HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-04-12, Page 5TIIE SDAPORTH HEWS—Thursday, April 12, 1250 SUPERIOR SPECIALS Canada Packers Kam, 12 oz tin..,. 37c RED ROSE TEA, Black :. . . ........ ... 1/2 T 55c 5o OFF ELLMA'.R PEANUT BUTTER .... 16 oz.' Jam 29c AYLMER TOMATO CATCHUP 2 for 390 11 oz. Bottles TOMATO SOUP, 10 oz. Tins 3 for 25c QUAKER MUFFETS 2 Boxes 31c SEACLIFFE CHOICE TOMATOES28 oz, tin 23c WETHEYS RASPBERRY JAM .. , . 24 oz. Jar 31c ALL ! WASHING POWDER 2 lb Size 69c CONCENTRATED NEW AYLMER CHOICE CREAM STYLE CORN 15 oz. Tins .. 2 for 25c LYONS VACUUM PACK COFFEE ....1 lb Tin 1.15 ALL PURPOSE GRIND Free Bicycle Free SEE IT IN OUR WINDOW WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT. SELF SERVE LOW PRICES KIPPEN EAST Kippen East W. I. will meet in No. 10 Tuckersmith school house on Wednesday, April 18; at 8 o'clock. Mis. Campbell Eyre and Mrs, Glenn Slavin are the host- esses. The Crediton W.T. will be their guests. 1toll call, "Little Things that make a Route happy". Guest speaker will be Mrs. Al- liston, Mrs. Sterling Graham will RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allan WED„ APRIL 18 In Seafortlt Community Centre Music by Hank Norris Orchestra* EVERYBODY WELCOME give a paper on The Early Set- tlement of Western Ontario. The history of Blue China will be given by Mrs. 'Norman Mc- Leod There will be a poem "Blue Willow" in rhyme by Mrs. harry Caldwell. Current events by Mrs: Art Finlayson. Music by Mrs. W. Workman. A. contest by Mrs. H. Caldwell. Demonstration by the '(thrifty Kippenettes. Lunch committee Mrs . John .Cooper, Mrs. Verne Aldordice, Mrs. 3. McNaughton, Mrs. R. On - shall, Mrs. (toss Broadfoot, Mrs. W. Kyle, Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mrs., J. Drum- mond, Mrs. Ivan Forsyth, Mrs. Chas. Eyre and Mrs. Win. Bell. WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF T ertilnzer For Immediate Pickup or Delivery AT SPECIAL REDUCED SPRING PRICES SEAFORTH FARMERS ,co -Operative TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 195G The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the -Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. C. L. .Moore and family of Prescott returned to their home after spending a Week with 'Mrs. H. Lawrence, Goderdch street. Mrs. J. Taman and Lynn re- turned to Port Huron after visiting at -the Mame of Mr. anti Mrs. E, H. Close. 7.' -'Sgt. J. 'Tasman will be home- ward. (bound April 14'bh after. ,his tour of '18 months in Okin- awa and Japan. M'es, (toss Mardis Was called to Woodstock on .Sunday owing to the .death of her uncle, Mr. George Reau'me. Mrs. Gordon 'Ferris and Bren- da are spending the week in Mount Forest. IMr. .Anderson Scott left an Tuesday for a !month's visit to Saskatchewan. !Mrs, James Taman and dough ter Lynn have returned to their home in 'Port Huron. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Hotham and family spent a few -days in Galt with Mrs. Qlobhasn's parents, Mr. and -Mrs. P. W. Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. E. McIver, Port IQollborne were 'weekend guests at the home of Mrs. H. McIver. Miss Mary 'Devereaux, of Tor- onto, visited •with her '.parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Debereaux for a few 'days. Mr. John iLauden'baeh •and Mr, Peter Woodcock, Sarnia, spent •bhe weekend with "Mr, and Mrs. L, Landenlbach. 'Mr. and Mus. R. 'Hutchinson and family of Kitchener were guests of Mrs. :Ellen Bannon over the weekend. (Mise Coleen'Cleary of ,London speirib the Easter 'ho'lidays with Mr. and Mrs- W. J.'Oleary. Winner of the Fina Jeep last. week was R. A. Fades, of Sea- forth. 'Margaret and Stephen Ferris of 'Guelph were visitors last week with 'their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferris, Mrs. Elva Ellis attended the .O,E.A. convention in Toronto last week. Miss Gertrude ;Crich of Toron- to was a visitor here •last week. Mx`, and Mrs. H. E. Snaith were in 'London visiting Mr. 'and Mrs. Don Smith this week and also at Milverton. They are leaving on Thursday to visit at Niagara-onethe-(take and Young- stown, N. Y. for a week. HULLETT The 'Hullett Twp. Federation held a very successful card party and dance in the .Londesboro ;Community Hall on April 4th. Everyone reported • a good time. The prize winners were ladies' high, Mrs. Joe Flynn; low, 'Mrs. Arnold Dale; lone hands, Mrs. Harvey Taylor. Men's high, Jaek Riley; law, Andrew 'Lawson; lone hands, Murray Lyon. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Huron County Tuberculosis As- sociation in the board room of the Agricultural Office, Clinton, on Monday, April 30, at 8 P.M. The public are invited. F. E. Madill; President Mrs. J. B. Russell, Executive Secret'y Euchre and Dance AT WINTHROP HALL FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Sponsored by the Farm Union. Euchre at 8.30 p.m. Local arehes- tra will furnish the music. Ladies please bring lunch Everybody Welcome PLAY MR. BEAN FROM LIMA Put on by Wroxeter Lions Club TUESDAY, APRIL IT At 8.30 P.M. In Walton Community Hall Sponsored by McKillop Group of Duff's United Church, Walton EUCHRE Program - Lunch Draw for Bed Spreads St. Colurnban Parish Hall FRIDAY APRIL 13 9 o'clock sharp 'Admission 50c Anniversary Sale APRIL 12 t0 21 SMYTH'S Shoe Store, Mitchell ARE CELEBRATING THEIR 10TH ANNIVERSARY WITH A GIGANTIC SALE t0tp.,pNttU..,N..,,..... ,fl..,..L.N"fluttO.,,.pp„tttttttttttttttRO."tht"tttttttttt{Q..ttttt".N,Upa",tt„t""tt„tut"U"tta.tttttt „I,,.u,ttUttt.tt14IUU4Ni Teen Age Leather Moccasins All Colors only 1.69 Women's Dressy Pumps Leather & Suede, Bill Br. & Red. Reg. to 7.95 sale 3.88 Children's Shoes Straps & Ties 2.88 Misses 'Blue & White Saddle Oxfords B & D widths 3.88 Misses Black Patent One strap 3.88 Men's Work Boots Hard wearing Composition Cork Soles special 5.88 Young Men's Dress Shoes Gores & Ties, Blk & Br. sale 5.88 kttlN{,Nttt,..ttt ttttttH.ttt,11 tttt tt ttttttt tt,t,ttttttt ttttttt.t„tp„tl . lull U tt 11,111,11111101111110tttt,,,It,,.,, tttt,'..0"„.,,,,I,„."ttt"tttttt'.,.t,ttt"1t,,,,, THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF ITEMS MARKED DOWN FOR THIS GIGANTIC SATE 15% discount on all Rubber Boots, Overshoes and Rubbers 10% discount on all new Spring Stock SM.YTII'S Shoe Store, Mitchell HIGH SCHOOL NEWS i(By Jack 'Melady) Well, now that bhe Easter va- cation is over, exa'min'ation re- ports are being returned. Wheth- er the results are good or bad depends on how hardwe worked between 'Christmas and Easter. The final exams come in about eight weeks for :those who have to write them. Grade 11 have,to write History and Physics, while grades 12 .and 13 'must write •all of the exams. The remaining eif'tses are exempted from writ- ing in June if they have a 70 per cent average on 'their iClhristmas andEaster nark, On April 20, the Girls' Ath- letic Society are sponsoring a Sadie Hawkins ;dance. bt will give the girls a •dhanee to ask the guy of their •choice. The dance will be a sock -'hop, hut the orchestra has not been :decided on as yet. Our (beloved IMr. 'Godard, the head of Uihe English Department, managed to contact ,the measles during the holidays. There were numerous groans from various quarters when he showed up on Monday morning. The second annual perform- once of "'Crossroads" is being presented Thursday and Friday nights in the gym. Many stu- dents are connected with this formanlce and they have been practicing every night this week, Mr." E, 3. Neville of the Stratford Normal School was at the school during the week in- terviewing prospective teaching candidates for next year. 10:n Monday, Mr. (Dobson ad- ministered a number of tests to grade 13. These tests are part a a research being conducted under the Atkinson Fund, to help :provide information about future university students. Well, now that winter anip,+ht finally be over, outdoor activities are beginning to take shape. Baseball and softball will now take the place of !basketball,. volleyball, and 'badminton. The trophy showcase in the lower hall was recently adorn- ed •with the new Harold Baker Trophy. I•t is a rectangular, wooden. trophy, with metal plat- ings, •and was won by the !Sea - forth Jr. Farmers, for the best club meetings of 1955-6. The ,members of 'the school hockey team are going to be given the opportunity of buying a hockey jacket, even though they were not declared the offi- edal WOSSA champions. Question of the week: Who didn'•t wash dishes en Monday? PENNY SALE (Continued from page '1 die; 20 pc. set dishes (donations) Mrs. Geo, McArthur, Walton;: nurses' kit, Joe 'Williams; edec- tris teaipot (Ross Sverige) Mrs. Jack 'Scott; vitamin capsules, Mrs. Win. Leeming; China Dow- er holder (Ferranti Electric) E. Merrier, Windsor; 2 cans Choc.. syrup, Mrs. (Art Henderson; fidhing rod :(:Bird Hart) Gillian Stevens; wall plaques :(tiler and Nott) '11. !Leslie; ice bucket {'B al d w.i n Hardware) G. A. Whitney; ,milk tickets .(1Seafortih Dairy) Mrs. C. A. Barber; doll ,(Steadman's) E. A.. McMaster; lotions. Mrs. John McGregor; (bedspread (Hospital Auxiliary) Mrs. Roy Wdldfong, Walton; 1 gal, white paint ,(Graves Wall- paper) Mrs. John Kerr, Dublin; shoe (palish •(~Hugh Thompson) Peter 'Sillery; lotions, Dianna Connmerford, Stratford; grease j•ob '(Mel 'Clarke) 'E H. 'Close; T. V. Snack table (A. Whitney) Elsie Doig; stroller •(+Hospital ,Auxiliary) Mrs. J. A. McKen- zie; fishing rod (Crown Hard- ware) 'sal Stevens; occasional chair (Bosharb Furniture) Mrs. W. 3. Cleary; 6 'polishing cloths, Henry Warnick; pillow cases, A. Whitney; 6 polishing sloths, 'Hil- da Austin; 'Hobbs-erazlt kit (Ontario ;Textiles) ~Barbara'Box; house :dress ,(E. Lorene) Barney Hildebrandt; 5 'gals. gasoline '((Cleve IGoomlbs) Mrs. C. B. Hen- derson; 6 spark plugs .QScobt Halbkirk) Freda Babrcock; 1 gal. motor oil ,(Canadian Tire Co.) Deborah Ann Pearce. visited in London on Thursday. Group 2 held a quilting parity at the home of Mrs. :Wilmer Broadfoot on Wednesday of last week. - Mr. and (Mrs, .Stanley Neal, Pat and Ron spent the Easter weekend with their another, Mrs, W. 1Stack'house. Mr. Jack Hathwell and friend spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred `Rath - BORN Dekroon — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Patel Dekroon, RR2 Dub- lin, a son Elliott—At Scott Memorial Flom' ital, on April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Seaforth, a daughter Transportation Specials 1946 Dodge Sedan 1949 Ford Sedan 1948 Plymouth Coach 1949 Austin Sedan No reasonable offer refused A'l” 325.00 675.00 325.00 160.00 Seaforth M otors OPEN EVENINGS PlIONE 541 abiliglinatiMOURSIONIZIO BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Men uila and Mrs. 'A.. Paterson •spent Good Friday with Mrs. 'Peterson's mother, Mrs. 1B. :Shoidice at Bnineley. 1Mr. and Mrs. Jas iOhalpmam of Brantford, spent the 'Easter hol- idays with Mr. ;Chapman's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. ''Loss 'Ohap- man. Miss Elea n o r McCartney spent the Easter holidays in New York. Miss Louise Allan is visiting with her (brother, IMr. Edgar Allan. Miss Kate Afdaregor el 'Wing - ham spent the holiday with. Mr. and 'Mrs. John NlctGregor. iMr. !Allen King and friend of Ottawa spent baster with his mother, (Mrs. B•en Keys, Mrs. Keys returned with them and lett by plane to visit her son Mervyn, in Winnipeg, for some time. 'Mr. and Mrs. lStewart Knox of Sarnia spent 'Good (Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Larne Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie spent the weekend with their son Mr. -and Mrs. 'Don McKenzie of St. Thomas. 'Little Stickle and Sharon 'B'urldge, 'c'hildren of Mr. ands Mrs. Wan, Burclge, had 'their 'tonsils removed at the ISeaforbh Mem- orial 'Hospital on 'Friday. 'Later Rickie had to he removed to Stratford on account of bleed ing, but' we are -.glad to report he is doing tfine now. Quite a number of ladies of the'WWMS. attended the meeting in the Ont. St., ;;United 'Church, Clinton, and enjoyed 'hearing of Miss McGowan's trip to Jernea-. letn. DZr. and Mrs. W. D. Wilson REMEMBER "Hinter 2” - when you call your friend s in CLIN TON commencing this Sunday, April 15th, everybody will be dialing in CLINTON and all numbers will change to start with: "HUnter 2" All the new Clinton numbers will .appear in the forthcoming STRATFORD- GODERICH telephone book this May. Be sure to bring your Blue Book of Telephone Numbers up to date for people you call in Clinton. Your calls will get through faster when you give your Long Distance operator "HUnter 2" and then the four figures. W. W. HAYSOM, Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA NEED A NEW Blue Book ? Phone or ask at aur office for a copy. It's free, in regular or pocket size. CAFETERIA FEEDS_ ARE YOUR BEST BET FOR PIGS Buy Them on Our Deferred Payment Plan at Cash Prices ... No Financing Charges If you are feeding pigs, here's an opportunity you can't afford to overlook. We are supplying the famous money- making Cafeteria pig feeds to many customers in this area, on' their agreement to pay when their pigs are marketed. No down payment, no interest, no financing charges, of any kind. Naturally, we must reserve the right to select our customers, on a deal of this kind ... but we aren't tough to deal with. Come in and talk it over. Cafeteria Suckling Pig Pellets are the best creep feed you can buy ... bar none. After weaning, continue to feed Suckling Pig Pellets for another two weeks, or feed Cafeteria Pig Starter. With good management, this plan of' feeding will snake you money this year, HENDERSON'S STARTED CHICKS Seaforth ., Phone 61541 JOIN A. ilfinDs ID Mitchem „ a . Phone 2