HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-03, Page 4McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. /Barry Regole spent Sunday with /Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gross at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock and family were Sunday visitors with Mx. and Mrs. Fred Ohapple at Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mogk, Mr. and !Mrs.:Carman Graul and family of Milverton were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan 'Beuerman, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Hilt of Vanessa, Mr.. and Mr. Frank Hudson of North Dakota were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eckert 'Sr. .Mrs. Laverne Hoegy is con- fined to her !bed with an attack of rheumatic fever. A number of this vicinity were at Sebringville attending the Evangelical 'Conference. /Born at Preston to .Mr. and Mr. Willbur !Chambers on ISatur- Clay, April 28th, a daughter 'During the severe thunder storm on Friday night, Mrs. Les - .lie Beuerman's house was struck by lightning. Mr. Joe -Eckant Jr. has re- turned home after his recent ap- pendectomy in Seaforth Hos- pital. VARNA The W. A. met at the have of 'Mrs. Ernest McClinchey on Wednesday, April 25 with 22 ladies present. The sneering op- ened with the 'theme song and liyann 7. /Mrs. Charles 31.eicl read the scripture lesson. Mr. Pitt read a story and followed with prayer. Hymn 13 was sung. Mrs. Robert Taylor, the president, presided over the business per- iod. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. 1VIur- vin Johnston. 'Roll call for lrlay, "A verse we learned when we Girls Wanted FOR TOY FACTORY PRODUCTION Steady Work --- Pleasant Working Conditions Apply In Person ntari Textiles Ltd. Seaforth went to .school." It was decided to send 515 to the Cancer Fund. W. A. Presbytery is to be held • in Clinton on May} 9. The meet- ing closed with the W. A. pray- er, Lunch was served by the hostess and lunch committee. „ass{.. .gjr • • • • • • HAPPY HOMEMAKERS The third meeting of bhe Sea- forth Happy Homemakers was held at Virginia 'Smith's on Sat- urday, April 28th. The meeting was opened by singing "Let elle Sunshine In". The Roll call "One of the supper menus plan- ned at .home" was answered by 12 members. The minutes were react and adapted. Our not meeting' will be at Emily Elliott's on Saturday, May 5th. In the 'morning .bhe club will visit the Stacey Milk Plant at Mitchell. The club girls then made cod- dled apples, prune sponge and fruit cup assisted by , leader, Mrs, Aikenhead. !Mrs. Lorne Carter discussed fruits. 'Canada's food ruleswere read by •Oathy 'Bos/hart and the gins each received a leaflet. The girls then copied nates. Ruth Crozier thanked bhe hosteas, and God save the Queen was sung followed by a delicious lunch. Jr. Farmers Plan Field Day Here The Huron County Junior Farmers held their first 1956 executive meeting in the agricul- tural board rooms, 'Clinton on Wednesday evening, April 25. A guest at the meeting was Robert 'Howie, of Newburgh in. the Comity of Fife, Scotland, Robert is spending ten days hi Huron County, five days at the home of Boyd Taylor, R. R. 3, Walton, member of the North - Huron Junior Farmers and five days with Murray Gaunt, R. R. 1, `Lucknow, member of the iOolwanash Junior !Farmers. On Tuesday, May lst /he will go to visit members of the ;Lincoln Junior . Farmers Association. During a !break in the !Business 'Meeting, 'Robert showed slides of his home and interesting points in his homeland. During the .;past year the Huron (County Junior Farmer Meeting 'Improvement IComipeti- tion was enforced and an addi- tional rule was added to /the rules and regulations for the competition that is, that a local Junior Farmer /Club may only win the Harold Baker trophy 2 years in succession and atter a lapse -of one year will again be eligible to compete for the trophy. This competition was open to 'all of the Junior Farmer 'Chubs in the county and design- ed to help bhe local .clubs im- prove 'their regular 'meetings thus making them 'more interest- ing for all :those concerned. After a lengthy discussion concerning ,the 'annua'l Perth - Huron Junior 4Faumer Day at was decided that the events should be held in the Seaforth Lions Park and that the tentative date was set on June gbh. A new fee - tare which plans are being made to include in this year's •eonnpe- tition is the rifle shooting com- petition. The following is a ten- tative set of regulations to be followed in this competition. 1. Contestants must adhere to the general field day eligibil- ity rules. 2. -Contestants will compete as teams. 3, Each team will consist of four people, either boys or girls, or mixed. teams. 4, Competition will be at a distance of 25 yards. 5. Standard (Competition rif- les with adjustable peep sights will be used. 6. Since many of the contest- ants may not have fired target rifles it has been decided that 5 practice shots will the allowed to familiarize the firer with the rifle, trigger pressure etc. 7. ,Scoring will be on the basis of a group of 6 shots. Tentative plans were made for the Annual Junior Farmer 'Church .Service to be !held in Wingham or District on Sunday evening, July 2/2. The Annual Junior Farmer Livestock Judging 'Competition will be !held in ,Seaforth on Sat- urday, May 19. At this competi- tion Junior Farmer and 4-H members have the opportunity to test their -;ability as judges of bhe various livestock breeds kept in the County. The classes will include beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, hog carcasses, sheep and possibly poultry for the poultry club tmemlbers. 4.H HOMEMAKING CLUB The second meeting of the Seaforth Rural 4.411 Homemaking Club was held at the /home of Mrs. J.-Broadfoot. Meeting op- ened 'by repeating the 441 pledge and roll call was answer- ed by a good food habit, The uses of milk and Importance of vitamins and minerals was dis- cussed. The .home assignment is to make a cream soup - and a scalloped vegetable dish. Plan .a sapper menu around (a) cream of carrot, potato or tomato soup. (b) scalloped vegetable dish such as cabbage or corn. Next meeting will /be held on May 5 at the home of 'Mrs. W. L. Whyte. Two members of the chub, Mary Whyte and Marilyn Tay- lor, have been chosen to appear with Margaret Brophy on her CKNX-TV program on May 3rd at 4 pun. • 0 • P o • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • •`• " 's:':rM3:yezr';, :;i. %r>.'•. {`',,��.5moi,'.• • X y Xis. -0, a n t• • • • • • • • • 33/�J fora three or • 4 0 four year term • e • Head Office - London, Ont. District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, Hensall — Watson & Reid, Seaforth • • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • • • o • • • • • • chapter's 10 years was given by Mrs. Snell. 'Mrs. 'M•oGavin read the names of all officers of the first year, to which H. 'Snell re- sponded. A .toast to the Grand chapter by Mrs. Andrew 'C•roz- ier was responded, to by Mrs. Wanless, who had been the chap- ter's first installing matron. Mrs. Dolma !McQ•uaig's toast to the 'district was responded to by Mrs. Austin. Mrs. H. E. Smith replied to •a toast to 'the 'chapter by Sid Thompson. John A. .Seaman, Goderich, replied on behalf of the guests following a toast by Mrs. M. E. Clarke. The highlight of the evening was bhe introduction 01 her of- ficers by Mrs. M'cGa/vin, follow- ed by the cutting of a suitably decorated candlelit three -/tiered anniversary cake. The tables were decorated with the worthy matron's 'choice of colors, gold and blue, in 'ba- pers, napkins, flowers, and f a- vors. /Congratulatory telegrams and messages from some 'who were unable to attend were read, and included ones from Jack Edgar, the /chapter's first installing pa- tron, 'and from Mrs, /Edith Da- ley, who is all Mrs. 1VIcGavin paid compli- ments to Miss Jean Scott, who convened the meal. Members of the chapter served. It was announced that a pro- ject, which has been in /progress for 'the past three years, is to be realized this May 12, when the first sod is to be turned for a new (Florence Nightingale Horne at Agincourt, Mrs, Frank Ming led 'in a singsong. She also contributed solos, accomp•anie•d by Mrs. 'Clifford Broadfoot. Walker •Hart sang several num- bers, accompanied by his sister, • Mrs. Dan Wolfe, 'Stratford. Mrs. Iris Walker contributed a piano number. In a draw for a !port- able barbecue, J. A. 'Seaman held bhe lucky ticket. Colored slides of a /trip to Cuba were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Mc Gavin. Rain Brings Worms, Spoils Fishing Seaforth lawn bowling green was the scene of much activity on Thursday and Friday nights. The goings-on had nothing to do with bowling. Instead it was preparation.,for the opening of the fishing season !Saturday, as many persons searohed tor worms. A late passerby on /the street reported that it seemed is if half the town was on the bowling green last Thursday night, judg- ing by the number of flashlights. Due to the dry weather up to that time worms were So scarce that at supply was imported to Seaforth from Toronto at '3c per. And one young matron af- firms that she caught her hus- band trying to take a worm away from a robin. Then the Friday grain came and played strange tricks. At dusk Friday night She ground everywhere was literally mewl- ing with worms, millions of them. 'Came the dawn on !Saturday, and those hardy souls who went out to try their luck found that the same rain which had brougiht the wooms had also turned all the streams into rushing tor- rents, and there were few fish. Gordon Dick caught a beauti- ful 17 -inch brown trout, his only catch of the day. THE SEAPOI'1T:I.T. NEWS—Thursday, May 3, 1955 egent Theatre THIURS. PTCI. SAT„ .May "-1-t ..SANTA FE PASSAGE John Payne - Faith Pomergne. (Hese Io the ewnuelling unfar,;cttnhle love story of an Indian - hating 1'l'onties Scout and n green-eyed I•Inif-Breed Beauty thrown into tcmptous Intimacy on a trail-hhtringwagon trip westward _ MON, TUES. WED. Maw 7-9-_U IOC 5EE1CRIt5 Jack Hatvlcins - Glynis Johns An intriguingstory of the first settler on Now Zealand based on 0 novel by John Guthrie THURS. 1RI SAT. May 10-11-1? DOlit ON run MLSS1SSIPPI I.es Barker •• Patricia Medina, Coming ---FIVE A,GAINS7;