HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-02-02, Page 7How Can 1?
Q. How can I make a good
A. Add a small quantity 01
esulverizzed orris root to a lit-
tle cornmeal, ground as fine as
possible. Sprinkle this well over
the scalp, let it remain for a
few minutes, then brush it out
out thoroughly.
Q. How can I make lacquer to
ice used for refinishing brass
A. By dissolving tencents
worth of gum shellac in enough
alcohol to make a thin solution.
Apply it with a small soft
Q. IIow can I remove tarnish
from brass?
A, Rub well with vinegar and
bait, then wash in soap and wa-
ter,and apply any good silver
Q. How can 1 prevent left-
over crusts from becoming ran-
A. When through baking, put
the left -over crusts of bread
Into the oven until the oven
Is cool. Crusts treated in this
way will grind better and will
not get rancid nor stale.
Q. How can I clean the
bristles of the carpet sweeper
Brushes, without harming them?
A. The bristles will not be
harmed if a coarse comb is used
to remove the ravelings and
Q. How can 1 whiten clothes?
A. Soak them over night in
a solution of one quart of water
le one teaspoonful cream of tar-
Q. Should brown soap be used
for washing flannels?
A. No; never use brown soap
suds for washing colored
clothes and flannel, as it usual-
ly contains resin and soda.
Resin Is injurious to flannel, and
coda is injurious to colored
Q. How can I prevent white
milk from turning yellow?
A. White silk should not be
washed in water that is too hot,
It has a yellowing effect on
Q. How can I keep mice
A. Lay gum camphor along
the backs of the closet shelves
or any other haunts.
Q. How can I brighten and
sharpen the knive of the food
A. Take a piece of scouirng
soap, or small bits left from the
Bakes of scouring soap, and run
through the food chopper in the
Lame manner as a vegetable or
piece of bread. Then wash thor-
eughly to remove all the grit,
Q. How can I remove scars
from pimples?
A. Scars from pimples can be
removed by bathing in a solu-
tion of bOraeic acid and then
"S aopplying zinc ointment.
SWEET SIGHT - "Miss Sugar"
of the Dominican Republic
world's fair proudly displays
her title at Ciudad Trujillo.
She's shapely Marie Mendes,
who' cut the first cane to start
the 1956 sugar cane cutting
"HOT" MEAL HITS THE SPOT - Volunteers apparently find
chow good to the last droplet and succulent enough to lick
the platter (pan) dean at Fitzsimons Army Hospital Actually,
it's their job. Eldon Miller, left and Kenneth Goertzen, want to
get all the nutritive value possible from measured portions of
a hot meal. The "hot" in this case refers to food's treated with
atomic radiation as a preservative measure. Researchers want
to determine if food values are affected by the treatment.
Jupiter's 191111 les'
Puts Scientists
On The Spot
Messages from Mars? Now
astronomers are wondering
whether Jupiter, the largest and
most massive planet of our solar
system, is also signalling to us!
This question has cropped up
following a report by Dr. B. 3'.
Burk, of the Carnegie Institute,
Washington, D.C., who says he
says picked up radio waves
from Jupiter every three days
for a month. Australian astro-
nomers have made similar re-
Four Moons
Jupiter is 317 times larger
than the earth and scientists
have estimated that its atmo-
sphere has a depth of 6,000
miles. But it has never before
been authoritatively suggested
that this amazing planet may be
It created a stir among astron-
omers in•1927 when an eruption
of luminous gases on the planet,
was seen from the summit of
the Jungfrau, in the Swiss Alps.
It was then reported that the
oval marking on Jupiter known
as the 'Great Red Spot -which
has been an astronomical mys-
tery since it was first observed
in 1664 -was increasing in in-
tensity. Sometimes the spot
fades away altogether, but it
always returns.
Minimum. distance of Jupiter
from the earth is 462 million
miles. Before clocks were as re-
liable as they are now, eclipses
on Jupiter's four moons gave
scientists practically the only
reliable method of determining
An effort was once made to
use them in navigation for the
same purpose, but failed.
Scientists say it will be mil-
lions of years before, Jupiter be-
comes as solid as Our earth,
Some think it is in a semi-liquid
state and that its temperature is
so high that life as we know it
could not exist there.
Others say that as Jupiter is
483,900,000 miles from the Sun,
compared with our 93,000,000, it
must be so cold there that a
crust of ice many miles thick
surrounds its molten kernel.
Whatever the . truth of all
these theories, the outstanding
mystery remains: what caused
the radio waves which are puz-
zling the astronomers?
"They're very much in love
with each other."
"Really? How do you know?"
"Well, when she's away she
writes letters to him whether
she needs money or not."
Another Blunder
Of U.S. Diplomacy
.More and more it is obvious
that the Outer Mongolia squab-
ble in the United Nations was a
neatly prepared Soviet trap:
We blundered into that trap -
or, rather, permitted ourselves
to be led into it by Chiang Kai-
shek. There is every reason to
think that Russia had her al-
ternative plan, whereby Japan
was excluded along with Outer
Mongolia, well laid in advance.
The net result of the exchange
of vetoes is to leave Japan, alone
of all major applicants, out in
gift to the Communists. For now
Russia will be in a position to
insist that Japanese member-
ship in the UN be made contin-
gent upon the seating of Com-
munist China, whereas previ-
ously the two issues were not
linked. Furthermore, the great
revulalr of most UN members
over t fang's behavior will
make tt very difficult if not im-
possible to obtain a separate
seat for Formosa.
- All this means that the United
States is more than ever over
a barrel. It will be understand-
able in the circumstances if the
Japanese feel that they must
warm up to Moscow and Pei-
ping, no matter how anti-Com-
munist their orientation. Al-
ready the Socialists are crying
for the scalp of the -pro-Ameri-
can Foreign Minister, Mamoru
Shigemitsu, for failure to obtain
UN membership, For Russia has
clearly bested the United States
in a matter of diplomacy, and
;there is a real crisis for Ameri-
can prestige in Japan. Yet Rus-
sia did not push us into the trap.
'We stumbled in under our own
'power. - Washington Post
Scottish Golfers
Out on Strike
The Scots, ,, who gave the
game of golf `to the world, are
celebrating the new year with
a mass down -putter action
against eight municipal golf
courses at Glasgow which have
raised their playing fees from
one shilling (about 13 cents) to
two shillings for ae 18 -hole
Between 1,000 and 2,000 golf-
ers are reported ready to con-
tinue boycotting the municipal
courses until the old rate of
green fee is restored. Pickets
are reported in operation.
Golfers in England, and even
more so in the United States.
will be rubbing their eyes in
wonderment at how much the
Scots expect to get for their
The Scots are striking against
CAR HITS HOUSE - It's too bad that "No Parking" sign wasn't
standing in this living room sooner. It might have discouraged
a 20 -year-old youth from plunging his car into the room. None
of the four residents of the home were injured, but two walls
were caved in and furniture was heavily damaged by the
crash. The young driver tried to leave the scene of the accident
on foot, but police caught him and arrested him,
the cold and prey to Communist
It was Russia, to be sure, that
vetoed the Japanese application
-but in such a way as to dump
much of the blame, in Japanese
minds, on the United States.
Russia had given ostentatious
lip service to 'Japanese member-
ship by agreeing to it in ad-
vance of the conclusion of a
Russo-Japanese peace treaty.
The final Soviet veto was com-
pletely cynical; but Ambassador
Lodge's charges of Soviet cyni-
cism cannot hide from the Ja-
panese the fact that it was the
veto of • Outer Mongolia by an
American protege, Chiang Kai-
shek, that started the chain of
vetoes in motion.
Obviously, Chiang had de-
cided that UN membership for
Communist China is inevitable,
and had determined that the
Nationalist regime would go out
in a blaze of glory. But the me-
thod he chose amounted to a
CASEY'S AT BAT IN THE COSTUME DEPARTMENT -A kimonoed Casey Stengel adjusts cere-
monial wig on his wife, Edna, as the Stengels take inventory of the trunksful of souvenirs
they brought back from the Orient. 01' Casey accompanied his beloved Yankees on their recent
exhibition tour.
a mere two-thirds of a penny a
hole, whereas an English golfer
expects to pay two or three
times as much, and an Ameri-
can - well maybe fifty. to a
hundred times as much, writes
Peter Lyne, London Parliamen-
tary Correspondent of the
Christian Science Monitor.
But things are different in
Scotland. They not only have
their traditional tight control
over any needless extravagance
with "bawbees" but they also
regard golf as a part of daily
living just as much as oatmeal
and porridge. Therefore they
say it should be cheap - if not
actually free.
This particular parliamentary
reporter has been acutely
aware all his life of the prowess
and tradition of Scottish golf.
From the early days of boys'
golf contests to the battle to
gain a place on the Cambridge
University golf team, there al-
ways seemed two more Scots
in the way every time one Scot
was removed.
And now today in the more
sedate competitions of the Par-
liamentary Press Gallery Golf
Society in London, one feels al-
most a foreigner if one talks
with an English or Welsh or
Irish accent. It's a virtual cer-
tainty one's next opponent is
"Mac." The only question is:
Which "Mac."?
So no wonder the Scots back
home in Glasgow are fighting a
grim rear -guard action for their
right to keep golf as much a
part of the present-day living
as free schooling, Is it golf
which has put so many Scots in
top executive posts all over the
world? No, not altogether. But
it could be said that golf - and
the way Scots apply themselves
to it - has been quite a factor,
There may well be some pro-
tests against the assertion at
the beginning. of this story that
Scotland gave golf to the world.
Experts trace the origin of the
game back to the Netherlands
and the Dutch word "Rolf;'
meaning a club. Butold plc -
MAILING List of 2250 Canadian Trac-
tor Dealers by Make of Tractor
handled, $32.50 Postpaid. U.S. Can.
6�Tnx Service, Box 2015, San Antonio
'CANADIAN Approved. Barred Rocks,
Red X Socks, White Rocks, New
Hampshires, .Light Sussex. Red or
$$448.0000; 4 weeks100.old axed 0�chicks, same
ages. $10.00 less per 100. White leg-
horns, Red X Leghorns. Danish Brown
Leghorns and Minorca X Leghorn pul-
lets - 2 weeks old $30.00: 4 weeks old
$44,00: 6 weeks old $52.00 per 100.
Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00
fent Hatchery Chatham. Ontarearly.
THE Tweddle Chick hatcheries has
a breed for every poultryman's needs.
Be sure you --purchase the .birds- that
suit your particular purpose. Our top
three breeds for maximum egg pro-
duction on theminimum amount of
feed are series, 400. 401 402, Next on
the list for eggs Shaver Strain Cross
White Leghorn, Warren Rhode Island
Red, Shaver White Leghorn X Warren
Rhode Island Red. Wehave three tops
for dual purpose good for both eggs
and meat. For broilers, first genes.
ation Indian River Cross, Arbor Acres
White Rocks, Turkey pointsfour
special breeds. Catalogue.
BRAY broiler cockerels and mixed
chicks - far February -March. Pullets
(few started). Special strains such as
Babcock Leghorns, Ames Hybrids. Ask
Bray Hatcherweekly John N,, Hamilton.
121/20 BABY CHICKS 121/20
CANADIAN Approved. P rod uctton
breed, Hemp X Sussex Barred Rocks.
Red X Rocks. New flames, Reds. Sus•
sex and White Rocks. Mixed $12.55
per 105, Pullets $18.50 per 100, White
Leghorns. Red X Leehorns. Brown
eghorns and Minorca X Leghorns.
Mixed $13,00 per 100. Pullets $27.00
Per 100. Guaranteed 100'0' live de-
livery. 51.00 down balance C.O.D. Sun
Valley Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario,
CANADIAN Approved Heavy Breed.
Cox. Day old 60: 2 weeks old 120:
4 weeks old 200. Leghorn Cross Cox,
day old $1.60 per 100. Guaranteed de.
livery. $1,00 down, balance C.O,D.
Maple, C 1 t v Hatchery, Chatham
CUSTOM leather rifle and shotgun
eases. Only .$19.95. Specify gun calibre
and overall length when ordering:
Free personalized- belt Included. P
Oliver, Glendale, Arizona.
CANARIES (German goners) carefully
trained and graded singers. Exchange
if not satisfactory. Free catalogue.
H. W. Hundrleser Canary Hatchery
and Import, Delta, Ont.
No. 21 BARLEY. REG, No, 1, G. A.
RALPH. Richmond. Ontario.
GUN holsters custom made to fit your
pistol or automatic $6.95 each. Satis-
faction guaranteed. Specify gun make
and barrel length. P. Oliver. Glendale,
.335 Elgin, Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes . and weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not dime -
point you.- itching, scaling. and burn.
Ing eczema. acne. ringworm, .,pimples
and foot eczema will respond reedits
to the stainless. odorless ointment
regardless of how stubborn or hope.
less they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Prlee
569 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan
tures show that the Dutch play-
ed it mainly on ice. It was the
Scots who really developed the
The date of its introduction
,from the continent seems ob-
scure, But by 1457 the popu-
larity of the game in Scotland
had become so great as serious-
ly to interfere with the more
nationally important pursuit Of
In fact, the Scottish Parlia-
ment issued a decree that "fute-
ball and golf be utterly cryit
doun and nocht usit."
Today the Scots are trying to
protect : golf from the inflation-
ary pressures which are reduc-
ing the number of golfers and
embarrassing the golf clubs of
England, Wales, and all of Ire-
And, incidentally, it seems
there may be another reason
for safeguarding Scottish golf
courses - namely, the dollar
export drive.
Two Aberdeen men are said
to be negotiating with an Ame-
rican firm of fishing -bait deal-
ers to supply the firm with ten
million worms. Scottish golf
courses are rated ideal sources
of such worms,
Most kids have a favorite toy,
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Protect your BOOKS and CASH from
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Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid
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Creaseless, stainless, 390 trial bottle must
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Amerlea's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalog Free
Write or Call
3 8V Bloo BItR, IIE TorontSCHOOLS
44 King St. Hamilton
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SELL Jewelry and Household Prod-
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moneyl Fix any car with Chilton':
Automobile Repair . Manual. 904 big
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for FREE circular giving full details
and contents, A. Ktlert North Edmon-
ton. Alberta.
Wash,eiinstallled id nuService
Stations. Funeral Homes, Cab Com -
square feet of floors approximately
machines will sell at 0695 each. If
terms, $125 deposit must accompany
order. Due to increased costs. same
machine will sell at $950 after Febru-
ary 11 1056.
Box 1132, London. Ontario
Enau1r es invited from Salesmen and
Nation al Automotive Wholesalers,
Submit full details as to coverage, etc.
Patent Attorneys. Established 1090.
600 University Ave.. Toronto. Patents
all countries.
AN OFFER to every inventor. List of
inventiopn and fun information sent
free. The Ramsay Co„ Registered Pat-
ent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa.
91.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe
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loguelncluded. The Medico- Agency.
Box 124, Terminal A". Toronto. Ont.
IF you are a first class linotvpe
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40 hour week, $2.25per hour, pension,.
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M o 9 8678.
OLD Steam Thresher Catalogues and
early threshing photographs wanted.
Godertch. Ontario. H S Turner
We pay $1.40 per pound for goose,
650 per pound for duck. We also buy
horsehair combings 51.10 Per sound.
Ship collect. We also buy used
feathers, goose and duck, ZENER
Street. Toronto.
If life's not worth living
it may be your liver!
li', a fent) It takes up to two pints of liver
bile a day to keep your digeative tract in top
lbapel It your liver bile is sot flowing freely
your food may not digest ... gee bloats up
your stomach . , , you feel constipated and
when you av u need sparkle
gentle out of
Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help
stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your
digestion starts functioningproperly and yeti
feel that happy days aro here again) Don't
ever etas sunk Alaays keen raster', Little
Liver Pills on 02nd.
You cant.q°
IFyou Fey!
�R p
These days most people work under
pressure, worry more, sleep less. This
strain on body and brain makes physical
fitness easier to lose—harder to regain.
Today's tense living, lowered resistance,
overwork, worry—any of these may affect
normal kidney action. When kidneys get
out of order, excess acids and wastes
remain in the system. Then backache,
disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy -
headed feeling often follow. That's the
time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
stimulate the kidneys to normal action.
Then you feel better—sleep better—work
better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at
any drug counter. ea