HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-03, Page 7W hen Harry Greb Beat Dene Tunney - _ - .- Harry Greb, one of the ring's so wide and deep that 1t bled throughout the 15 rounds. Greb's gloves were soon blood- soaked, and by the time the fight was a little more than half over, it had become so one-sided that Referee Kid McPartland tried to intervene. But each time he'd move to stop the mas- sacre, the beaten man would protest that he had a title at slake. So one gruesome round followed anther, and how Tun- ney went the distance is some- thing to be attributed only to his courage. Why the gash over Tunney's eye could not be patched up is hard to explain. Dae Bagley, an expert on cuts, was chief second in Gene's corner, and he all but poured adrenalin in to the wound, but to no avail, Despite his loss of blood and Greb's relentless pounding. Tunney was never 0112 his feet, amazing the ringsiders and, inost of all, even Grub. More sur- prising was the fact that after a punishing first and second round, Gene made spirited ral- lies in the net two rounds, though in the fourth he suffer- ed a sever?e- dist over his other eye, By now the affair was a shambles, g eats — some say the greatest, pound for pound -- was never greater than the night he de- feated Gene Tunney, May 24, 1922. It was the ]one defeat in the career of the man who was to score one of the ring's big- gest upsets by toppling Jack Dempsey from the heavyweight throne. The win over Tunney earn- ed Greb the American light - heavyweight crown. Before his death four years and five months later the Pittsburgh Windmill, as Greb was known, had trounced no fewer than Len pugilists who attained champ- ionships. They were, in addition $0 Tunney, Mike McTigue, Batt- ling Levinsky, Tommy Lough- ran, Tiger Flowers, Johnny Wil- son, Al McCoy, Mike O'Dowd, George Chip and Mickey Walk- er. Though never more than a middleweight, Greb also van- quished many topnotchers in the five divisions, welter to heavy- weight inclusive. He scaled one-quarter of a pound over 162, twelve and one-quarter less than Tunney, the night of their first meeting, In the old Madison Square Gar- den. It was Greb's tenth year es a pro, and Tunney was younger by four years, but on this occasion youth was served e terrific shellacking. At the finish of the 15 -round battle the younger and heavier man was ane of the worst beaten ever to totter from a ring. Before the clang of the start- ing bell had died clown, Grob was clawing and ripping at his heavier rival. In the midst of this first furious attack, Harry 'whipped over a right that broke his opponent's nose in two places; moments later he opened a gash over Tunney's left eye But in the seventh Tunney made another pretty good rally, arousing hope in his corner. Maybe the Windiniil was start- ing to run clown? A false hope, indeed. Greb's main stock -in - trade, in addition to his proud fighting heart, was his inex- haustible stamina and his trick of relaxing without appearing to do so. Ile had this ability so well perfected that he could appear to be mauling an op- ponent hen he was doing noth- ing more than smothering an attack, Then, as his opponent tried RiGHT HONORABLE WINSTON CHURCHILL'S LANDRACE BOAR "Chartwell Viking 3rd." bred four imported Swedish sows just received by Fergus Landrace Swine Farm, owned by Jack Tweddle and Harry Cassie of Fergus. One sow is seen above. The proud owners of these outstanding imported Landrace sows which were bred to this outstanding boar of Sir Winston.. Churchill, also received with this shipment a total of 13 imported. sows and 1 boar of different Swedish blood lines. These ani- mals were purchased from some of the most outstanding breeders in Great Britain. This shipment makes the fourth importation of Landrace swine which the Fergus Landrace Swine Farm have brought to Fergus within the last few months. 95% of the swine in Denmark are Landrace, but in the fast few years this breed has become very popular in England, Scotland and the United States, and many swine breeders in Canada believe they will become very popu- tar in Canada. They are the bacon type hog, longer than many of the breeds in Canada, they do not become as fat, are very hardy, and i1 Is predicted they will play a very important roll in improving the quality of our bacon and other Pork products in Canada, WELL DONE—Joel Shaefer, 13, returns to his home in Chicago and his mom's proud welcome. A Boy Scout and a polio victim, Joel has just completed 13% hours of walking to fulfill re- quirements for a hiking merit badge and the Eagle Scout rank. Hiking 20 miles along the historic Lincoln Trail, the scout used crutches most of the time. to ease up for a breather, Harry would turn on the heat, When Greb opened upon Tun- ney in the eighth as though the bout had just started, Gene's backers lost all hope. All they wanted now was to see their man go the distance. This did not seem humanly possible. Through the last half of the 'battle, the only respite afford- ed Gene by an opponent who seemed equipped with a half- dozen tireless arms, came when Harry pushed his victim to one side to dry his bloody mitts on his trunks, or on the referee's shirt. But Tunney remained on his feet even through the thir- teenth, fourteenth and fifteenth rounds. Yes, Tunney was still on his feet at the final bell and man- aged to reach his dressing room still erect. But no sooner did the door close than he collaps- ed unconscious on the rubbing table and was out for several seconds, His body 1,as so badly swollen as 't result of the beat- ing that it was actually neces- sary to cut his tights off. As this was being clone, Gene re- gained consciousness and mur• mitred through his battered lips: `I'll beat him the next tine;' "He"s sure got guts," was Greb's comment, It is the contention of some that Greb, already losing sight in one eye, was on the down- grade from this fight on, but the record doesn't bear this out. The following January he beat the up-and-coming Tommy Loughran in ten of the 15 rounds fought for the crown Harry had wrested from Tunney. And, only 24 days later, he again put his laurels on the line aginst Tunney — which goes to prove the kind of champion Hairy Greb was. ew Fashions for Men IVY LEAGTJE outfit with nig shoulder padding, flap pockets, center vent makes a trim man. BEACHWEAR HAS ITS OWN STYLE; Junior (left) wears striped knit shirt with boat neck and skin-diver trunks. His brother wears a set made of fast -drying cotton, trimmed with terry clods. in both outfits the stripes run against each other.. If Harry was over the hill by now, the return tilt with Tun- ney failed to prove it, even though the decision went against Greb. It was decided on a split decision after fifteen rough- house rounds, and was so close that the title changed hands on the word of Referee Patsy Haley. Before 1925 was over Greb was again a champion after trouncing middleweight Johnny Wilson in a battle which made him look like the old perpetual- motion'fighting machine. Two months and ten days later Harry made another bid tor Tunney's light heavyweight championship. It was another stirring scrap, though there was no doubt as to the better man this -time. If Greb had not slip- ped some by now, then Tunney was much improved. They met twice again in non -decision ten - rounders. In one, at Cleveland, the going was again close. In the other, at St, Paul, Greb got a severe going over. According to Tunney, it was in a late round in this fight during a clinch that Greb said: "Gene, don't knock me out." Still, Harry looked anything but washed up only a little more than three months later in his famous fight w i t h Mickey Walker, then welterweight king. Mickey scaled 152 for the con- test, and only the heavier man's laurels were at stake. Though Mickey gave away six pounds in this clash, he was to go on to capture the 160 -pound laurels from Harry's conqueror, Tiger Flowers, and to fight the top- notchers among the heavies and light heavies, beating Paul Ber- lenbach, Leo Lomski, Johnny Risko, King Levinsky, Paolino Uzcudun and • a long list of others, including Jack Sharkey. But against Greb, the Toy Bull- dog, as Mickey was known, ran a decided second. Greb was definitely no longer the old Greb when he lost his middleweight laurels to Flowers, though tine 15 -round verdict was MOTOR COAT — Continental motoring coat in water-repel- lent, windproof white poplin is a recent newcomer to this country. It's cut full for com- fort and hooded for wear in the little, open sports cars so popu- lar these days. Coat is buttoned and buckled in calf. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN OILS, GREASES TIRES Paints and varnishes, electric motbes. Hobbysi,op machinery. Dealers want. ed. Write: Warco Grease and 011 Limited, Toronto. AGENTS wanted to sell Standard Greeting Car d s, with or without Scripture. Excellent commissions. Send for samples today. Standard Greeting Cards, 195 Perth St. Brockville, Ont. SELL ELECTRIC SHAVERSI Agents and distributors wanted to sell world famous Rfam Swiss Preci sfon Shaver; the finest precision shay Ing Instrument in the world. Clipper head trims; rotary head gives closest shave. Fully guaranteed for one year against all defects. Complete details. RiAM (CANADA) LTD. 345 Craig East Montreal GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell exclusive houseware products and appliances wanted by every house- holder, These items are not sold in stores. There 15 no competition. Profit up to 500%, Write immediately for free color catalog with retail prices shown. Separate confidential • whole. sale price list will be included. Murray Sales, 9822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. BABY CHICKS BRAY cockerels, prompt shipment• Pullets, started, dayold, Get our corn. plate list, you'll and what you need. Order ohJulM.,bH broilers. Hatchery, 12 FI RE'S proof why it plays to buy the cost highest quality off; thec investment tist your your stock; Productive life of bird 2% or the investment in your stack. We are nottelling you something you don't know, we are trying to make clear the false economy of trying to save money on chick cost. When You purchase Tweddle chicks you eon de end on the best for egg production, dual purpose or broilers, We have special breeds for each purpose, also Turkey Poults, Catalogue. TwEDDLE CHICK HATCI•IERIES LTD. rastouS oNTARro FOR SALE RECORDS WE reOCanada CountrySancl western record headquarters. Wiif Carter, hank Snow, Webb Plerce, Bitty Wells, Elvis Presley, Don. Messer. Records by those and all the other country stars availablebrand new only 89 cents each. Safe deiivery ppositively guaran. teed anywhere, Write today for our big new FREE CATALOGUE. Descry Records, P.O. Box 747, Montreal, P.Q. 18 INTERESTING Novelties. Good quality. Magnetic top, paper balloon parachute, compass, etc., 91.01 Money- back guarantee, Pacific -New England, Inc., Box 1132, Studio CRY, California, CHINESE ELM HEDGE PLANTS WILL quickly provide a five to fifteen. foot hedge. Nine to twelve -inch plants, 54.50 per hundred, Edgedale Thorpe Nurseries, Aylmer, Que. HELP WANTED MARRIED man for fully equipped dairy farm, Toronto district; house, hydro fuel, milk, garden supplied, yearly employment. Roy H. Barker, Woodbridge, Ontario. MEDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS• SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa. $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping shin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disap. point you. Itching, sealing and burn. sand footmeczemao,willnrespond pimp/es the stainless odorless ointment re. gardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Pest' Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 52,56 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. 5, Corner of Logan. TORONTO close. In their return encounter five months later, the edge was clearly with the Georgia Dea- con as Flowers was known. This second setback by the Deacon was the Pittsburgh Windmill's last fight. Two months and three days Iater on October 22, 1926, Greb was dead following a nasal operation. However, Harry had lived suf- ficiently long to see his predic- tion concerning his old rival, Tunney, come rue. Soon after Greb's fifth meet- ing with Tunney a writer ran into Harry and joshingly in- quired as to when and where was the Greb-Tunney series to be continued. Then it was that Harry made an amazing admis- sion. "He is one party," Harry re- plied, "I am positively through fighting." "Why?" we asked. "Gene's grown too big and too strong for me. Say, that guy has developed a right drive to the heart that just about tears your insides out. Take it from me, some day Tunney'll be in there fighting Dempsey, and when that days comes, I'll have a nice bet on Gene to take the heavyweight title." Greb collected a good chunk on that fight one month before he passed away. Harry died af- ter an eye operation on Octo- ber 22, 1926. Was Greb the greatest of the middleweight? In the judg- ment of one who has seen them all, from Bob Fitzsimmons on, Fitzsimmons, a cagey and terri- ble hitter, might have taken the Pittsburgher. But this assumption is con- tradicted by Harry Greb's great record. He fought the best of his clay from 1914 to 1926• —and among his opponents were some -of Che most terrific punchers thai,..grer entered the ring. Lookk`b-t the list: Mickey Walker, Mike Gibbons, Soldier Bartfield, Max Rosenbloom, Bat- tling Levensky, Gunboat Smith, Billy Miskie and scores of other great fighters. _',nd node of :them ever put Harry to sleep. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates. America's Greatest System illustrated Catalog Free Call M.UtVEL FIAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa SALES Advertising Distribution Ser vice at this large isolated North Af rican Air Base! 90% all purchases dont by Mail. Order, Sheets, leaflets pamphlets, books and catalogues. Out, let for your sales. Write: John H 231,t c/o2Posttar. sler,yNewS York.AN.Y, BOYS AND GIRLS HERE'S /our chance to make some real money or win a lovely Premium, selling drink powder and lee Cream Powder. 'terrific sellers. Send for a $5 order today. Your reward for sell- ing this order is one third. Send no money. We trust you. PARKER SPECIALTY CO.. 252 Gainsborough Road, Toronto 8, 300 WAYS FOR women to earn money at home— how to start, what to do, how to do It. Postpaid 51,49. Possible earnings 510 to 980 or more, MacGREGOR NOVELTIES, 173 Paradise Road North, Hamilton, Ontario. VERMICULITE IS RIGHT -^-, 1.E'r this proven, guaranteed process bring back new ear performance. Re. surfaces cylinder walls, piston rings effectively, 53.95. Safety guard. Posi- tive puncture sealing compound la. boratory tested and approved, 55.98. Four tubes 511,02; literature agents wanted, Arthur D. Baufne, Sales Agen- cy. Boa 234. Massey, Ontario. FREEI CATALOGUE CLOTHING. SMALLWARES Write: ECONOMIC MAIL ORDER M2118ontreal St. Qae, Lawrence Blvd. Dept. W CANADA'S LARGEST HOBBY SUPPLIERS EVERYTHING for the Hobbyist. Send for free Bulletin or 250 for illustrated catalogue. 24.Hour Service. Leonard's 1•Iobby Centre, 600 Bayview Avenue, Dept. "A", Toronto. OPPORTUNITIES MEN AND WOMEN WANTED young men for Telegraph jobs on Railway. Big demand. Union ABC Shorthand qualifies for Stenog. rapher in 10 weeks at home. Free folder, either em ese. Cassell Systems, 20 Spadina Road, 'Toronto. 1956.Coin catalogue 51.60. Handy coin album 759 each, 3 for 52. Mr.Jacob Dyck, 320 k. 55 Avenue, Vancouver, B. C. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company, Patent Attorneys. Established 1899. 650 University Ave„ Toronto. Patenta all countries. ANOFFER to every Inventor. List of inventions• and. full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co. Registered Pat- ent Attorneys. 273 Bank St„ Ottawa. PERSONAL 91.50 TRIAL offer. Twenty free deluxe personal requirements. Latest cote, Logue included. The Medico Agency, Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont REPAIRS REPAIR your Singer, or any other sewing machine. We have parts: Send 91 now for repair manual, Mlachine Trades, 51 Liberty Avenue, Danbury, Connecticut. STAMPS MONACO Prince Rainier set of 6. 25t with .approvals. Clifford Ritchie, 194 Randolph Road, Leaside Ontario. SWINE WE have one of the largest .and best beards of registered Landraee swine in Canada,' 31 breeding sows, 19 of those imported, 4 imported boars and Ilfnofianoring boar Sr Winston Chuchil, Come and see this herd. Il you can't come send for photos and folder, Pedigreed unrelated weanling sows and boars for immediate denvery. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM ONTARIO SAFES Protect your 0001(8 dna LASH tram FIRE and PHIEVES We have a size and type. of Safe. oe Cabinet, for any eirpose.o0 VVisi tVus or write for orlce, J.scam.TAYLOR LI rtITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. E. roranto Established 1655 ANADs F1NE5. Ci G A RET T E fSSUE 16 — 1956