HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-03-01, Page 1The Seafort
;1.50 a Year
Authorized asSecon •. CressOttaail, Pon
Office DSnowdon Bros„ Publishers
Local Quartet To
Be on TV Friday
Tuekersinith Happy Wander-
ers Quartet, George Turner,
;Stanley and ;Gordon Johns, and
Bert Pepper, will appear on the
OKJNX TV '(channel 8) "Focus"
between 6.20-7.30 Friday even-
ing of this week. '1%e quartet
recently won fourth place in a
Junior Farmers :competition 'at
Toronto, out of 21 entries.
The regular meeting of the
Red Cross Society will .be held in
the library rooms on Friday aft-
ernoon, March and at 3 p.an.
The 'brick dwelling of 'the late
Mre. J. C. Greig on 'Go erich
street bas been sold through the
office of M. A. Reid to Dr. E.
Malkua, with possession March
The death occurred at Tux -
ford, 'Sask., on Feb. 18, of Mrs.
William Ireland, the former El-
len Hays, •dauighter of James
Hays of McKillop, in her 92nd
year. Burial took place at Clim-
ax, 'Sask., on Wed. Feb. 22nd,
Elmer Larone Heads
Seaforth C. of C.
'The annual meeting of Sea-
foet)h 'Chaanber of 'Commerce was
held on Monday evening when
Elmer.' Lerma was elected presi-
dent few the coming year. Other
officers are: first vice pres.,
Frank' Sills; 2nd viee pres,, Wan.
ISmrith; sec., Eric' Millner; treas.,.
Mervin (Nott.
Galnmittee 'chairman: Merch-
ants, Wan, Smith; Industrial,
Ross ISavauge; Pair, Keith
'Sharp; Membership, (Frank (Sills;
Civic Improvement, Gorden
Wright; Advertising, 3. A. Stew -
sat. •
The meeting decided that !Sea-
forth stores will commence stay-
ing open on 'Saturday nights till
10 'o'clock on March 31st 'and
continue during the summer •
Dr. E. A. McMaster explained
the working of the Upper Grand
Development Association.
Membership fees were Taisecl
to 23.50, which will include tick-
et to the first dinner held by
the C. of C.
The barn 'dance was cancelled
Saturday night 'because •of the
storm. The Agricultural •S'oeietY
hopes to hold it in a •couple of
anon'bhs when 'CQE.NX Ranch Boys
are again available.
W. I.
Tart ISeafonth Women's Insti-
tue held a successful euchre and
•dance on Friday, Feb. 24th.
Prizes for the euchre went to
ladies, high Mrs. Jahn Mac-
Kay; lone 'hands, Mrs. Helen
Glue; 'consolation, Mrs. Aldan
Crich. Men's high, John Mac-
Fa.y; lone hands, Melville La-
(iii(sent; consolation, Elmer Town -
sea lucky lunch, Mrs. Warren
Whitmore. Lunch was served
and dancing enjoyed to Mur-
doeh's Orchestra.
Mrs. Frederick Reeves, 76, of
Side street, who •died in :Scott
(Memorial Hospital Sunday, 'was
the former Mary Shade, of Me-
Killep Township, and had lived
in this :district all her life. Her
husband died in 1953.
'She was a members of First
Presbyterian Church here.
Surviving are one son, Clar-
ence, ''Seaforth; three daughters,
Mrs. James cNairn, Egmond-
ville; Mrs. ;Clifford Webster, De-
troit; Mrs. Murray Hewlett, To-
ronto; and ono sister, Mrs, Geo.
Reeves, Seaforth.
nesting at the. Whitney fun-
"ai'home, where services were
conducted Tuesday 2 p.m., by
the Rev. D. G. ,Campbell, and in-
terment made in Maitlandbank
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hay have
moved this week to the house
they recently 'purchased fronn
the Robert Eberhart estate. We
hope they may he spared many
years to enjoy their new home.
Mr. J. S. Watson, who has not
been enjoying good health for
some months was taken to St. Jo-
seph Hospital, London, last week
where he underwent surgical
treatment, we hope 'that he may
be improved in health,
On Tuesday, Marsh 6, at 8
pan. in Egmondville Church, Mr.
Bill McAsh of Varna, will show
pictures of Florida and his jour-
ney, and Miss Doris Johnston of
Clinton, formerly of Walton, will
assist with the program. play-
ing several numbers on ole mar-
Miss Laura McMillan of Tor-
onto, spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. W. P. McMillan.
Mrs. Lorne Armstrong of
Stanley spent Tuesday with Mrs.
David 'Stephenson.
Egmondville school is closed
on account of the illness of the
teacher, Miss J. 'Cluuff of Bay-
March 27-30 at 8 p.m.
Tuesday, First Church, Rev.
W. E. Milroy.
Wednesday, E'gnondville, Rev.
J. H. James.
Thursday, Northside, Rev. D.
G. 'Oanvpbell.
F'ri'day, St. Thomas, Rev. B.
W. Hall.
The Young Peoples' Society of
First Presbyterian Chureh, num-
bering 27 enjoyed a sleigh ride
'party on Friday, Fetb. 18th to
the home of Dorothy and Doug.
Keys. A social hour was spent
and Rev. Mr, 'Campbell •conduct-
ed several contests and games.
Hot dogs, cake and ice cream
and chocolate milk were served.
The happy 'group then loaded
themselves back an the sleigh
and started home to town. Robt.
McMillan was the teamster.
Northside United Church
Rev. Bruce W. Hall, Minister.
10 a. an., 'Church 'School and
adult Bible Klass.
11 a.m,, Morning Worship:
Sermon theme, "0f One 'Heart."
Nursery and Toddlers' Group.
2.15 p.m., Minister's Church
Membership 'Class.
7 p.m., ''Evening Worship:
Sermon tbhent.e, "How big is It?"
Egmondville United Church
Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister.
10 inn., Church School and
Adult 'Class,
11 a.m., Morning 'Worship:
Sermon, "The Growth of a.
Thursday 7.30, mid -week ser-
Forest Bantams
Here Thursday
'Seaforth 'Bantams have won
the W.O. 'Championship, 'defeat-
ing Port Elgin 15-8 on the round
in home and home games this
week. The W:O. Trophy will be;
presented 'Thursday night.
The boys have now gone on to
the 'O,M.H.A. semi-finals, and
play Forest here on Thursday
The Seaforth players:
Goal, Bryan (Brady, Jack Be-
dard; Bob Reith and Doug. Row-
clifTe, defense; forwards, Larry
Dale, Rae 'Stains, Bill Pinder;
subs, Gary Mt, Elliott, Broad -
loot, Varlet', Ferris, Harvey
The Barbara Kirkman Aux-
iliary of First Presbyterian
Church held their Feb. meeting
on Tuesday evening, preceded' by
a delicious pot -luck supper.
There was a geed •attendance.
Mrs. Keith Sharpe, the presi-
dent was in the chair, and the
meeting opened by singing the
hymn `As pants the heart for
cooling Streams", Mrs. J. Pat-
terson read a poem, entitled
"The Secret". Mrs, J. Munn of-
fered prayer. The scripture, Ro-
mans 12 was read by Mrs. J.
Johnston. The secretary, Mrs, ✓.
Rivers read the minutes and Miss
Norma Jeffery gave the treasur-
er's report. The offering was ta-
ken up by Mrs. H. Leslie and
Mrs. J. Murray, and dedicated
by 'Mr's. Sharpe. The hymn "Arm
of the Lord, Awake" waS sung.
Mrs. Rivers read a letter 'from
Margaret Malcolm, who with her
husband and small son are Mis-
sionaries in Free China. Mrs.
Malcolm is the daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. A. Nimmo of Wing -
ham, This was followed by a
period of silent prayer, and the
Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs.
Ross Hamilton sang a beautiful
sola "I Walked Today Where
Jesus Walked" accompanied by
Mrs. J. Gardner
Rev. D. G. 'Campbell evas the
speaker and brought greetings
from the Kirk Session. Mr.
Campbell spoke 'on the life of
Jamas Robertson, one of the
pioneer Presbyterian 'Ministers
M Canada. Mr. Robertson imi-
grated to Canada from 'Scotland
With .his parents when about 16
years of age. He was a very
eleven young man,•ancl although
his parents :were poor, he worked
to became a school teacher. Aft-
er dedicating his life to God, in
due time he became <aPresbyter-
ian minister. Although offered
a huge salary in a New York
Church, he refused the 'offer and
returned to Canada where he
felt he was needed more. After
years of hard work he was ap-
pointed superintendent of Home
Missions, and wherever he went,
,through perseverance and hard
work, the Church grew by leaps
and bounds. Eventually Mr. Ro-
berton was made Moderator of
the Assembly of the Presbyter-
ian Church in Canada. He exper-
ienced many, many hardships,
which seemed to strengthen his
purpose. :His whole life was
spent trying to enlist men and
trying to raise money for the
work of God's Kingdom.
'Mrs. Patterson thanked Mr.
Campbell. The hymn "Dear Lord
and 'Father of Mankind' was
sung and Mr. 'Campbell olosed
the meeting with :prayer.
McKillop Charge
'Cavan (Church, Winthrop, sea'-
vice at 10 a.m., Sunday School
at 11 a,an.; Duff's,; service 11.-
15 a.an.; Bethel, service 2 p.an.—
Rev. J. R. Holden., Minister. .
Little Grand
Daughter Dies
A $3,000 fight to save tare life
,of 21nmonths-old Debbie Broum-
pton of London ended Tuesday
in Toronto when the little girl
gave up her struggle against a
defective heart.
She was a granddaughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Riehl of
Seaforth, (and the younger dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ri-
chard Broummpton, 1638 Mardell
street, London.
Debbie's only chance for a
normal life was through delicate
heart surgery. Dr, Gordon Mur-
ray performed the operation
last Thursday and the little girl
was believed to be progressing
well, but died in her sleepin To-
ronto General Hospital.
Her father is an employee of
London Furniture Ltd. Mrs.
B•roumpton is the former Marion
Rev. Bruce Hall
Addresses Lions
Rev. Bruce Hall, of North-
side United Church, was guest
speaker at the Lions Club meet-
ing on Monday evening when he
gave an interesting talk on "The
Salt of the Earth." Dr. F. J,
Bechely was •ehairnian, assisted
by G. C. Br•ightrall.
John IH, Powll, 89, died in
McKillop twp. on Sunday at 'the
home of his son, George, follow -
hug a lengthy %l'lamas. He was
born in London, educated in Eg-
mondville and Harlon r•hey
schools. He was married in Eg-
mondville 65 years ago. He was
a IPresbyter'ian'and earlier in life
a member of the +L. 0. L. He was
a :drayman for Broad'foot and
Box Furniture ;Co., Seaforth, and
later farmed 30 ye'ar's before re-
tiring. ;His wife, the former
Janet Lowery, died in 1940.
ISuaviying are six sons, Wallace
Tuckerami'th; Baden and Arthur
of ,Seaforth; ..Alex, Kitchener,
John and George, McKillop; a
daughter, Mrs. Cecil (Charlotte)
Pullman, Tucker -smith; a 'broth-
er, Arthur Powell, MoKil'Iop, and
a sister, Mrs. George )(Violet)
DeGear, Toronto.
Funeral services were held on
Wednesday from the Box fun-
eral home 'co'nduc'ted by Rev. D.
G. :Campbell of First Presbyter-
ian IChunch. Burial was in Mait-
landbank cemetery. His six sons
were pallbearers.
Winners of Public
Speak'i'ng Contest
Taking part iii' the public
epoaki'ng 'contest afield at the
public school on Monday even-
ing were:
'Class 1—Grades ' 1-4, Tell a
Story: (Kenny 'Car4no, (first),
Paul Boshart '(second), +Kaye
'Charters, Denise :Smith, Barbara
(Holland, Brace Brady, Bryan
Stewart, 'Christie Dobson, Mary
Jenn MacLean, Jimmie Bisiback,
Stephen 'Brady, Jane Boslhart,
Class 2—Grades 5-6, Prepared
(Speech: Darrell Sdhnider (first),
Gerdy Christensen (second),
Elizabeth :Stewart, Lee Fleming,
Kim (MacLean, Bill 'Marshall.
;Glass 3—Grades . 7 anti 8:
Pearn MacLean (first), Dianne
Jt[aGalbe :(2nd), Corinne Smith,
Phyllis Bryans, Edward James,
Barry Fleming. .
10/ass 4—Grades-0-101(SiDIHiS),
Stan Brown 'Vint), Sandra
Doig ((second).
'Class 5—Grades 11-12 (SDH
S), Marion MdLhvain (first),
Judges—Ii. G. Mali, C. Trott,
A. Harding. •
William T. Thompson, 76, who
'died in 'Scott 'Memorial Hospital
Wednesday night, had lived here
all his life. His wife died in
--As5a young man he was a
printer, and for the past 35
years had conducted a book and
china shop. He was an ardent
bowler and curler, and was a
Presbyterian in religion.
He is survived by two daugh-
ters, Mrs. F. V. Miller, Allen-
town, Penn.; Mrs. D. Hoggarth,
London, andthree sisters, Mabel
and Greta, 'Seaforth, and Mr's.
H. F. Welford, Peterboro.
The funeral was held from the
Box funeral home on Saturday,
2 p.m., by the 'Rev. D. Glenn
Camp:bell, of First Presbyterian
(Church. Burial was :made in
ivraitlandbank +Cemetery. Pall-
bearers were Russell Sproat,
Gordon Dick, 1'I. R. Rennie, E,
C, Boswell, Samuel .Shinn, and
Dr. F. 3. iBechely.
S. S. No. 2, McKillop Farm
(Forum 'held their meeting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Scott. After listening to the ra-
dio broadcast there was good
discussion on the topic, "Paying
for our Health". After years of
consideration the government is
proposing to act in the health
field and we now have prospects
of national health insurance for
all .Canadians. The forum felt
this to be a good thing and it
will be to everyone's interest to
see that coverage is sufficient
and the cost of service con-
trolled and the quality orf 'care
high. After the discussion eu-
ohre was played and 'lunch serv-
ed. Winners ,at surds were, la-
dies, Mrs. '.S. MCBrien, Mrs. J.
Luber, Mrs. T. McMillan. Men,
R. E. McMillan, Walter Mc-
Clure, Wayne Dalmage.
Next Monday evening the for -
num will be held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dolanage.
The W. A. and 'W.M::S. meet-
ing of Duff's Church, McKillop
was held at the home of Mrs.
Robert itcKeroher with a geed
(attendance of members and vis-
itors. The roll call was answered
by suggestions for the repair of
.our church basement. It was de -
aided to start work on the base-
ment as soon as the weather
permitted it. The W. A. are buy-
ing new hymn books for the
Church, Mrs. Ross Gordon, our
W. A. president gave a report on
the Executive meeting held in
'Clinton. The W. A. presbyterial
is to bo held on May 2nd. Mrs.
James Kerr took the worship
period. 'Mrs. Eldon Kerr. and
Mrs. R. M. 'Scott read the scrip-
ture lessons, Mrs. 'Gordon P.ap-
ple gave the study book. The
next meeting is to be held at the
home of Mrs. David Muir the
third Wednesday in March. Mr.
Holden closed the meeting with
prayer. Lunch was served by
the hostess and her helpers.
Bob Allan Heads
Huron Leaders
Huron County 4-H Club Lead-
ers Association named Hob Al-
len, of Brucefield, president.
Mr, Allen succeeds Wan. Turn-
bull, of Brussels, who held the
position ole pant two years.
'Named vice-president was
John :Strong, 'Gerrie; Maurice
I•Iallahan, Blyth, was re-elected
sec.-'treas• iDirectors are: Beef
clubs, 'Tem Todd, Lucknow;
dairy, 'Simon Hanel -tan, Blyth;
swine, Ken Stewart, 'Seaforth;
tractor, Larry Wheatley, Sea -
forth• forestry, John Jackson,
Winghamr; poultry, Jim 'S:cott,
'Seaforth; •grain, Norman Alex-
ander, 'Clinton; corn, Ken Hern,
Granton. Bill 'Turnbull will be
representative to 'Huron 'County
Federation of Agriculture.
It is anticipated 33 clubs will
be organized including a sugar
beet .club fon the first time,
The annual achievement night
was set for December 7 in Exet-
An educational tour to the
Niagara Falls area will be ar-
ranged for the county's 4-H
members some time in July.
Vic Langton, agricultural re-
presentative for Elgin County,
was guest speaker.
Mr. Langton said there were
many compensations in being a
4-11 Club leader—"many of our
great men and women are great,
because soanoone saw their pos-
sibilities and inspired then' to go
"We have to admit farming
is a bit hazardous today—and we
should keep this uppermost in
our minds," the speaker said. He
reported that at each 4-11 Club
meeting in ,Elgin County there
were four-.to-five-minmte talks
on safety.
40th Anniversary
of Mr., Mrs. Walters
'The family o'£ Mr. and Mrs.
[Frank Walters held e. surprise
dinner party on Sat. Feb. 18 to
mark their 40th wedding anni-
versary. The dinner was held at
the home of their second eldest
daughter and son-inlaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Campbell of lS&'a-
fonth. Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Walters
were married on the 16th of Feb.
1936, by the late Rev. Allin, in
the parsonage in Clinton. The
attendants were Mrs. Jack Hor-
ton (Sadie Walters) and Fletch-
er Townsend, Mrs. Walters was
the former Ea Townsend, daug-
hter of Sirs. Elizabeth Towns-
end and the late Amos Towns-
end. Mr. Walters is the eldest
son of Mrs. Helen Dalrymple of
Clinton, and 'the late Mr. Ed-
ward Walters. They have five
children, Dorothy (Mrs. George
Troyforc) Toronto; Beatrice,
(Mrs. Allan'Campbell) Seafortli;
Lloyd of London; Eileen, (Mrs.
'Murray 'Cullen) of Brantford;
and Amy (Mrs. Don Horne) of
London, and 13 grandchildren,
all of whom were present for the
dinner. They were presented
with a Rest Rocker from .the
Seaforth District High vs
Preston High in an Intercolleg-
iate hockey game in •Seaforth
arena on Monday, Feb. 27. The
Seaforth Golden Bears whipped
'Preston 16-4 to take a 12 -goal
lead in the goal -to -count series.
(Seaforth. D. McGonigle, K.
Bell B. Strong, R. Mason, B.
McW(adtlen, V. Bocchini, 11.
Seoins, W. Roberton, B. Dins-
more, W. McMichael, P. Besse,
L. Eyre, K. Thompson, J. Baker.
Preston: B. Bartels. J. Gillow,
B. Cockburn, N. Turner, R. Fo-
ley, W. Gatchhouse, G. Onorato,
B. 'Richardson, B. Schindler, D.
Woods, L. Blundell, W. Miller,
V. Burn•, 0. •Matison.
Seaforth goals and assists:
McFadden (Mason, Bocchini) ;
Roberton (Scoins, Dinsmore) ;
Seoins (Roberton); McFadden
(Mason) ; McFadden (unassisted)
Mason (McFadden, Bell); Mason
'(Boccihini); Mason ,(Roberton);
Bell .(Roberton) ; Mason (Rober-
ton); McFadden (Scoins) Bell
'(unassisted) ; Bell (unassist-
ed); Mason (Bocc'hini); !Swirls
('Dinsmore, Rob e r t o n) ; Bell
ISeafortlh penalties: B. Wright
(2 mrim., tripping); K. Thomp-
son '(2 min., elbows) ; S. Mc-
1adden(5 anin., 'fighting); J.
Bambini (2 run., interference) ;
K. Thompson (2 nein., rough-
ing) ; K. Thompson (2 anin.,
.crosscheck); K. Thompson '(2
min., roughing) ; K. Thompson
(2 anin., holding) ; IC, 'Bell ''(2.
Preston goals and 'assists:
Foley (Miller, Burr) ; Onerato
(Richardson, Cockburn) ; Burr
(Gatehouse); Foley (Burr).
Preston penalties: Onerato
,(2 min., slashing); Mattson (2
,min., 'charging) ; ':Gatehouse 1(2
min.ptripping); Mattson (5 min.,
fighting) ; •Onorato '(2 unix., el-
bows) ; Barr (2 min., 'highstick-
irng) .
The W. A. and'W.M.S. of'Cia
van meeting twill be held on
Wednesday,, March 1, at 2 'p.in,
Program will he in •oharge of
'Circle 1; Group 4 for lunch.
Roll call twill be a verse •corn-'
:ening with the letter M.
The February meeting of the
McKillop group of Walton Unit-
ed Church was held in the base-
anent :of the church (when they
entertained the aneinbers of the
1611h Grey and 8th (Morris group.
The highlight of the (meeting.
was very interesting account of
a trip to 'Cuba by Mrs. Gordon
McGavin, The talk was aocom-
penied by very colorful pictures.
Four ladies of the group sang a
quartette number with Ma's.
Dave Watson at the piano. Box-
es for the ghutins are to be
packed at the next meeting.
Readings were given by Mrs.
Geo. Fox and Mrs. David Wat-
son. Mrs. Andrew 'Coutts lead in
'prayer :and Mrs, Nelson Heid
read the scripture reading used
at the opening of the Leader-
ship Training School, Toronto.
'Airs. John McCarthy passed
away at her home, Logan twp.
on Monday morning in her 48th
year, following an illness of
four months. Formerly 'Cather-
ine Gormley, she was the eldest
daughter of Mr. Edward Gorm-
ley and the late uMrs. Gormley.
She attended Dublin Separate
School and 'C'ontinuation School,
later going to Buffalo where
she lived till her marriage in
1938. She was .an active member
of the Dublin Altar ;Society,
Catholic Women's League and
the League of the Sacred Heart.
Surviving are her husband, one
son Terry, and one daughter,
Margaret. Her father h'.dward
Gormley, London, three brothers
Tom and Friel of Dublin; Al-
bert of Los Angeles, California;
one sister, Mrs. Eleanor ale -
:Conley of London.
Her body will rest at her late
home until Thursday morning
when Requien High Mass will be
sung at 'St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, at 10 o'clock, by Rev.
Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes. Interment
will take place in 'St. Patrick's
Mr. Edward Holland, Toronto,
with MVLr. and Mrs. George Hol-
Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacRae of
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Mr. Jack Molyneaux, Thorold,
with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux.
Mr. Gordon Costello, King-
ston, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Miss 'Marie Krauskopf, Ham-
ilton, with Miss 'Monica Byrne.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Looby
are spending #wo weeks with
Rev. Father Looby at Houston,
Mr. Tom Holland and Mr. and
Mrs. 'Leslie Gasper and two boys
of Windsor with Mn•. Gerald
Misses Anne and Jane McCon-
nell, Seaforth, with Mrs. David
Rev. Vincent Morrison S. J.
died at St. 5Vlicluaels Hospital on
'Sunday after a short illness.
Rev. Father Morrison was Phil-
osophy teacher at the Jesuit
Seminary in Toronto and last
summer (celebrated his 25th an-
niversary in the priesthood, at
Dublin, when a family reunion
was held at the hoane of his bro-
ther, Mr. James Morrison. He is
survived by two brothers, James
of Dublin, and Willieaan of Cal-
gary; two sisters, Mrs. Hugh, of
Detroit; Mrs. John Gibson, Red
Deer, .Alberta. Requiem High
Mass was sung at the Jesuit
'Sean/nary in Toronto on Wed-
nesday morning. Interment took
(place in St. Stanislaus Novitiate,
Margaret :Sullivan, 89, widow
of Patrick Sullivan died Mon-
day in ;St. Mary's Hospital, Lon-
don, after a short illness, She
was horn in East Wawanosh, the
daughter of the late Mr. and
.Mrs, Patrick 'O'Callaghan of CROMARTY
Whitechurch.. She livedfor a
time at Kingisbridge and five Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen
and family, Stratford, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 7Jonatley
and Mrs. Ruby Routley, Kirkton,
visited on Wednesday with Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew IteLachlan.
Mrs. Heber Shiite, Kirkton,
spent the weekend with her parr-
ents, Mr. and Mas. David Gard-
Mr. James IChappel presided at
the YIPS. meeting,on 'Sunday
94p c. Dinner Sets
Choice of 3 Patterns
SALE PRICE 5624. 5
Dinnerware Patterns at Sale Prices!
Johnson Bros. "PEACH BLOOM" ••
(conventional shape)
94 pc. Set. Reg. $57.95. SALE 47,95
66 pc. set. Reg. 44.95 SALE 36,95
Johnson Bros. "REVERIE" -
(new coupe shape)
94 pc. set. Reg. 49.75. SALE 41.95
66 pc. Set. Reg. 39.75. SALE 33,95
(new coupe shape)
94 pc. Set. Reg. 64.95 SALE 52.95
66 pc. Set. Reg. 49.75. SALE 41.95
Any pieces in these sets may be purchased in open
stock at 10% discount during Savauge's March Sale.
Scotch Tartan Cups and Saucers
25 Different Tartans
RED. $1.75. SALE PRICE A, m
New styles, new designs. 1, different patterns
Reg, 8,95 Sale 6.95
Hundreds of outstanding bargains in Jewellery,
Dinnerware, Fancy China, Diamonds, Silverware,
Hammered Aluminum, etc.
Your Sale 13111 is on its way to you! Watch for it !
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
and 30 grandchildren.
The funeral was held on Wed-
nesday from the 'Lodge Funeral
Home. Requiem High Mass was
sung at :St. Joseph's Church,
Kingsbridge at 10.30 a.m. Rev.
Henri Van Vynckt officiated.
Burial was in Kingsbridge Cem-
The Royal (Scarlet Chapter of
Stanley met in the Orange Hall
on Tuesday evening last. The
officers elected for 1956 are as
I. P. W. 'C., Rolbert Taylor;
W. C. Wm. Meliwain; D. 'C.,
James Hutchings; 'Chap., 'Louis
Taylor; Ree.' Sec., Jahn Watson;
Treas., Elmer Webster; Marsh-
all, Lloyd Keyes; 1st Leet., An-
son Coleman; and Leet., Fred
MoOlyanont• 1st 'Cond., Orrin
Dowson; 2nd Cond., Wilfred
Castle; :Herald, Robt. Meilwain;
'Sentinel, Geo. Johnston.
The annual meeting of the
Associate 'Library was held in
the Orange Hall on Feb. 24 at
8.30 p.m.
years ago settled in London.
She was a member of St. Jo-
seph's Roman (Catholic Church,
Kingsbridge. Her husband died
in 1941. Surviving are three
sons, Joseph, Detroit; Leon, of
Toronto; John, King ICtity, Ont.;
six daughters, Mrs. Jame s
(Marie) Morrison, Dublin, 1VIrs.
Thorns (Marguerite) Joy, De-
troit, Sister Mtary Dionysia (Ei-
leen) of 'St. Joseph's ;Convent,
Santa; Sister 'Denise (Patricia)
of 1St, Joseph's, London; !Sister evening. (Miss Anita 'Sorsdshl
Mary Dolorosa. '(Madeline) of read the scripture lesson and
St. Joseph's Convent, 'Sit. 'Thom-' Miss Alice ISorsdaihi read a' poem,
as; Suter Mary Marguerite (Ro- The topic was given by Rev. Mr.
bins) of Yellowknife, 17.W.T. Kerr who also led in prayer.'
A Christian Education twain
consisting of Rev. C. M. Lewis,
Atwood, Rev. M. V. Putnam,
Listowel, Rev. Isaacs, Monkton,
Mr. Thomas Dickson and Mrs.
Arthur 'Haanilton, Atwood, met
with representatives from Exet-
er and Cromarty 'Presbyterian
'Churches on .Monday evening,
February 20th. 'Rev. S. Kerr
opened the meeting with prayer.
Rev. C. M. Lewis introduced the
members of the team and ex-
plained the term (Christian Edu-
cation. Rev. Putnam showed
sides of the literature and
courses available for teachers
and leaders of church school,
boys and girls and young peo-
ples' groulps. These were ex-
plained :by Mss. Hamilton, Rev.
Isaacs and Mr. Dickson. 'Slides
were also shown of CIGIT and
Sigma C. Groups. •Discussions
followed. The meeting was closed
with a short worship senviee by
Rev. Isaacs. Lunch was served
by a committee of the ladles of
'Cromarty Church.
A large number of friends of
the late Mr. Archie Luxton,
from the Cromarty and Staffa
districts attended the funeral
service which was held from the
Bonthron (funeral home, Hensall,
on Friday. Burial took place in
Roy's Cemeteay,
Mr. Alex •Gardiner left 'on
Tuesday on a two-week trip to
Denver, 'Colorado.
Visitors M1vith Mr, and 'Mrs.
Ahrens and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Ahrens over the weekend:
Miss Barbara ?Buchanan, Miss
Bernetta Leger end D. Ahrens,
Hamilton; Mr. Bob Binknam'iner,
Waterloo Seminary, and George
Hurst, Waterloo )College. Don
Ahrens celebrated his=24t'h birth-