HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-08, Page 4A PLAY `Sure as you're born' presented by than Seaforth Jun - Int'. Fanners in the Town Hall, Henanll, on FRIDAY, MARCH 9 at 5,30 Sponsored by .i{ippen East W.I. Admission 50c and 25c St. Patrick's Dance At Community Centre MARCH 17 Dancing from 1) - 11.4 6 P.M. 141ttsic by Wilbee Orchestra Admission 51)e per person Notice -The Seaforth beauty • Salon will be closet.] Alar. 1.2, 13, 14th, daring tile ,Flair Dressers (+auVt'ntian PhAY Peg o' -My Heart St. Golumban Parish Hall - Fri„ Mar. 9 & M(m... Mar. 12 -5.30 P.M. Admission 50e Auspices of ('afholic Women's League. Produced by permission of Samuel French (Calnrdti) 14.0 Euchre & Dance ! At St, Patrick's Parish Hall, 1 bIin .\PR. .1 At s.aO • Norris 01,•losera. Aftsoices the Altar voeiety 1 Men's Bowling Club Set. Peter's Lutheran C11uaoh on Sunday in honor of Mr. ind'Mrs. Henry Leonharcllt. who- observed their 50:011 waddling anniversary on Tuesday, March 6th, (date a number of relatives from here attended the funeral of little Debbie IBrournpton, in .London on Thursday. Those at- tending were 'Mr. and Mrs. Aug- ust •Srliri0 arbh, Mr. sand Mrs. Ed ISc.heebarth, Mr. and Mrs, Zack F11igson, Mr. and Mrs. !Edgar Elligeon, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mehl, Mrs. Mary Riehl, Chas, Pusllelberq', 11r. and Mrs, Orval Parrot, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Dietz, 'leer mother was the for;ager Mar- ion !Richt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, .Norman•Riehl (ilia rtha Srhenbar'tib) now of-Se-1101th and former residents here. Miss Audrey Hinz,. daughter of 'Mi'. and Mrs. Dalton .Hinz who is employed in - Stretford, underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis on Friday at :Strat- ford General Iiospital. lir. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Donald spent Saturday with their daughter, lir. and Itirs. Watson, Exeter, and \with Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Prinz, Sebringville on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Beuer- 0. rn and '111 and Mrs. Wilbur lloogy and f rmily with ler. and Mrs. Fred Ilsegy, !Seaforth, on Sunday Mrs. Pros ina Miller with Mr. and less, Ed Fischer, Seaforth, en Sunday. •Calvin-Die"'el, \Waterloo Col- lege and Wayne Beuernuln, of itlabford, with their -parents, Mr, Russell Sholdieo in Toron- to on Tuesday, - :lir and Mrs, Dalton 'Hine left ! wl Tuesday by plane from Lon- don airport to Cleveland to visit lxi aster, lir:. Kinnanion and Mr. Kinnamon. '112. (Tara Roek of 'Stettler, Alberta is visiting relatives and attended the 50th anniceraary of her brother. Mr, and lire. Henry I:eonhardt. • - Mlr. int,! 31rs, John Kahle and Iry in of 31111 o rd, ,texts„ lir; and Mrs. ,Tito Elliott, Listowel, with Mr. G. Miller and ler, and Mrs.- :\ lrs.ll, lit uerliran. rho ilea's Bowling Club. w it lit'ld a meeting at tile 1.'A\•:: 11.1:1 era; '1'hareday. lla1%1:S. at S,i:. Ptt'1110 at- cud. i \\' t,. I HIBBERT Clte , :•otuar:y Tarot Foru'.n was held a: the :t'me of Mr. and - Mrs. \\••. • liarbar.•, Teri,: was ,i...• Tariff's. 'They d'o:,ied St. Patrick's Euchre ., ay A,.1' agreements are sa... S :\T„ MAR 17, l'.11. a.d •,..,,.-,i:e ats: co!"." 111,"reaSts tarn Mark - t: , e,..c.- was Mr, Fergsts i.a,t BRODHACEN -> ,• •ekok t e'er. Medical Servi.e."T': oe were rat present. Next inee-ring will be next Mon- day _ t t \to -serge... \.., . :77.Q i.t ,...t_,,. :< t M7.s. ).. M7:'• R anat, ,,::vas e ,. 1111: t:'r Mit. let' Se:. ..,e CROMARTY 77••••;;1•7 :7•M'-. a,. - ., ,.. 1, 0. e cre.i , e - • 0 e c n t e 1 \\' • r M 12_ .,. 1' - 1.•,' M." e e ",,on _ A :•. e :. eve -:s _ • with Mr. and Mrs. Obbo Walker, Ml's. Eldon Alden entertained a 'number of ladies at a quilting Wednesday party on F\ ednesday 1Pterrlooa. The 45th wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs, Andrew 'Mc- Lachlan, Cromarty, aisd the 55th ann'ivcrealy for Mr. and Mrs,. Edgar .Allen, Ibt'ibe'hell, iirlld he celebrated a't the home of SIr. and Mrs, Carter Kerslake, 1Staf- fa, on Wednesday of this week with immediate auembers of each. family present. DUBLIN Patrick Feeney Patrick Feeney, of Concession 2, Hihbert township, died at his Monte on Sunday, March 4, in his 91st year. An assessor of Hibbert township for over -ten years, he lived all his life in this area. Mr. Feeney was born on October 29, 1865, one and as hnlfnines east of Staffa, n son of the late Mr, and •Mrs, Martin Feeney, and was the last surviving member of rt family of eleven. He was .married to the former Mary Roach of IIib- ber•t who predeceased hint last July. In 1954 they celebrated their diamond wedding anniver- sary. A faithful member of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, all his life and ti meuiber of the Holy Naive Society. A lifelong lilreraI, he had. always been interested in politics and township affairs. Surviving are five sons, Joseph of Ilihbert, Tom of London, Louis, Jerome and Ebner, at home. Sev- en grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. T11e hotly rested at the Box Funeral home, Sea - forth. until Wednesday morning when SelmaRequiem Mass was sung by. Rev, ih'. J. B. Foulkes at ten o'clock at St. Pa1ricies Church. Dublin, Interment took place in St, Patrick's Cemetery. Mr. George Groves of Port Elam called on friends in town the past week, Miss Phyllis Butters in Lon- don. Mr. and errs. Frank Maloney of Kitehenel, with Mrs. Cather- ine Feeney, Mr. and. Ilrs. Jennie Nichol- s on, London. with Mr• and etre. James Kr•auskopf. Mr. and Mrs. Heiner Jeffrey and ehildren et Detroit with lir, and Mrs. Frank Elliot Mrs. Hugh Tully rind ehiidr'el the settee and 'um le examined in Toronto. by the tesehers. A tooth 010011 li1•s, t'aart'i^.r:e Ryan in Lon w1'i"1 e but the :hill 1113 1101 ‘1011.broke11Sn. Many :er:.i: art.i neic;llb''r: LADIES' AID FIRST CHURCH ...tenaed e re t, Thursday r ni Mrs. . Tt' •n McCarthy Tho Mare]: meeting of the La - w'00 a .`h'd•tt et home in Logan dies Aid of First Presbyterian "we • Mee `ay, Requiem, High t •ur took p ae'e with lite. H. Mass was by Ret P T, B. Whyte. to a i ere•enr, in the chair, e' k es 1t St. Patriek's Church, lla ret' t Ha1'kirk opened the sa -' at id t 1e k Mrs. Lane: meeting with •1: 'oem tach e" te: t.et ,1. tee o:ga:: and the. by Edgar Guest. The secretary's school1 ch tea:' The 1'.\..3e:1r•- and treaeareee r'eper•ts. were e: 11•ere ...eye Met. :In Ton: But; e: \\: :a;' O'Retitke„ Tack O'Rourke, ke, tWilfred Rroaskopf and Loulierris. Burial was "rade la. 0k'e t2..tterY Smith. Miss Audrey Hailey of Seaforth is visiting with her sister Ml's. Lawrence Marks, Mr, Norman Speirs is at pre- sent visiting with Mrs, J. Dennis and Mr, R. Young. Miss Margaret Achilles of Lon- don spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, R. Achilles, Mrs. Walter Broadfoot visited in Egiltoutiville with her br'other'- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Ivy Henderson, Mr. Porter Dennis visited with Itis daughter in Toronto. Local 134 Farm Union meeting was held at the hone of Mr. and Mr's, Clifford Hoegy on Friday evening, March 2, with 28 mem- bers present, After the business period a very exciting spelling snatch was held, Mr, John Burch played western music on his gui- tar which was enjoyed by all. Joan and Win, Hamilton sang a duet entitled Are You Mine, ac- eompanied by Joyce Hamilton Lunch was served by the Hostess. The farmers union is sponsoring slides from McKee Brothers, El- mira, in the near future. Watch for further particulars. FOREST BANTAMS - OUST SEAFORTH F'or'est Bantams copped the O121A 'Bantam "C" semifinal playoffs 1Ionday with a 9-6 win over Seaforth.,, The win gives Forest .the two - game total -goals series 12-10. Seaforth edged Forest 4-3 the first game of the two -gastro goals to count '0,31:H.A, uantem "0" semi-finals on Thursday. Rav Scorns sparked the win- ners with two goals, while Bob Ellilot and Larry Dale potted one each. Frank Dalton topped the losers with a pair, with Dave Alpaugli bagging the other. DOGS NOT MAD The mad dog •ear° reached Seaforth this week, but so far has proved false. On Wednesday morning Wendy Fry, public school grade 1 pupil, was snap- ped at by one of several -dogs romping its the sohool yard dur- ing rete s She was taken into read and •'eep:ed. Mrs.:Ceram:, and Mrs. Bob. McMillan sang a duet "0 I: :s Wonderful",companied 'oy Mfrs. McGregor. e 1, •Thi' -makefez. :he afternoon was a rematch of last Monday's game which ended in a 16.4 vic- tory for Seaforth. ' Preston's new arena seems to be somewhat a jinx to the Seaforth club. The scoring was clone by Mc- Master in the' let period end by McFadden bagging two and with Sooins and 'Strong each netting one in the 3rd. Preston's two goals were bag- ged by Burr and Oronata, also in the 3rd, Seaforlh's naughty boys wore McFadden and Thompson, each getting a rest in the penalty box. Preston beat Seatorth in one respect, the penalties, with Miller, Oronato, Cockburn and Gillow all sitting .out time. Seaforth line up; 13. McGonigle, goal; defence, E. Bell, B. Strong, K. Thompson, W. McMichael; center, R. Mason; 1. wing, B. Wright; it - wing, B. McFadden. Alternates, W'. Dinsmore, R, Scoins, B. Roberton, L. Berger, P. McMaster, P. Besse, 3, Baker, Preston: Goal, B. Borten; de- fence, J. Gillow, D, Woolfs, V, • Ailenrange, B. Cockburn; center, G. Oronoto; 1, wing, B. Richard- son; r. wing, Schindler. Altoi'n-I ates, Burr, Miller, Gatehouse, Gil - low, 1). Miller, Turner, Blondell, J. Thonless. HURON-MAITLAND PRESBYTERY MEETS The Presbytery of Huron - Maitland met in St Andrew's Presbyterian IChurch, Clinton on Tuesday, Feb, 284th, 1\he Moder- ator, the Rev. 3. R. MacDonald, of Ripley and the clerk, the Rev. D. J. +Lane, !Clinton, conducted the (business. The Rev, Findlay Gordon Stewart, D,D., Kitchener was the courts nominee for the office of Moderator of the General As- sembly. For the M'oderatorship of the Synod of Hamilton and London, the unanimous choice was the Rev. James Fleming, of \i'allaceburg. The presbytery, also, named commissioners to attend the General Assembly which con- venes in Toronto in June. Min- ister commissioners are: Revs, A. Ninuno, Wingham; R• G. liac- lIiliaii, Goderich and W. B. Mitchell, Kincardine. Elder conr- tuissionels will be named by •the sessions of the South Kinloss, Lucknow and Molesworth con- gregations. The Revs, R. G. MacMillan, Goderich and 31. D. 'McNabb, of Bluevole were named a commit- tee to arrange for a Laymen's rally to be held in Goderich, on Friday, -)fareh 1 5th. The Rev. A. Nell liilier, .B.D„ D.D,, Field Secretary for the Budget and tenera. kst ler. was 317es Jane:: Hogg. The 1b- Stewardship Committee will be • 1 t' 1 ' :y' 11 e t'e lir. {: i -2t t' e t e. was Serving Mtlee McCarthy, y, 11 Tem > t to Eyes'. The main theMe pr, A delegation from the \r 1.a -1 lire. Gorden Panne, 1 being 'ta tk t_t: lwaS•a that wepastoral ler. i u M• Tiasee the beauty o1 nature- all ':ha1'ge of Cr.•ulbrook and Ethel • lir. around also te eee '72e _ to were heard requesting the ser - lire. t '.i. Mc Edward ece"a, e T, r '.e he 'a: - t 1 lI ria e \t :: lI Hr ct a m d- vices.of 1 student for the minis- eOnt.. Mr. and Mr. erftil 2 , 1 excerete frome ` The presbytery are cooper- ' - Monaghan, Kit...he:ter. ow ..s. a:: er_ avid, in the airing to secure Cecil T. Thomp- Psa'trs B CanDavid, poems: son, Galt. 5:. e ' P d r rs The next re:*ular meeting of a s ono. works. Miss J. Hogg :vasa tee • t .e ceras: 1t. !lay w1., be herd in 2r - a number of year's. When 5Seuthh 1UnIo . 2 fail her she 5 2 .1 HIGHWAY WORK _ e ' dem a ie o: l:^. 'dt•::•5ale work projected veitir.g artel ree.iing iit Braille tor he S:rat ord division of the ti•la,. : e wer..derfulis Or' a •} Department of High- , o e E e ge-ne'-.1-a-es,was revealed in the Ont - r y i:e.• talk, information and __ _,ui.:;et, 'orong:rt. down on }r -e t'•s ^:3•v2T Thursday 1"<y Hon. Dana Porter. eany 'L previnciad treasurer. and to Mrs J Cardtee andt c b. inc._ ..lea GradinY car':^ --over from r.25:5-=5-6.. - No. 5, Cr.':" -eras west, Ya t Do _ 3 .e.=_fe•r':.^,.J_e. 777'7••••'• v.__ ». .'. tf i_. Sri. Dorking easterlyrly 3.7 _ N.:,. 5 . M e'estvsr __ hest. MRS. JOHN BELL a5: -. and 5. New - fee lite_ Iransi.fia v ,r the Yr. _-.~Rt ssd1ale, to Farquhar,ettal, were WALTON .1 , a;:,_ ,.. i Air ,.. hc. 'i lin.. ,' :ar Mrs. Y.. \ \_-• \ 1 i : 31:53 "Alt s \1. Stom.... 1 o ,i . Ml' ,. . in:31:•e T1 re' c .- and ll.t y.' Nit's. ocatt the ,.t.t ,,':• w, _t..:,,,• or tate niecestner:acws t' r ws',..ing :hem many 'thpr t ll.. tt. Ml r'. r1 :a an., .1,1:.' it 1 y Qt e S M(.- and Mrs. AA ie:: e? e . Mr. R Winteringlsmt, 1 Bernice a..,. MI,.. and _ Mrs_ iia._,.1 lie Naue:h and Glen. Leatan, and :Mr. 1d lir yd A r, with Mt and bits. H _tiny wrens 1eeen y. TL's. JohnE. Siemer- Spent a few dtiys with relatives _.. Kite,: 0net'. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Kock and Relate:ea sf. Wat e.zon Mr. and lits IVni. Frotighton Dec- bie and Rie3,ard of Atwood Miss Gwen Rook, 'LN., Kitchener. with aur- and :tris, Edwin Rack, 'Mrs. Erou Heron and children re- tnaini-ng for a few days. Mrs. Kate Rug observed her 36th birthday on Feb. 24t..h. She is at pz^ecent at the hone of 31r. .azvd Mrs.,. Winfred .•Ahrens. • Bouquets of pink and white- eerztaticns adorned the altar of 777 :1..; t 2 Mee.we'sr 1 se c Mr. ar VMr. Ml.. a ake r• z' MI 3I~` 7flarry Drake of St ''t Guests. re 3. 2 1t a <, were d Mrs. Robert- )I1i ee. Bob a: a Barry Farquhar. 31t and Mrs. .3c.bett MoCaug,lty and '_am - y, Staffs.. 31 and Mrs \S -;,lb Lr ;I ti _ lir ar..i 'Mrs. Will 111 ratat MLt. Archie lieKellar, ronntrty- Mr. and Mrs. LerHarris, Far - visited I ..-.. on Tuesday with Mir. and Mrs. David Gar'.±1 er. 310. Os:ra:.1 Walker returned home on Thursday from a '0100 months visit in Vancouver and other 'Western points. 31:r. and lips Ed Brook and tieo Vie, Sttfrs visa 2d en Sun- day with Mr. and ll:. George Wallace. Mr. a.rd Mrs. John Wallaee visited on Sunday with Mr. and 31rs. Donald Wallaee. Carling- ford. Mr. and ,✓rrs. Nelson Harris, Staffs, visited on Friday evening •C._ 'r .e' • 71:1`Lt.e .. M.:$$ .. ti e 1 :'^-':.a124 \\ .., "• ,r 17:20 d- De"' T 2 "e,._ -• `- - �G w arrived here on.(ee a'+ a 1,. 311: 17.1y: and ..e _une-3. 15.,-:-.21,1C:11 -•.. _ .1, lr �� _ ti•: ,�. :t: R et .e d v or^-:: g -r111' = 1r 7-_,.--- ._. �c1^^-.�tr:' 1d -I. e d t , a r funeral home t 1rW- - -- the 211 rt s r e.n Church :where R,er eoe+ t V;tas, R r-- e 1.01 '' _ t , tic • .2tr'' 2T P Maass P. 33 s-2ast,e t-..<. ^_-t..... ry Si c" 5e. 1 -.11 tat. :qrs.in James' e:::0 _ QFC yliarC .k 3rew Coutts. gag _ the dcaneiat r:aeen. Arrangements were made. or a Sc.Patrick's ct• it to be held itt che church Friday. March Other ..es b cad s were dis'usse +. The meeting' ci'sed by singing. the theme song and repeating the theme prayer. Mr'. Joseph Bewley has dis- posed of her farm. on unto "ion S. Morris township. .o M,. .1 Cowan of Exeter, Mr. Gordon Murray has put, chased the dwelling n, owned by Mr. D. McNalt an Main Street. The fotiowiuy aeon prizes at the pregaessive euchre party held in CALDiYELd,--SNEII the comnttmity hall c'¢ Friday SF tr FORTH BEATS PRESTON evening: Ladies Ione hands. Jean The Seaforth. District High James Street United ''Church Walters; high, Mrs. A. Coutts, Scheel Golden Bear hockey team parsonage, 'Exeter, was the set- lew. Ruth Walters. Gents tone cleaned the Preston hockey elub ting for a quiet wedding w+hen. Bob Humphries; lo'3-. Gerald on Monday evening: This game'o Elizebe h .Snell, and Mr. i - 7-reing. : carry -_:7'e_ -r-on -.. 515- - 1721 ,itted- rc, ed :,e.r -= .: r., '.ac's• _.- .•St. M. !MISS C. GAETZIOEYER 1..sr 22.,_ 1111108. THE SIOA 1111'Pt, Nb3',r0 Tillll'u(lay, March 8, 1960 Regent Theatr DOUIILII lllid, '11111 I( , ,Ito, SAT, TROUBLE IN STORE •-• Norman Wisdom • Margaret Rutherford There is trouble in store for Norman Wisdom, Britain's funniest funny man in colttedy, 001(55 111111 exellouteut BLUE CANADIAN ROCKIES - Gene Aukry. Gene Autry is tip tion to 1Ite tall (10(1) 0 oouatl'y MON. TU91S, WEIL, DUEL IN THE JUNGLE (Color) Dana Andrews • Jeannie Crain The story it look 3 separate marls lo 111111, Through screeching jungle haunts, across the veldt of violence, hast lion fangs and boa coll.-Hwy shadowed the "Dead Man e1 the Transvaal" they 115.0 to bring bacit 1(111'o THURS, Nil. SAT. THREE HOURS TOKILL Dana Andrews - Donna Reed COMING -- DOUBLE BILL "it. (';rite loroui Beneath the Sea" & "Croatia), with the Atom Brain" We don't keep Shoes at this Store sic " s sell them WILLIS S ". ° OE ST I..,,• E The Little Store with the "IDig Values" Seaforth William Ronald 'Caldwell, ex- cihanged marriage vows, Rev. H. 3. Snell performed the cere- mony. The .bride is the daughter of Mi', and tMt's. William Snell, 1 Exeter, and the bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Cald- well, I(ippen. For her wedding the bride wore a white floor- length gown of nylon net. Her !finger-tip length veil was 'held in !place by a coronet of lily of the valley, Her bridal bouquet was of red roses and white carna- tions. Her bridesmaid, Miss Ethel Gillasd, Exeter, wore a nylon' 'net, floor -length gown, carried ' a' bouquet of blue carnations .and white chrysanthemums. Mr. Re- !peat Cald}vell, Kippen, was his 'brother's best man. A. reception for guests from London, Hen - sell, Kippen, Clinton, Seaforth REV. DAVID C4RSi're ' a 53..'*rte' WC.r.1 a' be_ ^ ✓ fl... r Jt -,-,r 1r,- 1•• S prig ofRes t eft Torento en Sundayeventzg.,r a€an^ rrr 1 {it:. Husbr.ndof he- late Tin Patterson and dei father a 'I .t �,a :ext iy�t al; J, Iv.J. moon. g L. Schultz iHeien. and .__ Sir,= r :-:io. Gordon Carewell. lacing .111 t 7 t ,. niliii.%; •1r.. father cf 811I Moon and Schutt:. The funeral was hold .tr, Wednesday 10 Ayr cemetery. m --- Rev. Carswell was in charge ct R "arias tt.: IP., . 4 3ly'bh to the Winthrop church forty years Winogl>ar, ago. hands, Lewis McNichol; high, in Preston with a. 5.2 victory and 'Daallwoed was herd est the home of 'the bride. Mr, and Mr's, 'Caldwell ,will reside in Hensall, BORN • Segoron-At Scott Memorial iiitnl on March 7, to Mr, Mrs. Sebastiaau. Segeren, Stafia, a daughter OS and RR1 01,11„1111,111111,111111n111m1,1m,1111,,,u111111111... First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 A.M,-Church School and Bible Class rt" 11 a,m. "Good News from 0 Far Country" 7 pan, "The NIarks of a Christian" Come to •O11.urch- You'll feel Better. N n1,1111111n111111111,,,,,,,11,1,,,,,,11,,,,,,,1,1, i 1„11,11„ OR P/ C(P fie' CLEARANCE For New Car Announcement 1955 Olds 4 -door Hardtop with Automatic Transmission 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1546 DODGE SEDAN, Fluid Drive $795 $395 $395 2 only 1940 Chev. Coupes (as is) $55.00 No Reasonable Offer Refused at Seaforth M otors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 195G The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer Town of Seaforth NOTICE PJR1SIN6 By order of police, to facilitate snow removal, no parking on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 A.M. and 8 A.M. This order will be strictly enforced in accord- ance with the Highway Traffic Act - Section 43, Subsection 9. Notice is hereby given that the said Municipality will not be responsible for any dalllages caused to parked vehicles as the result of Snow 1'0I',11(V1tI operations