HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-29, Page 8CHICKS SHOP AT STEWART BROS. FOR • ATER BOOK YOU'LL GET THE WIDEST CHOICE AND BEST VALUES AT STEWART BROS. Men's Topcoats Choose from blended or all wool gabardines, new tweeds, checks,. Harris tweeds and fine cashmeres In popular slip-on or new raglan styles. We carry regular and tall lengths at 23.50 to 49.50 Spring Suits Famous Towne Hall, Cam- bridge, Johnston and Majes- tic makes In truly fine ready- to-wear sults. Choose from newest fibrene weaves, fleck and silver -tip worsteds, plus a big range of chartone flannels, in tails, regulars and shorts. 35.00 to 59.50 Easter Hats Stetson and Biltmore makes in the new narrow brim or flat top styles, as well as regular shapes for the con- servative man. All new spring shades. 5.95 to 8.95 New Neckwear We have hundreds of new ties awaiting your selection for Easter wear. Go where you like and you won't find a finer or newer range. 1.00 to 2.00 Spring Shirts Compliment your new suit with a smart Arrow or For- syth shirt In whites, plain shades, stripes or checks. 3.95 to 4.95 Spring Coats Choose from full length or shorty styles in new nubby effects, clever tweeds, fleeces or fine velour cloths. If It's new, you'll find it at Stewart Bros. 15.95 to 49.50 Smart Suits New tweeds, gabardines, flne flannel worsteds and novelty cloths. Styled for women in regular and half sizes, and novelty styles for misses. 19.95 to 49.50 New Dresses Fashion favorites for Juniors, Misses, Women's and half- size stout women. You'll see the dress you want in new spring cottons, nylons, crepes, glazed sateens and novelty • materials. 7.95 to 29.50 - r_aq Easter Hats What is Easter without your "Easter Bonnet", Come In to -day and choose from this big showing of new Easter straws. They're totally differ eat with their new wider look. 4.50 to 5.95 Smart Accessories For gloves, handbags, nylon hose, spring flowers and all the dainty accessories you want to round out a perfect Easter ensemble, look to Stewart Bros. You'll get as good a choice and pay less than you will in any city store. STEWART %ROS. Store Open Saturday Nights 'til 10 P.M. - IN MEIVIORIAIVI DUNLOP -In loving mmnoy o'f our dear son, Seek Durwood Dunlop, who pass- ed away MYtnolt 29, 1961. No one knows how much we miss him, None but pushing, hearts eon tell: Lost on earth, but found in Hesvon- Jesus doeth all things well. --Ever remembered by father, mother,' sisters and brothers BEUERMANN-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Marry lioouetmrann, who passed away two. years ago, April 3rd. Gone, dear husband, gone forever, How wo miss your smiling face, But you left us to remember None on 050th can take your place, A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has left u loneliness Tho world can never fill, -Loved and remembered by loving wife and sons and daughter. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Dr. Gorwill, the nurses of Scott Memorial hospital and all the friends and neighbors who sent cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in the hospital. Barbara Coleman We wish to extend our sincere thmdis to our neighbors and friends who helped us the day of the fire, and to everyone for their kindness since. Everything weal deeply appteaiated. Mt'. and Mrs. Ed McGrath and family COMING EVENT The Rebekah Lodge plans holding a rummage and bake sale in the (001' I3a11 Saturday, May 5FASALE 100 acres, Grey FOR ey ottland, ex- cellent buildings, water, etc., hydro. pressure systems, 6 acres bush, well fenced, good road, close to school ted church. Part cash. Apply to The Sea - forth News H ENSALL sponsored by the Women's Inti- lucky ticket. Mrs. Wm. Lee of Mrs. Ed Funk, Hansen, was tute and Gabholie Ladies' Asso- Hensel' was also a lucky win the lucky winner of a Ganada dation held in the (Community ner of a casserole dish given Packers Baked Ham at the Can- Centre, Zurich on Monday night. earlier in the evening, and Mrs. ada Packers Demonstration Mrs. Edward 'Schroeder sold the Bruce Koehler, Hensall, also r Chicks ®`' inlets - Layers R fir• 'vr Ar ,. ST and here's the Reason why • We tised to think we were feeding a balanced ration to poultry when we mixed in some soybean meal and a little meat meal and milk powder to "balance" the carbohydrates of the grain. But modern research has shown there is much more to it than that. Research has shown that the carbohydrate ingredients in a poultry ration must be carefully selected in order to provide enough energy... and the protein ingredients must be selected to provide the right "protein -energy" balance. Research has shown, too, that feeding efficiency is greatly Improved by mixing in minute quantities of several "additives". Cafeteria poultry feeds are formulated according to this latest scien- tific information. And you don't have to take our word for it. The formulas are "open" for anyone who cares to look...they areprinted in full detail on every bag or tag, showing the pounds, ounces or "units" of each and every ingredient. Come in and let us show you ...and let us tell you about the results that Cafeteria feeders In this area are get. ting. We think you, too, will want to get the same kind of results from your own chicks, pullets or layers. Anyway, It won't put you under any obligation to come in and talk It over. i$C` �i �,� t H�NDE SO TAR: TED Seaforth . . . Phone 61541 0 • S JOHN A. MacDONALD Mitchell .. . . . . Phone 2 won a prize. FOR SALE A good bunch of choice York chunks. A, R, Dodds, phone 833r14 Seatorth A quantity of OR ALE baled hay. Norris Sillery, RR2 Seaforth. Phone Clinton 52824 FOR SALE A girl's spring coat, yellow, size 13, in good condition. Barbara Dungey, phone 227 Seaforth ROOM WITH BOARD Room and part board in private home. Bedroom has separate bath. Ap- ply at News Office to Box 127 NOTICE Anyone wishing to send old woollens to Fainfields' please contact me before April 15. Mrs. Fred Chapple, phone 651 r 23 ISeaforth. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Machinery at Let 14, Con. 5, Stanley Twp., 1',5 miles eat of Brumfield, on Monday, April 2 at 1 p.m Machinery -Ford tractor (1962)' W.C. Allis Chalmers tractor fully °unttl- tled. 7 ft. Massey Harristractor mower; McCormick. Deering 15 run double disk fertiliser , drill (like ,new).. 8 furrow rubber tired blow; 2 furrow rubber tired plow ; Cookslmtt side rake; Cock - shut:: - tractor slimier; garden tractor fully equipped. Massey Harris weed .sprayer, 20 ft. boom, .air pump. with paint sprayer; 2 rubber tired wagons;: M -M combine with motor, fully ogutp- ped. Cnittle-2 Holstein heifers due in May; Ayrshireheifer due in May; 2 black cows, fresh ; 6 Holstein heifeta fresh and due in April; Holstein cow in. April ; Holstein cow fresh, 2 months ; 2 Jersey springing; 5 I3oistein cows due time of sale. 5 yr. old calves; 1 black steer, 3 yearlings. 4 spring calves. Terms cash. Prop. Ray Pepper. 'Aust.. Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney Clearing Auction Sale FOR SALE Two purebred Tamworth boars 5 mos. old, 10 Tamworth chunks. Also a kitchen cabinet with white porcelain working top, and one ,t -burner electric range with largeoven hr good working condition, Francis Coleman Jr.; pltene 538r25 FOR SALE Choice Holstein heifer, bred; also new Massey Harris drop head h•ay loader, never used, or exchange for livestock. Phone 43x7 Brussels. Lot. 20, con, 14, Grey Tp. Wilbert Pratt FOR SALE Vacuum cleaner with attachments.. Also drop hoed sewing machine, Frank Maloney, George St., Seaforth WANTED A first Mortgage of 05300 at 514% or a second Mortgage of 52000 at 6,4 on choice residential property in Sea - forth. Vertu of repayment to suit Mort- gagee. otesgagee. Apply -McConnell & Hays, Sen - forth FOR SALE [Girl's spring coat, green check with velvet trim, to fit 5 to 7, in excellent condition, also several dresses. Mrs. Fred Ghapple, 651 r 23, Seaforbh. CONSTANCE Congratulations are due to the following pupils ,of S. S. 3, for their standing in the Hallett Music Festival: Girls solo, 9 and under, 1st, Deanna Dale 87; 2nd Janice Jewitt 86; 3rd Judy Thompson 85; This class had 34 entries. Boys solo, 7 and under, Jimmy Thompson placed 2nd with a mark of 85; gjrls solo, 7 and under, Maly Mclliwain, 2nd, 35. The rhythm band from the school tied for third place. Ml's. T. McMichael of Godes- ldh is spending a few days with her .daughter, , Mrs. Ware Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale were at Kitchener on Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mss. Art Bromley. FOR SALE Approximately 1000 bales of mixed hay, approx, 1000 bus. mixed grain. Beaver oats and Mortealm barley ; could bo used for seed. A quantity of baled straw, also Viking electric cream sep- arator in good condition. Mao Chesney, Phone 063,16, Seaforth Farm Stock, Implements and Furni- ture. At Lot 13, Con. 3, Logan Tp., 11/, miles north of Mitchell, then 13 mile east of No. 28 highway, Tuesday, Apr. 3. Sale to sommonce at 1 o'clock. Cattle' - Jersey cow 7 yr. old, due -in July; Jen sey heifer due art time of sale; Ilere- forxl cow 7 yr, old, due in April; Here- ford eow 0 yr. old, duo 111 April. Dun haw cow fresh with calf by her side. Black cow fresh, 5 yr. old, with calf by her side. Durham cow 0 yr. old, due middle of April'. 2 steers rising 1 yr. old; heifer rising 1 yr. old. Hereford fat steer weighing about 000 lbs. Hogs - Yorkshire sow due at time of sole.. Yorkshire sow with litter of 18 pigs' 5 weeks old; Yorkshire row with litter of 8 pigs 3 weeks old; Yorkshire tow due at time of sale; Yorkshire aow duo about 20011 April; Yorkshire sow, first litter duo at time of sale. Implements-M-I•I binder, 0 ft. cut with new canvas. Int• ernntlonnl 1 bar side rake; Ideal manm•e spreader on rubber; M -H mower 51,E ft. cut; set binder trucks; drag cultivator; set of diamond harrows nearly new; rubber tire Wagon, hay rack, M -H tree - tor, 8 years old, with power take off. Furrow straightener. Me0, Deering 2 furrow tractor plow. Cockshutt 10 disc seed drill, fertiliser attachment. Feed - About 100 bus. mixed grain. Furniture - Kitchen table, 4 kitchen chairs, 2 Const oleum rugs 0x71,, 10,, Oxo ft. Cook stove neatly new Quebec heater, - barrels. Melotte cream separator in good condi- tion, pails, strainer pail, shovels, hoes, forks end other articles. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms cash. William Petrie, Prop. Prod. W. Ahrens, Aug. J. E, Siomon, Clerk. Private Sala Private sale of Implements, closing Estate of the late Joseph Melody, on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 3rd and 4th, at west half lot .21, Con. 4, Hib- bert, 214 south of Dublin and 1141 miles west. McKee harvester. Forage wagon and box. Ebersol (rummer mill with 8 hp motor. Renfrew cream separator. Roofsow milking machine and pipes (2 single units). Extension ladder, elec- tric brooder, fanning mill, Massey Har- ris side rake; tractor manure spreader on rubber. Two -drum steel land roller, 1>earisorn tractor cultivator ,vitt eougler attachment, 1966 Fold tractor; tractor platform; post hole digger. Weed spray- er for tractor, tractor weight. 11 disc McCormick Deering dim, drill. Post jack.. Electric motor, motor and pump, look. Gas engine. Wagon and giarin box, Froo- man loader with clay and mtururo buck- et. Litter carrier. Poultry fountains. Garden hose, Block and tackle, wire fence grips, oil pump. Stewmt electric clipper; steel hay car, tools, .etc„ fomsd about a farm. Qumrtty of mixed hay. Small f ramo building. Terms ossh. MRS. JOSEPII MELADY, Proprietress FOR SALE Plant Huron county's most profitable grain cross. Be sure you use the hest seed corn available for either grain crop or ensilage. Phone 058r23 Seaforth for year supply of f'unk's G. Ilybrld seed corn,. W. A. Haugh & Sons, Brucefteld, exclu- sive. dealers for Tucksremith FOR SALE Sumo baled hay, timothy seed and bea- ver oats. Phone 682r81.. John W. Thompson THE SEAFORTII NHWB Thursday, March 29, 1956 FOR SALE Dresser, Singer electric cabinet serv- ing machine; Quebec hooter, dining roam table. Mrs. Jus. Saliows, Egmondville FOR SALE 1 boys. size 14 Sport Coat, grey. 2 train transformers. ilea. Jas Sallows LAWN MOWER & SMALL EWe Bjeooialaize in sSERVICE ,enin#, overhaul Parts and repair service on ail makes of lawn mowers rand small. engines. Crowe Hardware, phone - 797 RENTAL SERVICE Floor polishers, garden roto tillers, lawn sweepers, 'building lacks, for rent from Crown Hardware Rental Service, phone 797 NCCallDCroown Hd ve CLOTHES ompletee installation DON'T WHITEWASHAT- USE CBOLA The superior disinfecting white water paint, won't peal or rub off; for poultry houses, cellars, milk rooms, etc. See it at Crown Hdwe, phone 797 FOR SALE 18 head of grass cattle. Portable feed manger of hemlock plank, 2x4 up- rights, 32 ft, long, new last fall, Also colony house 12x12, complete with now coal brooder stove. Mae Chesney, phone 658r16 Seaford, SALESMEN WANTED EARN 550 to $75 weekly. We will start you in business wherever you may live. No special experience necessary. Free catalogue and details supplied. FAMILEX, Dept, 0. Box P. Station 0, Montreal Sealed TENDERS for R1co00 f hard body wood 12 inches Iong will be receiv- ed for Walton United Church. Tenders to be in by April 6th. BERT JOHNSTON, (mussels mu FORTY YEARS AGO ,From The Seaforth News March, 1916 Attention is called to the fact 'that 100 years ago, 1816, was a "year without a summer." In 1816 it snowed every month of the yelar. Mr. and (Mrs. James Ireland, Morris 'twp., celebrated their golden wedding. James Ireland and Jean Ross, tooth of Tucker- smith, were married in 1866 by Rev. Wm. Graham. Messrs 'teeo and Archie Mc- Kay from Galt and Vancouver, have returned to their respective homes after :a few days with their parents at Manley. Manley school with .an en- rollment of 60 has Ibsen reduc- ed to seven on account of the mumps. • McKillop Telephone (held a successful bee to replace polos broken 'down by the recent wind and ice storm. Mr. Robert Bell was in Ot- tawa last week tat a meeting of all the shell makers of Canada for devising ways of increasing shell production. TENDERS FOR PAINTING Sealcd tenders for the painting of the exterior of Walton United Church will 1* received until April 18th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. BERT JOHNSTON, Brussels RR2 Auction Sale (Clearing Auction ,Sale of farm stock, machinery and household effects at lot 28, con. 3, East Waavanosh twp., 2 miles north •of Auburn on Thursday, April 5 Out 1 p.m. Full line .f farm ma- chinery including Ford Fergu- son tractor in good condition; Ferguson ,plow; M. H. binder; siderake, manure spreader, drill disk, rubber -tired wagon, 10 ton choice baled (hay, 5 cows •due to freshen from June to (March, 5 young cattle; some ihousehoid Prop., Ernest Hickingbottom Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Auction Sale Clearing Auction 'Sale of farm stock and anaehinery, lot 6, con. 6, Logan twp. on Wed. April 4 at 1 11.70., 3.44 miles north -of Mitchell and 24 east. Model Ii International tractor with new motor, live hydraulic pump, 2 -'furrow International Plow, A 21 John (Deere combine with grain bin, Wisconsin air- cooled motor 18 h.p., 4 -row beet and bean scuffler- fully equip- ped, Lundell all -crop forage har- vester (lilte new), 10 -ft. John Deere spring tooth cultivator on aublber, 15 -run double disk, John Deere fertilizer drill .on rubber, papec silo filler, finger Teed; Gehl' hammer mill with ,cutter head (like new), Pollard side - rake, wheel type, John Deere power mower .((like new), Inter- national manure loader, 12 -foot chain harrows, 4 -section •dialmond Barrows, 5 -section fl i s n1 a n d harrows, 84t. culti packer, John Deere tractor disk, International binder, Ford dulnp truck, Buck rake, 3 h.p. electric motor (nev- e'r used), John Deere tractor manure spreader, ICoekshutt push. bar (flay loader, feed mixer, wat- er trough, eireular saw, ldrive belt, 50 ft. endless;.2rubber tired wagons, set farm sleighs, fanning mill, stone boat, Vilnng cream separator, 2000 lb. Ren- frew scales, weighing platform, grapple hay hook, hay fork, rwb- ber-tired wheel barrow, pig trough, woven wire stretcher, 4 logging chains, forks, shovels ,Cattle -4 yr. old Hereford steers and heifers; .6 2 -year-old Hereford steers 'and (heifers. Prop., Lorne Snell. 14,uet., Harold Jackson. BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention' Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTiN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, 'B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seatorth esmonsvolo SEAFORTH CLINIC D. A. McMaster, B.A., M,D., Internist' P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday - Evenings:. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-0 pan. Appointments made in advance are - desirable FOR SALE Quantity- of good clean timothy aced 56 per bas. Also Lamin seed oats $1,25 per bus. Wilfred Maloney, phone 40813 Dublin VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.Y.M., Y.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seatorth Phone 105 ss.® JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Sealerth Hours-Seatorth daily except Mon., 0 to. 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM; Clinton. MuLarona. Studio, Mon, 9 to 5.30 FOR SALE House bus eight. rooms with electric lights and town water. Immediate 1+os- so1101on, Mr& Jttmes Barron FOR SALE Quantity of orolrsrd grass Seed. Apply Colctough Bros., RR2 Seaforth FOR SALE Red Clover seed, alfalfa seed, power cleaned. Also '52 Chevrolet sedan. Phone 62,5 Dublin. Lot 5, Con. 11. McKillop• Gordon Miller FOR SALE Property consisting of five acres of land, brick house, 7 rooms; small barn, garage; situated on paved highway six miles north of Seaford), close to Murch, school and general store. Immediate Possession. Apply Mrs. Hugh Alexander, Smiths opts, Main et., Seaforth TEACHER WANTED Toachor required for ruratl school. Near Seaforth. Good salary according t0 qualifications and experience. W. P. Roberts, Sec.-Treas., Tucker. smith School Area, RR3 Seatorth Seven room TO house inRENT country, electric- ity, leotrio-ity, outbuildings, largo garden, chickens. 29 dollar month reliable party ; available month. Apply to Seaforth News office FOR SALE Govt. graded Abegweit seed oats; and also Govt. graded No. 1 alfalfa seed. liFnred H76-11 erbert. RR4 Mitchell. Phone Dub - SALES HELP WANTED WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manu- facturer. Only reliable hustler consid- ered. Writs Rawleigh's Dept. C-364-181, Montreal, P.Q. Beaver seedFOR oats. PhSALEone 840r41 Sear - forth. Russell Bolton. WALDEN & BROADFOOT Wholesale and Retail, Stove Oil and Furnace Fuel Oil. F -I -N -A, Finest in North Amer- ica. Phone 354, Seaforth , FOR SALE Viking cream separators, new all electric stainless steel, also some good used machines priced to sell. John 13yermann, Walton RM. Phone 848r24 FOR SALE OR RENT Frame house, furnished. Call Seatorth News Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected tfected at lowest rates in First. Class Companies 00.14 •00011•101011 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all finds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Disk House, phone 847R, Seaforth VikiSALES e AND ra ors. AllllEelectlic models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for dis- trict of Seatorth, Clinton and Brumfield. Allowance made for used Separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. 514r21 Clinton LOVELL MAGi11RE Stage Dealer, Wingham. Phone 503. Can solve your milking problems. Con- tact for faster, safer, more eomplote cow milking. More farmers switch to Surge SEED GRAIN CLEANED My Plaut wilbe. open forr the purpose of cleaning and disinfecting seed grain. For further particulars eontaat H. Ches- ney. L. LEOHNER Prevent Chimney Fires Use Fire Chief Chemical Chim- ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove pipes and chimney. No need to remove stove pipes. No Fuss, no muss, no odor. For use on coal, wood, gas or oil fired units. On sale at Seaforth Farmers Co.op Haney Gen. Store, Egmondville McClinchey Gen. Store, Varna Patterson Gen. Store, Brucefield INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MATN ST. SEAFORTH • Phone 334 Res. 540 'IDlue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUN)C",i5 CHAMPION STOVEOIL AND FUR11AC1S DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, wit./ -4,11i, Margo to you, take samples of cue earth In your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 876, Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers ---President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. Mc5wing, Blyth; W. 5. Alexander, Walton; E.J. Trewartha, Clinton; J.E. Pepper, Brucefield; C. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; 73. Fuller, Goderieh; B. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot Seatorth. Agents - Wm. Leiper Jr", Londesboro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will.bo prorrlptdy attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. PERSONAL Supplies upplies (rubber g000ds) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, C samples 26c; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Martin Feeney, 11112 Dublin Vice -President D. Clayton Colgnhoun, RR1 Science Hill Directors Harry Coates, Centralia Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Milton McCurdy, RR1 liirkton Alex J. Rohde, 1R8 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RIM Woodham Clayton Harris, RR1 Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME OFFERING YOU A modern 2 bedroom brick dwell- ing just completed. One -floor plan. "Oil heating Low Down Payment Balance monthly Frame cottage on James St. Reasonably prided. Immediate possession Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences including 8 -piece bath, hardware` floors, modern .kitchen. Full basement pith furnace. Garage and good garden.; Reasonably priced and al- most immediate possession. M. ,A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 41 4