HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-15, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS -Thursday, March 16, 1966 SUPERIOR SPECIALS Libbys Deep Brown Beans 2 for 39c 20 oz. Tin LIBBYS COOKED SPAGHETTI, 15 oz tins 2 for 25c ROSE BRAND SWEET MIX PICKLES 16 oz. jar 29c MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR .... 31/2 lb bag 28c 7 Ib Bag -- 53c NATURES BEST CHOICE Peas 15 oztins 2 for 21c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 Tins 21c SOLO MARGARINE 1 lb 28c MAXWELL :HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE .... 1.89 Large 6 oz. Jar SALADA TEA (Brown Label) y2 lb 62c HERE YOU ARE — KIDS & GROWN UPS Free .BICYCLE Free Superior Food Market Free Bicycle will be given to some lucky one on Saturday, June 16, in time for your Sommer Holidays. One Free Coupon with each 3.00 purchase. Enter as often as you like A tip for the young Fry -- we will have a Free Wagon too. Watch this ad next week WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES TOWN TOPICS IMr. James McQuaid, St. ICo- lwniban, and Mr. John McQuaui'd, Seaforth, spent the weekend in Windsor, 'and visited J'ohn's (brother, Mike McQuaid, in De- troit, who is a patient with pneumonia in (Memorial !Hospital. (Dianne !Free, daughter of Mr. and (Mrs. H. '0. Free, broke her left arm above the elbow on Fri- clay when she 'fell from a 'swing at the public school. ' Mr. John Beattie is wearing his arm in a sling since injuring This shoulder when he slipped on the ice on the street near his home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aldington, Margaret and Frank of Varna were guests of Mr, and MTs. Thos. 1Aldingiton on Sunday. Mrs. ;Ellen Bannon spent the weekend in Toronto, guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Flynn. Dr. and Mrs, B. A. McMaster are on a two weeks visit to the Bahamas. Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Ranted, of Detroit, spent the weekend with relatives here. Miss Joan Walsh, London, was a weekend 'guest at the home of her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. John Walsh. BORN Payne—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 0, to Mr. and Mrs. Warner Payne, Bayfield, a daughter Henderson—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, en March 12, .to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Henderson, Mitchell, a daugh- ter. Harrison—In Galgacy General I•Iospital on March S, to Mr. „and Mrs. Keith Harrison, is son—Donald Brock r.. fie E j1n. 31'5 Ok&A.® on T L orient NEWS! VED loch 14th A EVAa=` E CENTRAL N, ONE LOCK MAIN ST,, y EET to serve you better in larger, brighter premises with facilities to make your EATON shopping easier and more pleasant. Choose—and save --on home and family needs from EATON'S value -packed Catalogues and our retail stores' advertisements. SHOP 1H PERSON or PHONE YOU ORDER 322 Heavy and bulky goods will be delivered direct to your door within Seaforth delivery limits. ,`'T. EATON OOIMITED t•••• • p • • • • • • recommended consumer fi'nanc:e company • • • • • • • • e • • • •• • • GODERICH • • with money when you need it • • • Yes, Household Finance has opened an office here in Goderich and will specialize in • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • making prompt cash loans. HFC is famous coast-to-coast for friendly, courteous service. The principal requirement for borrowing from HFC is your ability to make regular monthly payments. We invite you to drop in today at our new office located on the second floor at 35 West Street, just off "The Square." Get $50 to $1,000 in 3 simple steps 1, Phone or come in to HFC. 2. Tell the manager how much cash you need. Loans are usually made without • endorsers. Simple requirements. You get the money—in privacy—in one day. • 3. Then you seledt your monthly repayment plan, adjusted to fit your income. • s No extras of any kind. Sensible terms. • • Y•ou can borrow with confidence from Household Finance •• • • Friendly, dependable service since 1928. HFC has served the Canadian family for over • • a quarter-century. Today we serve more men and women than any other company in : •• our field. Last year nearly three quarters of a million people got extra cash from HFC : • to pay bills, make repairs, for fuel, clothing, all sorts of good reasons. We invite you • o to drop in today. You are welcome whether you need a loan, advice on a money problem, • • or just to look around our modern new office. • _ • • • Mone ged,t OUSEHOLD FINANCE •• • • • • • • • • • seas•••••s••••sa••e•s••••••••••••••is••o•••s••e•e•••••••• • - CANADA'S FIRST AND FOREMOST CONSUMER FINANCE COMPANY • 35 West Street • • (Just aft "The Square") • • • escondr floor Telephone 1501 • GODERICH, ONT. s TOWN COUNCIL Continued from Page 1 were fronn one esta'bl'ishment. Lisbpwel had tried (two -(hour parking, 'Councillor Leslie said, and ended up with (parking met- ers. (Seaforbh merchants had pe- titioned against parking meters. 'Council concurred in a resolu- tion from New Toronto asking the Federal Governnnent to in- crease Old Age ISecurity Pen- sions to 465 per ,men th. A building permit to the T. !Eaton Co. for new front on the former Cleary store was con- firmed, cost '$1000. Daylight saving will start in Seaforth on Monday, 'Aipril 30 at 2 ran. and end on Sunday, (Sept. 30 at 2 a.m. council decided. This is in accordance with form- er years, so that the !Sunday ,at start and end are on standard time: Bylaw No. 1577 Was given Its several readings and passed, pro- viding for no ,parking on Goder- dch street west, to 'become oper- ati've when approved Iby the Dept. of Highways and signs erected, Councillor Christie said coun- cil should look into Ibhe (matter of dogs. 'Councillor Leslie said if the town doesn't do some- thing, nobody else ,can. Council - Scott said' there seems no so- lution for the dog question, it is always a bone of contention. 'Reeve Scoins thought the pub- lic Should he told ,that any ani- mal can be brought Ito the pound. Surely council could take action where 'necessary 'a'ga'inst indivi- dual offending ,dogs, he asked. Town Clerk Willson said it would require a lot of study and council must be ,prepared to en- force it. There was an uproar all the time trying to enforce the dog bylaw, Councillor (Scott ,said. Some 'dogs are running that no- body owns, the said. Everybody thinks their own dog is (harmless, (Councillor Leb- lie said. They ore different when running in a pack. Council decided to leave things as they are. Acourt ,of revision on one new property on Which the own- er has appealed the assessment will be held in the near future. Main Street (properties will all he re,assessed'this year coun- cil was informed. (Council had no jurisdiction over a fallen (building at the corner of East William and Side street,Councillor Scott Hob - kirk was ,informed. Winners At Ice Carnival Sharon 'Strong., 5 -year -odd daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Leon- ard Strong, Tuckersmith, was crowned Queens of the carnival Friday night. The largest family on .skates was Mrs. Eldon Wilson and her five children of H.R. 3, !Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart were judged the most graceful couple: Youngest ;girl on skates was Dianne 'Patterson, the youn- gest (boy, Scott Wilson, Brussels. Russell Pieper had best imper- sonation of (Davy 'Crockebt. Oth- er prize winners were: youngest parents On skates, Mr. and Mrs. George Hildebrand; (best dressed girl, under 10, Darlene ,Sills, Barbara Holland; ,old'est man on skates, Barney IHildelbrand; 'best dressed couple under 16, Phyllis Bryan end Ann Troutbeck; Mary Crich and Joann Teall; over 116, Alice and Evangeline !Reid; national costume, 'Georgia Tay- lor, Darlene ISills; clown, George ,Broome, (Bill 'Trapnell; best dressed .girl under 16, (Pearn McLean, Ann Kling; over 16, Joan Wilson, Mrs. E. 'Wilson, of Brussels; boy under 16, Bill Teals, Gary Wilson; over 16, Karl Lovett; hard time farmer, George Broome; farmer's wife', Kay !Charters. Judges were Mrs. Leonard Strong, Mrs. (Harvey Mason and Leslie Beattie. Mrs. Joseph 'Grummett was winner of a draw for a table lamp. WINTHROP The W. A. ,and WMS. of Ca- van IChtmch ebolt on Wednesday 'afternoon Mar. 7th with an at- tendance of 22 ladies. Mrs. Gil- bert Smith presided over the business part of the meeting and read a Lenten meditation to op- en the meeting. The minutes were read and the secretary an- nounced the 'passing of Rev. Da- vid Carswell, a former well known .minister here. A rfew'min- utes silent .prayer were Observed in his memory. The president an- nounced that the Presbyterial will be held in Exeter on Aipril 10th. She also reminded the la- dies of the iC.G.LT. service on April lst, Mrs. Wm. ,Church gave the ,citizenslhip paper and among 'other interesting items said "that God 'is still in charge of His world." The ,collection was St. Patrick's Dance At Community Centre MARCH 17 Dancing from 9 -11.45 P.M. Music by Wilbee Orchestra Admission 50c per person Sponsored by Seaforth Women's Tnstitute wwwwwwwwwwww The L.O.B.A. are holding their last Euchre for the the season on MONDAY, MARCH 19 In the Lodge Rooms. Draw for crocheted doyley. Cards at 8.30. Lunch. Everyone welcome. Admission 40c received'by Mis. G. Blanchard. Mis. IWm. Dolmage was then in charge of the program when she read :the parables of the lost coin, lost Sheep and lost son. 'Scripture passages were also read by Mrs. W. T. (Dodds, and Mrs, G. (Blanchard. Mrs. Dol - allege Mold the story of the Indian in south western Ontario, and this proved very interesting. Mrs. (Stewart Dolmage then read: a Story of a student from Hamil- ton who went west to Ibe a mis- sionary, The nneeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Lunch was served. KIPPEN EAST W. I. The, March meeting of the Kippen East W. I. will be held 'at the (home of Mrs. Verne Al- derdice on ,Wednesday, March 21 at 8 p.m. The motto to be given by Mrs. Alt 8i'dnlayson, poem by Mis. Eldon Jarrott, and the our- evening, Mr. Wm. Smith, nnana- Alit Varley, Mrs, Joseph Lostell, rent events Iby Mrs. Ivan For- ger of the General Coach Works, I Mrs. R. (Chapman, Mrs. S. Pep- sybh. (Special speaker fore the Hensall. Lunch committee: Mrs. per and Mrs. M. !Cooper. CONTRACT BARLEY New contract this year should bring higher price per bushel than pricing basis on former contracts Both Montcalm and Kindred Seed Barley Available FERTILIZER AVAILABLE FOR CONTRACTS Topnotch Feeds Ltd. SEAFORTH PHONE 15 We Realize What Id CHALLENGER COHOE SALMON 7% OZ 3'®C TIN IGA BEANS with PORK Mean To YOU By continually striving to increase the efficiency of modern food distribution, in IGA Warehouses and Food Stores from coast to coast, we are able to bring to you, the consumer, the lowest food prices week after week. Start today . live better for less, by patron- izing your Friendly Neighbor, your IGA Stores * 5 Star Specials OGILVIE CHOCOLATE Cake Mix 3 PKGS $1 SALADA Tea ' a.gs 60 BAG 7 5, SIZE FANCY PREMIUM Sockeye IGA DILL Pickles IGA pP A le Juice -lb TIN 24 OZ JAR 48 OZ TIN 45c 27c 19c AI T20 INS OZ 33 c AYLMER CHOICE CREAM CORN 20 OZ 2 TINS 'cal C IGA TABLERITE LARD 1 -LB CTN 1�c GOOD LUCK MARGARINE 4c off Reg. Price CTN �� Ci 5c OFF REGULAR PRICE GAY liquid detergent 12OTOZ ,2c REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR BAG 5-"41c Blue & Gold Fancy 'EAS 15 oz tins IGA Quality Fresh Foods 1 G A TABLERITE SIDE BACON Sliced and Kindless 2PGSIGA TABLERITE ROUND STEAK or ROAST tb 55c PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS 39c BURNS PURE SKINLESS SAUSAGE PG 37C IGA TABLERITE SHORT RIBS nisi ,29C BraisingSEAFOR'�'H GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS HEART CELERY SUNKIST Size 220 ORANGES SNOBOY LEMONS. Size 96's GRAPEFRUIT 5 for '27c 2lb29c pkg 23c doa, 45c 6 for '29c CLEARY!SIGA MARKET 1