HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-22, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 78 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1956 $1.50 a Year Authorized asSecond Class mail, Post Office Dept., Ottawa. Snowdon Bros., Publishers Share -the -Wealth Hockey Bingo A 'share idle wealth (bingo is announced by .Seaforth Hockey Association, the proceeds to go (towards Jr. "B" hockey deficit. A leash ;prize will be paid for first full card amounting to 50 per 'cent of total proceeds. It could be $100.00, $200.00, or $500.00 depending on number of cards sold. One number will be drawn each day and published each week under date dra3wn. NORTHSIDE COUPLES CLUB The March meeting was 'held on. Mar. 12 in the church school- room. The meeting was in change of Mr. and Mss. Glen Steffen ;and Mr. and Mrs. Anson Gilbert. The devotions consisted of a poem, hymn 06, a reading, scripture and prayer. Jim ,Stew- art, accoanpanied by Fuzz Stew- art sang several Trish .melodies. The short business period was ,conducted by the presidents Wilbee. 'Anson 'Gilbert introduc- ed the guest speaker of the evening, Mr. Alvin ;Si'11exy. He stressed the fact that "Everyone, should have a will". CAnotlher• im- portant fact was ";Don't give your .money away before you die." The entire .discussion was informative and aniusin'g. Tech- nical legal terms were learned by the group before the evening was over. ;Situations were dis- cussed and questions were asked by various members. Orville 'Oke thanked the speak- er. Lunch was served and the meeting closed with the taps. MRS. JAMES DAVIS Mrs. James Davis died sudden- ly about noon on Tuesday in ;Scott Memorial Hospital, while receiving treatment after break- ing her ;arnt in a tall at her home. :She was the former Maud -M. Lgllib"bt2r, of Hibbert Township and attended S. S. No. 3, Hib- bert. Mrs. ;Davis had lived here 35 years on IGoderieh St., West. She was a 'member of First Pres- byyterian Church. Her husband died 27 years ago. ;Surviving are two brothers, James Barbour, Hibbert; John, London, and five sisters, Mrs. Margaret Patrick, Was. E. J. Di'n- nin and Mrs. Roger 'Rice, Sea - forth; Mrs. • 'Jennie Worden, 'Stratford, and Mrs. R. M. ;Cow- ard, Beamsville. Funeral services will be held on Friday at the 'Whitney fun- eral home, conducted by the Rev. D. Glenn 'Campbell. Inter- ment will be made in Staffa Un- ion Cemetery. L.O.B.A. 'te-Monday evening, a larch 19th, .Seaforth L.O.B.A. 'held their final euchre of the season with a large attendance: Prizes going to ladies first, Mrs. 'Garnhaan; lone hands, Mrs. A. Dunlop; con- solation, Marion ;Coutts. 'Men's first, B. Irwin; lone hands, A. Baker; consolation, Mr. McMich- ael, (Clinton. At bhe coeiclusion of the euchre Mr. Borden Brown ;made the draw on a lace doyley, the winner was Mrs. Geo. (Davis, Exeter: then Mr. Brown asked the W.M'., Mrs. E. Boyce to make the •draw on the 'motor rug for the L.O.L. Mrs. A. IDeeves .of ;Clinton .was tlhe winner. 'Lunch was served'. The ladies dif th`e L-O'.B.A. wish to express their thanks to ail those who helped sake their euchres 'a success. GETS TOP PRICE Mr. Stanley Jackson recently •disposed of a purebred Here- ford ,Bull at the Ontario bull sale in Toronto, for 'bhe sum 'of $650.00. This big rugged Junior Yearling weighed almost 1600 lbs at '22 months of 'age, and ryas first prize bull in his class of thirty ;bulls at the show. He brought $7'5.00 more than 'the Reserve Champion Bull. ENGAGEMENT ;The engagement is announced of Norah Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Gladys MacMillan, of In- gersoll, ;Ont., and the late Geo. MacMillan, to Edward Maxwell White, son of Rev. and ':Mrs. J. T. White, of Londesborough, Ont. The we'd'ding to take place at ISt. Paul 's Presbyterian ;Church, 'Ingersoll, 'Ont., on Apr. 7, 1956. Northside United ;Church Rev. Bruce W. Hall, Minister 10 a.m.,-;Church ,School 'and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., Morning 'Worship: "Behold Your King!" Nursery and Toddlers' 'Group and Jr. Congregation. 2.15 pan., [Minister's Church Membership 'Class. 7 p.m., livening .Worship: "The Great 'Simplicity". Egmondville United Church Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister 10 a.m., 'Church School and Adult Class. 11 am., Morning Worship: Sermon "Possessing the King- dom". McKillop Pastoral Charge 'Palm (Sunday, reception of new members and die CSacrament of the Lord's Srti.pner at all 'ser- vices. [Cavan 'Church, Winthrop: Service at 10 a.am, Sunday ,School 'at 11 a.m.; Duff's, Ser- vice at 11.15 a.m.; Bethel, Ser- vice at 2 p.m Friendly 'Sunday Evening, Winthrop, 'at 8 nen.— Rev. J, It, Holden, Minister. Marks 92nd Birthday Mrs. James B. Thompson,. Church ch street, celebrated her 92nd birthday on .Sunday, when her fancily were all here. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lindsey and daughter, 'Sheila, . of Ingersoll; Mrs.'3. G• Green and son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green, of London, Miss 'Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, 'an'd Mrs. G. A. Stewart of Toronto. [Mrs. Thompson received 'gifts from her f'a'mily, many cards and good wishes, and a number of friends called .during .the 'day, Abbhou;gh Mre. Thompson now spen'd's most of her day in bed She is enjoying good health and is always up for her noonday ;meal. .She passes the time read- ing and corresponding with her family 'and friends. Mrs. .Leslie Cox, evho lives with Mrs. Thompson, was :called to Clinton on iFriday owing to the illness 'and death of her ;bro- ther, William Sinclair, and Miss Mae •Smith is staying with Mrs. Thompson this week. The former Jemima. Noble, Mrs, Thompson was born in Glas- gow, Scotland. Corning to Can- ada at the age of 15 she lived first at Exeter. In her early life she was a seamstress. Her husband, whom she mar- ried 62 years ago died in 1931. The family comprises four daughters, Mrs. Green, Gladys, Mrs. Stewart and !Mrs. Lindsey, and there are also four grand- children: HOME AND SCHOOL The .March meeting .af the Home and School was held on Tuesday. at Seaforth public school with the president, Mrs. John Patterson, in the chair. The meeting was opened by Barbara Talbot and Laura Hat- cher, pupils of Grade 6. 'Mrs. Cosford was .parent of the month, knowing that all eyes will be on Finance Minister Wal- ter Harris. The entertainment consisted of two solos, "Give Me the Open (Road" and "The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo," by Mr. Fred Willis, ;accompanied by Mrs: John :Cardno. and a humor- ous.akit called "Pockets" by Mr. AdamAst. Both were very much enjoyed. A donation of $5 is to be sent to the Cancer Society at ;Strat- ford. Two TB films were shown in connection with the TB cam- paign and H. G. Meir spoke on the coming TB clinic. Mrs. Bou- ssey's class loon the dollar for having flibst parents present at the meeting. CURLING NOTES On Tuesday a rink of lady curlers won third prize 'at Walk- euton. The rink was Mrs. Effie Stephenson (skip), Miss Alice Reid, Mrs. Winnie McLean, Mrs. Letlha Miller. A rink skipped by Frank Kling, with Dr..Stepletou, Wm. Campbell and Norman MacLean, Wednesday last won third prize at London •Curling Club. The playoff for the Labatt Cup was won by a rink skipped by Dr. J. A. Munn with Dr. Sta- pleton, Mrs. Verna 'Campbell, Mrs. Melba W'hebham on Friday night 'completing a three-week competition. The curling season will wind up with a potluck supper at 5.30 on [Wednesday next. There will be draws at 2 and 4. Prizes will be presented to the winners of the various events of the sea- son. TO FORM P. C. GROUP A local committee .formed at a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3H. E. 'Smith, will be a nom- inating comanittee to present a suggested slate of officers at the next meeting tote the Progressive !Conservative .wonnen of the area. Representing McKillop will be Mrs. Earl Mills, R. R. 1, Walton, and Mrs. Joseph Grummet, R. R. 2, 'Seaforth; for Seaforth town, [Mrs. J. A. Westcott, Mas. 'H. E. 'Smith, Miss Dorothy Parke; for Tuckersmith, Mrs. John •Oldfield, R. R. 4, .Seaforth, and Mrs. Roy McGeo'ch, Eganond- ville. Those present expressed a de- sire to organize locally and to bring forward a constitution at the next ;meeti'ng in an effort to form :a •MOKillop-Seafonth-Tucic- ersmith Progressive 'Conserva- tive Association. Mrs. Dorothy ;Downing,- Tor- onto, Progressive 'Conservative federal organizer, and Clare Wesbeott, Toronto, organizer for the Young Progressive Conser- vative Association, were present to assist with the procedure • of the meeting. BANTAMS WIN Seaforth Bantams gave a good a'ccomit of themselves in the tourney at Winglhann on S'eim.- .day, ;defeating Port ;Elgin 5-4 in overtime. The next game will take place on Friday at Wing - ham. 'Seaforth goals were scored by: Pinder 2, ISooitns 2, Dale 2. Don Morton •was coach end John- ny Brent, referee. ISeafoaith: 'Larry Dale, 'centre; Bill Pinder, left w.; Ray Scoins. right w.; 'D.ong.''Rowcli'ffe, de.f.;' Bob Relit, def.; ;Gary Ast, ,cen- tre; Harvey Dale, right w.; Ro- bert Elliott, left w.; JShn Broad - foot, def.; Brian Flannigan, right w:; Bryan !Brady, goal; Jack IBec land, 'goal. Co -Op Business Nearly $625,000 The 14th annual meeting 'of ;Seaforth Farriers Co-operative was held 'at Egmon'dville United Church basement on 'Thursday night when the dhurch ladies ca- tered for •a banquet, A3b'out 180 anemilbers attended. The financial statement was presented by [Gordon Mather, area supervisor dor United 'Co - Operatives of .Ontario. A record volume of !business was done during 1955 by the Seafonbh 'branch .with the two departments totalling $021,474.00. C. A. Reith is manager of the produce division and Ross Henmigar of the feed division. No patronage dividend was declared for 1955, but a dividend for 1956 is anti- cipated. An increase in the volume of eggs was reported of over 1,000 eases. There was a 20 -ton in- crease in poultry handled over the previous year. Robert W. 'Campbell, presi- dent, gave the report from the board of directors and Mr. Hen- nigar the manager's report, Don Slinger, off ',Guelph. feed specialist of the Co-op, .was guest speaker and mold of new feed de- velopments and of the progress of the :United Co=operatives of 'Ontario. At the close the 4-411 film of Huron County was shown. This film was sponsored by the leo-ops in Huron. 'Directors named for three- year terns were ;Stanley Jack- son .and Robert W. Campbell. R. Campbell begins his second three-year term as director. Ro- bert E. McMillan, who has just completed six years as director - secretary -treasurer, is retiring, The new executive will be el- ected at the first meeting of the directors. Present board: R. W. Campbell, ;president; R. S, Mc- Kercher, vice .president; Robert Mc M!0.1an, seceretary; Ross Mc- Gregor, Alex McGregor, Arthur Devereaux, Peter !Simpson, COUPLES CLUB MEETS The 'Couples Club of St. Thomas' Anglican Church met in the Parish Hall, on Friday even- ing, March 16th with 9 couples present. After a short !business and .discussion period a .very en- joyable evening was stent with contests, games .and music led by Mr. and Mrs. IR. (Spittal and Mr, and Mrs. 3, McCabe, the en- tertainment contttlittee. A won- derful pottelu'ck luncJh ended a very enjoyable evening and Apr. 27th was decided on for the next; rneeti'mg. An invitation to attend North- side 'Couples Club was much ap- preciated and gladly accepted. This is for !Monday, Apr. 9 and a good attendance from our Oluib is requested. NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Russel' McCal- lum and family of Mitchell with Mr. ;a'n'ti Mrs. 'Harold McCallum on 'Sunday. ;Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Regele :and Mr. and (Mrs. Frank Glan- ville and family of lOrediton with Mr. 'and Mrs. Edward Reg- ele on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd visit- ed one evening last 'week with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Thornton. We are glad to repeat that Mrs. Joseph Tlhornton is improv- ing after her serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyce of ,Seaforth end' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert of Brodhagen were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Regele. We are 'sorry to say Mrs. Leonard Leeming is ill and con- fined to her' bed. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCal- lum and family 'with Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Glanville of Credi- ton one evening last week. MRS. GEORGE A. HANEY There passed away in ;Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., on the 18ttlh of March, a .dear sister, Mrs. Geo. A. Haney, leaving to •mourn, her sister, Mrs. Bernard Nott 'of Eg- mandiville, and three [brothers, 'Saanuel Townsend of Egmond- ville, Joseph, 'Townsend of Fort William, Thames Townsend of Edmonton, Alberta. COOK—BUCHANAN Rev. Joseph T. White perform- ed tile` marriage ceremony Sat- urday afternoon of Joyce Catlh- Brine Buchanan end Mr. Jerry Richard Cook, in ;the United •Church parsonage at Lond;es- bore. The 'bride is the .daughter of Mr. and Dirs. Alfred Biuchan- an, R.R. 1, .Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Lock [Cook of Goderich are the parents of the bridegroom. 'The bride' wore a street -length dress of ice blue sharkskin ;with. white .accessories. Quer corsage 'was .of pink roses Miss Etta Hart of Brussels was bridesmaid and wore a Royal 'blue t'affe'ta. etreet-lengthdrees with navy accessories and 'a pink rose 'cor- sage. Mr. Fred Buchanan,e, R. 1, Clinton, a brother of the bridle; 'was' best man. Assisting in serving nvere Mrs. Wilfred Buch- anan end Mrs. Donald ,Buchanan, sisters-in-ila3w of the bride. For e wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Northern Ontario ;cenntles, 'the bride wore a blue costume with black accessories. On their reburn Mr. and: Mrs, Clack will reside an 'Goderich. Out -'of -town guests were present f oIn llder- ton, 'Goderich and Londesioro. Name Committees For Fall Fair Committees to the in Charge of the various classes of Sea- teoertlh A,gricultural :Society's fall fair fox 1966 were 'tentatively listed at Tuesday night's meet- ing. fallowing -were suggested: [beef cattle, Oliver Anderson, E. W. ;Campbell, 'Stanley Jackson, Sam MCOlure, Joe : Devereaux, John Powell, .Elfin Whitmore; 'dual purpose 'Shorthorn, 3. F. Scott, Filmer 'Ohaplpel, John .Peckitt, J. 1M.. 'S'eott, Harold Piyce; dairy cattle, Jas. Hogg, Irvin Trewartha, Wm. Boyd, W. J. Storey, Elgin Notit, John Gra- animett; sheep, .Allister .Broad - feet, 'Guy Dorrance, Geo. E. IClampbell; swine, John 'S, Pow- ell, R. E. McMillan, Francis Coleman, Vivian Cooper, Ken 'Stewart, James Keys Arthur Scott ott 'Chaff, Michael Murray; live poultry, W. A. Gla- zier, George McIiwain, Ross Mills'on, Ted Melady; dresed poultry and eggs, And. Moore, Clare Reith, M. Mode; horse racing, sports and ; attractions, R. B. Holmes, Allan Campbell, Russell Bolton, Vincent Lane, Auguste Ducharme, F. J. Snow, 'Gilbert Snlitlh, Gordon 'Papple, Harry Nesbitt; grounds and ,pro- perty, J. M. ,Scott, R. W. 'Camp- bell, R. E. McMillan, ;Elgin Nett; A. Campbell, 0. Anderson, J. F. Scott, 1. Trewartha, Guy Dor ranee, W. 'Glazier, A. Moore, J. W, 'Crich; farm machinery, John Bach, Alex. Boyer, IC.'Roweliife, John Blue, Gordon McGavin, L. Cooper; field crop competitions, H. Pryce, A. Broadfoot, R. Me - Ie. Stewart, John McCow- an, Stanley dIillen Roy Gibb, Larry Wheatley publicity, Mrs. Joseph Gruanmett, A. Y. McLean, 0. .Snowdon, W. E. ;Southgate, Di. Harbmrn; parade wild sports, F .A. Dobson, D. ,Sills, D. Mor- ton, Evan Hoffman, A. Alexand- er, A. Nicholson, and rural and urban teachers; concessions, Si. Jackson, A. 'Y. McLean, W. E. Southgate, 3. M. !Scott; parking, Scott 'Cluff, Allan Nicholson; tickets, E. 1P. Chesney, George' Wheatley, Norman McLean; ,pet show, representatives of ;the Lions Club; hall ex- hibits (fruits, roots and vegeta. 'b'les) 3. W. Crich, Joe •Gibson, John ,McCotwan, Albert 'Harri- son, Gordon McGonigle, Maurice Brown, W. S. Broadfoat; dairy booth, H. In ,Leslie, Ken McRae, Harley Doney, Hugh 'Pugh, Har- vey Traviss. The •committees of the various departments of the Women's Di- vision have not as yet been com- pletely appointed. Full 'commit- tees to be in charge of element- ary and 'high school departments are yet to be panned. Mrs. James M. ;Scott will convene the' high school exhibits in the auditori- um of the community centre. Harold Pry'ce notified the meeting that 225 'buehels of Garry oats are available for a field .crop ;competition and 25 members are expected' to enter this competition, with each to purchase nine bushels. A compe- tition in Pfister grain corn is .al- so planned, it tooto the spon- sored by the society. ,Cionsider- alble 'good used ;posts, plank and lumber have; been evade available to the society, Bob ;Campbell, president, 'announced. This ma- teriel will the useful for building pens for feeder ;cattle if that particular ;;lass is to be selected this year as a commercial fea- ture at this year's fair. Due to rotation tlhe Jersey Parish Show will not be held in conjunction with this year's fair. In its stead the Guernsey Breed Association are to be extended an invitation. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Dexter spent Monday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Yungblutt, Londesb•oro. A few scholars were absent from school last week owing to German Measles. Little Beverley Jewitt had an operation in Scott Memorial .Hospital, he returned hone last week. Wo hope Beverley will make a speedy recovery. Mae and Mrs. 'Charles Riley and Ronnie were entertained to a birthday party on March 17th, St. •Patrick's Day, in honor :of Mi. ;Charles Riley's birbad'ay, at the home .of his son Alvin Riley and Mrs. ;Riley, Seaforth. The Golden Links 'Mission Band held their meeting on Sun- day afternoon, Maroh 18, in the Sunday 'School rooan. 'T'he meet- ing opened by all repeating the mission band 'prayer. Roll call answered by 21 members. The ;collection was taken by Donald Jewitt. The story in bhe study bodle, 'Sidewalk Kids, was read. by Mrs. Wan. Dale. The aneeting closed by all repeating bhe lLorcl's Prayer. WINTHROP [Rev. and Mrs, H. E. Living- stone of London, were Sunday gnests of Mr. and Mrs. 'R. 3K. Mcl+aillane. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ;Hawley of London spent 'Sunday at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McSp'ad'den. Mrs. Charles' Do'linage is a patient in ,Scott' Memorial -Hos- pital. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Holden and family were M. ,Coldwater over the weekend where Rev. Holden was taking part in the anniversary services there. Legion Hockey Playoffs Start Last Saturday saw the start of 'the playoffs in the Legion hockey. There was to be a game in 'bo'th the "A" 'Group and "B" Group, but. due to a Bantam tournament held in . Wingham, the game in "A" had to the call- ed •off. These two teams will play a sudden death game this .Saturday. There was plenty of action in the "B" Group however, with Tam Dick's Canadiens ,coming .ant on top by a score of 9 to 1 over Ted Lamont's Bruins. The Bruins were missing one of their better players, Kenny McIlwain, who was in the hospital. (Ken will •also he missed on the Pee - Wee team that is going to God - midi). Jim Dick was the big gun for 'Canadiens with 5 goals, Geo. Brown got 2 with singles going to John Patterson and Tom Dick, Ted Lamont got the only goal for Bruins. Terry Ast played a great game in goal for 'Bruins, and if it hadn't been for him the score would have been much greater. While we are on the subject of Legion ;hockey we would like to remind you of another [big night coming up this 'Saturday, March 24. Three big games are on tap. The Legion Squhis against Goderieh Squirts and the Legion Pee Wees against Goder- ich Pee-Wees, and last but not least 'those Legion Old, Timers are going to do tattle again. These will be split up into teams' by the name of Air. Force and Navy againt Army. P..S. We have heard that the Aix Force and Navy have been holding a few .:secret workouts. ,How about that? ST. COLUMBAN A St. Coluniban family Sled a mid-morning blaze which lev- elled their frame home on the second concession of McKil]op twp. near here on [Saturday. Damage was set at $5,000 in the blaze. [Mrs. Edward 'McGrath said she noticed burning mat- terial dropping through a stove pipe hole, and fled with her children. Mr. McGrath was .on his way to Dublin at the time. The .blaze raced through •the upstairs and was spotted' by'Den- ni's Nolan, one of the first on the scene. Neighbors worked in an effort to combat the fire and save contents. Mrs. McGrath telephoned from her burning building to alert neighbors and the telephone ex- ehange. Mr. McGrath returned home to find his house in Dames. A television set, refrigerator and chesterfield suite were saved. Fire Ohief John Scott o'f Sea - forth 'blamed the fire on over- heated stovepipes. He said the home was three-quarters burned by the time his men arrived on the scene. Firemen kept the blaze from spreading. ,Some children's clothes, and other items were also saved. The house was partly covered 'by in- surance. The frame home was renovat- ed only a year ago. Mrs. McGrath said she lit es fire in a stove in the front of the 'house' about an hour before she noticed flames. (The monthly meeting of the C.W.L. was held in the hall with the President, Mrs. Joseph Kale presiding. Mrs. Albert Cro- nin read the minutes and Mrs. Jos. Malone the, correspondence. Mrs. Maurice Melady reported 116 members. Clothing and lit- erature had been sent to Father 01Flaberty, Fort William. Can- celled stars to &arboro For- eign 'Missions, Mrs. Angus Ken- nedy read the treasurer's report. The annual baking sale is to be held an March 30. The nominat- ing committee are Mss. Michael Murray, Mas. John McIver and Mrs. John A. Murphy. 'The meet- ing adjourned and closed. with prayer. A social half hour was spent with penny bingo sponsor- ed thy Mrs. Wan. McMillan and Mrs. Ted Meletly. H.E NSALL Mr. and ;Mrs. E. R. Sheddick left last week for Florida where they will spend three weeks va- cation. Mr,'and Mrs. Peter L. Me - Naughton and Mrs. 'Bert Horton visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vickers and daugh- ter at Newmarket. The ,members of Amber Re- bekah Lodge are' bolding a home - baking sale and tea. in the lower lodge hall on .Saturday, March 24th at 3 p.m. Miss Mae iMeNaughton arrived by air at the Marton airport On Wednesday after spending the winter months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton met her there, and she accompanied them to Hensall where she will spend a number of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. 'Cook are holidaying in Florida, Mrs. Willert and daughter of Exeter visited last week with Mrs. Willelat's mother, 'Mrs. An- nie :Saundereoc'k. . The Soutlh : Huron >County .L:O.L. 'met in Hensall with 100 present from the 'lod'ges :in South Huron. It was decided to cele- brate the glorious 'twelfth in Seaforth. 'Addresses were 'givens Kitchener, by 'Carl 'Smith, rand g master of Ontario west; John Hammond, Alvinston, represent- ing the Orange insurance de- partment, and Rev. J. T. White, Lonud'es'boro. SAVAUGE'S MARCH DINNERWARE SALE WILL SOON BE OVER ! 3 -PIECE TEA SERVICES ROGERS SILVERWARE REG., 27,50 sale 19.75 Grape or Fluted design GRAPE TEAPOT ONLY. Reg. 18.00. SALE $13,95 Complete 94 piece Dinner Sets (Service for 12) Regular $39.75 sale 24®95 Half -Price Clearance of dinnerware in following patterns: SPODE "Lady Anne" SPODE "Fairy Dell" ROYAL DOULTON "Sutherland" ROYAL DOULTON "Almond Willow" All pieces in stock in the following patterns at HALF PRICE (except cups & saucers) Royal Albert "Serena" Royal Albert "Greenwood Tree" Queen Anne "Royal Bridal Gown" Sovereign Potters "Morn - Glo" • em utile ll!lliiiii' : 3 :::i 33i.S.T.. A LIBERAL t? ALLOWANCE FOR s YOUR OLD WATCH REGARDLESS OF AGE, MAKE OR CONDITION! Old English Sampler Specials Tart plates, reg. 100 with server ... , SALE 1.95 Large Size Reg, 1,00 Cups & Saucers SALE 59c Cruet. Sets. reg. 3.25 Sale 1.95 Conrpor'ts, reg. 2,25 Sale 1.25 DRESSERWARE AT HALF PRICE $25.00 Sets for ., 12.50 $18,00 Sets for .. $9,00 GLASS TV SETS 4 Clips •i TV plates. Boxed Reg'. 1.05 SALE 1.39 Aluminum Warming Ovens Reg. 4.95. SALE 3.95 TEAPOTS Smart English Teapots values up to 3.50 TO CLEAR AT 1.79 These are just a few of the many outstanding bargains at Savauge's Dinnerware Sale Over 100 patterns in dinnerware and teaware from which to make your selection Entire stock of diamonds, Jewellery, clocks and watches, china, pens & pencils, etc., at Sale Prices SAVAUGE'S Jewellery Gifts Fine China Election resulted as follows: W.M., Joseph ;Caldwell; 'DM., Ken Betties; 'chaplain, Borden Brown; recording sec., Lloyd Hern: financial secretary, Harry Crich; treas., Frank Falconer; first lecturer, Fred MdClymont; second lecturer, ;Fred Jamieson; marshal, Oliver Jaques; assist- ant marshal; Earl Cooper. EGMONDVILLE ItIr. and Yrs. Stuart Keyes and daughter, Gail, of Mlle, spent the weekend with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Nelson Keyes Miss - Jean Watson, R.N. of Toronto and ;Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark and daughter, Barbara of MMuirkirk were weekend visitors with Mas, J. S. Watson and Miss Alice Watson. Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Milroy and family spent .Saturday with relatives near Milton. Mr. Nicholas Foster, wha has been confined to the hospital, the result of a heart condition, is sufficiently recovered to re- turn to his 'home. Mr. Thos. 'Robinson has re- turned hoano from a visit with his son in-law and daughter, Rev. A. H, and Mrs. McKenzie of Islington, also with his sister Mrs. Margaret Erratt of Toronto Recent visitors with Mrs. Jas• Ftinlayeon we're Miss Jessie Fin- layson and Mrs. Will Finlayson of 'Lorne Park. HULLETT Memlbers of the Firesi'd'e Farm Forum 'met on Monday, 'March' 19, at the home of Mr; and Mrs: Mansell ;Cook. After listening to the [broadcast, the election of of- ficers was held. Erie Anderson was elected sec. -areas., 'Mrs. Get. ,Carter and Mrs. Jim Hewett are to look after getting the forum started' in the Taal. Those ap- pointed on the picnic .committee are Mrs. 'George 61oggart, Mrs. William D,oaniage and ;George 'Canter. Mrs. B'abcook invited the group for next week. Winners in progressive euchre were Mrs. G. 'Hogg:art and Mrs. .Alex Ri- ley. tone hands,' Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Donald Buchanan. 'Consolation, 'birs. Eric Anderson and Oliver Anderson. The Friendly Few Farm For- um met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill ;Dale with an attend- ance of 25. After the broadcast, suitable topics for next year were discussed. Winners of most games in euchre were Earl Law- son and James Dale; consolation, Mrs. Frank Riley and ;Charles MacGregor. This was the last meeting for .the season, owing to exams and 'Hullett music £esti- vol taking place next week, so the usual last night lunch :of all the sandwiches, pie and ice cream, was served. CROMARTY The Marian Ritchie Auxiliary met in the Sunday !School roc'm of the church for their Easter Thankoffering meeting with the me'm'bers of the Barbara Kirk- man Auxiliary of :Seaforth Pres- byterian ;C'hurc'h as ;their guests. The 'president, Mrs. James Mill- er presided and opened the meeting with words of welcome to the visiting auxiliary and sing- ing an Easter hymn, after which she conducted the business per- iod The ISeafor'tit ladies .had charge of the program with their president. Mys. Keith Sharp in the chair, 'opening with thoughts on 'Easter. A passage of scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Elmer Rivers and 'prayer was offered by Mrs. Andrews, who also react the Scottish version of the 23rd Psalm The ;Misses Gene and: Al - "me Nixon rendered a .pleasing duet "The '01d Rugged 'Cross", with -Mrs. Dr. Munn accompany- ing at the piano. An inspiring Easter message was given by -Mrs. 10. G. ;Camptbell using ass her: 3bheane' "The significance ;of the Cross". The closing prayer was led by Mrs. David Ritchie .i who, also repeated ;helpful verses of payryee from our 'chard[ cal- endar. 'Refreshments were serv- ed by the Marian 'Ritchie; metro- bars and a social hour was ranch enjoyed by all.