The Seaforth News, 1956-03-01, Page 7A CANADIAN BOOK TO OWN AND TREASURE SIX YEARS OF WAR; the of- ficial history of the Canadian Army in the Second World War. by Col. C. P. Stacey; Director �istoricai Section, General Staff. This is the first volume of the Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War. It deals with events in Canada, with the experience of the Army in Britain (including the raiding, operations conducted from the British base), and with the war against Japan. The operations of Dieppe and Hong Kong are described snore fully than in any previous account. This volume is based upon more thorough research than was possible in the case of Colonel Stacey's earlier "Offi- cial Historical Summary". The Canadian Army 1939-46, which won a Governor -General's award in 1948. It is the product of ex- haustive investigation in Cana- dian, Allied and enemy records, Born in Toronto, Colonel C. P. Stacey is a graduate of the University of Toronto, and later studied at Oxford and Princeton. Before the Second World War he was a member of the History Department of Princeton Uni- versity. He is the author of "Canada and the British Army, 1846-1871" (1936) and "The Mili- tary Problems of Canada" (1940), and has written numer- ous articles and pamphlets on his- torical and military subjects, He has also done historical broad- casting. In 1948 he published "The Canadian Army, 1939-45: An Official Historical Summary". This book received the Gover- nor -General's Award for Acade- mic Non -Fiction for that year. In 1951 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and is now its Honorary Corres- ponding Secretary. He was Presi- dent of the Canadian Historical Association, 1952-53. In 1940 he returned from the U.S. to join the Army and was appointed Historical Officer at Canadian Military Headquarters, London. He supervised the his- torical programme of the Cana- dian Army Overseas during the rest of the war, visiting the Canadian fronts in Italy and North-West Europe. He was ap- pointed Director of the Histori- cal Section of the General Staff ha 1945. The book is illustrated with a Frontispiece in full colour, 38 photographs in black and white, 14 maps of which 7 are in col- our and - especially at the ex- tremely moderate price of $3,50 - is one which should be in every library, both institutional and private. Bloodhounds On The Trail! "Old Boston," leader of a pack of Oklahoma bloodhounds, had tracked down more than a hun- dred criminals. Now, in his old age, he found it hard to keep patient, especially with young policemen. If his handler could not keep pace while out on the trail, he would turn on him, almost testily. Once the old dog broke away on a hot scent, his hand- lers lost him and he was gone all night. He limped home early the next morning, 'thoroughly disgusted. He had tracked his quarry all right, and had chased him till the man'took refuge in a tree. All night long they stayed. there, and every so often "Old Boston" looked round and growled disgustedly because no policemen came. At length, when daylight came and nobody had arrived to finish the job, "Oid Boston" got fed up and went home. The bloodhound has been bred in England since before the Norman Conquest. With his heavy shoulders, deeply fur- rowed mask and bloodshot eyes he looks fierce and formidable, but he is, in fact one of the sweetest natured dogs. He was given the name bloodhound, not because he was out for blood, but because he was a blooded hound, an animal of highly selective breeding. It has been suggested that the bloodhound would be more suit- able for police work if he were hardier. Experiments were made to produce a cross be- tween the bloodhound and the rough -coated otterhound. When the puppies had grown suffi- ciently they were put on trial with a good deal of success, and it is hoped that a breed will be evolved with all the stamina of. the otterhound, plus the won- derful scenting powers of the bloodhound. Even when unable to lead di- rectly to the criminal, the blood- hound can sometimes indicate a valuable clue. Some years ago, a hound was brought to an English country house where there had been a burglary. He ambled round the garden and suddenly picked up a scent. With tail wagging furiously, he sniffed his way to a clump of bushes and then, thoroughly pleased with himself, looked up at his handler. Under the bush was an envelope which had been through the post and which led to the identification of the burglar. In another case, a well-known bloodhound breeder helped the Scottish police investigate the murder of a small boy on the east coast of Scotland. The scent was considerably more than a day old but was undsturbed because there had been no wind to blow it away, LUCKY - Ten tons of coal caved in on William Walters, 57, but he still managesa slight smile and a thumbs -up sign. The acci- dent occurred in a coal hopper in Kingston, Ontario. Rope was tied around Walters to keep him from slipping farther down into Ate coal pile. He was rescued after'iwo hours. SNAPPY REED HARVEST - These men in Berlin, Germany, wel- comed recent freezing weather. It froze all the surrounding Takes, making reed harvesting a snap. The men didn't have to worry about getting wet, as they could walk right up to the reeds and cut them at ice level and because a heavy fog had kept people at home. The clogs set to work, picked up a trail and even managed to follow it along the main road with its numerous strange scents. Eventually the trail came to where the road forked, One fork led to a town, the other con- tinued towards the railway sta- tion. Without hesitation the hounds led on to the station. Police sent a description to sta- tions up and down the line and the murderer was caught, In Sussex, in 1934, two police- men investigating a burglary came upon a man on the out- skirts of the town. He drew a revolver and fired, wounding one of the officers, and then made off. Hundreds of police were call- ed out to beat the commons thick with gorse. By chance a woman who bred bloodhounds was staying in a Sussex hotel and had two hounds with her. In the middle of the night she and the dogs were taken to the scene of the burglary where a hot trail led off into the coun- tryside. All at once one of the hounds stopped and plunged to- wards some near -by trees. A man who had been lying under the trees leapt to his feet. It has been known for a crim- inal to be scared into submis- sion by the very sight of a bloodhound. in 1936 a woman was found dead in a boarding house in the Catskill Mountains in America. It was thought at first that she had died of shock and heart failure. Further examination showed, however, that she had been beaten and throttled to death, and suspicion fastened on an Indian half-breed who had taken to the woods. He was a desperate man, known to be armed, who had already done one shooting, The state troopers brought "Old Red" their bloodhound, and began the hunt. As they slowly closed in Old Red seem- ed to know that the fugitive was armed for he became very cautious. At length, every hair aquiver, he crawled through some undergrowth on his belly, the troopers creeping behind. Suddenly the great hound tore loose and shot ahead, snarling. Immediately there came a man's terrified scream: "Take him away! He'll kill me!" The troopers broke through the thickets and rushed out into a clearing. There was _the half- breed frantically trying to climb a tree to avoid the fangs of the leaping, snarling bloodhound. "I'll tell everything," howled the man. "Only for Pete's sake take that dog away!" SEASONAL OCCUPATION - A four -horse chariot of snow is fashioned by German sculptor Josef Edelbauer in a Frankfurt park. Edelbauer came to the city from Bad Reichenhall, Bavaria, to decorate the public parks with his frosty creations. Mother Nature lent an assist by bringing Europe's worst cold wave of the century, preventing statues and material from melting. POOL TABLE - A miniature tile swimming pool, complete with water, diving board and lad- der, forms the centerpiece for this clever cocktail table. Molla Harrington is pointing to some goldfish swimming in the water. Liffe Will Be Easy --Ise 1975! Do you ever wonder what life will be like in the year 1976? You yourself will be twenty years older, but you'll see some amazing changes -if recent pre- dictions by U.S. experts prove accurate. You'll live in an all -steel, portable and fireproof home. You'll be able to change the colour scheme of any room in your home by merely waving the hand, say these prophets. You'lI stand in front of an electronic panel and as you wave your hand the waves, cutting across the lines of force or photo -electric beams, will activate switches to hidden fluorescent light lamps which 'will bathe the room in a new set of colours. Sounds fine, eh? But in the home as well as elsewhere there'll be many more wonders to make life brighter and better. An automatic device will shut all the windows directly it starts to rain -if rain isn't completely controlled by then! The house- wife's dish and clothes -washing machines will have no "old- fashioned" moving parts, but will clean quickly and effi- ciently by passing ultra -sonic waves through plates and clothes. Cooking Will be by electronic heat and food will be sterilized by radiation. In restaurants, food will be brought in con- cealed conveyor tubes. When you make a 'phone call in 1975 you'll be able to see the person to whom you're speaking. An automatic brain will park a car while the driver strolls off on pleasure or business. Television screens will give all drivers a full view of everything on both sides as well as at the front and .accidents will be few- er. If you live in the suburbs, you'll travel in helicopters just as you travel by bus to -day - only much faster. Public trans- port in big cities will be by rapid transit conveyor belts un- derground. Shopping centres will have a similar system to carry people from shop to shop. They maybe wrong, of course, about this dream world of twen- ty years hence, but their pre- dictions make attractive reading as we dig ourselves out of the snowdrifts of ,1956. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ARTICLES FOR SALE 200 Yards $1.00 postpaid. Assorted cot- mings, Free bias Taints 5 haefer trim- mings. Drummondville, Quebec. BABY CHICKS STARTED SPECIALS CANADIAN Approved, Barred Rocks. Red X Rocks, White Rocks, New HaemmpgXrSusse , Columbia' Rocks and R.L Reds. Pullets - 2 weeks old $92.00: 4 - weeks old 940.00: 6 weeks old $48.00 per 100. Mixed chicks, sante ages. 010,00 less per 100. White leg. barns. Red X- Leghorns Danish Brown Leghorns and Minorca 'X Leghorn pul- lets - 2 weeks old 936.00: 4 weeks old $44.00; 6 weeks old 052.00 per 100. Guaranteed 100% live delivery 91.00 down balance O.O.D. Order early, Kent tlatchery Chatham Ontario. COCKERELS -pullets (dayold, started) ready foruick sale. Broilers for April -May delivery should be ordered now. Ask for full information prices, and lists of weekly "Specials," BRAY HATCHERY, 120 JOHN N., HAMILTON. WE WANT you to try our Warren Rhode Island Reds. They will lay more eggs than any other heavy breed we have ever offered with the exception of our series 402. They will eat less feed to produce a dozen eggs. Try them, we know you will be back next year for more. We also have 5 other special egg breeds, 3 special dual pur- pose breeds. For broilers we have tops 1st generation Indian River Cross, 1st generation Arbor Acres White Rocks. 4 Special turkey breeds. Cata- logue. Also write for full details on the new type bacon hog Landrace we have some of the best imported Landr�a that mons will buy. TTW DI7LE CHICK HATCHERIEFERG S T. O EGGS. by the Carload! Meat by the Tont *Arbor Acres White Rocks! Egg- femoys , Foreman Leghorns! Other breeds in suit your needs! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY increased its setting ca. pacity by another 100,000 during Janu- ary, 1956. Order your February or March chicks NOW, For "Quality Un- excelled" broiler chicks, or egg -pro. ducers. phone or write: THE LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. Phone No. 7 Exeter, Ont. 13e BABY CHICKS 130 CANADIAN Approved. Production breed. Hemp X Sussex Barred Rocks. Red X Rocks New Hamps, Reds. Sussex and White Rocks. Mixed 913 per 100. Pullets $19 per 100. White Leghorns Red X Leghorns Brown Leghorns and Minorca X Leghorns. Mixed S13 per 100. Pullets 927 per 100. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. 91 down, balance C.O.D. Sun Vella Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario. STARTED COX CANADIAN Approved Heavy Breed Cox. Day old 60: 2 weeks old 120: 4 weeks old 200. Leghorn Cross Cox. day old $1.50 per 100. Guaranteed de- livery. ' 61.00 down. balance C.O.D. Maple. City Hatchery, Chatham Ontario. BOOKS SENSATIONAL OFFER' 2 FOR PRICE OF 1 THE 11 MASTER KEYS TO FAME, FORTUNE & POWER. Keys to Dreams and Visions, Black Magic, Love, Health, Good Luck and Prosperity, Power, Af- ter Death, The Future etc. Amazing Book. PLUS FREE with every order our Big Entertainer of Fun, Magic and Mystery. Both books sent to you In plain wrapper Postpaid for only 91.00. Send your order to: WAL TRADE, 111 King Street, West, Sherbrooke, Que- bec. MUMMIES, Jewels, Bars of Gold, Buckets of Placer Gold, Historical. Data. I've handled some of It. Amazing! Thrilling! Read my book, "Cortez Missed The Bus." Edition going fast. Send quickly, only 5 dimes for your copy to: P. L. Howland. 1613 West 84th Place, Los Angeles 47, California, DOMESTIC HELP WANTED GENERAL for 5 -room apartment. Doctor's residence. All modern appli- ances. Own room, Two children one school age. Good wages. Will ad. vance fare, if necessary. Mrs. H. Woods, 5195 BOnrret, Apt, 4, Montreal. FARM LAND FOR SALE 150 ACRES Huron County DA miles from village of Gerrie. located on good road close to school. 95 acres under cultivation, soil highly morale. tive loam. Excellent grazing with running water. timber. good fences. bank barn. modern 5 room BV. house. hydrocomplete plumbing. good water. Price 69500, Terms. Immediate occu. panty. Information write 5. H. King. Route 1. Windsor. Ontario. FOR SALE • REMINDER • ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULL SALE DON'T MISS this Ontario Beef Cattle Improvement Association annual event March 7th, Royal Winter Fair Build- ing, Toronto. Buyers receive Govern- ment assistance paying twenty-five per cent of. cost -9150.00 max. Forty-nine selected Angus bulls include the fol- lowing :- DRYNOCH FARMS, Rich- mond Hill -Prince Drynoeh 711,, Ban- dolier of Dr3'noch 23rd; WYNYATES FARMS, Oriole-Ervedic of Wynyates, Elleenmere of Wynyates 10th, Your chance to improve your herd and your beef production. MEOICA L NATURE'S HELP - Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis, Thousands praising it. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin - Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you. Itching, scaling and here - Ing eczema, acne, ringworm, phonies and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, Odorless ointment re- gardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free an Receipt of Price PRICE'92.50 PER JAR' POST'S REMEDIES 809 Queen 5t. E.. Canner of Logan TORONTO GALL STONE Pains promptly relieved, or money back. Avoid operation. Month supply $9.50. Sure help. Cheek or money order. Graf's, Distributors,' 1415 Moss, Lafayette, La. ARTHRITIS Pains disappear without drugs or medicine. Send $1.00 for In-_ formation. Ida Johnson, /•Inside Avenue, West Sayville, New York. NUTTY THEN Down in Grove Hills, Ala- bama, a farmer decided one of his hens was nuts. He shooed' her off a nest to find that she was sitting on two dozen pecans. ItcLitch . I .Was Nearly Crazy Very brat use c1 soothing, cooling liquid D. 1). D. Prescription positively relieves raw red itch• i rased by ec.emn r;^hes, Gree ,less. stainless: 39r trial butt's must you, srtisrdr,ceiel for 11111 fl Ptili,C,11 P'10000 MEDICAL DISTRESS, CAREAR-BIS CO O a STOMACH stoma corrective has satisfied many =era for over sixty years. Twelve ounce bottle sent pre paid $2. ROY BROWNLEE, Pharmacist St, Thomas, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Marvels graduates tearful America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St, W., Toronto Branches 44 King 5t., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa FREE TO ALL GARDENERS DE JAGER'S complete Catalogue of Anenomea, Begonias, Dahlias, Gladiolus, Lilies,Oxalis, Renuncules, Seeds, etc. Bulbs sent prepaid. Flower -Bulb Spe- cialists Since 1070. Write today, P. de Js,r s (Canada) Hamilton Rd., East, London,Ont. OPERATE PROFITABLE Mail order business, part time or full time. Splen- did opportunity. For details write : World Mail Service, Box 654, Greenville, Pa. $2.00 WILL LEASE 100 Acres of Land, fors years. Land is located in Hastings County, Ontario, Canada. Stream on property, Co-operative Leaseholder may hunt, fish farm, prospect, etc. C. Smith, 2005 Lansing Drive, Hampton, Virginia. RING - VALVE JOB - 98 IT'S TRUE 1 I MOTALOY DOES IT 1 I 1 In amazing and proven process that gives you a ring and valve job through tin plating process whlle you drive. Effective for life of car. PHONE' MOTALOY SALES CO. Wast St., Goderich, Ont. (240) PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Com o. a n y Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 600 University Ave. Toronto Patents all countries. AN OFFER to every inventor List of inventions information he and full oRsent Pat- ant Attorneys. 273 Bank St. Ottawa. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twentyfivedeluxe personal requirements. Latest mita. logue Included. The Medico Agency. Box 124, Terminal A" Toronto. Ont. SWINE SWINE RAISERS: Do you want to in- crease your income? If so, get started In the recognized bacon type bog of the world, Landrace. We have choice wean- ling sows and boars from imported stock for Spring delivery. Also ser- viceable boars. Folder. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO WANTED Wewpay0 914AND p r pound FEATHERS. £ for goose. 55c per pound for duck. We also buy horsehair combings 91.10 per pound. Ship collect. We also buy used feathers, goose and duck. ZENER FEATHER COMPANY, 97 Baldwin St., Toronto. BEAR CUBS pcTrItilDcLf2 particulars oON MDONAD, full Wellington, Bowmanville, Ontario. SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visitpt. usor write for price. etcJ.SC.J.TAV'LOR LIMITER TORONTO SAFE WORKS' 145 Front St, E. Toronto Established 1855 IT MAY BE YOUR LIVER If life's not worth living it may be your overt Ws a fart! 10 takes up to two pinta of liver bile a day to keep your digestive traot in top shapel It your liver bile is not flowing freely your food may not digest , . , gas bloats up your stomach . , , you feel constipated and all the fun and aparkle go out of life, That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of liver bile: Soon your digestion starts functioning properly and you feel that happy days are here again! Don't ever stay sunk. Moans keen "orter s Litlla Liver P111, nn hemi ISSUE.9 -- 1955