HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-10, Page 5TI -IE SIDAWORTFI NEWS—Thursday, May 10, 1956 BEST BUY SPECIALS Stokley's Fancy Honey Pod Peas 15 oz tins 2 for 33c Stokley's Fcy Golden Cream Corm 15 oz. 3 for 39c Libbys Deep Brown Beans 2 for 35c 20 oz. Tins BREEZE, New King size .... 16c OFF $1.41 New Monarch Lemon Sponge Pudding Monarch Chocolate Cake mix both pkgs. .47 Liptons Tea Bags, 60s .. .... Pkg. 790 15e coupon in each Pkg. Pie Ready Cherry Pie Filling, 20 oz. tin. 29c - i Javex 37c tin KAM ya k-�. \`•>.: ; ��. in DRYFORM . PRY FOicbOu!�® \-1%,„„,. 43c DOES EVERYTHING LIOUID WILL DO New Cheery Morn Instant Coffee ..... 57c 2 oz. Jar Large Size Pineapples for canning2 for 75c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES Blossom Tea & Home Bake Sale In the Anglican Church Parish Hall under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 3 to 6 P.M. FARM CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE AUTO ACCIDENT AND LIABILITY HIGH COVERAGES AGENT John Flannery Phone 6481.22, Seaforth. Spring Specials AT REDUCED PRICES New and Used Electric Stoves Refrigerators and Washers 1—USED COAL & WOOD STOVE 1—PROPANE 4 -BURNER GAS STOVE NEW & USED POWER LAWN MOWERS A. E. Querengesser, Brodhagen Phone 74r14 Dublin TOWN TOPICS Attending Synod at 'Kitchener this 'week etre Rev. J. H. James, W. E. Southgate, R. J. ISp+i+btal. tMr..and Mrs. Wm. Austin 'and two children intend moving to Flint, Mich., in June. Winner of the Fina service station jeep last week was Ken- neth Ebbue, Goderudii St West. 10p1. K. T. and Mrs. Adams 'and Gerald of (Winnipeg are spending two weeks with M. and Mrs. E. Adams. Miss Julia Flannagan spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Neilson in New Hamburg. Mr. Ron Sills, Kitchener, was a weekend guest at' his honi:e here. IMr. Joe Laudenlbach, Toronto, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Leaden (bash. Mrs. H. McIver was a week- end guest at the (home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McIver, Strat- ford. Mrs. !Stewart Henderson, Mi: chael and (Patricia, of Mitchell, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Matthews. Mr. and :Mrs. Arnold Stansel'1 :and family of 'Aylmer were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'McFadden. '. :Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fled of Teeswater •spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McGavin. ,Sharon 'Prike spent the week- end with Mr. and .Mrs. Wurin. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS .Q13y Jack Melady) "Open House" was hell at Seaforth High School last Fri- day evening with a large .attend- ance of students, parents and friends. The various rooms were open for 'inspection and demon- strations of student projects, as well as equipment were on dis- play. In 'the Home Ec. room a host of artieles were offered for sale at a 'bazaar and chances were taken on a quilt. The win- ner of the quilt Was 'Mi•. C. M. Smith, a member of the school. board. After the rooms closed at 9:80 a short program followed in the auditorium. This program feat- ured a fashion show, square dancing and singing. Ruth 'Howe. Myrtle 'Knox, Mary Dennis, Au- drey Hackwell, and Doris John- ston sang and Ruth Sills was commentator for the fashion show Our annual field day will be May Day Tea The Women's Hospital Auxiliary invite the pubis to tour the Hospital and have tea at the Nurses' Residence FRIDAY, MAY 11 BETWEEN 3 AND 5 The Auxiliary takes this opport- unity to show its appreciation to the public for support during the year Card Party & Dance IN DUBLIN Under auspices of the Parent - Teachers Association FRIDAY, MAY 18 Cards commence at 9 P.M. Somebody's daughter . It couldn't, of course, be YOUR daughter. This girl has no one to care for her and her unborn child. Both face a future dark with shame and bitterness, fruit of folly and betrayal. But not without hope. In. the havens, homes and hospitals of Tho Understanding Heart The Salvation Army the unwed and the Human Touch mother and her babe are given • compassionate care and thq chance to build virtuous and happy lives. Aren't you glad there is a Salvation Army? To all who have fallen by the wayside from whatever cause, The Salvation Army offers refuge and hope. To equip its faithful workers for these tasks of mercy and restoration, it relies confidently on YOU. 6)a/6.//0////bileileal THE S • j TI ': ARMY SHIELDRED APPEAL TREASURER: CLAIRE REITH, Seaforth held next week, weather permit- ting. The junior section for par- ticipants includes all boys and girls under 16, intermediate un- der 17, and senior over 17, These ages are tabulated from She first of •September 1956. Field Day c'hannpions last year were: Boys, junior -413M Strong; Intermediate—Wayne McMich- ael; ael; and (Senior—!Bill Litowski. In the girls competition the win- ner in the junior section was Greta 'Pfaff; intermediate, Ruth Sills, and senior, Lena ,Miller. Well, the (big news aro-land school this week concerns the elections for the Student iCoun- cil of next year. The school is literally plastered with campaign posters, signs, and (brightly col- ored "Vote for So and .S•o" pro- paganda. There are four students run- ning for president: Ron iSicoins, Sally Nobt, +Charlie Dungey, and Alice •Ohristie. (Those •candidates running for secretary are: Paye Ross, Ruth 'Sills, 'Beryle 1VIcPar- lane and Marion +McLlwain. `Either Beatrice !Sietnon or .Barb Boyd will be our treasur- er next year.. The runner-up for president twill !become vice-presi- dent. For the first time in four years, we •are to have a !precision squad in the cadet inspection on ,May 22. The members of the platoon are under the instructor- ship of Bill Dinsmore, Bruce McFadden, and Ron Scoins. Last Friday !afternoon, Joanne IBeuermann, accompanied by Mies 'McIntyre attended the Queen's Club in London. A. tour of some of the 'interesting places in London was highlighted by a visit at (the IOFPL TV 'Station. During the week some grade 12 and 13' boys ,were .interviewed by officials from the •Canada Packers head office in Toronto. 'These men wanted office em- ployees, preferably farm boys, with a desire to remain with the company and works up. Appar- ently some fairly satisfactory offers were made, judging from some of the comments made by those concerned. The Students' iCouncil are sponsoring a school dance on Friday evening. This will be the last dance before cadet dance so we urge everyone to attend. The orchestra has not been de- cided on as yet (at the time of this printing) .. • Question of the week: Would Mr. (Pegg he interested in any question of the week? If so he may find ont by applying to me. KIPPEN Recent visitors of 'Mr. and Mrs. E. ,Dawson were Mr. Wan. Cook, Goderioh, 'Me. and Mrs. John Keyes and family of near )Bayfield and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wendor and Miss Margaret Wendor of 'London. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chris Heist of Zurich were ;,'Monday visitors of Mr. and 'Mrs. S..Oudmore. Miss Margaret 'McKay, Mr. Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Kyle and Mr. Emmerson Kyle spent Mon- day in Kitchener. KIPPEN EAST The May meeting of the Kip - pen East 'Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Broadfoot on May 16 at 8.30 p.m. This is community activi- ties and public relations meeting. Miss A. Varley will be co -hostess and the roll •call to 'be answered by a current event of 25 years ago. The guest speaker, .Mrs. W. P Roberts. A poem by :Mrs. Rue - sell Brock; current events by Mrs. V. Alderdice. Lunch, Mrs. A. McMurtrie, Mrs. R. Brock, Mrs. W. Workman, Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. B. McGregor. NORTH McKILLOP TheBethel W.M.S. and W. A. held their May •meetings at the home of Mrs. 'Glen McNichol on Thursday afternoon, May 4th. Mrs. Leonard Leeching 'was in charge of 'bhe devotional service. She chose as her theme "The Gospel according to you". Hymn 351 was sung followed by scrip- ture readings by (Mrs. Percy Dalton and Mrs. Roy +Wildfong. .Mas. Ralph 1VIeNichol gave a temperance reading. Mrs. IOhas. Boyd .and Mrs. Earl IMYlLs gave reports of the Presbyterial meet- ing 'held at Exeter in April. The topic "Our New 1Oanadtans" was given in form( of a skit. Those taking part were Mrs. Wm. Roe, Mrs. John' Burch, Mrs Don Den- nis, Mrs. Wm. Dennis, Ethel and Teenie Dennis. Mas. Ohas Boyd gave an outline of the Baby Band. Nineteen membersare en- rolled in the Baby Band. The president, Teenie Dennis con- ducted the (business part of 'the meeting. The meeting• then dos- ed with hymn 28.8. %Mrs. Wm. Roe president of the W. A. opened the aneeting with a prayer. Minutes of the last 'meeting were read 'and ad- opted. Nineteen members an- swered the roll. call. (Proceeds from the pot luck supper were 984.126. Ethel (Dennis movedthat 935.00' be sent to the M. 'and M. Fund. This was seconded by Mrs. L. Leming. 'Card's of thanks dram Mrs. Fred +Glaatville and Mrs. 'Dave Boyd were read. Mrs; Leonard Learning and :Mrs. Joe Thornton voiced their thanks. The meeting then closed with hymn 562 after which Mrs. lvoe pronounced 'the 'benediction. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. .. (Elmer IOameron were. joint (hostesses for the joint meeting of the •Eg- nvondvilleIW,MdS'. and IW. A. Auxiliaries on 'Web. May 2nd. MTS. Milroy, W. M. S. Vice. President for Group 1, opened the meeting by reading a poems, "A tribute to our ,Mothers", and •also spoke on the worship theme, u nm a un nn n„11nuun11u nuonuo 1111 n, mumum, First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 A.M. Church School and Bible Class 11 a.m. Christian Family .Service. 7 p.m., Y.P.S. Service 111,11111111111111111 0000000 111111111 000 o 1111111111111111111110 Northside United Church Rev. Bruce W. Hall, Minister 10 a.m., 'Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., Morning Worship. .Sermon theme, "Our Gratitude 'for /Mother. The Sacrament of Infant !Baptism. ToddlersGroup and Jr. Con- gregation. 7 p.m., Evening 'Worship. 'Sermon, "Try (Ducks!" 8.15 Y.P.U. Egmondville United Church Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister. 10 a.m., IOhurdh 'School and adult class. 11 a.m., 'Christian (Flaanily Day Worship ,W1th !Church ,School tak- ing part. Sermon. "The !Home of Jesus". 7 p.m., Evening Praise, Thursday at 7.30 mid week service. McKillop Pastoral Charge Bethel •Church, -Mother's Day Service 10 a.'m., Sunday School at 11 a,'m.;; (Cavan, Winthrop, Sunday School .Mothers' Day grogram 10 a.m. Service 11.15 a.m.; (Duff's 'Church, United. Mothers' Day Service for .Church and Sunday School at 2 p.m.; Y.P.U. (Cavan Church at 8 p.m.— ,Rev. S. R. Holden, ,Minister. "Wonder and Adoration". Mrs. Pepper led in prayer. Mrs. Mil- roy continued Iby reading an ar- ticle on the "Magnetic Christ", and the power that dra4vs us to Him". Miss Rena McKenzie read from Is. chap. 53 for the scrip- ture reading and Mrs. Milroy read a hymn of Adoration writ- ten by a woman at the end of World War I. Prayer by Mrs. Milroy and the singing of the hymn, "Beneath the Cross of Jesus", .closed this .part of the meeting. /The rest of ,the WMS meeting was in charge of Mrs. A. Pep- per. .Mrs. Aikenhead .gave as her 'Christian Stewardship 'message "Wiry give to my •Church?" Mrs. Lindsay, Temperance (Secretary, said, our liberty in regards to diquor drinking should be limit- ed..Mrs. D. Stephenson reported 11 'home calls and 2 hospital calls had been 'made. An invita- tion from the Varna Society to attend their moeting .on .May 29 was 'accepted. The Secretary was instructed to write to our Mis- sionary, Miss Margaret Brown in Hong Kong to find out 'about her work. Mrs. E, (Stephenson and Mrs. IS. Jackson sang a pleasing duet, "Lord 'Change My Heart". The hymn, "In 'Christ there is no 'East or West" was sung after which (Prances Hous- ton continued the study book, speaking about the different im- migrants coming to Canada and how they are helped by the United !Church. Mrs. R. McGon- igle gave an interesting report of the (Huron W.M.S./Presby- terial held in Exeter and men- tioned especially •'the address given by Miss Grace 'Patterson, returned missionary 'from India, who said that the church in In- dia has made great advancement since 1917, and asked for our continued 'prayers and support for the note 'Church and its leaders. (The W. A. Auxiliary in oharge of Mrs. Durst was opened' by the singang of the hymn, "Before Jehovah's Awful Throne" and Mrs. M. Nett read the scripture lesson from Psalm 8. The topic, "Wonder, Reverence and Ador- ation" was taken by 'Mrs. Hay. Man is made in God's image and He wants our love and adora- tfoi . Following the topic Mrs. Hay led in prayer. During the business period the roll call was answered by a verse containing the word honour, and the 'min- utes of the April meeting were read. Our organization will sup- port the Seaforth W. I. in their efforts to endeavour to get a pulblic rest room in ;Seaforth. The (Huron Presbyterial W. A. is being held in :Ontario Street .Church Clinton, on May 9 and our members were urged to at- tend. An invitation was accepted to 'attend Brucefield Visitors' Day meeting on June 6 and an- nouncement made of a (Birthday Tea to be held in our church basement on June 13. After singing the 'hymn "0 Lord of Heaven and Earth and !Sea", the meeting was closed with the Miz- paih 'Benediction and lunch was served by 'Grohs 1 in charge of •Mrs. Forbes. Always Fresh! Available At CROP REPORT The (Centralia weather station reported Ibhalt 2.99 inches of rain Tell in that area of the county from Friday morning, •April 27 to Monday (morning Apail 30th and this rainfall was general over the 'county, This resulted in little or no seeding the week of Apr. 30th -flay 6.bh. Seeding will be further •delayed as amore rain and snow fell later in the week. Water lay on some .fields for •days and on the other fields the soil was badly washed and eroded. Many fields of spring grain will have to be reseeded and on •other fields if not re- seeded the spring grain will 110 'doubt be quite patchy. .Geln,erally speaking farmers are 'becoming discouraged with the poor weather and resulting unfavourable seeding 'conditions. With no activity on the'land, 200 Turnip Growers attended a "Turnip Infommatiofn Moulting" in (Exeter on May 3rd, which covered all phases of the in- dustry, says G. W. Montgomery, Agrieultural Representative for Huron County. COUPLES' CLUB St. Thomas' .Couples' Club met in the Parish Hall on April 27 with 9 couples present. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer land the minutes of the last meeting read. A col- lection was received for a pres- ent for res-entfor Mrs..Shirley Wright who is a patient in Victoria 'Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs, Art Stac- ey and Mr. and 'Mrs. Maurice Brawn volunteered for entertain- ment for the next meeting to be held .May 25th in the form of a weiner roast, weather permit- ting. Rev. James closed with benediction and a social time was spent with movies and games. The usual potluck 'luneh was thoroughly enjoyed. Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON Li Next to the Community Park THURSDAY & FRIDAY May 10 and 11 "The Best Years of Our Lives" • Virginia Mayo • Frederick March Dana Andrews and Myrna Lay CARTOON SATURDAY & MONDAY May 12 and 14 "Darling How Could You" • Joan Fontaine • John Lund • Mona Freeman TWO CARTOONS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY May 15 and 16 "French Line" (Color) • Jane Russell (ADULT) TWO CARTOONS BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE Look Safe .. Feel Safe . . Be Safe.,. SPRING CLEAN UP WEEK May 13-19, 1956 J. F. Scott, Fire Chief Seaforth TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 1956 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer USED MACHINERY Ferguson Tractor Oliver 60 Tractor John Deere 8 ft. Cultivator, like new Mc. -Deering 13 Disc Fertilizer Drill Massey..R3arris 6 ft. Binder BOYES FARM SUPPLY Massey Harris Ferguson Dealer PHONE 110 • 'Dollars and Senses One of the best ways to encourage good sound sleep is to have a good sound bank balance. Regular savings can make life a lot pleasanter in a hundred and one other ways. You may want the down payment on a home of your own, a TV set or a car .. . perhaps the children's education is on your mind or a leisurely retirement someday. Whatever itis that you want or need, you have to learh the secret of putting something by regularly. Pay by pay you store away the money except in emergeii.cies till you reach your savings goal—then you start saving for the next one. Why not open a Savings Account with us today? ' THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE' Seaforth Branch: C. C. Brightrall, Manager