HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-02-23, Page 1The Seaforth News
$1.60 a Year
Authorized as Second Claes mail, Pees
Office Dept„ Ottawa
Snowdon Bros.. Publishers
R. J. Scott Bolton died at his
McKillop township home early
Friday morning Tollewing a (brief
illness. He lived all his life on
the Tamm where he died. He 'was
the son of the Sate 'Barnet Bol-
ton and Margaret 'Currie, pion-
eers of 'McK.illop to'wnehnp. He
was married in 1900 to Mary
Elizabeth Pryce, alto survives.
He was the last of a family of
seven. (Surviving are four sons,
Russell, Lewis, Harold .and El-
mer, all of McKillop township,
and one daughter, Mrs. Arnold
((Irene) J'asrieson, Hallett, and
six grandchildren.
The ftuseral was 'held on Mon-
day at 2 o'clock from the Whit-
ney funeral home )Seaforth, con-
dueted by Rev. J. R. Hoiden of
Winthrop United 'C'h'urch. 03ur'ial
in 'Maiblandbank cemetery.
The pallbearers were nephews,
(Sam Bolton, Oliver Elliott, Bert
Gliddon, Robt. 'Campbell, Leslie
Pryce, Oliver Pryce. The flower
bearers were Dyke 'Wheatley,
Frank Johnston, George Wheat=
ley, Harry Johnston, Eldon Hul-
ley, Hsrold1'ryee.
Mrs. Wm. Dalrymple presided
over a meeting of Edelweiss
Lodge, Feb, 13, )preceding euchre
pamty. A 'donation was made to
the 'Navy 'League ca (Canada. It
was announced that Mrs. Beatty
of Cannington, Assembly Vice -
Pres., will (pay an official visit
to the Lodge on April 9•tih, at
time the members a Am-
ber Lodge, 'Hensel], are to meet
jointly with the 'Seaforth group.
Winn° hit the euchre were: La-
dies, most games, dVIrs. Frank
ISnuale, lone hands, Mrs. 'George
Reeves and +consolation, MTs.
'Chas. Dungey; Men, most 'games,
T. iO eonnell, IOlinton; lone
hands, 'Clair Haney, consolation,
Wallace Ross. A hand crocheted
doiley donated by Mars. 'Harriett
Barron was won by Miss Jean
(Scott. Twenty-two tables were in
:achievement Day will. be held
at tlhe'Seaforth District High •on
Saturday, (March 10. Institute
members and friends are urged
to n? end.
lbeor'bh Women's Institute
wish to thank all persons who
gave clothing for our hale. Also
anyone still having clothing, to
contact Mrs. Wilfred Coleman.
Would the Institute members
please bring la cake to our eu-
chre and dance, on Friday, Feb.
24th. Any members that are not
able to be present, 'would they
please get another Institute
member to act for them.
A very enjoyable meeting of
St, Thomas' Anglican 'Couples'
Club was held in the parish hall,
Feb. 17th with 10 couples pre-
sent. After a very short glumness
'period, R.ev. James answered
questions pertaining to the
(Church for a 'ten minute period.
Mr. and Mrs. Maairice Brown
and Mr. and Mrs. Dari (Dinsmore
were in charge 'of the program
and a very enjoyable time was
enjoyed playing games and con-
tests. A pot luck lunch was serv-
ed and (enjoyed by all. The next
meeting will be Friday, Mar. 16,
in the form of St. Patrick's
theme and the program will be
in eeharge of Mr. and Mrs. R.
'Spittal and Mr, and Mrs. Jian
'McCabe. Any new couples will
be very welcome.
Northside United Church
Rev. 'Bruce W. Hall, Minister.
10 a.m., !Church 'School and
adult Bible !Glass.
11 a.m., 'Morning Worship:
!Sermon theme, "The Faith of a
Nursery and Toddlers' Group.
2,15 pan, Minister's 'Church
Membership IClase.
7 p.m., Evening Worship:
"What has IOhristianity to do
with health,"
meeting at "8.15 pm.
Egmondviile United Church
Rev. W. E. Milroy,'Minister.
10 ,arm., 'Church (School and
Adult 'Class.
11 a.an., Moaning Worship:
'Sermon — "Spurning God in
'Thursday at 7030 midweek
McKillop Pastoral Charge
, leavenSCliwdh, Winthrop; .Ser-
yyiee 10 a.m>., Sunday 'Sch'ool 11
Duff's, service 11.15 a.m.;
Bethel, service 2 p.'m•; Y.P.U.
Cavan tehurdh at '8 p.m. -'Rev.
ra. 'R, (Holden, < Minister.
Cliff McKay Was
Born In McKillop
Many television viewers in
this 'distriet who have watched
iOliff McKay in his !Saturday
night show, "Holiday Ranch"
were unaware that he was born
an McKillop townehip.
An article in Liberty maga-
zine by 'Cliff McKay, says he
was born a't !.Seaforth 46 years
ago, 'and was a son of 'Archie
McKay and this 'wife 'Margaret
:Township (Clerk, J. M. Eckert
knows the faanily and went to
school with .Archie McKay. He
thinks 'that, while Cliff McKay
was 'born in MdKillop, it was
pro'balbly 'because his mother
came here for the event -from
her home at 'Guelph. Mr. lEokert's
sister is married to William Mc-
Kay, 'an uncle of IClaff's.
Archie MacKay, the father, the
article states, was an o'Id{tiene
fiddler at Guelph and caller at
country dances. Ile was a con-
ductor on the'C.N.R. Mr. Eckert
recalls that he was on the God
erica* run until retiring a few
years ago and passed through
;Seaforth about three times ,a
'CIiff McKay and his father
visit relatives here 'occasionally.
Learning to play the saxo-
phone when he was fifteen, he
joined a Toronto 'orchestra in
1935. In 1941 he became a mem-
ber of the Happy Gang, which
be was with for 11 years, netting
$15,000 a year. He conducted
his own radio show, Musical Kit -
then. In 1953 the television
show, Holiday Manch was start-
ed by him. 'His son Terry, '25, is
the (father of a 14 -month odd
girl. The Cliff McKay's have
three other children, Joan, 22,
also married; 'Sally, 14, and Pa-
tricia, 10,
Archie McKay, now a resident
of Toronto, was a native of 'Mc-
Killop, his parents being Joseph
McKay 'an'd Ellen O'Hara Mc-
The buildings are now almost
all gone from the grandparents'
farm, dot 8, 'con. 11, where Cliff
McKay was born.
;The following is frown the
Fort Erie, 'Ont., Paper:
The altars of St. Michael's
Church were adorned with white
mums for the 10 o'clock Nuptial
Mass, 'Saturday, January 21st,
for Florence Laura Valve, daug-
hter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Volvo, and Patrick Syl-
vester O'Sullivan, son of Mrs.
Teresa O'Sullivan of 'St. 'Colum -
ban, Ontario and the late James
:O'Sullivan. 'Rev, P. •Rosettis per-
formed the 'marriage vows. Miss
G. Ferdinandi, accompanied by
organist Miss W. Dunn, sang
'during the Mass.
Given in marriage by her eld-
est brother, Russell Valve, the
bride chose a ballerina -length
gown of powder blue nylon ohif.
fon over net and taffeta, small
pink flowered hat with nose veil,
pink nylon gauntlet gloves and
satin sandals. She tarried a col-
onial nosegay bouquet of white
sweetheart rosebuds and shat-
tered carnations, :with white
streamers intenbwined with step-
Jennie Pieogna, Buffalo, cou-
sin of the (bride, was maid of
honer, and wore a (ballerina -
length gown of shrimp colored
crystaltette with matching ac-
cessories. Her bouquet was a col-
onial nosegay of blue iris, white
mums and streamers with steph-
James O'Sullivan of St. 'Go-
lumban, ,brother of the groom,
was best man. Thomas ;Cronin
and Leo Baker, ;both of Fort Erie
were ushers.
A breakfast and reception was
held at the Blue Roof Reatanr-
ant for 70 guests. 'The groom's
mother received in a navy blue
crepe dress, matching shoes and
bag, pink .hat an'd she wore a
corsage of pink roses.
The coup l e honeymooned
through New York state and On-
tario, and have taken up resi-
dence at 116 Jarvis street.
'Guests were 'present from
Buffalo, 'St. 'Colurnban, Kitchen-
er, ;Landon, 'Guelph, Fort Erie
and 'Dublin, Ontario.
On Monday evening, Feb. 20,
Searfo2th I ,'O.B.A. dispensed
with (their regular meeting in fa-
vor of a endure and a most en-
joyable evening was spent, with
prizes' ,going to: Ladies, most
games, Mrs. McMichael Sr. of
ICliaton; lone hands, Mrs. Jack.
!Scott; consolation, Mrs. Wallace
Ross; • gents, most games, Bert
Irwin; lone hands, R'olbt, ;Smith,
consolation, Jack Baker.
Egmondville's Grand
Old Man Passes
+Serviee for the late Henry
Weiland of Eganondville, who
died at :the home of his son
Hairy in Toronto was conducted
by the 'Rev. W. E. 'Milroy of
laymen -Mile .Uni'te'd 'Church,
Iron Whitney (Funeral Home on
Tuesday, Felb• 21st.
He was born in Eganondville
on Oct. 8th, 1857 and 'died Feb.
18th, 1956. He was married to
Sarah Ann 'Beatty 66 years ago
who survives him. There was a
fancily of eight children, four of
whom are still living. Harry,
William, and Roy of Toronto,
and Ralph 'of Boston; also one
sister in Portland, Oregon. The
pallbearers were grandsons. In-
terment was in Matitlandbank
'Besides the immediate +family
the following from a 'distance at-
tended the funeral: Mr. Walter
Hawthorne, Godericlh; Mx. and
Mrs. 'Lloyd Geiser, feredbton; Mr.
Roy, Wolfe end M•'rs. Moir, De-
troit; Mr. Henry 'Gaffey, Boston,,
Mass; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hem-
ingway, [Brussels; Mr. W. C.
Cooke, Taranto; Mr. Murray
Weiland, 'London; Mr, 'Harold
Finnigan, Landon; MT. Douglas
Weiland and Mr. W H. F. Wei-
land, 'Toronto; MT. and Mrs, Ro-
bert 'Neilson, Lorne Park; Mr.
W. 3, Finlayson, Lorne Park;
Mr. 'Donald Finlayson, Toronto;
Mr. 'Ralph and (Miss Mary Lou
Weiland, Toronto.
Mrs. 'Arthur Erickson and
,children of Waterloo, visited this
'weekend with Mrs. Messenger
and Melvyn,
Miss Helen Boyes, who under-
went an operation for appendi-
citis in 'good Memorial Hospital,
has returned home.
Mrs. Thomas (Blake, 76, of
Tucicersmith township died on
Thursday evening at the Timmer
Nursing Home here, fatal/dug a
stir week .illness. She was the
former Clara 'Switzer, and was
)born and educated in Blanchard
township, coming to Tucker -
smith 43 years ago. Her husband
died in •1948. Mrs. Blake was a
member of E lnondvil''ie United
Church. Surviving are a daugh-
ter, Mrs. David '(Evelyn) Mc-
Lean, one son, George Blake,
both 'o'f Tuckeramibh township;
three 'brothers, William of And-
erson, Bllanshard township; Dr.
3. W. 'Switzer, Erie, Penn.; and
James, Swift feat -rent, 'Sack., two
sisters, Mary 'Switzer, of Ander-
son, Blanchard township, and
Mrs. Albert 'Bickel', Kirkton.
Funeral 'services were held 'on
Monday at G. A. Whitney fun-
eral home
uneral'home conducted by Rev. W.
E. Milroy, 'of Egmondvi'ile ,Unit-
ed 'Church. Burial was 'in Mait-
landbenk cemetery.
The •palibeaaers were: Alfred
Roberton, Harry McTaggart,
Jack Switzer, Bill ISlwitzer, Wan.
Beckell, Everett Beckeil, all of
Blandhar'd twp.
The flawerlbearers: Jack' Mac-
Kay, (Charlie MacKay, 'Oliver
MacKay, 'Cecil Pullman.
'Before 'their departure ,for
their new home in Blyth, Mrs.
Austin Dexter was presented
with a aahenille !bedspread rfroan
the W. A. of 'Constance 'Churdh.
The ;address, read by Mrs. Geo.
McIlwain; "Dear Mrs. Dexter:
It is (with 'a feeling of regret and
also pleasure that we meet here
this afternoon. (Pleasure to pre-
sent to you this small token for
your long yeaars of service; with
regret that we are losing you.
But what is 'Durr loss will be an-
other community's gain. We wish
you happiness in your new home
and hope that you will come 'and
meet with pus sometimes. Con-
stance W. A."
Three Wien Local
Spelling Match
A cro'w'd of snore "`than 1130 at-
tended the reviler :meeting of
the (Home and (School •Club on
Tuesday night whenn an old fash-
ioned spelling (bee was held con-
ducted by Mr. Clalaence Trott.
Fourteen [pupils competed, Mar-
jorie Smith, +S.'S• 4, 'McKillop,
Marian Riebl, SIS. '8, McKillop,
Joyce Hamilton, S.B.I9, McKil-
lop, Marie .Strong, IS':IS. 2, McKi'l-
do7p, Wilma 'Dale, •S.IS. 3, IHullettl,
Everett Nesaels, S. (S. 1, Hullett;
Shirley Dolmage, :S.S:- 10, Mc-
Killop, Tommy Love, S. S. 7, Mc-
Killop, Mervyn Pepper, S. S. 12,
McKillop, Jean Killen, IS. S. 6,
M•oKillop,'Corinne 'Squibb, Phyllis
13raans, (Lynn Sava+uge, Bonnie
Weigland of the •Seaforth Pub-
lic 'School. The three winners
were Phyllis Bryans, Public
(School; (Shirley Dolanage, S. S.
10, ivLeKillop, and Jean 'Hil•]en,
S. S. 6, McKillop. They will go to
Clinton on Feb. 29tai for further
Mrs. Dave (Stewart was Parent
of the Month having her birth-
day nearest Feb. 29th.
Mr. Hoffman's ;Class, Grade 0
won the dollar dor the month
having the most parents present.
Grades 5 and 6 presented. mu-
sic from operetta "Snow White
and The Seven Dwarfs" under
the very capable 'direction of
Miss Turnbull and Mr. Hoffman.
Solos by Elizabeth Stewart, (Shar-
on McNichol, Barbara Talbot,
Ivan Roberton, Andy 'Calder and
'Craig Hail. The Dwarfs were Pe-
ter Kelly, Clayton Conner), 'Da-
vi'd Watson, Darryl Snider, .Garth
Flannigan, Ken MpIlwain and
Bill Teall. Also a song by Benny
Akker, Ian Smith. (Darryl Snider
and Kim McLean and 'last but
To Invite Regional
Show To Fair
The Jersey Pariah Show and
the Ontario Hereford Asso'eia-
'tion are both to be extended an
invitation to hold their Regional
)Shows in connection with Sea -
forth Fall Fair, Sept. 20 and 21,
dihe Society's 111Th Annual Fair.
Plans 'are to enter a (Society's
exhibit an the Clinton Seed Fair
early in March. Entries also ere
to Ibe 'made in individual compe-
titions. The executive, composed
of Pres., Robert ,eampbell; vice -
;presidents, R. E, McMillan and
James •M, Scott; secretary ,Earl'
McSpadden and past president,
lt. T. Bolton, are to draw up
'various committees to be donsi'fl-
ered at the March meeting. As
well as a competition in oats, one
in grain corn is to be held. Var-
ious •car nittees were set up to
arrange the hall for the 'barn
dance on 'Saturday night.
i 'Cavan, Duff's and Bethel
Churches assembled at Cavan
Church on Sunday evening last
'to spend a pleasant time and list-
en to 'Rev. Edward Fischer 'of
+Bro'dhagen Lutheran 'C'hureb. 150
people were present !and all thor-
I oub'hly enjoyed the interesting
prograan provided. Rev. J. R.
Hod'den was chairman, Marjorie,
Edith and Dorothy Boyd sang a
trio accompanied by Nlaegaret
Boyd. !Selection byS. S. No, 10
school, accompanied ay Shirley
Dolmage, Ladies' quartet ac-
companied by Mrs, Alex Dennis
and four numbers from the male
!quartet of :Turner's Church,
Tu•c'kersmith, accompanied by
(Carol Pepper. (Program was fol-
lowed by a story on the life of
St. Paul by the !Rev. Edward
Fischer of Brodhagen, which
was much enjoyed by all pre-
sent. A delicious lunch was serv-
ed by the ladies of Duff's
The sympathy of the com-
munity goes out to the Bolton
family in the death of Mr.
'Scot't Bolton.
The International World's
Day of Prayer was 'observed on
Friday in Cavan 'Church with a
fair 'attendance owing to ,the in-
clement weather. Mrs. Gilbert
Smith, pres., of the WMS at
Cavan, and Miss Teenie Dennis,
pres. of Bethel 'WMS. were in
charge of the 'pro'gram. Mrs.
Frank Johnston presided at the
organ prior to the meeting and
during the period when 'the col-
lection was tieing taken. Prayers
were given by' 'Mrs, W. G. Mc-
Spadden and Mrs. •Eldon Kerr.
Rev, J. R. Holden, minister of
the McKillop Charge, spoke to
the ladies and stated that we
are God's people and we should
put Him first in all things. Mrs.
Stanley Hillen sang a solo, "In
the 'Presence of 'Secret Prayer"
accompanied by Mrs• Alex Den-
nis. The collection was received
by 'Miss Ethel Dennis and Mrs.
Wilson Little, there were 20
ladies present..
not at all 'least was the chorus,
The story was read by 'Gerda I
Christensen. The meeting closed
with the Benediction by Mr,
Credit Union
Declares Dividend
A 4 per cent 'dividend was 'de-
dared Iby members of the Sea -
forth Community .Credit ,Union
at :their anneal Meeting • on
Tuesday evening. This 'dividend
goes to the shareholders who
have deposits in the Credit Un-
ion. !President J. C. iStevens
ch'a'ired the meeting.
The' Board of Directors for
the coming year is J. C. 'Stevens.
J. di'otham Jr., O. A. 'Reith,
Frank Reynolds, Evan (Hoffman,
The 'Credit 'Committee is E. Lar -
one, F. 0. J. 'Sills, Leon 'Ban-
non; the 'Supervisory 'Committee
is P. D. ,McConnell, R. Z. !Silver-
wood and M. I. Nott.
An enjoyable euchre (vas held
by the Order of the [Eastern
Star in the I.O.O.F. hall on
'Thursday evening. Worthy Pat-
ron, Gordon McG'ayin, welcomed
the guests, :Prize winners were:
Ladies, consolation, Mrs. Wal-'
lace Ross; lone hands, Mrs. W. P.
Miller; first, 'Mrs. M. McKellar; I
Men, consola'ti'on, Wallace Ross;
lone hands, C. Brom:dfoot; 'first,
A. Crozier.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam Hey were
visited by their grandchildren
Sherry and Terry Young of
Mr. Lloyd 'McBride of Wind-
sor made a business trip to Iris
faran recently.
Marc. Maneon and daughter,
Mrs. Newel Geiger visited rela-
tives in Kitchener 'during last
rA number from Ills vicinity
attended the 'World's Day of
Prayer service held in Lutheran
Church 'in 'Zurich. 'Mrs, Earl
Oescih from this Mennonite
'Church taking a part in this ser-
Misses M. •Haberer of Zurich,
D. Mills of Woo'dbam were a'bu-
•dent teachers in the Blake
Bohoal this past ;week.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Graham
o'f 'Hensall visited at the' home
of Mr. and Mrs, H. • Finlay 'an'd
Mr:. and Marc, Roy McBride
who spent at few weeks in Flori-
da, returned home 'recently after
a pleasant holiday in the south,
Mr. and Mrs.,Aarnos 1Gisgerich
were to New Hamburg to see
Mrs. Gingerich's brother, Mr.
Alan d$wartzentruber and Mrs.
'Swantze'ntruber 'and family.,
Mr. and Mrs. John Busby of
IOhethana spent a few days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Lawson and relatives. Mrs. Lorne
Laws'on'returned home with them
for a few days.
Messrs. Douglas 'Riley, Geo.
MoI'livain and RosS''Mdhlson spent
the weekend in Toronto.
Visitors at the home of Mr,
and (Mrs. Charles Dexter on Sun-
day were Mr. and Mrs. John
'Sanderson and son, and Mr. and
Mrs. A. 'Dexter, .Blyth.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Riley on ISnarday were Mr.
and Mrs. A. Manz and daughter
Iof WellaSceburg, and Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. 'Calder, Montmartre,
Mr. and 'Marc. W. 'S. White en-
tertained on Sunday eveningthe
Yeung Peoples' Class.
Coming up with a 6-2 win over
Seatorth Hurons at Sarnia Tues-
day evening, the Sarnia Legion-
naires forced their best of seven
OIiA Junior "B" (Western Divi-
sion) semifinal series to the limit.
I The deciding contest of the
Ibest of seven series will take
place in Seaforth on Thursday,
and the victor will go ora to meet
the Simcoe Gunners for divisional
Narned Principal
Of Guelph School
E. Lorne Fox, a former princi-
pal of Seaforth high School and`
until recently principal of Guelph
collegiate, has been appointed
principal of Guelph's new John F.
Ross Vocational School, which
bears the name of another for-
mer principal of 'Seaforth col-
Mr. Fox was principal here
about ten years ago, and the late
J. F. Ross principal here forty
years ago.
5 t
Regular Open Stock Price
including chest 5115.35
Available in handsome
blonde or mahogany hand -
rubbed finish the "Hallmark"
drawer chest has colourful
ont.tarnlsh lining,
S o'clock teas,
salad forks
3 tablespoons
1 cold meat fork
1 butter knife
1 sugar spoon
Jewellery Gifts
The devotional part of the
meeting opened (with hymn 3'94,
followed by scripture read by
Jean Hoffman, A prayer then
followed read by Evan' Hoffman.
A reading was given 'by Marjor-
ie Bmay. 'Stan Bray led in the
singing of the last 'hymn 484.
A short business part followed
'with the reading 'of 'the minutes
given and adopted. Then follow-
ed the subject, "To spank or not
to Spank". A number of slides
were shown illustrating problem
situations found in average
homes. The discussion was led
by Evan :Hoffman with all'mem-
hers of the club contributing
various ideas and answers to the
various problems. Parents seem-
ed to be in agreement that some-
times things at home got "out'of
hand", What worked for one
sometimes did not 'work for an-
other. Many parents discussed
'their own situations hoping to
find someone 'who might have an
answer that worked. During the
course of the evening it was
found that fly swatters have an-
other use other than killing flies.
Humor was well mixed in this
discussion. Good 'discipline can
be attained through four ways
and 'these were all discussed: 1.
Love, 2. Guidance, 3. Firmness
with affection, 4. -Actions and at-
titudes. 'The 'parents realized
that it is a big problem that
needs careful attention all the
time. For 'those who could not
be out and others who are inter-
ested here is a brief sumniary of
the four points.
Love: Give the child praise, a
pat on the ;beck and encourage-
ment. Give aim your time and
interest. Give bim advice and
assistance 'when be needs it.
Guidance: A child nee'ds'guid-
ance in many 'things. He will re-
spond if there is co-operation
on both sides. As he gets older
he will listen to reason.
Firmness with affection: Par-
ents must be firm yet kind: It
goes farther than anger and
scolding. Be firm about reason-
able demands. A child must
learn tidiness as well as other
Actions and Attitudes: Your
child learns much by watching
and 'hearing. Parents' 'halbite are
guid dy imitated. 'Good habits
and attitudes are learned by ex-
ample. 'Help him develop a sense
of time, a sense of eo-operation,
a good routine. Don't weaken
your authority by bribes or
The 'discussion closed on a
happy and interesting note. Most
parents decided that a time for
change had come. B oan now on
they are ;going to ap'an'k--or I
anean, follow the four rules an:en-
tioned alcove.
Lunch was served to a large
turnout by Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Bray ,and Mr, and Mrs. Evan
Hoffman. Taps dosed the entire
A number orf rnemmbers of the
Y.P.S. attended 'bite variety en-
tertainment which was held in
)Knox 'Ohurch, St. Marys, ,re-
Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan,
Seatforbh, visited' on Sunday with
Mr. end Mrs, Andrew :M'c:Ladh-
Fine China
Miss Olive Speare is visiting
in Mitchell with her sister, Mrs.
Dlizabeth McDonald.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer (Cuthill,
Winthrop, visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs. 3. E. Storey.
Many friends and relatives
from this district attended the
funeral of the late Mr. Norman
Park in Mitchell on Thursday.
Mr. Park was a native of Hib-
bert twp. and spent the early
years of his life on lot 11, eon.
11, and later in the village of
1Croniarty, before moving with
his family to reside in Mitchell.
He is survived by his wife, for-
merly Emma Scott; one son Dr.
Norman Park, of Toronto; a
daughter Miss Isabel Park, Lon-
don, and a brother, G,lr. James
Park, Toronto.
The women of (Staffs and
Cromarty Churches met in 'Cram -
arty Ohurch for the World Day
of Prayer service, The leaders
were Mrs. 'Marshall Dearing and
Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. Prayers
were offered by Mrs. Arthur
Kemp and Mrs. Thos. Scott Sr.
The address was given by Mrs.
(Cecil !Bowman, and a special mu-
sical number was contributed by
Mrs. 'Moore and Marc. T. L. .Scott
accompanied on the piano by
Mrs. Will Miller. Mrs. Ruby Reid
also )assisted with the music.
:The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary
held a quilting at the home of
Mrs. ,Lorne Elliott. A short meet-
ing was held with Mrs. John
Templeman reading a portion
from the study book. It was de -
aided to invite the Barbara Kirk-
man !Society of Seaforth Presby-
terian IChuuroh to' be guests at
our March meeting. The roll call
as answered with a verse on
We extend our sympathy to
the family of the late airs. Ar-
chie' Luxton :Vito passed away in
Clinton Hospital on Tuesday af-
ter a short illness.
Miss Winnifred Rowland in
Toronto with Prank and Ed Row-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill ;Evans and
Jloanne, Merritton, with Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Evans.
Mr. ,and Marc. Peter Grose'al
and )boy or London with 'Mr. and
(Mrs. Dan ,Costello.
Mrs. E, Jordison'has returned .
Sham a visit to Ancaster.
Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux in
Kitchener with Mr, and Marc.
Harold !Smack.
Mrs. E. 'Collins and Jerry •of
Tara :with Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Mrs. James Morrison of 'Sarn-
ia and Miss Mary Morrison, of
London, at their homes.
Mr. John J. Krauskopf and
Mr. Allan Butters, Port Severn,
at -their bones.
Marc.MOlive ;Monroe, Kincar-
dine, with Mr. and Mrs. Delmar
Mr. and Mrs. John Feeney 'of
Stratford with Mr. and Mrs.
Jian !Curtin.
Miss Joanne Evans and Miss
Anne +Dennome of Teachers' Col-
lege London, were practise
teething at !St..Columr'+ban (School
last week.