HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-02-09, Page 8Week End Speciale AT STEWART BROS. HALF - PRICE SALE ALL-WEATHER t5 Smart, rain proof all weather coats, plus a few Spring Coats in this big Half price sale Choose from Navy, Powder, Grey, Red, Beige and Brown. Size 10 to 22 Regular Sale 29.95 for 15.00 39.50 for 19.75 49.50 for 25.00 DON'T MISS THIS SALE Plain Color Face Cloths Full size, heavy weight large range of good plain Shades, 12 C Special ,.,. ea. Special Purchase Large Towels Multi • colored stripes and Jacquard patterns in blue. flamingo, green and yellow. Special 79c DOUBLE BED SIZE - FRINGED CHENILLE BED SPREADS 5 n95 Heavy chenille. full double bed size, spreads with fringe, in yellow, rose, blue, light green and red. Very special each REPEAT SALE VISCOE 23" x 46" MATS These all cleared out in our last sale, Choose from yellow, pink, rose, aqua, tight ora 9 dark reen, wine, lemon, 398 red and blue. Special .... ..each 42" Wabasso Pillow Cases "Family" quality Wabasso Pillow cases. full 42" size. Special 1 e39 l•r. Special Printed Woolette Finequality printed woolettes in flowered or striped pat- terns. Big range of colors. Sale price .. 49c yd tewart Bros. essmseciumemossigft `ler Speaks eaks g To Walton Union The Walton Local of the On- tario Farmers' Union held their meeting on Jan. 25 with Wal- ter Miller of Tara as their guest speaker, who related a 'true pic- ture of the economic stress in which agriculture finds itself to- day. to a full hall of local resi- dents. Mr. Miller emphasized the fact that all other organized groups were receiving their just share of the National Wealth while unorganized agriculture income has dwindled to 6.8 of the national wealth. He 'pointed out that the union was now a Tully recognized organization by governments, press, radio, TV. and even as the opposition group in agriculture. "Just last week" said Mr. Miller, we were received by the Provincial Government to pre- sent a brief on resolutions aris- ing from our annual convention at the 0.A.C., Guelph, last 'Octo- ber. Some of the highlights of this brief deal with: WINTHROP lllnaost 30 ladies attended the W. A. and W M'S. meeting ,of 'Ca- van !Church on Wednesday, Feb, 1, when Mrs. Gilbert 'Smith pre- sided over a very interesting program. Daring the (business period Mrs. E. Toll was named to the 'Christian Education Com- mittee. Mrs. Wrn, Alexander read an article on .Stewardship. Mrs. Theron Betties received the col- lection. An interesting feature of tlhe prolgram was a presentation ;of life memberships to Mrs. Robert McClure and Mrs. 'Ethel Mc- Dougall in •ap!preciation of their untiring services in the past years. Mrs. W. T. Dodds evade the presentation. Mrs. George ;Case was in charge of 'the devo- tional period in which she was ably assisted by Mrs. James Mc- Clure, Mrs. Arthur Alexander and Mrs. 0. tC'uthill, The study book was taken by Mrs, George Case and was on the interesting subject of In'di'ans in Canada. The meeting closed with a hymen, and lunch was served and a cup of tea enjoyed. The W. A. ;net with Mrs, Ar- thur Alexander in charge as president, and Mrs. T. Betties as secretary, Read the roll call and correspondence. Mrs, W. T. Dodds was named a member of the Christian Education ;Commit- tee. A new committee named family helpers, was appointed as follows: Mrs. J. R. Holden, Mrs, R. MacFarlane, Mrs. Lewis Bolton and Mrs. Arthur Alexan- der. A quilting was announced for Feb. 9 in the church, not 0 Gentle (Saviour". Mrs. Mc Lean's topic was entitled, "Un- less you deny yourself" and sug- gested that it is good for us bo do ;wi'thoupt sometimes. True freedom and happiness cannot be known until we disoip'iline your actions. Mrs. Lindsay led in prayer, and 'also gave her Temp- erance Sec. report, stressing the fact, that each person, each Bonze, and each church should stand firm regarding the liquor situation, Mrs. A. i k e n li e n d brought out the idea k2iat 'Stew- ardship is an honour and God en- trusts us with everything. MTs. Leonard' Strong read interesting articles on tete Martin Luther film, Billy Graham ''crusade in India, and Missions in Korea. Mrs. D. ;Stephenson, !Community Friendship (See,, reported sever- al'calls had been made to shut- ins. The singing of the hymn. 'Work for the Night is Coarsing", and the Mizp'ah Benediction closed the meeting. 'Lunch was' served by Mrs. 'Clair HHaney's group and the !hostess thanked by Miss Mae ;Smith. KIPPEN EAST Kippen East W. 1. will meet at 'the home of Mrs, :Norman Mc- Leod on Wed., Feb. 10 at 2 o'- clock with 'Nlrs. Jos. McLellan as co -hostess. The roll call, "Payyour fees and join again", a poem by Mrs. R. Gemmell and a contest by Mrs. IOhas. Eyre. The conveners of the various commit- tees are asked to have their re- ports ready and also have ma- terial for the neat year's pro- gram. This will be followed by the election of officers: The Val- entine euchre and dance will he held in IHensall Mown hall on Friday evening, Feb. 10th. The lunch committee: Mrs. Ivan For- syth, Mrs. J. McLellan, Mrs• W. Mollis, Mrs. W. Caldwell and Mrs. E. Whitehouse. WALTON The WMS of Duff's United Church held their regular month- ly meeting in the ;Church base- ment with 35 ladies present, Mrs. C. Ritchie presiding. The worship period entitled "The (Call of the Ohureib through Ser- vice and 'Citizenship" was con- ducted 'by Mrs, 0. Ritchie and Mrs, A. McDonald. The roll call was responded to by naming a miracle performed by Jesus. Mrs. F. Kirkby gave the Sec. re- port. Literature 'Sec. will pro- cure book, "Wide Windows". Supply Sec, reported no word had been received of bale hav- ing reached destination as yet. It was decided to have a special thankoffering meeting on Mar, 2, a speaker to be procured for same. Moncrief and Burns ;Socie- ties to be guests, each society to bring a ,program number. Walton group presented the topic. 3Irs. T. Dundas, Mrs. A, McCall, Mrs. F. Kirkby and Mrs, B. Kirkby taking part. Meeting closed with hymn 384 and Bene- diction. The February meeting of the Wallen Women's Association met on Thursday afternoonwith 33 ladies present. Mrs. G. Mc - Gavin, 1st vice pres. took charge of the meeting. The meeting op- ened by singing hymn 239 with Mrs. Jack 'Bryan at the piano, ,Scripture reading, Psalm 130. Topic, "Songs in the Night" 'by Mrs. McGavin, Sea. report was read by Mrs• B. Johnston,also thankyon notes from Mrs. N. Schade and Mrs. Doug. Fraser. Treas. report was given by Mrs. A. Coutts, on hand 3319.42. The business: A St. Patrick's social to be held on March 9 with a good program, and lunch to fol- low. The meeting closed with the W. A. theme song and prayer. 1. That parity prices be given for all farm products consumed at home. 2. That the batter support price be paid direct to the pro- ducer, and let the selling price find its own level on the open market and the butter surplus would disappear. 3. That we seek a national health and welfare plan and re- quest the Provincial Government to press the Federal Government for immediate passage of same. 4. That the pro -rating charge of 20e per settlement on hogs be changed to a set fee of 5c per hog. 5. That the price differential 'be changed back to 40e per cwt. 6. That the provincial subsidy of 1.00 per hog be applied to en- courage quality production. 7. That the school tax levy be 'placed on residences only. The meeting adjourned with the "Queen", and a social hour en- joyed while the ladies served lunch. Mark' Hamilton is secretary of Local 134, Walton. WEEK - END SAVINGS DELMAR MARGARINE 2 lbs. 55c LARD , , 2 lbs. 350 BRODIE'S WHITE CAKE MIX .... , , .. . 19c CLARKE'S PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. 2 for 35c KLEENEX, REGULAR STZE 2 for 35c MILK -0 12 qt. size. ,99c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX, 20 oz. . 2 for 37c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP 2 lb Tins 29c CHEESE WHIZ 16 oz. 59c CLAIR HANEY Egmondville GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 72 COMING EVENT Crokinole Social, No. 9 School. Friday eve., Feb, 10th. Sponsored by W.A. of Bethel, McKillop. Ad- mission 35c adults, 20c children. Time 8 P.M. HULLETT The Friendly Few Farm For- um met art the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson with an 'at- tendance of 16. Topic was, fath- er and son partnership and aft- er listening to the broadcast we divided into !boo groups for dis- cussion and to answer the ques- tions. Euehre was played with the prizes for most games going to Ronnie ,and Dennis Jewitt anti consolation to Marjorie and Bill Dale. Lunch was served by Mrs. Frank Riley and next meeting swill be held at the home of Bill Dale. The Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Eric Anderson with 19 adults present. Topic under discussion, Father and Son Partnership. 'Phe forum thought no secrets should be withheld from either party, co- operation and trust lead to mu- tual. understanding, both should be willing to give and take, espe- cially the junior partner. No. 2. In case of death and for income tax purposes a partnership should be .legalized, protecting all concerned, thus creating more interest for the junior part- ner and his wife. We have sever- al father and son partnership aigreements in our farm forum community. An essay was writ- ten by our high school members on Rural 'Safe Driving in our Community. This was read to all. Progressive euchre was played; lone 'hands, Mrs. Jim Howatt and Miss Marilyn Riley; high, Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Mrs. !Bert Hoggart; consolation, Mrs. Jo- seph Babcock and Miss E'lda Ri- ley.:l'Ir. Bert Hoggart has offer- ed'lris.home for next week. EGMONDVILLE The joint sheeting of the Eg- niondville WM'S. and W. A. So- cieties was held in ;the home of Rev. and Mrs. Milroy on Wed. Feb. 1 with a goad attendance of members and several visitors. Mrs, Durst, W. A. President, was in charge of the opening service. Mrs. Hay read Psalm 130 and Mrs. McGeoch took the topic "Our Hope". Mrs. E. 'Stephenson and Mrs. S. Jackson sang a duet "Teaeh .12e to Pray". The devo- tional part of the W. A. was con- cluded by singing, "0 .Spirit of the Living God". During the business period Mrs. Durst read an amusing poem, "The Ladies' Aid". A committee composed of Mrs. Hay, Mrs. Routledge,- Mrs. Forbes ,and Mrs. Durst was ap- pointed to purchase chairs and silverware. Thank -you notes were read from Mrs. 'McMillan, Mr. R. McGonigle and Mr. W. J. Finnigan: The members • decided to have a bazaar in the autumn. Mrs. Hay, W. A. Treasurer, re- ported ;that 3175 had been clear- ed from the Agricultural ban- quet ;held in January. Mrs. A. Pepper, Pres., of the W.M.S. was in charge of the, W.M.S. part of the meeting. Mrs. Norman Me.Lean took the devo- tional part of the meeting which was opened by singing, "Pass me Elfout of town? For your convenience in sending money out of town or abroad, use our money orders and foreign remittances. For details, call at our nearest branch - we have more than 700 to serve you. NW -13d THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SEAFORTH BRANCH, G, C. BRIGHTRALL, MANAGER FOR SALE One York sow bred second week in Nov., and a few good York pigs, weight about 75 each, Ed .Dorrauee, RR2 Seaforth FOR SALE 26 chunks and nine weaners. One purebred African gander. 1 pair Magpie pigeons. Vivan Coop- er, phone 653r21 Seaforth WANTED A woman to clo housework Wednesday afternoons. Apply to News Office HAY FOR SALE A quantity of timothy and al- falfa boles hay. Apply to W. J. Leeming, 8311'21 Seaforth FOR SALE One and a half ton feed beans. Apply to Gordon Richardson, phone 656x2 Seaforth HAY FOR SALE Mixed -baled hay, timothy and alfalfa. Apply to Wm, Ralcewick, John Mills' farm, Hullett Twp• Phone 40r15 Blyth, call after 6 WANTED $6000.00 on first mortgage at 5i,% ou 100 acres with good buildings, close to Seaforth. Ap- ply: McConnell Sr. Hays, Seaforth, Ontario MoKI LLOP Mr. and Mrs, Dan Wilhelm of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Koehler on ;Sunday. 'Mrs. Willard Bennewies and baby have returned home from 'Scott Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Fergus Horan entertain- ed a number of ladies at a quilt- ing bee on Thursday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Solomon and son of 'Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry Wietersen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Foreman at (Shef- field. Mr. and Mrs. Dan ,Scherbarth of Monkton were recent visitors with 1iIr. land Mrs. Charles Eg- gert. 'Congratulations are due Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keohnie of :Stratford on the birth of a son. Mr. an•d Mrs. !Clinton Dippel of Go'wanstown were recent call- ers at the Eggert home. Friends in this vicinity will be sorry to know Mr. Norman Hohnstetn of Stratford is con- fined to ;h'ospi'tal with a heart ailment.. Mrs. Andy Moore of Egmond- ville and sister, Mrs. M. Collins of London were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koehler on Sat- urday. PHONE EARLY CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for all the cards, letters, treats and flowers and to all who visited me while in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Brady and thanks to Dr. Mal- leus and Dr. McMaster. Thanks to Rev. ;Holden and to all the nurses for their wonderful care and at - tendon, Thanks to Richard Box for wonderful ambulance care. I am forever grateful. Mrs, Jos. Thornton FOR SALE 8 -Tamworth pigs, 8 weeks old; also a four burner electric range with. large oven, iu good working condition, Apply to Francis Cole- man Jr., phone 838r22 FOR SALE 6 kitchen chairs, 4 other chairs, wheels for '38 Ford, small tables, spring filled mattress, bedsprings, kiddie car, little wagon, hall tree, Clarence Reeves, Seaforth Notice to Creditors In the Estate of John Franklin Peart, deceased All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of John Franklin Peart, late of the Village of Hen• sail, in the County or Huron, La- bourer, who died on or about the Srcl day of December, 1955, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Sol- icitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the nth day of February next, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Administrator,. Exeter, Ontario TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News February 1931 ISeafort3t 'Lawn Bowlers plan- ned a minstrel show to be held in April. Friends attended the wedding of Donald' MacKay at Stratford on Saturday. Dan Steiss has returned home to Walton 'after spending sever- al months (with his :brother in the West The Rmn= home at Leaclibury was damaged by fire on Monday morning It, is occupied by Elmer, 'H'arry, and Hugh Rhin. Mises Mamie Swan of ;Bruce - field is visiting in Toronto. Plains were being made to un- ite the Lonudesboro ch'us+c!hes in a three-point charge. A skating party Was held by the Anglican young people. !Stars in the Duncan Cup Hoc- key, !Saturday, were E. Rennie, Hildebrand, Wright and Venus. The ,31st !annual it home of, •the Huron Old Boys in 'Toronto HAROLD JACKSON 50 acre Farm in Hibbert Town- ship, 2 miles south of Dublin 33 acres Plowed, 17 acres in Grass Running water Phone 474 or 268 CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank our friends and neighbors and anyone who help- ed in any way, also for treats and cards during my recent illness Harold Agar HELP WANTED Office help, experience not ne- cessary, permanent position, Ap- ply Box 1270,,The Seaforth News was held. Ralph 'Speare, Harriston, visit- ed his father, Joseph Speare, Cromarty. FORTY YEARS AGO From The 'Seaforth News February 1916 Mrs. F. H. Larkin was elected secretary during organization of a branch of the Women's War Auxiliary here. Mr. Harry Livens, ,popular De- troit pianist, spent' Sunday with his .parents. 'Horace 'Knight had the mis- fortune to break a finger 'while working in the foundry, The 'Clinton company of the 161st battalion marched down to lSeaforth on T'hurs'day. They were joined a few 'miles 'out .of ISeaforbh by the ,Seaforth com- pany any and the !battalion (band. A. E. +Elford of the experimen- tal farm, 'Ottawa, states that Huron (County is getting ;better results from poultry on the fame than any 'other 'distr:lot in Cana- da. One dealer alone paid oat more than 8100,000 last year. A presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. James McClymont by the congregation of Varna Methodist Church in reodgnition. of many years of faithful service as organist. John !Bullard, Fred Taylor, 101 - ton hoist and William Elliott en- listed at a recruiting rally at Winthrop. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, February 9, 1956 HELP WANTED Capable girl or woman to look after modern farm home with two children, ages 4 and 5, for a couple of months, starting in March. Apply phone 62853, Clin- ton exchange - - SALES HELP WANTED Rawleigh business now open in Huron County. Trade well estab- lished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once.' Raw- leigh's Dept. B-304-189, Montreal, P.Q. BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for ail occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B'.A„ M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady,- M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., dear except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday. Thursday and Sat• nrday only 7-9 P,m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. SALESMEN WANTED Earn $75 and more weekly. Sell guaranteed household necessities in, Seaforth, Dublin. Dungannon, Cromarty, Varna, Walton. Write for free catalogue. Familex, Dept. 1, Box F, Station C, Montreal TO RENT In Brucefield two heated apart- ments, both with one bedroom, bath, living room, kitchen, with cupboards and ample clothes clo- set space. Apply to Ross Scott, 65591'13 Seaforth, or 612r13 Clinton POR SALE Four Durhant and -Hereford cows live years old, duo around the first of March. Also quantity of mixed loose straw, will bale. Gordon MacGregor, four miles east of Londesboro, 27-11 Blyth .511.161. VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V.M.> V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF onietrlst Phone 701. OntMain St.,. Soafortb House-Seaforth daily except Mon. 0 to 5.20; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM; Clinton McLaren, Studio, Mon. 0 to 6.80 PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical Chim- ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove pipes and chimney. No need to remove 'stove pipes. No fuss, no muss, no odor. For use on coal, wood, gas or oil fired units.' On sale at Sea - forth Farmers Co -Op. TO RENT 6 room, brick house, modern conveniences, 1/5 acre of laud, in Dublin. Possession immediately. Mrs. Loretta Schmidt, phone 136112 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. A11 kinds of l'nsurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies CHIX For quality Chix of all ages, capons, broilers, etc. Leave your order at Dale Produce early and receive price reductions WALDEN & BROADFOOT Wholesale and Retail. Stove Oil and Furnace Fuel Oil F -I -N -A, Finest in North Amer- ica, Phone 354, Seaforth NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and others are requested to not p,uk cars or vehicles on roadsides in the township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township will not be responsible for damages to any ve- hicle parked on roadsides caused by snowplowing operations. (Signed) E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO 'REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 34710. Seaforth FOR SALE OR RENT •Frame house, furnished. Call Seaforth News SALES AND SERVICE Viking Oream Separators. All electric models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for die• trio of Seaforth, Clinton and Brucefield Allowance made for used Separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brumfield. 1t84r21 Clinton VETERANS CAB L. LEGATE, Prop. Phone 546 seaforth TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 1956 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSPN, Treasurer INSURANCE e Fire e Auto e Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid condold WILLIS DUtDAS CHAMPION STOVVE AND, FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R PERSONAL Bygienio Supplies (rubber goods) maned postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; '24 cam. plea $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take sample& of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 976, Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, 051'. Officers -President, 1. H. McBwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager and Sec..-Treas., M. A. Reid, Sec.;orth. Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. id. McEwing, Blyth : W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J, E. Pepper, Brucefield; 0. W. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderleh R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro1 J. F. Procter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bak- er, Bruosels ; Eric Munroe, Sesforth. Parties desirousto effect insurance or transact other business.. will be promptly attended- to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Aasocletioe "Whore Bettor Bulla Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.90 and 10.10 A.M. on week days and 7.30 and 9.8k A.M. on Sundays. USBORNE & HIBB]?IRT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Vice -President E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Directors Harry Coates, Centralia Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Milton McCurdy, REi liiricton Alex J. Rohde, RRS Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RR1 Woodham Clayton Harris, RR1 Mitchell Stanley Hooking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter For Sale Frame dwelling with barn and henhouse, one acre of land with some fruit trees and small fruits. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. GOOD BUY. EARLY POSSESSION Frame cottage on James St. Reasonably priced. Immediate possession Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences including 3 -piece bath, hardwoial floors, modern kitchen. Full basement with furnace. Garage :sad good garden. Reasonably priced and al- most' immediate possession. M. A. REID Hudson Stierliing Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47