HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-04-12, Page 8NewestTweedShorties Here's a special group of newest tweed Shortie Coats picked up at a very big dis. count. These coats are a standard $.29.95 line, tailored in this season's best styles featuring full backs and new collar and sleeve treatment. All are full silk lined with many exclusive tailoring fes. tures. Shades are yellow, pink, blue, white, beige and grey. All sizes, REGULAR 29.95 VALUE 19a95 Distinctiveive ALL WEATHER COATS Top quality all weather coats with full minium lin. Ings—most of these have matching hats and belts. New tweed effects and plain cloths in a wide range of spring shades. Styled by Wilson, Duval and Posl u n. Sizes 10 to 22%z. 29.95 STEWART BROS. HENSALL Mrs. Emalie Schroeder is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Storey and family at Tillsonburg. Miss Etta-7arrott and Miss Vera Colbert of Toronto spent the weekend at their homes on highway 4. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Simpson spent the past week visiting with relatives in Toronto. Mr, Geo 'Glenn is 'confined to his ram owing to illness. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery, Amber Lodge Meets Noble Grand, Mrs. Archie MacGregor presided at the re- gular meeting of Anlbei' Rebek- ah Lodge 349. The charter was draped in memory of the late Mrs. Letitia Sangster. Mrs, S. Rennie, Vice Grand, reported cards and flowers sent to mem- Ibers who were ill, Arrangements were made for the Past Noble Grands to attend dhe District meeting to be held in Clinton on ,April 18th at 3 o'clock. ''The Financial Secretary, (M'rs. 'G Vodland gave a report of the bake sale and tea (which was held in March. At the 'close of the meeting d'eg'ree practise was held ccndiwdted by ;Mrs, (Sam Dougall. IDr, A. R. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell of (Guelph attended the ,funeral of the late Mrs, ,Letitia .Sangster and visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Maclaren W. B. Elder William 'Benjamin Elder,, 62, wdro (deed Friday at 'London, was a (graduate of the Ontario Agri- cultural (College, and farmed most of his life in 'Hay twp. For several years he was sec.-treas., of the 'Ontario Threshermen's Association, was active in the Plowmen's Association, and in the feed and grain business, .and (was the first president of the Federated Agricultural Associa- %ion of Hay twtwp.He was twice married, Surviving besides his wife, are two sans, Harold and Kenneth, (Hay twp., one daugh- ter, •Mrs, (Farling Lund, IG1eve- 1and; two (brothers, John, Osha- wa; !Lorne, Hamilton; and four sisters, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Hen- son; Mrs. A. E. Howe, Hyde Park; Mrs. Lyle .Stadiham, Kings- ville, and Mrs. Delbert Geiger, Z:urict. Private services were conducted ;Monday at 2 ppm.. my Rev. C. D. Daniel, Miss Shirley Chapman 1R. N, of Sarnia 'visited over the week- end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne (Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell were recent visitors with relatives in London, Mrs, Ron Moir and daughter of'Strathroy were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moir. MacDonaldRev. Donald MacDonald con- ducted "communion service ' in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning when a large class of communicants joined the congregation by profession of faith. Mrs. Wm. Brown con- tributed a vocal solo entitled, "The Lord's Prayer". Mrs, Har- old Bell presided at the organ. dr, and Mrs. Rapson of Sum- merSum- merHill have purchased the dwelling owned by Miss Alice Kyle on Main Street. Mr, and Mrs. John (Cornell have pur- chased the dwelling owned by Mrs, Flora iConsltt, also on Main street. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. R. Boyes nvho has spent some weeks with her sister, Miss May Stolbie in Detroit, has re- turned to her home, her sister returned with her. Mrs. Ivy Henderson has been visiting with her daughter, 'Mrs. Gordon Ohurchward and Mr. (Ohurchward, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Houston of Ayton were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Andrew 'Hou- ston and Miss Frances Houston. Rev. A. W, and Mrs. Gardiner of Alvinston called on Mrs. J. S. Watson on Tuesday. Rev. Andrew H. and (Mrs. Mc- Kenzie and family of Islington visited with the former's mother Mrs. Hugh McLachlan and Mr. McLachlan, also with Mrs. Me- Kenzie's father, Mr, Thos. Ro- binson .and family. The Sacrament of Holy Com- munion will .be observed In Eg- anondville 'Church on Sunday, (April 15bh at 15 'a.m. Prepara- tory service on Friday at 8 pm. STELCO 1 T 0 R" began with incorporation in 1910. In the 46 years since then Steleo has Made 28,000,000 tons of steel; Paid $717,000,000 to employees; Paid $179,000,000 to government in taxes; Spent $1,365,000,000 for materials and services; Invested $232,000,000 in plants. The above figures show how Steleo has contributed to the wealth and progress of Canada. STEEL C THE C NY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO WALTON Mr. ,Kenneth (Ryan has return- ed to St, Jerome's College, alt Kitchener, atter spending 'his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph !Ryan. The April ,meeting •o$ the Wal- ton W. A. met on 'Thursday aft- ternoon with 24 ladies present. Mrs. K. MciDonald, 2nd vice pre- sident took charge of the meet- ing. The meeting opened by singing hymn 215 with Mfrs. J. Bryans at the piano. Scripture reading, 'Psalm 16, was read by Mrs. A. Tulnlbull. Biome reading, Easter Gladness, by Mrs. K. Mc- Donald, The W. A. theme song was then sung. .Sec. report was read and approved, also thank - you cards. Treas. report was given by Mrs. Coutts, on hand $279!58. Closing hymn 236, The meeting closed with ,prayer. SECTOR PROJECT IRev. R. G. (McMillan, 'Gorier-. ieh, has been named ,director 'of the Stewardship (Sector Project for the Presbyterian Presbytery of Huron -Maitland. Co -directors willhe Rev. T. J. McKinney of Teeswater. A steering cotmnittee coonpris- ing the minister and represen'ta- tive elders from the congrega- tions wilting to participate were named. /The following congregations to date are participating; Got= elic�h, Seaforth, Teeswater, Molesworth and .Gorrie. The sector project is a 'com- bination of the (Every Person .Canvass anti Visitation Evangel- ism. '.Congregations FOR SALE Single bed, anattress and springs, kitchen 'cabinet, all in good condition. Phone 3.31 W, Seaforth, FOR SALE A good Durham cow to fresh- en April 20 and ayoung calf. ,Also brass mounted team harn- ess and .collars. George Cod- clough, Clinton, R. R. 1, Phone 61.3 3 3. WANTED Want to borrow $3,000 payable in 3 equal instalments, 7%. Live- stock and land for security, A.p- ply to Box 127, Seaforth News WANTED TO BUY Wanted, a steel land roller. Phone 6501.23 FOR SALE House and property in Tucker- smith, 4 miles south of Egmond. ville. Two storey frame house and small stable, '7 acres of land. John Smith, phone 65112 Seaforth FOR SALE About 200 bales of hay, timothy and alfalfa. George Rock, Dublin 24r4 STOP Use Fire Chief Chemical Chim- ney Cleaner to eliminate soot ancl carbon from your Oil Burners & Furnaces. No muss, fuss, or odor. Just sprinkle three tablespoons in fire box. For sale at Soaforth Farriers Co-op FOR SALE Alfalfa and timothy seed. Chas, Lane, phone 6471'12 GLAD BULBS 10 for 75e, 10 for 90e. Packaged 25 for 90c, Eric Milner Flowers, phone 393 Seaforth TO RENT A three roomed heated apart- ment, private bath. Enquire at News Office FOR SALE A used piano, Quebec heater, medium size, two beds. Enquire at News Office WANTED A used tricycle. Phone 836014 Seaforth FOR SALE A chestnut Belgian gelding, 12 years old. James Carnochan, Seaforth THANK YOU We'd like to thank all otu' nei- ghbors, friends, and relatives and the W,A. for ail their kindness to us since my return from Seaforth Hospital and also thanks to Dr: Brady and Rev. Holden and every one who carie to see ire, Mrs. Joseph Thornton FOR SALE A quantity of loosehay. Phone 37x17 Dublin. Wni. J. Flannigan FOR SALE Several purebred Canadian Yorkshire hogs, desirable ,type, serviceable age. Can be register- ed. J. Arnold Jamieson 616w4 Clinton HU 2-9838 FOR SALE Riding type garden tractor, 7 h.p. complete with plough, drag harrows, cultivator, and disc har- rows. Used one year. Crown Hardware, phone 797 For Your Lawn and Garden Fertilizer, garden peat, bone meal, sheep manure, liquid fertil- izgr and soil conditioners. Lawn roller, lawn sweeper, fertilizer spreader for rent. Crowe Hard- ware, phone 797 FOR SALE Rubber tired lawn mower, used only 2 seasons. William Campbell, phone 486W FARM FOR SALE 773 acres of good clay loans soil, bank barn, frame house, driving shed, drilled well, 30 acres of fall ploughed, balance in pasture and grass. Geo. Fox, Wal- ton RR1, Phone Seaforth 3303.33 TO RENT Lower 3 room apartment, im- mediate possession..Phone 582W FOR SALE Quantity of hay, choice timothy and alfalfa, square baled. A. 11, Davidson, RR2 Seaforth, 667i3 FOR SALE Sherlock Manning upright pi- ano with bench, in good condition, Andrew Moore, RR3 Seaforth. Phone 647131 FOR SALE 5 h.p. Simplicity garden tractor, 3 forward speeds and reverse, with lights, stand, wheel weights and counter weight, 10" plow cultivator, disc, scraper, snow- blower, seeder, roto mower, used 1 season, Also 73's 11.p. Firestone outboard motor, Both in excellent condition, Apply Max Carter, Eg- lnonclville, phone 4541V after 6 FOR SALE Quantity timothy seed, $4,50 per bus., also sweet. clover seed $6 per bus. Wilfred Coleman, RR4 Seaforth. Phone 652x14 COMING EVENT The Ladies Guild of St. Thom- as Church are holding a rummage sale on Saturday, April 2Sth Two doubleeRlots L adjacent to town. Apply at The News office FOR SALE Quantity of good baled hay. Apply Norris Sillery, Seefolth 11123. Phone Clinton 62834 Auction Sale 'Clearing Auction sale of farm machinery and livestock at dot 32, con. X13, Grey twp., 1 anile north of Moncaieff or 8 miles west of Monkton on Wed. Apr. 18 at 1 p.an, Full line of farm machinery including Fordson major tractor with horn; manure loader and buck rake; Farmall cub (tractor with scuttler and mower .on hy- draulic locker arm shaft; Mc- Cormick Deering 15 -run fertil- izer seed drill with power lift; 3 furrow plow; spring tooth cul- tivator; :cult packer; double disc; hay loader; binder; Cock - Shutt manure spreader; (Case 24 -inch thrashing machine; 6 -ton rubber tired wagon; Surge 2 un- it milking machine 'and pump, piping for 25 cows i(neww type); also 'poultry equipment; hay and grain; Wisconsin motor 18 h.p. Prop., Van Alphen .Bros. Aust„ Harold Jackson Your child has TWO SITTERS watching over her - You never see this second sitter. Yet she is just a moment away — always alert and ready for help — at the other end of your telephone. Normally, should you want' to make sure that every- thing is all right at home you just call your sitter, or have her call you, ` But situations do arise when your sitter, or you, or anyone may be faced with an emergency. Then a direct call to Operator can bring help in a hurry. She is there to serve you to help make the tele- phone a guardian of your security and your peace of mind. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Auction Sale clearing • (Auction (Sale of farm stock, implements • and household effects, lot 24, con. 14 Grey twp., 2)6' (South of Brussels, 6 miles East, 614 .mines West No. 23 Highway oir Tues- day, April 17th at 12 o'clock. IOatble-1 Dui+hani cow due to freshen June 22; 1 Jersey cow due to freshen July 5th, 1 Jer- sey cow recently fresh; 50 Dur- ham and Polled Angus steers at 9'50 lbs. Pigs -12 York sows, Turn- bull breed, 4 with litters, (balance due May and June; 1 York hog Implements — 'Cockabudlt 30 Tractor with live power take -off in A-1 condition; New 3 -farrow' Cockshutt oilow;' 'C'ockshutt tram - tor disc; John Deere 17 -rum dill!; Jon'Deere tractor spread- er; International spring tooth' culblivator • 3 -ft. Mc IC o r an i c k Deering Hay Baler, Dike new; 40 ft..Senoker Elevator and 1 II. d'. Motor; New Litter (Carrier Buc- ket; 40 ex. ladder; steel tire wa- gon; rubber tired wagon heavy duty; 16 fit hay sack; John Deere power mower, 7 It. with 3. knives; 6 section diamond (har- rows; 1 set chain harrows; Cock - shaft one-way disc; IGockshwbt power side rake '(new) ; 10 tt cultipacker; 7 ft M. H. bind- er; 1 stock trailer; 1 implement trailer; all these ianpleanenbs are in like new shape. ,Steel water trough; 2600 db. scales; 18 in. power awn mower; 500 ft. snow fence; 50 'Steel posts; 26 cords hardwood; pile of cedar 'wood; 20 rod woven wire; 1/• ton nut coal; buggy; cutter,; good single harness; pig crape; quantity baled straw and (baled hay; 2 Beatty cars; 2 forks, ropes and pulley; 000 bus. !Clinton oats fit for seed; 200 bus. wheat; forks; shovels; -chains; tools, este• found about a faz'm.,i (Household effects -5 chicken (elates; 2 range shelters; stone boat; number of barrels; plank and lumber; $ 8 -gal. milk cans; steel pig troughs; iron kettle; 75 cedar posts; number of cedar poles. Selwyn Baker, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auct. Clearing Auction Sale (Gleaming Auction Sale of fawn stack and implements, lot 28, con. 4, Morris twp., 114 north of Brussels, 1 mile west, on Thurs. April 19, at 1 ,p.m. (Stock— 7 cows, Durham, nvith calves at foot; 2 2 -yr. old heif- ers ready for market; 7 yr. -old steers and heifers; 11 pigs seven weeks okl. 1.50 hens. Implements -1 Ford tractoi , plow; pulley; M. E. binder 7 ft. in good shape; McCormack Deering fertilizer drill nearly new; McCormick Deering side rake, nearly new; ICoekshubt stiff tooth cultivator; ,Frost and Wood 6 ft, mower; McCormick Deering drop head hay loader; set 4 -section diainond harrows; disc harrows, 2000 lbs scales; International hammer mill; M. H. cream separator and motor attached; 10 steel posts; emery and motor; 1/3 motor, heavy dusty, (nearly new) ; team barn ess; road cart; ladders; pig crate; steel pig troughs; 200 ft. snow fence; fanning mull; rub-. ber tired wagon; rack and grav- el box; quantity of lumber; bug- gy; manure spreader, Feed -500 bus. mixed grain; 7 ton mixed hay, baled. No re- serve; farm sold. 'RusselCurrie, Prop. (Harold Jackson, ,Aunt. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing aucltion Sale of farm, farm stock, machinery and household effects alt dot 27, con. 2, Stanley twp., 1% west, 1 mile south of (Clinton R'ad'ar 'School on Friday, April 13th at 12.30 Horses Black Perclheron team (1400 llbs.), {Cattle—Doulhann cow due time of sale; Durham cow due in June; 6 Durham cows fresli with calves et foot; Durham (bull two years old; 2 steers ready for market; 1 heifer ready for 3nar- ket; 4 Hereford and Durham steers rising 2 years old; 2 Dur- ham heifers ((850 lbs); 5 Dur- ham steers .and heifers 1 year Hogs -2 York sows bred 2 months; 20 York chunks "(90 lbs) (Machinery—Oliver 77 Stand and tractor fully equipped (like new) (Oliver 2 -furrow plow; Mc- Cormick; Deering 3 -furrow :plow; John Deere tractor disk; 24 -inch Dion threshing machine •(like new), shredder and drive belt; 'MacCormick 16 -disk fertil- izer drill ((like new), Manure. spreader on iulbirer; McCormick Deering side rake (like new); 8 -it. mower; spring tooth culti- vator • 3 drum steel roller; 5 -sec- tion diamond harrows; M. H. 7-ift (binder in good condition; M. H. Tray loader; Sulky rake; 6 -ft. mower; 7•d't. (C'ockshutt tractor mower and power lift; rubber - tired farm wagon, fiiat Tray rack' scuffler• set farm sleighs and rack; set of scales; Renfrew cream separator with motor; fanning mill 'with motor; Gehl hammer mill .(new)' grain throw- er and pipes (new) ; extension straw blower pipes; root pulper; grain (grinder with 3 h.p. motor; power ,emery; rip saw; circular saw; 'aluminum wheel barrow (new) ; quantity syrup equip- ment; sap pails and pan; colony house 12x12, new; brooder; quantity of used steel roofing; new steel posts; cedar ,posts; 1 and 2 inch elm; eai+penter• tools and other !tools. Farm: Alt the same place the farm will :be offered for sale 3 p.2. 1160 acres, frame house with all modern conveniences. Nene 2 -car garage, L bank barns with hydro and water, good stabling. 130 acres suitalble for drop and pasture, 20 acres of (hardwood bush. Ininlediate possession. 10 -per cent clown, balance in 30 days,' sold subject to reserve ibid. Prop., 'Estate of late William ;5]nclail. Anct,, Harold Jackson, THD SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, April 12, 1456 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physiclan and Surgeon Phone 90 ,Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D, Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforbh SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster B,A.; M.D., Internist- P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Olfice Hours, 1 pan. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Snnday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Aarpointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seufor-6h daily except Mon., 9 to. 6.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM; Clinton, —Motarene Studio, Mon. 9 to 9.30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks et- fected at lowest rates in Mat - Class Companies INSURANCE • FFire • Auto • Accident. • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MA1'N ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coat' the solid fuel for solid comfort. WILLIS DUND . CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-11 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM Me HART Office Phone 784 - Res, 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals land does not need, We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth AL Hygienic Supplies (r n(rseale nvelop)• mailed postpaid in.plain sealed envelope with price list, 0 samples 260; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. LOVELL McGUIRE Surge Dealer, Winghaw. Phone 993. Can solve your milking problems. Con- tact for faster, safer, more complete milking. More fanners switch to Surge RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 34719, Seaforth SALES AND SERVICE Viking Crean- Separators. All electric models and gear type. models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for dis- trict of Seaforth, Clinton and Brucefield. Allowance made for used Separators, Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. 634r21 Clinton Repairs for Otaco, Fleury Bisset impl's FOR Some baled hay, timothy seed and bea- ver oats. Phone 833x31. John W. Thompson FOR SALE One two section spring tooth harrow, and a 6 ft. tandem disc. Both in Al shape. W. E. Haney, phone 062-33 FOR SALE OR RENT House has eight rooms with electric lights and water, with basement. Also a garden and garage. Immediate posses- sion. Mrs. James Barron, telephone 191 R Seaforth A quantity FOR timotl SAL seed. Lewis Bolton, phone 840x22 Seaforth NOTICE POULTRYMEN For highest prices for fowl (hens or roasters) contact Mel Dale or G. Me- Liwain. Phone Seaforth 6801V, or 841. 1'14 after 0 P.M. LAWN MOWER & SMALL ENGINE SERVICE We specialize in sharpening, overhaul parts and repair service on all mattes of lawn mowers and small engines. Crown Hardware, phone 707 DON'T WHITEWASH — USE ARThe superiorCdissl BOLA white water paint, won't peal or rub .off: for poultry !rouses, cellars, milk rooms, eta. See it at Crown Hdwe, phone 707 FOR SALE Plant Huron county's most profitable grain crop. Be sure you use the best seed corn available for either grain crop or ensilage. Phone 668r28 Seaforth for your supply of Ponk'o G. Hybrid seed corn. W. A. Haugh & Sons, "Btueefield, exeln- sive dealers for .Tul:keromith SALESMEN WANTED Alert dealers can average $5 au hour selling useful products. Womenalso qualify for this posi- tion, osition, Openings -in your surround- ings. ' Familex, Station 0, Mont- real Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47