HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-02-02, Page 4BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs, John G. Hinz, Maureen and Wimnifred and De- borah Barber of Guelph with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elligson and 'other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Queren- gesser and Linda Wolfe of Wind- sor called on relatives 'here and visited Mrs. Harvey Wolfe at 65saferth Hospital. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. La- vern Wolfe on Sunday were; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hinz and Den- ise of St Thomas; Mri and Mrs. Erlyn Wiler, Miss Audrey 'Hinz of Stratford; Glenn Briolcman, Wartburg; Miss ;Beth Cole, Rus- seldale, Mr. Ray IBeuermamn, Edgar, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Wood- ward, Donna and Gay of Toron- to with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chris Leon'lrardt of Mitchell and Donald Ahrens, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. F RTILIZER RICES The following are our Regular Prices on C -I -L Fertilizers, delivered to your farm from now until February 29th 2-12-10 $41.50 per ton 0-12-20 44.75 " " 2-16-6 44.50 2-12-16 45.50 4-12-10 46.25 0-15-15 47.00 5-10-13 48.00 0-20-10 54.35 3-18-9 54.35 0-20-20 60.60 10-10-10 63.30 4-24-12 72.30 4-24-20 75.00 66 99 46 tt 99 66 66 99 66 td 66 bt 99 d6 td 99 d6 t6 99 it 6d tt NET - CASH These "Free Flowing" C -I -L brands have been WELL CURED and with early delivery - you will have no problem with hardening. Topnotch Feeds Ltd. SEAFORTH PHONE 15 Chas, Ahrens. Mr. Lorne Hillebrecht observ- ed his 81st (birthday 'on Satur- day. The family celebrated the occasion with him at the hoane of his 'daughter, Mrs. Alfred Beuerman and Mr. Beuerman of Seaforth. Mn and Mrs. W. L. Quer'enges- ser will observe their 45th wed- ding anniversary on "Tuesday, Feb. 7. They have a family of one 'daughter and one son, Mrs. Russell Sholdice (Verna) Brod- hagen and Howard of Mitchell. and four granddaughters and three :grandsons. NIr, Querengesser has been postmaster here for many years and owned and operated the general store for about 40 years, now Sholdice's general store.• Mrs, Querengesser was the form- er Elizabeth !Diegel, Miss Grace 'Fischer enter- tained her classmates of 'Grade 13 of Mitchell and District High School of which she is a student, to a skating party in the church sheds + here on Saturday evening, after which she served lunch at her 'home, David Wayne, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Rose was baptised at the Sunday morning service in St. Peter's Lutheran Church by Rev. E. Fischer. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Magic l with the d,u,OfiWM,,u.O„!„ , ,"",1, 1,,,era,,.+,.,"„h,,,,U,u ut„1,, 01 p",,,,,,", 11„p,ll,p",. ......, 11,11, - NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP All car owners in the Township of Mc- Killop are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township dur- ing the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow plows. Please note - that Provincial Police will take the necessary action to see that cars are not left on roads, and prosecutions may follow W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent uunuuhn,uu,u,w"nuu,ununnnnu,"euuu"„.,nu,euuu 'umn,uu""nn"u,n'eee"m+",e," Town of Seaforth NOTICE PARISIIVG By order of police, to facilitate snow removal,. no parking on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 A.M. and 8 A.M. This order will be strictly enforced in accord- ance with the Highway Traffic Act - Section 43, Subsection 9. Notice is hereby given that the said Municipality will not be responsible for any: damages caused to .parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations WALTON ' i'ly l'aarnn", We !believe the ism - Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bennett of ily farm is a'd'esirable feature of !Clinton visited with their son +Canadian agriculture, If farm. and daughter-in-law Mr. and ere can be assured of a fair in- Msr. Ron !Bennett on 'Saturday. crease for their. investment and Mrs. Mary Gardiner of Toron- tolabor, the young people will 'be and Mrs. Emma Naylor of Rochester N.Y. called on their willing to remain on the fasim, brothers, Mr. J. Hackwell and and the ,fainly farm will sur- ! Mr. W.'0.'I3ackwell last Wednes- vive. Farmers like their inde- 'day' pendence and prefer this wayof Mr. .and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull have returned home after spend- life to that of co-operative ing three weeks in Florida, . fawns. Mr. Fred 'Martin of Newmark- Most .games, Mrs. James How - et spent the past weekend with art, Douglas Riley; lone (hands, his parents, Mr. and Mrs, !Clar- g' encs Martin. Mrs. Glen 'Carter, Eric Ander-' Mrs: 'Ed Miller spent several son; .consolation, Mrs. Mansell days in Goderich at the home of (Cook, Dorothy Riley. Eric And - Mr. and Mrs, W. McTaggart. erson invited the group for next A .progressive euchre patty week• and dance twill be held in the Walton community hall on 'Fri- day evening under the auspices McKILLOP 'of the 'Centennial :Committee, i3..S. No. 2 MVlc5Cillop !Farm The monthly meeting of the WM:S, and W. A. of_ Duff's Un- Forum anet Monday eventing at ited +Church will be belt! in the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ell - school room of the .church on wood 'Clarke. There was a good Thursday 'afternoon, Feb. '2nd. attendance and discussion of the The Jan. WMS. and W. A. topic, "The Family Falun". The meeting of the Walton group was held at the (home of Mrs. 'family farm has always !been the Frank 'Kirk+by on Wednesday base of Cp:nadi'an agriculture evening avitlt 29 ladies present. and we feel it should continue to Mrs. Torrance Dundas, the new he and will if farm prices are president was in charge of the meeting which opened with kept up and the farm family are hymn 571. Mrs. Walter Broad- assured a reasonable return for foot offered a prayer after their work. An !hour of euchre which ,the scripture lesson was was enjoyed .and lunch served read by Mrs. Gerald Watson by the !hostess. Winners at cards fronn 1 salon 121. A New Year's message given by Mrs. Dundas were: Ladies. Mrs. Ephraim 'was followed with a reading giv- Clarke, Mrs. R. E. McMillan .and en by Mrs. Wilmer (Cuthill, en - Mrs Thos. 'MeIvIIllan, and .the titled "The Untried Year", Mrs. Glenn 11 o:g ^ along- wr liar- H• Travis gave a very interest- ents. ing topic on "Prayer". The sec - A basket of flowers was retary's report was given by placed in the chancel of the Mrs. D. Ennrs in the albsence of rho 'secretary. Mrs, Bern Pa'tter- church on Sunday in memory of son. Mrs. Frank Kirkby gave tate the late Jelin Leonhardt-.who treasurer's report of the last passed away twd year's ago on I oneeting and also a report of .the Jan, 30. They were 'placed there* year's work, byhis wife and family, During the (business period it I was announced that the World BORN -In !Scott Memorial Day of Prayer would be 'held' .in Hospital, Seaforth, to Mr, and the Churclh on Friday [Feb'77,1a1 Mrs. Kenneth Smith, FIB. 1, 'and the date for 'the llrazaa p set for March Nth. The resi- Bornholm, a daughter, a sister' dent Banded out material to the for Dennis, Dean and .Sheila. 'members which will be evade in - men, Mr. Thos, McMillan, Bert McClure and Sam MdGlure: Next Monday evening's meeting will he held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Seoord McBrien. The annual meeting of the to aprons and etc, tfor the be- zaar. Mrs. Wes. !Rockwell ;moved Stewards of the 'Christian Home a vote of thanks to Mrs. Walter (married couples) of 'St. Peter's Bewley for the fine work the Lutheran Church was held on had done as president of the Thursday evening in the chuch rgroup last year. Mrs. Bewley thanked the ladies for their help basement. The devotional part and co-operation. The meeting of the meeting opened with the closed with hymn 596 after hymn ' Beautiful'Saviour".,Scrip- hvhiah the Mizpah ,Benediction ture and prayer read. by Mrs. was repeated in unison. Several contests wore con- Wilbur'Hoegy. Topic "The! House 1.ducted by Mrs. R. Bennett after of the Righteous Shall Stand" which hunch was served by the by Mrs. Mervin Hodgert. Prayer hostess, .assisted by Mrs. George followed by the Lord's Prayer by McArthur, Mrs. IF. Walter and Mrs. J. !Clark. The tFe�b. oneeting Wilbur Hoegy. Hymn "Abide will' be !held at the home of Mrs. with me" was sung. The business Wilmer ,Oubhill part was in charge of vice pres.l 1956 Officers for the Walton George Jarmuth, The minutes of Group: Pres., Mrs. Torrance the last meeting were read byDundas; Vice Pres., Mrs, Robert Kirkby; .Sec,, Mrs. Fern Patter the secretary, Mervin Hodgert, son; Press Sec., Mrs, Douglas and the treas. Ross 'Leon'hardt Ennis; Treas., Mrs. Frank Kirk - gave the financial report.by; Pianist,,Mrs. Herb Travis; It was decided to have a (broom ('Contest Leader, Mrs. (Frank Wal- ters, Mrs. Gerald Watson; Sup - ball game on the dee in the per +Committee, Mrs. Win. Ben- ehurch sheds on Tuesday even- nett, Mrs. George McArthur, ing, with soap and crackers and Mrs'Nelson Marks, Mrs. Walter coffee served in the church base- Bewley. Kenneth Ryan, St, Jerome's ment. A skating schedule was High School, of Kitchener, spent placed in the sirens. I the weekend with his parents, Rev. E. Fischer was in charge Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Ryan. of the election of officers which resulted as folloncs: Tres., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scherbarth; Vice Pres., Mr. and IVIns. Leonard Rose; See., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wardell; Treas., Mr. and Mrs..Gordon Mogk; .Sulb Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Reu- ben Buuck, and Mr. and Mrs, George Rock. Lunch Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman; Recreation, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beuerman, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Hoegy, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rose. Pianist, Mrs. Ross Leon- hardt, assistant, Mrs, Gordon Wurdell. Thankyous were spok- en by Mrs. Glen Mogk and Ed- ward Scherbarth for gifts re- ceived. Lunch was served by Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy, Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Hodgert, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks. McKILLOP BUSY BEAVERS THE SEAFORTH NDWS-Thursday, February 2, 1956 Regent re THURS. FRI. SAT. TALL MAN RIDING (Color) Randolph, Scott - Dorothy Malone The roving, rugged, turbulent land -grab. days of the 1870's brought back to flaming life in a Warner color thriller MON. TUES, WED. THE DAM BUSTERS Richard Todd - Michael Redgrave The story of the Bombs that bad to bounce and the air -devils who had to drop then. They fly where no one ever flew before. They fight like ruin from another world THURS. PRI. SAT. THE FAR HORIZONS (Tech) Charlton Heston - Fred MacMurray COMING - THE FIRST TIME Hurry for these Bargains 13 PAIRS ONLY ARCH HOLDER SHOES in Pumps and Ties Regular ;58.95 and 59.45 for $4.95 25 PAIRS "SAVAGE" BLACK KID TIES Regular 56.95 and 57.45 at $3.95 and $4.95 WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" 1 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The ISeaforbh News February 1931 Fire 'broke 'out in D, Fenn - tale's shoe repair shop in the .Campbell 'block. The other part of the store, occupied by the Swift .Co. also had smoke ;dam- age, but the blaze was put out !before it spread. Mr. and MVlrs. James Gillespie celebrated their golden wedding. The comedy, "Three Live Ghosts" was staged successfully in St, James' Parish Hall. Reeve J. W. Beattie of Sea - forth was elected 'warden of IlHuron County. Work on a hydro line to St. 'Columban will start in the spring. Mr. Percy Little of Winthrop is spending a few days in 'Peron - to with his brother, Dr. Oliver Little. J.10. Laing was elected chair- ' man of .Seaforth Public School Board. W. T. Grieve of Royal Oak, Mich. was killed by a train in the Detroit area on 'Feb. 2. Wm. Hertel/ was elected pres- 1 ident of the Horticultural So- ciety. W. G. Willis proved his shoe store from the Bright store to Meet At Exeter In April A meeting of the Executive of Huron Presbyterial was held at the home of (Mrs, J. A. .Sutter, iOlinton, on Jan. 26, at which plans were made for' the annual meeting whish is to be held this year in James St. United 'Church, Exeter, on Tuesday, April 10. The speaker for the occasion will be Miss Grace Patterson a re- tired missionary from India. The theme for the entire meet- ing will be "'Changing Patterns Challenge the+Church". At the meeting reports were received from 'the various secre- taries and 'discussed by those present. A worship service was conducted by Mrs. W. H. Love, Vice -Pres, for the :South Section while the remainder of the meeting was presided over by Mrs. Emery Desjardine, Grand Bend, the store vacated by Fred W. The Dundas Flyers ended their home schedule in the Junior "B" Wigg.OIHA by 'dropping an 8-5 verdict Walton football club elected1to the Seaforth (Hurons, J. 'Carter, manager, T. Routledge Gary Vena with a .32aar{ of A Women's •Progressivergan- secretary, and Gilbert McCallum,' goals and three assists was the servative Association was organ- treasurer. top man for the visitors. ized nn a county level at a din- Owen (Sound Greys, Sparked per meeting here, attended by FORTY YEARS AGO by their top line, whipped .Sea - 80 representatives of the various From The .Seaforth News forth Hurons 8-4 on Thursday Sea. - rural and urban Centres in South February 1916 night in an O.H.A. Junior "B" The seventh meeting of the !McKillop Busy Leavers was held at the hone of !Catherine and Luella Moylan on Jan. 244th with 15 members present. We opened our meeting by singing the Insti- tute Ode 'and repeating the 4-H Club Pledge. The minutes of the last meeting• were read by the sec., .Sandra Doig, and the roll call was answered by what new garments or accessories I need. The next meeting will be held at the home of Grace and Sandra Doig on Wednesday, Feb 8111. The roll call is to show my com- plete record 'book, blouse and chart. Home 'assignments are to wash and iron our blouses and label them neatly ready to hand in for .our Achievement Day. l'Irs. Pryce explained the score for 'the wardrobe and costume lcharts. We had a discussion- what we would 'have for our Achievement Day, and the meet- ing came to a close by singing God save the Queen. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and enjoyed by all. !Catherine Campbell thanked Mrs. Moylan, Catherine and Luella for letting us come to their home for our meeting. HULLETT The WMS. and W. A. of Burns United Church held their Janu- ary meeting on Thursday 26 at the hone of the 'president, Mrs. White at Londesboro. Thirty-six members answered the roll by paying of the fees. Mrs, -George Carter opened the meeting 'with a 'hymn and Miss Gladys Leiper gave the study book on Welcom- ing the New 'Canadians, Ida Lei- per gave a reacting. Thankyou cards were read from Mrs, Pete Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Addi- son, Margaret 'Crozier, Mrs. Neil- ans and Mrs, Jack McFlwing for their box of fruit at Christmas. Mrs. White then took over the business part. An invitation from Londesboro society to the World Day of Prayer was accepted, Mrs. John Riley, President of the W. A. took over for the W.A. A committee was put in to get a mirror for the .organ. The meeting ,closed with a hymn and prayer, followed with a dainty lunch by group 2. .I ,,,on,1011110111111111111111111111111111101uununnm. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 A.M,-Church School and Bible Class 11 A.M. "Sacrament of the Lord's Supper" 7 P.M., "In a Time of Doubt" Come to Church -Come In the morning and come at night under the floor of a pigpen con- taining eight pigs. Mr. Harry Bullard and family of 'the west are visiting friends jin this vicinity, Mrs. Page from the west is visiting her sister M? s.iiugh Hamilton of Tuckersmith. It is 17, years since Mrs. Page was here. Tom Marks big *ow company played to a full house here. A lilac twig covered with buds was brought to The News Office from Eg'mondville this week. Mr. Ryerson liartry of Chat- ham visited his parents. Seaforth Hurons Beat Dundas County Women To Organize Huron Riding. Two representatives were named from each centre to form a general committee. This com- mittee ''ill meet in .Clinton in mid-February when a county ex- ecutive will he named. Plans were discussed to set up individual organizations in the urban centres, to include sur- rounding rural areas. Introduced by Elmer D. Bell, Exeter, past president of .the Western Ontario Progressive 'Conservative Association, Miss Elizabeth Jansen, of Kitchener, provincial association president, explained the set-up and pur- poses of the organization. Mors. B. Hughes, Waterloo, 'president et the Western Ontario Women's Division, also spoke briefly. Mayor Dr. E. A. McMaster, a member of the South ''Huron ex- ecutive, welcomed the gathering. 'Other speakers were T. Pryde, MLA for 'South Huron; R. T. Bolton, Dublin; James Donnelly and George Ginn, of Goderieh. HULLETT I A very enjoyable evening was spent in the Londesboro Com I munity hall last Friday evening when the 'Hallett Twp. Federa- tion held a card party and dance with Jim Scott's Orchestra furn- ishing the music. The prize win- ners for the progressive •euchre 'were ladies' high, 'Mrs. 'Clark Bull; how, Mrs. iSigin Nott; la- :dies' a-Idies' lone !bands, Mrs, 'Lloyd Stewart; gent's Thigh, Jack Me- !Ewan, low, Geo.'Powell, lone hands, Joe Flynn. On Jan. 30th 31 adults of the Fireside Farm Forums nest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bob Riley. The topic taken was "The Fart - HENSALL Miss Shirley Chapman R. N. of Sarnia returned to her duties this week 'after spending the past week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne 'Chapman. Mrs. H. W. Neel) of Tavistock spent !the past week with ,her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. 'Mr. Jim Orr is confined to Victoria Hospital, London, where he is receiving treatment in the interests of hie health. Mrs. Sam Dougall is confined to her room owing to illness, Her anany friends wish her a speedy recovery. JUNIOR B Seaforth Community Arena Dundas at Seaforth Thursday, Feb. 2 8.30 P:M. Admission 50e, Children 260 The parade strength of the 161st Huron Battalion is now 400 men. Robert Livingstone of Grey twp. was elected warden of Hur- on County for 1916. A large quantity of liquor was game. Gond Walmsley scored three goals, Torn Black with two, and Andy Belanger with one scored for the Greys, with the others going to Dick Grainer and Gerry Dickenson. Black and Belanger found by officials near Zurich each picked •up four assists. McKillop Federation of Agriculture ANNUAL MEETING Wed., February 8, at 8.30 p.m. In Seaforth District High School GUEST SPEAKER, G. 1V10NTGOMERY Topic: "The Future of Agriculture Also two good Alms Program featuring the Hearn Bros., of Kirkton Address by Past Comity President, Wilfred Shortreed Grain Club being sponsored as usual Directors: M. Scott, L. Pryce, H. Palin, R. Wildfong, W. Somerville, G. Elliott, J. Keyes, E. Koeliler and F. Kelly President, R. Bruck Vice -Pres., G. Smith Sec.-Treas., A, R. Dodds Everybody welcome. Admission free Fire Siren Testing Notice is given that the Seaforth fire siren will be sounded each Saturday, at 1.00 p.m., for test- ing. AT ANY TIME IN CASE OF FIRE -- PHONE 100 John F. Scott Chief B. F. Christie Chairman Fire and Water Committee