The Seaforth News, 1956-03-29, Page 1The Seaforth News
Jeffery and Lindis Johnston, brother and sister of London, who
will be guest artists at the Seaforth Skating Club Carnival, Satin -
day night, They successfully defended their title at Galt last week:
The marriage took place on
Tuesday afternoon, March 27, at
2 o'clock, at the manse of First
Presbyterian Church when Lama
Muriel Rivers, daughter of Mr.
Thorpe Rivers, Seaforth, became
the bride of Howard Allan, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allan,
Brucefielcl. Rev. D. menu Camp-
bell officiated,
The bride wore a light blue
suit with pink accessories and e
corsage of pink carnations. Her
bridesmaid was her sister, Miss
Evelyn Rivers, who wore a dove
grey suit, reel accessories and red
carnation corsage. Mr. Ivan Quer-
engesser of )3rodllagen was best
man. After a wedding trip to the
s$r:atbnrn States Mr, and Mrs.
Allan will reside on the groom's
farm at Brucefield.
Miss !Cecelia Horan, 65, who
was born and educated here,
died in Hamilton atter having
been in poor iealbh for the past
two years. She wets an honor
gnaduate •of 'Queen's University,
Iiingston and taught for many
years until ill-bealth forced her
retirement. ,Since then she 'had
shade her home with her sister,
Mrs. 'Grattan Flannigan, Hamil-
ton, She had spent mostt of ter
summers in the family home
here. 'Surviving are two 'broth-
ers and two sisters: John, Van-
eouver; Louis, Portland, 'Ore,;
Mrs. !Clarence Hall, Toronto; and
Mrs. Flannigan.
The funeral was held on Sat-
'.4Vilay in Hamilton, with burial
in St. James' 'Roman 'Catholic
'Cemetery, 'Seaforth. Six neph-
ews were palabearers.
Hospital Rates
Increase July 1
The hospital 'board owing bo
the 'deficit of 'the last two yeaas
feels it is now impossible to car-
ry oar with the 'old Tates. 'The new
rates: $7 for sta`nd'ard .weed ser-
vice; $8.50 for semiprivate,
The new
$9.50 dor private. rates
will not 'beooim'e effective until
J'u'ly 1st,
It is three years since"' the
rates were raised last.
'The annual meeting of the
board of Scott 114Lenn.orial Hospital
was held at the nursers' resi-
dence on Friday night.
A defi'ci't for the year of $9,-
181.60 wwas revotited after writ-
ing off $5,674.09 depreciation.
The financial report was given
by M. A. Reid in the absence of
Elmer Larone, clvairinan 'of 'the
finance oonitmittee.
'Operating revenue for 1955
was' $86,220.30. 'O'pera'ting ex-
penditure, '$108,325.94. Nan.op-
evatin revenue including a
grant from the 'County of Hur-
on, 812,919,04.
An increase in all phases of
hospital work was indicated in
the report' of the superinten'd'ent,
Miss Valeria Drope, Admissions
1,036, out patients 339, births
178, surgical 'operations 378,
X-rays 991, chest clinic X-rays
Property committee Chairman
James A. 'S'cott reported *at im-
provements during the year
were a new entrance door and
new sidewalk at the hospital,
also removal of the oicl verandah
and installation of new veran-
dah and walk at the nurses' re-
sidence. Some new shrubbery
had been purchased.
M. McKellar, board chairman,
was re-elected and also Merton
Two new (members were elect-
ed to the board, Mrs. J. 0. •Crich
and John Modeland, succeeding
E. Larone and R. McGonigle.
Rev, Bruce Hall of Northside
United 'Church was the guest
speaker at the Friendly Night of
the 'McKillop on;Sunday
evening last: He spoke about the
Missionary students 'and 'the
hardships they encountered in
the eCanadian West some yeasts
ago in the 'district that is now
the Peace River area. A musical
program was provided which was
as follows: Duet, Mrs. F. John-
son and MTS. R. K. McFarlane;
trio, Mr, and Mrs: Leslie and
Oliver ;Pryce, ;solo, Bert Dennis,
trio, Jean, Margaret and June
Hillen; solo.' Mss. R. B. McKerch-
er, The accompanists were Mrs.
Alex Dennis, and Mrs. Johnson,
and Mrs. 0. Hillen.
Seaforth Bantams lost by a
13-2 score to the powerful
Owen iSound team in the police
hockey at Wingham on :Saturday
afternoon. 'Se'aforbh's two 'goals
were scored by Ray £coins.C.
Rowcliffe was coach. Owen
Sound won the championship for
the third time by beating Mild-
anay on Tuesday.
ISeafeet'h: 'Larry Dale, centre;
Bill Pinder, lett w.; Rta'y .Scoins,
right w.; Doug. Powcliffe, def.;
Bob Reith, def.; Gary Ast, cen-
tre;'Harvey Dale, right w.; Se-
ibert Elliott, lett w:; Jim Broad -
foot, def.; Brian ,Flannigan,
riglut 0.v.; Bryan Brady, goal;
Jack Bedard, goal.
Northside United Church
Rev. Bruce 'W. 'Hall, Minister
7 aim., Our Young People will
participate in the 'Connmsunity
'Sunrise Service and breakfast at
at. Thomas' Anglican 10hmrtdh•.
10 a.m.,'Church :School and
tA.dult tBrlble +Class.
11 a.m., "Released.' Glorious
Baster 'music led by our com
bined 'choirs.
Toddlers' 'Group and Junior
- 7 p.m., Our Senior 'Choir will
present the Baster 'Stony in an
(ahem, hymn, scriipttn'e, and
8.15 pan., Y. P. IT.
St. Thomas' Anglican
7 am., Easter Sunrise 'Ser-
vice, sponsored by Young Peo-
ple's Groups ef-'Seaforbh at St.
Thomas' An'gl'ican 'Church,
9. a•m., 'Easter 'Communion
10 a.m.,'Sunday Scheol Baster
11 a.m., Choral ICotmsnunion
7 pan., Easter Evensong -
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
3 pan., 'Sunday •aSclhool
Easter 'Communion
Egmondville• United Church
'Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister,
10 aan IChurch !School and
Adult ,Glass.
11 ami„ Easter Worship and
Folie. ISeirinon, "The Dirffeaenoe
the -Resurrection Makes".
7 pan, Easter in Song and
'Thursday 7.30 mid -week ser-
Mr. and Mrs. David
Muir Honored
About '25 friends and neigh-
bors 'gathered at the home of
Mr. 'and Mrs. Davits Mair on
!Saturday night to spend an
evening with 4ll.esn prior to theirs
moving to Wialiton, A few games
o£ euchre were played prizes go-
ing to 'ladies .first, Mrs. Harry
Nesbitt done hands, Mrs, H.
McIlwMn, consolation, Mrs. Geo.
Stone. Men's first, IMr. Archie
'Smith; lone hands Mrs. Arnold
Scott; ,consolation MTs. Archie
Kerr. Before a delicious lunar
was served', Mas. ;Arnold :Scott
read an address and Mrs. Or-
ville tStborey 'presented Mr. and
MTS. Muir with a !Lovely electric
clock. The following is the ad-
Dear Dave and Doris, Johnny
and Joan,--- we li'ave gathered
this evening inyour 'home to
with you luck and wish you
wealth and cemented happiness
and 'health, It made us sad to
hear of your (leaving,(leaving,but we
knew it never 'does any good
grieving'and alto' we'll miss that
light brigiht 'and pearly, 'always
shining in the morning early,
We'll ]snow .that not 'boo far
away that light still ''hones at
star of For you it
t day.y Doris1
will not be no strange, you'l'1 be
back again' on the old home
range. And 'Dave and Johnny
and J'oania, 'too, will soon be ac -
withneighbors new.
,And.tho' we'll anise you one and
all, we hope yeu'14 still conte
beck to sail. So to keep you ris-
ing on the 'dot, we ,ask yon to
accept this •clock. Signed on be-
half of your friends and neigh -
'Friday, March 30, Good Fri-
day and Monday, 'April 2, Easter
Monday beingStatutory holi'd'ays
the Post Office main door well
be open from '7 a.m. to 6 pan.
standard tune. On both days the
wickets will Ibe open for all pha-
ses of !business from 12 noon to
1 pan. only. All incoming and
outgoing mail will -be handled as
usual. Rural patrons are remind-
ed that there will be no delivery
on Good Friday; hut delivery will
be made 'as usual ;Saturday, and
on Easter M'ond'ay.
The following suggestions are
made to assist in your postal
1. Place ,your return address
on all mail.
2. Address your mail fully,
clearly ,and without misleading
abbreviations, mail for children
should be addressed 'in -care -of
the parent.
3. Never enclose 'coins or
other hard objects in letters.
4. Properly pack parcels.
5. Prepay postage in full.
6. Place the stamps on the up-
per right hand :corner of the
mail :being sent.
7. Give your carresp'o'ndelnt
your correct Post Office address,
cards are available at the 'Post
Office, .free of charge, that may
be used to advise your corres-
8. If you are a new arrival in
the 'community, advise the Post
Office of your 'corre'ct address.
9. If you are moving from the
community, advise 'the Post Of-
fice of your change of address,
and obtain the cards mentioned
above, to advise your corres-
pondents of your new address.
10. Mail early and often. Mail
deferred until the last moment
may cause delay.
McKillop Charge
Easter 'Services: Bethel
Church aat 10 aain„ Sunday.:
'School 11 am. • Cavan, Win-
throp, Sunday School 10 am,
'Servi'ce'sit 11.115 a.m.; Duffs
Church, iSeavice at 2 pro. Good'
Friday, United Service, lOavexi
Church at 8 p.m. ing congratulations.
'Curlers of the RCAF, Clinton,
who have used :the local curling
rink one day a week, presented
a beautiful engraved tray to' the
Seafonith 'Curling .Club.
A potluck supper and mixed
bonspiel on Wednesday 'closed
the season for' the local curlers.
Mr. and Mrs. 'J. .Sorensen and
faani'ly, Georgetown, visited en
Sunday with Mr. .and Mas. Alex
Ramsey and family
Mr. anei Mrs, Frank Allen and
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew McLach-
lan spent Wednesday evening
With Mr, and. Mas. John McLach-
lan Seaforth.
Mr. and 'MTs. Feng. McKellar
and family of Seaforth spent the
weekend with bis parents, Mr,
and MTS. Lindsay McKellar.
Mm• and Mrs. John Wallace
and Margaret Ann visited on
'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Elliott, Parkhill.
Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Storey and
,girls spent the !weekend in Kin-
cardine with Mrs.:Storey's mot'h-
er, Mrs. 'Guest, who returned
with them for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Irrank Catdi'ck,
Sharon and Donnie of London,
visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. John 'Neale -co.
Miss Olive :Speare has return-
ed home from Mitchell where
she had spent 'a few weeks with
her sister, Mrs. M'oDonald.
Mrs. Bidets Allen is a patient
in .Stratford !General 'Hospital,
having undergone surgery.
Mr. Harry Row is at present
also confined to the hospital in
Mr. 'an'd Mrs. John Wallace,
Laverne and Margaret have
moved into Mr. -- Lloyd :Sora-
dalhl's house in the village while
a new home is being erected on
their farm west of tOromanty.
The Baster ibhankofferintg
meeting of the Women's Mis-
sionary docie't+y will be held in
the 'church on •Good Friday even-
ing when a film strip on Easter
will be shown.
MT. and Mrs. Wes Hayter of
Webberville, Mich„ who attend-
ed the 80th birthday anniver-
sary of 'Mir. Henry Hayter in
Stanley on ISaturclay, visited with
Mrs. Hayter'•s mother, Mrs. Jas,
Finlayson on. 'Sunday.
Mr. and "Mrs. 'Beveinly Epps
and .family of Newmarket spent
the weekend with Mrs_ Epps'
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
McLean and faanily.
Miss Frances Houston, who
has spent several wveeks: in sun-
ny Florida, has returned home.
A very pleasant evening was
spent at tare home of M•r, and
Mrs. Bussell Hayter on (Saturday,
March 24, oelebralbing the 80th
anniversary of Mr. Henry Hay-
ter's bi3rthd;ay. All ,of his family
consisting of six sons and three
daughters, were present except
Florence (Mrs. ;Marvin :Routzon
of South New Berlin, N.Y.).
Pro'greesive . euchre was pl'a'yed,
then an address was read by
Mrs. Wm. H•aytera and a present-
ation was made by Mrs. 'Cecil
Dowson of many lovely. 'gifts
from the family, cA delicious
lunch av'aa served.. Mr. Hayter
.has been a life -'long resident of
Stanley .and This many ,friends
join with the family in extend -
$t.60 a Year
athorised as Second Olass mall. Pork
Office Dent., Ottawa.
Snowdon Bro... Pubii.her.
Mullett Festival
Held Tuesday
On Tuesday, March 27, the
fifth annual 'Juliet Imp. music
festival was held in Londeslboro
United ;Church. Da Roy Stan -
wick, supervisor of music in On-
tario Ipublio schools yeas adjudi-
eatoa•. The Hiiliett federation of
Agrtculttmme and the Women's
Institulte sponsored the festival,
The adjudicator congratulated
the teachers and :music teachers
for the high standard. Wingers
of the shields and awards will be
presented on Wednesday night'
next when the first ,and second
winners in all classes will pre-
sent 'a concert in the church.
The .capable committee of the
festival were Mao. Jos. Shad -
dick, Mrs. Watson Reid, Mrs. W.
L. Whyte and Mrs, Art Colson.
These are the winners; 'boys
7 and ender with, 19 'contestants,
Arthur McMichael from S.S. 11;
Libby (Gowan, SS 3; !Larry
Snell, Union S.S.''10.
Girls 7 and under'from a
class of 18: Bonnie •Snell Un-
ion 8.t3. 10; Mary Mellwain, 50.
3; Linda Nett, S S. 1.
tGirle 9 and under, 'class of 34:
Deanna Dale, S. S. 3; Janice
'Stewart, S. IS. 3; Judy Thomp-
son, 'S. 'S, 3.
Boys 9 and under, 29 in
Maes: Richard Shaddick, S. +S.
11; Arthur Thanking S,S; Gord-
on Tate, S. S. 8.
Girls 11 and under, class of
6• ;Sandra Merrill,S
12; Linda Welbeck, S. ;S. Union
10 and Sylvia Sanderson, 8.S. 7,
and Pony +Duijer, S. S. Union
10, were tied for third place.
Boys 11 and under, 21 in
class: Melvin Knox, S. S. 6; Jac!
Powe, tS. 'S. 8 and Glen N'o'tt o
S, S. 1, and John Hessen, S. 8.1
Boys 14 and under, 27 in th
class: Bill 1Shaddick, S. S. 11
Harvey Carter, S. S. 5; 'Clarenc
!Yale, S. 'S. 1.
s 'Girls 14 and tinder, class o'
27; Margaret Merrill, S. S.' Un
p ion 12; Djoka Greidans,'S• S. 6
Gloria Allan, S. S. 5.
i Boys solo open class, 3 en
c tries: Bob Watt, S. S. 7; Pau
McOool, S. S. 5; John de Reu'te
of S. S. Union 10.
a Girls solo, open -class, 3 en
n tries: Margo Grange, B. S. Un
s ion 5; Virginia Gardiner, S. S. 1
Diane !Gardiner, S. S. 1.
Duet, 36 entries and $10.0
prize: Bill ISivaddick and Blain
Alexander of S. S.: 11.
r The Hullett Musk Festiva
shield for unison 'ch'orus from
schools .of 25 pupils or less w
won by Union School Section 12
d the teacher, Miss 'Shirley Ham
t'lullett To ship Federatio
e Shield for unison chorus fron
r schools .orf over 25 pupils wa
won by S. S. No. 1, the tteachei
Mrs. Ida Livingston.
t, !Mullett Township. Federatio
S'hiel'd for two -+part 'thorns fro
schools of 25 as less was wo
n. by +S. G. 11, tteadher, Miss F10T
t. Turnbull.
h. Londesboro W. I. Shield fo
'two -pant chorus from schools o
more than 25 pupils was won b
S. 0. 1, teacher, Mrs. Ida Li
intgston. C1 u
1Sui cnieahill Ladies'
Shield for double trio fro
e- schools of 25 .or less was won Ib
U.S.S. 12, teacher, Miss Shirle
r Haunilton.
ilullett Township Federatio
n 'Shield for double trio fro
u,- schools of over 25, won by IS,
1; teacher, Mrs. Ida Livings -to
Shield for rhythm hand el
was a tie' between S. S. 5, teat'
er, Miss (Dorothy Urbshott, a
i:I.'S.'S. 5, tteacher, Ma•. D. A. Ma
of Kay.
Legion Hockey
Ends Season
Seaforth Legion hockey cam
to a close Tuesday night with tli
much postponed game in A grow
being played. Quite an exciting
game it was. After' regulation
time the score was ,tied and tool
15 minutes of sudden death over
time to decide a winner. Ray
Scorns' Spitfires came out on top
of a 13 to 12 score, over Brian
Flannigau's Mustangs, Ray Scoiir
and W. Poli els along with Harvey
Dale starred for the Spitfires
Larry halo and. Bob Reith were
the stars for the Mustangs.
In the B group that finishecl'up
Saturday, saw Ton) Dick's Can
adieus winning 'by a score of 12
to 3 over Ted Lamont's Bruins
to give them a 21 to. 5 goal lea
on the round. Tom Dick was the
big star with 7 goals.
Last Saturday the Seaforth Le-
gion Pee Wees played Goderieh
Pee Wees and lost -6 to '2: The
were without' the services o
their star goal minder Terry As
But Monday night they travelled
to Goderieh and held the same
team to a "o all tie after 5 min-
utes overtime, and Terry As
starred fu the net for Seafort
Seaforth Legion Pee Wees go
to Goderieh to play in the Young
Canada week on Tuesday, April
They meet Kincardine at 8 a.m.
The players representing Sea-
forth are as follows: Goal, Terry
Ast; r. defense, Bill Teall; 1. de-
fense, John Patterson; centre,
Tom Diel:; 1. wing, Jin Dick;
wing, Geo. Brown. Subs., Jim
Sills, David Dale, Jim MoLlwain,
Bill Ryan, Bill Muir, Bill Mar-
shall, Ron Beuercnan, Ted L
Audrey Elaine- Priestap of
Mitchell 13 -year-old :daughter of
30 . and Mrs. 'Claren'ee Prrestap
and granddaughter of Robert
Thomson of this village was
successful in obtaining two first
prizes for puaano solo in 'Stratford
Ktawanis Musical Festival with
87 anarks piano solo under 15
years and •84 in under 16 years.
'The W.A. and WiVIS. of 'Cavan
Church will hold the Baster
meeting on Wednesday, April 4
art •2 pan. !Circle 1 will have
'charge of the lunch and Circle 2,
the program.
Mats. J. R. Holden will be the
The IC.G.I.T• and their lead-
ers are cordially invited to at-
tend 'the WM!S meeting on Wed-
nesday, April 4111.
MT. G. W. Stone of the Gra-
vel Road has purehased the Dal-
ton farm wlhich consists of 100
"Irene 'Comes Charlie" a well
known play was presented in
'Cavan ;Church on Friday even-
ing last by Maryborough twp.
Jr. Farmers; Rev. J. R. Holden
was 'chairman. Between acts,
three girls, Idaxigare't Alexander,
Elaine Beattie, and !Marlene
Popper, sang "Let The .Sun. Shine
In" and MTS. Frani'. Johnson
and Mrs. R. K. McFaalane sung
'a duet, "Annie Laurie". The
play was sponsored by the W. A.
of Cavan Chapels. •
Mr. ,Lames Axbman ends Betty
Anbman, were home for the
weekend from Stratford.
Mr. James Moa isooi is in
Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr.
Lorne Elliott und:erwen't•an op-
eration in the same hospital 'on
'Saturday last.
'The dih'ankoffering meeting
Northside W1t1S. opened with
Mrs. Grace IScoltt 'conducting
business. A letter from the can-
cer fund was read,. 11 anyone
can help 'with the canvass please
call the secretary or president.
The new missionary for prayer
is Miss Jean 'Sheppard. The Pres-
byterial is to uneelt in 'Exeter on
April 3.0. The visiting 'committee
reported 47 house and 4 hospital
calls: Inv'ita'tion was accepted
from the Presbyterian ,Society to
meet .with them April 3 at 3 p.m,
Scripture eves read by Mrs.
Knight and prayer by Mrs.
'Christie. Mrs. Walden read a
beautiful poem, ;Calvtary's Mes-
sage. Offertory prayer by Mrs.
Scott. Mrs. James 'Stewart fa-
vored with a solo, "I Walked to-
day where Jesus Walked". Mrs,
Dunlop 'aeco'mpanied on the 'pi-
ano. Mrs. Lawson introduced the
gout speaker, Mrs. Earl Mello.
Mrs. Mulls has been 12 years in
the Presbyterial. She spoke on
the week she spent at Alma Col-
lege, `ISdhool of Leaders", fast
summer. Mrs. IC1ose extended
thanks. (Hymn 98 closed the
sheeting. Lunch was served to an
exceptionally well attended meet -
Mg. Miss MacKenzie of h gmond-
vilte !Church 'and Mrs. James of
;the Anglican'Church, extended
th'anlcs from thein societies.
To Make Draw For
Hockey Bingo
Seaforth hockey bingo, • first
prize could be as high. as $500.
Cards on sate $1, at following
stores: McGonigle's grocery, Bal-
dwin hardivaro, F. Kling; Don,
Gray (Ba"ucefield'); W. Dickert
(Iiippen). Six numbers will be
drawn at F. Kling's each_ Wednes-
day morning, beginning April 4.
Minor hockey players will be
selling tickets from door to door.
The last in the aeries of tl
Institute euchres and dant
was held on Friday eve'nin'g wit
24 tables in play. Ladies ono
genres, Mrs. John McKay; loo
hands; Mrs. Wm. Austin; cons
Dation, :Mrs. Thos. Curter; Men
most games, Harvey Dolenag
lone them -is, Morley Cooper; coy
solation, Jas. Doig; lucky lune
Mrs. 'Harold Pebhiok. Lunch w
served and music enjoyed
Collins' orchestra.
'Seaforth W. I. wish to tharr
all who attended and helpt
make their euchres and d'ano
such a success through the wi'
Mr. John Krauskopf died
Detroit, Michigan, on Monda
in his 85th year. He was the s
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hen
Krauskopf. He farmed. in Log
twp• until 1922 waren he and l
family moved to Detroit, in 19'
be and Mrs Kraalskopf, the fo
mer Catherine O'Connor, retur
ed to Dublin until her death
1.943. He is survived by two so
Joseph, in Dublin, 'Harry, Iyer
'd'ale, Mich., three daughter
Mrs. Patrick -(Louise) !Crowle
Mrs. Loretta 1VICICan1, Mao. 'Ito.
Sells, all of Detroit, 22 gran
children, 17 great grandclrildre
'Two 'daughters predeceased h'
The body will rest at 't
'Cleary Funeral Home 'till Thar
day morning when services w
be held at St. Patrick's Chur'
Dublin, at 10 o'•ciock. Burial '
lake place in et. 'C'otlunnhan 'Can
Mr. Ed. (Beale of Dstroi
1VLilcih„ o'a0ed on friends in to
the past week.
Mir: and Mrs: Bill 'Stewart
Toronto, wdNh Mn and Mrs.
J. Stewart.1
Mi:. and -'M e. Don MacRae a
family bit Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Toni B,utte'.
Last Minute Specials
Savauge's MarchDinnerwareSale
` .Ill
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�Yhs-''' /,n .
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rer ?�r 0
, l.� 7 M.
•w ,r
SPODE Fairy Dell (illustrated). ROYAL DOULTON "Almond
As long as OUT present stock lasts, dinnerware may he
Purchased in these 4 patterns at exactly HALF PRICE
(Except cups and saucers)
All pieces in stock in following patterns
Royal Albert "SERENA". Queen Anne "Royal Bridal Gown"
Royal Albert "Greenwood Tree". Sovereign Potters
"Morn -Glc"
Half -Price Clearance
0f following pieces in "Queen's Bouquet” & "Royal Balmoral"
Small Sugar & Cream Sets; Single Egg Cups; Double Egg
Cups; Teapots, Coffee Pots, Hot Water Jugs, etc,
94 piece MAGNOLIA
Dinner Set
Complete. Service for 12
l Reg. $54,75
Sale 639.75
94 pc. KESWICK
Dinner Set
Complete service for 12
Reg. 89.75.
sale 24.95
52 piece Diner Sets
Dinner Sets, service for 8
7 Smart Sovereign Potters
Mount Royal Dakota
Jubilee Rose se dapilR ole
Rose Bouquet
Reg. $24.75 Q!
sale $19.75
95 pe. "POMONA"
Dinner Set
Complete service for 12
Reg. 42.95
Sale 5
n 66 piece Dinner Sets
- Complete service for S
a , (Maroon boder)
r ('Green Border)
Y Reg, 49.75
sale S3495a
1 20 pc. Starter Set
m in either of these patterns
1' Reg. 11.60. SALE 7.95.,
20 piece. Starter Sets
in Smart Modern Designs
Including Yellow Rose, Sat-
ver Pine, Dakota, Daffodil,
Ivy, Liii Moderne, Basket:
Weave (yellow or green)
Reg, 8.95 SALE 6,95
Grey, Red, or Turquoise
Reg. 7.95, SALE 5.95
m Cups & Saucers. plates, fancy
pieces, etc., that • are slightly
damages] and defective are
offered at a fraction of their
Bone China Tea' Plates
& Bread & Butter Plates
Odd Patterns to clear,at
Tea Plates 95o
(Values up to $235)
B. B. Plates 75o
(Values up to 1.75)
c- Choose your dinnerware and teaware from our large stock of
.over 100 patterns, all at SALE PRICES DURING MARCH.
See our great variety of well-known makes including Wedg-
wood, Royal Doulton, Spode, Royal Albert, Royal Crown
'e Derby, Johnson -Bros„ Sovereign Potters', etc., etc.
7- is r F•i'
,0 .a. rk�aayy�� air.
'. „ai r±
do r ,?;a: <.:,,•,. Cita; {•`.`:So -::.3
for your o1c1 watch on
vis : March
itis+''''it\::i ,`) ',
V ' 1ww ..: \''''
i,.:�,:<:,:'::;;s.;: ^I T:
UP TO s25 00
a fine new watch during our
Dinnerware Sale !
Selections of costume jewel-
in lery, beads, earrings, brace-
ns lets, etc. Values up 'to' 1.50
8, To clear at 29c and 59c
New Easter. Costume Jewel -
lery in all the spring colors;
Reg, $1.00 lino.
SAT,T'' 89c
Y.) These are just a. mew of the hundreds of values we are (me -
i_ hag in our March Dinnerware Sale. But :don't delay
n. Sale closes Saturday night, MAR. 31st at 10 P.M.
ill S
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
t, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilkey in
Mrs. Frank :Evans and Mrs.
Toe Melady in London with Mts.
1. 3. Cleary.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Feeney
of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Feeney. •
[see n,,,1 1..?r•,. Ti1nvm4 ISlkain-
berg and family, Kite's
with Mr. and Mrs, Joe 'Dru ar.
!Mr. and•Mrs. Frank Mai'
of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs.
Feeney; of Stratford, with
•Catherine !Feeney.
Mrs. Joseph Aitltineen in
ilton with Mr. and Mrs.