olson, 'London.
Mr. and .Mrs. Newcombe and
Jimmie, Port Credit with Mr.
and Mrs. William Stapleton.
Mr. Robert Byrne, Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. John Devereaux,
Seaforth, with Miss Monica
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Aslfn and
Harvey of Toronto with Mrs.
Norma Aslin.
Mr. Eric Collins and Judy in
Tara with Mrs. Collins.
Mr, and Mrs. James 'Ackroyd
and girls, Toronto, with ;Mrs.
Mary O'Rourke and Frank.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blonde of
Chatham with Mr, and Mrs.
Louis ,Bruxer.
Mr. •and Mrs. Pete ,Nekon of
Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Feeney.
,Mr. and Mrs. Frank !Maloney
of Kitchener, Miss Rose 'Marie
Feeney, .Mr. ,•Bobbie Kelly in
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flanagan of
Kitchener, 1'Ir. and Mrs. Leon-
ard Feeney of !Stratford with
Mrs. .Catherine Feeney,
Mr. ,and Mrs. ,Allfred McDoug-
all of London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Jordan.
Mr. and !Mrs. Joe 'Dill, Karen
and Billy in Dundas with NIr.
and !Mrs. John Frost,
Mrs. Mary O'Rourke and son
Joe, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Burns and children, Windsor,
with Mr. and Mrs. Dan !Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. )Mac McQuillan,
Miss Lydia Jordison, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Whetham
and family of Burlington with
Mr• and Mrs. A. Who -them.
Mr. and .firs. E. J. Hattin, Sarn-
ia, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. !MacRae,
Parkhill, Mr. James Connors Sr.
and Jr., Wyoming with Mr. and
Mrs. Don !MacRae.
Mr. and !Mrs. William Stewart
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pugh
at Clairmont.
Mr. Kenneth 'Ryan of St. Jer-
ome's High School, 'Kitchener,
spent the holiday weekend at
the home of his parents, :Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Ryan.
!Murray Kirkby, who has been
at Queen's University during the
past year, spent a well-earned
week's holiday with his grand-
parents in the village before tak-
ing a good job in the Nickle
mines at !Copper Cliff near Sud-
bury, for the summer months.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Kirkby were George
and Mrs. Kirkby of Burwash,
Lew and Mrs. Kirkby of Wind-
sor and Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold
Sherman of Windsor.
Service at Duff's Unit e1
Church, Sunday, was a special
one for the ,Seaforth 'Cadets.
The service was ably conducted
by tike pastor, Rev. W. tM. Thom-
as with special !music by the
!A farewell for Mr. John Ro-
bertson was held at tthe home oaf
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen on
Tuesday evening. An enjoyable
evening was spent with four ta-
bles .of euchre in play. ,00 behold
of the village neighbors an ad-
•dress was read by Miss ,Olive
Speen and John was presented
with a wrist watch and a billfold
by Douglas MdKellar. Lunch was
served'. Mr. Robertson is loaty-
The Most Fabulous Watch
in All the World!
Watch Enlarged to Show Detail
New miracle of
watch design!
The Executive Look , , .
in a watch so slim ... so
trim . , , with a new dis-
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slways know you're
wear.:g the handsomest
watch in the world—from
the world's leading manu-
facturer of fine watches
. And don't you de-
serve the finest? Come in
and see the new Bulova
See the complete
selection of new
President watches
from 549i0 to 510000
17 jewels
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17 jewels
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(also avallibie with sharcoal 5151)
Other smart Bulova Watches as low as $29.75
Westfield Watches as low as 519,95
Jewellery Gifts
ing this week for the West where
he intends to reside:
The closing meeting for the
season of the YPS was !meld on
Sunday evening with George Vi-
vian presiding. The scripture
lesson was read by Anita .Sors-
deal and' Rev. S. Kerr led in
prayer. Margaret Walker gave a
reading and Ruth Bowe and
Alice Sorsdah'l sang a duet ac-
eontipanie'd 'by Margaret Cole-
man. The study book lesson was
read by Joy Vivian. A social
evening was planned for Friday
night. The meeting closed with
The regular meeting of the
,Marian Ritchie Evening Auxil-
iary was held at the home of
Mrs. Gerald Carey. Mrs. James
Miller presided and opened the
meeting 'with the call to worship
and prayer. The scripture lesson
was read by .Mrs. Ted Storey.
Mrs. Carter Kerslake was pre-
sented with a 'Life 'Membership
certificate with Mrs. Sam Mc-
Curdy reading tlhe address and
Mrs. James !Miller presenting the
gift. The study ;book lesson was
read by Mrs. Lloyd Miller. !Mrs.
Sam McCurdy read a letter
which Miss M. Currie had re-
ceived from Miss .Lillian Dick-
son, !Formosa. to rdelicious lunch
was served.
Mr. and !Mrs. Dave Lupton
and family of Em'bro visited on
Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. John
'Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Aibiss, of
Georgetown and .Mr. and Mrs.
D. G. Armstrong, of Weston,
spent th:e holiday weekend with
Mr. and 1'Irs. Harold Carey and.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Gerald !Carey.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey,
of Georgetown spent the ,week-
end avith Mr. and Mrs. Alex
!Misses ,Shirley and Wilma
Harper spent the weekend with
their parents, Mr. and !Mrs. W.
.and .Mrs. Lloyd 1Sorsdahl,
Anita and .Alice attended the
graduation of !Miss 'Isabel La-
mont in London, on Wednesday.
Mr. and !Mrs. Mac !McKellar
and family of Stratford, and Mr.
and Mrs. (Fergus 1VIaKellar and
family, .Seaforth were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lind-
say McKellar.
Visitors with :Miss Olive Speen
during the weekend were Mr.
GersIvann .Speare, Toronto, Mrs.
McDonald, Mr. Clive McDonald
and 'family of Mitchell.
Mr. .and 'Mrs. Sam Tibbett, of
Toronto, .Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Beckler
of Zurich visited on :Sunday
Mr. and Mit. Donald Scott.
Visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Wallace were 'Mr. and Mrs.
,Clarence Murray and Mr. and
Mrs. Hood of Kitchener.
Mrs. W !Harper and !Mrs.. 11...
McKellar .attended the Mother
and Daughter banquet in .Main
St..Church, Mitchell, on Wed-
Fin.e China
nesday evening.
Pte. Alex Walker and Pte.
Terry Bunch, London, spent the
weekend with lir. and ,Mrs. Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland
of Toronto are visiting the for-
mer's mother, ilirs. !Henry Wei-
'Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kenny
and daughter Jean of London
visited on .Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Rebt. 'Dalrymple.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Hastings of
Listowel, visited 'Mrs. Barton on
Miss Barbara Varley and
friend of St. ,Cetherines visited
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rotbt. !Dalrymple on Monday.
Private Gordon Mesenger, who
is at present stationed at Camp.
Borden was a holiday visitor
with his .mother, Mrs. Margaret
Mrs. !Elsie Forrest, London,
spent the weekend with Mrs. A.
McQueen and 'Margaret.
The T000' Lodge of Bruce-
fieid will hold their annual
!Church Service in the United
Church, Brucefield on May 27
at 7.30 in the evening.
,Miss :Margaret Zapfe of By-
ron visited with relatives in the
village over the weekend.
Mr. 'Robt. Allan Jr. spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr.
.and 'Mrs. Edgar Allen.
The many friends of Mrs. A.
Bohner are pleased to know she
is progressing favorably after
her serious operation on Friday
night of last week.
Mr. •and'Mrs. S. Neal, .Glencoe
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Wilson and ;airs. Stack. -
Miss !Mary Gibson has return-
ed to the village 'after spending
the winter with Mr. and 'Mrs.
Jno. MclMurtrie, Henson.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Russel Zurbrigg
and daugihter of Wingham visit-
ed over the holiday with Mrs.
Zurbrigg's patients, Mr. and Mrs.
Jno. A. McEwen.
Mr. .and Mrs. ,Chas. Kovac of
Port !Colborne spent 1Vlobhers'
Day .with Mrs. IKovao's !parents,
Mr. !anti Mrs. Chas. iS•nellings.
Seeding was again delayed
during the week of May 14 to 18
by intermittent rainfall and
snow .on May 16. 'With- over 5
inches of .rainfall recorded to
date for May, !deal !weather con-
ditions would be needed (before'
seeding could coanmence in an-
other 7 to 10 days. Farmers are
busy making. !plans to seed emer-
gency crops., and 'cash crops to
replace feed losses incurred by
not being 'able to seed spring