HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-29, Page 5TE2 SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, March 29, 1950 SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET EASTER FOOD SALE Heinz Tomato Catchup 23c 11 oz. Bottle • GREEN GIANT FCY. TENDER PEAS ....2 for 31c 15 oz. Tins INSTANT CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE 2 OZ. TAR — 57c 6 OZ. JAR — $1.65 . Save 10c here Save 25c here IN•GERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD 5c off..8 oz. jar .29 WESTMINSTER TOILET TISSUE, 11 rolls for 1.00 SALTED PEANUTS, Blanched .. 14 oz. Pkg...39c Strictly fresh. Spanish .. 14 oz. Pkg. 35c EASTER KISSES 1 lb Bag 29c DARE'S COOKIES Pkg 33c Free Draw on a Wagon with each pkgof Cookies APEX FRUIT COCKTAIL. 15 oz. tin 25c NATURES BEST or SUN BLEST PEAS .. 2 for 210 15 oz, Tin COLGATE OR PEPSODENT DENTAL CREAM TOOTHE PASTE 2 tubes 49c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES / Seaforth Figure Skating Club Presents I Circus Daze Seaforth Arena Sat. March 31st At 8.15 p.m• FEATURING SOLOS, CHORUSES, DANCES, ANIMAL ACTS, PRECISION DRILLS, CLOWNS AND COMEDY ACTS By Members of the Seaforth Club, assisted by Members of the Stratford Figure Skating Club Guest Artists LINDIS AND JEFFERY JOHNSTON OF THE LONDON SKATING CLUB Dance Champions of Canada in 1955, the Johnstone have recently, returned from Europe, where they took part as members of the Canadian team in International Competitions Admission -- 750 Children -- 50c The date of Carnival had to be set in Jan At that time it was advertised that the stores would be closed in March. HULLETT Tlao W.M.S. ,and 'W.A. •of Burns' United /Church held their March (meeting in Burns' United •Church on Friday, Mareh 23rd. Mrs. 'Garman Moon opened the meeting with hymn 86 fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Nelson Lear. Mrs. John Riley gave a reading on Easter thoughts. Scripture was read by Mrs. Car- man Moon. Easter Story was giv- en by Mrs. White, "Trite 'Cross was His own". Mrs. Art-O'olson gave the study (book on Indians. An invitation from Londeslboro Missionary 'Society for 'their Ea- 'ster meeting on April 12th was accepted. Mrs. Wm. Bell ,gave a TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bannon were in !Kittihener over the weekend, 'guests of IMl. and Mrs, Ray Hutchinson, Mr. Geo. 'Richardson, of Win- nipeg svent a few days here last week on business. Mrs. 'W.oM. Halt IS spending 'et few days in Kitchener with Mr. and MTs. (Don Baiter. Mr. and [Mrs. J. 'Slattery, Mls. C. P. Bilis and Mrs. Alice :Stiles slient [Saturday in London. Miss ,Basibara Jordon of Lon- don spent the weekend with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Jordon. Bay Bosharli of 'St. Thomas spent'dire weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Munro and also 'called on Mrs. John Boshart. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 'Iloff of Stratford were weekend guests of NLr. Geo. Dickson. Mr. Geo. 'Stills of ILolidon was a weekend guest at his home here, Mi. and Mips. Pat Cleary, Lon- don, spent' the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Cleary :and Mr. and .Mrs. Oen ]Eckert. Ken Bedard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bedard received se- vere injuries to his eye when he /was struck by a stick 'and was taken to Stratford for (treat- ment on Tuesday. EASTER SUNRISE _. SERVICE Sponsored by Young Peoples' Groups of Seaforth St. Thomas Anglican Church -- 7 A.M. was interspersed with Irieh songs and highlighted by an inspiring address on "St. (Patrick" by Mrs. Joseph McConnell of 'Sea forth, guest speaker. Mrs. Geo. Blake spoke on 'Current Events and Mrs. ]Louis Blake on "Pope Picts XIII". Chap. 3 of "The Life of Jesus" was 'taken by Mrs. L. Kernag{han, Mrs. L. Ryan sum- marized the (life of Father Ste- phen 'Eckert, well known far his avow+k among the nelgmoes in TJ..S. A. The hostess, Mrs. J. Byam read a poem and conducted an orig- inal contest enjoyed by all, The door prime was 'wan by 'Mrs. Kermagihan. A generous lunch was provided by Mies Sawa Mc- Kinnon and .MTs. J. Nolan, BORN HAASE --At Scott Memorial Hospital. en .March 28, to Mo, and Mrs. Glen Haase, RRI Seaforth, is son GLANVILLE—At Scott Memorial Iios- pital, an. March 24, to Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Glanville, 1Z122 Walton, a son Van ROOIJT.N—t'o Mr. and MPs. Hank Van Rooijen, RI52 Seaforth, on March 24, a son H33YNSI317RGBR—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fleynsbo'sei, HE 2 Seaforth, a daughter 71ENDLIRSON--At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on March 26, to Mr. and IYIrs. John kIonderson- 111102 Seaforth, is son KEYS --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Maroh 26, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. IKeys. Varna, a daughter OOE--A1 Scott Memorial hospital on March 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ooe, Dublin,a son MORRISON—Len and Maty Morrison, Kinkora, are happy to announce the ar- rival of their daughter at the Stratford General Hospital on Friday, Mar. 23; a sister for Jimmy and Johnnso,and a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Malonoy. MARKS - At lag Mile House, British. Columbia, on Tuesday. March 6 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marks (Mania Har- vey) h son (Kenneth Douglas) a great grandson for Mrs. Geo. Connell, Seaforth Paper on 'Christianship. F1'annel- lette SOT the (hale was given out to make layettes. The meeting closed with hymn 384. MTs. John' Riley, pres. of W.A. then took over. It 'was decided to ]late a /bazaar at the April meeting for the sale of bulbs, garden flowers an'd seeds. Two thankyou notes were read for baskets of fruit. The meeting closed with hymn 100 and lunch was served by group 1. BRODHAGEN Dr, and Mrs. Keith McGill, James 'and 'Robert of Mitchell width her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Eickmeir on Sunday. LOO.F Paper Drive Wednesday, April 11th For those wishing to have their papers and maga- zines collected for the Cancer, Polio and Tuber- culosis Fund, kindly call HICKS GARAGE E. HAASE ED ANDREWS VICTOR L2151 CLAIR HANDY • I3RODHAGEN WINTHROP SEAFORTH SEAFORTH SEAFORTH AND ODD FELLOWS AND REB] KAHS w HIGH SCHOOL NEWS .(By Jack Melody) :Seaforth IHiegpit School has been relatively quiet this past week as we 'Stave ibeen trying to struggle 'through the Easter ex- ams. In general, this set of exams was tougher ,than those ab Christmas, (because a lot of work has been ,covered since Christmas. Everyone was groan- ing aver some aspect .of 'the tor- ture. Grade 13 'have an encyclo- pedia full of histo>y notes, and Grade 9 (mainlbain that ,they were not given enough time to do justice 'bo an English literature paper, and even the teachers were 'complaining about the (easy jab?) •of Marking papers. 'Over two hundred desks were taken to the gyms where grade 9 and 10 wrote their exams. This left the job of 'presiding much .easier as more staff anem- lbers were free to mark 'papers. 'lute higher grades 'wrote in andi- vidual rooms. ,Lash Thursday evening, a Clinton basketball 'teams used the Seaforth gym for apractice'. Due to an (oversigiht on 'the pant of Mr. IPluansteel, the gym might have ,been filled with desks. Luckily, Mr. 'Dobson remember- ed the practice, and :desk nnoving was postponed until Friday morning. - !Well, hockey is over for Sea - forth this year. The Bie-nheian protest against Kev Bell Was filed legally and this puts Sea - forth out. We were 'informed of this iby a telegram from. the WOSSA. secretary on 'Sunday afternoon. The former 'two teams avh'ielh ,Seaforth 'has al- ready beaiten,'Pre.bbon and Mil- verton, will play off and the win- ner will meet Blenheim. Last week, we were ordered to clean out our lockers and leave them open so that /they could Ibe inspected. For many, this was t'he first "locker house- cleaning" since the fall. No wonder 'baskets full of trash suddenly appeared everywhere! For the first time this spring, we were given bhe ,privilege of buying a school :crest. Last year there were many requests for crests which one could buy, but this is ',the first tithe' the request was granted. In former 'times, those fortunate people who sported the school insignia .were those 'with 80 .per :cent average. Euchre playing is 'becoming quite a pastime ,on some school (buses, 'even, though the "talble°' is forever flouncing up and dawn due ,to the goad spring roads. /As the bus moves 'around the /route, 'there is airways some- one/ to fill in when somebody gelts off. ,In this way, :everyone gets lots '0f practice, so we Should know how to play cards. Question of the week: Do you .always :early a mop Key? • McKILLOP Mr. ,and Mrs. Fergus. 'Horan spent the weekend with rela- tives in Detroit. 'NLiss-Joan Bateman under- went ad appendix.operation in Scott 'Memorial hospital, Sea- 6or*th, on Thursday, 'We wish her a complete recovery. The beautiful flowers in the Evangelical 'Church on ,Sunday were in memory of Mrs. 'Lizzie Regele by Mx. and Mrs. Harry Regele. Mrs. Charles Eggert returned home after spending some time with her cousin, 'Mrs. :Shinbein ai Listowel. We are pleased to report Mr. Dan Beuerman is slowly recover- ing from his recent fall down the barn stairs, 'cruel/111g a verte- bra. He is .still in a cast. At the ,Easter :Sunday services Rev. Brox will dedicate the new hymn 'books recently purchased by the congregation. .Rev. •Mr. I{rota of Dashwood will be the guest speaker at the Lenten services bald in the Evan- gelical Chug+ch here on 'Thursday night. - EGMONDVILLE Mr. Herb Taylor of Beaver- brook Lodge, Alta„ visited with his cousins, Mrs. Wam:Scotch- oder and Mr. IScotchaner. Mr. Butler of Bay/field and Mr. Collie of Clinton were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ,Seotdh(ter, Mrs. Mina Anderson of Lon TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 1956 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates .and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer DON'T MISS THE Ham Euchre Auspices St. James' Holy Name Society MONDAY, APR. 2 8.15 p.n-i, sharp St. James' School Admission: 50 cents Lunch served Everyone Welcome Euchlre & Dance! At. St. Patrick's Parish Hall, Dublin WEDNESDAY, APR. 4 At 8.80 Norris Orchestra Auspices of the Altar Society PENNY SALE At Whitney's Store Under auspices of Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Prizes on display beginning MARCH 31st Draw April 7th EASTER DANCE THURS., MARCH 29 in Seaforth Community Centre Dancing from 9 to 11.45, Music by Wilbee's Orchestra. Modern and Old Time Dancing. Admission 50c a person Sponsored by Seaforth Women's Institute Euchre and Dance In Winthrop Hall WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 AT 8.30 P.M. Sponsored by Winthrop Foot Ball Club. Ladies bring lunch Admission 500 Parkhill 3 Act Play "The Cracked Nuts" WED., APRIL 4-8.30 p.m. Brucefleld United Church Adults 50e Children 25c Home Baking Sale and Tea SATURDAY, APRIL 7 From 3 to 5 o'clock Northside United Church School Room Sponsored by Group 1 W.A. don visited last week witlh Mr. and Mrs., Herb 'Coombs. Mrs. George Pearce and Mars. Thaclwek of iataffa visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple. Specials for Easter Week -End SMOKED PICNIC HAM 39c lb EASTER EGGS 330 tb ROSE BRAND Sweet ]fixed PICKLES, 16 oz. 32c CHATEAU CHEESE. ib lb 29c GLEN VALLEY PORK & BEANS, 15 oz , 2 for 23c RED ROSE TEA BAGS, 60's , .. . 69c RED ROSE COFFEE •... ... ..... . .... 1 lit 1,10 NYLON HOSE, 51 G41AGE, 15 DENIER 990 CLAIR HANEY Egtnondville GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 72 PII'ONE EARLY INTRODUCING OUR NEW Feel AIR STEP'S MAGIC SOLE ... an airy cushion that pillows- your step. •„ 71 SHOES FOR EASTER pie;it a a it's dark... it sparkles ...it's bright flattery for your foot And because it's an Air Step, this is fashion with a bonus of comfort. The fit is smooth and perfect ... the sole is eased with soft cushioning. u ng. $12.95 and $13.95. Widths AAAAA to D Sizes 3 to 20, with 10% and 11, Special SMITH'S SHOE STORE Phone 97. C. E. SMITH • Seaforth EXCLUSIVE DEALER DACK'S Shoes for Men WALTON Mrs. Fergus 'Connelly eon - deleted the ,March 1'5bh. meting of St. Ambrose Altar :Society of Brussels, held et the home of Mrs. Jos. 'Ragan. There were 14 members and two visitors :pre- sent. Committees for (the flol'low- ing anonith were 'appointed, the Altar Committee (being Mrs. L, Ryan and Mrs. R. McBride, the Visiting iConnanittee: Mrs. L. Kernagbtan ,ane] Mrs. A. Russell. It was 'deeided that a church cleaning be 'held :on March 23 and that flowers be purchased for .Easter. A motion was passed that 'a sale of 'baking and: 'aprons be held in June. The .program THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH 5 YEARS OF PROGRESS irmeammed kilowaii-howir "The smith a mighty man is he, with large and sinewy hands, . . That's how Longfellow saw him, and how he was regarded by his community. Today, he doesn't have to be a physical giant, for the smith has a new kind of muscle. We can't describe it, for it's invisible. A unit we know as a "kilowatt- hour", muscle -power without an equal. Today, the roar of the bellows and vibrant ring of the anvil are replaced by the hum of motors and the dull thud of the forging ham- mer.'Electricity, accomplishing tasks thought impossible 50 years ago. And who can say what future applications will be developed? Would you venture to estimate how much electricity will be used to power machinery in, say, 1975? Ontario Hydro endeavours to do that every day . look into the future ... anticipate electric" requirements. Tomorrow's living as well as today's will more and more be measured in kilowatt-hours. It is the aim of Hydro to provide an adequate supply of electricity so vital to Ontario's farms, homes and industries. THE HYDRO FAMILY' ASSURES YOUR ELECTRICAL FUTURE 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • • 41 4 41 41 4 4 4 41