HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-03, Page 8NEW STYLES! NEW FABRICS! READY-TO-WEAR Spring Suits Choose from the newest flbrene weaves, silk and wool worsteds; silver flecks and worsted flan- nels in a brand new range of spring fashion favorites. Expertly tailored suits in popu- lar two and three button single breasted styles, with the new slim look lapels, and centre vents. - Suits that look "like a million" and will hold their press and shape indefinitely. Sizes 35 to 44 only at FAMOUS "TOWNE HALL" READY-TO-WEAR SPRING SUITS Every one of these new Towne Hall sults are from their regu- lar 69.50 and 75.00 ranges that we bought at a reduction and have squeezed the price down to this unusually low figure, -- If you want deluxe tailoring, finer Imported worsteds and downright good looks, — then choose from this famous Towne Hall range, now! Sizes 36 to 44 -- for regulars or tails 59.50 Other Suits from 29.50 New Sport Shirts New wrinkle shed "Linene" ef- fects, and stub or flbrene weaves in blue, charcoal, mint, powder and yellow. - Sizes small, 61 /z med.a& large to fit from 141/2 at special value a t9� A STEWART BROS. momalassusur BRODHAGEN The Graduation Service of the Graduating Glass of the Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada, Waterloo, will be held here at St, Peter's Luther- an !Church an Sunday evening, May 6th at 8 o'clock (DST). Sermon by the Rev. Helmuth Lehmann Th, D., former presi- dent of the Waterloo Seminary. Among the graduates is John Arbuckle formerly of Toronto and Brodhagen, husband of the New 'Germany., Nova 'Scotia. Mr. and MTS, Ralph Moore, 'who recently sold their farm, stock 'and inppleulents end are moving 'from this vicinity were pleasantly surprised'when close neighbors called on Friday even - ng as a :farewell gathering. has. Milton Rock read an appropriate address and itihey were presented with a Itriligibt lamp. After films were shown and a social time silent lunch was served. The '14th Annual 'Convention of the 'Stratford District 'Luther 'League was ]held at .Sit. 'Peter's Lutheran 'Church here on 'Sun- day :afternoon ltvlilt'h registration starting at 2 o',cIoca. The open- ing devotions by Rev. E. Fischer. Welcome and greetings by local league gresident, R a y •m a n d Gloor.'Conference Preeideni was Earl Mogi:. lOonderenee .Secre- tary -(treasurer, June 'Schmidt gave the secretary -treasurer's re- port. The newly elected offi- cers are: Pres., 'Winfred; Epp; Vice Pres., Ronald Schmidt; 'Sec.-treas., Ann Scobie; Pastor Adviser, Rev. R. °Sumas. Address by David Metzger od Waterloo Seminary, who will gradalate on May 6, 1466. Luther League re- presentative, iS'iimmy :M a r t i n Films "Whatever you db". A banquet followed, Rose Sie- mon was the 'chairman. A sing- song led by Arlene Diegel.' Mu- sical number Iby Don Wolfe, Gary and Warren Sholdice. Malay "It is more blessed" by Ar- lene Ding,.Beatrice Siemon,. Raymond 11oor, Lyle Ritz; A guitar selection by 'Lyle Ritz. Ouaatet by Aline Diegel, Oarol Rose, Gary Sholdice and Donald Wolfe. 'Church service in the evening with Rev :Glebe of Man- nheim as guest speaker, and Lit- urgy by Pastor Tischer, and the installation of the newly elected officers. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mr, and Mrs. George Eiekmeir and family in the death of their son Milton Eiekmeir in Detroit. Those at- tending the funeral in Detroit on Friday were Mr. and Mrs. George Eiekmeir; Dr, and Mrs. Keith Mc- Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Eiekmeir, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Eiekmeir, Mr. and 1VIrs. Carl Billebrecht, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eickmier, Mr. Fred Herbert, Mr. Norman Rock. Mr. L. Hillebrecht is now confined to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, after more than a week iu Seaforth hospitaL Mrs. George Mogk underwent an operation in Seaforth hospital on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Bruck, RR2 Walton, have purchased the home of Mrs. Idora Diegel. Miss Bernice Wingeringham, Logan, with ]ler sister Mrs. Har- vey Ahrens and Mr. Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel and Arthur with Mr, and Mrs, Z'Vilf Suehring, Sebriugville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Ad Pfeifer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe and Don in Exeter on Saturday evening. Rev, and Mrs, Robert Rock and Rebecca of Walkerton, with Mr.' and Mrs. Edwin Rock. former Carrie Querengesser, and Paul Fischer, son of Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Fischer, pastor of St. Peter's congregation here The other 'members of the class are Robert Binhammer, Jowo Hakkinen, Alfred Kramer, Har- old Lindeman, David Metzger, Helmuth Saabas, Donald Him- lnelinan. John Arbuckle has been called to Hespeler where he has been supplying for the past year, and Paul Fischer 'has been called to Mrs. 'Lou Simpson is spending' several weeks at the borne of her son, Mr. and .Mrs. Wan. 'Simpson, Detroit. Bride -Elect Honored A shower in honor ad Miss Jean 'Mousseau, bride -elect was held April 27th when neigh- bours and friends gathered in her home to present her with a 'floor -lamp and anany lovely gifts in a 'decorated basket. En- tertainment for the evening Was a enoc'k wedding staged by. Mrs. 3. 'Ingram as minister, Mrs. 61. Horton as groom, Mrs, "red Beer as 'bride. The bride's book of memories, an auto- graphed hook with advice from all to the bride, Billed the even- ing. Jean replied :with thanks and an invitation to visit them' in 'Clinton. The 'bride's trous seau was shown by Mrs. Don Mousseau. Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau and Mrs, Stewart Bell conduct- ed the :games. Lunch >R^as served. Guests were present from 'Glin- tom, 'Seaforth, Exeter, Hensall and London. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kers- lake and ''Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoy and 'Michael visited recently with Mr. an'd Mrs. IC,Ihas. Forrest and family in ,Sarnia. N4ORTHSIDE UNITED W.M.St Mrs. C. Walden opened She well attended April meeting with a poem '"The 'Secret" followed by hylnm 498 "I need Thee every Hour" and prayer by Mrs, R. Lawson. Mrs. J. Scott con- ducted the business and spoke Of OUT recent loss of two of 'our members since our last; meeting. We had •a moment of silent pray- er iso memory of Mrs. McDer- mid and 'Mrs. A. L. Porteous. Hymn 44,5 "All the way my Sa- viour leads me" was sung. Min- utes were read and adopted. A letter in regard to our new mis- sionary for prayer, Miss Jean Shepherd, also our Chinese Bible Was read. We had roll call and treasurer's report by 'Mr's, 'Si1- ley. 'Christian 'Stewardship re- port was given by Mrs. Harry Traviss. Supply 'Committee re- port by MTs. 'Ball. The clothes for our bale are to be left at the home of Miss Annie Lawrence, Miss Alblble Seip reported 23 home and four hospital Calls for ,Community Friendship re- port. Mrs. Dundas and Mrs. Storey reported 27 hospital and 26 home calls.Correspondence was read by 1Mrs. Sillery consist- ing of numerous thankyou notes and an invitation from lOaven 'Church to attend their meeting on 'Wednesday afternoon, June 6 and asking us to give a number dor the program. Group 2 is to invite a speaker for our June meeting and invite several neighboring missionary socie- ties. Mrs. Storey took the chair. Hymn '521 was sung. Prayer Iby MTS. 'Cuthill and scripture by Miss (Sinclair. A splendid report of the morning session of the Presbyterial at Exeter was giv- en by Mrs. Knight. Hymn 241 was sung. Mrs. Snell gave an in- teresting report of Miss Grace Patterson's talk, seho went to In- dia fn 1917. Miss Ruth 'Chaff fa- voured with a solo "Open My Eyes That I May See". There was a missionary skit put on by Mrs, Storey, 'Mrs. Dale, 'Mrs. Savauge, 'Mrs. Moffatt and Mrs. Westcott. Mrs. 'Snell then gave us a summary of Rev. Ring's :ad- dress at Exeter. Hynm 241 and bhe Lord's Prayer in unison dos- ed the meeting. HEN .IILL Rev. R. J. McMillan of Knox Presbyterian .Church, Goderich, will be the guest speaker at the anniversary services of 'Carmel Presbyterian Church on 'Sunday, May 6th, ,Special music by the .choir under the leadership of Mrs. Id. C. Bell. Mrs. Amelia Schroeder return- ed home this week after Spend- ing the past several 'weeks in Tillsonlburg and Stratford. Mrs. Geo. Hess has been re- ceiving treatment in Victoria Hospital, London, during She past two weeks. • ARE YOUR NEEDS LISTED ? DELMAR MARGARINE .. .. , 2 lbs. 49c JELL-O PUDDINGS & POWDERS 8 for ,29c GLEN VALLEY PORI{ & BEANS, 15 oz. 2 / 230 HOLLY FANCY PEAS, 15 oz. 2 / 35c BURNS SPORK 12 oz. 39c ROBIN HOOD ORANGE CAKE MIX . , . _ 31c MAPLE LEAF DETERGENT Giant 79c MAPLE LEAF PURE SOAP FLAKES, Giant .. 65c WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 2 FOR 25c CLAIR HANEY Egxnondville • PHONE 72 GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE EARLY CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Norris Sillery wish to gratefully thank the Brumfield and Clinton firemen and neighbors who re• eponxied to the call last Tuesday night CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors who visited 'me, sent treats, cards and flowers while I was a- patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Corwin, bhe Rev. .1. Holden, Mrs. Dunlop and to the nurses and staff of the hospital for their kindness. James Morrison. Auction Sale Of House Furnishings. On John St., In town of 'Seaforth, on Wed., May 16 at 1 P.M. General Refrigerator. Hot Point electric stove. Princess Pat cook stove. Kitchen cabinet, Kitchen table ,and chairs, fireplace basket, copper fireplace irons. 9 po, dining room suite: table, 6 chairs, buffet and glass china cab- inet. Small oak writing desk, Number. of small tablesand smokers. Number of rockers and .occasional chairs, pedestals. Couch, mantel radio. 8 pe chesterfield suite. 8 walnut occasional chairs, floor lamps and table lamps, antique parlor Imo. Butt walnut living room table (good). Matohhng hall and living Croom rugs -9x12' and 5x7' and.. pads. Hall mir- ror, drag runner and scatter mats. ton rug 759'. 4 pe walnut bedroom suite in good condition, springs and spying mattress. 2 other furnished bed rooms including dressers, wash stands, beds, springs and mattresses, bed linens. blankets, quilts and pillow and quilt boxes. Fernery, kitchen clock, kitchen dishes, antique china and ornaments, vases. Bridal Wreath Limoges: 8 tea plates, 10 fruit dishes, 4 cups & saucers. Kitehen utensils. Pictures. I•Iouse planta. Beatty washing machine, tubs, crocks, sealers 2 lawn mowers, step ladders, garden tools, carpenter tools & host of other articles.. Terns cash. Harald Jackson, Met,. Estate of the late John P. Bell. Olerk, E. P. Chesney SALE OF Scotch Shorthorns 7 BULLS AND 20 FEMALES of Imported and Canadian Blood Lines WM. DEVEREAUX & SON, BEAR SPRING FARMS 2 miles east of Seaforth on Hwy S TUESDAY, MAY 22 at 1.30 P.M. DST Auctioneers: W. S. O'Neil, Harold Jackson, Lincoln White McKILLOP BUSY BEAVERS The third meeting of the Mc - 1010p Busy !Beavers was held at the home of ,Sandra and Grace Doig on April 25th. The meet- ing opened by singing "The More We Get Together", 'follow - Meet your bank manager... He's easy to meet—and a good man to talk things over with. Not just because he knows a lot about banking, but because he can be counted on to apply that knowledge and experience to your particular need. To him banking is more than dollars and cents, more than figures in a ledger. To him, banking is the opportunity to work with people through bank services to help with your problems, your hopes and plans. That is what he has been trained to do. That is what he likes to do. You'll find he's a good man to know, THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY FOR SALE Cook stove in good condition. Also kitchen couch, buffet, some chairs, num- ber of congeletmn rugs, smell table, small cupboard. Call in afternoon or evening Phone 346R ROOM FOR RENT Room for rent in, Private home. Close to Marin St. With or without breakfast. Apply to Seaforth News FOR SALE Quantity of mixed feed grain; also some potatoes. Phone 686x41 Herman WANTED Need $2000 on eeeond mortgage, on excellent ipo acre farm in Huron Coun- ty, needed to increase livestock. Willing. to pay 7%s.. Apply to The Seaforth News Hereford bulll,, R$100 L Phone 860r81 Bob Dalton FOR SALE Baled hay. Apply to Mrs. Leslie Heiserman RR1 Dublin. Phone 81r3 OR Registered HeereeforrdA b E1 13 months old. Herd accredited, Sam bloOlure, RISS Seaforth. Phone 844r18 WANTED Baby buggy wanted to buy. Mrs. Hank Van Rooijen, phone 856x6 Seaforbh HOUSE TO RENT Furnished house for rent. A number of well located homes in Seaforth. 75 acre farm with sixty acres ploughed. Harold Jackson, Seaforth, phone 474, or 206 FOR SALE Five ton mixed wheat, oats and barley. Mrs. Harry Caldwell, R2 Kipper. Phone Seaforth 657r14 FppSALE 42 tam anti York pigs 9 to 12 weeks old. Also four yearling cattle, two heif- ers, two steers.. Durdmm & Hereford, Gordon McGregor, Lmndesboro. Phone Blyth 27R11. 4 miles east Londesboro WANTED Used tricycle wanted, for child 4-6 years. Phone 080x2 Seaforth FOR SALE Number of young sows due in May. Also 100 good dry cedar posts. Phare 068r14 Seaforth, Jim Souter FOR SALE McCrary cook stove in good condition. Phone 64948 Seaforth, Mrs. Charles Woods. SALESMEN WANTED Over 40? Make from $50. to $75, weekly through joining our Staff. Where ever you may livethere is an opening for you. Write for details and free cat- alogue, FAMILEX, Dept. 1, Station C, Montreal SEED CORN Plant Huron county's most profitable grain crap. Be sure you use the best .seed corn available for either grain crop or ensilage. Phone 658r23 Seaforth for your supply of Funk's G. Hybrid seed corn. W. A. Haugh & Sons. Brncefield, exclu- sive dealers for Tuckersmith WATED A bookkeeper. Male preferred. Apply to Pollard's Chain Saw, Brussels. Phone 64; at night call 6518 FLOWERS FOR MOTHER'S DAY Potted Plants—Mums in yellow, white, red and pink, 53. Mixed Pams, 8 dif- ferent plants per pot $2. Gloxinias $3. Wallace Ross, agent for Mitchell Nurseries FOR SALE Timothy seed. Phone 838x31. John W. Thompson THE S1BJ'1°ORTH NEWS Thursday, May 3, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for ell occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforbh smomemsiminnes SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. MoMester, B.A.,M.D:, Internist P. L. Brady M.1)., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p,m. to 6 part., daily except Wednesday reit Sunday Evenings; Tumidity,. Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 pm. Appointments made in advance are desirable FOR SALE OR RENT 'louse has eight rooms with electric lights and water, with basement. Also a garden and garage. Immediate posses- sion. Mrs. James Barron, telephone 195 12. Sonforth Mixed Glad olluusR bulbs. large $2.50. 50 medium $1.50. Murray 17. Tyndall, Brumfield. Phone Clinton. HU 2-9S31 FOR SALE 'burnished summer cottage at Bayfield, to he. moved from premises, Apply Geo. Brightrail, phone 1 Seaford; TO RENT 2 apartments. Apply to Dr. McMaster. #26, or George Brightrali .#1 TO RENT' Brick house on Adam St., one bleak from public school. J. W. Thompson, 15R2 4. eaforth. Phone 83541 HELP WANTED Young man or girl to work on And- rews Poultry Farm. Phone 647r2 FOR SALE 5000 Sussex x.Red pullets 9 weeks old. Will sell these birds at any age, 2600 laying pullets for sale in May. Reds Rock, Sussex x Red, Red x Sussex Mar - tants. in these birds 10 only 14 of i%. Andrews Poultry Farm, Seaforth. Rm. Phone 647x3 CUT FLOWERS Carnations, red, white, pink, varieg- ated $5 per dos. Snapdragons, Yellow, pink, red and white, $5 per doz. Wallace Ross, agent for Mitchel Nurseries FOR SALE 51 Chev. sedn, very low mileage. Apply to The Seaforth News FOR SALE Purebred IIereford bull, eight„ months old. Fred Buchanan. Phone 841r4 FOWL WANTED When ready to market your fowl, phone 671, for courteous service and satisfactory returns. Dale Produce GLADIOLI BULBS FOR SALE Assorted colors and sizes Apply to HOFF'S GARAGE AND TEXACO STATION FORStable 20x00 loot Smiber framed, high loft, feed bin. Also chicken house 12x16 feet. J. J, Holland, St. Columban TO RENT Apartment for rent, immediate pos- session, five rooms and bath, hot and. cold water 540 per month, with hydro and water paid. H. McLlwein, phone 112 NOTICE Get your orders in now for top soil, fill and cement gravel, also crushed stone, H. McLlwain or Jack McLlwain FOR SALE Ornamental trees: ,Sevin Juniper, Phitseriana, Muglm 'Pine, Hicks Yew, Pyramidalis and others. Gordon C. Nobel, phone 79311, Railway s1 GLAD BULBS 10 for 75o, 10 for 900. Packaged 25 for 30c. Eric Milner Flowers, phone 893 Seaforth DON'T WHITEWASH — USE The superior d ssinBfeeeting white water paint, won't peal or rub off: for poultry houses, collars, milk rooms, etc. See it at Crown Hdwe. phone 797 LAWN MOWER & SMALL ENGINE SERVICE We specialize in sharpening, overhaul parts and repair service on all makes of lawn mowers and small engines. Crown Hardware, phone 797 BOARDERS WANTED Room and board in comfortable home with all conveniences. Girls preferred. Phone 686R Seaforth FOR SALE Steel clothesline, the line that needs no pins, does not rust, lifetime guaran- tee with every line. Alphonse Cronin, phone 22r25 Dublin CAPONIZI.NG Oaponizing. Ten days old to a'4 weeks old. G.. L. Martin, phone Carlow 1928. RR4 Goderich, or contact Wm. Hender- son Poultry Farm, Egmondville. Guar- anteed 100% against hemorrhage Clearing Auction Sale Of Pawn Stock, Machinery and Household Effects. At Lot 5, Con. 6, Gray Twp., 114 miles north and 1 mile east of Walton, on Friday, Mas' 4 at 1 P M. Cows -10 cows due in July, Oct., and some fresh. 16 head of yearling heifers and steers. Pigs -1 sow and 8 pigs 10 weeks old. Pouitty — 152 Red -Rock pullets 4 mos. old. Imple- ments — Cockshutt 20 tractor (row crop). Massey. Harris double disc Lit.). 3 furrow International plow on rubber. Sot harrows; walking plow; dump rake; bay loader. Massey Harris No. 6 binder; land toiler; fanning mill; cutting box; hammer mill (Fairbanks Morse. 14 ft. hayrack- with roiling rack, trailer with rack. 16 ft. grain auger; 4-5 inch grain pipes; 5 inch flexible. elbow. Forks, Shovels, 3 chicken shelt- ers; chicken feeders; water containers; 2 brooder stoves. & pipes; turnip pulper,. cutter, buggy, poultry fence; ateel poste, cedar posts. Whippietrees, oil barrels, gas tank with pump,pig orate. Macon muck mower; 2 rolls snow fence; set single :harness; set. breeching harness; 2 collars; wheelbarrow; pig. feeders. 1t h.p. motor; set scales; 200 bus. Beaver oats, 2 unit coop milking machine. M -H cream separator with electric motor. Manure boat; M -H side delivery rake; sleigh with fiat rank. Rubber tiredwagon with flat rack and grain box. Terms msh, Prop. Clifford J. Cardiff. Auet„ Harold Jackson. 'Creek, Ill. P. Chesney VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, Main St, Seaforth Phone 106 JOHN E. L,ONGBTAFF Optometrist ' ?hone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6 30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM; Clinton —McLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 5.30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co, MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Co. HEAD OFFICN—sEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Wm. S. Aleawnder• Vice -Pres.. R. Archibald; Manage* -loll 'Sec: Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J, L. Malone, Seaforbh; J.. H. Me -Ewing, Blyth; W, 5, Alexei* der, Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield ; C. W. Leonbardt, 'Bornholm; IL Fuller, Goderich; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents —Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro ; J, F. Prueter, Brodhagen • Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. ed by the 4-I5 club .pledge. The minutes of She last meeting were then read. The roil call was an- swered by 20 members. We then had She business period. The next aneeting is to be held at the home of Catherine, Luella and Jean Moylan on May 7th. Mrs. Keys 'then talked to us on "3Iow Much Fruit is Needed Daily", and "Good Foods are Economi- cal". Mrs. Plyee looked at our record books and told us some of OUT mistakes. The meeting Shen closed by singing God save the Queen. A soivtest by Lorret- ta 'Connelly was enjoyed by everyuone..A 'delicious lunch was then served Iby the hostess and helpers. The roll call for the next meeting is a dessert suita- ble dor supper. Home Assignment: Serve a citrus (fruit once and prepare and serve apples one, also serve prunes or any dried fruit and record in,:record 'book. Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements. At Lot 80, Con.. 51 Morris Twp., one mile north of Brussels, on Wed., May 0 at 12.80 P.M. Implements — W-4 MCG. Deering Trac- tor, 2 yam's old. McC. Deering plough, 3 furrow. MeC. Deering Cultivator, 8% ft. 13 disc seed drill, 6 section harrows: Disc. Wagon and hay rack. Sleigh. jay'. loader; side rake; dump rake; mower.. Manure spreader, Mad D. (new) 24o0. D. binder. 2000 lb scales. Steel water trough, Dig crate, pig :troughs. wheel barrow, stone boat, fence posts, Lum- ber. Harness andother articles. Imple- menteone to three years. old, Livestock Cow fresh 6 weeks row fresh 4 weeks. Cow due before sale. 6 Iiereford steers, 1000 lbs. 3 roan. Moore 1000 lbs. 7 Here- ford steers 1000 lbs. 5 Angus steers 1 Year old. 5 Durham. steers 1 year old. 11 Hereford steers 1 year. old. Heifer• due in .Juno. Durham heifer rising 2 years, 8 eaves.. 10 pigs 11 weeks old. 2 sows .due before sale. 150 hens 10- months old. 200 pullets 10 weeks old.: Household Effects Oil space . heater. 6 kitchen chairs. Power lawn mower. Bedroom suite. Refrigerator. Linoleum rug, and omen - articles Tears cash. Win.: Reed, Prop. Harold Jackson, Aunt. E. P. °hosnoy, Clerk 'bine coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 33211 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M.' HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have tier analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376. Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber g000ds) mailedpostpaid in plain sealed envelope with price 1155, 6 samples 250; 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, NOv- Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. LOVELL MCGUIIRl0 Surge Dealer, Winghuun. Phone 698. Can solve your milking problems. Con- tact for faster, safer, more complete milking. More farmers switch to Surge RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite' Dick House, phone 847R, Seaforth SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators. All electric - models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authprized dealer for dis- trict of Seaforth, Clinton and Brumfield. Allowance made for used Separators. Repairs for Otaco, Fleury Bisset impl's Basil O'Rourke, Brumfield. Phone HU - 2 -0181 Clinton NOTICE For artificial insemination informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.80 A.M. We have all breeds available --top anality at low cost, For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME OFFERING YOU A. modern 2 bedroom brick dwell- ing just completed. Onedloor plan. Oil heating Low Down Payment Balance monthly Two bedroom stucco cottage,' with all modern conveniences ,including 8 -piece bath, hardwood floors,' modern kitchen. Full basement alth furnace. Garage end good garden. Reasonably priced and Al- mostimmediate possession. M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47