HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-02-02, Page 8INSTALL FIRST DIAL PHONE These four men took leading part in a telephone change- over which is a milestone in the history of the McKillop Telephone System. They installed the first dial tele- phone in a Clinton area home, replaCing the old magneto phone shownon the wall. Left to right are: Willis Van Ee...mond, RR 1, Clinton, in whose home the new tele- phone was placed; John Kellar, Seaforth linesman who made the dial installation; Scott Hawthorne, Seaforth, who installed the first magneto instrument in the Van Egmond home back in 1911; Waiter Scott, Hullett town- ship commissioner of the telephone system. 111 ]] ttt 1111111111111111111111111 tttt 11111111111 iiiii 1111 iiiiii 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iiiiii 111111111114i PRIZE LIST Now is the time to make your entries for the Home Department in competition at Seaforth Fall Fair Needlecraft Ail work tenet be new. Prizes: ere .75 .50 .25 except whore otherwise shown. QUILTS. 1. Pieced cotton quilt with sc-parate binding 2. Quilt. (rotten applique. no embroidery 3. Quilt, best quilting 4. Quilt -Child's. nursery design. any work, cotton, a6 x 48 BEDSPREADS 5. Bedspread, crochet or knit 6. Bedspread, candlewick. designed on white cotton 7. Bedspread. quilted colored AFGHANS S. Afghaq, crolZ.75 .50 ted e. Afghan. knitted MATS 30, Mat. braided from rags 11. Mat, hooked from rags 12. Mat. hooked from wool yarn LIVING ROOM rramas cISSISIONS 13. Satin cushion. complete 14. Embroidered eushion. not satin 15. Needlepoint cushion Pit:TURES 1.0. Needlepoint picture framed 0x 10" 17. Petite point picture framed S x 10" lie Tatted (Miley, 12" or under 19. Crocheted doiley. 12" or under DINING ROOM FURNISHINGS 20, Croeheted Tablecloth 54 x 72 21, Embroidered teacloth 45 x 45 22. Bridge cloth, white, 36" square, crochet trim 23. Four place mats and runner, any work, white or colored 24. Card table cover. felt 25. Centrepiece, 13" diameter, crochet 26. Centrepiece, 15" diameter. tatted 27. Buffet set, 3 pieces, crochet velar. 25, Buffet set. 3 pieces, embroidered, colored BEDROOM FURNISHINGS 29. 1 pillow slip, embroidered, all white 30. 1 pillow slip. embroidered, color 31. 1 pillow slip, crocheted edge 32. 1 pillow slip, colored cross-stitch 33, 1 sheet, 1 pillow slip, monogramed 34. Vanity Set, 3 pieces, any work 36. Fancy pin cushion KNITTING AND CROCHET - WOOL 36. Ladies knit gloves. plain 37. Ladies knit mitts, fancy 38. Stole -knit or crochet 39. Men's knit gloves, plain 40. Men's mitts, fancy 41. Men's mitts, double knitted 42. Men's fine sox, fancy 43. Men's work sox 44, Girls pullover sweater 5-10 years 45. Boys pullover (sleeveless) 5-10 years 46. Ski mitts and hat to match, knit or crochet 47. Baby's set, knit, 3 pieces -jacket, bonnet, bootees 48. Baby's set, crochet, jacket, bonnet, bootees 49. Carriage cover, knit or crochet SEWING 60. Fancy tea apron 51. Cobbler's apron 52. Christmas apron 53. Ladies house dress, most practical, sample attached 54, Ladies cotton skirt 65. Ladies wool skirt 56. Men's pajamas, sample attached 57. Men's plaid sport shirt 58. Child's wool Jumper, 6-10 years 59. Girls dress, smocked, 2-5 years 60. Child's sun suit, any age 61, Little boys trousers, 2-5 years 62. 3 articles made from sugar -sack MISCELLANEOUS 63. Grandmother's birthday gift, gift wrapped parcel to be Judged Also the gift, left outside or box Gift to be -scarf, 1 pair gloves, 2 handker- chiefs with different edgings, or apron 64, 1 bath towel, narrow edge 66. 1 linen towel, embroidered 66. 1 guest towel, cross-stitched 67. 1 tea towel, any work 68. Huck woven shopping bag SPECIAL 2.00 1.00 69. 1 Christmas tablecloth 54" x 72" NEW CANADIAN' SECTION 1.00 .75 .50 70. 1 pair fancy knitted mitts 71. 1 large crocheted: doiley 72. 1 child's dress, machine or hand made iiiiiiiiii iiii i s. iii iiii s. i iii 11111111111111111111111111111/111111/1/11141111 iiiii 1 i iiiiiii 1 iiiiiiii 111111 Assembly Points For District Hogs. Gordon Greig, Huron Federa- tion Field:man, announced on Tuesday evening that the new assembly points for hogs will be opened next Monday at London and Stratford in the„sales 'barns at each place. Jake Kohler, sales manager of the 'Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Agency, states "When these yards are opened, me will have four assem- bly yards in operation ,in Ont- ario in addition to the Union Stock Yards in Toronto", Mr. Kohler said. "These assembly points permit the hog producers of Ontario to bring their hog's onto the open market for com- petitive bidding, and this 'defin- itely strengthens the bargaining position of 'bite Ontario Hog Pro - diners' Marketing Agency." " At our yards which are al- ready established .at Kitchener and Windsor, in many instances it is not even necessary for the hogs to 'be unloaded," Mr. Koh- ler said, "Quite often when, the hogs arrive we have standing orders for them and they are immediately redirected to the buyers. Farmers who bring their hogs to our :assembly yards are merely helping themselves." "In the near future the mark- eting agency inteeds to open as- sembly eards at 'Barrie, Peter - :borough and Ottawa," Mr. Koh- ler predicted, BORN macnerynid--- Al Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan, 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McDermid, Sea - forth, a daughter Meir - At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Jan. 30, to Petty Officer and lee's. Jerrold Meir, Sea - forth. a. son Storey - At the Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Storey, RR1 DUO - lin, a son Smith - At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, RR1 Born- holm, a daughter Bennewies - At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bennewies, Sea - forth, a daughter Reitz -In St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1956. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. G. Reitz (Karen Kicld) LOWR/E-In Victoria Hos- pital, London, to Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Lowrie (Onalee Moore) Jan. 25, a son (William Charles) TUCKERSMITH Rev. A. G. Eagle of Turners UnitediChurch, Tuckersmith twp. installed the following Woman's Assosiation officers at the Jan, meeting: pant president, Mrs. Ed. Layton; press Mrs. Elmer Townsend; vice-presidents, M•rs. Erlin Whitmore, Mrs. Frank Fal- coner; sec., Mrs. Leslie Lawson; 'treas., Mrs. Gregor McGregor; pianist, Mrs. Ernest Crich; assist- ant, Mrs, Fred MeGregor; de- votional committee, Mrs. W. P. Roberts, Mrs. A. G. Eagle, Mrs. F. McGregor; press reporters, Mrs. William Rogerson, Mrs. Er - lin Whitmore; committees - parsonage, Mrs. Ed. Layton, Mes. John Turner; burying, Mrs. G. McGregor, Mrs. Mervyn Fal- coner, Mrs, W. 'Rogerson; clean - hog, Mrs. Warren Whitmore, Mrs. G. McGregor; flowers for :dh,urch, Mrs, Howard Johns, Miss Helen Turner; flowers and cards, Mrs. ;Berman Crich, Mrs. John Turner; knelt, Mre. Ed. Layton, Mrs. W. Whitmore, Mrs. L. 'Law- son, Mite. E. Falconer, Mrs. Ken- neth Rogerson, Mrs. J. T'uener; visiting, Mrs. 'Roberts, fairs. Late - loon, Mrs. H. Johns, The W. A. ladies served awn - Ter to 60 members of Turner's Church on Friday evening, Jan. 27 at their annual congregation- al supper. Following the supper a lively singsong led by Rev. A. G. Eagle and accompanied by Mrs. Rogerson at the piano, which was recently purchased by tihe W. A. to be used irl rbhe church basement, was enjoyed by all. After the annual ,business, Rev. Eagle showed colored pict- ures of the church activities during the past year. Mrs. W. P. Roberts will be the hostess f or 'the February 811h meeting, Roll Call will be, name a country served by United MiS- A baking sale is planned f or Feb. 18 in Council Chatnbers, DUBLIN The guest speaker for the Jan. meeting 'of the Dublin Parent- Teacher Association was Rev. Fr. John McConnell of Mary - knoll Seminary N. Y. Fr. McCon- nell, a former student of the Dublin Continuation 'School, studied for many years in Rome, Italy. He ,h'as also 'travelled ex- tensively in South .America pur- suing his chosen work. The members of the P.T.A. were privileged to hear a very inform- ative talk on the Missions in /China, India and Africa. Fr. Mc- Connell was introduced by Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes and Dr. Thos. Mel- ady expressed thanks for the members present. Mother Angela Merici answer- ed several questions regarding the teaching of Grade XIII sub- jects and the standards necessary for the prospective Grade XIII students. Roy MeQuaid, of D.C.'S. gave a very talented rendition of the song "Tit -Willow" from Gilbert and ,Sullivan's 'Mikado', sitcom - palsied by Rosemary Lane on the piano. A group of students from St. Patrick's Separate School staged an amusing playlet. The meeting was opened by prayer lby Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes. Mr, WM. Ity:an, the president, was chaieman. Mr. James O',Con- nor read the minutes and Mrs, Jack Flannery gave the treasur- er s report. A social hour fol- lowed, tihe lunch committee serving delicious coffee and sandwiches. KIPPEN EAST The Klippen Esteb Women's In- stitute met at the home of Mrs. 'Stewart Pepper with Mrs, J. Whitehouse as co -hostess. The ,members answered the Toll call, a penny for each year of age. Mrs. Sidon Jarrett gave the mot- to and Mrs. James MoNarughbon the current events. A ,demonstra- tion of etching aluminum trays was in charge of Mrs. Ross Chapman. Mrs, Verne Alderdice was appointed auditor to cre- place Mrs. Frank Plumb. The group made plans for a baking sage, 'and also a Valentine 'dance - on Feb. 10. The ISsmehine com- mittee will prepare boxes fax several sick members. :Mrs. Wen, MacLean contrirbute,d a poem. Mrs. 'Stewart Pepper provided a .musical number. Mrs. John IS111- °lair and .Mrs. Campbell Eyre were captains. The lunch was served- by the hostesses. SAVE IN EGMONDVILLE PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL - in piece Ib 39c BURNS LARD ' 2 lbs 35c PREM 12 oz. 39c FIRST GRADE 33 -LITTER lb 59c RED ROSE COFFEE 1 lb bag 990 AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX, 20 oz. . , 2 for 37c FAB - LARGE 29c NYLON HOSE - 51 Gauge, 15 Denies' . , iiiii 99c DELIVERY 10 A.M. AND 4 P.M. • CLAIR HANEY Egnclondville GENERAL PHONE 72 112.8,81311:17Mettilti82121 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neigh- bors and friends and any one who helped in any way, also for treats, cards and inquieles while we were sick; also the Londeshoro Laughing Lassies for their box. -Mrs. Lorne Roe and Lorean CARD OF THANKS I would like to express snY sin- cere thanks to all those who re- membered us with treats andgiets during our stay. in the hospital and since ',seaming home. Iris Settegge • Baby Marion CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my Mende and neighbors for all the cards, flow- ers, letters, treats and visits dur- ing my stay in the hospital. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. Stapleton, Rev, Holden and the nurses for their kind attention. It was all appre- ciated. -Mrs. Geo. It Campbell FOR SALE 'Complete bedroom suite, in- cluding bed, springs, raiattress, dresser and chest. B. F. ,Christie. 'Phone 272. FOR SALE 21 inch Admiral TV 1956 mod- el, used only 4 months. Box Fume ittua FOR SALE Choice. Holstein heifer, bred, for sale or exchange on fresh cow; also 1950 % GMC truck very reasonable. Apply to Wil- bert Pratt, phone 4317 Brussels Four bullOilifilALAd brooder with thermostat, complete with white bulbs, used only 1 season. Phone Seafortlt 6511'23, Fred Chappel FOR SALE 3 Durham COWS to freshen on Feb. 22. Well bred, good milkers, age 3 to 7 years, Apply Torrance Dundas, Walton. phone 90r5 Brussels FOR SALE Girl's grey station wagon coat, size 14, 35; girl's bIue spring coat, like new, size 14, 310. Medium size Quebec heater 38. Phone 292-w WALDEN & BROADFOOT Wholesale and Retail. Stove Oil and Furnace Fuel Oil. Finest in North Anier- ica. Phone 354, Seaforth SALES HELP WANTED WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Hu- ron County. Permanent connec- tion with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered, 'Write Rawleigh's Dept. B-364-131, Montreal, P.Q. Notice to Creditors in the Estate of John Franklin Peart, deceased All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of Jobe Franklin Peart, late of the Village of Hen - sail, in the County of Huron, La- bourer, who (lied on or about the Ord clay of December, 1955, are required to Ole particulars of same with Bell & Laugbton, Sol- icitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 18th day of February next, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LATJGHTON Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario .1M1111111•11011111•11•011. HENSALL Mrs. Albert Alexander receiv- ed word of the deatih of her cou- sin, Mrs. Lettie Mulholland Darner, 'w'ho passed away in Shelby, Montana. She ,was the eldest daughter of the late Wil - Haan and +Belle Moir Mulholland of the 2nd of Hay. 1VIrs. Darner attended puttee school in, S. S. 14, [lay and High School. in 'Sea - 1 orbit. Her estasOaand predeceased her some years 'ago. ,Surviving are one daughter in Couttes, Alba., 'one brother, George Mul- holland was killed in World War One, 'and a sister, Eliza Mulhol- land predeceased her. Mrs. Eliz- abeth •Moodie of Brucefield is a esusin. MERCHANT FREE DELIVERY 0.1115.1...2132111563111812114 111111111111111111111.1111111 iiiiii Illiion11111111111111111111111111 Four Room Cottage To Rent Hos oil burner heater and electric etas% Also linoleume on floor. Furnish- ed with living room, dining room and bedroom suites piece bath, hot and cold water ou tap Situated 3 miles west of Seaforth on highway 5 miles east of Clinton Possession at once. Apply to JONATHAN HUGILL 667113 Seaforth 616113 Clinton TENDERS FOR CEMENT Tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undereigned until 2.30 Friday, Feb. 3, 1056, for four carloads of cement Or 4,000 sacks, to be delis, ered by April 15; also 600 lbs. of Pozzolith. Two oars to be deliv- ered to lot 25, con. 8, Robt. Mac- Forint:at; 2 cars to be delivered to lot 2, eon. 11, Henry Welter - son. Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Wan. J. Manley, Road Superin- tendent, Twp. of McKillop, Wal- ton RR2 ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Me borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be held in Parquhae Hall, Farquhar, on Mon- day, February 6, 1956, at 2 p,m. for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Aud- itors far the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, election of Audi- tors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company, Tile Directors wbose term of office expires are 16. Clay - ten Colquhonn and Alex J. Rohde, both of whom are eligible for re- election. Martin Feeney, Presid- ent, Arthur Eraser, SeceTreas, FQR SALE Ayrshire cows and heifers, reg- istered and fully accredited, to freshen in Jan, and Feb. Come and take your choice of 33 bead. Glen McNichol, R112 Walton. Phoue 831r24 Seafortb PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Eire Chief Chemical Chim- ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove pipes and chimney. No need to remove stove pipes. No fuss, no muss, no odor. For use on coal, wood, gas or oil fired units. On sale at Sea - forth Farmers Co -Op, TO RENT 6 room, brick house, modern conveniences, 1/5 acre of land, in Dublin. Possession immediately. 'Mrs. Loretta Sohmidt, phone 66R2 CHIX For quality Chix of all ages, capons, broilers, etc. Leave your order at Dale Produce early and receive price reductions NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and others are requested to not park cars or vehicles on roadsides in the township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township -will not be responsible for damages to any ve- hicle parked on roadsides caused by snowplowing operations. (Signed) EL P. CHESNEY, Clerk RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at TIORRY'R RADIO RWAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 84711. Seaforth FOR SALE OR RENT Frame house, furnished. Call Seaforth News SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators. All electric models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for di. trict of Seaforth, Clinton and Brucefield. Allowance made for used Separators. Basil 011oulite, Brucefield, 634r21 Clinton VETERANS CAB L. LEGATE, Prop. Phone 546 Seaforth TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 1956 The Town orSeaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, February 2, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones Day 43 Night 595W 1108,161." •ostalintnixo.minotincowne MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5..W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC 111, A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pan. to 6 pan., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p,m. Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TT_TRNBULL, D.V.M., Nes. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Phon 791. Main St., Seaforth Houre-fOptometristSeaforth daily except Mon. 9 to 6.30 ; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM; Clinton -MeLavens Studio, Mon. 9 to 6.30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in Met, Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co, MAIN ST. SEAF'ORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUINITh;- AS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DONDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R IM11130.1.1..1) PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with 'price list, 6 samples 25o; 24 sem. Wes 91.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton. Ont. •111111M•11111011•11..1111M1.11111•61 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't. waste money on mizzen:1s your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and hare tkem 'inalyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone lb or 376, Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE--STIAPORTH, ONT. Officers -President, T. H. McEwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Semforth, Directors -J, L. Malone, Seaforth; L 0. MoEwing, Birth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clbvton; J. E. Fenner, Brucefield; C. W. Leon- hsrdt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderichi R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents-Wra, Leiper Jr., Ionclesboro; T. F. ?meter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bak- er, Brussels; Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by eradication:: to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform. ation Phone Clinton 61it collect, between 7.80- and 10.90 A.M. on week days and 7.80 and 9.80 A.M. on Sundays. USBORNE & HIBBEIRT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Martin Feeney. 17.112 Dublin Vice -President E. Clayton Coke:howl, 1/111 Science Hill Director. Harry Coates, Centralia Wm. A. Hamilton, Cry:mart, Hilton McGurdy, 11111 Riricton Alex J. Rohde, RIM Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RR1 Woodham Clayton Harris, Riti Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter For. Sale Frame cottage on James St, Reasonably priced. Immediate possession Brick dwelling von' centrally located. Goderich St. 'Wed. New furnace. Could be divided for apartments. Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences including 8-plece bath, hardwou.1 floors, modern ldtchen. Full basement frith furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and al- most immediate posseseion. Brick dwelling in Rgmondville. Can be used as two apartments. Immediate possession. 3 acre of land. M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47