HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-04-05, Page 5TI -I]5 SEAFORTH MOWS—Thursday, April 5, 1956 MONEY SAVING SPECIALS ,Bayview Fcy. Red Sockeye Salmon 73/4 oz tin 43c BREAKFAST CLUB ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE 24 oz. 'Jar 25c LIBBY'S ORANGE JUICE .. Large 48 oz. Tin 35c 5 ROSES WHITE CAKE MIX , . Pkg. 27c KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES 12' oz large Pkg. 23c FLUSHO °Toilet Flush" Tin 25c PITTED DATES 2 ib 21c SUN KIST ORANGES, large 252 1 Doz. 38c 2 Doz. 75c SLICED RED BEETS, 20 oz. tins 2 for 25c DUTCH SETS, No. 1 2 lb 25c FRESH IMPORTED TOMATOES.. 14 oz. tubes 28c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES TOWN TOPICS (Miss ILorreta biorrfis, Toronto, was an IBaslter weekend guest of her parents, Mn•. and Mrs. James !Morrie. Dr. and Mrs. L. J. (Matthews and daughter, Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary. 'Miss Hilda Kennedy, London,. spent Easter with her 'mother, Mrs. R. Kennedy. +Miss Marion ILandenlbach re- turned to Sit. !Michael's Hospital, Toronto, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Lau- clenlbadh. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White 'or London, spent the Easter boli day with the la'tter's another Mrs. B. Cleary and .oiler Tele fives. 'Miss Elaine Ebue, London spent the weekend with !her 'par ents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Etue. Easter guests at the home •o: 'Mr. +and Mrs. P. McIvier were Mr. and Mrs. Scott (Coffin, Tor onto; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mor his and family, Mount Forest and the IMisses Margaret .and Jo sephine McIver, Kitchener. Mr. and [Mrs. D. !Masse. Wind soy, spent the !'.Easter holiday weeekend with Mrs, Ellen Ban Miss Mary Lou Sills, ,Chat NUM, Ron of Kitchener, and Geo of London, were Easter guest of their mother,!Mrs. C. P Sills MrDon (Morton is spendin'i the holidays with his rrarents it Home Baking Sale and Tea SATURDAY, APRIL 7 From 3to 5 o'clock Northside United Church School Room Sponsored by Group 1 W.A. ,Soubhaanpton. - SPRING SPECIALS 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN Radio — Power Glide. Two Tone. Low mileage 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1952 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Radio - Hydramatic 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1946 DODGE SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED AT Seaforth M otors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 TOWN TOPICS Mr. W. 3, Duncan, who has been in (the hospital here, return- ed to his shame on Sunday. He will be confined to bed for some time yet. Mr. 'and Mrs. Oliver Elliot of 'Stratford 'were Easter visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross, Mn!and Mrs. Pat Cunninghaan and !daughter, Helen Claire, of Port 'Credit were visitors at the home of ice, and Mrs. Wallace Ross. Mr, ,Bruce and Austin Pringle of 1St. Marys spent Sunday after- noon with .Mr. and Mrs. Isaac MoGavin. Visitors this week with Mrs. Joseph McQuaid were her son, Rev. (Hither Thomas MoQuaid, S.F.M.. Superior of iSoarboro Foreign 'Mission, Toronto, her niece, Mrs..JMnes'M'ayo and son, Raymond, Toronto, and her son and daughter-inlaw, Mr.. . and Mrs.` John +McQuaid, St. Thames. Miss Ethel MacKay and Ron- ald'MacKay of Toronto, are hol- idaying with their sister, Mrs. '3. E. Dailey. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Adams and. family of "Wallaceburg have been holidaying with his par- ents, Me'. and Mrs. Fred Adams. Mrs. Frank Kenny 'and daugh- ter, Jean, •of London visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple and 'oth- er relatives. Mr. Melvin Messenger is at present undergoing treatment in hospital !at London. (Mrs, W. E. ',Butt visited a few days this week with friends in Flint, Mich. Mr. an Mrs, John Kellar were weekend visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilfred Lavoie of Grosse Point, Mich. Mrs. Peter Hunter of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Mike S+irmanty and Linda spent Eager at the home of 'Mrs. John L. Smith. Mrs. John Dick, Joey and Su- san, of New Hainburg are spend- ing !the week with Mr. and Mrs, Sett Trapnell. Mr. and Mrs, Aline:: Den - ourne and 'family, lY, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ILo.bsinger an Tamil o d also Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bowman, all of Kitchener visited with 'Mr. and Mrs Tom Hicknell on East- er Sunday, Mrs, NI. Patrick returned home Hamilton with her daughter, after spending the winter in Mrs. C. Westaway and Mr, West - away. Miss Margaret Patrick of Tor- onto is spending the Easter va- cation at her home here. Mr. R. IE. MacKenzie of Tor- onto visited with Miss Rena Mac- Kenzie and John C. MacKenzie. +Dr. and Mrs. J. 'McCabe, Di- ane and Ellin 'Me'Calbe were hol- iday visitors lin 'Buffalo. Mg.'. and Mrs. Oliver Yell* and son Jim of Agincourt spent ibhe holiday wibh Mrs. Y'ablop's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm, Scobchmer. Mr. and Mrs. John Aldingtan, Margaret and Frank spent Sun- day with Ma and 'Mrs. T. A'ld- ingban, Mr. W. J. +S'tuart of Windsor spent the weekend here with Mrs. Stuart and (Margaret. Mr. and 'Mrs. (Frank ICudmore and Miss Nancy 'Cudmore of Wallaceburg were weekend guests of Miss Hazel Reid %ndd Mr. Dalton A. 'Reid. Mrs. James Me'Dougal•l of (Cane, was -a .guest of her mother Mrs. Hugh Alexander, Main St„ for Easter. Mr. and liars. Ken Willis of Kitchener were here over the ,holiday. Miss Peggy Willis of Guelph is spending the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Wil- lis. Miss •Gwen Ohristie of Lon- don, spent the holiday with her parents Mr. and !Mrs. B. (Christie. Mrs. May Thompson of Kitch- ener spent 'Easter with her sist- er, Mrs. B. F. 'Christie and a Mr. Christie. Mau. Mary Skinner of De - trait spent the holiday at the home of her mother, Ma's, R. S. :Hays. Mr. and Mrs. James 'Eckert and !family, Ridgetown, were weekend (guests of his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. M. Eckert. Mr. Allen Ryan, 'London, spent the Easter weekend With his aunt, Mrs. Thos +O'Loughlin. Miss Sheila 'McFadden is spending this week with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs, Ron Elly in Toronto. (Mr. Archie Hubert, 'Oshawa, is spending the Easter holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. !and +Mrs. N. Hubert. Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Rietz . and daughter, 'Toron'to, spent the weekend at the home of her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. 'NLe- Madter. !Mrs. (Frank IS"ills Jr. has re- turned from a trip to her home in •England by air. • Dr. and Mrs. M. W. !Stapleton and family were 'holiday visitors in Detroit. 'Miss Ruth Joynt, at Toronto has been holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Robert Jo nt. Mrs, J. M. Laidlaw and daug- hters of Toronto were holiday visitors with the gabber's brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Longsbaff Mrs. Mae Free, London, spent Easter with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Ma's. Harold Free. Mr.- Gordon Wilson, Toronto, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ;D. H. Wilson. Hon, F. S. Thomas, provincial Minister of Agriculture, plans to open Seaforth fair Sept. 51. Stratford and District Crusade For Christ April 8th - 22nd - Nightly at 7.45 PM (Except Saturdays) SPEAKER: Rev. Leighton Ford of Nos th Carolina (Brother-in-law of Dr. Billy Graham) .MUSIC: Rev. Wesley Aarum of Buffalo, Director. Mr. Homer James of Ottawa, Soloist Mass Choir from City Churches Knox Presbyterian Church Stratford, Ont. Seats may be reserved for Groups — Phone 3320 Stratford All Are Welcome! I.O.O.F. Paper Drive Wednesday, April 1 lth For those wishing to have their papers and maga- . zines collected far the Cancer, Polio and Tuber- culosis Fund, kindly call HICKS GARAGE E. HAASE ED ANDREWS VICTOR LEE CLAIR HANEY BRODHAGEN WINTHROP SEAFORTIJ SEAFORTH SEAFORTH AND ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 1956 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall • D. H. WILSON, Treasurer HIGH SCHOOL NEWS ('By Jack Melady) Well, Easter holidays have finally arrived! It seems so long since !Christmas .(art far as school is !oorteerned), (that we bed al- most forgotten what holidays were like, Examinations wound up on Thursday afternoon and then the lalboursome jolb of lugging, desks :back to the individual rooms. again. 'Sonne results Were made known before the holi- days, but the majority of re- turns will comae shortly ..after Easter. Next week, the ;gym will be used by the 'Crossroads people for their 'annual night to be pre- sented in the near future.. Our Sdholol play :will take a beck seat during this time but in (the mean- time the members of dihe cast are busy learning ''parts — !aren't they? Just before Easter, ;Mr. +Dob- son began giving the boys on the :shooting team the opportunity of shooting competition targets. These targets are sent to Otte-• nva, and those who shoot 80 % or over, receive (badges. The award for the hest 'shot in the .school is ten 'dolllars and was won last year iby Joe Williams. Mr. Dobson, the head of the School 'Guidance Department, aroused an interest in teaching in a lerelhp 'of .grade 12 boys last week, when he cited the starting salaries for pulblic school teach- ers in Fort William as 'being $3200. per year. This amount 4s paid to grade 12 summer school graduates. L see Nliss Taylor is sporting a new 'NPalitabelle, Who said school teachers were poor? ,This week, some of the teach- ers are !attending a teachers' convention in Toronto, Among other things, they will be lectur- ed on the increase in teacher shortages in Ontario. Isn't their problem apparent enough es it is. The "want ads" of any large newspaper serve to clarify this question. what t 'tion,of the - Q l esWeek: "pull" on a isit like to 100% Grade 13 Trig. paper, •Ohick? BORN HENSALL Hensel! Annual Home Club Curling B•onsspiel was held last week. Fallowing are the win- ners: 1. tRd frank, :skip; A Far- quhar, vide; W. E. Spencer, A. England, B. Wm. Brown, skip; Dr. D. McKelvie, vice; li., Venner, Wal- lace Ross. 3. R. 7i. Middleton, skip; L. Micklle, vice; N. Jones, Ed Jing - This Ibonsplel brings to a con- clusion 20 weeks of curling for Hensall (Club in 1955 and 1956. Me club expects to have the ser- vices of 'an improved clubroom for nextseason. land. Mr. and Mrs. Mae 'Greer of London spent 'Baster with the latter's mother, Mrs.1B, Bonthron and 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bon- thron. Miss Isabel! Alexander of Toronto was a weekend visitor with her brother and sister -in - haw, Mr, and Mrs. John Alexand- er and family. !Mr. Don Bell and Miss Mar- garet Bell of Toronto were weekend visitors with (their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wan. R. Bell, Miss Jean Mousseau 'of Lon - (Ion visited over the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mousseau, Mrs. Edna [Corbett of Exeter spent the weekend :with Mr. and Mrs. 13d Schroder and ;gamily. INtr. James Pebtiy and Miss Flora !Petty returnedlhoane after spending the winter months in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. John Petty of Toronto was a recent visitor with his bro- ther, Mr. and ,Tsps, Win. Pettyand Ruth !and sister, Miss Olive Petty. Miss 'Helen Moir of London was a recent visitor with her brother-in-law add sister, Mr. and Mrs. (Lawrence Baynh'asn :Miss Amy Laramie of Lon- don spent the weekend 'with her sister Miss Greta Lammie. Skating Carnival Big Success The carnival "Cirrous Daze" on Saturday night presented by ISeaforth Skating .Clu!h was the most successful ever held here. After the event the club enter- tained visiting artists and the local skaters. Under The Big Top::Seaforth Junior 'Club with :Seija tHink kuri, - MMary •Crich. Ann Kling, Lor- aine Miller, Pauline Stapleton, Sharon 'Strong, Elaine Oke, Con- nie Eckert, Ann (Sills, Mary Ann Snowdon, +Darlene Sills, Joan Teall, Jessie (Ferris, Katie Scott, Joan 'Stapleton, Mary Jean Bosh'ar't, Janet 1owcliff, Ann Rivers, Marie Stone, Shirley Dinsmore, Gloria Taylor, Mary Lamont, Helen .Scott,'Bobby Mc- Clung, Bambara Longet aff, Elaine Eckert Kathy Phillips, Joan Reynolds, Barbara Muir. Spirit Of The Circus --with Pamela and Margaret Stapleton. 'Clowns—(Doug Rowcliffe and Ray 'Scoins.. (Hobo—Jim Bendall. iOctedite—Judy 'Crich, Ruth Teall, Neila Hillman, Pearn Mc- Lean, Ella Van Der Zon, IOathy Eckert, Faye Love, 'Corinne Smith. - Shooting ,Star—+Allbert Dyer. Man O'War—Wayne Graham, Frank Flood, Robert McClung, Dynamo -!Arthur Bourke Dream 'Of Olwen —Stratford Senior Glubb with 'Faye Love. Pair—E 1 i z11,11) e t'h Odbert, Wayne !Graham. Ruth Tea, Two In Harmony—Judy Crich, Pearnr112eLean. Law- And Order — Arthur Bourke, Albert (Dyer, Wayne Graham. Jeffry and Limits Johnston— Canadian 'Dance IC h am pions 19'56. IOn Parade—Stratford Senior Club with Jeannette Young. 1On The Avenue—Mary Crich, Connie •Eckert, Joan Teall, Janet Rowcliffe, Helen ;Scott, Neila Hillman, Ann Kling, Ann !Sills, Jessie Ferris, Marie +S tt o n e, Elaine Eckert, Pauline Stapleton, Mary Ann Snowdon, Joan .Sta- pleton, Gloria Taylor, Joan Rey- nolds. !Donald MoPhetson. tAlberit (Dyer. Pair—Faye 'Love, Fraser Law- son. (Doggie In The Window — Frank Flood, Wayne 'Graham, Robert •McClung, Darlene ;Sills. 'Mambo No. 5 -Joan Finnigan Polar Run—Cathy Eckert and Joan Reynolds. ' !Stairway To The Stars — Elizabeth 'O'dbert, !Arthur ,Bourke and Albert Dyer. Top Hat, White Tie and Tails —,Stratford Senior Club with Joan Finnigan and Joyce Tem- pleton. BUTSON—At Scott Memorial Hospital on March 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Batson, Mitehal1 a son EVANS--In Wellesley Hospital, Toren-_ to, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Evans on. Monday, March 26, a daughter, a sister for Pamela and Craig - WINTHROP 'Congrabulattiona are extended to Ma. Earl McSpadden on having +been appointed President of the Huron Co. Farmers. Mr. James Keys of the O.A.IC.. Guelph, i5 spending Easter vaca- tion with his parents, Mr. !and Mrs. James Keys.' Miss Norma Leeming of St. Catharines spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard 'Leeming. Miss Lorraine !Smith 'of South York was an !Easter guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert +Smiltih, Mr. Mac Bolton of the O.A!C., Guelph, was •an Easter guest of his parents, Mr. and Idi's. Russel T. Bolton. Mrs, James .McDongal'1 of Cane, visited her Another, Arth- ur rlhur end Win. 'Alexander for East -- 1 MO NMI NM MINI NIB 11=11 NMI MN .1.111 1111111 NMI 1 1 1 1 INN MIN NMI Inns Emil NM =EN Mao Wiwi =IS =MI NMI Illig CIV Y O N EW 1956 EVROLET ' •..,% 1\11� T� I t/::;^7.'. ,. 1tt•;»',?�•.n-.:..mow.. nv.wA. ..•.:wSh.+'rav s; THIS THRILLING 2 -DOOR SEDAN COMPLETE WITH HEATER LICENCE AND GAS E ES' / t55 DO — Motorola $ 29.95 Golden Voice Ebony Finish RADIOS 7� 300 300 Lovely $1.50 pairs Phantom, 60 gauge, 15 denier NYLONS BLUE OR WHITE BREEZE With FREE Tea Towel or Face Cloth Ige. 39c gt. LUXLIQUID DETERGENT 79c BLUE SURF lge. 39c Special gt. 691C GET 'ENTRY FORMS AT 'YOUR IGA CLEA1Y$ IGEO ARET SEAFORTH CLARK'S BEANS with PORK 2 TINS 37c I•GA RIPE & RAGGED PEACHES 2,0 OZ. TIN 2 for 39c DOLES FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 oz Tins 29c 5c off regular price GAY DETERGENT 12 oz Bot. 32c For a good cup of coffee SUNNY MORN 1 lb bag 89 c TILLY'S PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz Jar 31c I lo, t 2 IGA BONUS OFFER MONARCH ALARM CLOCK Regular $2.49 Value Dependable - 30 hour only $1.79 LIMITED QUANTITIES MEATS VEAL Leg Roast Ib 45c VEAL Rump Roast ib 55c VEAL Cutlets m 79c Veal Chops lb 55c IGA Tablerite Rindless Side Bacon lb 55c NONSV Produce Pineapples 25c SNOBOY Oranges 5 LB 69c SNOBOY BAO Grapefruit 5/29c CALIFORNIA Asparagus CELLO Tomatoes tube 29c bunch 29c