HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-04-19, Page 81 NEW, FAST COLOR, SANFORIZED, MATCHING Work Shirt & Pant Sets Choose from olive, khaki, forest green, airforce, grey or fawn "Blue Rock" sanfor- ized twill shirt and pant sets. Smartly tailored pants have cuffs, five pockets and zipper closure. Shirts are superbly made with full yoke, double 10. breasted, flapped pockets. Pants sizes 32 to 46 Shirt sizes 14/2 to 17%2 SPECIAL SlT y Others at 7.95 set NEW STYLE, BOYS SPRING WINDBREAKERS Nylon venetian gabardines, Corduroys, linen finish slobs and novelty cloths in plain shades- or two-tone effects. Colors are black, navy, charcoal, royal, powder, wine and grey. Contrasting trims are mint, powder, pink and black. Sizes 6 to 18 years 6195 t0 1. 95 time NEW "DARASET" FINISH BOYS DRESS SLACKS Daraset finish makes these fine trouser% crease resistant, water repellant, spot resistant and moth proof. Tailored with matching belt, -pleats and zipper. Colors are gray, charcoal, brown & blue, .9 Sizes 6 to 18 years. a.n.amagamessenatinairtadainitainnotistiorattswites cra^u. The Store with the Big Stock! CROMARTY Mr. William Patrick, Wyom- ing,called on several of his ;Cromarty friends on Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Mahaffy, vStaffa, is visiting at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 11ofWe and, family. Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry Grube, Banvburg, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Otto 'Walker and Miss 'Olive Speare• Many interested spectators were on ]rand at the farm of Mr. john Wallace on Wed. to witness the removal of the old house from its long standing lo- cation to make way for the new one to Ibe erected on the sante site. It (vas built of hewn logs and 'covered with lap boards and although it is supposed 'to the over one hundred years old, is still in good 'condition. Mr, Rus- sell 'Parsons, 'Staffa, was the moving 'contractor. • Mr, and Mrs. +George• ¥VIcdCaig of Vancouver are visiting width their 'cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cal- der IMc1Saig and Mr. Angus Mc- Kaig. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, Alice and Linda 'Currie visited in London on :Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. iR. IOurrie. Town of Seaforth PROCLAMATION a® Daylight aving Time The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me to declare Daylight Saving Time adopted for the Town of Seaforth during the period of APRIL 30th AT 2 A.M. to SEPTEMBER 30th AT 2 A,M. and respectfully request the citizens to observe same Dr. E. A. McMaster MAYOR God Save the Queen last when, a group of young peo- ple were received into full mem- bership in the church. Those joining by profession of faith were Patsy fD.owson, Gary Me - !Ash, 'Gerald •Olarke, Barry Tay- lor, Wayne Sterling, iMac (Web- ster, also Mrs. Robert Rothwell by letter of. transfer from Knox Piresbyteri'a,n jChhlljch; IBayfleld, IMr• Gordon Scorner :of Kiteh- ener called on friends here on Sunday 1a* "1 Varna United (Church W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. iPorce Johnston on (April 'Sib. with 118 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Watson Webeter had clharge of the worship service. The meet- ing opened with •quiet music. The hymn, "God of Mercy, God of Grace", was read in unison, followed by •t'he Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Pitt took charge of the business. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. There were 21 calls to shutins. FOR SALE Mrs. Pitt and Ma's. Anson Dole- White enamel range; Quebec heater, mom are to -look after •bhe send- 'F.. Berry B ty gfldd Shane 8669822' H ing of hie Risby Layette. Mrs. FOR SALE W. Webster and Mrs. Anson 2o0 bales of mixed bay and about 4 Coleman were appointed idele ton of mixed loose hay. Leslie Bolton, gates to the !Presbyterial at l x- 13hth; or Snsx Ilolton, IRI;( Watton WANTED Grass for five head of one -year-old steers for the season. John Pebhick, phone 834,15 Seaforth. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. N. E. (Cook, -who have spent the prat several weeks vacationing in 131lorida, re-, turned to their home this week. ,Miss Amy Lanunie of London was a 'weekend visitor with her sister, 'Miss Greta Lanlmie. Miss Jean Armstrong of Lon- don was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Armstrong. Mrs. Geo. Glenn, who has been confined to his room for the past few weeks is gradually improving. Mrs. Don. Frear and infant son, Steven Donald, of Grand Bend are spending a week with the fornner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gei1. Armstrong. Miss Gladys Luker, who has been confined to her room for the past several weeks, was re- moved to South Huron Hospital by ambulance, this week for treatment, FOR SALE Milking machine, DeLaval,'S1dway Magnetic, Stainless Steel, two single units, in e.vicellent condition; •niso Mc- Cormick Deering cream separator, hand or power driven. Phone 686x41. Alex Popper FOR, SALE Quantity of choke loose hay. Also a bee. muffler, lever type, to fit Formal] A tractor, George Blake, 10104 Seaforth, phone 66441 FOR. SALE Mixed color gladioli -bulbs 40c doz. ; mixed color dahlia bulbs, 10 for $1 Frank Riley, Kihbuin. Phono 8411.32 FOR SALE 26 choice pigs, 7 weeks old. 1 young sow, due in 2 weeks, Frank Murray, RR 1 Seaforth, phone 852-24 FOR SALE' 7 Durham steers, coming 2 years. Lot 20, Con. 2, Hibbert, 1+1.10 Dublin BOARDERS WANTED Room and board in comfortable home with all conveniences. Gfals preferred. Phone 68610 Seaforth HOUSE TO RENT Furnished house including TV, etc. Oil heat. Suitable for young couple with smell family. Fes .rent and some cash in eaehenge £or board for one adult. Apply Box 127, The Seaforth News eter. A discussion was held •an regard, to entertaining other so- cieties. The scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Elsner Web- Baby £urrhiture, large size metal crab Watson.'Webster a a , a,1., b, � harness and sumo bedding. Phone 651x23 Web- ster. Mrs. W arson e; s er pea with clean felt mattress, large enamel. from the (Missionary (Monthly bath, high ,,l i awing commode chug The study book was taken y Mrs. Watson Webster and Mrs. Harvey Hayter. Mrs. Pitt closed the meeting with: the •Benedic- tion. (Lunch was served by the village 'group and a social hour enjoyed. FOR SALE Single bed, mattress and springs, in good condition. Phone 381w, Mrs. Reith TO RENT Maintained apartment on James St, two rooms and bath. Separate entrance, Phone 782 FOR SALE Kitchen 20X18, well built and ineul- TURNER'S W. A. ated, to be removed from premises. Prior bo (Easter the visiting George Gto00,. Seaforth $30r11. :committee of Turner's W. A. a chicken. shhellteoe ,nEAl condition. made nine calls and'.presented Torrance Dundas, Walton. 90x5 Brussels Easter boxes to the (people called FOR SALE Registered Hereford bull 18 months old. Herd accredited. Sam McClure, 12112 Seaforth. Phone 844x14 ,. CARD OF THANKS Thank You -I wish to thank all the friends and neighbors and the pupils of SS 6 McKillop for their kindness and gifts and flowers, and also to Dr. Gor- will LOIS BEUk10MAN Mrs.. Dan Buns wishes to thank the C.W.L. of Dublin, the doctors of the Clinic, nurses ofthe hospital for all their kindness; also ail who visited her, sent flowers, fruits, candy and -cards and all who helped at home. Everything was deeply appreoiwted My sincere thanks to doctors of Sew - forth Clinic, nurses and stair of Sea - forth hospital, for kindness received while there; also those who sent dowers and cards. MRS. MILDRED WALKER Thank You -Toe Manley and his fam- ily, Marie, Patsy, Ruth and Keith, wish to thank all their many friends and neighbors for the farewell party which' was giver them before departing for their new home in Stratford. also for the lovely gifts which were presented to them, a TV chair and smoke stand. Also. iewelle,y to each of the ikamiltr. The family of the late Mr. Charles Riley wish to thank Rev. White, also neighbors and friends who sent flowers and cards, or assisted in any way during their recent bereavement ; everything Was deeply appreciated CONSTANCE The Golden Links Mission Band held their regular meeting on April 8th in the church base- ment. Opened by repeating the M. B. Purpose. Business was transacted, collection taken. by Billie Whyte, 77c. 14 meanbels present, Story and study books were taken by (Mrs. Mellwain, The W.A. and' WMS held their Easter Thankoffering aneeting in theSunday School room on Wednesday of last week. The W. A. opened by singing a hyanll and all repeating the -,Lord's Prayer. Psalin 76.8 was read by Mrs. Verne Dale.. Cards were read from Mrs. G. (Cook and the fancily of the late Mrs. Ritngil'1. Roll call was answered by 14 ladies. The ladies are invited to .Mrs, (Rev.) White's at Londes- boro for the May aneeting. Mrs. McGregor and Mrs. W. L. Whyte will look after the lunch for that meeting. Mrs. Frank Riley was appointed to see about the ceiling and sanding of the kitch- en floor. 'Collection was taken and the aneeting turned over to the W.M.S. The W.M.S. opened with Mss. E. Lawson, group leader, presid- ing. 'Hymn 100 was sung, fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs. Mc- Gregor. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt Mrs 'ItfcGregor gave a report on the bale which was valued at $127. A reading was given by Mrs. Earl Lawson. Hymn 502 was sung and (Mrs. Borden Brown gave .the .Stewardship paper. A reading was given by 'Mrs. Jos. Babock and Mrs. Geo. Mc[1wain sang a solo .accompanied by Mrs. Frank Riley. Study book was ta- ken by Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. Bill Dale. Mrs. '(Rev.) White was our guest speaker, who spoke on "Christ on the Cross of Love". The collection was taken and meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. on. The ladies of Turner's Church hold a quilting in the 'church basement on Tuesday, April 10 +when, two quilts were quilted and a ten cent tea was served. On Wednesday evening, Apr. 11, Turner's W. A. and Young People met with 'Ontario .St, congregation to see two very fine Mans on the National Evan- gelistic Mission. Following this the regular monthly meeting was (held at the hone of Mrs. A. G. Eagle with Mrs. Ernie 'Crich as 'cohostess. The roll call was ,answered by a verse of en Eas- ter hymn. Mrs. W. Rogerson read the scripture and Mrs. Mel- vyn Falconer led in prayer. Mrs. Fred (McGregor gave an inspir- ing Easter message. Mrs. (Prank Falconer sang a solo accompan- ied by Mrs. Fred •M'eiGregor. Mls. Eimer Townsend conducted- the business. Questionaires were handed out to be filled in fby the members regarding the National Evangelistic 'Caonpaign. The W. A. decided to be responsible for the stationery and mailing of literature during the campaign. Dards of thanks were read from those receiving Easter cards and those receiving "get well cards". Mrs, Ed Layton thanked the la- dies for an Easter Lily_ and 'Mrs. A. G. Eagle for the box of fruit. Plans were made to invite Ont- ario St. and McKillop 'Charge W. A. to 0702 visitors' aneeting on June 18 when 'Mrs. A. G. Eagle *ill be guest sneaker, Following the (business a very interesting hat parade was stag- ed when hats were modelled dat- ing from 1898 to 1946. This was in form of a contest when all present guessed the year the bat modelled was worn. Following the young people's meeting at Ontario St. rainrch, they joined with the ladies for lunch. The next meeting will be held o11 May 9 with Mrs. W. Roger- son and Mrs. Ed Layton host- esses. Roll call, the name of a good citizen of the Bible. Mrs. Ken Rogerson will give the topic. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil 'Oke of London visited friends here over bhe weekend. A large congregation filled the United ,Church on Sunday W • ,5 • 7, e • • vi Fy • 0 • q • 0 0 0 • • • 5 0 0 P • • • • • FOR A FIVE YEAR TERM • 0 • w. • • • • 1° :,UST CEG�TnTillfi'IiCATES 47 0. • . • b • Head Office - London, Ont. District Representatives FOR SALE Some baled hay, timothy seed. Phone 2$3,81. John W. Thompson CAPONIZINGI Canonizing. Ten days old •21/4 weeks old. G. L. Martin, phone Carlow 1922, RR4 Goderioh, or contact Wm. Bender - $00 Poultry Farm. Egmondville. Guar- anteed 100% against hemorrhage SALESMEN WANTED Agents wanted to sell - high quality productsat low price. Excellent com- mission, Do not miss this money making propositioih. Write for details to: Fan- ilex, Station 0, Montreal TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for SS No. 3 Mul- lett Tn., in village of Constance. Duties to commence Sept. 4, 1916. Single room school with all modern eo vonienees• Ap- ply stating qualifications, salary, etc„ to W. R. Scott, Sec.-Treas., Seaiortn Inn WANTED Crass wanted for any number of cat, tle, five to thirty head. Alvin Beuer- man, phone 22115 Dublin Clearing Auction Sale 0£ .Farm Stock and Machinery. At Lob 80, Con, 2, LRS, Tueke•smith Tn.. 1 mile east of Brumfield, or 6 miles s'west of Seaforth,. on Thursday, May 8 at 1 P.M. Cattle-Guainsey cow, fresh. Red cow due in June. 2 year old Guern- sey cow due in Sept. 2 cows mirkiag. 2 fat heifers, 2 fat steers. 2 two year old heifer, 6 yearling steers and heifers, 1 calf. Poultry- 95 Leghorn pullets. 80 year-old hens. Machinery - Massey Harris binder,. 6 ft. Mower 6 ft, Massey Harm's 4 bat side rake on rubber (like new)... Fleury Bissel spreader on rubber (like new). 2 drum steel roller. Cultiv- ator. Bean cultivate -F. 4 section har- rows, plow. seul2ler, disk. 13 run £e1- t,hzer drill. Rubber tired wagon and rack. 2000 lb. scales. wagon box, stock rack. Fanning mill, Viking electric cream separator with motor. 10s12. col- ony house, shelters, cedar posts, 30 rods Woven fence, barb wire, grain bags, forks, shovels. ropes, pails, harness, horse collars, bag track, 8 steel barrels, churn, robes, some household effects, Terms cash. No reserve, Farm sold Prop., Wm. Nesbitt. Aust., Harold Jackson. Clerk, E, P. Chesney E Small Quebec0 oalSheateer. Wm. Man- ley, 40r4 Dublin FOR SALE Steel clothesline, the line that needs no pins, does not rust, lifetime guaran- tee with every line, Alphonse Cronin, Phone 221.23 Dublin FOR SALE General purpose team, Belgian and Blood, 0 and 10 years. A half Shetland Pony 4 yeas old. Art McClure, RRl I3lyth. Phone 23,12 Blyth McKI LLOP The Easter bhankoffering meeting of Bethel WMS and W. A. was held at the 'church on Thursday afternoon, 'April 5th. Teenie 'Dennis, president of the W1lIS opened the meeting by welcoming members and guests. The guests were present from Duff's and Winthrop Societies. Hymn 258 was sung followed by scripture reading by Mrs. Ralph McNicol. Prayer was :given by Mrs. Moss (Leeming. A quartet from Bethel sang "The' Old Rug- ged (Cross". Other numbers were given by Duff's and Winthrop. IMLs Hoiden then led in prayer. The guest speaker, Mrs 'Hall, of Seaforth was introduced by Eth- el Dennis. Mary Dennis favored us with a solo. ,Mrs. Wm, Roe thanked the guest speaker for her very inspiring talk. Hymn 97 was sung, followed by bhe 'Ben - FOR SALE Frame stable In Seaforth, Gordon Dick, Seaforth. Phone 01 LAWN MOWER & SMALL ENGINE SERVICE we specialize in sharpening, overhaul parts and repair service on all makes of lawn mowers and small engines. Crown hardware, phone 797 FOR SALE OR RENT House has eight rooms with electric lights and water, with basement. Also a garden and garage. Immediate posses- sion. Mrs. ,James Barron. telephone 195 R Seaforth THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, April 19, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions• Phones: Day 43 Night 696W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seatorbh SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster. B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. urday only 7-0 pan. Appointments made in advance arc desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.9. W. R. ARYANS, D,V.M., V.S. Maim St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Picone 791. Main St„ Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30• PM; Clinton -McLarens Studio, Mon. 0 to 5.30 TO RENT A three roomed heated apart- ment, private bath. Enquire at News Office - FOR SALE A used piano, Quebec heater, medium size, two beds. Enquire at News Office FOR SALE One two section spring tooth harrow, and a 0 fk tandem disc. Both in Al shape. W. E. I•Ianey, phone 602-33 NOTICE POULTRYMEN For highest prices for fowl (hens or roasters) contact Mel Dale or G. Me- Llwahh. Phone Seaforth SSOW, or 841 r14 after 6 P.M. DON'T WHITEWASH — USE CARBOLA_ The superior disinfecting white water paint, won't peal or rub off; for poultry houses, collars, milk rooms, etc. See it at Crown Edwe, phone 797 GLAD'BULBS 10 for 75c, 10 for 90c. Packaged 25 for 90c. Eric Milner Flowers, phone 393 Seaforth STOP Use Fire Chief Chemical Chim- ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and carbon from your 011 Burners & Furnaces. No muss, fuss, or odor. Just sprinkle three tablespoons in fire box. For sale at Seaforth Farmers Co-op FORTY YEARS AGO From 'The 'Seaforth News, April 19:16 Weddings: On April 17th, Lily May Pebhick, and Robert Henry Joynt, both of ,Seaforth. On April 19th, Lillian May Twiss and Alexander •MeGavin,'both of :Seaforth. Mr. John Button was awarded the Rowell 'prize for Church History at Convocation of theo- logical students at Victoria Col- lege. Many friends will be glad to see Mr. and 'Mrs. John Robb home again after a long sojourn in Alberta. Robert Penhale has returned to Bayfield after 'taking a 'car- load of horses to ,Saskatchewan. During a thunderstorm Ben Spencer's pig house at Bayfield was (burned. Neighbors helped save an adjoining stable. ediction. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From 'bhe .Seaforth News, :April 1981 Formation of the Huron Coun- ty Livestock Association was planned. There was discussion of com- memorating in some way the founder of the (Garter scholar- ships "who is buried at :Seaforth. 'Miss S. :Govenlock and Miss A. H. Camplbell returned from spending the winter at ;St. Pet- ersburg, Florida. 1'. W. Dalxoch has rented Mr. Close's house - on Jarvis street. Mr. and Mrs. L. _libelihait are returning from Stratford and will occupy their house on God °rich. Street. Ma.-, Joseph liugill's barn on • the town line was burned. The' barns on the farm of Geo. • Armstrong, two miles southwest of Hensel', were burned with F. G. Bosthron, Hensel]. — Watson & Reid, Seaforth • heavy loss. (Children playing with • ,matches was the cause. • '`Uncle Tom's 'Cabin" was • • • • • • • • showing at 'Seaforth by a road show. 61 ® • • - • • • •, • • 0 • • • • 0 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All )rinds of Insurance risks ef- fected tfected at lowest rates in Pint. Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturer's Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth., Directors -J. L. Malone, 8g,..h; J. H. 'Hawing, Blyth; W.S. Alexander.. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield ; C. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderioh; R. Archibald, Seaforth ; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. House andFOR PropertySALE in Tucker - smith, 4 miles south of Egmond- ville. Two storey frame house and small stable, 7 acres of land, John Smith, phone 651r2 Seaforth FOR SALE 5 h.p. Simplicity garden tractor, 3 forward speeds and reverse, with lights, stand, wheel wei:,,it1s and counter weight, 10" plow cultivator, disc, scraper, snow- blower, seeder, roto mower, used 1 season. Also 74/ 11.9, Firestone outboard motor. Both iu excellent condition. Apply Max Carter, Eg- mondv171e, phone 454W after 6 FARM FOR SALE 77% acres of good clay loam soil, bank barn, frame house, driving shed, drilled. well, 30 acres of fall ploughed, balance in pasture and grass. Geo. Fox, Wal- ton alton RR1. Phone Seaforth 830r33 FOR SALE • Riding type garden tractor, 7 h.p. complete with plough, drag harrows, cultivator, and disc har- rows. Used one year. Crown Hardware, phone 797 For Your Lawn and Garden FSrtilizer, garden peat, bone meal, sheep manure, liquid fertil- izer and soil conditioners. Lawn roller, lawn sweeper, fertilizer spreader for rent. Crown Hard- ware, phone 797 FOR SALE Several purebred. Canadian Yorkshire hogs, desirable type, serviceable age. Can be register- ed. J. Arnold Jamieson 616w4 Clinton HU 2982.8 "Dollars and Sense" if you seed cash through the .r9mails, you run a real risk of losing it. For your own peace of mind, it's far wiser to send money orders. The 'small amount a money order costs, assures you that your money will be safe and sound. No one can receive the cash except the person to whole you send the money order. Next time you want to send money, whether $5.00 or $500.00, call in on us for a money order or bank draft. This takes only a few minutes to arrange. It's one of the many helpful banking services we provide. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 Res. 818 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals roar land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of -the earth in your fields and have deem analyzed. • Ca11 Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber secede). mailedpostpaid in plain smiled envelope with price list, 6 samples 250; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont LOVELL McGUIRE Sege Dealer, Wingimm. Phone 598. Can solve your milking problems. Con- tact for faster, safer, more complete milking. More farmers switch to Surge RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radioe. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House phone 347R, Seaforth Cream AND ERVAll Viking e electric models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for die- h4et of Seaforth, Clinton and Brumfield. Allowance made for used Separators. Basil O'Rourke,Brucofield, 634r21 Clinton Repairs for Otseo,. Fleury Bissel impl'a NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding- Association "Where Better - Brills Are Used'= Artificial -Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton HU 2-8441 collect, between 7.30 and 10 A.M. on weekdays and 7.30 and 9,30 A.M. on Sundays. For Sale , OWN YOUR OWN 'HOME OFFERING YOU A niodel'n 2 bedroom brick dwell- ing just completed. O11e-floor plan. Oil heating Low Down Payment Balance monthly Frame cottage on James' 'St. Reasonably priced.- Immediate posSeeiion Two bedroom stucco cottage, - with ail, modern conveniences including 2-plece bath,':hardwo,'. floors, modern kitchen. Full basement Pith furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonablypriced and al- most immediate possession. M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47