HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-02-16, Page 7Church Broadcast
Heard By Millie z s
On a Sunday recently a
preacher was thundering over
the radio against adultery.
While millions listened in their
homes, a man was driving along
a lonely country road to meet
a woman of easy morals. He too
was listening, on his car radio.
The words he heard turned
his lust to fear, then to repent-
ance. ' Five minutes later he
made a U-turn; five days later
he joined the church and began
e new Christian life. He wrote
the radio program about . it.
That Same day, in an adjoin-
ing state, another listener put
away a shotgun he had loaded
to blow out the brains of his
divorced wife. He too wrote the
These letters, and millions of
others, are in the files of a re-
markable 39 -year-old organiza-
tion, the Lutheran Laymen's
League, sponsor of the first reg-
ular religious program to be
broadcast on radio, The pro-
gram is. The Lutheran Hour,
pioneer of all the church pro-
grams on the air today.
Behind the League stands one
Of America's most contradictory
religious groups — a strange
blend of fiercely orthodox the-
ology and enlightened social
philosophy: It is The Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod.
Those who know of the Synod's
rigid adherence to doctrine find
it hard to believe that one of its
bodies, the Lutheran Human
Relations Association in Amer-
ica, recently urged colleges to
force fraternities and sororities
to eliminate -race and national-
ity restrictions.
The story of the Missouri
Synod goes back to 1839, when
the first Lutherans arrived from
Germany and settled in Perry
County, Missouri. Eight years
later, 37 of their leaders, zealous
for "The pure and uncorrupted
' epianation of the divine word,"
reset in Chicago and combined
their 12 congregations and 22
ministers in the Missouri Synod.
Those early builders of the
Synod had missionary ardor in
full measure, but even they
could not have foreseen today's
6,000 churches and more than
3,000,000 members; or that the
Synod would become a leader
DACE - LIFT — This smiling
water tank hasn't always look-
ed so cheerful. In fact, it look-
ed so dull and dreary perched
atop the roof of a Chicago
publishing company that com-
pany officials decided to give it
new face. They hired sign
painters to put this serene,
smiling face on it, in maroon,
blue and white.
in the use of a yet unborn medi-
um of Communication..
It was the 85,000 member Lu-
theran Laymen's League, com-
posed largely of shrewd Mid-
west businessmen and farmers,
that helped the Synod' become
the second largest Lutheran
body in the country. In 1930,
perhaps the most important year
of the Synod's history; the Lea-
gue started The Lutheran Hour
over a 32 -station network, "to
bring Christ to a troubled
The Hour's first speaker, Dr.
Walter A. Maier, urged listeners
to "cultivate a faith built on the
sure promises of the Bible, net
on hoarded wealth and guilt -
edged investments." Neverthe-
less, it was lack of wealth and
investments, "guilt -edged" Or
otherwise, that almost starved
The Lutheran Hour in its cradle.
Radio time was monstrously ex-
pensive, and in 1931 the pro-
gram went off the air.
But the Lutherans had faith
in the program and by 1935 they
had raised enough money to get
it back on the air,
Almost immediately, it be-
came clear that they had been
right in thinking the depression -
ridden public was in the mood
for a hard_hitting religious pro-
gram. ,Four years later it went
international; and today The
Lutheran Hour is heard over
1,250 stations, in 56 languages
and in 65 countries. More than
20,000,000 listen in each week,
and the yearly letter count
stands at well over half a mil-
Many of the listeners are be-
hind the Iron Curtain. Recently,
a speaker ventured the hope
that listeners would say "Arnen"
to a declaration of faith in God.
During the next few days, hun-
dreds of postcards arrived from
behind the Curtain. All were
unsigned, naturally, and bore
just one word: "Amen."
Much of the program's suc-
cess in its early years is attri-
buted to Dr. Maier, a flamboy-
ant man of God who apparently
never really believed he could
be heard on the air unless he
shouted at the top of his lungs.
Nor was he one to spare the
sinners. He never minced
words. In the broadcasting
booth he would strip to his un-
dershirt for greater comfort, car-
ing not for dignity where the
work of God was concerned. At
his death in 1950, even unbe-
lievers who had smarted under
his words had come to respect
him as a devoted and selfless
servant of Christ.
To millions, Dr. Maier was
The Lutheran Hour: With his
passing, the program seemed to
lose much of its impact, al-
though' the various guest speak-
ers who followed were out-
standing ministers.
Then last September a new
and vibrant voice was heard,
and word spread that The Lu-
theran Hour was back on the
rails. The voice belonged to Dr.
Oswald Hoffmann, an unusual
combination of good-natured,
relaxed extrovert, scholar and
passionate man of the Lord.
Dr. Hoffmann is more than
six feet tall and heavy -set but
he moves swiftly and easily.
His broad face and high fore-
head are reminiscent of the. late
author, Thomas Wolfe. Also like
Wolfe, he possesses great phy-
sical vigor which conies over
the airwaves 'with dramatic ef-
fect. Yet he manages to avoid
histrionics, and he attracts the
educated and sophisticated as
well as the average listener. At
42, Dr. Hoffmann has a highly
successful record as director of
public relations for the Missouri
Synod, a job he retains.
The son of a Nebraska min-
ister, Dr, Hoffmann holds de-
grees in the arts and divinity.
and was ordained in 1939. For
seven years he taught Latin and
, '\ a`s`, s 1 za Oti s
FOR ISRAELI HALL OF FAME — .Former President Harry S.
Truman stands beside the unfinished bust of him that will he
placed when completed in the Ben Yehuda lIatianal Museum
in Jerusalem.
THRIE-WAY INSPIRATION — Courage of Sanford Shaleen and
two devices developed by fellow engineers of Minneapolis
Honeywell form a three-way picture of inspiration. Stricken with
polio three years ago, Shaleen can move only his head and feet.
A movement of his head actuates device developed by, his com-
rades which turns pages of technical paper on easel at right.
Touch of his toe on an employe -developed switch at foot of bed
energizes dictating machine and Shaleen records through micro-
phone near his head. With aid of the machines he completes
review of a vast amount of material each week.
Greek, gradually becoming a
key figure in Missouri Synod
counsels. When The Lutheran
Hour situation became crucial,
Dr. Hoffmann got the call.
Since his radio ministry be-
gan, Dr. Hoffmann has had to
spend much of his time away
from his wife Marcia and their
four children, Peter, Paul, John,
and Katherine Ann who was
born three weeks before he took
over the program.
Dr. Hoffmann is - fiercely de-
termined that the Synod shall
get the last penny of value from
a radio program that costs
$1,300,000 a year. And "value"
to Dr. Hoffmann lies in the
Biblical injunction to "preach
the Gospel to every creature."
About half the program's bud-
get goes for foreign broadcasts.
For most, transcriptions are
made in this country by multi..
lingual ministers or United Na-
tions translators. The results
have been excellent. Japanese
stations, for instance, draw 200,-
000 letters yearly, and 90 per
cent of the writers enroll in the
Bible Correspondence Course
offered during the program.
Radio Goa receives letters in
such Indian regional languages
as Gujarati, Kanarese, Marathi,
Punjabi, Pushtu, Tamil, Telugu
and Urdu. Radio Ceylon has re-
ceived mail from Iceland, half
a world away.
In the LI, S., The Lutheran
Hour usually originates from
Station KFUO on the campus of
Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.
The Mutual network and a
number of independent stations
carry it at varying hours every
Sunday to every state of the
Union, In Texas, 56 stations use
the program; North Carolina is
runner-up with 36.
A substantial portion of the
mail from listeners comes to the
League's. St. Louis office where
75 full-time employees are kept
busy handling it and other Lu-
theran Hour business. Many of
the letters seek personal advice;
and these are either answered
from the St. Louis office by
clergymen with counselling ex-
perience or the writer is refer-
red to a Synod pastor in his
The Missouri Synod has not
neglected the possibilities of TV
either. Four years ago, This Is
Tlee Life, the serialized story of
the devoutly Lutheran Fisher
Family, had its premiere. To-
day it is seen weekly on more
than 250 stations.
Critics have called This Is The
Life a religious soap -opera. But
10,000,000 people watch and love
the Fishers as they manage to
get involved, directly or indi-
rectly, with an airplane crash,
a fixed basketball game, a case
of amnesia, an automobile acci-
dent, and various other difficul-
ties and disasters.
' Incidentally, for a strictly
non -gambling group, the Synod
overlooks no bets. One of its
members, Mrs. Carl Deitemeyer
of Lincoln, Nebraska, was named
"Mrs. America of 1956" Worried
Lutherans were, of course, in-
formed that a bathing suit ap-
pearance was not involved in
the Mrs, America competition.
This Is The Life has one great
advantage over The Lutheran
Hour—it gets free time as a
TV "public service" program.
The Lutheran Hour must pay,
but to the Lutheran Church, -
Missouri Synod, it's worth every
cent it costs. .It would more
than justify its expense, they
say, if it brought only one soul
to Christ.—From "Coronet"
A woman never forgets the
men she could have had; a man
the women he couldn't.
Boats, Cars, Dogs
Featured at Show
Canada's largest boat show,
an international motor show,
three dog shows and a variety
of other features and attractions
will all combine to make the
1956 Canadian National Sports-
men's Show, scheduled to be
held in the Coliseum in Toronto
March 9th to 17th, the outstand-
ing springtime exhibition of its
kind on this continent, with the
proceeds being used to carry on
an extensive program of conser-
vation of Canada's natural re-
The boat and marine show
will have a most comprehensive
display' of cruisers, sleek sedans
and runabouts, sailboats, row-
boats and canoes, inboard and
outboard engines and the most
modern boating equipment and
At the motor show the spot.
light will be focused on a num-
ber of British and foreign -made
automobiles, as well as in sports
and racing cars, It is being ar-
ranged and sponsored Ay the
Society of Motor Manufacturers
and Traders and will be super-
vised by a committee of that or-
ganization in North America.
The dog shows will be held
on March 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17
and will attract the bluebloods
• of dogdom from all parts of
Canada and tile United States,
Other highlights at the 1956
Canadian National Sportsmen's
Show include the selection and
crowning of "The Outd000rs
Girl of Canada," bowling com-
petitions and championships, a
photographic fair, a sports dem-
onstration area, a demonstration
casting pool, square dancing and
numerous other activities.
Prize winning photographs in
a recent nation-wide photo-
graphic competition will be on
display at the photography fair
and salon. In addition, a num-
ber of beatiful models will be
on hand to pose for photogra-
phers in this exhibit during the
eight days of the Show.
Twice daily a thrilling stage
and water revue will be pre-
sented in the arena with a doz-
en headline acts including the
world's only trained Polar bear,
a juggling seal, synchronized
swimming, teeter -board artists,
trick casting, trained dogs, log
rolling and a variety of other
LAST LAUGH — French artists
put the finishing touches to.
papier mache figures which will
swirl through the gpyety of
Mardi Gras time at Nice, The
world-famous, week-long carni-
val reaches
arni-val-reaches. its climax on Shrove
Tuesday, the eve of Ash Wed-
nesday, when the penitential
season of Lent begins.
CANADIAN Approved. Barred -Rocks.
Red X Rocks, White Rocks, New
Hantpehlres, Light Sussex. Red or
Hemp X Sussex. Columbia Rocks and
R.I, Reda. Pullets 2 weeks old
$22.00: 4 weeks old $40.00: 6 weeks old
I40A0er 100. Mixed chicks. same
ages.' $10.00 less per 100. White leg.
horns, Red X Leghorn Danish Brown
Leghorns and Minorca 'X Leghorn put.
lets — t weeks old 636.00; 4 weeks old
*44,00: 6 weeks old 652.00 per 100.
Guaranteed 100% live delivery. 61.00
down. balance C.O.D. Order early.
Kent Hatchery Chatham. Ontario.
ARE you a commercial poultryman?
A farm poultryman? It makes no dif-
ference which. Tweddle new series
400,.40I, 402 fits your poultry operation
profitably for these high production
layers efficient egg producers —
sturdy chicks With excellent hen house
Itvablitty reel profit makers. Write
for full details about them. Mao three
other special egg breeds, 9 special
dual purpose breeds, Taps for brollers,
first generation Indian River Cross,
Arbor Acres White Rocks, turkey
poults. Catalogue,
BRAY broiler cockerels available.
Mixed chicks. Pullets. Also special
strains like Ames Hybrids, Babcock:
Leghorn, ete. A few started pullets.
Bray Hatchery, 120 John. N., Hamilton.
CANADIAN Approved. Production
breed, Hemp Xp Sussex Barred Rocks.
Red X Rocks New Ramps,Reds.
Sussex and White Rocks. Mixed 513
per 100. Pullets $19 per 100. White
Leghorn. Red X Leghorn Brown
Leghorns and Minorca 2C Leghorns,
Mixed. $13 per 100. Pullets $27 per 100.
Guaranteed 100% live delivery. 61
down, .balance C.O.D, Sun Valley
Hatchery. Chatham, Ontario,
CANADIAN Approved Heavy Breed
Cos, Day old 6e: 2 weeks old 124;.
4 weeks 01,1 204. Leghorn Cross Cox.
day old 61.50 per 100. Guaranteed de.
livery $1.00 down. balance 0:0.0.
Maple. Cit v Hoteliers, Chatham
GIRL for general housework. Light
cooking. Must line children. Mother
attends business. Good home. Excel-
lent salary. Fare advanced. Mrs.
Ansel, 5125 Bourret, Apt. 4 MontreaL
GENERAL for 5 -room apartment,
Doctor's residence. All modern appli-
ances. Own room. ewe children, one
school age. Good wages. W10 ad-
vance fare, if necessary. Mrs. H.
Woods, 5135 Bourret, Apt. 4, MontreaL
150 ACRES Huron County 1t miles
from village of Gerrie, located on
under` cultivation t soilchhighly9
tive loam. Excellent grazing with
running water, timber. good fences.
bank barn. modern 5 room BY. house.
hydro. complete plumbing. good water.
Price $9500. Terms. Immediate oeeu-
pancy. Information write E. IL King.
Route 1, Windsor. Ontario.
CANARIES (German Rollers) carefully
trained andraded singers, Exchange
If not satisfactory. Free catalogue.
H, W. Hundrteser Canary Hatchery
and Import. Delta. Ont.
How Can 1?
Q. How should silverwaie be
A. Scouring silverware often
scratches it. To clean it with-
out scouring, use an old alumin-
um pan. Put water, common
salt, and baking soda in the
pan. Use I teaspoon each of salt
and baking soda for each quart
of water. Place the pan over a
flame and heat until the tarnish
disappears from the silver, Then
wash in hot, soapy water.
Q. How can I disinfect a
A. Burn sulphur in it. Close
the doors and windows and
stop up the keyholes. About two
pounds of sulphur is required
for a room twelve by twenty
How can I make the garbage
can last longer?
A. It will last longer and be
much easier to clean if a piece
of pitch is placed in a new can
and allowed to melt enough to
cover the bottom of the can.
Q. How can I make a remedy
for dandruff?
A, By mixing one ounce of
flour of sulphur, dissolved in
one quart of soft water. Do not
use until thoroughly mixed and
settled. Apply at night.
Q. What kind of soap should
be used for dishwashing?
A. Use a good white soap for
dish washing. It not only bene-
fits the hands, but is good for
the fine china and glassware.
Q. Row can I make a cherry
A. Mix 1 quart of boiled lin-
seed oil, 3 gills of turpentine, 6
tablespoonfuls of burnt sienna,
and 4 tablespoonfuls of whiting.
Q. How can I renew old silks?
A. Place the silks in a tub of
cold water for an hour. Dip
them up and down frequently,
but do not wring them. Hang
them up to drip, and iron while
they are still wet.
Q. How can I bake better
A. Do net move a cake in the
Oven until it has rieen to its full
height. Cakes require a "moder-
ate" oven. The larger the cake,
the "slower" the oven should be.
if life's not worth living
it may beyour liver!
Lt's a lauti It takes up to two pints of liver
bile a clay to keep your digestive tract in top
shape) If your liver bile is pot &owing freely
your food maypot digest gas bloats Up
your stomach- ., you feel constipated. and
ill the fun and.aparkle go out of He. Thais
when you need mild gentle Carter's Little
Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help
stimulate the flow of liver -bile. Soon your
digestion startsfunctioning properly and you
feel that happy days are here again: Don't
ever stay sunk Atten , keep Carter. Little.
Liver Pills on hand.
?CONEY OATS REG. No. 1. 0. A. {�
iv o. 21 BARLEY. REG. No. 1. G. A.
tALPH. Richmond, Ontario.
BEAUTIFUL Florida Cypress Tree
"Knees", odd, grotesque e b 8 p e
4trangely attractive, exotic souvenir
62,00 each, $21.00 dozen all d1tferall�
post paid. Gipple'sG1£twares,
Leon Springs, Florida.
ONTARIO. 99 acre farm, 18mil
north of Napanee on Highway 41. Goo
frame house and outbuildings.
acres tillable; also lunch counter buil
Ing with hydro included. Reasonable.
B. H. Paul, 178 Adeline Street„
Peterborough, Ontario.
335 Elgin, Ottawa
$1.25 Express .Prepaid
DISTRESS, CAR -BIS -CO. a stomach
corrective has satisfied many users
for over sixty years. Twelve ounce
bottle sent p r e p a id $2. ROY
BROWNLEE, Pharmacist. St. Thomas,
FOOT Powder) Help your feet. United
States Armed Forces surplus foot
Anderson, Two2yWest supply $1.00.
York 39, New York.
BANISH the torment of dry COMM
rashes and weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not disap-
point you. Itching scaling. and bum
tog eczema. acne. ringworm, pimples
and foot eczema will respond readily
to the stainless. odorless ointment
regardless of how stubborn or hope..
less they seem.
Sent. Post Free on Receipt of Price
889 Queen ST. E., Corner o4 Logan
Great Opportunity
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant dignified profession good
wages Thousands of successful
Marvel graduates.
America's Greatest Svstem
Illustrated Cataloe Free
Write or Call
358 Bloor St W Toronto
44 King St.. Hamilton
72 Rideau Si.. Ottawa
WANTED: Girls and Housewives, Rama
extra money at home, Send stamped,
addressed envelope for Information.
To: Holten Mail Order Service, P.O.
Box 2, Adrian, Ohio.
START your car from inside your
home! Have yourmotor warming up
while you have your breakfast, Build
It yourself, for few dollars. Free de-
tails. Address: Pope Control. Box 64.
Melrose 70 Massachusetts, U.S.A.
READY Reference Bible Salesmen
Wanted Retails $6.95. Concordance,
eubject index, red letter, thumb in-
dex. Send $4,95 for demonstrator.
Bibles, Box one, Midland, Indiana.
Patent Attorneys. Established 1890.
600 University Ave.. Toronto. Patents
all countries,
AN OFFER to every Inventor. List of
Inventions and full information sent
free. The
6273 BanRegistered,. ttawa
personal requireme tsentLatestde
logue included, The Medico F.gency.
Box 124, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ont.
We pay $1.40 per pound for goose.
650 ser pound for duck. We also buy
horsehair combings 51.10 per sound.
Ship collect. We also buy used
feathers, goose and duck, ZENER
Street Toronto,
ria Elearl
Itch..Itch e - .y iCrazy Was
Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid
D. D. D. Prescription positively relieves
raw red itch --caused by eczema, rashes.
scrip Irritation, chafing—otheritch troubles.
Greaseless, stainless, 39e trial battle must
satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask
rour drugsistforD.D.D,PRESCRIPTION
When kidoeya fail to • we
temar9 excess soils -
end Kasten, bank.
ache, tired feeling,
disturbed rest often
follow, Dodd's
ICidoey Alis soma.
late kidneys to
normal duty. You
feel better—sleep
better, work better.
Get Dodd', at any
drug store, You eau
depend on Dodd's.
ISSUE 7 — 1956