HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-03, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—T1uu'sday, May 3, 1956 BIG $.1.•00 DAY FOOD SALE Golden Dew Margarine ,..,.. 4 ib $1.00 DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 (20 oz. this) 1.00 NATURES BEST PEAS, 15 oz. tins ., 10 for 1.00 HEINZ BABY FOODS 11 Tina 1.00 BORDENS EVAPORATED MILK 8 for 1.00 Large Tins ELLMARR -PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. Jar.. 3 /1.00 CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SOUP 8 Tins 1 00 STOKLEYS FCY. QUALITY APPLE JUICE 20oz. 10 tins 1.00 SHERRIFFS CHOCOLATE CAKE 3 pkgs 1.00 Pard Dog Food Kounty Kist Kernel Corn 15 oz. Tins —9 Tins 1.00 14 oz8 tins 1.00 Sea Cliffe Tomatoes Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 28 oz. 4 tins 1..00 10 Large Rolls 1.00 FOR THE YOUNG FRY -9 piece Cowboy Outfit With a 5.00 Purchase ....only 3.98 4 PIECE ENGLISH BREAKFAST SET with a 3.00 purchase... only 99c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH The Town .Dump will be closed except on Wednesday afternoons from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M., and then open for Town Residents only. PROPERTY COMMITTEE TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 1956 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer TOWN TOPICS IDhe many friends of M. Leo (Stephenson are sorry to know he took •a severe heart 'attack this week. Mr. and Mrs, Earl As1in oL Toronto were weekend guests of Mr. sand Mrs. John .Walsh. IMr. Fergus Rowland, of Lon- don spent the weekend with his another, Mrs. 3. (Lowland. 81i's, D. Stewart and daugh- ter of Toronto are spending a few •days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. Mr.and Mrs. Len Gillespie of Milton were weekend guests of Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. Mr. and Mrs. John Aldington, Margaret and Frank, od Varna were (guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allington. Mr. and' Mrs. R. is, Box and Mr. J. 0, r0ornish were in 'Tor- onto this week owing to bhe death of (Graham S. Vance; Stewart '13urbt woai the Fina jeep !last week at the Walden and Broaddoot service station. Mrs. F. IS. Harburn is a ;pa- tient in Scott Memorial (Hospital. Mrs. W. J. Faulkner and Pa- tricia of Galt spent bhe weekend in town. Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Smith and Marilyn and (Douglas,- of Lon- don, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. .Smith. DENNIS and WILDFONG Don Dennis Roy Wildfong AUCTIONEERS LICENSED IN THE COUNTIES OF HURON, PERTH and WATERLOO Graduates of the Reisch American School of Auctioneering. CAPABLE OF HANDLING ALL TYPES OF SALES — LARGE OR SMALL Contact DON DENNIS ROY WILDFONG R.R. 1, Walton R.R. 2, Walton Phone Seaforth 84311 Phone Seaforth 831.5 BORN • Nichols—At Scott Memorial Hospital,. on April- 28th, to Corp. and Mrs, Rod- erick C. Nichols, 15 Quebec Rd.,RCAF, Clinton, a daughter Malcolm --At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 20th,. to Mr. and. Mrs. Peter Malcolm, a son Arthur --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 28011, to Corp. and Mrs. G. H. Arthur, John St., Seaforth, a daughter Horan—At Scott Memorial' Hospital, on April 28th, to Mr. and Msr. James Horan RRr Dublin, a son Clifton—At Scott Memorial Hospital on May 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. George Clifton, Kipper Rita, a son KIPPIN EAST W. I. A 'talk on mental health was given by Mrs. F. Allison, of Rus- seldale, at a meeting of East Kippen Women's Institute held in SS 10, here. (Over '100 mem- bers and guests attended the meeting including memibers of ICirediton W. I. With Mrs. 10anvpbell Eyre pre- siding, roll call was answered 'by "Little things make home hap- py." 'Mrs, Norman McLeod gave the history ,of blue china and ourrent events .were reviewed by Mrs. A. Finlayson. (Mrs, SiarrY 'Caldwell read a poem, !Miss Mar- ilyn Eyre and Miss 'Mala Roe - 1)01 contributed a 'vocal duet. Two solos by Mrs." John Bishop of Crediton accompanied by Mrs. Emonery F'ahner. A demonstration on the pro- ject, "What ro-ject,"What Shall We Wear?", was presented by the members of the Thrifty 'Kippenettes un- der the direction of Mrs. W. J. F. Bell and Mrs. William 'Oald- well. The girls demonstrated the purchase and use of patterns, how to make nape measurements, and' types of stitching. An exhbb- bit on (color scheme dor a ward- robe followed with Miss Pat'Lo- vell as (commentator. (Hostesses were Mrs. John Coo- per, (Mrs. Verne Alderdice, Mrs. 3. McNaughton, Mrs. R. Upshall, lhfrs. Ross Broaddoot, Mrs. Ivan Forsyth, Mrs. 'Charles Eyre and Mrs. William Bell. MRS. MARY FORBES 'Mrs..Mary Victoria Forbes, a native of Hullett, died Sunday in 'Clinton hospital, where she had 'been a patient for the past three weeks, Mrs. Foribes mark- ed her 92nd birthday March '8, having been (born in 1804. She was [formerly Mary Victoria'San- derson, a 'daughter ,of the late William and Caroline Brigham Sanderson, pioneers of the 13th con. of Eu'llett twp. 'She lived in the Walton and Blyth area all her 'life, and for,the past several years lived with her only'daugrh- ter, Mrs. John Young, and Mr. Young, dormerly'of Hallett twp. but now of Blyth. Her husband, Samuel (Forbes, died in 1956. Surviving are her daughter, 'Mrs. John '(iOaioline) Young; two grandchildren, Roy and Helen Young; two sisters, Mrs. (Annie Skelton, Morris twp., and Mrs. Earl 'Caere) Empey, Goderich. Also surviving are one step- daughter, Mrs. Thomas '('Ger- trude) Williamson, Walton, and one step -son, ,Adrian Forbes., .of Egmondville..A sister, Mrs. Wil- liam 'Taylor, died a 'month ago. A funeral service was held in the Tasker' Memorial ,Chapel on 'Tuesday afternoon art 2.30, with Rev. A. W. Watson, minister ,of Myth United (Church, ofdioiat- ing.Burial followed in Union cemetery, Blyth. Welcome the Canvasser 5,000 MEN AND WOMEN OF HURON COUNTY HAVE VOLUNTEERED TO HELP MAKE THE TB CHEST X-RAY SURVEY A SUCCESS When your Neighbor calls on behalf of the survey, give him your help and co-operation "JOIN THE CRUSADE AND BE X-RAYED" HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Last Friday evening, the Dra- ma 'Cl1ulb staged the second and final performance of their three -act (Play, "Spring is Here" in the high school auditorium, About .800 persons witnessed bhe play, eibher on 'Thursday .or Fri- day night, oar on Thursday aft- ernoon. On Thursday afternoon, the final duress rehearsal was at- tended Iby the students of this school, as well as grades '7 and 8 •from 'bhe public and separate schools in town. The members of bhe cast pre- sented the director, Mr. 'Cos- ford, with a snorkel pen at the finale on Friday evening. After each performance, the cast was given a party in the Home-Frc. room by Miss Elford and on Friday night, Mrs. =Cos- ford treated bhe so -(called per- formers to a [freshly -baked chocolate :cake. The still -+warm cake lasted about dive minutes. (Betty Simpson, singing "Ok- lahoma", and Jenny Morue, playing selections from Chopin, entertained the audiences be- tween acts. This was bhe first three -act play to 'be. ,attempted by the Drama IClnb, but it is hoped that this atndertalcing will (become an annual event. • Tomorrow evening, we are having "'Open 'Ilouse" •at school. Everyone is cordially invited to drop in and examine the various undertakings attempted by your high school during the past year. Visitors will be entertained with a 'bazaar in the ,IIome-IEc, room, demonstrations Of stu- dents' aohievemenbs and equip- ment in the chemistry and phys- ics =labs, and a short program and fashion show in the gym. During bhe week, two gentle- men from bhe 'Western Ontario Agricultural 'Oollege at Ridge- town, were 'at school interview- ing boys interested in taking any of the two-year courses of- fered at that school. The •(candidates for 'the Lead- ers and Queens (Clubs, sponsored by bhe London Free Press were chosen last week. The boy chos- en as leader dor the club was Bill 1S'co'bt, while the girl chosen as queen was Joanne ,Beuerman= A grade 11 Latin student, (Cadet 'Ser'geant Frank 'Bryans, has been chosen to' attend the National Cadet Kamp in Banff, Alberta, this shimmer. Frank is the son of 'Doctor and Mrs, Bryans and is an enthusiastic radio ham as well as an active member •of the cadet corps of this school. Ron .Scorns represent- ed Seaforth at Banff last sum- mer while Frank was attending the Western 'Ontario 'Cadet 'Camp at Ipperwash. (Cadet training is in full swing at school as inspection day is on the 22nd of May. Ca- det Major this year is Bill Dins- more, who 'took over the post held by Joe Williams last year. Our ,annual graduation and dance will be 'held on bhe first of June. In former years, this event took place 'after exams were over. For grade 18, the graduation is only ,a [formality as their results are' 'not made known until the second week .of August. Mr, Plumsteel has de- cided to movegraduation exer- cises ahead because many stu- dents leave for jobs as soon as the 'finals ,are over ,and are therefore not free when gradu- ation occurs. Things seem bo 'happen thick and fast at school this time of year. The three .afore -mentioned events, as well as field day must take place before final examine - tions, which are only a short time away. ,Grade. 13 begin writing on bhe 712th .of June but the lower grades will start at least a week (before 'this. All ap- plication dorms for grade 18 ex- aminations have been filled out and sent' bo' Toronto. HARPER C. RIVERS 'Harper C. Rivers, 57, a well known Exeter 'business anon died at his home Monday following a heart attack. He took 111 10 days ago. Mr. Rivers was born in Hen - sail, the son of the late :Mr. •and Mrs. William Rivers but spent most of his life in Exeter. Be operated a meat market on the main street and was a member 'of James Street United Church. He was a former 'town coun- cillor and a member of the .Pub- lic Utilities Commission dor 10 years. 335 was also a anemvber of Exeter LOOF Lodge, No. •67 and a past- !president of the Lions Club. rSurviving are his widow, the former Helen Rowoliffe Burn ebt; one (daughter, Mrs. Ray- mond '(iAmn) ,MMCarter, of Exe- ter; ,two brothers, Lloyd, of ,Grand IBend, and Bert, =o[f'Exet- er; two 'sisters, Mrs. Charles Way, and Mrs. Jack Routledge, of Toronto, and 'one grandchild. He was a ,nephew of Mrs. James Rivers of ISea,dorbh and was a well known _bowler. The [funeral ,was held :from the ,Hooper -Hockey funeral home on Wednesday. The Rev. H. J. Snell, (of James Street United Ohuasdh, ,officiated. .Burial was in Exeter 'Cemetery. SKIT AVAILABLE IAt the request of the IPulblici- by 'Committee of the Huron County TB 'Survey, James 'Scott 'of ,Seaforth has written 's skit to call attention to bhe ,benefits which the Survey will'(bring rho Huron (County citizens. The skit is 'about ten minutes in length and is very easy to perform. Mr. (Scott designed the skit for production Iby dhurch groups, service clubs, Women's Institutes etc. It is ihoped that many suoh groups will [find that the skit will add to bhe enter- tainment .and education of their meetings. (Copies may be ob- tained by 'writing to Edwin P. Chesney, lit.'IR. 4, Seaforth,, Ont. �4MIga11 uw n u uu aq i u 1 uuual 1111111/111111111111111111e, First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 AM, Church School and Bible Class 11 a.m., "On Crying Tomorrow" 7 p,m. "Man—and His Hope" ,11U ll1 llllll,Pn1110n,u"uumnl ll , lll,u,1111nu"mn Northside United Church Rev. .Bruce W. Hall, Minister 10 am., Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., 'Morning Worship. Sermon topic, Highroads to Happiness . Toddlers' Group and Jr. (congregation. 7 p.m., Evening 'Worship.. Seamon Topic, "Don't 'Count Your 'Gapital". 8.15 Y.P.U. Egmondville United Church Rev. W. E. Milroy, ,Minister. 10 am., !Church. School and adult class. 11 a.m., ,.(Morning 'Worship: Sermon, "Living dor Jesus". 7 p.m., Evening Praise. Thursday at 7.30 mid week service. McKillop Pastoral Charge Bethel Church, ISerwice at 10 a m., Sunday School at 11 a.m.; Cavan ,Church, Sunday School .at 10 ami.; Service at 11.16 a.m.; Duff's 'Church, Sunday ,School alt :1:15 ,p.m„ Service at 2 pan.-- Rev. .m.-Rev. J. R. Holden, Minister. RUMMAGE SALE HOME BAKING SALE CANDY In the I.O.0.F. Hall,_ Seaforth Under auspices of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge Saturday, May 5 Doors open at 2.30 P.M. and continuing in the evening Blossom Tea & Homelake Sale In the Anglican Church Parish Hall under the auspices of the Woolen's Auxiliary WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 3 to 6 P.M. RECEPTION , For Mr. -and Mrs. John Flynn at Londesboro Hall FRIDAY, MAY 4TH Ladies please bring lunch. Every one welcome. Music by a popular orchestra Brownie's DRIVE=IN LIMITED CLINTON Next to the Community Paris THURSDAY & FRIDAY May 3 and 4 "SUSAN SLEPT HERE" (Color) • Debbie Reynolds • Dick Powell TWO CARTOONS . SATURDAY & MONDAY May 5 and 7 "RACE AT DAWN" (Color) • Randokph Scott • Mala Powers TWO CARTOONS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY May 8 and 9 "CLASH BY NIGHT" (Adult 'Entertainment) • Marilyn Monroe • Barbara Stanwyck TWO CARTOONS BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE May Day Tea The Women's Hospital Auxiliary invite the public to tour the Hospital and have tea at the Nurses' Residence FRIDAY, MAY 11 BETWEEN 3 AND 5 The Auxiliary takes this opport- unity to show its appreciation to the public. for support during the year FARM CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE AUTO ACCIDENT AND LIABILITY HIGH COVERAGES AGENT John Flannery Phone 648112, Seaforth Always Fresh! Available At SPRING Clearance Sale Thurs., Fri., Sat., this week 26% COATS 7-12, 4-6X, 1-3 off SPECIALS COATS, RL.,,,6.95 to 8.95 for 3.99 2& 3 PIECE SETS, reg. 4.95 to 7.95 for 3.99 TAFFETA DRESSES, 7-14 , . , , , 4.95 SKIRTS, 2-6X 1.50 2 PIECE JERSEY SUITS 1.99 2 PIECE DENIM SUITS 1.99 OVERALLS 1.39 OVERALLS 1.69 BABIES SILK COAT SETS 3.99 BOYS COTTON SUITS 1.69 SOCKS 4 pair for 1.00 100% NYLON WOOL .... 30 cts. a ball 4 The Kiddies Shop SEAFORTH NEXT DOOR TO THEATRE ,1 l"uun1111111111 ln"u 1111111111"11111 a u"uu "n, ,1,1e11,1, lllll 111111111111111111 llllll,e111111,1111,111,1111111111111 Huron County Music (Festival Goderich Public School Auditorium MAY 3 to MAY 10 OPENING at 8 p.m., THURSDAY, MAY 3 MORNING — AFTERNOON - EVENING Mornings --silver collection. Afternoons --Adults 15c, children 10c. Evenings --Adults 25c, children 15c" FINAL CONCERT -- Friday, May 11 at 8 p.m. ADULTS 35c, CHILDREN 15e N11111111,1111111111111/11111111111111111/11111111111 llllll 1 llllll 111111111 llllllllll 1 llllllll 11111 pip1111111,11,1g11,11111111111111 P Dollars fnd e se' Have you ever tried banking by :;,ail? An extra service offered you by The Canadian Bank of Commerce is the convenience of mailing in your cheques for deposit. Just endorse your cheques like this: "Deposit to account of (your name)." Then slip them in an envelope with a special bank -by - mail deposit form and mail them through 'your nearest post box. For a current account, your state- ment can be mailed to you each month. For a savings account, you can mail in your pass -book; it will be made up, and returned to you by post. Ask us about banking by mail next time you pass .our branch and we'll gladly give you some special deposit forms and envelopes. THE _CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager Save Your Papers FOR THE SEAFORTH LIONS SALVAGE DRIVE WEDNESDAY, MAY 9th --- PAPER --- MAGAZINES RAGS --- OLD MATTRESSES For the convenience of those in the surrounding district who wish to co-operate, collection depots have been established as follows: BEEGHWOOD—Carlin's. Store DUBLIN—William Stapleton CONSTANCE—Borden Brown Store WINTHROP—A. Dolmage Store KIPPEN—Kyle's Store CROMARTY—Chopping Mill STAF'FA—Sadler's Store --- AUSPICES --- SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB 4 4 41 4 4 J 4 1 t