HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-08, Page 8The. new PLAYTEX' illogic Controller ! with magic 'fingers" for extra control! NEW musk "finger' panels you quirk! NEW non.rnll top positively :. won't end over! NEW s.t•r., t h t rz.trters arc •t I,u..t able, rel {a .gar 1, lq NEW open -pore 1 ahru a lives; vti i th s uuh your body! NEW lea y Heuer de..ion looks ,z sugar -Spun. •IX'ashes and drt ia>t, n suit pink. All [}ft., Ask for the girdle in the SLIM tube 895 ItN ,Pep.. T. M. SOLD ONLY AT STEWART BROS. New Feather Weight 100% ORLON Grandmere Sweaters FOR GIRLS They're just outs New mach- ine washable 100% orlon sweaters by Grandmere. They won't shrink or stretch. wash and dry quickly and keep their original softness, i\;. Pullovers or cardigans ink/ Iris' sizes 8 to 14 years in pine, white, red, pink, sky, opal and Dior Blue, SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS 4.95 LONG SLEEVE CARDIGANS 5.95 NEW SPRING SHADES WOMEN'S 100% ORLON PULLOVERS & CARDIGANS by Grandmere See the exciting new range of shades in ladies orlon sweaters by Grandmere, — there's a color to match or co-ordinate almost any skirt, jacket or slacks. No stretch, shrink or sag 100% orlon Grandmere sweat- ers come In brandy, tile, maize, red, sky, Dior Blue, teal, lime, opal. pink and white, and others. PULLOVERS 5.95 CARDIGANS 6.95 Stewar Bros. 1 WINTHROP The young people of the Jun- ior Farmers presented a play in Cavan Church on Friday even- ing last entitled "As sure as your're born", which was well. received. The following persons were in the caste, Betty Camp- bell. Catherine Campbell, Joan Somerville, Larry Wheatley, Kenneth Campbell, Mervin God - kin. Rev. J. R. Holden presid- ed over the pro';'ratn prior to the play, trio, Jane, Joan, and Lois Ann Somerville: duet, Joan and Lois Ann Somerville; reading, 'Sandra Doig, duet, the Misses Snell of Londeshoro; trio, 2rrs. Leslie Pryce, cornet, Oliver Pryce, violin, and Les Pryce, pi- ano; cornet solo, Marian Hem- ingway and community singing led by Miss Hemingway. Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, and hiss Ellie Love, of Guelph were retests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Love, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, and Mr. and Mrs, R. McFarlane. Mrs. J. R. Holden spent a day in London recently. Mr. Jahn McClure was honor- ed on Wednesday, Feb. 29th on the occasion of his 92nd birth- day ,when the •family served a dinner. During the afternoon friends called including members of the session and the minister Rev. J. R. Holden who •presented hien with a suitable gift, orderly international trade. Euchre was played after the discussion and lunch served by the hostess. Next week's meeting mill be held at the home of Mr. and -ills. T. W. McMillan. The Voice Of Temperance STARTLING STATISTICS The latest report of Ontario's Department of Reform Institu- tions contains startling statist- ics. During the ten years since the war, yearly convictions for crime have risen from 19,1.32 to 46,899 and from 478 per 100,- 000 00;000 to 905. The report declares these fig- ures "extremely 'disappointing", even granted that an increase in the number and efficiency of the police force has naturally re- sulted in a higher per cent of convictions than formerly. The great majority of crimes were those against public peace and order. And of the Z5,376 convictions on this score more than half (18,253) were for drunkeness, with drunk and-im- paired nd-impaired driving contributing an- other 3,182, and (breaches of the Liquor lOontrol Act account- ing for an adiditional '7,539. To sum up, liquor was a factor in 28,984 of the 46,899 convictions registered during the past year. In a word Ontario's crime sta- tistics prove •conclusively that the more liquor people consume the more work they snake for the police, the 'courts and the Re- form instiltmtions.—Advt. McKILLOP S. S. No. 2, McKillop farms forum met Monday evening et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Dalanage, After listening to the radio broadcast there was a goad discussion on the topic, How free can we make free trade in Canada. The forum felt that the general agreement on tariffs and trade is evidence of a grow- ing desire by many countries for freer international trade, ,and so lOanadeam farmers should sup- port this type of progmaan. P2here are haltunalty some problems to `this policy and the farmers are oonterned about protection for their farm peodiacts. But it was felt that farmers generally stand to gain by the removal orf trade barriers and the prohnotion ,of TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The ISeaforth News March 1931 Messrs. William Wilson and William Elgie celebrated their 80th birthdays at the home orf Mr. Elgie on March 14. One of the worst storms of the winter swept over the pro- vince tying up traffic on aoad's. An automatic printing .press installed in The News Office, {be- ing the first automatic press in Huron IGaunty. tNios Shtadd5ok, Hensall sec- tion foreman, was severely in- joked in the foot While cutting a steel rail. 0Lr. and Mrs, Robert M'eCrea, Londesbobro, entertained the street light committee to cards and music. Mr. Janes Chesney ,and Mr. Thomas Nolan of Toronto Uni- versity spent the weekends at their homes. Quite a number have tapped for maple syrup season. Prospects of a cold storage plant for Huron County were discussed at a meeting at Goder- ich, for the tbenefdt .of the fruit growers. A new secret ,British warplane flies at 194 miles an hour, Clearing Auction Sale Of farm stock and machinery at lot 34, con. 13, McKillop twp. 1 anile south and 2 miles west of Walton, on Thursday, March 22 at 1 p.m. ICattle-3 tDurhaln eows fresh and due to freshen time of sale; 4 'Durham cows milking and re - bred; 1 Durham 2 -year old hei- fer bred; 1 registered Durham; huff 3 yrs. old (Manning breed); 2 Durham heifers rising 2 years old; 2 Durham heifers 1 yr. old; 4 young calves. Pigs -13 York chunks 125 lbs, 12 York chunks 8 'weeks old, 1 York sow. :Machinery—IS (Case tractor, new in 1954, hydraulic pump ,power takeoff; M. 'H. 2 -furrow plow; M. H. 6 -ft. mower; M. H. 6 -ft. binder; 1111. H. 11 run fer- tilizer 'drill; M. H. grain .grinder on speed Jack and belts; Frost and Wood dray loader; 'dump rake; 3 -section 'diamond har- rows; rubber -tired wagon, Hatt rack and eliding rack; 135 feet hay fork rope; Beatty Hay fork :and pulleys; lahatham fanning mill with bagger; set heavy 'double breeching harness; wagon box ,and stock rack; forks; shov- els; twhippletrees; Viking creaan Separator with motor; pig crate; 5200 lb. scales; Cockshutt man- ure spreader; ISte'wea t clipping machine, ,male 'Collie dog. Propeitty: 77 -acre farm, frame house, (bank barn, drive shed, 57 acres of workable land. 30 acres fall plowed, balance in hay and pasture. Terms—Chattels,Oast Property 10% 'dawn, Ibalen0e in 30 mays. Properlty subject to reserve bid. Prop., George Fox Atrct•, Herold Jackson Clerk, E. P. 'Chesney CARD OF THANKS I wish: to thank all those who remembered me with treats and gifts while I ,was a patient in. Scott Memorial Hospital, espec- ially Dr. Gorwill and the nurses, the W. A. of Northside Chrn oh for •a box of fruit, and the EX- plorers. It was all appreciated. LINDA MacDONALD CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend a very sin- cere thank you to kind friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during the illness and at the time of the death of a be- loved wife and mother, Every thing is gratefully acknowledged and deeply appreciated. —Jack McCarthy, Terry and Margaret CARD OF THANKS To the Subscribers of the Mc- Killop Municipal Telephone System: May I express niy sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all those who have co-operated. with me for eighteen years in developing anti maintaining the McKillop System, My every effort has been toward the im- provement of the plant and hence the service to the subscribers. Because it is impossible to con- tinue under present circum- stances, I will not be with the System after April 1, although a leave of absence would have been appreciated, since this would ex- tend the time before complete severance of relations. It is with deep regret that this step must be taken, for I am fully aware of the expansion programme facing tite System. Again I extend thanks to those who have made easier and more pleasant the many years I have served you. JACK KELLAR CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank those who sent cards, treats and flow- ers, and for the visits from so many; also for the thoughtful- ness of our neighbors while I was a patient at London hospital, also thanks to Dr. Gorwill. MRS. HARRY M. CHESNEY CARD OF THANKS The Powell Family wish to thank the friends and neighbors for expressions of sympathy and kindness during their bereave- ment; also Rev. Mr, Campbell, and Dr. Gorwill; and Mr,. James T. Scott IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Thomas Norman Knight who passed away one year ago, March 8. We little knew we awoke that that morn The sorrow the clay would bring. The call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved 50 dear Sometimes it's hard to understand Why some things have to be, But in His wisdom God has planned Beyond our power ver to see, God gave us strength to fight it And courage to bear the blow. But what it cost to lose him No one will ever know. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by wife and family. Auction Sale Of Farm Implements and house- hold effects. On Tuesday, March 20. at 1.80 o'clock on the farm of Bert Riley on Con, 12, Lot 20, Tp. of Hibbert, 2% miles east of Chiselhurst and 114 miles south anal 1% miles west of Cromarty. The Estate of the late Jas. Howe: 1 Massey Harris binder, 6 ft, cut; 1 Deering mower 5 ft.; 1 Massey Harris drill, 11 hoe. Hay rake; roller; Caro loader; Oliver 3 furrow tractor plow on rubber. 3 section harrows. 4 section har- rows; Oliver scuffler and bean puller. Disc, set of scales, fan- ning mill, riding plow. Massey Harris manure spreader. Sleighs and flat rack. Stiff tooth tractor cultivator, 7 ft. Wagon nearly new, hayrack and shifter. Car and draw rope. 1 Vega cream separator. Set double har- ness, horse collars, extension ladder, forks, shovels, etc. and a quantity of household furniture. Also 1948 Plymouth car in good running order. Teems cash. Estate late James Howe, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk FARM FOR SALE Lot 30, Con. 2, LRS Tucker - smith. 100 acres more or less. 6 acres bush, rest good workable land. 1% storey frame house, good buildings. Good water, Also 15 acres of land part Lot 31, Con. 1, LRS Tuckersmith. Apply Wm. Nesbitt, RR1 Brucefield. Phone 658r5 Seaforth SALES HELP WANTED Rawleigh business now open in Huron County. Trade well estab- lished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Raw- leigh's Dept. C-364-189, Montreal, P.Q. FOR SALE One used Oliver '70 tractor, good condition, reasonable, or ex- change for stock or machinery. Wilbert Pratt, Lot 20, Con. 14, Grey. Phone 4317 Brussels WANTED A Telephone Lineman for Mc- Killop Municipal Telephone Sys- tem to service 440 Rural Tele- phones. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by March 19th, J. M. ECKERT Sec. RR1 Seaforth, Ont. DISPERSAL OF ALL BREEDING STOCK WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14TH, .1956 68 HEAD DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS Herd on R.O.P. Fully Accredited All Females over 68 months: of age vaccinated Type is represented with big rugged matrons, good udders, good breeding condition, backed with R.O.P. mills and fat records. The cattle are typical TWO-WAY propositions— MILK AND BEER Bulls in Service and Selling: SANFORD SALTPAN, MONEDEN APPOLO. These sires are rich in the blood of the breed's top producers. These bulls will sell. Location—Sale at the Farm—Highway No, 8, one mile west of Seaforth. Tine -1,30 sharp. Write or phone for catalogue. THORNTON HALL FARM 851r4 Seaforth. Jas. F. Scott (owner) Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE Two calves. Apply to Gordon Reynolds, 667124 Seaforth FOR SALE A quantity of mixed hay at the farm of Mrs. Joseph Melady. For further particulars apply to Ed- ward Melady, phone 22x10 Dublin FOR SALE Frame barn 20 x 30. James Aitcheson, Goderich St. 'West, Sea girth FOR SALE 50 acres on County Road 5 miles north of Seaforth, all in grass, 8 acres bush, frame house and small barn, Apply George Michle, RB. #4, Brussels, Ont- ario, Executor William J. Kinney Estate. Tel, 15 R13 Brussels WANTED TO BUY Kitchen cupboard, dresser for bedroom. Phone 351r4 HELP WANTED Good man wanted for silo build- ing, will hire by month or year. Apply Jonathan Hlu ill phone 667r13 Seaforth; 616113 Clinton; or apply at the farm 3 miles west of Seaforth FOR SALE 10 to 15 tons of mixed grain, Keith Kelly, phone 661x33 FOR SALE Beaver seed oats for sale. Tel. 240 s 41, ISeafoxbh, Russell Bol- ton. HOUSE FOR SALE `House has eight rooms wisib electric lights and town water, possession March 15. Mrs. James Barron, Clearing Auction Sale Of farm stock and machinery on (Friday, IS/larch 16th at 12 o'- clock sharp at lot 5, con 12, of Tuckersmith trOp., 3 mules east of Hensen. Cattle -4 Holstein cows due latter part of March; 3 Holstein cows milking and re -bred; 6 Jer- sey cows fresh; 11 Jersey cows duo time •af sale• 1 Guernsey cow fresh; 1 registered Hereford bull, 2 yrs. old; number 'of young Hereford calves; 12 Durham and Hereford heifers and steers 1 year old. Machinery — Model tD Case tractor; model L A 'Case tractor; above tractors in good condition. 3 -furrow tractor plow; 774 foot stiff tooth +Cockshutt cultivator; 8 foot tractor disc; 3 section drag harrows; 3 section harrows; M. H 10" grain grinder; 7 foot 'Cockshutt binder; ICockshutt 4 bar side rake (new) ; M. H. silo filler; New Idea 7 foot tractor mower -(cut 20 acres) ; 15 -run power fertilizer drill (dike new) ; 3 drum steel roller; two manure spreaxlers on rubber; 1 all -steel rulbber tired wagon; 16 foot hay rack; electric Viking cream sep- arator; 'doulble cylinder Univer- sal anilking machine with 4 single units; number 8 gal. milk cans, nnilk pails and strainers; 40 feet of grain blower pipes; 32 foot ex- tension ladder; root pulper; 9 foot 3 -dram steal roller; 140 ft. drive belt; 70 -foot drive 'belt; 30 -foot drive belt; vise, power emery, work bench, oil barrels; 2 electric fences, posts, wire, 2 rubber tired feed karts; rubber tired milk carts, horse rake; oil bath pump jack, rotary pump (with % H. P. motor; 200 ft. of plastic and galvanized pipe; quantity sof hemlock lim- ber and sock elm plank; forks, shovels; tools; logging chtains; large .galvanized water trough; shallow well pressure water un- it; colony Ihouse 12x12 (like new); 500 capacity electric brooder; 7 ft.x16 out -door gran- ary; steel chicken and pig troughs; poultry equipment; quantity of household effects; tables; chairs; buffet and bed- rooan suites. 2 roll snow fence. Steel rails 18 feet long and pipe. Oil pump for barrels. 15 ft. extension pipe for thresher. % bus. 606 seed corn. Number bags Corn King Mineral. 200 bus. oats. 2 barrels. molasses; 2 ton bran; 14 ton beet pulp. Studio couch. Sealers, clock, SALESMEN WANTED With EASTER ahead you have greater sales possibilities. Sell finest line of household necessi- ties and cosmetics in your sur- roundings, Highest commission, Ask for floes details. FAMILEX, Dept. A, Box F, Station 0, Mon- treal FOR SALE 4 kitchen chairs, 6 dining. room chairs, kitchen stoop, cook- ie pans, spring -filled anaittress, 2 ladiiee coats, purses, washstands,, small tables, large extension table. Clarence Reeves. WANTED Protestant teacher for IIarlock School, S.S. No. 0 Hullett. 15 pupils. Duties to commence Sept. 4, 1956..Apply to Sec.-Treas., John H. McEwing, RR1 Blyth Applications to be in by April 1. Clearing Auction Sale Of farms, farm stock and power machinery at lot 8, con. 11, Tuckersmntlh twtp. on. Tues„ March 13th at 12.30 p.m. 'Cattle—,3 Durham and Here- ford cows 'due time of sale. Machinery—'Oliver 88 Diesel ttrarotor 'adjustable front axle (1954 model); John• Deere M. tractor, manure loader and muf- fler; Oliver cuf-fler;'Oliver 60 -row crop tractor; ICo•dl:shutt 'Gearilbine No. 132, 10 foot header and fully equipped; Keck Gonnemnan ;pickup bean combine t(used one season) ; 1 T. D. 6 International bulldozer complete with hydraulic angle dozer in Al 'condition; Gehl for- age (harvester fully equipped for corn and 'hay; Gelhl forage blow- er; 1 Smalley forage blower; 3 boxes; 3 good rubber - tired wagons; 8.% ft. Interna- tional stiff tooth cultivator (lry- draialic) ; 4 furrow International plow t(hydraulic) new; '3 furrow itt. H. plow; 10 ft. tractor disk, International, hydraulic, .(new) ; 12 -ft. John Deere springtooth drag; John (Deere one-way disk; 15 run double disk International fertilizer drilll.(like new) ; 2 sets diamond harrows; 2 oulti pack- ers; 1 steel roller; 10 -inch Gehl hammer mill; Ebersoll 1500 lbs. feed mixer; International 7foot power mower; Innis bean wind- rower and side conveyor com- plete ;(new); International 4 bar side rake; Gem electric oat T o l l e r; 75 feet 7 -inch drive belt; {McCormick hay baler (like new); Universal milking machine pipe line :double unit; McCormick Deering electric cream separator (like new); 29001b scales; fanning mild, power emery; electric Felder; air compressor; 1 fertilizer sow- er; sugar beet lifter will fit ,Oli- ver 60 or 70; set farm sleighs; Case tractor; manure spreader; grain elevator; tools; chains; and other articles too numerous to mention. Heat houser for 55 Massey 12 ft. International Swather. 1948 Ford 3 ton clamp truck with stock racks and grain box. Grain -1000 bus. good mixed grain. Household effects: Clare Jew- el all enamel cook stove, hot water front ,(Iike new). Property—Farms will be of- fered for sale if not previously sold. Parcel 1. Lot 8, con. 11, orf Tuckersmith tiwp„ 100 acres mare or less, large bank barn, good stabling,. steel driving shed (riew) good neater supply, hydro. Frame house with all modern conveniences, Parcel 2. Lot 10, con. 9, of Tuckersmith twp., 100 acres, 95 acres workable land, 5 acres of bush, good water supply. Bath farms are in good state of nmlti- vation. Teams—Chattels, ;Cash. Property made knoWn day of sale sold subject to reserve bid. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, Olerk. Estate of late Harry Caldwell FOR SALE Viking cream separators, new all electric stainless steel, also some good used machines priced to sell. John Byermami, Walton RR2. Phone 848r24 THE SEAFORTH NEWS WANTED Young girl, sleep in, light housework, modern farm home, small baby, young couple. Steady employment. Apply Mrs. R. L. Pullman. RR 1 Cromarty. Phone Hensall 670R21 NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton 516 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 A.M. on week days and Columbia victrola; music chest; 7,30 .and 0.10 A.M. on Sundays extension table, kitchen chairs. Terms—!Cash Proprietor, Glen' Slavin tA,ucitioneer, 'Harold Jackson tOlerk, E. P. ;Chesney No reserve, farm sold WALDEN & BROADFOOT. Wholesale and Retail. Stove Oil and Furnace Fuel Oil. F•I-N-A, Finest in North Amer- ica, Phone 354, Seaforth FOR SALE 100 acres more or less, Lot 25, Con. 6, McKillop, on highway miles north of Seaforth. Also 5 fresh cows, if not sold by end of Mareh will be sold by auction with a full line of farm imple- ments. Watch for the date. Easy terms on farm. Apply to Carl Dalton & Sons, phone 4813 Order Your Chix Now The Famous DeKalb Chix may be ordered from McKinley Hat- cheries, phone 697-3 Hensall; or, Merano Steckle Phone 698-13 I-Iensall. DeKalb dealer for Chix and Seed Corn Prevent Chimney Fires Use Fire Chief Chemical Chim- ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove pipes and chimney. No need to remove stove pipes. No Lues, no muss, no odor. For use on coal, wood, gas, or oil fired units. On sale at Seaforth Farmers Co-op Haney Gen. Store, Egmondville MoClinohey Gen. Store, Varna Patterson Gen. Store, Brucefield NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and others are requested to not park oars or vehicles on roadsides in the township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township ,wi13 not be responsible for damages to anyve- hicle parked on roadsides caused by snowplowing operations. (Signed) E. P. CHESNEY, Olerk FOR SALE OR RENT Frame house, furnished. Call Seaforth News ,BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFO'RTH CLINIC 71. A. McMaster, B,A., M.D„ Lrterntist P.L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday end Sat- urday"only 7-0 pan. Appointments made inadvance are desirable RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and - guaranteed radio* repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth SALES AND SERVCE Viking Cream Separators, All electric modals and gear type models. Repairs for, all models, Authorizeddealer for dia- .trict of Seaforth, Clinton and Brvicefield. Allowance made for used Separators,' Basil ORourke, Brdcefleld. 334r21 Clinton. VETERANS CAB L. LEGATE, Prop. Phone 546 Seaforth VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E.LONGBTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Homs—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM ; Clinton —MuLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 5.30 tiee Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEA1'ORTH ONT. 411 kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class - Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers 11fe Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEA3'ORTH Phone 334 Res, 540 `blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comforts WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 673 or 332-11 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office FREEPhone SERVICERes. 318w TO FARMERS Don't waste money onminimal* your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them s . analyzed. „ •`� can Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone IS or 375, Seafortl, The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD, 0FFIGE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Wm, S. Alexander ; Vice -Pres.. R. Archibald; Manager and Sea.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Director,—J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. 11. McEwing, Blyth ; W. S, Alexander, Walton; D. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefleld; 0. W. Lconhardt, 'Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich ; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro; 3. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will bo promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Hygienic SuERSONAL ppl (rubber''' g000de) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 0 samples 210; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74. Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Vice -President E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Directors Harry Goatee, Centralia Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Milton HcGurdy, RRl Kirictoa Alex J. Rohde. RR3 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, R111 Woodham Clayton Harris, 3551 Mitchell Stanley Hooking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME OFFERING YOU A modern 2 bedroom brick dwell- ing just completed. One -floor plan. 011 heating Low Down Payment Balance monthly Frame cottage on James St. Reasonably priced. Immediate possession Two bedroom stuccocottage, with ,all modern conveniences Including 0.pleco bath, hardwotal floors, modem; kitchen. Full basement pith furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably "Priced and al-. most lmmediate possession. M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFOR'F'H LUMBER LTD. Phone 47