The Seaforth News, 1956-02-09, Page 1Th
Seaforth INe
$1.50 a Year
Authorized ss Second Class well, Foca
(Moe Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishern
Hockey Playoffs
Start Thursday
Messrs. J. E, Longstaff and
Adam •Ast were in London this
week when the dollowing sched-
ule was arranged for the Jultior
B O H A. 'playoffs in a best of
seven series.
;Sarnia at ISeafoebh on IB'eb. 9,'d 18.
(Seaforth at ':Sarnia Feb, 11, 14
The hockey club 'are depend-
ing on a large :attendance alt
these playoffs to meet expenses.
The Hueons have been playing
good hockey so don't miss these
Plans Made For
-World Day of Prayer
:Plane for World Day of Pray-
er were angle at a meeting held
in the United ''Church last 'Theirs -
day. Mrs. J. M. Scout presided.
The service will' be held in North-
side Uneted'Churcb, b.+i'iday, Feb.
174h at 3 pan. Mrs. W. E. Mil-
roy will give the 'address. Moth-
ers are invited to bring their
little ones and they will be cared
for in the *arch nurserY.
February Meeting of
Tuckersmith Council
aikka'am th council met in
the 'boron hall, Seaforth, on Feb,
lith at 1 All enetnlbers were
present with the Reeve presid-
ing, :Council acknowledged pito'
•duction of surety (bonds on ,the
tact collector and treas. with the
Dom. of ,Canada Assurance 'Co.
and directed that they he kept
in the safety deposit box ;at the
Canadian Bank of :Commerce.
Tuckersmith Telephone 'Com-
missioners requested the town-
s'h'ip for a loan 'o'f $8,000. This
will be handled through a live -
year .delbenture issue. Harvey
Coiernan was :emaciated to the
telephone ..commission to comp-
lete the term of office of Bent
Peck :who resigned.
John Earle was re -appointed
truant officer at 'a wage of 90e
per hour while an duty and an
allowance of 20c a anile one way.
'Council approved their otare
of ,proposed debenture issue of
'$187.000 required far addition
to the :South Euron !District High
'School. Arrangements were
made to have grader tires re-
capped by the Hancock Tire &
Tread Co. Roy Bell was re -ap-
pointed es member from. Tuck -
gametal to the Ausalble Valley
,Conservation Authority for '56.
The clerk was instructed to ad-
vertise for tenders for warble
fly spraying :and crushing and
hauling approximately 7,500 yds.
of gravel to township roads. A
grant of $25 was made to the
Salvation Army. Bylaws !Trios.
2, 3, 4, '5, •6, '1 •and S re tile
drainage loans were given their
readings .and passed.
:Salary of the clerk -treasurer,
tax collector and relief officer'
was set at 32400, expense 'allow-
ance $500, clerical assistance of
road superintendent 3400. Rate
of pay for the road sunt, eves set
at 90c per hour and that of la-
bor at 800 per hour.
Accounts passed included:
Roads 42,914.42, supplies $8.00,
dumping ground rental 3100,
fire prevention $16, grants $25,
advertising 347.26, relief $25,
tile drainage inspector $80, tile
drainage loans $9,900, register-
ing B.&D.'s $4.25, salaries and
allowances 3308.32. :Council ad-
journed to meet March Gth at 1
Legion Auxiliary
Plan Penny Sale
The regular meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary to the 'Cana-
dian Legion of,Seaforth was held
on Wednesday evening with a
goad attendance, Pres. +Comaracle
Olive fettle opened the meeting
with. the :depositing ;of ,the col-
ours by the Standard Bearers,
Comrades Watson and Fraser,
and '0 (Canada' was sung. One
new member was installed, Mrs.
Helen Allan, of Seaforth
Comrade 'Dora Taylor p
sorted with the Past President's
badge and medal, Plans were
started for a penny sale to be
held in the spring at a social
meeting. Tbe mystery prize was
won by Comrade Betty Dennis,
A dra:iete an apron was won by
'Comrade Leona 'Masser. Com-
rades are reminded to .bring 50c
to the March meeting instead of
having a :baking sale.
The meeting closed with the
retiring of the colours and "God
save the Queen". A social half
hour was spent playing bingo,
The regular ,meeting of the
Seaforth W. I. will be held .at the
home of. Mrs. R. J. Doig on Tues.
Feb. 14 at 2 o'clock. The mem-
bers are asked to please be on
time as' the' boxes for the .County
Home are to Ibe packed that aft-
ernoon. Mrs. John MaeLean and
Mrs. Erlin Whitmore are in
elharge of this meeting. The roll
call is to be 'answered by "What
you, would like to see done in
bhe :^,.atitute." A demonstration
will be held with Mrs, Ross+Ghap-
mnan in charge. bus. Lorne Cart-
er and bles. James Aikenhead
are in charge of packing the
boxes and they would like each
+menatber to bring cookies unless
othelevise :advised. Also to +brin'g
all your empty clhocolate hboxes.
Lunch: Sandwiches, Mrs. John
MacLean, Mas. Erlin Whitmore;
cookies, Mrs, Ross Gordon, Mrs,
Jahn Kerr.
Mrs. Wilfred :Coleman would
like the members to turn in their
Red ;Cross sewing. Also anyone
having used clothing please :bring
+or send to this meeting as we are
getting our bale ready +to ship.
The S. W. I. held a successful
euchre and dance on Fri. even-
ing, Feb. 3rd 'with 26 tables in
play. Prizes were won by ladies
most genres, Mrs. W. Austin;
lone hands, Mrs. A. Meliiichael;
consolation, Mrs. E. Whitmore.
Gents most games, 11, Charters_
lone hands, H. Dolm'age; conso-
lation, S. Pethick.:Lucky lunch
prize, Mrs. A. Jantzi. Lunch was
served and dancing enjoyed to
Bruce Orchestra,
Over 48 Years As
Seaforth Librarian
Miss Greta Thompson, who
has been librarian of the Sea -
forth Public Library for over 48
Years, was again appointed to
that poettion at the board's .an -
weal meeting held Monday even-
ing. Miss Thompson fast began
dee work she 'dearly loves, as a
helper ta•her (brother, who was
the town's first -librarian, and
following his :death, :the contin-
ued in :the position.
Mise Mtubel E. Turnbull was
re -appointed board chairmen
commencing her eighth year and
Rev, D. Glenn :Camp'bell was re-
appointed sec:trate: er.
The following eotnmittees
were appointed at the ,meeting:
Baok 'Comenibtee, Mrs. Joseph
McConnell, Mrs. J. A. Munn,
Mrs. C. E. Smith, and Miss Those
Dorsey; property, William M.
Hart, Rev. Campbell, Miss Turn-
bull and 'Mrs. Elva Ellis; publici-
ty, Mrs. McConnell. Represent-
ing +Che Seaforth Public :School
on the board are, Mrs. Ellis and
Mrs. Munn; 'St. James ':Separate
School, Miss Dorsey and Mrs.
Mc:Comtell; tikes. 'Smith, Rev,
Campbell and W. Hart, the town.
During the past year the lib-
rary building was insulated, var-
ious looses were redecorated
and aluminum storm windows
were installed at the front of
the library.
New books placed on the
Shelves during the past year
were 68 in the adult section, 38
juvenile 'and 107 fiction, bring-
ing the 'Dotal for adults up to
1062; juvenile 3061, and fiction.
4193. The circulation was given
as 9116.
A successful Valentine tea,
home bake sale -was held by the
Woman's Auxiliary of St. Thom-
as' lChnrdi in the Church hall.
The :guests 'were received by
Mrs. J. 13. James and Mrs. Geo.
McGavin, Auxiliary President.,
The attractive tea table cover-
ed with a lace clout was 'decor-
ated with a centrepiece of red
hearts offset by lighted red
dandles. Presiding at the tea
,table were Miss Mary Galbraith,
:Mrs. Wm. Oldfield and Mrs. Ada
Reid. 'Serving at tea tables were
Miss Dorothy Parke, firs. Car-
men Rowcliffe, Mrs. Elmer La-
rose; Mrs. Gerald 'Snowdon and.
Miss Jean °bailey.
The :display of baking Atlas ar-
ranged by Miss 'Carolyn Holmes,
Mrs..Eaol Dinsmore and Mrs.
Kenneth 'Cham'bers. Mrs. J. R.
+Spittal and Junior Auxiliary
members were in charge of the
candy booth.
T,he tea was :arranged ' by Mrs.
Geo. aMoGavin, Mrs. Wm. 0'-
Shea, Mrs. Bruce McLean and
Mrs. Alex Bethune.
The Woman's Auxiliary of St.
Thomas' :Church iheid its Febru-
ary meeting on Tuesday ,after-
noon in the church hall, Mrs.
George MoGavin presided and
led in prayer. Miss Carolyn
Holmes read the third chapter of
Ephesians. Mrs. J. James was in
:charge of 'bhe educational part
'of the meeting. 'Correspondence
inclwdedi' tbhankyou notes from
sliutins.:Mrs. W. E. Southgate,
Si.,(distributed to members
sewing and knitting for the bale
to the Residential School at
IOardston, Alta.
• Northside United Church
Rev. Bruce 1W. Hall, Minister.
10 a.m., 'Church School and
Adult Class,
11 a.nn. Morning Worship
:Sermon, "Tiny (Bits of Good-
Jr. 'Congregation and Tad -
deers' Group.
7 spew., Evening Worship:
Sermon, "The Jealousy of God".
8.15 Y. P. j.1.
Egm adillUniteiChurch
o ve
Rev, W. E. Milroy, Minister
10 am., :Cher* :School and
Adult iClass.
11 a.1n., Morning Worship:
ISermon, " Haman (Nature and
Thursday; 7.30, Midweek ser-
McKillop Pastoral Charge
'C'avan, Winthrop; !Service at
10 a.m., :Sunday :School at 11'
aim.; Duff's, :Service 11,15 a.m.;
Bethel, :Service 2 p.m. Y.P.U•,
Wiint+hoop, 18 pan. Rev. J. R. Hol-
den, Minister.
Miss Mary Emma Regimen,
81, who died in Wingharn Gen-
eral Hospital on Monday had
been a 'patient there :since last
Neven* er.
She ,was born in Greylwp. and
came to 'Seaterrfh 37 years ago:
She is survived by a ri:ece and
nephew near Brussels.
The funeral took place from
the Whitney funeral ,home Wed-
nesday morning to h51. James Ro-
man 'Catho'lie Church, for Re-
equiem High Mass :at 9.30 a.m.
with 'bhe Rev. Farther E. P. We-
lber officiating. Burial was in 'St,
James Cemetery.
Chairmen Named for
T. B.. Carnpaaign -
Local people already appointed
to act for the ap1r'oaclring TB
survey include:
District chairman, Fred J.
Snow; district area chairman,
Jame M, Scott; municipal or
area chairmen: W. J. Crich,
Tuckersmith; Russell Bolton, Me-
Eiilop; Mrs. Margaret Whyte,
Hullott; R. S. McDonald, Sea -
for 01.
•- District chairmen are as fol-
lows: Profession, W. E. South-
gate; training, James A. Murray;
census poll, Wm, ,Hart; cline,
J. E. Keating; supply, Donald 34.
Kohl; publicity, A Y. McLean;
projects, Rev. D. Glenn Camp-
bell; recruiter's, Harold Free; in-
dustry, Lloyd I3oggarth; schools,
I., P. Plumsteel.
Offer Terms To
Roxboro Section
At the February meeting of
:Seaforth Public 'School Board on
Monday night, Inspector Gardin-
er was present and discussed
terms of a possible agreement
with Roxboro school section
which be was authorized to pre-
sent to the trustees of 'that sec-
tion, if they wish to send pupils
to the Seaforth school instead of
re-epening ,their own school
which has been closed for a
number of years.
With a registration at present
of 328 pupils, the special grant
announced last week by the On-
tario government of $0.00 per
pupil will mean an extra grant
of nearly 32000.00 to Seaforth
Public .School. This is approxi-
mately one and a half mills.
Miss Nellie Pryce was hostess
to group 4 W. A, of Northsi'de
United Church, held on Tuesday
evening, Feb. 7. 'Roll call showed
24 members and 4 visitors pre-
sent. Mrs. Riley opened the
meeting with a poem, "Watch
the Corners". Mrs, Hudson had
dharge of the devotional period
and' opened with hymn 483, with
Mrs. ,Brady at 'the piano, follow-
ed by prayer and scripture oaken
from Psalm 67. An article was
read by lli'rs. Ilv'dson entitled
"Use God". Hymn 485 was sung.
Minutes ,of (previous meeting
were read and adopted.
A short business period fol-
lowed and on. motion by Mrs.
Betty Healey and seconded by
(Mas. Westoott, ,it w'las decided to
hold a hake sale on March 23.
Final arrangements of :the 'Unit-
ed Chnaa.cb Valentine supper Ito
be held on Feb. 22 were com-
pleted by (Mrs. (Hulley wh'owas
in clharge.
Mrs. Wilson had charge of the
urogram and chose as guest
speaker, Mrs, Neil Bele who gave
a Most niteresting 'talk on "In-
dilans". This was followed by a
solo hy :Mrs. Don Woods., ac-
companied by Miss Joyce Wileon.
Meeting +closed with 'the Mizpah
Benediction and a delicious
Bonspiel Here
On Wednesday
Seaforth curlers held 0 one -day
bonspiel on Wednesday with two
NU draws taking part.
First draw: IVirg vs McInnes
(Hensall); J. Omand (Stratford)
ve C. A, Berber; Harold Thomas
(1Vingham) 05 J. Mon1<house
(Thedfor<l); W. Todd (Whnghant)
vs .1.E. Keating.
Second draw; Fink (Heusall)
vs J. E. Langstaff; J. H. Craw-
ford (Wingham) vs E. C, Bos-
well; Clark (RCAF, Clinton) vs
7. Coultes (Belgrave); Rev, D, J.
Lane (Clinton) vs J. Kemptone
The local rinks were: Fling,
Dr. Stapleton, W. Campbell and
W. Leyburn; C.A. Barber, W. J,
Duncan, Dr. Brady and Scott
Habkirk; J. 10, Beating, J. A.
Stewart, Harry Ball and Lindsay
Stewart; E: C. Boswell, Dr, Beclt-
ely, M. E. Clarke and J.A. li est-
ott; J.1. Longstaff, W Ball.
'orntan MacLean and Anson
Gilbert; Rev. Lane, Judge Ping -
land, Harry Williams and Mr.
Green, RCAF.
Three ten -end gauzes were play-
ed. Dinner was served by the
ladies club
McKillop Charge
Plan Mission
Plans have been made by the
Official Board of the :YlcKallop
Charge of the. United Church of
Canada to 'participate in the
mission to members which is to
be carried on within every con-
ference of the United Church
during the early part of this
year, and which is to prepare the
way for the national evangelistic
mission which is to be undertak-
en following the meeting of the
Genea'ai Council this fall.
The Board, which met in :Ca-
van ,Church on Wednesday night
last, made arrangements for a
united service of the three con-
gregations to be held at Win-
throp on the night of Ash Wed-
nesday, li'eb. 15th at 8 o'clock.
At this gathering there is to be a
service of :dedication for all the
Church workers including elders,
managers, Sunday :School teach-
ers and ,officers of every *'bulb
group. This will :be followed dur-
ing the period of Lent by Wed-
nesday night meetings for Bible
study, :prayer and Christian fel-
lowship. The three churches are
to unite in these and they are to
be held successively in the dif-
ferent 'churches.
Prior to Easter Sunday there
will be held another united ser-
vice at Which every resident
member will be asked to take
.part in a ceremony of reconse-
traction, using an order which has
been prepared by the National
'Evangelistic Mission. During
these weeks before Easter the
Women's World Day of Prayer
ill also be observed ,alt Win-
throp on Friday afternoon, Feb.
17'th,..arrd plans are being made
for a communicant class to meet
Reports to rthe Board indicated
that missionary givings increas-
ed in 1955,
96th Birthday
Of Aunt
Mrs. Stuart Nelson of Ori]Iia
celebrated her '96th birthday on
,Sunday at the home of her son-
in•lsaw and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Moffat, also of Ora-
li'a. Besides her daughter, Mrs.
Nelson has three sans, Reg. and
Ernest. of .Orillika and John of
Mrs. Nelson 'is 'a great-aunt of
+Charles Nelson, Clinton and a
oo,uain of 'Nelson Reid .of Varna,
Mrs. David (Elliott, ` Mrs.. Fred
Mulholland and Fred Reid, all of
:Clinton and Mrs. Wilber .Jeyes
of ISeaforbh.
Alert, captive and enjoying
fairly 'good health, Mrs. Nelson
takes •an .interest in the day's
'activities and enjoys reminiscing
:with her friends. Many of her
friends called :andshowers o£
congratulations were bestowed
on Mrs. Nelson.
Officers Elected
By Junior Farmers
Betty .Campbell was elected
president of the Seaforth Junior
Institute at its annual 'mooting
held in the :Seaforth District
+high School, She succeeds .Ca'tjh-
eiine :Campbell. Stine.Smith was
elected vice president and Dor-
othy Keys, second viee-'president.
See. -Treasurer will be Marion
Hemingway and Jean 'Sco'tt will
be district 'director. Club direct-
ors will be Joy Jantzi, IDoris'Ste-
vens, Some Wilson and Joan
, anelnil1e. Other :officersrs elect-
were: press reporter, Cather-
ine Campbell; emergency fund
treasurer, Joyce Miller; Pianist
and assistant, Joan Somerville
and Ann 'Haugh; auditors, Betty
Alcock and Audrey Godkan, The
officers •were. installed by Mrs.
Gordon McKenzie, president of
the Seaforth senior institute.
Catherine Campbell presided
over the meeting preceding elec-
tions, at which the minat es were
read by Sean Seott. A thankyou
note for a gift sent was received
from the Childrens' Aid Shelter
at Goderich.
Plans were made for the Dia -
ma Festival for South Huron to
he held in 'Seaforth on Feb. 14.
The one -act comedy selected 'by
the Seaforth Juniors is 'Sure As
You're Bern', 3vita Mrs, Ross
Chapman as director.
Helen Jahnston, Hetty :Camp-
bell and Catherine Campbell
are to attend the Provincial Con-
ference and annual meeting of
the Junior 'Farmers' Association
of Ontario, at Guelph on March
la, 17 and 18.
Catherine Campbell thanked
the members and officers of her
year, for the co-operation given,
and Doris Stevens expressed ap-
preciation to Mrs. McKenzie.
The motto, 'Don't leave until
to..morrow what ear he done to-
day'. was taken by Doris John-
ston. Current event,% were given
by Dorothy Keys and the treas-
urer's and emergency fund re-
ports were given by Sean Scott
and Doris Stevens.
At a joint meeting with the
Junior Farmers plans were made
for the annual banquet to which
the parents are to be invited.
Junior farmers: Laverne God -
kin was elected president of the
Seaforth Junior Farmers at
their annual aneeting. IIe suc-
ceed, Larry Wheatley. Other of-
ficers elected include; vice -pies.,
Ken Campbell, Merton Keyes;
secretary, Bob iiroadfoot; the
treasurer, Elgin Seltade: press
secretary, Bill Strong; auditors,
Marl McSpadden and Larry
Wheatley: directors, north of
No. 8 highway, Arnold Camp -
hell, David Livingatene; south of
No. 5, Bill Dallas, duan Haugh:
Grey and Morris, Bob Stevens.
Dancing to music by 3Ir, and
Mrs. Leslie Piyce and Sandy
Doig, concluded the evening.
The 'Curlier Club invites any
church club in Seaforth and vi-
cinity who wish an evenine's en-
tertainment to try Curling at the
rink, Arrangements can :be made
with the management to secure
use of Ise free of charge on
Monday and Tuesday evenings.
The executive of the club
would be glad to be given any
information as to the wherea-
bouts of the Bill Stewart trophy,
This is a famous old trophy and
would the anuclt prized by the
club if returned.
A bonepiel held' during Jan-
uary by the 'Seaforth Ladies'
Carling Club was completed on
Thursday afternoon. The 'win-
ners received beautiful embos-
sed aluminum plates, donated: IV
Mr. Leo Stephenson. The win-
ning rink consisted of Mrs. Jean
Stapleton :(slcip), Mrs. Corrie
,Snowdon, Mrs. Verna Leampbell,
.Mrs. 3T. Pollen, Exeter.
Mrs. Andrew :McNichol was
hostess to group -8 of the W. A.
of Northside United Church, on
Tuesday evening. Feb, 7, Mrs.
E, :Chamberlain, viceepres., op-
ened the meeting with a poen,
"To Justify Life". Hymn 445
was sung. followed with the
Lord's Prayer. Minutes of the
previous meeting were seed by
the secretary and the visiting
committee reported 4 home and
2 hospital calls. The treasurer's
report was given followed with
the roll call which showed a good
attendance. The ,president, .Mrs.
Knight, presided over 'the 'busi-
ness period. 'Final plans were
•disesused for the Valentine sup-
per Feb. 22nd. It was deeided to
hold is tea and bake sale on
Friday, March 9 in the 'Sunday
School room of the chureh. Mrs.
Bev. +Christie presided for the
devotional +period. Hymn 500
was sung, (followed with prayer
by Mrs. Peter Dunlop. The scrip-
ture lesson taken from Luke,
eh'ap. 8 was read by Mrs. Brad-
shaw.:Shharon McNichol and Bar-
bara Talbot contltibuted two
lovely duets which were very
much enjoyed. A skit by Mrs.
(Christie, Mrs. Berger and 'Mrs.
Bradshaw was well acted and
led to a very interesting discus-
sion. Meeting closed with re-
peating the Mizpah Benediction.
A contest was led by Mrs.:Chris-
tie and lunch was served by the
hostess and the lunch 'committee.
The March aneeting will be held
et the home of Mrs. Bradshaw,
The monthly meeting of the
Catholic Wotnen's League was
held in the school with the pres-
ident, Miss M. IDmnn presiding.
Minutes of last meeting were
read by the secretary, Mrs. M.
Williams. and vice pres. Mrs. C.
Malone reported 285 bags filled
for the children hat ;Christmas,
3rd vice pres. Mrs. G. Reynolds
reported 10 plants sent to sick
and _ shut-ins. +Corr espondence
was read by (Miss R. Dorsey. 3
boxes of clothing were sent to
:the' Sisters of :Service and ofie to
'an Indian sdhool. Mrs.
Sills and Mrs. J. Hotham were
'appointed to visit the sick for
the next month. Meeting. closed
'widhprayer atter which lunch
was served by Mas. M. Williams,)
Mrs. G. Reynolds :and Mrs. M.
Etue..Prior to the :meeting the
ladies.assemvbled at the :Whitney
funeral home to recite the Ros-
ary for Miss Read:mam.
The February meeting of the
Ladies' Aid was held in First
Presbyterian Church with -lirs.
H. Whyte in :the chair. Mia. R.
11. McKindsey opened the meet-
ing with a suitable poem. The
secretary's and treasurer's re-
ports were read and adopted. A
motion that we have a congrega-
tional pot luck supper to open
and view the kitchen was moved
and adopted and a tea suggested
for a later date. Mrs. Ie. Kling
sang a pleasing solo "In the Gar-
den of Tomorrow", accompanied
by Mrs. McGregor.
The speaker for ,the afternoon
was Miss Belle Campbell who
gave a very interesting talk on
Mrs, Dyer of Wyevale, who al-
though the mother of a large
family found time to write a
numbe of stories for 'Stmday
School papers 'back in Canada
and United States as well as ar-
ticles to the Homemaker's page
in the Globe and Mail.
Miss Campbell told the story
she had written about :Corporal
Cameron and the Power of
Prayer. Several years ago Miss
Campbell ;had sent different in-
teresting incidents of her child-
hood to Mrs. Dyer who wove a
story around 'them. This was one
of thein and brought biome to
everyone very forcibly the pow-
er of prayer in time of great
need, in this case, a .bad fire on
a farm set 'by a mischievous boy
who learned Ms lesson.
The Kerslake Mc K i n d s e y
Group had charge of the meet-
ing. Ivies. Kerslake moved a
hearty vote of thanks to those
taking part. A social half hour
was enjoyed.
fashioned in diamonds . .
i to
World's Smallest
23 Jewel Watch
with thes
Never before has so
beautiful a watch.,,
23 jewels ...been created
in this small size
and at this low price.
La Petite "L'
03 Jewels, 4 diamonds,
timed to six
precision adjustments,.
unbreakable mainspring
GROUP 2, W. A.
The February meeting of
Group 2, of iihe W. A. of North-
side United Church anot out the
home of Mrs. F. 5. Beche)y on
Tuesday evening with 24 present.
,Mrs. E. :Hoffman presided for
the devotional hour which was
opened with the use of hymn
297. The ten con)mandanen'ts
were read responsively and all
repeated the Lord's Prayer. Feb-
ruary :being Valentine month,
Mrs. Hoffman introduced her
very interesting +talk on "Love"
by relating the legend of St,
Valentine and cone'iwdecl by
quoting scripture from St. Mark
chapter 12.
The president, Mrs. B. Wal-;
ter•s, :took charge of the )business
period. Plans were made for the
Valentine supper to be held in.
the church on ,the 2i2nd. Mrs. P.
Brady :and Mrs. J. C. MacLennan
assisted the hostess in serving a
dainty lunch and a social half
hour was much enjoyed.
La Petite ;'F"
23 jewels, 4 diamonds,
timed to six
expansion bracelet
La Petite "A"
23 jewels, 2 diamonds,
timed to six
precision adjustments,
unbreakable mainspring
La Petite "H"
23 Jewels, 8 diamonds,
14 kt. goio, timed to six
precision adjustments,
unbreakable mainspring
As Low As $29.75
Gifts Fine China
Miss Frances .Houston has re-
turned from a pleasant visit with
friends at Ayton and Toronto.
-Mrs. Rr.bert Boyes and Mrs.
David Stephenson visited re-
cently with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Bayes, Clinton.
Mrs. E. J. Weber has return-
ed frons a visit with her son and
'daughter-in-law, 1Mr. and 'llrsl.
Ron Weber, Kitchener.
Mr. Eizar Mousseau of Kippen
was a Sunday visitor with Mr,
and Mrs. Hugh McLachlan.
Weekend visitors with Mrs.
W. 'F. Mc1•Iillan were Miss Laura
McMillan, Toronto, and Mr.- and
:Mrs. Stanley Gray of Stratford.
Mrs. Hugh Alexander of Mc-
Killop,Miss Jean Alexander of
Seaforth, visited recently with
bIrs. Jas. Finlayson and Mrs.
Peter Lindsay.
Mrs. T. Richardson has. re-
turned from hospital at London
to her daughter's, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Pepper,
Mrs. Patterson of Walton has
been visiting with her sister, Mr.
and :Mrs. Ivy Henderson.
Mrs. Grace McCallum spent
the weekend at her home in
The February meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society and
the Ladies' Aid were held at the
ho:rne of Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Lam
and presided.:Section one of the
suggested programs, The Church
and its mission, was followed.
Scripture passages and prayers
were read 'by Mrs. F. Harburn,
Mrs. Grace 'Scott, Mrs. Calder.
MeKaig and Mrs. Will Miller..
Mrs. Thos. ;Scott led in the Glad
Tidings Prayer, The president,
Mrs. 'Sorsdahl had charge of the
business parted and plans were
made for the World's -'Day of
Prayer service which will be ob-
served in ;Crom'arty Church on,
February 17th. The topic was
given by Mrs. W. Harper. Mrs.
T. L. Scott led in the Study per-
iod of the program and was as-
sisted by Mrs. F. Allen, Mrs.
Moore, Mrs. 'itI. Houghton and.
Mrs. J. McKeiJae. The closing
prayer was taken by Mrs. Lam-
ond, all joining in the. Lord's
Mrs. Houghton presided for
the .Ladies' Aid meeting and led
in devotions. :Several items of
business were dealt with and it
was decided tto send donations to
the March of +dumes.,and the' Can-
adian Institute tor the blind.
The meeting closed with God
save the Queen. Lunch was serv-
ed +by the comarettee in charge.
Mrs. T. Mackintosh has return-
ed home after visiting in 'Toron-
to and Acton.
Mrs. Grace Scott and Mrs. Will
Miller are spending the week
with friends in Niagara Falls and
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Houghton
and fancily, Stratford, spent the
weekend with 4Jrs• M. Houghton.
.lir, and Mrs. Frank Cadick
and family, London, and Mo. and
Mrs, Harry Elliott, Parkhill,
were weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. John Wallace.
Mrs. Will Hamilton is a bed
patient at the home of her daug-
hter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Cornish, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Currie,
Miss K. LaFrance and Mr. W.
Williams, London, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. Otto
.Mr. and Mrs. Will Kay, Lon-
don, visited recently. with Mr.
and .Mrs. S. McCurdy.
S. S. No. 2, MclShclop Farms
forum met Monday evening at
the hoarse of Mr. and Mas. Secord
M0Brien, After listening to the
radio broadcast there was a good
discussion on the subject, Fath-
er and non Partnership. A de-
tailed 'agreement is essential to
successful tam partnership.
Also father .and son on the fame
must be able to get along well
together, and co-operate bo :make
any agreement workable. Father
and son partnership should give
consideration to farm operating
and farms transfer at an early
date. An agreement should be
drawn up so 'that each will have
a satisfactory income if farm
conditions warrant it.
Euchre was played for a 'while
and lunch served by the hostess.
Ladies' winners were Mrs. :Stew-
art lDolmage, Mrs. Elwood
:Clarke, Mrs. Walter McClure,
Men's, ;Seen McClure, Bob McMil-
lan, Walter McClure. Next Mon -
.day evening the forum will be
field at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. McMillan.
22 persons Were aresen't Let the
hone of Miss Alice Reid on
Tuesday evening when the Fart-
side Group of Firat Presbyter-
ian +Church
resbyter-ian'+Chuarch Gnat. The aneeting op-
ened by a poem by M s. W, J.
,Stuart, president, and Mrs. R. E.
McMillan rea:d the scripture les-
son and led in strayer. A daffodil
tea was planned for April 11 at
'the Konno of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kling. Mrs. Ross Hamilton pre-
sided over the remainder ,of the
aneeting, when .Miss 'Beaty IS'innp-
son sang two very lovely solos,
"1•n the Garden, of Tomorrow"
and "When you are Away". Mrs.
U. :Scott of 'Thornton Hall
gave a humorous 'darky reading
in costume, "Should Women
Propose". Lunch and coffee
were served at the +close.