HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-29, Page 4TFIE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, March 29, 1958 HULLETT On March 26 the Anal meeting of the Fireside farm forum was :•held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joo Babeo(k with 22 members present. h the use of the coun- ty projector John Buchanan showed some interesting slides, • The winners at progressive euchre were Mrs. George Carter and Don 13uehanen; lone Wade, Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Erie ,Anderson: consolation, Mrs. Jim Ilowatt tun? Ellis, kne Anderson. Transportati Specials 1945 GREY. SEDAN, new paint, extra 1910 DODGE SEDAN 194(1 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1936 FORD COACH (Uuod) clean $425 $395 $365 $5o AT Seaforth M otors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 Hors and . p How can YOU benefit from having a Current Account? You'll find it much easier to keep an accurate record of your current expenses schen you have a Current Account. When you pay all bills by cheque on your Current Account, you receive back, at the end of each month, all your cancelled cheques as well as a bank statement showing every withdrawal and every deposit you have made. The cancelled cheques serve as receipts—and are accepted in court as evidence of payment of the amount shown. Furthermore, they are much easier to file away than receipts and take less room to store, With them and your hank statements, you'd find it far easier to get an exact picture of how you spend your money. So it's a good move to use a Current Account for paying .til current bills—and keep your Savings Account for. actual savings. THE CANADIAN SANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager BRUCEFIELD Mr. John Retteivhusy of Bur- lington wito has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Ross Scott, re- turned Its his •bona en Friday, Private Douglas Helmer of London spent Friday with his grandmother, Mrs. A. Rohner, Group 2 of the W. A. held erokinole party in the basement of the .Church, the .attendance was very small but a pleasant evening was spent, HENSALL BORN—In St. J'oseph's Hos- pital, London, on Sunday, March 25th to Me, and Mrs. Win. Cle- ment, Hensall, a son. Miss Vera 'Currie of Stratford was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen Jr. Bride - And Groom Honored A large number of friends and relatives gathered in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Friday evening in 'honor of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ronald •Caldwell, ivho 'were married recently. Dancing was enjoyed to music by Desjardirre's Orchestra. The bride and groom were presented with a kitchen suite. The address was read by .Me. Glenn 'Koehler. Larry Dietz, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dietz, who nnder•went an operation in Clin ton Hospital last week, returned •home this week. The members of Aniber Re- bekah Lodge No. 349 held a most successful bake sale and tea in the lower lodge hall on Satur- day.. Mrs Nancy hoehler, who has spent the winter •months in Tor- onto, is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mi•• and Mrs. Leonard Erb. Amber Rebekah Lodge Meets .'Phe regular meeting of Am - her Rebekah Lodge 349 was held en Wednesday evening with N. G.' Mrs. Archie MacGregor with. Arrangements were made for the .bake sale and tea to be held on Saturday, March •24th. Miss Mabelle Whiteman was appointed as scholar and Mrs. Harold Parker as representa- tive to attend Grand Lodge, in Toronto in June.- The -charter was draped in memory of the late Mrs: Elizabeth Dundas, As- sembly treasurer, Arrangements were made to attend the meeting 1n Seaforth on Monday, Apr, 9 and also to confer the degree early in May. gueste orf Rev. and Mrs, E. Fis- cher an Thursday. Mr•, and Mrs. Glaris Leon- hardt and Laureen of Mitchell with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens on !Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brun- ner, John and ?Darlene and D'1•ss. Ida Brunner :of ;Seelbach's UM, with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Diegel. Mr. Wan, liresenberg, Mrs. Chas. Ahrens, albs. Lena Ellig- son, Mrs, Wilfred Ahrens visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Wes- enberg at Brussels recently, Mr. and Mrs. G. Roy Hart of London with how mother Mrs. I5liziebeth Rook, on Monday. Mr, J. F. Prtleter visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vin Dittmer in:Winghaan an Sunday. His sister Mrs. Mazy Dittnner, Who has been visiting; her fam- ily in Washington, Kitchener, Toronto and Wingham for the past three months, returned home here w'itilr him. There are only a few farmers Malting maple syrup in the dis- trict and revert a poor run of say so far. \Messrs Itudollhh Thiel of Ru- bherglen, and Ross Francis, Kirleton, visited with Russell SholcUee en Thursday evening, Messrs Ford Dickinson and Mervin Leanhardt attended the Oil Heat Show in Taranto one day last week. Mr. and =Mrs. Edwin Rock and Jane spent Sunday with their son Rev. Rdber•b Rock and Mrs, Rock in Walkerton, Master Marcel Wolfe of Strat- ford spent the past week with his grandparents, MT.and Mrs. .Lavern Wolfe. Mr. and N s, Alvin Rose •of Sarnia with Mr. and Mfrs. Chris W. Leonhai•dt• Mrs. Rose re- maining with her sister for the week. Mr. Wayne Beuerman, Strat- ford and ;Nle, Ray Beurerrean of RCAF Edgar with their parents„ .Me, and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. Mrs. Edith Beuerman of Sea - f orth visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser on Sunday and also along with .Me. and Mrs. Alfred Beeermian, Larry and Diane of Seaforth, celebrat- ed Larry's 13th birthday at the honkie of his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hil'lebrecht, BRODHAGEN The last Farm Forum meeting of the season Was held on Mon- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Thompson, of Mitchell !Slides were shown in. the church basement on Thurs day evening by Dr. and Mas. Little of Waterloo -of their trip to Europe recently. Dr. and Mrs. Little of Water- loo. Mrs. ,Martha Schultz •and Rev. Eric Schultz of -Ellice, were Mr and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe with .Mr. Harry Byers, Kitchener on Sunday and attended the con= firmation of Jimmy Byers at St. Matthew's Lutheran •Church. Flowers were placed on the Altar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church for the Sunday morning service in -memory of Ed Rick- mcir who passed away 7 -years on 'March 25, and .firs. Ed- Eick mein, 8 years ago Jan. 21, they were placed there by their fam- ily. A basket of flowers in mem- ory of August Wurdell, aiho passed away 25 years ago, was placed by his family, and a bask- et of flowers in honor of albs and Mrs. _August Hillebrecht, on the occasion of their 52nd wedding anniversary, on Mardh 24th. Sharon Lee Smith, inhale dau- ghter of Mr. .and Mas. Kenneth Smith was baptized 4during 'the morning service by Rev. 3D. Fis- cher. The sponsors along with the parents were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of Orangeville and Mr. sand Mrs. Ralph Fischer of McKil op. Mr, and Mts. L. Diegel are spending Easter with their daug- hter, Mis. H'arol'd 'Schiefle end Mr. Sclhiefle at Warren, Ohio. [Mr. and Mrs. Albert ,Smith, ,Sandra and Arthur of Orange- ville with Mr. and Mrs. Ed end Kenneth Smith. Mrs. Idara Diegel is employed at .the Townsend home near Tavistock for several weeks. BARBARA KIRKMAN Tuesday, March 27, following prayer service, Barbara Kirk. man Auxiliary ,held their March meeting with .Mrs. K. ,Shah -pe, the president, in the ohair. Att- er the reading of the minutes by Mrs. B. Rivers and a short bust. nese discussion, Mrs. W. J. Stu- art conducted 'devotions, with Mrs.: Mary Cardio and Mrs. Ed ith McMillan singing a very pleasing duet, "Christ On The !Cross", accompanied by Mao, McGregor. Mrs. Ila Dorrance very capably took the chapter, "The Ohuroh and its Mission“. Referring to us in closing as the living stones of the Church. The second part was a panel discus- sion composed of Mrs. 3, Sharpe, Mrs. R. Charters, Mrs, E. Riv- er's,Mas W. J• Stuart, Murray, Miss .lI HabMrs. J. irk; mak- ing us realize what it aneans to ibe a church member being will- ing to be leaders and gine of our talents ars well as a welcome to new member's to make them feel at home; closing with the Benediction. CROP REPORT Organization meetings for the 1953 4-41 _Agricultural program in Huron County have now been held with 445 4-H Club mem- hers enrolling in the program to date, Each year because of labour shortages, fearer farmers are making maple syrup. Those who have tapped this year report very liehi. runs of sap. 1101111.1511.11 llllll 1111111111‘1111111111111111111111111111” First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 A.M.—Chureh School and Bible Class • 11 a.m. "Scene in a Garden" 7 p.m. "Easter—and Peace" Come in the morning and come at night _q,nin,minr,nnnn„",nuunnnnun,n uu,a,en", Theatre TidT1RS. FItI. SAT. '1'fl19 SILVtStt WHIP Dale Robertson - Rory Calhoun The alk -shooter won the west. P5' rifle defended is and now the crackling lush drove It to greatnesv MON. TUGS. WED. TIDO 135tC114'OMBER Robert, Newton - (Brats Johns From the novel by Somerset Mnugh,mt. From the exotic Islands or the Indian 0rean comes the sorry or passion and adventure that fires the screen with esettoment• TH'UitS. FRI. SAT. ABOVE US 'rni WANES John Mills - Donald Linden COMING SLAVES OF BABYLON Just In --- The Famous Siouan Scamper BOYS SIZES, 1 TO 51/4 4.95 a pair MEN'S SIZES, 6 TO 11 5.95 a pair WILLIS S ' OE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" GENERAL MANAGER Applications for the Position of General Manager will be re- ceived by Mr. 3. D. Oaks, President, Mid -Western Ontario Regional Development Association, Box 273, Guelph, Ontario, to April 18th, 1950. The Applicant to work under a Board of Director's 111 55500-` ration with local organizations and with Municipal and Pro- vincial Governments for the promotion of Regional Industrial elo a Oev 1nent. Exceptional opportunity for active aggressive man to develop interesting career with good future. Confidential application with photograph to Box 273, Guelph. as New contract this year should bring higher price per bushel than pricing basis on former contracts Both Montcalm and Kindred Seedy Barley Available FERTILIZER AVAILABLE FOR CONTRACTS Topnotch Feeds Ltd. SEAFORTH PHONE 15 .Tj They're Here Now! The New F i n � Gasolines e• Children's Jeep A Kiddies' FINA JEEP given away each week. The children will love their full size. Jeep in which they can ride about. A. Free Coupon with every $2.00 cash purchase. - - OTI-IER. NOVELTIES TOO - - 'The Finest in North America" Prompt, Courteous Service DRIVE IN AND VISIT US TO -DAY! We are ready to serve you with SUPER- FINA and FINA Gasolines, and FINA Universal Year 'Round Motor Oils. Truly courteous service too! Our sincere desire is to give cheerful and painstaking at- tention to all your needs. Visit us soon! % Fill Up At FINA Have your Car FINA Serviced AL EN & BROADFOOT South Main Street Seaforth PHONE 354