HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-04-26, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, April 26, 1956 SPECIALS & MONEY SAVERS Greet Giant Niblets Corn ..,. 2 for 33c 14 oz, Tin CHEERY MORN COFFEE reg. grind.. 1 ib bag 89c SOCKEYE SALMON 1j2 size Tin 47c CAMPBELL'S SOUPS chicken varieties.. 2 tins 356 MAKE YOUR OWN POP CORN 16 oz. bag 2 for 37c FRESH GINGER SNAPS 23c Ib MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES .... Giant Size 69c Javex Bleach 16 oz Bottle 15c One 16 oz. Bottle of New Fleecy Laundry Rinse FREE For Soft and Fluffy Washes Chase & Sanborn Instant Coffee spec'l 1-6 oz. Jar 1.96 1-2 oz, Jar .10 YOU SAVE 49c 2,05 Ogilvie Chocolate & Cocoanut Delight Ogilvie White & Cocoanut Delight Each balided, yg PRICE SALE 2 PKGS. 53c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT -SELF SERVE . LOW PRICES RUMMAGE SALE HOME BAKING SALE CANDY In the 1.O.O.F. Hall. Seaforth Under auspices of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge Saturday, May 5 Doors open at 2.30 P.M. and continuing ill the evening SEALS SALES RECORD :Dr. J. 0. Tuimibull and Charles Barber Fere •e incharge of Mon- day day nigtht's meeting of the Sea - forth Lions rOlulb at the 'Com- munity (Centre. A. total of '$6'81.75 has been realized from the sale of Easter Seals, rthe highest on record for the area. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax repays c Receipts for 1956 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer TOWN TOPICS Proceeds were '$122,00'froii tire, recent Orddifellows' waste pa- Iper 'collection, Mr.. and Mrs. K. E. J. Doherty' Cana family a£ Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. H. Lawrence, Goderioh street west, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis rof Exeter rwereSunday .guests of Mrs. 91. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs, Austin IFladd of Teeswater spent Sunday rafter - noon with Isaac IVIG Cavin, Mr. Douglas Stewart returned home on Tuesday from the 'Uni- versity of Toronto for the holi- days. • Mrs. Mabel Woods is spending three weeks in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ryan and Kathleen of Lucan attended the funeral of Mrs, rOaroi'ine Port- eous on !Saturday. Mr. and !Mrs. W. T. Teall and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. M. (Hart have returned home 'after a 10 -day motor trip to Charleston, ISouth Oarolina. Miss Pat Reynolds, Kitchener, spent the ;weekend with friends here. iNlr, .Archie Hulbert, 'Oshawa, was a weekend guest of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Hobert. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Rleilly, Stratford spent the weekend ,with Mrs. Jas. 'O'Reilly. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, was a ;weekend visitor at the home of her another, MIs. R. Kennedy. -Miss (Nancy Spittal, London, was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrrs. J. R. Spittal. Miss Mae Pargetur returned after spending last week in Lon- don, Miss Florence McQuaid, Strat- ford, spent the weekend with relatives there. MI'. James Aiteheson has sold his barn to- Mr. Wood of Mitch- ell The 'barn at the rear of Mr. Gordon Dick's store has .been sold to Mr. Jos. Engin and is being torn down :this week. BORN Nesbitt –To Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt (Florence Williamson), Blyth, in Inn Myers Nursing Home, Brussels, on Tuesday, April 24, a Son Timmermans—At Scott Memorial Ilos- pital,. to Mr. and Mrs. Adrianne Tim- mormans, RR3 Kipper, on, April istit, nson ran Dyk—At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodorus van Dyk, 12.113 Seaforth, a daughter McLachlan—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on April 24, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert McLachlan, 8163 Kipper, a son RUMMAGE SALE The Ladies of St. Thomas Guild are holding a Rum- mage Sale in the Anglican Parish Hall on SATURDAY, APRIL 28 IN THE HOME HIGH SCHOOL NEWS 'By Jack Melody The most ;dreaded part of ex- aminations is "finally over for another term. ''The report cards have all been handed out and. those very important signatures' halve;been entered on the -dotted line. The marks on these partic- ular report Beards are very IM portant to some of our more Ibri'lliant individuals, The Whit- ney furniture store offers a writinrg desk or a cedar chest to the person having the ;highest average per cent on the rClhrist- ares and Easter marks. ,Lf the student with the highest per cent' is a (boy, the prize is :a writing desk, and if a girl, the prize is a roedar chest. ' All ;extra -curricular activities have been concluded with the ex- rcepition of ;bugle hand ;practice and cadet drill for grades '9 and 10. Our annual field day will be held early in May, as well as ca- det inspection rwihich is on the 22nd of May. Each neon hour for the past few -days, BhI.'Lit- owski has been running the half mile up at the track. ;Bill is practicing for the senior boys' championship and is trying to get the jump on his chief eon - tender, Wayne (McMichael. Our play, "Spring is Here", will be presented tonight and to- nnorrow night in the auditorium. Betty Simpson and Jenny Morue will 'entertain the raurdienee 'be- Iween acts. Last week, Mr. ;Dobson showed a film to some of his P. 'T. classes. The filet described the life of an annoy eadret in the mil- itary colleges of (Canada, name- ly: Royal Roads in B.C. and Roy- al Military College (EXC.) at Kingston, Ontario. During the year, each class has taken its turn in organizing and staging an assembly each week. Last Friday afternoon, grade r9A girls, the last of the ten rooms to put on an -assembly entertained us with a real bang- up stage show. We now know that Elvis Presley has no mon- opoly over the song "Heart- Brealc Hotel," !Ruth 'Howe was given an encore three times as she sang this song, • (among others), to the accompaniment of her guitar, ' Last week, two gentlemen from the Guarantee Trust Coni- pany were at school interview- ing .anyone who was interested in office employment. These inn claimed to (pay better salar- ies than ;banks and offered to start anyone ,at a salary of $45 per ;week. Each year, rbhe London Free Press sponsors two clubs for students, and each high school in Western Ontario sends repre- • 50 YEARS OF PROGRESS, :f irheeewmed uc K�louraH In this year, .1956, Ontario $ydro's Golden -Jubilee, the - znoclern home is not only light !conditioned, but work -condi - 1 tinned by electricity. Electrical servants, many of them fully automatic, have made possible a higher, inbre comfortable standard of living for all. They ;cook; refrigerate; wash; dry; iron; polish and clean. It is ;difficult to name 'a routine ` ( household task where electric - HYbrA '1 ASSURES YOUR i • ity cannot, in some way, be of assistance. Truly, today's living is mea- sured in kilowatt-hours , . and these are servant -hours. No matter where we look, elec- tricity is at work making life easier and more enjoyable. Hydro will continue to ;provide an adequate supply of elec- tricity to meet the power requirements of the province power that means better living for all in Ontario. ,ELECTR'.ICAL FUTURE sentativss to these clubs. The Mrs. Glenn Mogk as sponsors Leaders !C1tvb for iboys is based on 'academie-ability,'ath- letic attainment, aril leader - qualities, while the Queen's Club for- girls looks for such ;things as personality, academic ability and general popularity, Two (boys, Bill .Scott and Hugh Gorwill, are eligible for Lead- ers' tClulb -nomination, and seven girls, Betty rGeudie, Joanne Ben- ermaarn, Janet McGregor, Helen Mellwrain, Maja :ftoglbal, Rose Siemon and Lois Ann Somer- ville, are eligible for nomination to the 'Queen's Club. Question of the week: Ken, how do like having a (birthday shower with all your clothes on? along with the parents. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. :Laverne Wolfe in the death of her fath- er John Hinz. Mrs. John Elligson, Mibebelh has tboen visiting with Mrs. Ern- est Elligson and 'Mrs. Fred Ellig- son. 'Mrs, Kenneth .Smibli has re- turned ;home from ISeaferth Hos- pital where she had been eon - fined for a week following an operation. MI. Ralph IScherbarbh of De- BRODHAGEN The Luther 'League conven- tion of the Stratford .District will he held here ,at St. Peter's Lutheran !Church on Sunday Ap- ril 29. Flowers were placed in the chancel of St. Peter's Luth- eran IOhurch at the ;Sunday ser- vice in memory of John Hinz, lar. whose' funeral was held on Friday at IS!eelbach's Hill CChurclli, Murray Leonard Rose, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Rose i(Shirley Anderson) was :baptised during the service on Sunday .morning with Mr, and MIs. Donold Rose and Mr. and troit spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs„ Ed Sclher- barbh. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ifis'ttler 01 at. R. 2, 1V8ontkton shave purchased the home of Mrs. Edith 'Better - man. Mr. Ray Beuerman, 'RCAF .'Edgar, and his friend Bill Burns, of the same station, with Mr,.:: and Mrs. Manuel Heuernman for` the weekend, - IMti. rand Mrs. Lorne (Bins and. Sandra of Leamington with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe for a few days. BEST USED CARS 1955 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, power -glide, radio 1955 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, 2 tone with radio 1952 Oldsmobile Sedan, hydromatic, radio 1954 Ford Mainline Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Sedan SeaforthMotors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 At your 848 , v /' ` OF We think of your baby's needs as our special responsibility. consequently from Coast to Coast ICA Food Stores carry at all times a complete line of the finest quality baby foods at the lowest possible prices. Join the members of ISA in celebrating National Baby Week April 30th to May 5th and take advantage of the many feature specials that they will have in honor of the occasion. SAVE 14c — HEINZ STRAINED Baby Food RECOMMENDED BY MOST DOCTORS • Carnation IGA ROYAL GOLD CHEESE SLICES S05, PIiG 3 C ECONOMICAL SWIFT'S PREM 12TILT02 35C IGA PICKLES SWEET MIXED RELISH MUSTARD OR WAFER 4 JAoRs75C NEW DOMESTIC SHORTENING 1 -LB '41.0. 5 C 12 tall tins 5 oz tins $1 25c BABY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS OATMEAL—BARLEY—RICE OR MIXED PABLUM CEREAL SWIFT'S STRAINED MEATS for BABIES HEALTHFUL BEE HIVE SYRUP CHUBBY OR REGULAR KLEENEX FOR BABY'S TENDER SKIN BABY'S OWN SOAP AQUA SEAL BABY PANTS FOR AFTER BABY'S BATH Johnson's Baby Powder STEDIFEED BABY BOTTLES KEEP THEM HANDY TWIN TIPS JOHNSON'S BABY OIL Phe .11. 9 2 37,E oz 4'5 C TtNS 2 TIN ,i, pke 39 c 2bars 2.c pkg 39 c SMALL 39 C ea, 39 c pkg 39 c bot. 69 c • MARGARINE SOLO 2UTvs53c SUNNY MORN COFFEE 1 -LB . BAG 87 c CLOVERCREST HONEY NO. 1 WHITE TINT 159C IGA Quality Fresh Foods TABLERITE BEEF SALE BACK STRAP OFF BLADE ROAST 29c Ib BONELESS • ROLLED POT ROAST 29c lb CROSS RIB ROAST 39c lb MAPLE LEAF CHEESEFURTERS 43c Ib IGA TABLERITE SIDE BACON $5c ib SNOBOY 144$ ORANGES cello bag PINEAPPLES 12s Cello TOMATOES SNOBOY CELERY HEARTS CELERY STALKS SNOBOY CARROTS ICLEARY'S IGA MARKET S 39c ,doz 25c ea 21c ea ! 23 c 2 ; 29c