HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-02-16, Page 8Nmmmoniwommr CLEARANCE SALE of Men's and Boys JACKETS - STORM COATS Men's Winter Jackets Regular 13.95 & 14.95 sale price 7.95 & 8.95 Mostly one of a kind in wool or gabardine fully lined, zipper or button front, Assorted colors of navy, royal, brown, eto. Sizes 36 to 42 only Values to 14.95 7.95 to 8.95 WOOL PLAID SURCOATS REGULAR 11.95 TO 13.95 Save almost 50% on SALE these all wool plaid surcoats,- Some with red casha linings. Sizes, small, med., large 95 Values to 13,95. To clear ... VALUES TO 12.95 BOYS STORM COATS TO CLEAR AT S7.00 Storm coats, station coats, and bench coats in wool or gabardine. Al! are quilt lined, Sizes 6 to 14 years only To clear at 7.00 See These Special Bargains in Our Windows tewart Bros. CROMARTY The pupils and pre-school chil- dren of 5:S. No. 6 were treated to a Valentine party on Friday afternoon. After a short prog- ram games were played and val- entines were exchanged by the Children. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs, T. Laing return- ed home on Saturday after a two months visit with their dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard .Eves, Moosejaw. Mr. and Mrs. (Stanley Dow and Roger visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 1J1don Allen. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning Richard and Robert, Mitchell, were Sunday evening 'Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. The Y.P.S. meeting was held on Sunday evening in the church with Phillip James presiding, The scripture lesson was read by Margaret Walker and prayer by Phillip James. Kenneth Walker read a poem and George Vivian read a chapter from the study book. It was decided to have a box social in the ohurth base - merit on Thursday evening. Mr. James Ramsay, George- town spent the 'weekend with hie parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsay. Miss Alice Howe spent the weekend 'with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Howe. HULLETT TWP. FEDIirRATION The Directors of the Hullett Twp. Federation held their monthly meeting in the Londes- boro Community hall last Thurs. Feb. 9 'pith a good attendance, It was decided to donate $15.00 to the Hullett Music Festival. Mr. Lloyd Medd was appointed as an alternative to the Hog Producers. Mrs. Geo Powell, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe and Jun Scott as a commit- tee to write an essay on the Rural Safe Driving Campaign to be held from Feb. 20 to 25, 1956. It was also decided to hold an- other card party and dance on Feb. 24 in Londesboro and also have pictures at their next meet- ing on March 8. HULLETT The Friendly Pew Farm For- um met at the !home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale onMonday even- ing. The topic was, Government or Producer Marketing Boards. After the discussion cards were played. Mrs. Verne Dale and Wilber Jewett won anost games. Consolation prize went to Mrs. James Dale and Ross McGregor. Mrs. Ross McGregor served lunch and invited the forum to her home newt meeting. Drama Festival Held At Seaforth A Second Draana Festival pre- sented by Huron County Jnn5or Partners' Association drew a large crowd to the ,Seaforth 'dis- trict high school On Tuesday evening. "Blobbie Pulls up her 'Socks", as presented by a cast of six member's of the Clinton junior Farmers and Junior Institute, was awarded top honors Thy the adjudiicator, Mrs. Marion John- son of Stratford. dJlrs. Francis Powell directed the 1produntion. A iSe'eforth group 'directed by Mrs. Ross !Chalpman, placed sg- cond in a close decision. !Stella Rankine, Catharine Powell, Lois Jones, Berne McKinley, Stewart 'Broadfoot .and Stanley Johns made up the cast for the prize winning Clinton play. Por Sea - forth,, Ken 'Campbell, Betty 1Carnpbell, Joan lSomervilie, ICatth- erine 'Campbell, ,Larry* !Wheatley and Laverne Godkin, were the !cast. The ,Eastern group did not participate in itlhe festival as had been previously arranged. In summing up the produe- tions, Mrs. Johnson said a deci sion avas most 'difficult as the plays presented were similar in theme, being of a Cannily type. Fantasy, as in the. :Seaforth 'play, she said, is always interest- ing. Both plays had the same number •of characters, the set- tings were good, the costumes and furniture were rigtgt, all looked believable and the char- acterizations were quite good and so many things in both were equal she commented. Huron County should he proud of you -there was a great deal of talent on the program she said, and expressed the 'opinion that Canada is in good hands for the future. When choosing a play she asked triose involved to think of our Canadian play- wrights -let's boost Canada - 'Canada is the 'country of the world today. Miss Helen Johnston, past president of the Huron County Junior Farmers, was chairman. Program numbers were present- ed by Barry Jeffrey, Exeter, accordian;:' Labelle 'Coward, Ex- eter, reading; Doris Johnston, Seaforth, marimba, with Mary Dennis as accompanist; Happy Wanderers Quartet, Gordon and Stanley. Johns, George Turner and Bert Pepper with Carol Pep- per as accompanist, all of the Clinton Junior Farmers. Stewart 'Broadfoot is presi- dent of the 'Clinton Junior Farmers and Catherine Powell of the Junior Institute. Lavern 'Godkin and Betty !Campbell are the presidents of ,the Seaforth groups. Lois Jones and Arnold Alton are county presidents. Arthur Bolton, county assist- ant agricultural representative, spoke briefly. The Clinton players will next compete for 'county honors at (Clinton on Feb. 23 against the North Huron winners. The final- ists of that competition will proceed to the provincial con- test at Guelph. CONSTANCE The W. A. of 'Constance Unit- ed !Church held -their meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Feb. 8, with the president, Mrs. Verne Dale presiding, A poem was read by !Mrs. Dale and hymn 300 was sung. Mrs. (Rev.) White led in prayer and the business for the month was discussed. It was decided to hold a social evening in the church on Wed. Feb. 22 at 8,15 when Mr. Thos. Allen of Londesboro will show slides, lunch will be served; everyone is welcome and the Golden Links Mission Band will sell homemade candy. Mrs. W. L. Whyte presided for the WMS After singing the 'first hymn, prayer was offered by Mrs. Me- Iltaain and the scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Lorne 'Lawson. The ladies of the society are in- vited to Londeshoro for the World's Day of Prayer, Feb. 17. 111 donations of clothing for the bale must be in before the March meeting. The stewardship paper was given by Mrs. Brown• and the study ,book was taken by 'Mrs. W. L. Whyte, assisted 'by Mrs, Verne Dale. Meeting closed with the benediction. Good Wishes To Brodhagen Couple Mr. and Mrs. William L. Quer-' engessercommenced their forty- fifth wedding celebration with a family dinner on Tuesday at their Brodhagen home. 71 the evening many friends and relatives called to extend good wishes. Refreshments were served from a table laid with a hand -crocheted lace cloth and cen- tred with a three tier anniversary cake and white tapers, also var- led colored carnations. Mrs, John C. Diegel and Mrs. Ed Smith were ten hostesses, and serving the guests were Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Mrs. How- ard Querengeeser, daughter' and daughter-in-law of the celebrants. Many cards, gifts, flowers and potted plants marked the happy event, among which was an Has- sock frbm the Brodhagen Band, of which Mr. Querengesser had been a member from its incep- tion until recent years. Mr. Forst Dickison attended a Hardware convention in Toronto last week. Quite a number from here at- tended the shower in the Town Hall, btitehell, on Friday evening for Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wolfe (Jean Cardiff). Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Caroline Ellig- son and family in the death of her husband and father, Ernest El- ligson, Relatives received word of the (heath of Mrs, Al Miller in De. trait (Kate Puschelberg). The pupils of the • school and preschool children enjoyed a Val- entine party at the sohool on Friday afternoon. Games were played and refreshments 'were served,. and Valentine cards ex- changed. Mr. James Love is the teacher. Visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Chas, Ahrens over the weekend were; Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Carl- ton, Wilson, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz and Winnifred, of Guelph, Don Ahrens and Alvin Leonhardt of Hamilton, Howard Ryan, Biueva.le, Mrs. Barbara Mc- Leod, Spencer and Kenneth Mc- Leod of London, Mrs, Ryan of Niagara Falls. 'Visitors with Mrs. Caroline EI- ligson were: Mr, and Mrs: Oscar Ethicon and family, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Elligson and family of Windsor, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Elligson of Hamilton. Mr, Wm. Elligson, Willow Grove, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Ahrens and Mrs, Caroline Elligson. Mr, and. Mrs. Kenneth Hinz of Thorold with Mr, and Mrs. Dal. ton Hinz. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hinz' and John of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and Marcel of Stratford with Mr, arid Mrs. La- vern Wolfe, Mr. Wayne Heileman has tak- en a position with Keystone Bak- ery, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diegel, Mr. Henry C. Diegel and Mr. Otto Ritz attended the funeral of Mrs. Al Miller in Detroit on Monday. HENSALL Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Bon- thron accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cook of Clinton left by motor this week for Florida where they will spend a few weeks. Mr. Archie Luxton. 86, is in Clinton General Hospital with a fractured hip, 'which he received when he suffered a street fall. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The 'Seaforth News February 1931 'Cyril Reynolds was elected president of the newly formed :St. James' Arts !Club. W. J. Duncan was elected pre- sident of Seaforth Lawn !Bowl- ing Club. Mill Road and St. •Colun>,ban are leading the Farmers' hockey league. Tom (Smith was accountant in the Cobourg bank which Was held up last week. The :bandits were captured shortly after- wards. A presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Fowler and family 'before their departure for Sarnia. Mrs. Russell Dorr'ance re- ceived a fractured arm when their cutter upset while driving A big part of her job is to treat you nicely! It's the girls at a Toronto -Dominion Bank that help to make it the friendly place it is. They make the difference with their efficient and courteous service ... by the pleasant and understanding way they help you. They don't expect you to know all the answers about banking ... and, if necessary, will gladly help you with your cheque or deposit slip. We're proud of our girls ... every one of them in the 450 Toronto -Dominion branches throughout the country. We believe they're the nicest girls in banking. But don't take our word for it .. drop in to The Toronto -Dominion Bank nearest you and see for yourself the competent service they so pleasantly provide. TORONTO -DOMINION BANK THE BEST IN BANKING Bcrevlce J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager 1-3859 Seaforth Branch COMING EVENT A Daffodil Tea will be held at the borne of Mrs. Frank Tiling on Wednesday, April 11 from 3 to 6 p,m. Sponsored by the Fireside Group of First Presbyterian Church CLERK WANTED For store, full or part time. Please leave your naive at the Seaforth News Quantity F good Aused 65¢ gad. chick water founts, wire egg bas. kots; gallon glass water founts; chick feeders; Warner electric brooders; roosts, (dropping pit style); . Keene() automatic egg washer; Ottaco tractor drawn manure spreader; rubber tired wagon; Sohn Deere 3 point -hitch 2 disc plow; small oil space heat- er. Apply Moore's Poultry Farm, phone 647-31. INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE 5 family apartment house fully furnished, centrally located in airforce town, income over $200 monthly, Owner will sacrifice due to ill health, Good pay -for -itself home for 'a working man or ret- ired couple. Apply at The News office FOR SALE Cavalier Stoker coal, Hard coal, Reading's trademarked brand, Krauskopf Bros., Dublin phone 36x13 FOR SALE' Quantity of loose straw and bay. Frank Hulley,'"'RR1 Londes- boro, phone 860-3 Seaforth FOR SALE 17 pigs nine weeks old. Joe Dorsey, Dublin, Phone 22r9 WANTED TO BUY Wanted, a used clay bed or couch, Phone 836r14 Seaforth TO RENT. A furnished apartment in Sea, - forth available March lst. Phone Harold Jackson, 474 Seaforth FOR SALE Three Durham cows, one with calf 4 days. old. Other two fresh- ening shortly, All under 5 years, Fred Chapple, 651x23 Seaforth SALESMEN WANTED Alert dealers needed in Sea - forth and surroundings. You can average $100 weekly and more selling guaranteed line of cots metics, food products, daily neces- sities. Free catalogue and details at FAMILEX, Dept. 2, Box F, Sta- tion C, Montreal • SALES HELP WANTED WANTED: Reliable maxi as Dealer in Huron County. Experi- ence not necessary. A fine oppor- tunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Pro- ducts have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. B-364.163, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE Heintzman grand piano, med- ium size, suitable for hone, church or music hall; Priced low for quick sale. Also new and used pianos on hand Trade-ins ac- cepted, Garnet E. Farrier, White. church. Phone 711J1 Wingharn Farm For Sale Lot No. 31, Concession 6, Township of Usborne, enotaining 163 acres - well drained, good land - 4 acres bush, 20 acres fall wheat, 30 acres ploughed, France 145 storey house, frame barn 36' x 56'. Excellent location 5 miles from Exeter. For particulars call John Brintneil, Hensel! 638.4 Beatrice Munn, Hensall 670-41 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Warble ,Fly Spraying Tender Tenders are invited by the un- dersigned for spraying cattle for Warble Fly Control in 1956 sub- ject to the Warble Fly Control Act and Amendments. Township will supply warbielde required and contractor must fur- nish all other requirements. Tender to state a fiat rate per head per spray and done to the satisfaction of the Inspector ap- pointed by the township. Work to be commenced Apr. 2, 1956. Tender to be accompanied by Insurance Policy or certified proof of same stating coverage and to be in the clerk's bands by 2 P.M. March 6, 1956. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. E. P. Chesney, Clerk Twp. of Tuckersmith R. R, #4, Seaforth, Ont. into 'town. The Maroons 'von the Duncan Cup. C. Trott is ,manager and players are Albert Hildebrand, Ed Matthews, Dickson and Beat- tie, defense, centre, "Doc" Hil- debrand; wings, Boss MacNab, Tom Sills, alts., 'Sills, J. !Camer- on, Patristic. Mary Drown ivon the speak- ing contest at IStaffa Church, slhe was county winter last year. Mr. and Mrs. !Samuel Laidlaw of !CIimax, ,Sask., are guests of Mn and Mrs. A. Nicholson, Mill Road, Elgin IllofKinley, (Stanley, last 'Saturday_set'the first lot of eggs for this season in his mammoth incubator. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for cards, treats and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. Shirley Johnston THANK YOU Mr, -and Mrs. Win. L. Queren- gesser avant to take this opport- unity to thank all those who re- meinbered us 00 our 45th wed- ding anniversary with cards, gifts, cut •flowers and potted plants and also those that palled. It was sincerely appreciated Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 PM, Tuesday March 6th 1956 for the supply or 1 to" 4, 45 ton pick up trucks and 1 1 -ton panel delivery. Trunks to include following equipment: 5. 6 ply passenger tires, air con- dition heater, electrical direc- tional signals both front and back, exterior mirror, interior cab light, dark green color. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Peter D. Patterson, County Engineer TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Gravel Tender Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for crushing and hauling approxim- ately 7,500 cu. yds. of gravel to township roads in the summer of 1956. - 4i inch round screen to be used and work to be completed by July 1, 1956. Contractor to supply all requirements except gravel which will he supplied by the township at three locations. Tenders to state a flat.'ate per cu. yd. delivered on roads at the direction of the Road Superin. tendent. Tenders to be sealed, marked "Gravel. Tender" and mailed or delivered to reach the Clerk by 3 P.M. March 6, 1950. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted.' E. P. Chesney, Clerk Twp. of Tuckersmith R. R. #4, Seaforth, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF 'TUCKERSMITH Tenders For Bridge SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Township Clerk, Mr. E. P. Chesney, RR #4, Seaforth, Ont- ario, will be received until 12.60 noon, Tuesday, March 6, 1956 for the removal of the existing structure and the construction of a 100 foot twin span reinforced concrete bridge at Lot 35-36, Con- cession 1, HRS. Cement and re- inforcing steel to be supplied by the Township. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office and at the office of the undersigned, A certified cheque for 10% of the contract bid must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. B. M. Ross, P. Eng. Consulting Engineer Box 705, Goderielg, Ontario Notice to Creditors In the Estate of John Franklin Peart, deceased All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of John Franklin Peart, late of the Village of Hen - sell, in the County of Huron, La- bourer, who died on or about the 3rd day of December, 1955, are required to f e particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Sol- icitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 18th day of February next, after which date the estate will be dis; tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario WALDEN & BROADFOOT Wholesale and Retail. Stove 011 and Furnace Fuel 011. F-I-N•A, Finest in North Amer- ica. Phone 354, Seaforth NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and others are requested to not park cars or vehicles on roadsides in the township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township will not be responsible for damages to any ve- hicle parked on roadsides caused by snowplowing operations. (Signed) E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk FOR SALE OR RENT Frame house, furnished. Call Seaforth News RADIO REPAIRS Quick, rnexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 34711, Seaforth Viking SALES Cream S pparatSors. 511 electric models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for dis- trict of Seaforth, Clinton and. Brucefield. Allowance made for used Separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brueeaeld. 634r21 Clinton VETERANS CAB L. LEGATE, Prop. Phone 546 Seaforth TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for' 1956 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum -up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, Febr'uar'y 16, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MIMINNIZMONIMIIMW MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p,m. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 inn. Appointments made in .advance are. desirable VETERINARY BURGEON J, 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONSSTAFF Optometrist Phone 701. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon,, 9 to. 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.05 PM: canton -M'aLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowestrates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co, MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUMAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste mono,on miners'," -,r land does not need. Wo will, without charge to you, take sample,, of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 16 or 376, Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co, HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT, Officers --President, {pm. S. Alexander; ,Vice -Pros„ R. Archibald; Manager and .See.-Treas., lad A. Reid; Seaforth. Directors -T.1.. Malone, Seaforth • J. H. MoEwing, Blyth; IV:S. Alexander. Winton; E. J. Trawaitha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brumfield; OW. Leonhardt, 'Bornholm; IL. Fuller. Goderich r 11. ,Archibald, Seaforth ; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth, Agents - Wm. Leiper Tr„ Londeaboro ; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Partiesdesirous to effect insurance or transact other badness, will he promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective lest offices. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goeeds) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 26e; 24 sam- ples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUT1JAL FIRE INSi3RANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER nt Martin Fee ney, 11112 Dublin Vice -President EClayton CluScience Hill Directors Harry Coates, Centro/la Wm. A. Hamilton. Cromarty Milton McCurdy, 12R1 Rirkton Alex J. Rohde, R113 Mitchell Agents Thos. ,G. Ballantyne, 11311 Woodham Clayton Harris, 1151 Mitchell Solicitor,Stazd, Hocking. Whran, Exeter Secretrsy.Treaserer Arthur Fraser, Exeter NOTICE" Waterloo. Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- al= 0and10.00 AOM, on' week t,dbetween ys n d 7.30 and D.30 Adrl. on Sundays For Sale Frame dwelling with bairn and henhouse, one acre of land with some fruit trees and small fruits. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. GOOD BUY. EARLY POSSESSION Frame cottage on James St. Reasonably priced., Immediate possession Iwo bedroom' stucco _cottage, with all modern conveniences including 1 -piece bath;- hardwop,l floors, modern kitchen. Full. basement ,with. furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonablypricedand: al- most immediate possession. M. A,-REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47