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The Seaforth News, 1956-03-29, Page 3
4r TJIflM FROiJ, Low fertility and hatchability results in a considerable loss to pounitry breeders and hatchery - men since incubated eggs that are infertile and those that fail to hatch have no salvage value. There are many factors affect- ing fertility and hatchability and many of them are under control of the poultry breeder. A. P. Piloski, poultryman at the Canada Department of Agri- culture Indian Head Experimen- tal Farm, states that the age of chickens seems to have some effect on hatchability. There is a slight decrease in hatchability in the second year and a more pronounced difference in 'suc- ceeding years. Males do not seem to be affected to the same extent by age and males ex- hibiting good vigor may be used for several years. Frozen combs will make a male inactive for several weeks so that dubbing is a good" !practice whenever there it danger of the comb freezing. Dubbin g, however, should be done early in the fall when the weather is still mild, • * Rations that hens receive prior to and during the breeding sea- son have a great effect on match - ability. A hatching ration should be fed at least a month prior to the time that eggs are to be collected for hatching. It is not desirable to change rations dur- ing the breeding season as this may result in lower production at a time when all eggs are re- quired tor hatching. * * Hatching eggs should be, set as soon after laying as possible, as the time that these eggs can be held is relatively' short de- pending on the temperature at Which they are stored. The opti- mum range of temperatures is between 45' degrees and 60 de- grees F. At these temperatures eggs can be held a 'week with- . out hatchability being affected significantly:: Up to two weeks the decrease in hatchability is small, but beyond this time, hatchability decreases very ra- pidly while the hatching time increases. This factor is impor- tant in hatcheries where a rigid schedule is maintained. FROM ITALY - This statue, a replica of the famous "Discus Thrower" by ancient Greek sculptor Myron, is a gift to the American people from Italy. In order to maintain a high level of fertility it is usual to mate one male to fifteen females. Under a system of pen -mating where several males are used in one pen this ratio should be. maintained. Too many males in one pen may actually result in decreased fertility because of excessive fighting. Once a pen has been made up it is unde- sirable to introduce a strange male into the pen because the fighting which will follow usu- ally results in fewer fertile eggs. *" * * Males should be placed in the breeding pens at least one week before eggs are to be saved to assure a high level of fertility. Under some conditions such as individual breed in g, cross- breeding, or where time is an element, it will be found that artificial insemination is of great value. By this method eggs may be saved the second day follow- ing insemination. Under normal conditions high levels of fertility can be maintained by natural matings and following good management practices. * * * The development of improved cabbage varieties is closely asso- ciated with changing human food habits. For many years cabbage was used mainly as a cooked vegetable and hi sauerkraut pro- duction. The verities available were satisfactory although they produced large plants, thick leaves and a leaf skeleton that was coarse and hal. In recent times a change to greater use of raw vegetables, including cab- bage, in the form of salads necessitated the introduction of varieties with finer plant parts. The new cabbage types have fine - textured, closely - spaced leaves with thin leaf skeletons and a small head core. * ** A_lnarked change is noted in thei4preference for head size in - cabbage. Large heads are still; required for exhibition and com- mercial processing but a small head is preferred in the home. The latter is related to the needs of prsent day small -sized families and smaller quantities of cab- bage consumed in salads as com- pared to those used incooked meals. - * * . * Eye appeal has had an effect in developing cabbage varieties with a deep green foliage colour; red cabbage is becoming popu- lar because of the distinctiveness colour gives to salads. * * 4 Cabbage can be kept in good condition for several weeks at - ter harvest with the modern home cbld-freezer. But the pre- ference for freshly harvested heads has stimulated the devel- opment of cabbage that will re-. main in good condition in the garden for an extended time and can be used as needed. The heads of most varieties tend to burst or split open as they attain mature size and therefore the gardener must use measures to retard this unfavourable con- dition or cut the crop before the heads begin to split. The new non -bursting cabbage can be left in the garden and used as de- sired, * * * Recommended cabbage vari- eties, for first early use are Ca- nadian Acre; for second -early use, Viking Golden Acre; for mid season purposes, the non - bursting Bonanza: for late sea- son, Danish Ballhead; and the red variety, Red Acre. CROSSWORD PUZZLE 3. Sink 30. Lumpttnns 6. Sesatno 32. Headland . b, 1lotnan date 33. Cut off in 6. icebound pronouncing 7. Cupboard 3,. observing. 8, Dm 35 ilii tiara 9. Cover (slang,. 10. Shelves 37. Take a way 13. Meaning 33. Trader 16. Wagon trarko 30. nyr> 19. Boy 43. Glineb 22. Condition 40. Abandoned 24. Sang 40 null -lido bird 20. Title 45. Parson bird 28. Greeting 61. Rodent ACROSS 1. Varnish ingredient 9. Summon 11. Iroquoian Indian -12.Sign ofthe 8odlac 14. Deer's horn 15. Prospective buyer 17. Metal fastener IR. Compact ID. African - antelope 21. Flnilding r4irlitlone 22. Haman re** 1. Girdle 25. ('nurses of mating 27. F1 midge 29, Three -toed cloths 21, Pointed 11111 32. Telephone exchange 20. flacon1.7e -48. Drug plane 41 Make leather 45. old rngllsh mart 44, nnep. hale 45. Restrict" . ' 47, Pleat 48. Supervisor 90, nil of orange blossoms. St Acruatom Ivor .1 95. Cowardly 04. Snares 55, Comes 1n DOWN 1. Groaned 2. Ring-Itlte structures Answer elsewhe on this page. THESE fOOK THE PRIZES - These odd-looking homemade hats are prize winners, believe it or not. Folks in Casper make the long, cold and stormy winters seem shorter by holding unusual contests. The oil -derrick hat at left symbolizes the main industry in the area. The one at upper right represents garden- ing and the other, made of doll -sized pots and pans, represents household activities. The designers are Mrs. Philip Kretz, left, Mrs. Philip Clark, upper right, and Mrs. Pat Alsup. GREEN THUMB ly Gordou. Smith These Like Queer Places No matter what the location, one should not be discouraged. Provided there .is soil and at least light, a garden is always possible. For dark shady corners there are things like begonias, lily of the valley and such that will thrive there and nowhere else. At the opposite end of the scale are portulaca, poppies, alyssum and so on that delight in the hottest sunshine, will stand drought and are not particular at all whether the soil is rich. There are certain things that must be in a dry location and others that don't mind getting their feet wet. And, of course, there is a wide range in colour and height and time of bloom- ing. If -the ground is rough and slopes sharply there is always an opportunity for a rock gard- en. Here we simply reinforce the slope with the most attractive stones we can find, rough mos- sy ones are best, and in between we plant tiny rock plants. These thrive in the shallow crevices and it is surprising the amount of bloom they provide. For getting the best out of these gardens in unusual lo- cations, one is advised to study the seed catalogue thoroughly, note the special likes and dis- likes of certain plants, and be more careful than usual in mak- ing suitable selections. Nursery Stock Anything started in a nursery bed is termed nursery stock, This covers everything from herbaceous perennials like Iris, peonies, or strawberry plants to vines, shrubs, fruit and - orna- mental trees. Usually we buy and plant this in our own gard- ens as- early in the spring as possible. Good nursery stock will be green and pliable, cover- ed with buds if it is shrubbery or trees, and it will not be too far advanced, certainly not out in leaf, Actually the more dor- mant it is by the time we pur- chase it the slower and better the start, and the more certainty of sturdy life later on. If we can plant this stock just as soon as • it arrives it is best, but if we must hold for a while, it should be kept cool and moist. In plant- ing the roots should not be ex- posed any more than we can help and it is wise to shade from sun and protect from the wind. It should be planted in well ,prepared. soil and the same tramped down firmly about the roots to exclude air. Big things like fruit and ornamental trees should be tied firmly to a stake to prevent being whipped loose. Water is the secret of successful transplanting with this stock just' as it is with plants like to- matoes, cabbage, petunias, zin- nias and other things we set outside in the spring. Use plenty until the new plants really start to grow. Avoid These Two of the commonest mi- stakes in gardening are planting FORMAL TITLE - Top hat and cane are the crown and scepter of this beauty queen. She's Gwenn Shepard, recently chosen "Miss Formal Wear" at the con- vention of the National Asso- ciation of Retail Clothiers and Furnishers. too deep and too close together. The size of the actual seed has little to do with either. Some tiny seeds produce mighty big plants that will require plenty of room. Some big seeds, like that of beans, produce only moderately sized plants. The general rule for depth is three times the diameter of the seed. For tiny seed like that of portulaca or alyssum or lettuce, this simply means sowing on top of the soil and pressing in lightly. To spread more evenly, we may mix seed with sand before we sow. For bigger seed say the size of peas or corn, half to an inch deep will be about right. Potatoes, gladiolus and dahlias go down from six to twelve inches. As for spacing, it is well to remember that even tiny things like alyssum or portulaca, or green onions, require some space to develop properly. The safe rule is at least half as much space between sprouted plants as they will be high when full grown. COMMON COMPLAINT Joe's pal Bob was always up to his neck in debt, One pay- day Joe thought he'd try to help his friend With his budget. "How do you spend your wages?' he asked him. `About 30 per cent, on the home, ,.50 per cent. on food, 20 per cent. on clothing, and 20 per cent. on amusement, was the reply. "But that's- 120 per cent!" ex- claimed his pal. "I know. That's lay trouble," SOME DOG HEROES A little lost child was -crying helplessly in a New York police station, refusing to be comfort- ed. The desk -sergeant looked at her with anxiety and turned to one of his patrolmen. "Send for Bess," he said. "Oh!" The toddler forgot her tears as soon as Bess paddled into the room, for Bess, a full- grown female St. Bernard was as soft and cuddly as a live ted- dy bear. For all her size, the smallest children never feared Bess. She went across and licked the tear- wet little. face. "That's O.K.," said the sergeant, "she'll be all right now." When he had finished entering his books he looked across at the huge dog and the little girl, curled up in a corner of the of- -lice, fast asleep. The child's head was pillowed on Bess's soft flank, and a great paw rested on the small relaxed body. Bess was a police dog, Not in the sense of the highly trained specialists who scent out the trail of a criminal and perform spec- tacular feats of detection and ar- rest. But she was a real police dog, engaged in a no less valuable part of police work. She patroll- ed with the men when she felt that she needed exercise, but her main job was looking after lost children. Bess was a type. She repre- sented those game and nameless dogs, often of dubious ancestry, who for one reason or another have attached themselves to policemen and have learned some of the tricvks of the law. Another such was Rum who only used his nose to follow food. He had pretensions to Irish blood, could never mind his own busi- ness when there was a fight in the offing, and couldn't bear to see children cross a road with- out his fussy escort. Then there was Nigger, a big fellow with rescue on the brain -he haunted canal banks hoping that someone would need rescu- ing. In the hot weather indignant small boys were always being "rescued" by a helpful Nigger. Another mongrel hero was Brownie. Nobody knew where he came from or why. He just turned up one day and adopted a police station, endearing him- self to the men for his sterling qualities. He would wade in and assist any policeman in a fight, and grab anyone that a policeman indicated. What's more, he liked his beer! A glass of ale in his drinking bowl in a corner of the canteen was part of Brownie's wages. Small wonder that he was solemnly invested with a collar studded with police uniform but- tons and promoted to the rank of Station Mascot. Another mascot was Mouse. He strayed into a Banbury police station and was told to go home. But he had no home. Three times he came back and was then taken into custody under whatever statute it is which pre- serves police premises from can- ine tramps. Mouse didn't mind being under arrest. He grinned all over his hungry face and set about the best meal he'd seen. for weeks. But poor Mouse didn't know that there are stern regulations for the disposal of homeless strays. The pats which he re- ceived from men about the sta- tion he took as pure fool fellow- ship when they were more often expressions of pity. For Mouse had been condemned. He was saved by a fluke. A high-ranking police officer who t as a dog -lover happened to see Mouse and was impressed with his intelligence. He decided to send hin. to school. The vagrant found himself at a sort of doggy police college at Washwater, in Berkshire. Here, the nondescript "Banbury Cross," as one wit dubbed him, Vas among hounds of impeccable ancestry -, golden labradors, - pedigree blood -hounds, champ- ion < and sons of champions. Wu he downheated? Not a bit. The dogs were in training to pass out for the police service. Mouse learned all their tricksand a bit more.. What other dogs did competently, he did with enthu- siasm, and in better style. Se he was made a mascot and plac- ed on the permanent staff. Other dogs of various breeds have quietly carried out the rou- tine work of policing. Thirty years ago the North Eastern Rail- way company was plagued -by thefts, fires and attacks on their policemen. A pack of Airedale terriera was introduced, Soon there wan a drop in the tramp population) of docks and railway property and a big decrease in fires which were attributed to their careless- ness. The dogs patrolled with policemen, caught or scared oft thieves and several times pro- tected their masters when at- tacked. Other dogs, though not police dogs, have often performed great public service. A little dog, which belonged to the manager of a shop in Lon- don's Whitechapel Road, was per- petually scratching at the floor of 'a room in the shop, trying to draw the attention to the spot. Wainwright, the shop' owner, had killed' his sweetheart Harriet - Lane, and buried her beneath that floor. When Wainwright saw the dog's activities he killed it. But the dog did not die in vain; the murder was out. In the reign of Charles V, King of France, a French gentleman, Aubrey de Montdidier, was mur- dered in the Forest of Bondy. There was no clue to the mur- derer, but Montdidier's dog showed an extraordinary aver sion to a man called Macaire, and this led to suspicion. In those days a man could vindicate his cause by defeating his accuser in battle in the ar- ena. It was therefore decided that Macaire should be armed to do battle in the arena with hie dog accuser to find out the truth. Macaire was given a shield and a wooden club, the charge was read Out, the oaths taken, and then Macaire stood alone to de- fend his life. The dog was Let loose and flew at the man. To and fro they struggled, and even the hardened fighting men gasped at the ghastly ferocity of it. Up and down in the gory dust they fought for hours. And then Macaire was down and striving frantically to escape those wick- ed fangs. Onlookers covered their eyes as a weird, bubbling cry welled from the man's throat. Then he rolled over and was still. The people went home satisfied that truth had prevailed. SLICKERS, BEWARE Listed among the 50;000` peo- ple in the newest edition of "Who's Who in America are a few individuals who don't be- long - because they never liv- ed anywhere except in the im- aginations of the editors. The fictitious names are printed to trap unscrupulous promotera who sometimes reprint these biographies without permis- sion. The appearance of the fictitious names gives the pub- lishers clear proof of theft. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking ©D©©©© ©MEN ®©MOON bCO©©© ©rt GIDE ® GUEU05 0O©- ©0'MU© ©UM MOW V09<:.©OOC2 mum WODEMUE COB WOO 0900L50 ' ®©©UC} ©©M ©0© UWWE WM0-0151MUUzEWM 060 001 g©M0©Q AMMO 0/%UMC 0000 B0©©rE SHE BAKED A CHERRY PIE - And it won her the title of Cheney Pie Queen. "At home on the range" - most any range _ An. nette Hunt, 17, gives;a taste of a pie made from her prize -wine lung recipe to J. R. Poteat, at contest headquarters.