HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-04-26, Page 1The Seaforth News
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Authorized as Second Class mail. Post
Office Deist., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
New Teacher For
Seaforth D. H. S.
Two teachers have resigned
from the staff of 'Seaforth Ds -
it Hdgh !School, ,affective in
June, iVVill'iam Greenside and
Angus Pegg,
.Appointed to the staff to
commence in !September, is Mrs.
Jean Buchanan, B.A., of Walton,
R. R.., 8. Two other teachers 'axe
being advertised for, as one ad-
citronl teacher will be added to
the staff next year. These'
(changes affect the lower school
(Mr. Pegg has.been a:memrber
of the staff here for three years
and plans to retire from teaching
for the present. Mr. IGreenside
has accepted a position in a.co-n-
tinuation school east of Toronto,
This was his first year of teach-
Mrs. Donald - Buchanan uchianan is a
graduate of the :University of
Western O'n'tario and taught for
eix years prior to her marriage
some years ago. ,She is an aunt
,of Dr. John 'Turnbull of ,Seaforth
A ,double ring wedding cere-
mony performed in both the
Dutch and English languages
took place on Friday, April 20,
at ,3 p.m., at Trinity Anglican
(Church, .Mitchell, when Johanna.
Benjamins of Se•acforbh, daughter
of Mr. and !Mrs. John Benja-
mins, R. R. 5, .Stratford, (became
the bride of Lambert Lubbers,
Seaforth, son of Mrs. S. A. Lub-
bers of Walleceburg. Rev. J.
Overduin of the Free ,Ohristian
Reformed (Church, St. Thomas,
and Rev. W. E. Bramwell of
Trinity Anglican ,Church, Mitch-
ell, officiated. The bride was
gowned in .a floor -length dress
of nylon net and ]ace over taf-
feta and pearl headdress and her
flowers were red roses. Miss
AI•ie IBenjamins, Sehringville,
sister of the 'bride, was brides-
maid, wearing a pink acetate
dress .and he flowers were
mumienei1. Peter Lubbers, of
Wallaeeburg, brother of the
groom, was best man. A recep-
tion for the young 'couple was
held in Mitchell town hall on
Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Lubbers will reside at R. R. 1,
The death `occurred at 'bhe
Muir Nursing Home on Thurs-
day morning about 9.15 o'clock
of Mrs. Adrian Porteous in her
61st year. Mrs. Porteous had
been ill for about six months.
Born in Morrie '.township, her
maiden name was +Caroline
South and she had lived here
since 1911. Mr. Porteous prede-
ceased her M.14147. .She was s
member of 'Northside 'United
,Churoh Surviving ere one broth-
er, V' issn James South, of
Morris wp., and two sisters,
Mrs, 'Henry Bone, of Morris, and
Mrs. Jos. Long, Nen. Liskeard.
The funeral was held on ,Sat-
urday afternoon from the G. A.
Whitney funeral home, Rev.
Bruce W. Hall officiating. 'I•nter-
went was in Maitlan•dbank tem-
,Pallbearers were; Rabt. Me-
Fadzean, Jahn .Stevens, +Arthur
Wallace, 'Robert 'Wallace, Dun-
can Aikenhead,.William Muegge,
Willis Dundas has recently
purchased from Mm. James Ait-
,cheson on (West ,Street a lot on
which he intends to build a
house in the near future.
Bruce Malcolm of ,Seaforth
was winner of the jeep in last
week's draw at the Fina Station.
His Bather, Peter !Malcolm, well
known as a bagpipe player, is at
present working on a •cement job
at Woodstock,
An architect was here during
the past week to look over bhe
town hall for possible remodell-
ing of the front of bhe 'buillding,
Town officials expect a special
meeting of the council will be
called next week to ,consider the
Mr. John Burleigh, who is well
]crown in automotive circles in
town, is opening his own business
to be known as jSeaforbla. Auto
Body and Repair Shop in. the
Texaco station operated by Milt
Hoff, :commencing , May 1.
Northside United Church
Rev. Bruce W. Hall, 2Vlinister
10 a.m., 'Church .School and
Adult Bible !Glass. _
11 ,a.m., Morning 'Wors'hi i :
,Seamon Topic, "Rising is the
Thing". Toddlers Group and Jr.
'I p.m., Even'in'g Worship:.
Sermon, "Ain Old Axehe'ad".
8.1+5 p.m.,. Y.P.U.
Egmondville'United Church
Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister.
10 atm., 'Church ,School and
Adult 'C'lass.
11 a.m., Morning Worship:
'Sermon, "The Exchanged Life".
7 Evening Praise.
Thursday, :7,30 Mid -week Ser-
McKillop. Pastoral Charge
Bethel 'Church, service at 10
a.m., 'Sunday ,School at 11 a.m.;
CCa:van, Winthrop, Sunday School
at 10 a.m,, service at'l'1,1'5Paan• ;
D'udff's' (Church, !Sunday School
at 1;15 p.m., service at 2 p.m. -
Rev. J. IR. !Holden, Minister.
4-H Homemaking
Club Formed
The first meeting •af 'Seaforth
Rural 4-'11 'Homemaking Club
;was held at the home of the
leader, !Mrs. W. L. Whyte, on
,Saturday, April '211st. The pro-
ject for bhe Spring is 'The ISmtp-
per Olulb" and they expect there
will be 15 members. Election of
officers resulted: Pres., Joy
Montgomery; vice ores., Marilyn
Riley; sec., Janet McGregor;
pianist, Nancy (Pepper; repenter,
Marilyn Taylor. Discussions were
held on working procedure and
dishwashing. Under the heading,.
Good Feed Makes a Difference,
the importance of !Canada's food
rules was discussed. The home
assignment was, (Begin :work on
Record Book and score sheet in
members' ;pamphlet• Next meet-
ing will be held April 28th at
the (home of the 'assistant leader,
Mrs. John Broadfoot.
John W. 'Garter, James She
has purchased the house of the
late Mrs. J. J. Werner on James
Street, with immediate posses-
sion. The sale was through the
office of M. A. Reid. John Tay-
lor,- of Walton, owner of the
house now occupied by Mr. 'Car-
ter, intends moving into town,
we understand.
A ear belonging to and driven
by 'Glen 'Cameron, of Kitchener,
flipped over en No. 8 highway
about a mile east of Bee -forth on
Sunday about 6.30 p.are when a
front tire blew out. The car did
not leave the road and bhe driver
and three local young men in it
escaped injury. Damage to the
1948 model ear amounted .to
about 2200.
The wedding took place in St.
Joseph's R.C. 'Ohureh, 'Gunton,
at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 23,
of Mary Donalda, only daughter
of Mr. and !Mrs. Alynn Dale, of
Owen Sound, formerly of 'Sea -
forth, and John Joseph -Flynn,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos-
eph L. Flynn, Hullett, The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Fr.
The bride wore a wedding
dress of white slipper satin with
fingertip vein and carried red
roses. The bridesmaid was Mrs.
Eugene Dale, sister 'in-law of the
bride, who wore yellow taffeta
wiibh blue 'carnations. (Miss Hazel
Flynn, of Winglram, sister of
the groom, was anaid •of honor,
and wore !blue net over nylon
taffeta, shbul'der-length veil, and
yellow carnation's. Linda (Flynn,
nieee of the groom, was flower
girl, in a pink nylon taffeta dress
with net ruffles, pink accessor-
ies, and a nosegay of carna-
tions. Vernon Dale, Ibrahim): of
the bride, was best .man.
Eugene Dale and Hugh Flynn
were the ushers.
The wedding breakfast was
served at the +Commercial Inn,
Clinton, to 21 guests. After a
honeymoon in the,States, Mr.
and Mrs. Flynn will reside in
Huilett. Among the guests, be-
sides the relatives from Owen
S'oun•d, were the groom's sister,
Mrs. Charles Shelton, 'Goderich;
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flynn, Lon-
deshoro, and the bride's grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris.
Dale, Huron Road; Miss Marilyn,Gibson, Owen (Sound.
A bulldozer was at work at
the town •dump on Wednesday
,cleaning up. The machine was
supplied by Elliott Construc-
tion a ,Clinton.
The first meeting of the •Sea -
forth Lions Poultry 'Club will be
held at the 'Seaforth TDistrict
High School on Wed. May 2n•d.
The first meeting of the Sea -
forth Swine Club was held at the
home of Mr. McMillan on April
24th.. The president opened the
meeting ,after which the 441
pledge was repeated. The roll
call was answered by 18 mem-
bers. 'The minutes of Ilse last
meeting were read and adopted.
4-H sweaters, ,pins and crests
were ordered and no date or
place was decided for the newt
meeting. Mr. McMillen introduc-
ed the guest speaker, Mr. Han-
nigan- from the Seaforth Farm-
ers Co -Op. His talk was on feed-
ing and feeds for •pigs. Bob
Broadfnot moved a vote of
thanks to Mr. 'ilennigar for his
'balk. !Francis Hunt thanked Mr.
McMillan for the use off,' his
home for the meeting.TheArreet-
img was adjourned followed by
Second meeting of the (Sea -
forth, Happy Iiomenrakers was
held on !Saturday, .April 21. The
meeting •wt's opened by singing
Billy Boy". The 4-11 pledge
was repeated. The roll call was
"A good food habit", 'answered
by 11 mennbere. The minutes
were read and adopted. Our next
greeting will be held at Virginia
Smith's on Saturday, ,Apr. 2,8bh.
The 'club leaders gave the sup-
per dishes to prepare for next
meeting. Mrs. L.' Carter• discussed
milk and its needs and tIhe girls
took notes. The members then
went to the ''kitchen where we
prepared our supper dishes. The
meeting was closed by singing
God save the 'Queen.
Auxiliary Entertains
Goderich Group
Barbara ICirkman Auxiliary
held their Easter bhanleoffering
Tuesday night, Apr. 24th, with
the president, Mrs. K. Shaw in
the chair, •opening with a poem,
"The 'Giver", followed by hymn
109. Mrs, K. (Sharp then led in
imager. Atter a short business
diacussien minutes and treas-
urer's report were given and of-
Tering received by 'Mrs. J. Wil-
lis and Miss Belle Smith. Mrs.
John Patterson welcomed the
:Arthur Circe from 'Ged'erich
and they took change of the
worship, with their president,
Mrs. Bisset opening with an FAS -
ter message, `The Cross was His
:Own". 'Hyann 214 was sung -fol-
lowed by the scripture read by
Mes. •Olive iMoDona'ld• from St.
Matthew 26 36-46 and ebap. 28.
Dorothy Reid led in prayer. We
were then favored by two num-
bers, "All he an ,A,pri•l evening"
and "My Je"nus I Love Thee" by
the Arthur Circle septet. Shir-
ley Cumming then gave a reads
ing "Unawares". Noreen and
Margaret McDonald, a'ceonnpan-
ied.iby their mother, sang a very
pleasing duet ''Come 'Holy Spir-
it". A letter of Miss Ida White
was read telling of her work in
India. She mentioned in her let-
ter of the roads being impassable
in the rainy season. 'Mrs. Made-
line ,Edwards favored with
"There is •a green hill far 'away",
Mrs. 'Dorothy Venus gave the
message very capably. She told
us 'without 'Christ we are moth
ing, '(Peek and ye shall find, If
any man follow me he will take
up his cross daily. God can .work
through everyone of -vs IT ' we
will only let Him. She said the
Greek translation of . Easter is
the joyful Sunday, . Romans 12,
God in His great love for us can
see what we can be. Jesus said
of a little 'child, '01 such is the
kingdom of heaven' :She told of
the mustard seed showing the
power of God. Paul challenges
us to present ourselves as a liv-
ing sacrifice. Arthur Circle Sep-
tet then sang "The Lord is my
Mr. tend Mrs. Jack Ross, De-
troit, spent the weekend with
'the McDonald family.
Mr. and Mrs, Don McKenzie,
St. Thomas, visited with Mr.
McKenzie's parents, M1•, and
Mrs. S. McKenzie on Sunday.
Mr. Robert Davison, Toronto,
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison.
Mrs. 1Wm. Smith of Exetee
spent a few days with her sist-
er, Mes. A. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Baird
were in London on Saturday.
Me. and .Mrs. L. J. •Rushcall of
Trenton spent the weekend with
Mrs. Rushcall's parents, Mr. and
lfrs. Ross ,Scott.
Mr. Robert Mustard, 'Chatham
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. and .Mrs. Alex Must-
Mrs. Geo. Pinkney of Walk-
erton visited on Wednesday with
her another, Mrs. W. H. Pepper.
Miss Phyllis Dougall of"'Toron-
to spent .bhe weekend with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. R.
Mr. H'arol'd Bonthron spent
several days last week in Toron-
to on business.
Mrs. ,Edna IConbett of Exeter
visited over the weekend with
her sen and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corbett and
The anniversary service of
Carmel Presbyterian I0hurch will
be observed on Sunday, May 6
at 11 am., and '7.30 pen., con-
ducted by the Rev. R. 3. Mac-
Millan of Knox 'Presbyterian
Church, 'God arida
Amber Lodge Meets
The regular meeting of Am-
ber Rebekah Lodge 349 was held
on Wednesday evening with .the
Noble Grand, Mrs. Archie Mac-
Gregor in the chair. The charter
was draped in memory of the
late Sister Meta Lewis. A very
interesting,p•eport of the district
meeting which was held in Clin-
ton was given by Miss .Mabelle
Whiteman. Mrs. S. G. Rennie,
Vice-Grand/gave 'the report of
the visiting committee. Follow-
ing the meeting degree practise
was held under the direction of
Mrs. IS. 'Dougall.
Mr. James Petty and Miss
Flora Petty were recent visit-
ors with their aunt, Mrs. Hannah
Taylor in Exeter.
Mrs. Alda 'Simmons returned
home last week after spending
bbs winter months with her sis-
ters in California.
At the annual meeting of the
Hensel! School Fair Board this
week, ,Septenn'ber 14 was the
date chosen Tor the School (Baia,
and Ocb. 6 ;for the contests.
tAgricultural representative G,
W. ,Montgomery concluded the
election of 'directors. They are
S.S. 1, T•u•ckersmiIb, 'Glenn Bell
and Ross Forrest; S. IS. 2, Tuck-
ersmith, John Stnelair and Joe
Lostell; S.B.•7, Hibbert, Bent Ri-
ley and Nelson Howe; 'S.S. 10,
Hay, Harold Bell and Jack Cor-
bett; .Hensen, Jim Taylor, 'Syd-
ney MacArthur, Howard Scene,
Dr. D. J. M•cKelvie, P. L. Mc-
Naughton, Reeve Norman Jones,
A .W. Kerslake.
Mr: 1M•cN•arughton was appoint-
ed chairman for 1956. James A.
Paterson is sec. -tress.; and K.
K..'Christian, auditor.
Postal Information
re. Daylight Saving
Since Eastern. Daylight . Sav-
ing 'Time becomes': effective an
Seaforth at 2 .a.m. on IMonday,
'April 30, bhe following informa-
tion is provided.
Train times will memain on.
Eastern Standard Time, the
trains going 'East are selredeled
at Seaforth at 6.19 arm. '(EST)
and 3.46 pan. 'GEST); the trains
going West are Scheduled at
Seaforth at 11.35 ;a.m. ;(,EST)
and 10.30 p.m. ,(EST). However
since bhe ✓community will be .on
Daylight Saving ,T inn e .this
:means the aforementioned trains
going East will be at 7.19 ani.
(MIDST) and 4.46 p.m. 'MST);
Trains going 'West ; will be et
1,2.35 pan. (BOST) and 11.80
p,m, (EDST),
The Post Office will be on
Daylight Saving Time, that is
the main •doer will he open from
7 am. l(EDST) to 8 p.m. ,(EDST)
from Monday to !Saturday except
on holidays. The wickets will be
open for business from 9 a.m.
(EMT) to 15.30' p.m. ' EDST ,
except Wednesday when the
wickets will close at 1 pan.
(21+DST). The 'General Delivery,
Parcel and !(Postage Sales Wick-
ets re -opening frem. 2.80 p.rn.
(Il0DST) to 3 00 etena (EMT).
Marls for despatch from Sea -
forth Post Office .will close at 7
a:m. '(EDIST), 12 noon elEDST),
4 pan. i('EDSIT) and 11 p.m.
(MST). The street latter !boxes
w ill be (cleared as usual Monday
to Friday 'daily at 2 ,'p.m. i(EIDST)
and 8 pen. (MIST) with one col-
lection only on .Saturday at 2
• I(EDST) and one only on
Sunday at 8 pen. .(IFlDIST),
On :bhe arrival of the main
daily ;mall from the East at
V.35 p,m. '(EDST) the wickets
will be elosed for sorting and
distribution of this 'mail, reop-
ening at approximately 1.80 pm
,(EDST), except !Wednesday as
noted above. Rural Patrons will
,note that Rural :Carriers will
leave the Post :Office at approx-
imately 1.30 (EDIST) and will
therefore be somewhat later on
their routes,
Special schedules covering
holidays Twill be ,published on
the Post ,Office Notice +Board.
Former Cromarty
Minister Passes
tWe learned with regret of the
pasting et Rev. R A, Cranston,
in Toronto. on Wednesday, Apr.
18, at the age of 64 years. Mr.
'Cranston was a teenier minister
of ,Cromarty and' Roy's congre-
gation and was ordaihed,tere in
1901, remaining here until 1906
when he was called to Palmer-
ston Presbyterian Church and
later to Trenton. He moved from
there to Welland where he was
minister until his retirement.
His wife was the former Jean-
ette Martin, daughter of Rev.
and (Mrs. W. 'Martin, Exeter, and
predeceased him four years ago.
He is survived by one son Mr.
Alex 'Cranston of Port :Colborne.
Mr. Arnold (Storey, Kingston,
and Miss Irene (Howitt, Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. .Storey, Wal
ton, visited with friends in the
village over the week end'.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing have
taken up residence in the village
Me'. and Mrs. Ferg. M'cKeilar
and Soapily, Seaforth, Mr. Mur-
urray Miller, ;Brantford, and Mrs.
Verna 'McKellar, Staffs, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Lindsay McKellar.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton
and family, 'Stratford, and Mr.
and Mrs. Reg. Stagg and dau'gh-
ter, Exeter, visited during the
week end with Mrs. M. Hough-
iMr. .anti Mrs. Frank Cad ick,
Sharon and Donald, London,
spent the week end with Mr, and
Mrs. John Wallace.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Jas. Ramsay, of
Georgetown, spent the week end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Ramsay.
Miss Alice Howe, Stratford,
was ,home. for the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Currie,
Miss 'Caroline Walker and Pte.
Alex. Walker, all of London, vi-
sited during the week end width
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker.
A large number of ladies of
the community were entertained
at.a plastic demonstration at the
home of Mrs. 'Gordon Laing on
Friday evening.
?Mr. W. McKaig and daughter
11VIarjorie of 'Sudbury visited re-
cently with Mr. :Anges McXaig
and aur. 'and Mrs. 'Calder MoKaig
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glossop,
London, called on friends in the
village last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton
and Mrs. R. D. 'Sadler attended
the Luneeal of Mr. Stanley Ball-
antyne 'who was a cousin of Mrs.
Hamilton, at 'Stratford Thurs-
The April meeting 'of the Har-
lan Ritchie Evening Auxiliary
was held at the dome of Mrs.
Jas. Milder with His. Miller pre-
siding and leading in prayer.
-. The scripture lesson w•es, reed.
by Miss 'Anita Sorsdahl and Mrs,
Gordon' Laing read a chapter
from the study book The topic'
was given by Mrs. Frank Ham-
:Rev. S. Herr presided for the
Y.P.,S. meeting om (Sunday even-
ing: Miss Joy Vivian a•ead a -pas-
sage of scripture and Miss Nor-
ma Herlaurn had nh'arge 'of the
study book lesson. Mr. Kerr led
in prayer,
Dublin Pupils
Visit Toronto
On Tuesday, (April 17, 'thirty
children from the Separate
Schools in Dublin .and St. 'Co
lurnban spent a memorable day
in Toronto.
The children in the care of
two of the Ursuline Sisters left
Dublin .-en the 6.30 train.
Through the courtesy of the
C.N.R. Personnel, they obtained
excursion rates, a special coach
and well-planned assistance le
Dublin and Toronto.
They went by sub -way to var-
ious places, visiting the Royal
Ontario Museum, with special
lessons in Social 'Studies and
At the 'Parliament Buildings,
a guide conducted a tour to the
Assembly Hall, 'Council Room
and pointed out much of histori-
cal value.
Ilhe group then had a very
well arranged visit to Simpson's
Downtown Store. The men ep-
pointed conducted the pupils and
teachers to the many interesting
anti educational parts of this
large :building wherein 6,00.0 'per-
sons are employed. A special fea-
ture was a visit to the Art De-
signer's Department with an ex-
planation of the way the artists
plan decorations .and advertising,
After supper in the coffee -shop,
the ggroupreturned to Union Sta-
tion to' board the 6.20 train.
The day was filled with many
new attractions for the interest-
ed group,and they hope to make
such days part of their educa-
tional program in .the future;
Rev. J. P. :Finn, Director of
education for London Diocese,
was guest speaker at bhe. April
meeting of the 'St. 'Patrick's
P. T. A. As he, reviewed the
growth of education since 1867
when the :British North America
Act was passed, Father remind-
ed us of the first settlements in
our district, when pioneers such
as leather Schneider :and Dean
Murphy worked among the peo-
ple 'from Kitchener to 'Go•derioh
and all the districts in 'between,
as well as in many of the outly-
ing ,districts, establishing par-
ishes 'with schools and churches.
He complimented the group en
the interest shown in education
and encourged them to tcontin'ue
the good work. Father Finn was
introduced Iby Rev, 'Dr. Ffoulkes,
and was thanked by Mr, Wm.
Ryan, who was chairman for the
A report of the Diocesan P.
T. A. Workshop held in 'Chatham
was read by Mrs. 'Michael Mur
ray. Joan and Joyce Lane, twin
daughters of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jos.
B. Lane, danced the Highland
Fling. A group of children from
at 1Colunuban Se h o o 1 sang
"Whispering Hape", which was
very much enjoyed. Anne Mor-
ris el the Hibbert Separate
School sang a solo, "The Old
•Shillelah". A group of singers,
also from Hibbert School,. where
Mrs. Jos. Melady is teacher,
gave a very amusing rendition
of "!Put on your old Grey Bon-
net". The winners of a verse -
speaking contest held 'previously
1 the High .School were also
heard. These were Joan Dalton,
Rosemary Lane, and ,Catherine
Moylan in the senior group, and
(Catharine Ryan, Theresa Du-
oharme, and Jean Byers in the
junior group. Jean !Byers was
honoured es
a gift from the
P. T. A. as one of the winners
for the Western Ontario District
selected in London to compete
at the Easter Convention in Tor -
• The minutes of the previous
meeting were read by Mr. James
O'Connor, and Mrs. John Flan-
nery gave the treasurer's report.
Tickets were sold on two cakes,
won by Mrs. Leo Murray and
Mrs. Joseph Kale. A social hour
followed the meeting.
Mr. Billie Cook, Port (Credit,
with Mr. and ,Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reyn-
olds, Detroit, with Mrs. Joe. Car-
Mr. and Mrs. Erie Collins in
Tara with Mrs. 'Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ackroyd and
girls of 'Toronto with Mrs. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jordan and
LondMr. and (Mrs. Frank 'Williams at
I]VIr..Maurice 'Dillon of IGhat-
ham at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stock and
children, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Meagher.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane, of
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
iam Lane.
Mr. and .Mrs. Don'MacRae and
children in 'Parkhill.
Mr. Frank. Rowland of Toron-
o with Mr. Louis McGrath.
Mr. Gordon 'Costello, King-
ton with Mr• and Mrs. Dan
Mrs. Tom Burke, Detroit. Mr.
ohn O'Reilly, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Joe O'Reilly, Kitchener,
tivibh Mr. and Mrs, Hubert O'-
Mrsly.. Morrison of 'Sarnia at
er home. ,
Miss. Jean Watson, °R.N., of
Toronto •end Miss Alice Watson,
London, spent the weekend with
their !mother, 'Mrs. J. S. Watson.
Miss Laura McMillan, Toron-
to, with her mother, Mas. W. F.
MGMtii1a .
the exclusive Bridal Bell STEPPING STONE
OFFER assures you full turn -in value at any
Bridal Bell Dealer from coast to coast if you
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Jewellery Gifts Fine China
Hockey Bingo
'Current numbers in the Sea -
forth Hockey Bingo: Thursday,
April 1'9bh-137; Apr. 20th -
B10; Apr. 21-G58; Apr. 23rd
-N3.3; Apr. 24th -063; Apr.
25th -G47.
Mr. Bob Love who has been
attending Toronto University is
spending three weeks vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Love before beginning du-
ties with a firm in St. Cath-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter
and Lynn attended the funeral
of Mrs. iackstetter's great aunt,
Mrs. Lucy Brown in Ailsa (Craig
on Thursday last.
Mrs. A. M•cBeath and Mrs. N.
Hood visited on Friday last with
Mr. and Mrs. Grealis in 'Clinton.
'Mrs. R. McBride and Lorne
visited on Sunday with the form-
er's daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie in Wing -
ham. Mrs. McBride remained
for a few days.
Miss Marilyn •Mousseau of
London spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E'1-
zar M•ousseau.
Mrs. H. Caldwell and Mrs. R.
Mc Gregor spent Saturday in
Mrs. E. McBride, Wayne and
Sharon spent Sato rday with Mr.
Edgar McBride who is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
Surprise Party
Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert !Faber were
pleasantly surprised on Monday
evening last when,,30 of their
friends and relatives anet at their
home to honer them on (the occa-
sion of their 20th wedding an-
niversary. The evening was spent
in playing euchre with the fol-
lowing winners: ladies' high,
Mrs. Bert •Coanforbh; gent's
high, Cornelius Faber; ladies'
consolation, Mrs, Bert Faber;
Gent's consolation. Foss Faber.
Mr. and Mrs. Faber who were
taken completely by surprise
were then escorted to decorated
chairs and presented with a
chest of silverware by their
family, 'and other lovely and
useful gifts. The groom, of 20
years made a fitting reply. A
dainty lunch was served includ-
ing :a large anniversary cake.
(Mr. and Mrs. Ewassesk nI
Stratford and Mrs. Rigehamdson.
of Hensall were recent visitors
of •M•r. and Mrs. E. Dowson.
Miss Betty Axtman has ao-
cepted a school at Melton.
Mr. Erwin Johnston :has ac-
cepted a position at Roxboro
Mr. and Mrs. W, Hawley re- this week, of a polio vaccination,
turned' on S'aburday froom Lon- at Zurich Public School. •.
don where they spent the win-
Mr. Sam Pethick spent a few
days in London with relatives.
Mr. James Axtman has ac-
cepted the position of teacher
at S. S. No. 10.
The W. A. and WMS. of Ca-
van Church will hold its regular
meeting on Wed. May 1. The
roll sail will be answered by
Home Life. +Group 2 will have
charge of the lunch and group 3
w]]1 be in charge of the program.
Will all, those snaking donations
to the bale please :bring the ar-
Mr. an•d Mrs. Lloyd Regele of
Fergus spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele.
Mr. Carl Ring of Toronto
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Sherwood.
Mr. :and Mrs. Frank Glanville
and family of (Crediton spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward 'Regele, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold McCallum.
We are pleased to report that
Mrs. Joseph Thornton and Mrs.
Leonard Leeming are improving
in health 'after their recent ill -
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wild'fong
and family spent last Tuesday
evening with 'Mr. and Mas. Har-
old McCallum.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Man]eY
and faintly of Stratford called on
Mr. and Mrs. ,Edward Regele on
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Johnson
and Michael spent Thursday
evening with Mr. and .Mrs. Jo-
seph Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bon were visit-
ed by their daughter and son-in-
law of :Goderich.
1112r•. and Mrs. Napoleon Du -
charms and family of London
spent the weekend with the 'lat-
ter's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Jeffer•ey and also attended the
funeral of Mrs. Duoharne, of
Blue Water Highway, St. Jo-
Miss ^.Audrey ]leaver of Exeter
spent Wednesday evening with
her girl friend Miss Elizabeth
Some are on the land, the
snowy -weather is holding seeding
wp somewhat,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Oeschand
family .and Mrs. Anne ISauve of
Zurich tailed en Mr. and Mrs.
Rudy Oesch.
Several from this vicinity took
in the auction sale in Zurich on
Saturday, of the late Mrs, Mar-
jory Williams.'
IThe 'children from the Blake
S'c'hool are receiving a ,needle