HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-17, Page 8Sport JacketsNewest You'I1 want for the Holiday Week -End Styled, in popular two and three button styles in a wide choice of all wool tweeds, nub weaves and slub effects. - Colors are grey, fawn, brown and charcoal in a wide choice of new designs. Styled for shorts, regulars and tails Budget Priced 18.95 21.95 23.50 OTHERS AT $24.50 TO $35.00 NEW STRAW HATS They're here ! the new straw hats for summer wear. These come in grey, beige, charcoal and off white. All are water- proof and washable 2.95 Sparc Slacks Nylon, Orlon and Dacron blended cloths in plain shades or slub effects in all the popular spring and summer shades Including grey, charcoal, blue grey, fawn, brown and teal blue. Sizes 28 to 46 5.95 6.95 7.95 OTHER QUALITIES AT 10.95 TO 17.95 NEWEST SPORT SHIRTS Linen type weaves, slub cottons, woven checks and prints in san- forized "wrinkle shed" cottons in grey, blue, beige, yellow, charcoal, and popular mint green. Sizes S. M. L. 2.95 to 4.95 Short Sleeve Styles from 2.79 STEWART BROS. VARNA 1ti eding bells are ringing in the community. Miss Ann Ostrom of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of her parents. A large congregation filled the United Church on Sunday morning last for the 'Mothers' Day service. During the service three babies were baptised. The pastor, Rev. T. J. Pitt was in charge of the service with Mr. Geo. L. Reid, Supt. of the Sun- day School assisting. Mr. Geo. 'Coleman of Toronto spent the weekend at his home here. Considerable damage was done to the township roads dur- ing the heavy rain storms last week. WINTHROP Mr, and Mrs. Sam McSpadden and family of Otterville spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zack 'McSpadden. Roxboro, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley, Winthrop. Mrs. Helen Kirkby who spent the past months in 'California is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Somerville and other 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111,11111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111n111111111n CAR BARGAINS 1955 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan Radio - Power Glide 1952 Ford Sedan 1949 Chev. Coach 1949 Meteor Sedan 1947 Chev Coach 1947 Fargo 1i Ton 2175.00 1125.00 775 00 525.00 395.00 275.00 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SaForthMotors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 Na11r111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1,1111111111111111111111111111111111111 relatives. Mrs. J. Patterson is spending some time with her 'daughter and and son -in -kw, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, at 'Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray of Walton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haase. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Horne of London ,were weekend 'guests of Mr. and ;Mrs. E. Haase. Mr, and Mrs. Willis Dundee of Seaforth were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Little. Christian Family Se4iday A most impressive service was held in Coven Church on Sun- day ;Horning when Rev. J. R. Holden received dive 'infants in baptisn, they were as follows: Keith Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hulley; ,David Glenn, son of Mr. and ;Mrs. Glenn Mte- Olure; Marie Lillian, 'daughter of Mr, and (Mrs. Geo. Bernard; Linda Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson; Kenneth Wayne, son of lMr. and Mrs. Glenn Haase. The church was filled Tho ca- pacity. Following the sacrament and 'baptism, 'on behalf of the church, Mr. (Robert McClure pre- sented the following grandmoth- ers of the congregation who had reached the three score and ten years, with an American beauty rose: Mrs. Hugh Alexander, Mrs. Calvin Hillen, Mrs. J. W. Boyd, Mrs. John Beattie, Mrs. Robert Beattie, Mrs. Thos Wheatley, Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mrs. !Scott Bolton. Mrs. (Chas. Dolmage, Mrs. Geo. Little, Mrs. John Campbell. The May meeting of the Win- throp C. G. I. T. was held on Saturday, ;May 5 in the base- He's not alone behind his desk! When you do business with a manager of The Toronto -Dominion, you can be sure that you are getting his personal attention. But, if your problem requires up-to-the-minute information, the manager need only pick up the telephone to get specialized advice. In this way, the manager or any member of the staff is never alone in serving you. In any one of the more than 450 branches of Toronto -Dominion throughout the country you get the best in banking service. THE TORONTO -DOMINION BANK THE DEBT IN OANP< 1 NO 0E R V r CE F3865 J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager Seaforth Branch ment of rite church. The meeting opened 'with the ICGIT iPunpose and hymn. The caul to worship s as given ;and the theme was "Love" followed by hymn 488. A poem was given by Frances Hlan'chalyd. ,Georgina little read the scl'ipture. A story "Tile Greatest Thing in the Would" was read by the President. ;Aud- rey 'Godkan led in prayer. Hymn 3.28 was sung. The ;business was conducted with the minutes and ,the roll call. We iha'd a :discus- sion on our 'Mother and Daught- er (banquet'which w 12 be (held in June. The offering was received and bhe President pronounced the benediction. MRS. J. B. THOMPSON 'Mrs. J. 53. Thompson, 'Church street, ;passed away about noon on Wednesday, May 16th after a short illness. She was in her 93rd year. Formerly Jemima. Noble, she was born in 'Scotland 'and was married at ,Seaforth ;in 1824 to 'Mm. Thompson who died in 1932. She is survived by Sour daughters, Delia, Mrs. J. G. Green, London; Gladys, Niagara Palls; Sadie, (Mas. G. A. Stewart, Toronto; Ruth, Mrs. H. C. Lind- say, Ingersoll. Also one sister, Mrs. A. D. IC'ardno, Winnipeg, and 4 'grandchildren. 'The funeral (takes place en May 19, from ;the G. A. Whitney funeral home, conducted by Rev. Bruce W. Han and interment in Mattland'bank cemetery. TROUT DERBY MONDAY Over 300 children have enroll- ed for the trout derby heing held at ;Silver !Creek on i thnd'ay for pulblic and separate school 'child- ren and sunder, iby Seaforth Lions Club and Dept, of Lands an'd Forests. (Derby stae'ts at 8 a.m. an'd closes at 3. Trout mush; be re- turned to the heater if under 7", And when four fish have been caught the (boy or girl will go at once to the club house. Prizes will ;be awarded as re- cently published. Enter at Bald - win's hardware now. BRODHAOEN On Wednesday evening neig- hbors, friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel gath- ered at the Legion rooms in Mitchell to surprise them on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent andancing to 'music by Gary and Warren lSh•oldice and Donald Wolfe with Mr. Petrieas floor manager. An address writ- ten by MIs. Fred 'Herbert was read .by Mrs. Russell ,Sholdice, and Mrs. Joe 'Smith (presented them with a large chest of sil- verware. A decorated wedding cake was served during the lunch hour. M1': Diegel is the son of George Diegel and , the late Mrs. Diegel. Mrs. Diegel was the former Leila Brunner of Seebach's Hill, daughter of Mrs. Ida Brunner and the late Harvey Brunner. They have a daughter, and. two sons:.Mal.leen, nurse-inatraining, at Stratford General illospibal; ;Calvin, • who just graduated from 'Waterloo College, and;avill attend Water- loo 'Seaninaly in the 'Fall, and Arthur at home. Mr. and Mrs. (Ezra Hinz and family of ,Sebringville, Mr. and Mrs. (Dick Watson and Douglas with Mr. and Mrs. 'Lavern Wolfe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Di'ttmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser attended. the wedding in Kitchener Luth- eran ,Church on Friday 'after- noon of Mr. Donald Bode to ;Miss Georgina Ballantyne, ,both of Kitchener. A hydrangia plant was placed in the 'chancel of St. Peter's Lu- theran 'Church on Sunday in memory of 'Mrs, Wm. Siemon who passed away ane year ago. It was placed 'there by the fam- ily. Gary Hinz is a grandson and Carole Wardell a great grand- daughter, who are among the confirmation class. The examination of the cate- chumens was held on Sunday morning. 'Colufilrnnationwill held this Sunday .May 20th et 11 During the Sunday morning service last Sunday, an engraved brass receiving plate was dedi- cated which was donated to St Peter's Lutheran 'Church by Mr. Gottlieb Mueller, oldest member CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends, neighbors. and Blyth W.A. for cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in. Seaforth Hospital; also all those who helped out at home Special thanks to Rev, A. Watson and Rev. Glenn Cuihmbell Dr Brady and Dn'.. Maikus, the nursing stuff and Mr. Whitney for ambulance service. JOHN McNIC180L, Blyth FAR FOR SALE 60 acres in Hay tp. with large frame house, good bath wind driving shed, 12 acres of bush. Hydro available. Edgar McBride, Ifippen R113, 6711.26 Hansell CARD OF THANKS Mre. Louis Hillebrecht and family wish to take this opportunity to eapresa their sincere thanks tq triose who showed them kindness' and assists in any .wee during their resent bereavement, especially Rev. Il J. Fischer and the ladies who so kind- ly assisted after the service; also for the many flowers and cauls. Everything was deeply appteoiated• THANK YOU I wish to thank everyone who remem- bered me with cards. fruit and cigarettes while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, also those who -visited me, EDGAR HILLEBRECHT TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed ndersigned for painting the exterior and interior of S,S. #12, McKillop, Work is to be done during July and August. TrA my Wto Mr ton . Maly Church, Sec.; Auction Sale Of Holstein Cows and Heifers, 2 reg- istered Hereford bulls, and Pigs,at the J.B. Farms, Kipper, RR4$2, 8 miles. south of Seaforth, or 4 miles north and east of $ippon, en Friday, May 18 at 2 P.M Cows -17 Holstein cows and heifers, mostly freshened, balance to calve within one month. Some of the above cows are registered; 12 Holstein. X Hereford calves; Durham cow recent- ly freshened,,, with calf at foot; 2 pure bred registers Hereford bulls 15 months old, ready for service. Pigs -6 York- shire sows with litters from 1 week to 3 weeks old, 30 pigs from 8 to 10 weeks old. Terme. cash, No reserve as owner is in failing health. Sale will be under cover. Stam Jackson, Proprietor, Ed- ward W. Elliott, auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale Of Car, Garden Tractors and Furniture. At Wellington Si. N., 2 blocks north of the Mitchell Fair Grounds, onSatur- day, May 1910, commencing at 1 O'clock, Garr: Vauxhall, 1961 model. Tractors: 3 horsepower- Waterloo tractor- conm)eta with disc, cultivator and plow, nearly now. 1 horsepower Chore Master tractor with cultivator, nearly new. Power lawn mower, gas tank, oil tank, hand power garden seeder, garden sprayer, hand sprayer, 60 ft. garden hose nearly new. Kitchen cabinet, extension table, kitchen chairs, arm chair, several tables, iron bed with springs and mattresses, dark steel bed with springs and mat- tresses, rugs and floor coverings, wash stand, fern stand, electric table, lamps, large size oil heater, Coal & wood ;neater with pipes, electric range, electric wash- ing machine, Sunbeam icon, Master iron with linger 11» control, feather weight, nearly new, China cabinet, foot stool, oil beater. '01,11d's sleigh, child's wagon, SAM stand, some %" piping, ladders some tongue & groove lumber, window jambs and window sash. Dishes of all kinds, kitchen utensils, graniteware, barrels, 2 good scythes, carpenter tools, garden tools, cress cut saw, erocke, cars, forks, shovels. spade, other articles, cuckoo clock No reserve as the eropetty is sold. Terms cash, Mrs. Henry Shelton. proprietress; John E. Siemon, clerk;. Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer of the church. His name and crate being engraved on the plate. ;Mrs. Annie iElligson returned to her home here after living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beuerman, McKillop, for the winter .months. Mrs. Heileman, her daughter, who was confined to ;Beck Memorial •Sanitoriuml for about 10 months, has re- turned 'home. Mr. and Mrs. IOhris 'Leonhardt of ;Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. (Chas. Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jacob and Mr. John Jacob of Kitchener and Mr. Wayne Beuelvnan of ,Strat- ford, Mr. and 'Mrs. 'cliff Elliott, Mr, and (Mrs. Jim Elliott of List- owel, IMr, and Mrs. 'Chas. John- son 'and Mrs. John Kahle of Mulford, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuexmnan and Mr. G. Mueller. LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS The regular meeting of the Ladies' 1A.uxiliary to the !Cana- dian Legion was held in the Le- gion rooms, on Wed. night, May 2nd- The Pres., !Comrade, Mrs. (Olive) Wm. Little was in the chair. The meeting opened with the depositing of the colors and singing of 0 ,Canada. The mem- bers were reminded of the Zone Rally on May 16 to be held in (Clinton, anyone wishing to go to meet at 7 o'clock at the Super - test corner. One new member was installed, comrade, Mrs. Cleave (Peggy) 'Coonbes of Sealforth, by the president. Int was decided to attend church in a body on the 3rd (Sunday in June at Presbyterian 'Church. The mystery prize was won iby comrade Mrs. Alex Muir, and a draw on an alpron• was won by comrade Mrs. Doreen Eisler. The meeting closed with the retiring of the colors by standard bearers comrade Mrs. Doris Adams and Mrs. Angela Watson, and the singing of God save bhe Queen. A 'delicious lunch was served by the _lunch committee. 4-H GRAIN CLUB 'The McKillop 4 -IH Grain Club met in Seaforth D.H.S. on May 12. 25 members were present. Two quizzes ;were filled in by members, on Parliamentary Pro- cedure, and Varieties and Seed Production. A discussion on questions asked at o.A,IC. at the winter -club competition. Tenders for Trucks Sealed tender, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the under- signed until 0 p.m., Mondor, June 4th, 1060, for the supply of 2 approxim- ately 3 ton trucks, equipped as follows: -- heater and defroster - electrical directional signals, front end rem' - 9.00 x 20, 12 ply tires -- outside mirrors - 2 speed rant' axle -- dark green in color - all lights requiredbyiaw - equipped with Galion Champion (7' x 11' approx.) 12E3 box with #710 hoist. Wheelbase sufficient to allow mounting of above body. - No trade in - Lowest or any tender not newtsnrile accepted 3. W. BRITNELL Huron County Engineer Court House, Goderich FOWL WANTED When ready to market your fowl, phone 571, for courteous ..service and eatiafeetory returns Dale Produce, CARD OF THANKS Ma. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple wish to express their sincere thanks to all. those who helped in any way during the !time of the wind storm and after. We ore truly thankful kr 1111. the help received CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the people on the Stella mail route for the very kind gift. they gave me. 30IIN ROBERTSON WANTED $1000 first mortgage et 6% on resid- ence in Bsgcefield. Apply to News office WANTS D Pasture wan for 7 one -year-old steers. Phone 64x10 Dublin, P. Melones FOR SALE 1037 Plymouth sedan in perfect run- ning order. J. F. Murphy, .lot 23, eon 2,. Efibbert, 171.16 Dublin central COMING EVENT Bake sale n Seafo at Box Furni- ture Store on Sat., May 28. Sponsored by Bethel W.A. FOR SALE Five room inial brick ;rouse, one acre land, garage and barn in village of Con- stance. Ph. 940W. Alvin Riley, Seaforth FOR SALE Galore seed barley. Phone 901.22 Dublin FOR SALE Mane bieyclo in new condition. Apply et The News office Would the NOTIC E rson we cattle markers please rerturn them.aHar- old Jackson.. FOR SALE 14 pigs. Apply Donald. McClure, RRl Blyth Phone 23119 Blyth WANTED TO BUY An old building to wreck. Apply to The News office LE 00M girl's b� o leS 10 very good con- dition; reasonably priced. Apply at Dick's Store EED Plant Huronccou CORN nty's most profitable send grain crop. Be sure you use. the bestosisee corn available for either grain Drop or ensilage. Phone 858x'23 Seaforth for your. supply of Funk's G. Hybrid seed COln. W. A. Haugh & Sons, Brumfield, mole - sive dealers for Tuckeremith Tenders Wanted Township of McKillop Tenders plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon May 18th, 1968, For a tractor and mower for putting road side weeds. Mower -to be mounts on side of tractor, with full control of cutting bar from tractor. Cutting blur to be five ft. long. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Equipment to be fully described in tender. Wm. J, Manley, Walton 11122, Road Supt- Phone. 46114. Dublin acro fame,OR 1 4 story brick house, stable and garage, hydro, 1 mile north of Winthrop on paved. road. 76 none farm, 03 acres plowed, no buildings,. Number of other farms with buildings. House for rent, furnished, good location. Harold Jackson SALESMEN WANTED Sell finest household necessities, Be- come our dealer in your surroundings, Menand women qualify for this posi- tion. Write for details to FAMILEX, Dept, 3, Stationp 0, Montreal White frame hose in Brucefleld, for sale or rent. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone Seaforth 22 on 069, Mrs. H. F. Berry, Brucefield Eight rroomsbrriak IleumwitthVall mod- ern conveniences in Harput'hey. 24x30 barn with double deck hen house, 3 acres of land.- Phone 861r14 Seaforth GLAD BULBS 10 for 75c, 10 for 90c. Packaged 25 for 90e, Eric Milner Flowers, phone 393 Seaforth FOR SALE Mixed Gladiolus bulbs. 60 large 92,60. 50 medium 51,50. Mm'ray E. Tyndall, Brucofleld. Phone Clinton IIU 2.0831 FOR; SALE Timothy seed P ren° 8331.91, John W. Thompson T HousFOR e has So SALE eight electric lights and water, with basement, Also a gaailen and garage. Immsinte posses- sion. Mrs. James Barron, telephone 196 R Seaforth ESTATE Auction Sale Of Household Effects and Property. of the Irate Maude Davis, Goderich St. weal, in Town of Seirforth on Wednesday, May 30th, at 1.30 P.M. Quantity of household effects, including an Astral Frigidaire. Property - 8 room frame house. on Goderich St. West. Now roof. garage, water, hydro. oil furnace, full size lot, excellent location. Terms, chat- tels, cash. Property 10% down, balance 30 days, Reserve bid, A. W. Sillery soli- citor for estate; Herold Jackson, auct, Clearing Auction Sale H nsallo on oWednesday, (n Mary otown o 22, at 1 p.m. 2 blocks meth of United Church. 3 piece chesterfield suite. Oval parlor table. Oak table, Rug 0x10, Quebec heat- er. solid oak dining room suite. China cabinet. Complete bedroom suite, bed, springs and mattress, dresser. Crosier' frig 10 months old. Rnngette, cook stove, kitchen cabinet. 4 chairs, Buffet Electric iron, chest of drawers, s, combin- atiiort dresser & wash stand, wardrobe, congoleum rugs, scatter mete, rocking chairs, occasional choirs, hassock, mir- rors. Pictures, cooking utensils, curtains, drapes, silver ware, set Bridal. Rose china; toilet set, antique china, orna- mdnts,vases, teapot. scalers, clocks other items too numerous to mention. Terms cash, Prop., Mrs, George Dal- rymple. Anrmt., Harold Jackson. Clerk E. P. Chesney Auction Sale Of Household Effects in the town of Seaforth, Coleman street, on Saturday, May 10th, at 1 p.m. 2 beds, springs & mattresses. 2 vanity dressers with bench. Chest of drawers. Stands, dressers, lazy boy chair, audio couch, day bed, 2 wicker chairs, radio, Library table, table and magazine rack, bedroom chair, Que- bec heater, rangette, china cabinet, table & chairs. Dining room chairs, sewing machine. Quantity sealers. Quan- 11ty dishes including tea set, 2 clocks, tea kettle. screens, boiler, tubs, wash bond, Hawn mower, garden utensils, ex- tension kidder, chesterfield, oak bullet, f, oak dining room. chairs. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms oath. Prop. Mrs. Sarah Matthews. Aust., Harold Jackson SALE OF Scotch Shorthorns 7 BULLS AND 20 FEMALES of Imported and Canadian Blood Lines WM. DEVEREAUX & SON, BEAR SPRING FARMS 2 miles east of Seaforth on Hwy 8 TUESDAY, MAY 22 at 1.30 P.M. DST Auctioneers: W. S. O'Neil, Harold Jackson, Lincoln White Our District Manager Needs An Assistant l ag�r'rileultuan•1 background in Huron Ch a orin: ty, He must be highly regarded and desire to associate 'himself with a sue- cessful company. Preference will be given to men over 40 years of age or, a man whose son is taking over the farm or perhaps our man is semi -retiree already but would like to develop a good business of Ids own. Car necessary but no investment. If you are -looking for a reel opportunity in the liquid fertilizer business write E, McLachlan, 'Vice. President, Na-Chure Plant Food Oor, London, Ontario, THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, May 17, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Carefill Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth 1=1111111111111110 SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. Moldaster, B.A.,M.D„ Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p,m., daily except Wednesday and. Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.B. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Mail St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth dally except Mon„ 9 to -� 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM; Clinton -McLaren Studio,, Mon. 9 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First. Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Com.plete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 640 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. BEAD OPFICE-SEAFORTH. f., Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexandre; Vico-Pres., R. Archibald; Manager anal Sec,-Treas., M. A.. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth' J. H. McEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Walton; A J. Trewartlna. Clinton; 3.E. Pepper, Brumfield; 0.W. Leonhaidt, 'Bornholm; IL Fuller, Goderich; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leippeer Jr., Londeeboro; Pruoter, Brodl,agen; Selwyn Bakst. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth, Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above name officers addressed to their rospective post offices, 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 673 or 332-51 uj- AND FUEL OIIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Reg. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Dont waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without 'charge to you, take aamplea of the earth in your fields and hare them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 16 or 376, Seaforth PERsONAL supplies upp ies (rubber mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 260. 24 same. pies $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. �T 74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. LOVELL McGUSJE Surge Dealer, Wingliam. Phone 593. Can solve your milking problems. Con- tact for faster, safer, more complete milking. More -farmers switch to Surge RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 04701, Seaforth Viking CreaamS AS reparD a ors. SERVICE electric models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorize dealer for dia. trict of Seaforth, Clinton and Brucofiold. Allowance made for treed Separators. Repairs for Otaco, Fleury Bisset imial's Basil O'Rourke, Brumfield. Phone HU - 2 -9181 Clinton NOTICE For artificial insemination informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.80 and 0.30 A.M. We have all breeds available -top quality at low cost. For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME O10 PBRING YOU A modern 2 bedroom brick dwell- ing Just completed. One -floor plan. 011 heating Low Down Payment Balance monthly Two bedroomstucco cottage, with •19 modern conveniences including 3-pieee bath, hordwoal floors, modern kitchen. Felt basement mith furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and, al- most immediate poeseaaion. M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMIBER LTP. Phone 47