HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-10, Page 1The Seaforth. News WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 73 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1966 Bishop Townshend Here Next Sunday There will he a confirmation service at St. T,hordeas' 'Church, ISeaforth, on ;Sunday, May 13th, Sit 3 p.an., when Rt. Rev. W. A. Towndhend, ,Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Huron, will offi- ciate. Father O'Drowski Dies At London The !Rev, Father Francis 0'- Drorwski, 73 -year-old Roman Catholic priest Who se 1906 had served in six different pax- tiehes in the ;Southwestern 'Ont- ario district, died Monday art his home, .20.8 Raymond euve. Born in Walkerton, Father O'Droweki had been ;living in London since his Tetireenent in 1951. He was educated at Si. Jer- ome's 'College in Kitchener mid the Grand ,Searsinary in Mont- real. Upon 'being 'ordained he served of Our Lady of Merey 'Church, Sarnia, until 1910 when he became assistant at $t. Pet- er's Cathedral, London. While he was 'at London Fath- er •O'Drowski organized the Dra- anatie ICaub and also organized the sanctuary 'choir. Prom 1912 to 1926 he was pastor at the ;Sacred Heart 'Church in Pott Larobton and from 1926 to 11934 was pastor of 34. Patrick's 'Church, Dublir. Por the next five years he was past- or at St. Mary's !Church 'coo and from 1939 until his re- eireanent in 1951 Father 0"- Drowski was in ;charge of the 'Church at St. :Columfban. A sister, airs. Edgar (Virgin - la) Schlosser, of Waterloo, sur- vives. Pontifical IRequiem Mass was offered by the Most Rev, John C. 'Cody, Bishop of London, at Ifichael's ;Church, London, on 'Wednesday morning at 10.30 end intennent was in St. Peter's rar,yraetery. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Peree Johnston announce the engagement of their daughter Phyllis Eleanor to MT. Donald ;Collin Gampbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Colin 'Diann- Mayaield, 'Ont. The (mar- riage will take place on June 9, 1956 at the 'United ;Church, Verna. ENGAGEMENT Mn and Mrs. William Stanley Dennis, R. R. 1, Clifford, an- nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Ida Sueleh, bo Mr. Robt. James ,Wallace, son of Mrs. Edythe Wallace, Toron- to, and the late Russel Robert Wallaee. The wedding to take place in First Presbyterian ;Church, May 26th at 2 p.m. ENGAGEMENT MT. and lairs. 'Ward Forrest, R. R. 1, Zurich, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their eldest 'daughter Anna 'Grace, to .Mr. Ross Ronald Riley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley 'of Cromarty. The wedding to take place in May. Miss Kelly Resigns From H.S. Staff The resignation of Miss Mir- iam Kelly, physical training teacher, raises the number of staff members Waving to three at ,Searterth district high sehoal. One vacancy has been filled ley the appointment this week of James ISchrrnelefeske ;of Trout Creek es French and; Latin teacher in Grades 9 and 10. My. Sehmelefeske is a graduate this year of the University af West- ern Ontario. Two more appointments to the staff are necessary to bring it up to required strength: next term, as one additional teacher re being added. (Miss Kelly will teach at Oak- ville next year. Her work was highly regarded by the board in this her first year of teaching. Bert Slaw Goes To Moscow Bert ,Shaw, a former ISeaforth boy, now of the Department of External 'Affairs, Ottawa, left last week for 'Moscow 'where he twill serve with the 'Canadian Brebassy. 'Prior to his 'departure, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw, London, entertained at their home on Adelaide Street at a farewell party. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs, Charles Langford, Detroit, and WIT. and Mrs. R. J. Seussey and son, i3iily, of Seaforth. Donald :Langford, of Stroud; the Rev. Jack Langford, 'of Sarnia, and Gordon Langford, Toronto. REAL ESTATE CHANGE Mrs. 3. L. Bell has sold her house at Roxboro to Mm. E. Mor- ton of Hensall who gets posses- sion the end of this Trion*. Mr. Morton is a native eff Ayr and earme to Hensall district recently from Winnipeg. Mrs. Bell will move to Sea- forbh where she has purchased the house of Ralph 'McFadden on John Street through the office of M. A. Reid. The II/Redden family will join Mr. McFadden at Burlington. Edward Brady has purchased the house of his neighbor, Mrs. Joseph Matthews, Coleman St., and intends to move into it later this month. ST. THOMAS W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. of St. Thomas Church, was held on Tuesday af- tenizon at the parish hall with a good attendance. 1VIes. George MeGavin presided. The meeting opened with :Mrs. John Oldfield reading scripture. Mrs. J. James .and Miss D. Parke gave inter- esting reports of the annual meeting 'which they attende'd in London. MTs. W. fSourth.gate :Sr. and Mrs. A. Moore ;displayed the atticles of clothing for the bale ICardston, Alberta. The bale was packed follow- ing the meeting. Plans were made for the 'blossom tea .and bake Sale all May 16 in the par- ish hall, The spring 'deanery aneeting will be held in Brussels on May 30. The June meeting will be held en June 5 in the Toren of a potluck supper. The aneeting closed rwith the bene- diction. HOME AND SCHOOL The regale]. monthly meeting of the Hoene ;and 'School Club Will be held in 'So:forth Palle School On Tuesday, 11Vlay 15 at 5:15 p.m. The ;officers will be in- stalled for the coming year and a penny sale will be held. Please try and come and don't forget yourgift for the penny sale. A donation :will be made to the Lions Peel out el the profits of this sale. Bring a friend. DEGREE TEAM HERE The filet rdegree teem ef Rom- . eo Lodge, ,Strattord, conferred the first degree on several can- didates at Fidelity Lodge of Oddfellows,..Searfortfh, art the re- gular aneetang on May 9th. Shower Given For Bride -Elect A shower in honor of Mise IDuelah Dennis, bride elect of this month, was held Monday evening when friends gathered at the home off Mrs. Adam Aet to present her with many lolvely gifts. Games of bingo were en- joyed and a bride's beak was ar- ranged. The following address was read by 'Miss Blanche Bache: 'Team Huelath: When we fin- ally got the news you and Jim had set ;the date, we tlecIded to give a shower before it was too late. The ones with sone exper- ience 'on marital bliss thought perhaps some good aid -Vice would never go amiss. The rest of us lacking experience too, thought this ;ought to he good so here we are too. For instance we know you and Jim are in love, but there'll be times when you'll think he's just a big anag. Before you are married it's honey and dear, but burn 'his toast once and that's not what you'll hear. In Changing your status from Miss to Mra, you'll find that it's not ;all roses 'and kisses. But we know you'll be happy cause the look in. Jim's eyes shows haw happy and proud he is to have you for a. bride. From the mom- ent he met you he knew no one else ;would do, the only girl he would allow to run up his hills and 'cook his stew. And, since you've decided to 'change your name, remember your friends will still be the same. Wishing you luck and happiness too, along with these gifts we've brought for you, Goodbye Miss Dennis, hello Mrs. Wallace, we'll remember it's IBuelah when we cone a'calling." Following the opening of the gifts, Miss Dennis made a fitting reply of thanks. Lunch was served by the host- esses Mrs. Adam Ast, Misses Flora Brown, Shirley Dick and Blanche Radio, assisted by Mrs. Lyle 'Becht:, Mts. 'Bob Dog and Misses Joan Iltacho and Jessie Brown, REUBEN FROST A former well known Sea - forth contractor, It. Frost, ;died about 6.10 a.m. on Saturday, May 5, at the 'Riverside Nursing Home, &Mahe% after an illness of four days. MT. Frost was a native 'of I-Ebbeet and was in his 85th year. His wife, the former Charlotte Bristow, predeceased him in November, 1943. Mr. Frost founded a cement block business while living in Seaforth 'and 'con'ducted a contracting business until his retirement in 1945. He is survived by one son, Jack, of Dundas; and three ,dangluters, Beatrice, Mrs. H. Burgess of Wlich.; Dor- othy, MTs. L. B. Hayne, 01 ;Sim- coe, and Jean, Mrs. Joseph Dill, of Dublin. There are also 11 grandehildren and one great grandchad. The funeral took place on Monday, May 7th from the G. A. Whitney 'funeral home, .Goel- mich Street West, followed by burial in 1VIalblandbank 'ceme- tery. Rev. Bruce Hall efficiated. The pallbearers were: Scott 'Cluff, Allen Reid, Joe Dorsey, Sid Pullman, Roy Dungey, Al- vin Sillery. FIRESIDE CLUB The Fireside Fellowship of First Church anet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McMillan on Tuesday evening last and spent a most pleasant time. Mrs. W. J. Stuart opened the meeting with a poem "M'aking Friends", after which a hymn was sung and the Loid'a Prayer repeated in Uni- son. Mrs. R. eVIeFadden read the scripture and led in prayer. The meeting was in charge 'of Mr. and Wits. James F. Scott and James .called en Mrs. RossHam- ilton who sang two lovely solos. A picture (baking contest vas en- joyed in Which every person took part. ,Mrs. E. A. !MaMaster gave 'a vivid story of her recent trip to the Bahamas, a-ncl. ,Mrs. 'Camp- bell showed pictures 'of the man- ner in which they live in that Masan country. Following lunch Mrs. W. J. Stuart spoke a few words of ;appreciation of the work Mrs. It. 'McFadden had done in the past years al-M.111UB Alice Reid presented her with a pretty gift. ,Mrs. Glenn 'Campbell thanked all those who had anade the evening such a euccess, and Mr. 'and Mrs. McIVEllan for their hospitality. HAPPY HOMEMAKERS The fourth meeting of the Seafosth Happy Homemakers was held on Saturday, May 56h. In the morning we visited the Stacey ;milk plant at Mitchell, after -lunch we 'held, our meeting; at Emile Elliott's. 'The meeting was 'opened by singing "John Brown's Body" followed by the 4-111. 'pledge. 12 girls answered the roll .call, "Dessert suitable for Supper". Next meeting is at the home of Marjorie Papple 011 Saturday, May 12th. The discus- sion period followed when the use of leftovers and the use of meat 'and :meat ;alternates for supper ;were 'discussed, Alice Ann Nixon ;and Gloria ;Carter talked on the malting of 'cheese ondue and the use of rice and cheese in the white sauce. Vir- ginia 'Smith thanked Emile.. God sate the Queen was sung fol- lowed by a delicious lunch Roll,call for next meeting, A supper dish prepared at borne. Home. assignments: 1, Work st record lsook. 2. Make two sup- per dishes containing sneat, fish, eggs or 'cheese and Tecard m TO- eoild,book. LADIES.' GUILD -;The monthly meeting of the ;Ladles' Guild was held On Tues- day in the parish h0i of St. Thomas' 'Church. The president, Mrs. Spitball TtiNtS in ;charge. The next meeting will be held; at the Rectory. ST. •COLUMBAN C. W. L. The monthly meeting of the ICethelic Women's League was held in the vestry of the church with the president, Mrs. Joseph Kale in the chair. The minutes of the last aneeting were read by the secretary, 'Mrs. Albert Cronin ;and the treasurer's re- port given by Mrs. Angus Ken- nedy. Mrs. John Murphy and Mrs. Albert (Cronin were appointed visiting cotmrmittee for the month 'of May. iOur president reminded mem- bers of the 'Pilgrimage to Mount St. Joseph on Sunday, May 20. Mrs. Kale and Mrs. 'Cronin are delegates to Diocesan Conven- tion in London, May 14 ;and 15. A penny sale is to he held on May 29. The meeting adjourned and closed with prayer. Form W.I. Branch At Walton Mrs. !Stanley Bride of Ford- wich, District Predident, was present at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull to organize a W. I. in Walton and vicinity. The meeting open- ed rwith the singing of "0 'Cana- da" and repeating the Lord's Prayea 1VLTs. ,Bande expressed her pleasure 'at 'bolting here to help the group join the largest Women's Organization in the world. In the East Huron Dis- trict there are now 11 branches. Mes. Crosby, Southern District Secreibary, gave a few remarks on the work 'of the Institute. Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull was eleet- ed secretary tfOT the eve-ning. The officers elected were 'as fol- lows: Presid'ent, ;Mrs.' ,M far gar et Humphries; 1st vice pres., Mrs. Frank Walters; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Wm. 3. Tarnbull; Sec.- Treas., ,Mrs. 'Want Turnbull; Assistant Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Tor- rance Durudas; District Direet- or, Mrs. Frank Kirkby; Branch Directors, ;Mrs. jim MeDonald, Mrs. James ICoutts, Mrs. Peter -Maenad; Anditers, Mrs. Wm. Humphries, ;Mae- Ted McCreath; Press Reporter, ,Mrs. Douglas Ennis; Pianist, Mrs. Herb Travis; Assistant pianist, 'Mrs. jack Bryans; 'Sunshine Committee. Mrs. Nelson Marks; Standing 10oenrnittees: Agricultural and Canadian Industry, fMes. Ken 1V1cDonald, Mrs, Leslie Oliver; 'Home ;Economics ,and Health, ,Mrs. George 'Love, 'Mrs. Earl Mills; Historical Researeh and Current Events, Mrs. Jack Bry- ans, Mrs. Ross McCall.; Citizen- ship and Education; Mrs. And- rew Turnbull, Mre. Harald Bol- ger; ;Public Relations 'and Com- munity Activity, Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Mrs. 11. Travis; Re- solutions, 'Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. Douglas Fraser. Mrs. Har- ald Seaters of Brussels gave a very interesting talk en Insti- tute work stating that each ;meeting should h;ave something to see, something to hear and something to do. The Installation Ceremony then took place with 'Mrs. Stan- ley Bride in charge. Mrs. James Armstrong, another guest of the evening spoke a few words in- viting the 'branch rto the District Annual Womeras Institute meet- ing to be held June 7th in Brus- sels 'United 'Church. Mrs. Margaret Hum phries then took the chair. 28 anemlbesa paid their foes. It was decided to held the meetings in the evening every fourth Thursday of the month at 8.30 p.m 'The next meeting will be held 'at :the Iso'me of Mrs. Wan, J. Turnbull on May 24th. :Lunch to be taken by Mrs. George Love,Mrs. And- rew Turnbull, 'Mrs. en. MoDon- eld and Mrs. George McArthur. The president moved a vote of thanks to the ladies who assist- ed with the organizing and In- stallation of officers and to the hostess for.iihe use of her house. The meeting ;closed by singing "The Queen". Anyone (wishing to join ;can do so by coming the next 'meeting and paying their fees. Come one, come 'all and make our Walton Branch a Teal success. 1The Wernen's Institute exe- cutive held a meeting at the home 'of .Mrs. Torrance Dundas on Monday evening, May 71± to compile pamphlets whieh will be used at the meetings during the year. BUTLER-THOMPSON Northside United Church was prettily decorated with spring flowers ;when the wedding took place on Saturday of :Miss Lillian .Belle Thompson, X-ray techni- cian in 'Guelph General Hospital, land George Benedict Butler, electronics technician, R.C.A.F. Stations Clinton. Rev. d3ruce W. Hall ;offieisted. The bride's par- ents came from their home in Oharlottetawn, Prince Edward Is., to attend the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Butler will reside at APPENDICITIS VICTIM fOn Monday evening, May '7, Mr. Joseph Williaans of Toronto was brought home to Seaforth and operated on for an acute attack of eppendicitis. His con- dition was described 'ss satisfac- tory on Tuesday morning. Mr. Williams ;had been a form- er emplo-yee sut the 'Toronto Do - :minion 'Bank here. He was mov- ed to Toronto onlya short time ago. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jeffery of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott. Mrs. Jim Neweombe ancl 'with Mr. and Mrs. William Stapivalentoan, d Mrs. Bill ;Byrne 'of Trenton, Vlichrigan, with "Monica Byrne. IMr. and 'Mrs. Ronald Butters of SehringviSle, with Mr. and Mrs. Ford Butters. Mr. ,and. .1VIrs. A. Whethann with avh.. and Mrs. Pugh in 'Clairmont. The first meeting of the new Officers of the Dublin Sub -Divi- sion of. the 'Catholic Women's League was held on Monday evening in the :Continuation School ;at 8.30. About 24 mem- bers were in ;attendance. Mrs. John Flannery, the presidents opened the meeting with prayer and a hymn was' sung in sanison. Mrs. William Feeney, the tee., read the minutes of the previous meeting and were adopted as read. 'Mrs. James J. Krauskopf Teed the correspondence since the last 'meeting. Mrs. Emil Hea- ly, tale past president was called to the fa•ont and Mrs. 'Lloyd Me- Carthy presented her with a Roes ary. Mrs. Healy thanked the 're- finers. IVIns, Joseph Delaney gave an interesting reading of "May is for Mary". The sleeking was :adjourned and lunch was served. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and MTS. Robert Boyes 01 ,OriAlla visited recently with the former's mother, iMrs. Robert Boyes ;Sr. and evith his brothers Mr. mrd. Mrs. Ed Boyes and MT. and Mrs. Alex Boyes. They in- tend leaving shortly cf or England where they will reside for some time. Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmore .Stepthen- son accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell and Mr. and Miss. 'Perce Johnston .of Varna, visited on Sunday with their eousin, Ur. and Mrs. Alex Wylie of rMarietta Mitch. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Young and family 'spent Sunday with 'MTS. YOUng'S ,parents at Sit. Thomas. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ron Welber and Karen of ICitchener with rthe former's 'mother, MTS. E. J. Weber; Mr. and .Mrs. Grant Houston of Ayton with Mr, and Mrs. A. Houston and Miss Fran- ces 'Houston; Miss Jessie Finlay- son of Lorne Park with her mother, Mrs. 'Jas. Einlayson; Miss Laura McMillan of Toroisbo with her another, 'Mrs. W. F. McMillan; lilies Alice Watson of London with her another, Mrs. J. S. Watson. A nember of 'aur ladies ;at- tended the W. A. Spring Rally at ,Clinton on Wednesday. Dr. A. S. Black Reopens Office Dr. Alexander S. Black, B.A., p.o.e., of Lake 'cowpoke:xi, B.C., bas purchased the dental prac- tise of the late Dr. F. J. Bechely and expects to open his office next (Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Slack and son Robert, age Ws years, arrived in Searfortih on Mleirsday and me living in the Mai/ester Apartments, Goderiob st. east, Dr, ;Black was raised at Assin- ihoia, Sask. He was a lieutenant in the Winnipeg 'Grenadiers and was in Hong Kong from 1941 to 1945.. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. J. Addison, Miss Grace Addison visited with .Mts. ;Con - sit* and •Mrs, Wm. Douglas on Sunday. Mr. Jas. sAillen of York spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen. The many friends of Jack Broadfoot are pleased to know he is progressing es well as possible after his serials acci- dent. Mrs. Rev. S. Davison has as 'her guest her sister, MTS. Rev. W. G. Brigden of Orillia for a few weeks. We are glad to report that Mr. Yeoanan Aldwinkle is doing es well as expected 'after hia serious operation in St. Joseph Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert Mullen of .Stratford, and Mrs, Wrn. Swan Hamilton, spent •Sunday with Mrs. IC. Ham and Miss M. Swan. Mrs. N. Baird and Mrs. Doug- las Jones have returned home after attending the wedding of Geo. Baird in the West. The W, A. met in the school room 'of the church on May 1st with 31 members attending. The opening hymn 106. Mrs. Thosn- son and Mrs, G. Graham had charge of the devotional exercis- es. Mrs. Graham took as her topic "Wonders, Reverence and Adoration." Hytrin 26 was sung and Mrs, Graham closed this part of the meeting with prayer. Mrs. John Broadfoot tools the president's Chair in the absence of Mrs. Baird. The W. A. creed was repeated in unison. The sec- retary, :Mrs. W. MeBeath, gave her report. The roll call was re- sponded by the name of your favourite Dower. The treasur- er's report was given and Mrs. L. Wilson received the offering. Thankyou notes were read from airs. N. Walker, Miss Bowey, the Baird and Jones families. Mrs. Moffat reported for the Manse Committee. The work there to be in the hands of the committee. Mrs. Rohner report- ed making two hospital cells. ;Our annual visitor day will be held on June 15th and the as- sociation decided to invite Eg- anontiville and Turners Societies to he our guests this year with Mrs. L. Wilson ,and Mrs. W. Stott as a welcome ;committee. The lunch committee to be the group leaders land the pro -gram committee to look after the pro- gram. Quite a discussion took place as to 'Whether we have a picnic in July instead of a meet- ing or would we have a bus trip. It was moved by 'Mrs. 'G. Hend- erson and seconded by Mrs. Hargreaves that we have our an- nual picnic on July 3rd. The Sports committee to be Mrs. Al- len Jr., Mrs. Fred Bothwell and Mrs. S. Baird. The lunch com- mittee, Miss M. McDonald, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. L. Wilson and Mrs. Fotheringhana 'The meeting closed :with the W. A. hymn and prayer. A de- licious lunch was served bY group 4. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,Scott 01 Milverton with Mr. and airs. Ed Arnold. Mr. and IVIrs..M. C. Van Bahl and femily 'of Byron have (mov- ed onto the farm of 111r. Jack Meagher of Logan twp. Which they recently bought. Mr. and IMrs. Tom (Butters and Miss !Monica Byrne attended the funeral ;al the bale Min. Ceeil Van ;Horne at Hensel', ;Sunday Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Carpenter and family of , {Math= vith 'Mrs. Joseph ICespentea COMPETE AT CLINTON Eight scouts from the First Seaforth Troop took part in the county .competitions nt Clinton on Saturday and ranked third out of 10 troops competing. The boys were in charge of Asst. .Scout blaster David IVIc- Kinnell, assisted by Jim 'Crieb, I troop leader. Keith Sham is scoutmaster and Tom Broome, senior 'patrol leader. KIPPEN 3/liss Etta jarrott of Toronto spent a few days at her home here. Mr. John L. Henderson has rented his home on the highway to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Vander - berg and family of B. C. fern. Wm. Kyle, Mr. Lloyd Vernier and Miss Eleanor Ven- ner of Hensall attended the fun- eral of an aunt Mrs. MarshOhari- ton in Parkhill on Tuesday. Mrs, A, Gackstetteas 'Gail and Lynn ;attended the wedding of Miss Iva Blanchard 'of Exeter to MT. Robert Wade of IOrediton in The United tBretheen Evangeli- cal Church, Crediton, 'Satur- day. They later visited their aunt and uncle Mr. ;and Mrs. Wnn, Metz Ceediton. Oliver McKay and Mr. 'Norman Long visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKay at Hilesburg. Messrs Toan Kyle and Donald McLella,n, the latter o,f ,Chisel - burst are on a motor trip to ISseloatchesvan. MT. and Mie. ;Clarence Hutchi- son ,of St. Thomas and 31s. Gib - eon af Wroxeter were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Melia IYITs. Leonard Lovell were the Recent visitors of Mr. and latter's parents, Mi. and Mrs. $1.60 a Year Authorized as Second Glass mail, Post Office Dept., Ottawa Snowdon Bros.. Publishers I ......... 1111111,11101111(.1111111111,111111111,11111 ........ I tttttttttt 111111 tt 1 ttt 111111 llllll f llllllll 1111114 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111114i, GIFT SUGGESTIONS for MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 13th JEWELLERY CHINA Coro necklets .. $1.00 & up Coro earrings .... $1.00 & isp Coro brooches .. $1.00 & up Coro bracelets .. $1.00 & uP Pearl beads .... $1.00 & up Boxed Pearl & Earring Sets iiiii 93.50 & up Boxed Rhinestone Sets $5,00 & up Fancy stone rings.. $5 & up Compacts $1.95 & up Diamond Rings$25.00 & up SILVERWARE sugar & Cream and tray sets 3.95 & up Butter Dishes with knife 2 60 & up Cake plates 3.50 & up Relish dishes • 3.50 & ttp Cracker & Cheese sets $3.00 & up Roll trays 3.50 & up Teapot, sugar & cream sets .... $19.95 & up Flower holders3.75 & up Teaspoon in Rogers or) Community $1.00 44 pc, set Oneida Commun- ity Silverware in walnut chest .49.95 "South Seas" Tidbit Server 89c Salad Spoon & Server, Silver plated 99c set Fancy Aluminium Ware Lazy Susans 4,50 & up Coaster Sets 1.95 Marmalade Set.... 1.65 & up Candle Holders .... 3.00 pr. Bowls $2 110 & up Fancy bonbons.., 1.75 & Fancy Candy dishes 3.75 Trays 6.90 & up Pens & Shaeffer Pens 1.96 & up Sheaffer Bali Point pens $1.95 & up Waterman Pens .. $3.95 & up Waterman Ball Point pen $1.95 & Bone China Cups & Saucers . , . , $1.00 & 00 "Mother" cups & saucers $1.25 & up China teapots . $1.50 & up China plates $1.00 & un. Bone China Cream & Sugar Sets .. $1.50 & 10 China Platters 50c & up China wheelbarrow planters .... 51.00 & up Fancy wall plaques 750 set & up Vases 11 GO & up 3 -tier Servers . „ . $4.50 & up Angels of the Month $1.00 Cups & Saucers of the Month $1.75 Scotch "Tartan" Cups & Saucers $1.75 (26 different Tartans) 94 pe. Dinner Sets (service for 12) 24.95 & uP 62 pc Dinner Sets (service for 6) -19.75 & isp 20 pc. Starter Sets . 6.95 & up 5 pc. Place Settings $1.80 up Royal Doulton figurines ......... 8.00 & up Hummell figures .. 2.00 & up Watches & Clocks Bulova watches .. $29.75 up Gruen watches .. 29.75 & Elco Watches .. 24.96 & up Elgin Watches . 33.75 & up Cornell watches .. 19.95 &up Expansion bracelet 3.95 & up T. B. Expansion 7.50 & isp Westclox electric alarm clocks 5.45 & np Westclox electric kitchen clock 5.95 & up Westclox Travalarm 8.95 Musical Alarm 9.95 "Fireplace" Electric Clock 24.95 400 -day Clock 29.75 Normandy Chime Clock 24.95 & ip Pencils Parker "jotter" Ball Paint Pens $2 95 Parker "Liquid Lead" Pencils 53.95 Parker "51" Pen. 15.00 & isp Eversharp Ball Point Pens 03c & up CORNFLOWER GLASSWARE A complete line of fancy pieces in this popular glassware, from $1.00 up Musical Powder Boxes -Many fancy designs, from $4.95 up It will pay you to look around our Store -you're sure to find a lovely Mother's Day Gift at the price you want SAVAUGE'S Jewellery Gifts Fine China 1111111 ....... 101 ..... 11 tttttttttttttttt 11111141 ttttt 1 ttttttttttttttt 111111111 tttttttt 1 tttttttt 111111111111111 tttttttttt 11111111 tttttttt Allen Parker and George and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Cavelier, all of 4Chathenn. A very successful evening was spent on Friday last when nei- ghbors of Mr. ,and Mrs. Hugh Henderiek met to :welcome them to this sdistrict The evening was spent in playing euchre and a dainty lunch was served. ,Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor of Stratford spent Saturday with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Mabel Whiteanan. airs. 'Dinsdele re- turned home after spending sev- eral weeks with her daughter and son-in-law in Stratford. Mr. an'd 'Mrs. A. ,Gackstetter visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson in W. M. S. Meet The WMS of St. Andrew's Un- ited 'Church, Kippen, met on Wednesday evening iast at the home of Mrs. John Cooper Jr. with .a good attendance. The president, 'Mrs. Emerson Ander- son was in charge, Mrs. P. :Char- ters was co -hostess. The aneeting opened by reading hymn 148 in unison. Me's. Ross Love was in charge of the devotional period. A letter was read from our prayer partner, Miss Ada San dell who is ;coming Come shortly on furlough. The ;auxiliary ac- cepted 'an invitation from the Varna group to attend their meeting on May Mrs. J. McLellan an'd Mrs. Bert Faber gave reports on :the Presbyto- lel 'which they recently attended in James St. UnitedrChurch, Ex- eter, Mrs. H. Jones reported for 11e visiting committee, Ma's. 1VIc- Leod and Mrs. E. Kyle are the visitors foe IVIdy: It was 'decided to pack a bale May 17, 'dona- tions to be left at either of the stores or the manse. The roll tall was answered with the test word 'Love', Mes. John Sinclair 'favored ,with Mothers' Day Poems. Mrs. Lloyd. Lovell was in elrarge 'of the study .assisted 40 Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. iMcLeod, 1VIrs. 3. (Anderson. end ;Mrs. MeMuttrie. Mrs. Ralph Turner extended thanks to the hostess and e0 - hostess. The closing hymn was 356 and Mrs. Anderson pro- nounced the benedietion. A dein- rby lunch was served. CROMARTY The May :meeting of the fWM,S was held at the home ,of Mrs. Frank Allen with Mrs. T. :Laing presiding. She opened the °sleet- ing with the ,casa to worship, scripture reading and 'prayer. The roil cam "Sowing" was azi- 5. severed by 15 members. Mrs, Calder WicKaig had charge of the study book lesson with :Vas. Har- burn, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Harper and ,Mrs. Lomond assisting, 'The president, Mrs. iSorsclahl con- ducted the business period. The Glad Tidings prayer was read by Mrs. Houghton and the topic "Day by Day" was given by Mrs. K. aleKellar. The ;meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mrs. Houghton presided for the Ladies' Aid meeting and op- ened with scripture reading and prayer. Business transacted in- cluded decision to donate $10 to the Cancer Fund, an order for 25 new hymn ;books for the ,Sun - clay ;School and several new ta- bles to be made for the 'base- ment. The meeting closed with 'the Lord's Prayer in unison. Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge. The household effects of Mr. John !Robentson were sold iar auction on Wednesday. The pro- perty has since been ;bought by Mr. Norman HarbuTn, Mr. Ro- bertson intends leaving Shortly for a trip to the West to visit his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and :Mrs. John 'Wilton and other friends. We are sorry to lose such a valued citizen. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Abbise, Georgetown. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold. CarcY. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 'Cockwell and boys visited on ;Sunday with Mas 'and Mrs. 'Otto Walker. Mrs- Grace 'Sc'ott, Mrs. Will Miller and Mrs- John Wallace visited in London on Thursday. Three new pupils, Laurena 'Storey, ;Alec Scott end Alfred Chappel started to school at S. S. 6, on Monday. WINTHROP The football club sponsored 'a dance and euchre on PridaY evening last in the Winthrop Hall. Ten ;tales of euchre were enjoyed, after which the follow- ing persons icontributed :music for dancing; ,Mrs, Robert 'Grim- oldby, Miller Adams, Mrs, Har- vey Dolmage and John Leaning. Guest of honer was Murray Dalton, who was presented with a shirt arid a windbreaker., Betty Axtmen and J aanes Axt- man of the Stratford Normal School Spent the weekend at their home here. Miss Belle :McClure, Mts. uMar- garet Broadfoot and Mr. Bert McClure spent Sunday with Miss Ethel McClure and Mr. John Mc - °lure.