HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-22, Page 3Facts -Foolish And Otherwise The British people are great fol. statistics. Especially year -enol type of statistics. There is one gentle- man, for example, who annually keeps The Times, of London, informed about the most fre- quently used Christian names of boys and girls carried. in The Times birth and adoption an- nouncements. The four most popular names for boys in 1955, according to Mr. J. W. Leaver, who keeps watch on such things here, are John, David, James, and Charles. That's the same order (using only The Times announcements as a standard, of course) as in 1954. There were 159 Johns,92 Davids, 91 Jameses, and 82 Charleses. Next in order came Richard, Michael, Christopher, Peter, Andrew, and Anthony. The latter six showed vari- ations from the 1954 pattern. Andrew and Anthony, Mr. Leaver pointed out in The Times letter column, crowded out Nicholas, Robert, and Will- iam. On the upgrade in popular- ity, although not yet among the !Big Ten, are Simon, Mark, and Jeremy. Coasting downhill in 1955 were Nicholas, Paul, and Edward. Now for the girls. Ann (or,. Anne) crowded out Mary for the No. 1 spot this year, 153 to 128, although Mary won in 1954. Then came Jane with 124, and Elizabeth with 91. After that: Caroline, Sarah, Susan, Mar- garet, Frances, and Clare. Mr. Leaver, who for some years past has kept account of children's names in this fash- ien, informs us Alison and Nic- ola are on the increase as girls' names, while Amanda, Nelen, Louise, and Patricia appear to be in a slump, writes Henry S. Hayward in The Christian Science Monitor. Mr. Leaver presumably re- ceives no recompense for his annual chore -and the statistics - keeping involved throughout the year -other than the pleasure of keeping track of something most of the rest of us can't be • CURL CAP - You're wrong if you thing Earl Carroll is greas- ing his car. He's squirting neutralizer on a woman's hair, which is done up in a plastic curling device being demon- strated at the international Beauty Show. Forty plastic tubes lead from a "distributor" to plastic curlers. Waving fluid flows from the distributor noz- *le to the hollow curlers, sat- urating the hair and running Into the cap at the nape of the neck, Fluid is saved for reuse, bothered about. Yet I have heard: numerous people here remark with interest on these particular name -statistics. Nonie and Bernard Burrell, two other English shatistics- keepers from Maidenhead,spe- cialize in reports on Christmas cards received. They also pro- vide an anntial list for The Times, a newspaper ' whose letter column likewise manages to keep score on such improb- able items as'' the number of double over -bumps scored in Thames boat racing throughout the years. (No don't tell me you don't. know what a double over - bump is; there's no time to go into that here! The Hurrens analyzed 235 cards received from all over the world in 1955. They tell us a holly or snow motif led the field easily with 94-a big jump from 1954 when whiter decora- tions rated only 34. Crests and badges accounted for. 24, and nativity scenes 22. Buildings (whatever that means) also numbered 22. Other topics mentioned by the Hurrens included dogs, air- planes, ships, and colored pic- tures. They also classified four as just "plain greetings." More- over they were pleased to report hidden advertisements, of which they received. 13 in 1954, dropped to zero this past Christmas. On the other hand, they got no "dogs last year, and 10 this year. "The Christmas idea behind dogs, buildings, birds, ships, and especially colored pictures (many of costly production) defeats our understanding," the Hurrens confess. They feel that the big increase in nativity scenes (from 2 to 221 may show a swing to religioin. But I keep coming back to Mr. Leaver. Where on his list, I wonder, do the- Hurrens' names, Nonie and Bernard, rata? They weren't in his Big Ten, that I know, And while Mr. Leaver may keep track of Christian names, what does he do with his ,Christmas cards? Just ignore them? Toss them on the hall table for the wife to sort out? And, for that matter, I know it's prying, but I'in interested in Mr. Leaver's own name, What do the "J" and the "W" stand for? John (No, 1 in 1954 and 1955) and William (declining)? Or James (No. 3 in 1954 and 1955) and -what other "W" is there, anyhow? Walter, Wilfred, Walsingham (all unlisted)? Five Exhibits to Honor Rembrandt One of the outstanding at- tractions in holland in 1956 will be the tribute the Dutch people will pay to one of their greatest sons, Rembrandt. Born in Leyden 350 years ago, Rembrandt has always been the most popular and romantic of the great Dutch masters; but never before have such careful plans been made to ensure full honor. There were at first proposals to have a Rembrandt Pageant, a Rembrandt Opera and a Rem- brandt play. But the logical Dutch finally decided that the greatest honor they could pay to their illustrious son would be to give as many people as possible the opportunity of see- ing as many of Rembrandt's works as could possibly be col- lected and made available. So Rembrandt Year in the Netherlands is being celebrated STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH - Looks like "George", the goose, has stuck his neck out too far. But he's really in no danger, because he's a feothered friend, of "Belle" a Palomino snare on the Thomas Graber farm. When George tries to hog the oats in Belle's bucket, Belle grabs George by the neck as, nhown above and removes the goose gently from the scene. SWiNG AND SWIG - You don't have to be drunk to sway at this bar in Munich, Germany. instead of bar stools, chair hammocks susplended from the ceiling are provided for customers. But just so there isn't too much swaying by tipsy patrons, the chairs are "anchor,ed" to the floor by a rope. by five separate exhibitions of the artist's works. As a result of spontaneous cooperation of museums, galleries and collec- tors all over the world, two of these exhibitions, one in Am- sterdam and the other in Rot- terdam, will be larger and more comprehensive than any Rem- brandt display ever held previ- ously anywhere in the world. Both will open in the middle of May and be on view until the beginning of August. They will then be exchanged; that is, the Amsterdam collection will move to Rotterdam, and that from Rotterdam be displayed in the Dutch capital. No attempt has been made to put a cash value on the Amster- dam exhibition, because Dutch experts consider it will be price- less. The most elaborate pre- cautions are being taken to safe- guard the treasures. The Rembrandt Exhibition in the Boymans Museum in Rotter- dam will concentrate on draw- ings and . sketches, many of which have been garnered from private collections and never before been on public show. These sketches will be so ar- ranged as not only to give an insight into the care taken by the master in preparing his ma- jor works but also to show how his style matured and mellowed during the years., It was not to be expected that Rembrandt's own house in Am- sterdam, which is already a delightfully contemporaneous storehouse of memories of the master, would be forgotten for this birthday celebration. Situ- ated in the heart of the capital, it will display from May 17 to Oct. 20 original drawings, re- productions and engravings of the city in which Rembrandt lived and worked for so long. To give realit,, to the display, there will also be photographs showing that those places much frequented by Rembrandt look like today. Fortunately for the organizers of this Rembrandt Year, the Dutch artist was a prolific work- er. As' one Dutch businessman has put it: "Rembrandt surely was the pioneer of today's Dutch campaign of productivity in- crease." So in addition to the large number of the artist's works being displayed in the three ex- hibitions already mentioned, there are two others with a special appeal. One of these is to be in Rem- brandt's home town of Leyden, where the Municipal Museum will house a specially selected collection of paintings and drawings loaned by enthusiasts who felt that his birthplace must not be overshadwoed by the exhibitions on view in the large cities. This will also con- tain works by his contempor- aries. Lastly, in the Teyler's Mu- seum in Haarlem, the home of that other spectacular Dutch Master, Frans Hais, there is to be en exhibition of etchings and drawings of Rembrandt and his pupils. . Other features of the Rem- brandt Year will be a special postage stamp, lecture courses for school children as well as foreigners living in Holland, and concerts devoted to music of the Rembrandt period. Tooth -brush Makes Good Cleaning Aid The demalr,:s of the modern home call for a housewife tobe a "Jack of all trades." It's a frequently heard complaint, from the woman of the house, that the little irritating jobs are the greatest consumers of time and energy. 'One of the handiest helpers in the home is the family's old tooth -brushes. After their tenure of office in the bath -room, tooth- brushes have a whole new life ahead of them as cleaning agents. Proof of this is a recent survey on the care and uses of tooth -brushes which lists 222 different jobs they can perform with ease and efficiency. One of the reasons is that the nylon bristles are so strong and long- lasting, Four people questioned in the survey complained that nylon bristle brushes just wouldn't wear out. The 222 uses were not confined to house cleaning, but many of them were directed towards cleaning tasks around the home. The advantages of a tooth- brush for cleaning toasters or sewing machines is fairly well known. There are practically no electrical appliances around the home that don't have a spot or corner that's difficult to get at and to clean, Frequently a tooth- brush is the answer. The mortar between the tiles of a fire -place is another clean- ing problem that lends itself to tooth -brush care, as do the tricky corners of windows. Pic- ture frames are easily cleaned with a tooth -brush, while in- tricate -patterned silverware that defeats cleaning with soft cloths, seems to respond to the tooth -brush method, When it comes to children's toys, the tooth -brush method again is helpful. Even the handle of the old tooth -brush can be a helped around the home. Among the 34 jobs suggested in the survey for the handle, after slight alterations, were non -conducting screw drivers, letter openers and hole -makers EALERS `ANTED Carpenters -Builders COMPANY ESTABLISHED FOR THIRTY YEARS WANTS RELIABLE PARTY IN THIS AREA TO HANDLE OUR WINDOW EQUIPMENT PRODUCTS. YOUR DEALERSHIP WILL BE PROTECTED BY GUARAN- TEED CONTRACTS FOR SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS, INSTI- TUTIONS, FACTORIES, ETC., IN YOUR TERRITORY. FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT US FOR APPOINT- MENT. WRITE TO: --ADVERTISER, BOX NO. 501 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS. WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES Paints and varnishes, electric motors, Hobbyshop machinery. Dealers want- ed. Write: Warco Grease and 011 Limited, Toronto. ARTICLES FOR SALE 200 Yards $1.00 postpaid. Assorted cot ton braids, bias tape, eoutache, trim. minas. Free fabric List, Schaefer Sur- plus, Drummondville, Quebec. PRECISION Reloads of foreign and domestic rifle and revolver ammu- nition. Precision Reloads, Morrisburg, Ontario. BABY CHICKS LATER than you think for chicks to catch good markets. We've pullets (some started) mixed chicks, cockerels. Your May -June broilers should be on order. Contact bray Hatchery, 120 John N, Hamilton. STARTED SPEC !ALS CANADIAN Approved. Barred Rocks Red. X Rocks. White Rocks. New Hampshires. Light Susses. Red or Ramp X Sussex. Columbia Rocks and R.I. Reds. Pullets 2 weeks old $32.00; 4 weeks old 040.00;6 weeks old 040.00 per 104. Mixed chicks same ages. $10.00 less per 100. While Leg - horns Red X Leghorns, Danish Brown Leghorns and Minorca X Leghorn pullets- - 2 weeks old $36.00. 4 weeks old $44,00. 6 weeks. old $52.00 per 100. Guaranteed 100% live delivery $1.00 down balance C.O.D. Order early. Kent Hatchery Chatham Ontario. HAVE you received our 1956 catalogue? If you haven't, send for it immedL etely.- It is free for the asking. It will give you a lot of valuable infor- mation relating to the best breeds to purchase for maximum egg production, best lot generation broiler chicks, right breeds of turkeys for heavy roasters, mediumroasters, turkey broilers. Also photo and information about the new type Landrace bacon swine. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO STARTED COX CANADIAN Approved Heavy Breed Cox. Day old 04; 2 weeks old 124; 4 weeks old 204. Leghorn Cross Cox, day old 51.50 per 100. Guaranteed de. livery, $1.00 down, balance C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, On- tario. 130 BABY CHICKS 13e CANADIAN Approved, Production breed. Vamp X Sussex Barred Rocks. Red X Rocks New Hampps. Reds. Sus- sex and White Rooks. Mixed $13 per 100. Pullets $10 per 100. White Leg. horns Red X Leghorns Brown Leg - horns and Minorca X Leghorns. Mixed $13 per 100. Pullets $27 per .100. Guaranteed. 100% live delivery. $1 down, balance C.O.D. Sun Valley Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. FOR SALE DURABLE, Washable, Plywood Jigsaw Puzzles, axle,Postpaid 51.25 each, cash. State seection, Clown, Elephant, 'Praetor, V.L. & G. Products, Sheffield, Illinois, U.S.A A REAL Bargain In Razor Blades! 100 Double -edge Razor Blades 51.25, Postpaid. 10 sample blades 250. George Wandrie, 5078 Garland, Detroit 13. Miehigan. FAMOUS Flavors, Cosmetics Polishes. etc. $10 Value, only $3. On a money back guarantee. Quality Products. Co.. 8603 Lem Turner Road, Jacksonville, Florida. FOR SALE -- 150 Used single School Seats and Desks in good condition at 02 each, Apply to 01. Johnson, Sec'y, School Board R.R. 1, Glanford Station, Ontario. Phone Hammon 21-11-6. COUNTRY AND WESTERN RECORDS! WE are Canada's country record head- quarters! 78 or 45 rpm. brand new only 89 cents each. COD shipments anywhere, safe delivery positively guaranteed. Will Carter Doo Wil- liams, Hank Snow, Webb 'Pierce, Hank 'Williams. Write for our free 14 page catalogue containing songs by these and hundreds of other famous country and western stars. DESTRY RECORDS 1241 Bleury St. Mon tree I GARDENING SUPPLIES EARTHWORMS HYBRID. Nature's own fertilizer Is produced by the earthworm. Investi- gate the possibilities for unexcelled plant growth. Window boxes, shrubs, gardens. 100 brings folder, Niagara Organic Gardens, 2717 Spence St., Ni- agara Falls, Ont. MACHINERY POWER HACK -SAW HEAVY duty power Hack -saw. Ex. cellent working condition. Price $125. Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels, Ontario. MASSEY-HARRIS 12 ft. grain swather with trucks. Harold Bradford, R. 1, Dunnville, Ontario. INVESTMENT LAND, BUILDINGS, OPEBAITNG CAPITAL for new industry in On- tario. Private N. Tretehikoff, 21 Rusholme Drive, Toronto, Ontario. for garden seeds. Spring cleaning would seem to be a good time to investigate the many uses which the family's old tooth -brushes can serve in helping the housewife. CHESTNUT DRESSING For game birds - pheasant, duck, turkey, etc., this recipe for a dressing is hard to beat. Shell and skin 6 cups of chestnuts. Drop them into boiling salted water. Cook until soft. Put cook- ed chestnuts through potato ricer. Combine with: 1 cup melt- ed butter, 2 teaspoons salt, . 114 teaspoon pepper, s/a cup cream, 2 cups dry bread in small pieces, 4 tablespoons chopped parsley, 1 cup chopped celery, Man - itis good! MEDICAL IT'S IMPORTANT - EVERY SUFFERER OP RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1,25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disara point you, Etching, scaling and btu.* lag eczema, acne. ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily .to the stainless, odorless ointment re- gardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 02.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen 5t. E., Corner of Logan TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOiN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St,. Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa FREE' TO ALL GARDENERS DE JAGER'S complete Catalogue of Anenomes, Begonias, Dahlias, Gladiolus, Lilies, Oxalis, Renuncules, Seeds. etc. Bulbs sent prepaid. Flower•Bulb Sp.. cialists. Since 1870. Write today. P, de Jager & Sons Manacle) Hamilton Rd„ East, London. Ont. AGENTTelegpraphers wanted on good Ways. Very practical borne withttend School. Free book describes. ABC Shorthand- trains for Stenographer 11t Wrl weeks Cassanme Systems, F20 Spadini+ Road, Toronto. FREE CATALOGUE For the best apple trees and all other fruits; superior Ornamentals, h Annivorsaryg'Free Catalogue", our Nurseries Limited, 08.3, St. Catharines, Ontario. EARN $90 easily every week. Instruc- tions M. Write: E. Dorsey, 1215 E. Raymond S t r ee t, Indianapolis 3, Indiana. PATENTS FE'THERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Attorneys. Established 1890, 600 University Ave. Toronto Patents, all countries, AN OFFER to every Inventor List of inventions and full Information sent free Attorneys Ramsay 3CBanke 51. Ottawa PERSONAL $L00 TRIAL offer. Twenty five deluxe personal requirements. Latest cata- logue included. The Medico Agency. Box 22,- Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont. SWINE THE Landrace is gaining in popularity all over the world. Why?? Because it is a genuine bacon type pig. Unrelated weanling sows and boars for Spring and Summer delivery. Serviceable boars for Immediate delivery. All registered in Canadian Livestock Records, Folder. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO WANTED NEW GOOSE AND DUCK PEA'MIERS. We pay 51.40 per pound for goose, 65e per pound for duck. We also buy • horsehair combings $1.10 per pound. Ship collect. We also buy used feathers, goose and duck 2ENER FEATHER COMPANY 97 Baldwin St.. Toronto. BEAR CUBS WANTED 1958 bear cubs. Send full particulars to DON McDONALD, 28. Wellington. Bowmanville Ontario. IT MAY BE YOUR LIVER if life's not worth living it nsay be your Iiverl 11'e a Masi It take, up to two plats of aver bile a day to keep your digestive tract in top chapel If your aver bile is not sowing freely your food may not digest ... pea bloats up your stomach , .. you feel constipated and i+1! the fun and sparkle go out of hie, That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills, These famous vegetable pills help timulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your digestion starts functioning properly and you feel that happy days are here againl Don't ever stay mink. Almnvn kern Carter', Little Liver Pili, nn bend. Youire TOR v e LL THE Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red hand al all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 ISSUE 12 1956 U. YOUR OWN "TER CIGARETTES WITH C"Gr4REdT