HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-08, Page 1nd
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The Seaf
t ; News
81.60 a Year
Antho,3sed as Second Class mail, Poet
Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Pros., Publishers
Golden Anniversary
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas J; Me.
Michael, of Goderich, celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary
Monday, when a Gamily dinner
was held at the• home of their
son Robert of McKillop Town-
ship. Formerly Margaret Evelyn
Scott, Mrs. McMichael is the dau-
ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Scott, of Morris Township,
Mr, McMichael, who was born in
Hullett Township, is the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
The couple were married at
Seaforth Methodist parsonage by
Rev. Mr. Birks, and they fanned
on the second concession of Hul-
lett Township until 1947, when
they moved to Auburn.
They have lived in Goderich
since September 1955, and Mr.
McMichael is supply pastor at the
Free Methodist Church in Gode-
In addition to their son Robert
thelraii8ple has two daughters,
Mrs. W. J. Dale (Mariorie) of
Hallett Township, and Evelyn, at
home, An older son Gordon died
in 1927. There are seven grand-
The occasion also marked the
birthday of their granddaughter
Wilma Dale.
Among the guests were Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Kirkby of Walton. The
family presented Mr. and Mrs.
McMichael with a gift,
Seaf'3rth Curlers Club held a
bonspiel on Wednesday with
two draws playing 10 -end games,
The nine o'clock draw was:
R. S. Barber, 'Stratford vs J.
E. Kock, 'Listowel, 'A. 'Campbell,
'Sarnia vs Dr. Crawford, Wing-
phr,m, 3. C. 'Boswell, Seaforth vs
'Dr' Taylor, London. P. A. Har-
ris, Kitchener vs G. Wilton,
The 11 o'clock draw; !Clarke,
RCAF 'Clinton vs Kling, Sea -
forth. Wm. Vair, 'St, Thomas vs
'Carrothers, Theciford. Cuthbert -
son; Kiitchener vs J. H. 'Craw -
fiord, Wingham. Rev. D. J. Lane,
'Clinton vs P. McKenzie, 1Hen-
Mrs. J. Turnbull was hostess
to W.A. Group 4 of Northside
United Church held Tuesday ev-
ening. Roll call ;showed 17 mem-
bers and 4 visitors present.
Meeting opened with hymn 576
followed by prayer by Mrs. H.
'Christensen and • scripture by
Mrs. Mardhall. A .short business
period followed and final araran-
genments were ,made for the 'bake
sale to be ]veld on Mar. 23rd at
Dale's produce store. On motion
of Mrs. Jean Willbee and second-
ed by Mrs. Westcott group 4 de-
cided to eater for a banquet sup-
per for the Garden 'Club mem-
bers of Winthrop on !Saturday,
Mar. 10th. On motion of Mrs. J.
Willbee and Miss Alexander it
was decided to hold (Hobo Teas.
Our guest speaker, MTs. J. Kelso
gave an inspiring taik on Educ-
ation which was enjoyed by ail
Volunteers were asked to 'help
with the junior congregation.
A .contest was oondnucted by
Mrs. ICush'ill and was 'won by
'Mrs. 'Turnbull, Mrs. Westcott
and Mrs. Hall. The meeting dos-
ed with a Ideli'cious lunch and. the
• Northside United Church
lRev. Bruce W. 'Hall, Minister
10 a.m., :Church School and
'Adult Bible Class,
11 a.m., Morning Worship:
"Me Agony of 'Gaming"
Nursery and Toddlers' Group.
2.15 p.m., Minister's Church
Menmlberahip Klass.
7 p.sm., Evening Worship:
"Blinding Treasure as you Go".
8,15 Y. IP. U.
Egmondville United Church
llev. W.: E. (Milroy, minister
10 'a.'m., lChuroh iSciiool and
Adult !Oiass.
11 a.m., Morning Wordhip.
Thursday at 7.30 cold -week
McKillop Pastoral Charge,
Cavan Clhunrdh, Winthrop: Ser-
vice 10 a.m., 'Sun'day !School at
11 a.m., Duff's, Service at 11.15
ami., Bethel, 'Service 2 a.m.;
Y.P.U., 'Wintlhrop, 8 p.m..—Rev.
3. R. Holden, Minister.
The •monthly 'meeting of the
Woman's Auxiliary of St. Thom-
as, Church, Seaforth, was 'held
on Tuesday afternoon in the
(parish hall. Mrs. Geor'g'e 555 -
Gavin presided and (led in 'pray-
er, Mrs. J. James gave a very
interesting chapter from the
study (book which dealt with the
Eskimo. Mrs. Ada Reid, social
service worker, reported on vis-
its to shutins. An invitation • to
Northside United Easter Thank-
offeiing to be 'held March 27th,
was accepted. The W. A. An-
nual will be held April 24, 25,
and 26 in 'St. Paul's Cathedral,
London. The meeting dosed with
the benediction.
There passed away in 'St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, London, on I'mri-
day, March 2, a well known,
highly respected,'and life-long
resident of this district in the
person of John S. Watson, of
Born in Bayfield in 1878, he
came at an early age to the old
Watson home, imnnmecli'ately south
of Brucefield. After his mar-
riage in 1914 to Anna'D.'Burdge
of Stanley twp., they farmed for
over 20 years on tete 85111 Road
east of Brucefield. A fernier at
heart, who took pride and de-
light in tilling his land, he con-
tinued after moving to Egmond-
ville to farm for several years
the farm naw owned by Warden
and Lloyd Haney.
A kindly man, 1;e was a good
friend and neighbor, He was a
man of uprightness and integri-
ty, :being for years a member of
the Session of 'Egmondville Un-
ited Church. Careless of fame or
position, he lived for those near
to him. His memory will always
be revered 'by relatives and
He is survived by his wife,
the former Anna D. Burdge,
four daughters, Jean of Toronto,
Mayme '(1VIrs. Albert !Clark), of
Muirkirk, Anna (Mrs. Warden
Haney) 'Seaforbh, and Alice of
London; two grandchildren, Bar -
bora (Clark, and Lyle Haney;
and one :brother Ro'bt. of Bruce -
(Funeral services were held on
.'Monday, ih'Maroh 5th from the
Whitney funeral home, Rev. W
Milroy officiating, with inter-
ment do Baird's •cemetery, Bruce -
field. The honorary pallbearers,
all members of :the Session of
Egmond'vil'le Church were Messrs
Thos. Robinson, A. C. Routledge,
John )MacLachlan, John MaCloy,
Bernard Nott, Andrew Houston;
Ivan Forsyth, Arthur Wallace.
Active pallbearers were Messrs.
Wen. !Scotchmer, Alfred !West-
lake, Ross 'Chapman, Wm. Foth-
eninghiam, Wallace •Haugh. and
Jas, McNaughton, with Messrs.
Gilbert (Beecroft, George Knight,
Elmore Stephenson and George
M'oCaeitney. Relatives and friend's
were present from Highgate,
Palmyra, 'London, Oshawa, Rag-
lan, IColumnbus and surrounding
dish Fct.
!Maps. Haley Albert IOaidweil
of Kipper wishes to announce
the engagement of her younger
dauglhlter Ethel Isalbel'le, to Mr.
John David Moore, son of Mr.
•and Mrs. Lloyd Moore, rOlinton.
The marriage to take place in
1Sit. Andrew's 'Church, Kippen,
oar Mamch'31st.
Mr, John. Kellar, 'lineman for
the past 118 'years for l\ieKillop
Municipal 'Telephone !System»
has. resigned. Formerly he had
wozilced in the 'Chicago area for
a numiber of years' on cable work
for the. Bell Telephone ICom-
patty. Mr. :Kellar is 'a enemiber of
!Sea!forth town council.
Bruce Coleman
Wins School trophies
!Bruce 'Coleman, a senior year
student at Western 'Ontario Ag-
ricultural School, aiclgetown,
won three divisional 'and four
sectional championship trophies,
to capture the Grand +Champion
Showmanship trophy, at their
fifth annual review, hail necent-
iy. Bruce, son .of Mr. 'and Mrs.
W. IL Coleman of Tu'ekersmith,
received the 'General Agricultur-
al Exhibit divisional trophy; the
Agrioultiiral ,Engineering divi-
sional trophy, including the sec-
tional trolphies for metal work
and Agricultural Drawing; 'the
Field !Crops divisional trophy,
including the sectional Ita'ophY
for barley; •also the sectional
:trophy for Disease .and Write-
up, under 'the Veterinary Sci-
ence division.
Roxboro School
To Reopen in Sept'',.
At a meeting of the trustees
of Roxboro school on Tuesday
'with Inspector Gardiner bt time
school house it was decided to
re -open the school in 'Septem-
iber. It was closed 15 years ago
in' 1941 from lack of pupills. Now
there is a possible enrolment of
26 pupils, who at !present attend
5. S. 2, which is said to be
overcrowded, and othersattend
Seaforth Public iSahool.
The Roxboro school will be
fitted with minimum require-
ments out of current funds, to
include interior decorating, elee-
tric wiring', Sonne additional
blackboards, new 'desks and
washroom facilities.
Trustees are T. Govenlock,
olmairanan; 'Sam Scott, sec.-+treas.,
and J. M. (Scott.
Mrs. Wm, •Leeming was host-
ess to Group 2 of the W. A. at
her Thome on Tuesday evening.
with 18 members present Tars.
Bruce Walters presided opening
the meeting with a poem and the
hymn, "IIe 'Leadeth 'Me". All re-
peated the Lord's Prayer, iSerrip-
ture 'lesson was taken by Mrs.
Ross Snvange. There 'was an in-
teresting •discussion of ways and
means of raising money for the
year. Mrd. Leeming and Iillrs.
Hoffman were named captains
of a copper contest. The 'motto
for the evening, "Whatsoever
thy eland findcth to do, do with
all thy might", was most ably
dealt with by Mrs, Leeming who
used numerous biblical illustra-
tions. Miss 'Sinclair and Mrs. P.
B. Moffat assisted the (hostess in
serving a •dainty lunch. Mrs.
Lawson and Mrs. .Savauge ex-
pressed the thanks of the :meet-
ing. •
Group 3 o'f Northside United
'Church W. A. met at the 'home
of Mrs. Wm. 'Bradshaw on Tues-
day evening. Mrs. .Chamberlain,
vice pres., opened the meeting
with a poem, "Tomorrow is God's
Secret", followed by singing
hymn 500, and the Lord's prayer
was repeated in unison. The pres.
Mrs. Knight, presided for the
business. Final plans were .made
for the cake and 'hake sale
which is being held in the base-
ment of the church this Friday
afternoon from •3 to 5. Mrs. 'Chas.
Pinder led the .devotional per-
iod. "'Breathe on me Breath 0
God". after which Mrs. Bev.
Christie read the scripture. Mrs.
A. Byerman favored with a read-
ing and this was followed with
a very interesting halls. "The
Bruce Peninsula' 'by Mrs. H.
Snell. Tlhe meeting .closed by
singing hymn 605 and all re-
peating the rMizpah Benediction.
A delicious lunch was served by
the hostess and the social com-
mittee. The April meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Pet-
er Dunlop.
The March meeting of the
:Sea'forth W. I, will Ibe at the
ISeaforrth District 'High on Mar.
13th at 8 pin. This is the Agri-
culture and 'Ganadian 'Industries
meeting. In charge of the meet-
ing 'awe Mrs. 'Earl Dapple and
Mrs. James ,Doig. The roll .call
will be answered by reaming a
:Canadian Industry and how it
is used. Special speaker for the
evening will be Mr. R. Whiteley.
The Institute are entertaining
'the Seaforth 'Club 'girls and their
families alt this meeting. A good
attendance is hoped for.
The l'un'ch •com'mittee consist-
ing of Mrs. R. M. !Scott, Mrs.
Wallace Haugh, Mrs. ]Wilfred
Coleman, and Mrs. Alec Pepper,
requesb 'that each, dnsbibute mem-
ber 'luring sandwiches. Please
bring your Red 'Cross sewing in-
to this meeting.
Mr. J. H. Scott of 'Goderich
1St. West left town last •Saturday
for Toronto (where he will an fu-
ture reside. He will live with his
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and.
Mrs. W. J. 'Coughlin art 71 First
Avenue in the 'city.
Dr. F. J. Bechely
Passes Suddenly
Dr, F. 3, Beehely, Gaderioh
+Street, Seaforth, died in Scott
Memorial Hospital at noon Fri
.day, in his 62nd year; following
a'threeaday illness.
Dr, Beche'ly was (born and grew
up in Sit. 'Thomas, and 'attended
the University of Toronto dental
college, graduating in 1915, He
came to Seaforth 40 years ago.
He was married to Beth Willis,
31 years ago. He was a captain
in the Royal +Canadian -Dental
Corps in the First World War.
He was +a past +president of. Sea -
f orbh Lions +Club, having been a
enember for over 25 years, a
member of tile iSeafoa'th branch
of +bhe Canadian Legion and of
the (bowling and curling clubs in
the town, and for several years
had been 'chairman of committee
Tor the Crip'pled'Ohildeens' Fund.
Besiides'his wife, he is survived
'Irby one daughter, Mrs. W. 'H.
(Patricia) Arthur,, Miami, Fla.;
one son, Michael F. Beehely, Un-
iversity of Western 'Ontario,
London; one 'brother, Frederick
of 1St. 'Thomas; two sisters, Mrs.
R. J. Sproat, iSeafoa'bh; and Mrs.
F. +Bingiham, 'Hamilton.
The funeral was held on Tues-
day from the G. A. Whitney fun-
eral hose at 2 pan., conducted
by Rev. '13i uae Hall, minister of
Northside United 'Church. Burial
was made in Maitilandlanlc Cern-
A large gathering of friends
and relatives attended the recep-
tion heed at the lovely new home
of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter,
(Blyth, on Thursday, Mar. 1st in
honor of (their fortiertmh wedding
anniversary. The bride was the
former Chris'tema Mae Adams
•and the couple were married et
the (home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Adams of the
8th concession of Hullett by the
late Rev.' C. C. Kaine. They took
u'p farming on the Dexter home-
stead 1'i miles north of Con-
stance where they have contin-
ued to reside until moving to
Blyth recently. The couple have
four slaughters, ,Etllhel, Mrs. [Stet -
ley Ball; Viola, Mrs. Sohn San-
derson; Norma, Mrs. Wilmer
Glousher, all .of Hullett, and
Ferne, Mrs. Nelson McClure, of
McKillop, and eight grandchild-
ren. All were :present at a fam-
ily ••dinner held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball on
Sunday evening 'previous in hon-
or of the occasion. They receiv-
ed many lovely gifts, among
them being a beautiful china
cabinet from the family.
Mrs. Thomas Adams of Lon-
desboro evas a week end guest of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dexter,
and Mr. Dexter.
Mrs. Wen. Jewitt returned
home from 'hospital with a baby
son on Monday afternoon, Mr.
Jcwnitt is 'wearing a big smile.
The fireside Farrah. Forum
iheld their meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Taylor
with 19 present. 'Topic under
discussion, Trade and' Tariff. The
forum thought the program •ad-
vanced 'by the general agree-
ment on tariffs and trade. Some
of the 'problems with this •agree-
enent the forum thought could be
prevented if tariffs were higher
in +the summer and lower in the
winter on 'fruits and vegetables.
Some. things from other count -
tries would be prevented if tar-
iffs were higher. OUT country
has 'demands for some o8 the
cheaper produced products from
other 'countries, but restrictions
Should be set up in order not to
hurt our industries and labor.
A. card of congratulations was
received from the Live Wire
Pam Forum in Fireside's win-
ning the safe driving award for
Huron County in the 'provincial
.contest. The forum .congratulat-
ed one of our junior members,
Mark Taylor, in winning the oup
for'tihe junior champion in Hur-
on junior :farmers' judging com-
There were 109 contestants.
Progressive eu'ch're winners, Mas.
Oliver Andierson and Me. .Oliver
Anderson. Lone ihameds, Mrs. Bob
Dalton .and Eric Anderson. con.,
Mrs. Jthin Rowaltt and Jint Jamie-
The next meeting' will Ibe held
at the home ofMi. .and Mrs. 'Oli-
ver Anderson.
Mr. •and Mrs. 'Alfred Buchan -
.an, Seaiforlth, 'wish to announce
the engagement of their only
daughter, Joyce Catherine, to
Jerry 'Ri'ckard, son of iMr. and
Mrs. Lack (Gook, Go'dertich. The
wedding to' take place the middle
of Marsh,
Tenders Let
In Tuckersmith
Tuckersmith council met in
the town hall, Seafontlh, on Mar.
6 at 1 p.m, All members were
present and the reeve presided.
Messrs. Alex. McGregor, Wm,.
Rogerson .and Erlin Whitmore
attended the meeting and re-
quested a grant for the Federa-
tion o.f.Agxicultm'e. A grant of
1700 will be paid by Oct. 1,
The 'towndhip joined the asso-
ciation of Mayors •and Reeves
and 'Reeve James Doig will at-
tend the annual convention in
Peterborou'g'h in June.
Bylaw No. 9,1956, re tele-
phone debentures wasgiventwo
readings and will be forwarded
to the Ontario Municipal 'Board
for •approval.
Tenders for Warble Fly spray-
ing were opened from Hubert
Cooper, Exeter, at 9c per head
per spray; Jack Little, 'Clinton.
at 12e per head per spray. Ten-
der nvas awarded to Hubert
Roy-i0onsitt was employed as
warble fey inspector ata wage
of $1.0,0 per hour with 15c per
mile for use of car. The town-
ship will charge 13c per head
per spray and powder for brush-
ing will be 65c per pound.
'Tenders for crushing •and
hauling gravel were opened
from C. Sm'i'th, London, at 65c
per an, yd.; Geo. P. Elliott, Clin-
ton, at 70c per cu. yd., and Lavis
Contracting Co., Clinton, at 72
cents per cu. yd. Tender was
awarded to' Geo. F. Elliott, Clin-
ton, sulbject to the approval of
the Dept. of Highways.
Tender for construction of the
'Sanford Bridge was awarded to
Seaforth Concrete and General
Contracting Co., !Seaforth, at a
price of :$14,300 subjeclt to the
approval of ithe Dept .of High-
ways, Other (bidders were: Ro-
ger F. MacEacheron, Mount
Foeest, $15,338; Looby 'Con-
struction Co., 'Dublin. $19,700;
H. T. Young, Clinton, $18,180
G. A. Gibson and Sons, Wroxet-
er, $15,450; Gaffney Construc-
tion, •Sltratford, $17,950; Seig-
miller Ltd., Kitchener, 118,497;
Mclean -Foster Genet., St. Marys
116;200; King Bros. 'Construc-
tion, Wingham, $16,060; Mow-
bray ConStruotion, Wingham,
Accounts passed included:
Roads, 32910.10; Voters Lists,
37.00; supplies, '$29.20; advertis-
ing, $26.86; hospitalization,
$158.37; membership fees, $10.;
travelling expenses, 170.00;
.grant, $50,00 -Huron Central Ag-
i'icultural (Society; South Huron
Aga'icultura1 Society, $75.00;
Ontario Municipal (Board Fees,
$13,00; Salary and allowance,
$241.66;. postage, $5.00.
Council adjourned to meet on
April 3 at 1 p.m.
At the home of Mrs. Leonard
Leeming on Thursday, Mar. 1,
the Bethel ladies 'held their
WMS. and W.A. meetings. Mrs.
Wni. Roe, president of the W.A.
opened the meeting with a
.prayer for •Good Friday. Mrs.
Norval Stinson reported that a
profit of 818.55 was made at the
Crokinel social 'held at No. 9
sehool in Feb.
A .pot luck supper will be held
at No. 9 school on Monday even -
day evening, March 1911i at 7
p.m. Admission 50c. Program
committee, Mrs. 'Glen McNichol,
Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Earl 'Mills.
Meeting closed with hymen 86.
Ethel Dennis opened the
WMS •mneeting with a poem.
Hymn 182 was sung followed by
scripture readings by Ethel
Dennis, Mrs. Glen McNichol and
TTS. Stanley H.illlen. Mrs. Earl
Mills had time topic which was ta-
ken from the study (book. Mrs.
Mills informed us that our mis-
sionary for prayer is Miss G.
Louise' Best. Hymn 510 was sung
after. which 'Rev. 'Holden pro-
nounced the benediction.
Miss Marie Elliott is spending
some time in Bayfield with her
aunt Mrs. Menary, who is i'•11.
Mrs, Jno. Cornish received
'word of the ,death 05 iuer brother,
Mr. John 1'Iil1 of Moose Jaw. Mr.
Hill attended the funeral of his
brother, Mr.' Jas. Hill at 1Sltra!t-
ford in December and spent
IChristm!as with his sister here.
Mes. Elsie Forrest of London
spent 'the weekend with Mrs.
McQueen and Margaret.
A. number of young people
held a surprise patty for Mr.
Gordon Elliott who had a'birth-
day on Feb. 29th,
The cornnmunity express symp-
athy to Mrs. Jno, Watson and
family. Mr. Watson farmed just
east of the village until a few
years ago.
Miss Donna McBride of the
IStratford 'General iHospital spent
the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 'McBride.
'Ma'. James Allan, son of Edgar
Allan, left on 'Sunday for York,
Mr. Allan is on the police force.
IMr. and Mrs. Alvin 'Smith orf
Biuevaie, Mr..and Mrs. John
Weeksitead, Brussels, spent !Sun
Buys a complete 94 piece English Dinner Set at
Savauge's March Dinnerware Sale
"Peach Bloom"
94 pc. Set. Reg. $57.95.
66 pc. set. Reg. 44.95
94 pc. set. Reg. 49.75.
66 pc. Set. Reg. 39.75.
"Highland Thistle"
94 pc. Set. Reg. 64.95
66 pc. Set. Reg. 49.75.
SALE 47.95
SALE 36.95
SALE 41.95
SALE 33.95
SALE 52.95
SALE 41.95
Smart New Patterns including
"Windblown" "Yellow Rose"
Reg. 8.95
"Basket Weave" "Mount Royal"
"Silver Pine" "Lill Model -no" sale A95
Over 100 patterns of Dinnerware & Teaware in
I3one China & Semi Porcelain offered at Sale Prices
, For Your Old Watch*
Dessert 'Spoons
Soup Spoons
Salad Forks
Butter Knives
Sugar Spoons
All items
while they
last, at
the same
price .
Community "South Seas" Special
Relish Server. 33,00 value. SALE 89C
English Decorated Teapots
Values up to 3.50 SALE $1.79
complete with Tray. SALE $3.95 set
CUPS AND SAUCERS Reg. 39e vane
To Clear at 19 c
or 6 FOR $1.00
Complete stock of Jewellery, Diamonds, Silver-
ware, watches & clocks, dinnerware & fancy china
on Sale. It will pay you to visit Savauge's March
Dinnerware Sale.
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
day with Mrs. N. Berry.
Mrs. C. Ham returned home
on Monday after spending six
weeks with her son, Mr. Wesley
Ham at Cochrane.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Cameron Vivian
and Carol Ann, Mr. •Geo. Vivian,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vivian of
Staffa visited with Mrs. John
!Cairns on Sunday.
The comedy, "Peg 0' 'My
'Heart;" full of wit and humour,
will be presented in .the parish
hall by permission of Samuel
French (IGanadda) Limited, Tor-
onto, on two evenings, 'Friday,
March 9th, and 'Monday, 'Maicth
12th, by a group of et. Colum -
ban young people, under tlhe 'au-
spices of the (Catholic Women's
League. Joan Dalton will play
the role of Peg O'Connell, .a'poor.
Jrieh'girl living in New York
with her father. She'beeomies an
heiress by the death of her •un-
ole 'and is called to England and
placed 'under the .care of an ar-
istocratic aunt, Mrs. Chichester,
portrayed by Mrs. 'Hazel Dorsey.
Peg is entirely out of place in
these surroundings„ but she
wins her Tway, and also ,the love
of a ,worthy young Englishman
named Jerry, i0Sir'Gerald Adair)
as played by Jim Flanagan. Mrs.
Ghichester's son, Aiaric, and her
daughter Ethel are played by
Bob 'Murray and Mrs. +Grace
Murray. The part el !Chris.
Brent, a pleasure -loving young
man with a wife 'and baby will
be taken by Frank Murray.
Jack Lane will be seen as Mr.
Hawkes, solicitor Tow the late un -
ole. The pants of the maid, Ben-
nett, and the fo'o'tman, Jarvis,
will be played by Mrs. Mary
MayIen and Jack O'Reilly. 'The
scene .of this fun -filled comedy
takes palace at "Regal Villa" the
home .of Mas: +Ohicheslter in Eng-
land dining early summer.