HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-04-12, Page 1The Sea.fcarth News
$1.50 a Year
Authorized as Second Claes man, Pooh
Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros.. Publishers
Barn Burned
Near Brucefield
Fire Iooanpletely destroyed the
large bank (barn of ^Kenneth Me -
Kenzie, Sid 'con L.R.S• Tucker -
smith, about two miles south-
east of ^Brucefield, on Tuesday'
night around 1.0 o'clock. (Cause
of the afire is unknown. are. Mc-
Kenzie and 'children were home
at the time, but Mr. McKenzie
was away.
Nothing was saved, Livestock
burned was three cows, four
calves and 34 pigs ready for the
market. Seven ,pigs wore sship-
ped 'lash week 'and the others
were to go immediately. A 'bin'd-
er and some other equipment
was lost.
The fire was ;first noticed by
a neighbor, Bussell ^Dallas, who
turned in the alarm. There is no
tel•epi] ions on the McKenzie
Tamm. Brucefieid and ;Seal -forth
fire brigades responded. The
northwest wind was carrying
sparks directly on the 'brick
house and firemen had to put
out a fire on the kitchen roof
;when they arrived. The main
part sof the house has a slate
roof. The welter supply 'being in
the middle of the barn, the fire
trucks had to rely on .their 400
gallon tanks,
It is understood the barn was
built by 'Henry 1VIonteille and
the faun was leiter owned by
William Chapma-n and Harold
Jackson before being purchased
some years ago by Kenneth Mc-
Kenzie. Mrs: McKenzie is the
former Miss Brodhagen, of Brod-
'Hydro was reconnected to the
house about 11.30 pen.
Garbage Truck
Burns At Dump
A garbage truck +belonging to
Francis IHicknell was damaged
by fire to the extent of over
4500 on Tuesday shortly before
6 pen, at the ^dump at Harold
Jae.:'.,._.. s gravel pit .at the
"mountain" in McKi11o!p. Soft
ground permitted the rear
wheels to drop down and caused
the truck to come in contact
with burning garbage in the
^dump. Before he could get the
truck away the upper part
caught fire and burned, inc'lu'd-
ing the 'cab. However the motor
and frame were found to be un-
damaged. Seaforbh fire brigade
responded to a call for help. The
truck is used for taking away
garbage from the 'Clinton radio
^Charles W. Riley, 72, who died
at his hone, at Constance Mon-
day night, had lived tlhere all lris
For many years he was a stone
mason, and later worked as a
cab:e°'e maker, until retiring in
1954:`He was a member of the
United Church, and of Britannia
Masonic Lodge, Seaforth.
Surviving besides his wile, the
former Mary J. ^McCall, are three
sons, Bernard, Kitchener; Fred,
Toronto; Alvin, Seaforth; one
brother, John, Brussels; and one
sister, Mrs, Robert Grim;oldby of
The funeral will be held on
Thursday under auspices of Brit-
annia Masonic Lodge, by the
Bev. 3. T. White, Interment will
be made in Maitlandbank Ceme-
Mr. H. Van Rooijen of Sea -
;forth R. R. 2, received a phone
call Tram bis twin brother, Mr.
G. Van Rooijen in Apeldoorn,
Holland, on Sunday morning, to
extend congratulations to M.
and Mrs, H. Van Rooljen whose
infant son was baptnzad on Sun-
day. He is planning to visit
Seaforth next year. The phone
call was received here at 3 o'-
clock in the morning which was
2 o'clock in the afternoon in
Joseph B. Druar '70, e/ R.R.
2, Dublin, ;who died' here Friday
night iii ;Scott Memorial Hospit-
al, had farmed most of his life
in Dublin district. Surviving be-
sides his wife, 'the former Mar-
garet Krauskopf, are four clang.,alters, Mrs. Lewis Tomlin, Mrs.
;Clifford MclClurg and Mrs. Wil-
lis Darling, all .of London; Mrs.
Lloyd Steinberg, Kitchener and
one sister, Mrs. John ^Montag,
IGariisruhe. Requiem High Mass
was held Monday, 9.30 a.m., in
St. Patrick's ^Church; Dublin.
Burial was in St. 'Clements Cean-
etery. Dr. J. B. apfoulkes 'of'frici-
Egmondville United Church
This Thursday, April 12 at ;8
p.:m,, Missions and Evangelism
night, two 'films supplied by the
Huron Presbytery. All members
and adherents are urged to at-
Friday, April 13 at 8 pm.,
Preparatory Service and Official
10 a.m., 'Church ;School
11 Holy ,communion
7 :Evening Praise
Thursday. April 19 at 7.30,
mid -week service.
McKillop Charge
Bethel ^C'hurch, Service at 10
a.m.;'Sunday School at 11 a.m.;
Cavan (Church, Winthrop; .Sun-
day School .at 10 a.an., Service at
111.15 aen.; Duff's. 'Church, ^Sun-
dsy'School et 1.30 pm., Service
2 pm. 'Cavan ;Church, 8 pre,
CGIT ,Re -Affiliation Service —
Alvin Hunter Killed
Near Brussels
Alvin L. Hunter, who was
killed in a head-on .crash on the
'county road south of Brussels
in a snowstorm Saturday, was
a resident of Seaforth for a num-
tber of years before moving to
Stratford some months ago. The
family lived, at the north end of
East Williain Street. Mr. Huet-
er was 67 and a carpenter by
trade. He is survived by his wife
and one daughter Joan. Also by
Tour sisters, Mrs, Anma^Beehley,
in California; Mrs. Mary 'Baker,
Listowel; Mrs. Enema McCallum
of St. Thomas, and Mrs. L.
Gordon. of ICranlbrook, and a bee
Cher, WvLliam, otf Oshanva.
Burial took place at ^Brussels
on Tuesday.
James G. ;Mullen, 80, 4oruner
manager of the 'Bank of ^Com-
merce here for 15 years, died on
Friday in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital 'after a long illness. He was
born at North Augusta., and
started his career with the bank
as a young man, and served at
many points in (Ontario. In 1907,
at San Francisco, he married the
Termer (Grace E. MoFaul of Sea -
forth, who survives. He was
manager of the bank here from
1917 to 1932. Active in church
and community affairs, he was a
member of First Presbyterian
(Church, .a member oaf bho session,
Based of managers, and for
many years sang in the •choir; He
was a past master of Britannia
Masonic Lodge, a past first pain-
eip'al of Malloch. ^Chapter R.A.M.,
and until recently its secretary,
a charter member and past pres-
ident of Seaforth (Lions Club,
and a anerrdber of 'Mocha Temple
Shrine, London. The funeral was
held at F i r s t Predbyterian
;Church, on 'Monday, Rev. D. G.
'Campbell officiated. Burial was
made in Maitlandbank 'Cemetery.
.Seaforbh Farmers' IG'o.0ipera-
tive held its executive meeting
on Monday evening In the town
hall when the officers were ap-
pointed. Robt. Campbell is presi-
dent, R. S. McKercher, vice
president, and Ross McGregor,
Hockey Bingo
Draw 2nd lot of numbers for
^Seaforbh Hockey ^ (Bingo, Prize
for first full .card nearing the
$.l00,00 mark and will increase
as more cards are sold at local
Thurs., Apr. 5, 8--6; Friday,
April 6, I-19; Sat., April 7,
0-68; Mon., .April .'9, B-9;
Tues., April 10, i-58; , Wed.,
April 11, 'D-62.
Previous numbers drawn: I-
27; N-31; :I-16; N-42; B-
3; 0-72.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie, Mar-
garet and Ann, Komoka, visited
on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
T. Laing.
Mr, and Mrs, Ross Boughton
and family, Stratford, spent the
week end with Mrs, M. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar
and family, Mitchell, visited on
Sunday with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Lindsay McKellar.
Mrs. Ruby Routly, Mrs. Alan
Soarers and David, St. Marys,
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. K. McKellar.
Mr. and Mrs, Otto Walker and
Alice visited on Friday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cock -
well, Dashwood.
Word has been received here of
the death of Mrs. David Allison
at Morden, Manitoba.• She was
the former Margaret Hamilton,
daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. F. R. Hamilton, and spent
her early life in this community.
Mr. William Hamilton is a bro-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey,
Patsy, Sandra and Billy and Mrs.
J. Ma.cIntosh attended the Ram-
say -Sorensen wedding in George-
town on Friday evening.
A meeting of the ,Seaiforth
^Lions 4-H Poultry'Glu^b was held
in the Seaforth District 'High
[School last ,Monday night, April
2nd. There were 20 members in
attendance. Mr. James Scott
made a speech ,on proper clean-
ing of chicken house, and proper
care of chickens. Dr. Depape
made a speech on ;proper feeding
of the ^ethickens. Mr. Art Bolton,
the assistant Agricultural Repre-
sentative, talked en Parliament-
ary Procedure. Mr. ^Dick Whitely
(took care of purchasing the
The .monthly meeting of the
Ladies' Guild was held on Tues-
day afternoon in the parish hall.
The president, Mas. Spittal was
in charge and the meeting •open-
ed with the Lord's Prayer, fol-
lowed by prayer' for the parish.
After the minutes and treasur-
er's reports were read the roll
call was given. 'Dus'img the (busi-
ness discussion it was"decided to
hold .a rummage sale on Sauter
day, April 28.
On Tuesday, April 17th at
8,15 bhe 'FIome and ^School will
hold their anonbhl^y meeting in
the foam of a health meeting
,with 'Miss Barr, Sehool,Nurse as
guest speaker. Mrs..1800s II'amril-
ton will 'sing'..` Parents . an.d
friends welcome.
Council Asks
PUC to Remain
As Tenant
When members of ^the
revealed to town ^council at the
regular April meeting on :M'on-
day night that they had taken ^an
option to purchase the Daly Mo-
tors store on Mann street, a mo-
tion was passed requesting PIT:
;Commission to remain a tenant
in the town hall.
Aid anemlbers were present and
Mayor 'McMaster presided.
'Councillor Close reported on
streets. He. saidpeople would
have less trouble with drains if
they did .not put soapy neater
down the drain. East William at.
drain had been dug up and new
tile was ;being laid on south High
,Seven tons of col tc;had
been purchased 'and some had
been put do the deep holes on
Main street. Mr. Close hoped the
county would soon repair Main
street, which is a county -road.
;Cornell Co. will he asked to
spray the streets as early as pos-
A couple of ears had founder-
ed in soft spots where drains
had been dug across streets.
Wien narking on (Main Street
was brought up, most councillors
said they remembered the bitter
opposition to ,meters two years
ago. ;Councillor Habkirk said it
was nearly impossible to drive a
bus safely on Main street. ^Coun
cillor Scott said that double
parking was :frequent, and in-
deed necessary, under present
conditions. -
;Councillor Christie wondered
why people went happily off to
Stratford with its parking me-
ters, and then objected to any
proposal of palling -control in
^Councillor !Close 'asked what
the penalty would he for .over-
rparking iT council brought in
two- hour parking.
Taxes Unpaid
Mayor McMaster said upaid
taxes are higher than ever be-
fore. He suggested steps should
be taken at once to bring this to
ratepayers' attention.
Councillor Kellar asked 'how
much is ,owing in overdue taxes
—about 430,000.
'Councillor Close said many
dog taxes were unpaid.
(Councillor [Habkirk said the
dump was closed for a few days
because of mud.
A firemen's training centre
will the (held in Toronto this
'month and council decided fire
chief Jack Scott ^could attend,
The 'cement tank at the sew-
age disposal plant is leaking
badly, 'Councillor Leslie report-
ed. This had been taken up with
the engineer and contractor.
Faulty cement work was the
cause, he said.
Asphalt or ceanent sidewalks,
which does council want this
year, 'Councillor ;Close asked.
Asphalt ^costs about the same as
cement and made :an excellent
walk. It evould still be necessary
to -order some cement for repair
of cement sidewalks.
The mayor said two industries
were prospects for Seaforth.
Mr. M. A. Reid addressed the
council concerning town insur-
ance. He advised placing the in-
surance on a schedule so that
every company ahaa'ed equally in
all risks to the extent of its pol-
icies. 'The town would have a
coverage of 433,000.
P.U.C. To Stay
Two P.U.C. commissioners, D.
'Sills and F. Kling appeared be-
fore council. The P.U.C. had an
option on the burned out Daly
Motors property on Main street.
The option expires .April 16.
Mr. Kling said the P.U.C.
desired 'better accommodation.
He outlined a !plan Tor taking
over the whole north side of the
town hall and building a garage
on the rear. Mayor McMaster
said the town could take over
the south side of the ;building.
Coun'cillor ^Christie inquired
about the present rent the P.U.
Commission pays. They had been
paying 4300 a year ever sine
Mayor McMaster 'suggested
the P.U.C. waterworks was in a
position to offer the town a•re-
duction on fire hydrants. The
present rate is $75 a year and
this could be cut to $37.50 as an
experiment for 'One year only.
;Councillors asked about Eg-
mondville, but this won't inter-
fere withP.U.C. work in town.
The 'commissioners asked if
council wished them to remain
in the town hall. ^Council agreed
they wanted the P.U.C. to atay.
The P.U.C. is' to get in touch
.with an architect to lay out a
front entrance for the building.
;Councillors .asked if there was
sufficient room at the back for
the two fire trucks to maneuver
and get out to the street.
A bylaw was passed providing
estimates fox expendrtuee 'of
$10,,000 on streetsand roads in
town. This is necessary to quali-
fy for the provindial 'grant.
On advice the bylaw to pro-
bi;bvb parking on west Gaderich
street was withdrawn, and the
provisions were inooa'porated as
an addition to the present by-
law governing the streets.
Two 'building permits were
granted, ^Syd Dolmuage to build a
garage`on W. William street.
(Cities ^Service Oil Co. to 'build a
service Station on south side of
^Goderich street near Main. st. 1;t
was explained the company had
an option on the land and want-
ed to be sure of permission be-
fore coMpldting the purchase.
Anne Morris Wins
Hibbert Speaking
At the Legion public speaking
contest held at Staffa recently, -
Anne Morris, a pupal of Mrs.
Joseph. Melady, S.S.S. 4, Hilb-
bert, gained first;prize for the
second consecutive year, senior
group. Kaye Marie Worden
headed the juniors. Mrs. C.
Hoeking• was ohairIadly.
Anne ^M•orris and Margaret
Jean Russell emerged as senior
winners, !the latter from S.S. 6,
Hibbert, of which Mrs. !C, Hock-
ing' is' teacher.
Kaye Marie Worden, SS. ^3,
Hibbert, with Behold Skinner
teacher, won top bonors in the
junior section. Each of .the win-
ning students spoke on "A
Builder of 'Canada."
o . u^th
Judges were Rabb. (Hum
Mr. Da mum Mitchell,and Mo-
ther Angela Meri'ci frm Dublin
;Continuation School. There were
14 contestants. ICosnpetitors;
S.S. 1, Blythe Lennie, Nancy
Lannin; S.S. 2, David Kemp,
Doris 'Hocking; S.S. 3, Muriel
Scott, Kaye Marie Worden.
S.S.S. 4, Anne Morris, Mary Loaf
Coyne; 5,.S. 5, [Carolyn ^Christie,
Doris Johns; SS. .6, Margaret
Jean 'Russell, Floyd Dow; S.S. 7,
Leslie Riley, Robert Munn.
.Hibbent winners received
^prizes from -Glen Gowrie W.I, in
addition to replicas of the public
speaking trophies.
Couples Clubs
Hear About TV
Northside 'Couples Club play-
ed host to St. Thomas' Couples
Club on Monday evening. Aud-
rey Stevens opened the program
with a singsong accompanied at
the piano by Evan Hoffanan,
The evening was in charge of
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Kohl, and Mr. and
Mrs. Don IBrightrall, A welcome
was extended to all the guests
by "Rev. Bruce Hall.
:After 'devotions, e trio by Au-
drey 'Stevens, Edna Bell and El-
sie Kohl. John Stevens intro-
duced the speaker of the even-
ing, Dick Ballantyne of Wing-
hain. He spoke on the ^develop-
ment of TV in Wingham and
Western Ontario and how it af-
fected our lives. He, answered a
number of questions.
Tom Wil'bee thanked the
speaker. Evan 'Hoffman present-
ed two piano solos, Jack Stevens
and Don Kohl led in a contest.
Lunch was .served b the frosts.
Elmer femme thanked Northside
Club for tine interesting even-
ing and meeting closed with
Winners of Penny
Sale Draw
The 'Hospital Auxiliary .to
Scott Memorial 'Hospital Board
concluded a very successful pen-
ny sale with the draw Tor prizes
Saturday night.
The .members wish to thank
all who 'helped make it the suc-
cess it was. 'Special thanks is
due Mr. Cr, A. Whitney for the
use of the store; IVir. Bob Irwin
who did a fine job of announc-
ing; Mr. Frank Kling for the
P. A. syetean, the•merchants and
business men 'of Seatforbh and.
community or 'their ,generous
donattioes, and to those who
made the 'draw, Dr. and Mrs. E.
A. ISeMaster, Miss V. Drope, Mr.
M. McKellar and !Bob Wright.
There is a great deal of work
as large
connectedp with a project e
as this and the members are to
be congratulated on •the efficien-
cy with 'wh'ich it was 'conducted.
.Several articles were purchas-
ed with .cash donations from the
following: Aneon Gilbert, John
Pullman, ;MtiConnel'l and Hays,
P^hilllps Bruit Market, Teal's
Garage, Sealer% Clinic, Sea -
forth Beauty- 'Salon, Turnbull
and ^Bryans, Dr. Gorwill Al
1Slllery, Sid Pullman. Ted`1South-
gate, 'Carol Lyn Shop, Don
Woods, -Dennis Electric, Merton
Reid, Ross'Seott, 13rucefield and
an anonymous .donor.
Below aro the articles, donors
and grinners in that order.
^Case el corn (Smith Grocery)
Joan Williams; 40 gal. stove oil
^(Dundas and Loney) John C.
Muir; chocolates (J. 'C. ^Crich)
Mars. Frank L. Maloney; 6 dozen
eggs (J. M. Scott) ^Mrs. Bill
;Neely, Stratford; .24 -lb pastry
flour (R. Kerslake) Mrs. George
Leitch, ' !Clinton; 2 •cartons coke
(W. 'Elliott) Mrs. Alex ^Smith;
case of pork and beans (Clair
Haney) M. Case; 6 doz. eggs (3.
M. +Scott) Mrs. Frank Sills Sr.;
24 'lbs. pastry flour (Reg. Kers-
lake) Mrs. E. C. 'Chamberlain;
^ease of peas .(Cleary's I.G,A.)
Mrs. John Stewart; boy's shoes
(ISeaforth Shoes) Gary (Mont-
gomery; 12 Cans corn .:(Art
Wright) Barney Hiidelbrand;;
Chassis Lubrication (Blue and
Scott) Don cDenomme, Clinton;
'Scratch pads (Seaforth News)
Mrs. 'Wan. Smith, Dublin; lo-
tions, Gary Montgomery; Bed-
room slippers (Smith Shoe Store)
Mrs, E. Mills; 45 order -certifi-
cate ^(T. Eaton Co.) Joan Dev-
ereaux, Toronto; Lubrication
and wash job (Supertest) Fran-
cis Storey, Dublin; 8 cans shoe.
syrup, Mrs. Earl Papple; box
writing paper (R. S. MeKindsey)
Gillian ;Stevens;. book Lions tick-
ets .(Huron Expositor) Bruce
Auxiliary Plans PlAustin; 45 ;permanent wave
(Muriel Elliot) Mrs. Jack Scott;
Birthday Social lotions, K. Elliott, 63rucefielc1;
case of -corn qG. McGonigle)
The regular meeting of the Mrs. J. R. ^Davidson, Seaforth;
Ladies' Auxiliary to the IC•anadi- oil ;change (Walden & Broad -
an Legion was held in the Le- foot) G. Savauge; lotions, .Mrs.
gion rooms on Wednesday even- Walter Stuart; bedroom slippers
ing, !April 4. President' Olive Lit- (Willis (Shoe Store) Mrs. Grace
tie occupied the chair. The meet- McCallum; cigarette roller (R.
ing opened with [the depositing R. McKindsey) Mrs. Ken Huis-
orf the colors by comrades Ad- ser; ham (Fuhr's Meat Market)
ams and Watson. Plans were ^Mrs. Frank Sills, 'Sr.; ^8 Dans of
completed for a birthday social ohne. syrup, Carol Chesney; lo-
on April 16 with 'three auxiliar- tions, Bill Austin; 4 -cans oil
les -being invited. A fine of f5c ^(Mi1t Hoff) Mrs. Geo. Eaton;
was paid by several members for elean topcoat and suit (Gilles -
not weaning their badges at the pie Cleaners) Jack Crozier, Sea -
regular meeting. ^Comrades forth; lotions, Bill Dinsmore;
Thelma Fortbes and Laura Bar- 'Man's shirt (S. Shinen) Foster
ry have audited the books for Bennett; bedroom s 1 ip pers
the lst quarter 'of the year and (Smith Shoe (Store) Mrs. John
found them correct. McGregor; tray (Simpson -Sears)
Donation of $5.00 'to the Vet- Mas. Jas.Broadfoot• 8 cans of
er+ans (Scholarship; $2.00 to the Choc. syrup, Ross -Hamilton; lo -
Veterans 'T:ubereular fund and tions, Mr's. L. Jones; catcher's
45.00 to the ^Cancer fund were mitt, Catherine Moylan, St. Co -
agreed on. lunban; towel and wash cloth
The ^mystery prize evas won by ^(Stewar:t Bros.) Alice Dever -
Comrade Barbara 'Scott. A draw eaux, Toronto; Davy 'Crockett
on an apron won by 'Comrade Don (Kiddie Shop) Mrs. Harry
'Clara Little. The lst door prize (Seltzer; 'cottage roll (Christie's
Was won by Comrade Olive Little Meat Market) Barney Hilde-
and 2nd door prize by !Comrade ;brand; knife tray '(Art Wright)
Betty Dennis. 'Comrades Baker Nora Gorwill;' lotions, Joan Gor-
and Edgar 'were appointed as will; 50 -Ib sugar (bought with
delegates to go to London the donations) Barney Hildebrand;
end of September. 2 cartons soft drinks (W. El -
Zone 'C.ommander,. 1VI. Louella liott) Mrs. Mary McQuaid;
Hall, of Blyth, gave a splendid Beauty Kit '(J, E. Keating) Mrs.
talk on hew to be ^boosters of J. K. Willis, Waterloo; grease
our .auxiliary and later answer- job '(Rowclifife Motors) Bill Ben -
ed questions from the floor. At nett; ;pillow cases (S. ;Shiner)
the end of the :meeting Mrs. Hall Mrs. Mary McQuaid; bedroom
was presented with a small gift. slipper's '('Wi'llie Shoe Storm)
The meeting closed with the Mrs. Helen Connell; lotionsy Mrs.
retiring of the colours and the Theron Betties; 5 lb. butter
"Queen". A delicious lunch was (1Seaforbh'Creamery)Judy Crich;
served by the committee. 2 opts. paint Valle Bach) Hilda
Austin; lotions, Mrs. Win. (Snaith
EGMONDVILLE of Dublin; '$5. •meat••order (H.
Whyte ^and Son) Hilda Austin;
Angel Food (D. Parke) Mary
Morris; clean topcoat and suit
(Scoins Dry 'Cleaners) Florence
had charge of the opening service. Beattie; box Choc. 'bars (Huron
Mrs. Eyre read psalm 16 and Mrs. Wholesale) Mts. Baan ^Scott;
E. Papple took the WA topic, Vic- 8 cans -choc. syrup, Mrs. J. Mc -
tory over Death. Mrs. D, Wallace Millan; coffee p e r c "(Diatom
react the minutes. A splendid bal. ('bought with donations) Lulu
ance on hand was reported by Watson; lotions, Margaret.Edler;
Mre. J. Hay, treas., and a dons. 8 'doz. A. 'large eggs ('Dale's
tion was voted to the Cancer Soc, Produce) 'Mrs. Ruth Knight;
Mrs. A. Pepper, ISMS pros., candle holder (M..Staffen) J. A.
was in charge of this part. Mrs. MacDonald; 4 shoe brushes
W. F, McMillan, treas., reported (leek 'Thoanpson) 'Bill )Austin;
an encouraging amount had been 8 cans choe. syrup, Mrs. Christ-
raised teethe first quarter, ensen; lotions, ;Mrs. Geo. Pro ;
A bale of used clothing is to be box cigars (D. H. Close) James
packed and sent to Toronto, Mrs. Sims; plant (Eric Milner) Mrs.
Lindsay, temp. sec., read a story, Don Woods; lotions, 01 it e
and Mrs. D. Stephenson reported ^Clarke, Stratford; box 'Choc.
for the visiting committee, bars (H^uaon Wholesale) Walter
The devotional period was in S•hortreed; -Angel Food (Sanitles
charge of Mrs. E. Cameron. (Bakery) Mrs. P. L. 'Baady;
Our guest speaker, Mrs. J. lasap D. Box) J. Twyforcl; lo -
Scott of Seai:orthe gave a very tions Bill Austin; wine slip -
earnest address on baster. pers (Willis ,Shoe Store) Libby
Ms, Gordon Richardson sang Habki k; pitcher 1(.1. 'A. West -
lovely solo: Mrs. D. Wallace cont) Mrs. Alex. ethune; sun
expressed thanks to those who glasses V. Longsbaftf) Lulu Wart -
had made the meeting so enjoy. son; 'lotions, Mrs. Jos. Grum-
able. Lunch was served by group mrett; dishes (Sills Hardware)
4-10 Marge of; Pers. Ivan, Forsyth. Mrs, H. 'Huisser; • electric teapot
The April joint meeting of 17g-
mondville WMS and WA was
held at Mrs. Mervin Nott's home
on April 4. Mrs. Durst, WA Pres.,
an entirely NEW
idea in table
harmony .. .
Mieraatiaffi-'�i +`-,�l;J
in your favourite pattern
ONLY s2725
a 5 piece
Once setting in
if T ERNATa0N , L
you can own
International Sterling for gracious
entertaining and lovely International
Stainless for daily use — a lifetime of
beauty at your fingertips.
Convenient payments arranged if desired
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
•(Ross 1Savauge) ,A.. Calder; lo-
tions, M. W. ;Stapleton; wool
blanket (hospital Auxiliary)
Wm. Austin; 5 1^b cheese ^(Sea-
Toath Co-op) Dave 'Stewart;
lamp (Frank Kling) (Hilda Aust-
in; lotions, Leroy Felker;
sport shirt '(Stewart Bros.) Mrs.
Wan. Alexander, Walton; T. V.
stool (A. Whitney) Ron Myatt;
50 lbs sugar (donations) E. H.
Close; lotions, 'Fred Mentz;
camera ,(J. E. Keating) H. Les -
Continued on page 5
Monica Loretta Klinlohamer,
R. N., formerly Monica Loretta
Eckert, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs..Conrad J. Eckert, pass-
ed away suddenly at Wayne
County General Hospital, Eloise,
Mich., on Wednesday, April 4.
She had been a nurse at this hos-
pital for the past 18 years. She
is survived by one 'daughter,
Mrs, Allan (Nelcey) Bowness,
also Tour grandchildren, one bro-
ther, John M. Eckert, 'Seaforth;
five sisters, Mrs. William J. Man-
ley, Walton, Ont., Mrs. William
J. McKay, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs.
Thomas McKay, Galt, Ont., Mrs.
Gordon Hays, 'Detroit, Mich., and
Mrs. 'Charles P. Sills, Searforth.
The body rested at the Leon-
ard A. Turowski Funeral Home
until Saturday morning, April 7,
when !Requiem High Mass was
celebrated at 10 o'clock by Rev.
Father C. J. Cagley at ^St, Su-
zanne Church, Detroit, Michigan.
Burial followed in Holy Sepal -
thee Cemetery. The ;pallbearers
were Joseph McKay, Ronald C.
Sills, John Tribble, Jim Reeves,
Richard Tate and Harvey Bryan.
Those from here 'attending tae
funeral of 'Monica Loretta
Klinlehaaner R.N. in Detroit were
Mr, and -Mrs. J. M. Eckert, air.
and 'alt's. William J, Manley,'
Mrs. Charles P. Sills, Miss Ruth
Sills, Miss Mary Lou S•il'Ia,, Mn.
7?.onald C. Sills and Mr. George
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitz-
patrick of 'Detroit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berm,
David and Maryon of Kitchen-
er with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Etv-
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bassett in
Montreal attending the funeral
of Mr. Basset's mother.
Mr, and. Mrs. 'Hugh Pugh, Mr.
and 'Mrs. Fergus Stapleton in
Mrs. Edward McGrath, Ilder-
ton with friends in the village.
Mrs. Mary Feeney has return-
ed from Hamilton.
Mrs. Winnifred Rowland of
Toronto spent the weekend in
the village.
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Melady
spent :Easter week at Fort
Wayne, Indiana.
aliss Rosemary Flannery in
Strathroy with Mr. and Mss.
Pat Flannery.
Mr. 3. D. MacRae in Wyom-
ing with Mr. James O'Connor.
Miss Anne Dennome of Lucan
with Mr. and Mrs. 'Clayton
Mrs. Mary Schulman in Buf-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and
Jo -Anne of Merritton, Mrs.
John Cleary, London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Evans.
!Mrs. Joe Bill, Karen and Bil-
lie in Flint with Mr. and Mrs,
Howard 'Burgess.
Miss Myrna Butters in Hamil-
ton with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
The death -occurred in London
on Tuesday, April 10th, after an
extended illness, of a former re-
sident of this district, Thomas
Patrick Johnson. The deceased
who was 70 years of age on
March 17th was borne an the
10th con. of McKillop, son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Johnson (Mary O'Loughlin). He
farmed in McKillop and later at
Flint; Mich., until coning to
London sibout seven years ago.
He is su'rvi'ved by one sister,
Mrs. Peter Mclver (Many), -Sea-
forth and six nieces. The funeral
will take place from Burke's
Funeral. Parlor On Friday morn-
ing, at 9 o''clock, to St, 'Colum -
ban Church. Rev, Thos. McQuaid
of Scarborough Bluffs, Toronto,
a cousin, will officiate. Inter-
ment will be in. .St. Coluanban
The C.G.1.T. will hold their
Re -Affiliation service with the
W.'M.S: in ^Cavan'Dhureh an Sun-
day evening, April 1.5tl at 3 p.
m. Additional numbers are be-
ing prepared. This is an •open
service when all are invited to