HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-04-05, Page 1The Seaforth News
$1.60 a Year
Authorized as Second Ohne- malt null
Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon nros.. Publishers
PralIty girls are synonymous with skating carnivals,
aifu`'°chis'one is no exception. She's Ruth Tea11 as a
Latin American 13elle at Seaforth Figure Skating
Club Carnival
The regular meeting of the
Red' Cross Society will be held in
the library rooms an Friday aft-
ernoon, April 6th, at 3 'p.m.
The regular meeting . of Sea -
forth W. I. Will be held et the
home of Mrs• Lorne Garter on
Thurs., Aipril 12 at 2 pan. This
is the annual meeting in charge
of !Mrs. 'Rob't. 11tcLachlan and
I%1rs. Russell Miller. Roll eel will
/be payment of fees. !Lunch 'com-
mittee, Mrs. James Doig, )Mrs. R.
Miller, sandwiches; cookies, Mrs.
W. Coleman, Mrs. A. Pepper.
Miss E'liza'beth :VI a r gar et
Scott, a lifelong resident of Mc -
Killen twp., died about 8 o'clock
Sunday morning in :Scott Mem-
orial Hospital, Seaforth, follow-
ing a five-day illness. 'She was
the last surviving member. of the
family of the late Mr. and Mrs.
David N. Scott. Miss 'Scott was a
member of the First Presbyter-
' Ian Church, Seaforth. The fun-
eral took place from the G. A.
Whitney funeral home, Seaforth
!where a service was condueted
on Tuesday .at 2 pan. by Rev. D.
Glenn Campbell of First Pres-
byterian Church. Burial was in
Maitl'andbank 'Cemetery.
Douglas Greb, Albert Dyer,
and Arthur Bourke of the
Stratford Figure Skating 'Club
judged preliminary figure and
dance routines for inemibers of
the Seaforth and Goderich. Fig-
ure Skating chubs at Seaforth.
last Wednesday.
Winning in the various tests
were: preliminary figures, 'Cath-
erine Eckert, Judy (Crich, Pearn
McLean; preliminary dances,
Joan Reynolds, :Connie 'Eckert,
Alfie V•anderzon, Elaine Eckert;
Questo tango '(Bronze), Pearn
McLean; swing dance, Pamela
Stapleton, Margaret Ann Stap'le-
ton, Pearn McLean; canasta
dance, Cathy Eckert, A11ie Van-
Northside United Church
Friday, .8 p.m., Preparatory
Rev. 'Bruce W. Hell, Minister.
10 a.m., [Church School .and
Adult Bible Class.
11 am., Morning Worship.
The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper and Reception of New
Members. Sermon Topic: "The
(Symbols of :Sacrifice".
Toddlers' Group and Junior
7 p.m,., Evening Worehip:
(Sermon Topic: "New Life and
Egmondville United Church
Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister,
'10 a.'ni., 'Church ,School .and
Adult Class.
al a.m., Morning Worship:
Sermon. "Eternal Life".
7 p.6n„ Evening Praise. Med-
itation, "'Religion and the :Resur-
Friday, April. 13, at. 8 pm.,
Preparatory 'Service.
Mc(lCillop Charge
.Bethel, :Service 10 a.m., Sun-
day (School 11 a.m.; :Cavan, :Sun-
day 'School 10 a.m; Service '• at
11+.15 a.m.; 'Duff's. :Sunday
School 1 p.m., 'Service 2 p.n.
Y.P.U., Cavan (Church at 8 ,p.m.
=Rev.. J. R. Holden, Minister.
E. Larone Buys
Thompson Store _
Mr. Ehnen Barone has pur-
chased the building and business
of 'Thompson's Book Store and
took possession on Tuesday. Mr,
Larone is continuing the busi-
ness and will connect it with his
5c to 11,00 store next door 'b9
an 'archway between the two
stores,' Mr. Larone states he ex-
peats alterations to be com-
pleted in about a month and in
the :meantime both stoles will re-
main open.
In a cer'em'ony in St. An-
drew's 'Church, Kippen, before
an altar decorated with yellow
and white spring flowers and
candelabra, Caroline Ethel Isa-
belle, younger daughter of Mrs.
Harry 'Caldwell and the late
Harry Caldwell of Kippen, be-
came the bride of Mr. John Da-
vid Moore, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Moore of ,Clin-
ton. Rev. N. McLeod officiated
•on March 81.
Given in marriage by her bro-
ther John E. 'Caldwell, the 'bride
chose a floor -length gown of
white nylon tulle 'over satin with
Italian lace 'bodice and a shout
der-lengibh veil of tulle illusion
which fell from a halo of pearls
and crystals..She carried a white
Bible decorated with yellow ros-
es and streamers. Her maid of
honour, Miss Merle Dicker: of
Kippen and two bridesmaids,
Miss Donna Moore and Miss
-Ruth Anne Moore of Clinton
wore 'gowns of antique gold tulle
over iridescent taffeta with
anatching (bandeau trimmed with
sequins. They carried !bouquets
of mauve tinted mums. Mr. Ron-
ald Moore of Clinton was his
[brother's best man .and the ush-
ers were Mr. )Donald Epps of
,Clinton and Mr. Gary Cooper
of Tillsonburg. Mie• Rods Broad -
foot of Kippen presided at the
organ and Miss Wilma Walters
of ,London sang "Bee'ause" .and
"The Lord's Prayer" Guests
were present from, London, Ham-
ilton, Kitchener, .S'eafor'th, Clin-
ton, E'gmondvil•1e, :Stratford and
Following a dinner at the
church parlours Mr. and Mrs
Moore leftfor the United States,
the !bride 'wearing 'a turquoise
linen duster with anatc'hing :dress
and navy and white 'acce'ssories.
They will reside in ICliniton•
Mrs. M.' Etue
Heads C. W. L.
'The annual meeting of the Ca-
tholic Women's League and ,pot
duck supper 'was held 'Tuesday.
After supper, Farther Weber
thanked Miss M, Dunn, retiring
(president, for her work and gen-
erous bene spent on C.W.L.'dur-
ing past two years. Miss Dunn
was presented with a, corsage
and a stole by Mrs. at. Pringle,
to which she replied graciously.
A thioiit talk was given by Mrs.
J. 'Mc'Connell •on [Our Lady of
:Good (Counsel.
A resume of the highlights of
activities for 1916+5 was 'given by:
First vice president, Mrs. -R.
Pringle reported 97 paid up
members. Second vice Pres.,
Mrs. Q. Malone, reported 20 cer-
tificates were 'presented to first
communicants in June and a pic-
nic for the school children. In
December iChris'tnnas treats were
given the children and 12 gradu-
ates of 'Grad.e 8 were presented
with pins.
Third vice (pies., Mrs. G. Rey-
nolds, reported 14 plants sent to
shut-ins, 3 )boxes of clothing to
Drumheller and 2 boxes to an
Indian school; 2 crates of eggs
at Easter to the Sisters of St.
Joseph in London and 10 dozen
eggs locally. Corr. sec., Miss
Rose 'Dorsey, reported 45 cards
sent to sick .and :shut-ins, 15 let-
ters written and 10 new books
bought for the Library.
Treasurer's report was given
by 'Mrs, W. Hart which showed
quite a successful year.
The new 'officers for 1966
were insballed'by Mrs. J. McCon-
nell. President, Mrs. M. Etue;
First Vice Pres., Mrs. C. Ma-
lone; Second Vice Pres., Mrs.
John Maloney; Third Vive Pres.,
Mrs. A. Prittie; Recording :See.,
Mrs. M. Williams; 'Corresponding
See., Mrs. Jaynes Devereaux;
Treasurer, Mrs. J. Bannon; Sis-
ters of Service, Miss N. Dunn;
Press -Correspondent, Mrs. L.
Leonhardt; Entertainment, Mrs.
M. Etue and 'Mas. J. DePage;
Mercy (Shelter Guild, Mrs.
Fortune. The meeting then clos-
ed with prayer.
Curlers Finish
Will Observe
93rd Birthday
IMr, William Murray of :Sea-
forbh twill celeratte (his 930c1 birth-
day next Monday, April 9th. Af-
ter being remarkably spry for a
person of his years, Mr. Murray
has undergone a couple of seri-
ous operations this winter and
is at present staying .at the Tha-
mer Nursing Home. He is 'able to
be up occasionally 'and walk
around 'Indoors. His many friends
will join with :The Seaforth
News ti' beat wishes to MT. Mur-
A .real estaite sale [through .the
office of M. A. Reid: Frame
:dwelling on 'North Main of Sid-
ney A. Doknage to 'Douglas V.
Dalton of MdKiliop, with lws-
session April 115, 1956.
Good Season
It was a big day for ,Seaforth
Curlers last Wed'n'esday as they
wound up [their season with a lo-
cal Ibonspiel and potluck supper.
With prizes being given but for
various 'spiels, 'Club President,
John 'Longstaff, +6hanked the
various committees on their
splendid work and cooperation
during his term of office, He ex-
pressed his hope that: every
member should try to get a new
member interested, so to make
the club )bigger and abetter. Iie
moved a special vote of thanks
to Dr. ;Stapleton for his work (as
games convener) of looking aft-
er +the Friday night draws. He
was then presented by Mr. Mer-
ton Reid with a small token of
appreciation, a curler's sweeping
apron. Dr. Stapleton thanked
the members and gave a few
words of advice: That with much
sweeping we will have a clean
club. 'Ladies' Club president,
Mrs. Anna Kling, in absence of
Mrs. Agnes Mason, then pre-
sented Merton Reid with a
check of $190. Itc was deckled
that the raffle for the T. V. Set
will be left over 'until next year.
Prizes were then presented
ata: lst prize -Bill Ball, Bernice
Longstadlf, Anson 'Gilbert, Jo
W eiglund. '2nd prize, Frank
Kling, Jean Stapleton, Sill Ley -
burn, Flo Smith. 3rd prize, BIll
campbeill, Gerrie Snowdon, Mary
Roweliffe, +Scott H'abkirk.:C•on-
solation, Anna Kling, Terry Gil-
bert, Dr. Stapleton, Brad Smith.
Prizes for Wednesday's bon -
spiel were: lst, Frank Kling, Ef-
fie Stephenson, Dr. Stapleton,
Terry Gilbert.
2nd, Bill Campbell, Lois
Munn, Arnold Westcotlt, Elsie
3rd, Jim Stewart, Anna Kling,
Anson 'Gilbert, iC'orrie'Snowdon.
Consolation, Rev, 'Lane, Wim
McLean, Harry Ball, )Muriel Ley -
Honours For Tuesday ladies'
curling went to Aima Kling, Jo
Weiglund, Jean 'Stapleton, Ter-
ry Gilbert and Effie Stephen-
Tuckersmith Mets
Auditors Report
Tuckersmith council meet .on
April 3rd at 1 P.on• .11 anemlbers
were present with a Reeve
presiding. '
A. M. Harper, +CAH 'township
auditor, presented hlt?•,report for
1955. This report showed an op -
Gritting surplus of '$'58098.07 for
3.955 and 'an 'accumulated surp-
lus of '$15,564.5'9. ('rants were
made -to Bi-ucefield aro slept. of
1200 and Seaforth Agricultural
;Society $126.:
Liability insurance jwas renew-
ed as was the insurance on the
town''thip grader. A.1. Houston
was 'appointed treneht excavation
inspector es required by the
Dept. of Labor.
Bylaws were passed 'coni +m-
ing the increase in salary and
expense •allowance of the clerk-
treaS..4 ax collector and relief
administrator, and• for appropri-
ation of $40,000 for road expen-
diture for 1966.
Accounts passed included:
Roads '$1,646.89; salaries :and lul-
lowanees 1632.16; income tax
$9.50, postage $5, SI
supplies 50e, print, 8) adv. 684.-
88, brucellosis control $50,75,
relief :$267 fine control $10,
grants 1312'5, insurance 1225.82,
hospitalization $!29.48. Council
adjourned to meet May 1 at 8
Auditors' Report of
Reunion Finances
A financial statement, detailing
the operations of the Seaforth
and District Old Boys' Associa-
tion has been released. The state-
ment, audited by M, A. Reid and
W. 33. Southgate, reveals a deficit
of $597.35. It is anticipated this
will be reduced by payment of
outstanding pledges and dona-
Mrs. J. J. Hugill, 50, died op
Thursday at the Home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and )Mrs. W. G. Wilkinson, [Strat-
ford. [She was the former Ellen
Tasker, .and was born MareIh 29,
1875, daughter of the tate Mr,
and Mrs. Lancelot Tasker. She
resided in Morris top. until her
marriage, moving eo Hullett. Her
husband died in 1954. Mrs, Hu -
gill had lived in Stratford at 79
Mowat tet., for the, past year and
a half. She was a.member of 1St.
John's United 'Ohureh and was
active in the WAILS. and W.A.
Besides her daughter, Mrs. W. G.
(Ruth) Wilkinson, she is surviv-
ed by one son,.Joseirh,,Seaf'orth,
five ga'aod.children and Tear :great
grandchildren. The funeral took
place Sroin the Whitney funeral
home, where 'service was held on
'Saturday by 'Rev, W Stuart
MacLeod of Bt. John's United
[Chunch. Interment was in Mak-
landbank cemetery.
Peter mid John Ward of the
Toronto Telegram were in.town
on Tuesday and Wednesday get-
ting Stories and pictures for a
feature article'' on .Sealforth.
Donations - 3 406.34
Guarantors 1,077.00
Concessions (net) 1,240.28
Dances (net) 891.65
5Gate-Monday, Aug. 1 1,688.12
Tuesday, Aug. 2 112.25
Booklets, advertising. and soles578.20
Log Cabin 25.00
Town of Seaforth, grant 1,000.00
Programs, novelties 132.68
Loan 1,000.00
Total Receipts $8,228.50
°Wednesday,. August 2, afternoon
gate includedin race receipts
Decorations - 8 774,20
Invitations, preparation of lists,
and postage 470.47
Tattoo 250.00
Programs and entertainment , 918.00
Parade, bands and prises 742.00
Police and traffic 38.50
Posters„ 'peddling, banners, eat,
ranee signs, radio and news-
ewspaper advertising and stat'ery 1,159.87
Registrations 77.74
Miscellaneous 162.48
Interest - - 22.73.
Reception 6610
Grounds preparation and
temporary structures 674.46
Novelties, programs
fireworks : 340.05
Rain and liability insurance435.00
Races 1,40.25
Less gate and entiy fees 1203.36 202.00
Log Cabin 201.34
Plaque 120.54
Amusement Tax 43.06
Booklet - 661.18
Lonn. repala ., 1,000.00
Telephone 76,76
346 16
Expenditures and commitments $ 8,803.42
Receipts 8,228.50
Excess of commitments over
receipts $ 654.02
Balance on hand and in bank 67.54
Deficit $ 587.38
Crossroads Show
For Apr. 12-13
[Crossroads of '•56 sponsored
by the [Seafartli :Agricultural So-
ciety is scheduled for April 12
and 13 in (Seaforth 'District High
[Dalton Reid and Frank :Sills,
who headed last year's oast, will
again appear in the major roles.
Soloists are Mrs. James A.
Stewart, Lois Hamilton and Faye
Miss Pauline Galbraith, :Strat-
ford has developed new dance
routines. J'a'mes A. :Stewart is
dl'recting a mixed ,chorus, 'a la-
dies' ohoius and a finale chorus,
and Miss 0Fwbel Turnbull is in
charge of the Puiblic, iSchool sing-
'Tickets are now on sale from
any member .orf the S'eatforth Ag
rioultural Society.
Mrs.. Paul 'Brady is, general
convener of the shone. Gordon
Wright is building stage proper-
Peewees Win
Three Games
The Peewees tinder .Coach Jacic
Eisler have won their first three
games in the Young 'Canada
tourney at Goderleh. They beat.
Kincardine on Tuesday morning
4-1, and Hornepayne '7-1 in the
afternoon. •Hornpayne team
came 800 miles to take part. On
Wednesday morning [Seaforth
defeated 'Clinton 3-2 in a close
contest. Late Wednesday they
meet the strong Temiskalming
team in the semi-finals, .and face
a tough game. The 'Dick boys
have been top scorers for Sea-
Hockey Bingo
Seaforth Hockey Home Bingo,
Prize first full card may be as
high. as $500. Cards $1 each. On
sale at F. Kling's, Baldwin Hdwe.,
G. McGonigle, C. Haney, Don
Gray (Brumfield), W. Dicicert
(Minim). The drawing of the
first week's uumbers are: Tlmrs.,
Mar. 39-I-27 Friday, Mar. 30-
N-31 Sat., Mar, 31-1-16; Mon,
April 2-N-42; Tues., April 2-
11,3; . Wed., April 4-.0-72
Famous Coro simulated pearls in a
melody of color! Lovely ombre shades
with sparkling rhinestones) One, two
and three strand uniform or graduated
necklaces with the ingenious "Ajusta"
clasp. A variety of earrings to match.
Beautiful spring flower shades of,
Maize, Dusty Pink, Aqua Green.''^
Lilac, Turquoise, White. etc, etc. °n i
Gifts Fine China
Mr. and Mrs. .G. R. Keyes and
daughter, Joan of Windsor,
spent the Easter weekend ,with
the former's mother, Mrs. Nel-
son Keyes.
Recent visitors with Mrs. W.
F. McMillan and Mss Laura Me -
Milian were: a Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Gray of )Stratford and Mr.
and 'Mrs. Don Gray of (London..
Mr. and Mrs. Will Finlayson
alit) family of Lorne Park visited
this week with the former's
mother, Mrs. Jas. Finlayson.
Mrs. Grace McCallum, who
has spent some months with Mrs,
W. F. McMillan has returned to
her home in 'Blyth.
Mr, and Mrs. Elmore 'Stephen-
son, Grace an•d Paul spent the
Easter w'ee'kend with relative's 'at
Flint and Royal Oak, Michigan,
and with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Wright at Sarnia.
Teachers spending the Easter
holidays at their homes here are
Miss Alice Watson .of London,
Miss Laura McMillan of Toron-
to, Miss Bessie Grieve df Chat-
ham and Miss Margaret Grieve
of Centralia.
Miss Jessie Finlayson of
Lorne Park is enjoying she East-
er holidays in Jamaica, and (hiss
Florence Stood with her sister,
Miss Alva Elford in New York.
Mr. W. IF. Koehler of Strat-
ford visited at the Koehler home
here over Easter.
Garry, Gordon and Allan Koe-
hler are spending :their Easter
vacation with 'their grandpar-
ents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Moore ab Egmondville.
Mr. and Mrs. :Fred Hoegy 'of
.Seaforth were Sunday visitors
with Mt. and Mrs. Laverne
(Rev. H. IL. Brox held very im-
pressive services on ,Sunday
when the new hynm books were
Friends of 'Constance' syn>.pa-
.thize with the Hugill family of
'Se'a•forth in their sad bereave-
bIr. and MIrs. Fred Riley of
Toronto spent the Easter week-
end at the home of his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. C. Riley and Ron-
The YPU were entertained at
the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
)Miss Helen McI1wain is aa,. pa-
tient in Clinton Hospital. We
wish her a speedy recovery.
Douglas and Ronnie Riley
were in Godesich on Tuesday.
!Reeve Wm. Jewitt was in.
G'oderich on M'on'day to the
''County Council aneeting.
Play the Game," Next meeting
will be held at the home of Mr.
and !Mrs. R. E. McMillan, of Mc-
Killop, with Mr. and Mrs, James
F. Scott providing the program,
Plans were made for .the Daffo-
dil Tea to -be held on Wed., Apr.
11, at the home of .Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kling. Mrs, •Stuart closed
this part of the :meeting with
prayer. Six tables of crokinoie
were enjoyed with the following
winning prizes: Ladies, Mrs. E.
A, :McMaster; men, John Card -
no; consolation, Davina Ander-
Mrs. W. J. (Stuart, Main dill.,
entertained the Fireside !Group
of First Presbyterian IClhureth on
Tuesday evening to a 'crokinole.
party and box social. There were
about 80 present. Mrs. Stuart,
the president, opened the meet-
ing with a poem, "Help rine to
New Kitchen
Is Dedicated
The April meeting of the La-
dies' Aid was held in the
schoolroom with Mrs. H. Whyte,
president, in the chair.
The new kitchen was dedicat-
ed, Mrs. J. A. Munn opened the
short •ceremony with a poem en-
titled "The Divine 'Office' of the
Kitchen" by 'Cecily Siolleck.
'Mrs. Fred Wigg, past president,
then out the ribbon 'declaring the
kitchen open with +a few
suitable words. After an in-
spection of the kitchen the meet-
ing opened with a spring poem
by Mrs. E. Scott. The reports of
the secretary and treasurer were
read and adopted. Little Ruth
Anne Wilson sang a very sweet
solo, "Father We Thank Thee",
accompanied by Mrs. T. Flynn.
The speaker for the afternoon
was Miss •Gertrude: Wilkes of the
'Children's Aid (Society in God-
erich. Her very interesting talk
consisted of answering questions
Width are most often asked by
people under the following head-
ings: Why and when they take
children from homes? Why fos-
ter homes are so important and
how they are picked, a love, of.
children being the most import-
ant factor. Many ;parents are
helped and home reinstated.
How unmarried mothers and
their )babies are advised and
helped. How the department of
.Official Guidance helps. How
juvenile delinquents are . hellied
and guarded in the Courts.
We all frit we had learned a
lot about the wonderful work of
the'Ohildren's Aid Society in our
County of Huron.
(Mrs. J. )Scott moved a hearty
vote of 'thanks to the speaker
and all taking part in the meet-
Mrs, M. Rennie and :Mrs. Ed
'Keating played a very pleasing
duet and the meeting'closed with
a social half 'hour following.
01 Toronto, with her sisters,
Mrs. 'Broadfoot and Mrs. Patter-
son; airs. .Gook of Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. 3, Shannon; Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Marshal.of
North Bay with Mrs. J. Mars'h'al
and Mr. and Mrs. M. Frazer.
Mr. David Hackwell of Toron-
to with Mr. and Mrs. W. 10-
A very successful bazaar was
held on March 27 in the base-
ment of Duff's United Church
sponsored by the Walton group
of the WMS -and W. A. A goodly
number of ladies from Brussels
attended .and a fine program was
enjoyed by all.
+Com munity service was held
at Dmff's .Church on 'Easter
Sunday in :commemoration of
the Ibord's.,Supper• There had
been a 'Good Friday 'Servi'ce at
11 am., as preparatory for Sa-
crament. The choir provided 8p-
propriaite Baster music which
added very much to the service.
Visitors over the weekend
were Mrs. 'Kerley and son 'Paulson.
The annual thankoffering
meeting .01 the W. A. of St.
Thomas', Seaforth, was held on
Tuesday in the parish hall. The
meeting opened with sicritipture
reading by :Mrs, John Earle, Mrs.
Geo. MoGavin presided. Mrs. J.
James had charge 'af the educa-
tional part. Mrs. James was
named delegate to attend the
annual meeting in St. Paul's
Cathedral, London, April 24,
25, 26. Plans were made to hold
a'Blossom tea on Wed., May 16.
Elans were :.made for the Junior
Auxiliary mother and daughter
banquet to Ibe held on Tuesday,
May 1st.
Group 2 W. A. of Northside
held their April meeting at the
home of Mrs. P. B. Moffat witch
20 ,members present. Mrs. R.
ISavauge presided for the devo-
tional period and opened meet-
ing .with a reading and the sing-
ing of hymn 118. 'Scripture read-
ing was taken from John 4. Mrs.
11. Shannon led the business dis-
cussion. A geographical eontest,
also a spelling match of biblical
names proved very interesting,
A dainty lunch was served by
the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
Fleming and Mrs. Bray. Mrs. J.
Stevens conveyed ,the .thanks of
the meeting.
GROUP 3 W. A.'
.Mrs. E. .Chanoberlain was
hostess to 'group 3 of Northside
W. A. on Tuesday evening.
The president, firs. N. Knight,
presided over the business per-
iod. The treasurer reported net
proceeds from tea, and hake sale
was $55.22. Mrs. Alf Beuerman
presided for the devotional per-
iod. 'Hymn 104 Was sung, follow-
ed with scripture taken Irons
'Matt. 2S, by Mrs. Austin Mathe-
son. Mrs. E. .Snell favored with
a reading, "E'aster's Joyous
Message of Hope". Donna Barger
rendered a lovely solo, "0
'Breath of God", and Donna
an'd 'Nancy sang a duet, "Brailiaix'i
Lullaby". which vas beautifully
,done. Mrs. Talbot introduced
guest speaker, Mrs. 'Bruce Hall,
who .chose for her . subject,
"Prayer", which was very 'inter-
esting. 'Ilymo 148 was sung and
the meeting closed by repeating
the alizpah Benediction in uni-