HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-01, Page 8NEW PATTERNS -- NEW STYLES Men's Two -Pant Suits at a new low price 59.50 The new spring suits are arriving early to cope with the early •Easter this year. This new group of imported English all wool worsted sults feature the new style h rends in more fitted lines. Featured are the new wool and silk worsteds and all wool flannel worsteds in plains, fleck weaves and fibrene effects. These new suits are a real bargain with two trousers at this new low price. Drop In and try on a few models now ! SIZES 35 TO 44 TWO PANT SUIT $59550 NEW HATS FOR SPRING If you're wearing an old wide brim hat, you'll simply have to throw it away if you want to be in style. The new hats are narrow brimmed with wide bands and tapered crowns. We have the new hats in every spring shade, Blltmores and Stetsons at tewart 5.95 to 8.95 ros. CARD OF THANKS Tho family oa the late Mrs. Walter Fairbairn wish to express their appreciation to all the friends and neighbors for their kindness at. the time of their be- reavement. Special thanks is ex- tended the Rev. Norman McLeod, Dr. S. C, Goddard., Bonthron Fu- neral home and those who sent Rowers and cards, or -helped in any way CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Arnold 'Gackstetter and Myron wish to extend thanks to their many friends for the cards, Rowers and visits received while in South Huron Hospital, Special thanks to the nurses CARD OF THANKS The family of the late R. J, Scott Bolton wish to express their appreciation to all the friends and neighbors for their kindness at the time .of their sad bereavement. Special thanks is extended to. Dr, Stapleton and Mr, Whitney and Mrs, Ross Ham- ilton and those who sent Ilowel's and cards and those who helped in any way, 1 -meet* JILcI?J LOW PRICES! 'nturtho Night it wer'klyl — 2,59 41 1 l an' - Magazine ,2d e.snvv .... .. ... 3,43 / ( eadian Home Journal_ 2.95 ` I American Maga/Inc . . 3,95 ( 1 15.10 )01 ... - - 2.43 ▪ rapider',rime,. .. _ -. 3.85 ( annllian Homes & Gorden, . . 2.95 Look ....-3.95 Comity n raid and rl nary tar . Hunting & Fishing In Canada ... 3,455 7 t -had r:Hr .. . . . - 3.50 Flower (Ammer 3.05 Redbook alimuin.' - - 3.43 El Collier's thi-wr'd.l)' 3.95 Jlm5910 fy'0 -. Dump (45 hnnes, . . a.sa imeuire _. _..... (Lia notdoor 1 , . ._. 1.1; Screen Stories 2.79 U.S. Camera Magma 13 7 1 named( il-renrh) -- 3.93 :Argosy (Man', e4anasiul, 4.4 (. hrintiun I1,'rmd 1.95 El Mayfair 9.93 J Woman's Moo. 1' ,moan!. .. - . 3.96 Ei M ('aIrs Magazine 3.15 lieu Pro Weekly. Prairie Farmer _ -. ,25 0 'Prue Store ............. . .hi in Parent's Magazine 3.45 A,nerRa (Sr) ...... 3.45 1�,l' Compact (10 Issues) 3.95 ❑. Popular Hardening ,-. 3,95 Chlldrrn s (agent (40 Issues) Newspaper and Magazines 1 year, unless term shown &446 f/omea hien ive/ ALL OFFERS ARE GUARANTEED UHF NEVISPAPIE PAL YEA MTH aeal>s� OFFER No. 1 2 MAGAZINES FROM CROUP A OFFE ++ No. 3 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A 1 MAGAZINE FROM GROUP B • OFFER ;;Oa 2 3 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A 37 OFFE 'i Nos 4 4 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A $4.75 O Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose list with order. GROUP A • Maclean's Magazine (13 issues) 6 Mos. ',J' Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr. Liberty Magazine 2 Yrs. -j Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. O Free Press Weekly Prairie Farmer I Yr. '_j Saturday Night (bi.weekly) 1 Yr. Country Guide 2 Yrs. Chatelaine ____._...- I Yr. , Farmers' Magazine __._ 2 Yrs. Canadian Poultry Review 2 Yrs. fJ La Revue Populaire 1 Yr. Rod & Gun in Canaria r 1 Yr. _j Modern Screen 1 Yr. Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose list with order. GROUP B 7 Redbook Magazine ❑ Coronet o Maclean's Magazine ,'-1 McCall's Magazine Prue Story 0 Canadian Homes & Gardens 0 Sports Afield Photoplay • Parents' Magazine ❑ American Home ❑ The Ensign 0 American Girl O Christian Life (For Conservafive Christian Leaders)' [� Hunting & Fishing in Canada 0 Outdoor Life I'Irase allow a 40 8 IVeel,s First Copies or Magazine to Arrive CARD' OF THANKS 1 wish to thank my friends and neighbors for the cards and treats sent to me 1n the hospital. Also those who came to see me, or helped in any way at home. Murray Dalton COMING EVENT A play "Sure as You're Born", presented by the Seaforth Jr. Farmers in Town Hall, Hensall, on Friday, Mar. 9, at 8.30• Spon- sored by Iiippen Bast W.I. Admis- sion 50c and 25c Clearing Auction Sale Of farm stook and machinery on Friday, 'March 16th at 12 o'- clock sharp at lot 6, can 12, of Tuckersmith twp., 3 :miles east of Hensall. ,Cattle -4 'Holstein cows 'due latter part of March; 3 'Holstein cows milking and re bred; 6 Jer- sey '00195 fresh; 11 Jersey cows due time of sale; 1 Guernsey cow fresh; 1 registered Hereford bull, 2 yrs. old; number of young Hereford calves; 12 Durham and Hereford heifers and steers 1 year old. Machinery — Madel D Case tractor; model L A ,Case tractor; above tractors in good condition. 3 -furrow tractor plow; 7% foot stiff tooth 'Cocksihutt cultivator; 8 foot tractor disc; 3 section drag harrows; 3 section harrows; M. H. 10" grain grinder; '7 foot ,Cockshutt binder; ICocksllutt 4 hal side rake (new); M. H. silo filler; New Idea 7 foot tractor mower (cut 2,0 acres); 15 -run power fertilizer drill (like new); 3 drum steel roller; two manure spreaders on rubber; 1 all -steel rubber tired wagon; 16 foot hay rack; electric Vildng cream sep- arator; ,double cylinder Univer- sal anilking machine with 4 single units; number 8 gal. milk cans, milk pails and strainers; 40 feet of grain blower pipes; 32 foot ex- tension ladder; root pulper; 9 foot 3 -drum steel roller; 140 ft. drive belt; 70 -foot drive belt; 30 -foot drive belt; vise, power emery, work !bench, oil barrels; 2 electric fences, posts, wire, 2 rubber tired feed 'carts; rubber tired milk carts, horse rake; oil bath pump jack, rotary pump with / H. P. motor; 200 ft. of plastic and galvanized pipe; quantity of hemlock lum- ber and rock elm plank; forks, shovels; tools; logging chains; large galvanized water trough; shallow well pressure water un- it; colony house 12x12 (like new); 500 capacity electric brooder; 7 ft.x16 out -door gran- ary; steel chicken and pig troughs; poultry equipment; quantity of 'household effects; tables; chairs; ib•uffet and bed- room suites. 2 roll snow fence. Steel rails 18 feet long and pipe, Oil pump for barrels. 16 ft. extension pipe for thresher. 4 bus. 606 seed corn. Number bags Corn King Mineral. 200 bus. oats. 2 barrels molasses; 2 ton bran; > ton beet pulp. Studio couch. Sealers, clock, Columbia victrola; music chest; extension table, kitchen chairs. Texans --(Cash Proprietor, Glen Slavin .Auctioneer, Harold Jackson 'Clerk, E. P. Chesney No reserve, farm sold FOR SALE 3 springer cows; 4 calves. Dale Nixon, Seaforth, phone 661r4. FOR SALE First cut hay, alfalfa, brome, timothy and ladino mixture. Also Holstein and Hereford heifer fresh one week, with a heifer calf. Don Buchanan, 850r25 NOTICE Anyone wishing to ship hogs t0 the hog marketing board, I am shipping on Tuesday every week. Please call the night before, Harvey McLlwain DISPERSAL OF ALL BREEDING STOCK WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14TH., 1956 58 HEAD DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS Herd on R.O.P. Fully Accredited All Females over 6 months of age vaccinated Type is represented with big rugged matrons, good udder's, good breeding condition, backed with R.O.P. milk and Sat records. These cattle aro typical TWO-WAY propositions— MILIC AND BEEF. Bulls in Service and Selling: SANFORD SALTPAN, MONDDEN APPO•LO. These sires are rich in the blood of the breed's top producers. These bulls will sell. Location—Sale at the Farm—I:Iighway No. 8, one mile west of Seaforth. Time -1,30 sharp. Write or phone for catalogue. THORNTON HALL FARM 851x4 Seaforth, Jas. F. Scott (owner) Seaforth, Ont. Clearing Auction Sale 0f 'farms, farm stock and ,power machinery at lot 8, con. 11, Tuckerslnibh twp. on Tues., March 1.31th at 12.30 pan. 'Cattle -3 'Durham and Here- ford cows due time of sale. Machinery—Oliver 88 (Diesel tractor •aclljustaible front axle (1954 model); John Deere M. tractor, maniere loader and stuf- fier; Oliver 60 -row 'crop tractor; ICockshutt combine No. 132, 10 foot 'header and fully equipped; Keck Goa -merman picltap bean ,combine '(used one season) ; 1 T. D. 6 International bulldozer complete with (hydraulic angle dozer in .A1 condition; 'Gehl for- age harvester fully equipped for corn and hay; ,Gehl forage b1ovl'- er; 1 'S'malley forage blower; 3 forage boxes; 3 good rubber - tired Iwag'oms; •S/ ft. Interna- tional stiff tooth .cultivator (hy- draulic); 4 furrow International plow (!hydraulic) new; 3 -furrow M. H. plow; 10 ft, tractor' disk, Initernaltional, hydraulic, ,(new); 12 -ft. John Deere springtooth drag; John Deere one-way disk; 15 ruff, double disk International fertilizer drill .(like new); 2 sets :diamond harrows;. 2 •cult' pack- ers; 1. steel roller; 10 -inch Gehl (hammer mill; Elbersoll 1500 lbs. feed mixes'; International 7 -foot power mower; Ennis bean wind - rower and side :conveyor ,co'm- isiete Knew); International 4 bar side rake; Gem electric oat r o 11 e r; 7'5 feet 7-indh drive belt; (McCormick hay baler (like new) ; Universal milking machine pipe line double unit; McCormick Deering electric weans separator (like new) 20001 'b scales; fanning hill, power emery; electric nvelder; air compressor; 1 ,fertilizer sow- er; sugar (beet lifter will fit ,Oli- ver 60 or '70; set farm sleighs; Case tractor; manure spreader; grain elevator; tools; 'chains; and other articles too numerous to mention. Heat houser for 56 Massey 12 ft. International Swather. 1943 Ford 3 ton dump truck with stock racks and grain box. Grant -1000 bus. good mixed grain. Eiouselrold effects Clare Jew- el all enamel cook stove, hot water front •(like new). Property—Farms Will be of- fered for sale if not previously sold. Parcel 1. Lot 8, con. 11, of T.uckersmith tw'p., 100 acres more or less, large bank barn, good stabling, steel ,driving shed (new) good water supply, hydro. Frame house with all modern conveniences. Parcel 2. Lot 10, con. 9, of Tuckersmith twp., 100 acres, 95 acres workable land, 5 'acres 041 bush, good hater supply. Both farms are in good state of culti- vation. Terms-1Cihattels, 'Cash. Property made known day of sale sold subject to reserve bid. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Estate of late Harry 'Caldwell FOR SALE 2 young Hereford bulls. Also wanted, a set of tractor disks. Wilbert Pratt, phone 43r7 Brus- sels. Lot 20, Con. 14, Grey DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE of Shorthorn Cattle & Hogs on Wednesday, March 7, at 2 P.M. Lot 89, Con, 2, East 13rawanosll Township, 1 mile north of Blyth, and 1% west of No. 4 Highway. 38 head of Shorthorn cattle; 1 bull, 2 years old, Royal Jake, sir- ed by Royal Sort 2nd 311914, Dam Rosewood Gem 369194; 4 fresh cows; 3 cows duo time of sale; 2 cows due in May; 2 cows clue in June; 2 cows due in September; 2 heifers clue in June; 2 steers, 2 years old; 2 heifers, 2 years old; 3 steers, 1 year old; 6 heif- ers, 1 year old; 4 steel' calves; 4 heifer calves; 1 bull calf,' eligible for• registration. All cows T13 tested and vaccinated, 1 grey mare; 4 York sows, bred 5 weeks; 10 chunks. 1 International cream separator, No. 2; 1 sleigh; 1 cutter; 1 buggy; 1 Massey - Harris manure spreader No. 7; 1 set of brass -mounted team harn- ess;. 1 set single harness; horse collars; 3 good horse blankets;; 15 tons loose bay; 6 or 7 hundred bales of hay; 4 or 6 bus, of Tim- othy seed with some alfalfa in it. One 1933 Dodge coach, in good running order. No reserve. Terms cash. Orval McGowan, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer ' E. P. Chesney, Clork Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr, Yr, Yr. Yr. Yr, Yr, Yr. Walatfaallall CHECK MAGAZINES DESIRED AND ENCLOSE WITH COUPON Gentlemen:.1 enclose $,._.. .Please send me the offer checked, with a year's subscription to your newspaper. Name Street or R.R. Post Office TO RENT Apartment for rent. 4 rooms and private bath; immediate pos- session. Harvey McLlwain WANTED Used sap 'buckets .and lids. Phone, Clinton 613-24. Fred'Mc- Cllymont, Varna. FOR SALE 50-60 bus. feed. turnips, rea- sonable, Geo. ,Blake, phone 6:54 r 31. HONEY FOR SALE Clover 32; amber $1,76; in eight Pound palls .only. Wallace Ross Apiaries THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, March 1, 1956 Box Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-07 Seaforth "Mk 41110111.11M10111110•11111 SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist_ P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thureddy and Sat - 'Imlay only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale of !Farm Stock and machinery on Tues., March 6, at 1 pans. at ldt 80, con. 7, ,Hibbert twp., 334 miles south ,and 2/ east of ISeaford;h• CATTLE -4 Holstein cows fresh and due to freshen time of sale. 1 registered Holstein cow due time of sale, 3 Holstein hei- fers 1 yr, old. 1 holstein heifer bred. 2 Holstein cows due in April. 1 'Hereford steer 700 lbs. Number of young calves. PIGS -13 York Hogs (150 lbs.); 8 York chunks (75 lbs.) 50 Hybrid 1 yr. old hens. ISIAOHIN•ERY—Model 'S ,Case tractor, adjustaible front axle, in No. 1 condition; 2 -row Case snuffler for tractor; 1951 Ford 1 -ton truck in Al condition, ranks and good tires; ICockslhutt all -steel Push Bar Hayloader (nearly new) ; 1 Horn buck rake fits all Horn manure loaders (like new); M. H. 2 -furrow tree - tor plow; Oliver hammer mill; M. I3. binder; McICoanmick mow- er; 6 -foot Case side rake (new) ; 2 rubber -tired' farm wag- ons; 16 -ft, flat hay rack (good); 3 -section International drag harrows; 11/.: H• P. gasoline en- gine; 40 -ft. windmill frame. GRAIN -800 to 900 (bushels of good mixed grain. Terms—Cash Elgaard• Gregerson, Prop. 'Harold Jackson. IAuct. E. P. Chesney, Clerk FOR SALE Viking cream separators, new all electric stainless steel, also some good used machines priced to sell. John Byermann, Walton RR2. Phone 848x24 WANTED Acreage wanted for growing registered grain. Phone 6S6r41 Hensall central. FOR SALE 7 to 8 tons baled hay, good quality, guaranteed clean. Phone Clinton 623r11. Wm. T. Fother- Ingham. FOR SALE Piano for sale. Mason & Risch,• good condition. Price 3100. J. V. Flynn, Dublin. Phone 77 Dublin central FLOWERS Potted plants: Gloxinias $3; hydrangeas $5 and up. Easter lilies $2 and up; carnations in all colors 34 a dozen. Wallace Ross, agent Mitchell Nurseries FOR SALE 100 acres more or less, Lot 25, Con. 6, McKillop, on highway 331, miles north of Seaforth. Also 5. fresh cows, if not sold by end 01 March will be sold by auction with a full line of farm imple ments. Watch for the date. Easy terms on farm. Apply to Carl Dalton & Sons, phone 481J WANTED Young girl, sleep in, light housework, modern farm home, small baby, young couple. Steady employment. Apply Mrs. R. L. Pullman, 11R 1 Cromarty. Phone Hensall 6708.21 Order Your Chix Now The Famous DeKalb Chix may be ordered from McIKinley Hat- cheries, phone 697-3 Hensall; or, Menne Steckle Phone G98-13 Hensall. DeKai'b dealer for Chix and Seed Corn SALES HELP WANTED WANTED: Reliable man as Dealer in Huron County. Expert, once not necessary. A fine op. portunity to step into old profit- able business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products fur- nished on credit. Write Rawl eigh's Dept. 0.364-163; Mont- real, Q ue. Prevent Chimney Fires Use Fire Chief Chemical: Chim- ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove pipes and chimney. No need to remove stove pipes. No fuss, no muss, no odor. For use on coal, Wood, gas or oil fired units. On sale at Seaforth Farmers Co-op Haney Gen. Store, Egmondville McClinchey Gen. Store, Varna Patterson Gen. Store, Brucefield JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily extent Mon., 9 to 840; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM; Clinton •---MoLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to - 5.30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks.ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies. SALESMEN WANTED Agents to sell high quality products at low prices in: Sea - forth, Zurich, Port Albert, Credi- ton. Good commission. Specials each month. Do not miss this ex- cellent money -making proposi- tion. FAMILEX, Dept. 4, Box F, Station C, Montreal NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used" • Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton 616 collect, between 1.50 and 10.00 A.M. on week days and 7.80 and 0.50 A.M. on Sundays FOR SALE Cavalier Stoker coal, Hard coal, Reading's trademarked brand. Krauskopf Bros., Dublin phone 36x13 HOUSE FOR SALE House alas eight rooms with electric lights .and town neater, possession March 15. Mrs. James Barron. INSURANCE o Fire • Auto • Accident o Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. ,540 WALDEN & BROADFOOT Wholesale and Retail, Stove Oil and Furnace Fuel 011. F -I -N -A, Finest fn North Amer- ica. Phone 354, Seaforth 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid conrfost WILLIS DUNDAS„ . CHAMPION STOVE AND FURRSCS°- OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and others am requested to not park cars or vehicles on roadsides in the township duringthe winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township will not be responsible for damages to any ve- hicle parked on roadsides caused by snowplowing operations. (Signed)) E. P. CHESNEY, (Rork FOR SALE OR RENT Frame house, furnished. Call Seaforth News AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 018 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without eharge to you, take samples of ku earth in your fields and have them analyzed.. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexander - Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.—Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J, L. Malone, Sea£ortb ; J. H, Menwing, Blyth ; W. S. Alexander, Walton ; E. J. Trowartha, Clinton f J. E. Peppers Brucefleld ; 0.W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; 11. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents — Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesbor'o ; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Erie Munroe, $eafor'th. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business,will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick Rouse, phone 847R, Seaforth SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators. All electric. models and gear type models. .Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer' for dis- trlet of Seaforth, Clintod and Brucefield. Allowance made for used Separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brvicefield. G34r21 Clinton VETERANS CAB L. LEGATEE, Prop. Phone 546 Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber g000ds) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 0 samples 2601 24 sam- ples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74. Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Martin Feeney, 11112 Dublin Vice -President E. Clayton Colquhoun, Mil Science Hill Directors Harry Coates. Centralia Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Milton McCurdy,, 8311 KIrkten Alex J. ,Rohde, ARS Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RIM Woodham Clayton Harris, RR1 Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter ineuffretrO For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME 'OFFERING YOU A modern 2 bedroom brick dwell- ing just completed. One -floor plan. Oil heating Low Down Payment Balance monthly Frame cottage on James St. Reasonably priced. Immediate possession Two bedroom stucco cottage. with all ,modern conveniences including 8 -piece bath, hardwmn' floors, modern kitchen. Full 'basement pith furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and al- most immediate possession. M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47