HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-01-26, Page 8Final Clearance MEN'S "ZIP -IN" LINED REGULAR 29.50 39.50 49.50 Final Clearance Price 19.50 25.00 35.00 22 only coats left that we don't want to pack away, -- So So we've cut the price away below coat to move them out. • Made of gabardine, covert cloth, and fine casllnnere blends in fawn, grey, charcoal, navy, light blue and blue gTey. All are slip -an styles and have extra zip -in linings of plain wool, wool plaid or quilted linings. Included in the group are 4 for tall leen and 18 regular length. Here is the size Range Size 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 Quantity 2 2 5 3 2 2 2 4 FINAL SALE TO CLEAR AT 35.00 Ie 00 25 1950 iAF tewart Bros. Way, Abbott; The Token; 'Give Love the Air, :Baldwin Moun- tain ,Shadows; ountainShadows; Her 'Christmas at. the Hermitage, Miller; (Castle Garage, Monsarratt; ,S'hado'w of Suspicion, Loring; Shad Run; Murder comes to Eden, Ford; Band of Angels; ,Slandies the Thunder, Miller'; The Cashier, Roy; Take thy World; The Fury; Nurse with Wings, Humphries; Nol+a Meade, MD., Wesley; 1Catpe Cod iSummer, Judson; Action at Baindary Peak, 'Brock; Man , in the grey flannel suit; Comae back Miranda, ,Duffield; Hickory, Dickory, Dock, Christie; •Simers and Shrouds, Latimer; World and Julie, Naugler; Listening Eye, Wentworth; Jonathan Eagle, Laing; Family Portrait, 'Corbett; Golden Journey, Turnbull; In Quest of Splendour, 'Lenzelin; High Grass Valley, Raine; The' Prophet, Ash; Challenge for Dr. Mays, Seifert; ;Down the long Table; Dear* in Lilac Time; Friends of Heaven, OTrckens; Murder in Trinidad; The Lent - tine, Costain; Marjorie Morning- star, Worth; Sixth of June, Sha Piro; The Horse, (Cormack; The Shiralee, 1vliland; Nearer to Heaven, ,Baker; A Way Homer Listen to the Thrush, Osborn; Arctic Submarine, Marc; Anna and the Hoosier Doctor, McE1- fresh; A song for Jenny, Wink- ler; Mission River Justice, Tut- tle; Special Nurse, Horve; Pass- port to Happiness, Ames; Call of the West, Ewan; Beach Haven, Worley; A Dream of Kings, Grubb; Guns in Bitterroot, 'Cody; B eckening Dream, Berohnran; Black Mesa, Grey; H.M.S. Ulys- ses, MacLean; The Far Journey, Erdmann. Non Fiction -- Stranger in Spain, Morton; Pickles and Pre- serves, Brown; Harmonize your Home, Hardy; The Norwesters, ;Campbell; Doctor to the Island, Davis; Rolling North, Green- wood; Innocence under ii ie Elms by Rick; The White and the Gold, 'Costain; Gertrude 'L•awr- enee as Mrs. A., •Aldrick; Tread- mill to Oblivion, Allen; Lord M., Cecil; I'41 Cry Tomorrow, Roth; My Several Worlds, (Buck; I married the :Klondike, Berton; R.S.V.P., Maxwell; Golden Treas- nry of Natural History, Parke; Onions in the Stew, MacDonald; Pilots of the Purple Twilight, Godsell; In a Canadian Attic, Stevens; Arctic Command, Wild; Venturing to Canada, Dorien; Shall we join the ladies? Nicol; My Mather the Judge, MacGill; Mortgage Manor, Shray; Plery- sy Play, Spicer; One more River to. Cross, Gentry; Arctic Living, McKenzie;. k• Fugitives, Jac D a Poitwa • M Jack; to an y Jour Y, Y Dearest Sophie, Ryerson;In- spiring messages for everyday, Leving; The Power of Positive Thinking, Peale; Outdoors with Pete 9:eGilien, McGillen; Ex- ploring the •Supe1'natural, Lam- bert; So near and yet so far, Kirabraigh; Buckskin and Black- board, Taylor; The Regiment by Morvat; John A. MabDonald, vol 2, .Creighton; Anna and the In- dians, Shipley; Gone are the Days; Land of Moon Flavor, Sparrow; Lost world of the Am- azon, Eickhorn; Caribbean Sym- phony; Stratford 1955, Thrice the Branded (Cat hath mewed; My Hospital in the Hills, 'Seagrave; Inside the Space Ships, Adamski; Edge of the Sea; Inside Africa, Gunther; Animals and some peo- ple, Bromfield, Juvenile; Green Eyes, Niel- sen; Silver ,Chief's Revenge, O'- Brian; Patrol to the Kimberley's, Lane; Operation A.B:C•, Sum - New Books at Public Library New books recently added to Sealerth Public Library: Fiction; The Quaker Bride, Whitney; The Stubborn Heart, Slaughter; The Healer, 'Slaught- er; Love is Eternal, Stone Ven- ture into Darkness, Hobart; Sin- cerely Willis Wayde, Marquand; Flamingo Feather, Vander Post; Pray for a Brave Heart, McIn- nis: Obligate, Moore; No time for Sergeants, Hyman; Free Grass, O'Mara: The Ox Cart Trail, Krause; Nurse Carol, Welsh; Buckskin Brigadier, Mc- Court; The Thorn Tree, White; One Man Loved, Marshall; I take This Man,Loring; Deep in her Heart, Dean; Goodbye My Lady, Street; The Desperate Hours, Hayes; The View from Pom- pey's Head, Basso; The Fugitive Eye, Jay; Treasure of Pleasant alley, Yerky ; Huffley Fair; Amberivell, Stevenson; Prefer- red Risk, McCann; The Opening corers; Mystery alt Shingle Rook, Govan; Summer .Gold, (Kroll; ,Sitar Islamd Again, Hall; Down Bayberry Lane, Girvan; Stranger on the Bay, ,Stantenberg; Myst- ery at the Doll Hospital, Homi- ness; The Son of Lambert, De la Roche; Hickory Hill, Malvern; Mamzelle, Emery; Jody and the General, Cook; The Little cow and the turtle, Dejong; Deffy Taffy; Home on the Range, Ha- der; Secret Place, Sharp; Myst- ery of the (Bells, Moore; Barn Cat, Coates; (Case of the Purple Mask, :Coombs: BRUCEFIELD Mr. Jas. Allen and Mr. Robt, Allen Jr. spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Allen. Mr. Robert Davison, Toronto, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Rev, and Mrs..S. Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Donald' McKen- zie and son Angels spent the weekend with Mr. McKenzie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Simon McKenzie, also visited with Mrs. McKenzie who is a patient in .Clinton (Hospital. Miss Margie Z•apfe of By- ron visited 'with relatives in 'the village over the weekend. Mrs. B. ISho'ldice of BrinsleY is spendinga few days evith her daughter, Mrs. A. Paterson. We are sorry to report that Mr. Yeoman Aldwinkle received a severely crushed finger which needed some skin grafting. IBrucefield W.A. raised over $1000. during the past year. Ov- er $42$.00 was raised by collec- tions, visitors' day, bazaar and Dist. LO.O.F. .fowl rdinner. Four groups raised $657.53. New furniture for: the manse, 2 wash- rooms in 'the (basement, and the manse painted was part of the work done for the year 1.9'55. Now is the time to start HOME IMPROVEMENTS During the slack winter months, skilled labour is easier to obtain than at any other time of year. That's why right now is the best time you can choose for making those long -wanted repairs and improvements to your home, And to finance this work, ask about a Toronto -Dominion Home Improvement Loan. Because under the N.H.A., your Local Toronto - Dominion Bank manager is able [o lend you up to $2500 at only 514% for any worthwhile repair or improvement to your house. Such things as adding a room or a washroom, repairing the goof, improving plumb- ing or heating facilities, finishing a recreation room or building a garage ... all come within this special N.H.A. category. So drop in soon and talk it over with the manager of the Toronto -Dominion Bank nearest you. But don't delay -plan to have this work done now when you can take advantage of seasonal inactivity to have your job done faster, better, and perhaps even cheaper than at any other time of year. TIE TORONTO DONllw BANK THE IB E S T IN BANKING SERVICE J. R. M. SPITTAL Manager - Seaforth Branch F-3871 H ENSALL Four nominees have qualified to seek the vacancy caused on the 3iensall Village 'Gouneil by the resign•atio:n of Norman Jones following the recent death of Reeve William G. Parke, Voters will choose January 30 between Edward William Sink, Thomas Gladwin Lavender, John Aubrey Henderson and Robert John McKenzie. A contest had already been assured for the village reeve - ship' between former Councillor Jones and David Sangster, both of whom qualified Friday night. Mrs. Peter 'Fisher, 85, former well known Iiensell resident, who died Sunday night at Graven - burst, was the former Elizabeth l • -Ihus- Love, X08 Stanley top, Her band died several years ago. Her brother, William FL Love, 82, died 10 days ago at Kincardine. She went to Gravenhurst in 1939. Surviving are two sons, Dr. Murray Fisher and Allan, Gra- venhurst; and two daughters, Mrs. Walter (Moffat, Brucefield; and Eleanor, Gravenhurst. Serv- ices were conducted in the Bon- thron Funeral home on Wednes- day, by Rev. C. D. Daniel. Inter- ment was in IBaird's Cemetery. WEEKEND. SPECIALS CanadiaiY Beauty Pastry Flour.. 24 ib 1.19 Glen Valley Pork & Beans, 15 oz. , 2 for 23c Tip -Top Tomatoes, 28 oz. 2 for 45c Tip -Top Cut Green Beans, 20 oz. . 2 for 35c Stokely's Pumpkin, 28 oz. ... , , . 2 for 35c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 10 oz. .. 2 fOr 23c Red Rose Tea bags 60 size 69c Gay Detergent, regular 35c JELLO INSTANT PUDDINGS 2 FOR 21c CLAIR .NE Egmondville PHONE 72 GENERAL MERCHANT FREE DELIVERY COMING EVENT W. A. of Northside United church will hold a Valentine Sup- per on Wed., Feb, 22nd. Aclnits $1, children under 12, 400 TENDERS FOR CEMENT Tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 2.30 Friday, Feb. 3, 1956, for four carloads of cement or 4,000 sacks, to Inc deliv- ered by April 15; also 600 lbs, of Pozzolith. Two cars to be deliv- ered to lot•25, con. 9, Robt. Mac- Farlane; 2 cars to be delivered to lot 2, con. 11, Henry Welter - son. Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Wni. J. Manley, Road Superin- tendent, Twp. of McKillop, Wal- ton RR2 THRIFTY KIPPENETTES The seventh meeting was held .at the home of Mrs. Bell on Jan. 17th. The meeting opened with "The more we get Together" and 4-H pledge. The minutes were adopted as read. 12 members answered *a roll call. Mrs. Bell talked about last week's roll call. We discussed costume and ward robe chart, We were told how our blouses were marked. The next meeting is on Jan..3+1st at at the home of Mrs. Caldwell. Roll call, show completed blouse and record book. Home assign- ments; complete blouse, book and chart. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News January 1931 Town Council for 1931 was: Mayor, J. F. Daly; Reeve, J. W. Beattie; .Councillors, L. F. Bol- ton, Con Eckert, I. Hudson, Ro- bert .Sanith, T. J. Stephens, A. D. (Sut'herlan'd. J. M. Eckert was reeve of McKillop, W. P. Thomp- son, of Tnckersmitil and M. Arm- strong, Hullett. ;Duncan Cup hockey got un - ter way Saturday. Word was received of the death from Pneumonia of Glen McQueen, former provincial traffic officer .on No. 8 high- way. He , died at 'Chatham. The wedding took place on Jan. 1, 1.931, of Ruby 'Elizabeth McRae and Walter Richard ,Scott, Rev. I. B. Keine officiat- ing. Mr. Samuel ;Cudsnore is again busy with his hay press in the Kippen area and quite a quanti- ty of baled hay is being deliver- ed to the station. Sire of undetermined origin destroyed the fine home of Hugh McMurtrie on the town pine west of Kippers. Mr. Tom Livingston of Clin- ton was in town .attending the funeral ,of the late Henry Tay- lor. 'Miss Olive Laidlaav, who has spent the past two months with her mother and sister in town, returns this week to Boston. W. D. Wilson, who attends S. S. No.. 3 Tuckerslnith, has not missed a day since he started 6 years ago. Mr. Les 'Reid, •Harlonk, has purchased a snowmobile from Powell Bros. in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richard- son and daughter moved to Eg- mondville last week. The first game of the Junior Farmers' Hockey League start- ed on .Saturday night between M'itl Road and Winthrop. 'The line-ups; Mill Road, W. McCart- ney, G. McCartney', W. Wright, D. McIntosh, W. 'C'oleanan, D. Dale, A. Nicholson, J. 'McIntosh, O. Zapfe. 'Winthrop: B. Mont- gomery, E. Little, P. Bullard, Ed (Dorrance, N. Mo emery, T. Blanchard, Andy Montgomery. The score: 6-6. FOR SALE Ayrshire cows and heifers, reg- istered and fully accredited, to freshen in Jan. and Feb. Come and take your choice of 33 head, Glen McNichol, RR2 Walton: Phone 831r24 Seaforth SALESMEN WANTED EARN $75 and more weekly. Sell our guaranteed products in your area. Wherever you may live there is an opening for you, Fain - ilex, Box F, Station C, Montreal FOR SALE 100 pullets about 'four months old. 2 young sows. Ben Akker, N. Main et., Seaforth WORK WANTED Young lady would like house work a couple of clays a week. Phone 351r4 • FOR SALE Dominion washer, G.E. range, six cubic foot Frigidaire (used 10 months), and 21 inch Westing- house television on swivel base, also aerial, used 4 months. Mrs. Fred Elliott, Dublin. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Bert Williams wishes to thank all her kind friends and neighbors for the beautiful gifts and birthday greetings she re-. ceived on her 85th birthday, Jan. 21st The family of the late A. P, Keys wish to thank their friends, relatives and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sym- pathy during their recent bereav- ement; also for the beautiful flo- ral tributes and sympathy cards IN MEMORIAM WATSON-In loving memory of our dear mother, Annie Wat- son, who passed away 8 years ago, Jan, 27, 1948. • The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one loved so well: And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we 811a11 aiwayskeep Sadly missed by the Family FOR SALE 12 gauge hammer shotgun, full choke, with ejector, in first class shape. Thomas Oliver, , ylron e 331J' FOR SALE Eight York sows bred 2 months. Leslie McClure, Seaforth, 320 W NOTICE The annual meeting -of Tuck- ersmith Federation of Agriculture will be held in Seaforth District High School on Tuesday, Jan. 31, at 8.30 p.m. Rev. Bert Daynard, guest speaker, Everyone welcome. Musical programme and film. Ladies please bring sandwiches. PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical Chim- ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove pipes and chimney, No need to remove stove pipes. No fuss, no muss, no. odor. For use on coal, wood, gas or oil fired units. On sale at Sea - forth Farmers Co -Op. FOR SALE Two bull calves. Leonard Leem- ing, lot 13, con. 13, McKillop. Phone 8311.12 Seaforth FOR SALE Eight pigs 10% weeks old, and eight pigs 8 weeks old, Ted Van Dyke, RR3 -Seaforth, Mill Road FOR SALE Acre of good standing bush. Wood and baled hay, Six real small house dogs, Chain saws av- ailable any time, trees cut down anywhere. J. R. Burns, phone 69R. Also picking up garbage, year round collection once a week. FOR SALE 3 pc. Chesterfield Suite, used, beautiful condition, 1 rangette, 2 studio couches. Box Furniture THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thtu'sday, January 26, 1956 TO RENT 6 room, brick house, modern conveniences, 1/5 acre of land, in Dublin, Possession immediately. Mrs. Loretta Schmidt, phone 66R2 SALES HELP WANTED Rawleigh business now open in Huron County. Trade well estab- lished. Exeellent opportunity. Full time, Write at once. Raw- leigh's Dept. A-364-189, Montreal, P.Q. B0X Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful -Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaton) JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC A A. MoMaster, B.A., M.D., Internisk P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable FARM FOR SALE 75 acres in McKillop. E Vg, Lot 7, Con. 11. 11 storey house, barn and straw shed, hydro, drilled' well, drive shed. Joseph Manley, Walton RR 2 ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the 'Os- borne do Hibbert Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Mon- day, February 6, 1956, at 2 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Aud- itors for the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, election of Audi- tors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company. The Directors whose term of office expires are E. Clay- ton Colquhoun and Alex J. Rohde, both of whom are eligible for re- election. Martin Feeney, Presid- ent. Arthur Fraser, Sec: Treas. FOR SALE Four registered Shorthorn bulls between 10 and 20 months old. Apply to Frank Falconer, second farm south of Clinton RCAF houses TUCKERSMITH Tuekersmith ladies' club will hold their meeting on Wed. Feb. 1 at the (home .of Mrs. W. P. Roberts; roll call to be answered by Valentine verse. FOR SALE 1 Astral refrigerator in good condition. Apply to Mrs, James Aikenhead, Executrix, Mrs. W. Worden estate. Tel 662r4 Sea - forth IIIIIIIIMS•1261Z1116•11.1) VETERINARY SURGE$N J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYAN'S, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaford) Hours Orth daily except Mon. 9 to 5.80; Wed. 0 AM to 12,50 PM; Clinton -M¢Leuens Studio, Mon. 9 to 5.50 tea. TO RENT 3 room apartment, oil heated, heavy wired, hot and cold water; 8 piece bath; partly furnished. Thomas Oliver, James street; phone 331 J APARTMENT TO RENT On North Main st., 5 rooms with private bath, hot and cold water. Children welcome. Immed- iate possession. H. McLlwain, phone 112 Seaforth EARN $54.00 OR MORE A WEEKS Part or full.+tinne opportunity in Huron rOontnty for .a farmer or asrtibitious man with agrieui- tuxal background. Age 25 .- 50 preferred. 'Gar .essential. Take orders in •exclusive territory. Be !home every night. No invest- ment. 'We provide complete train- ing at hoarse office plus field assistance. Reply giving age and exper- ience in first letter to Na-Ohurs Plant Food Co., 2 Langarth .St. W., London. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN 51%, S'81AFORTH ONT.. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected tfeoted at lowest rates in First - Class Cgmpanies NOTICE Township of Tackoremith Ratepayers and others are requested to not park ears or vehicles on roadsides in the township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township will not be responsible for damages to any ve- hicle parked on roadsides caused by snowplowing operations. (Signed) E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repair° to all kinds of radios, at TERBYIS RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 84710. Seaforth FOR SALE OR RENT Frame house, furnished. Call Seaforthl, News INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid eomfordt WILLIS DUT=AS CHAMPION STOVE ANDFURNACE OI DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators. All electric models and gear type models. R.opairs for all models. Authorized dealer for cis. islet of Seaforth, Clinton and Brumfield. Allowance ,Wade for used Separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefleld. 08021 Clinton VETERANS CAB L. LEGATE, Prop. Phone 546 Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goal) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelops with price list. 6 samples 26o • 24 am. p1e0 ;1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T 74, Nor - Rubber Co.. Box in, Hamilton. Ont. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax- Prepayment Receipts for 195G The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent - per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall ID. H. WILSON, Treasurer AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - B,as.,318 w FREE SERVICE '1.o FARMERS Don't *waste money on trimmed your land does not need -..We will, without charge to .you, take samples of the earth in your fields and hare them analyzed.. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 876, Se■forth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ' HEAD OFFICE-SEAPORTH. ONT. Officers-President,S. H. MoEwing, Blyth; Vice.Pres., R. Archibald, Sea- forth; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. R. MaEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton;.E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Bracefield; 0. W. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderteh 1 R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broad. foot, Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr.. tendesboro t J. F. Praetor, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bak- es. Brasaels;.Erie Munroe, Seaford). Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be prompt, attended M by applications to any of OM above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better BUIL Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.80 and 10.00 A.M. on week days and.. 7.80 and 9.8'0 A.M. on Sundays. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE 381:ETER President Martin Feeney, 1532 Dublin Vice -President E. Clayton.Colquhoun, BIf1 Science Rill Direeten Harry Coates, Centralia Hamilton1_Cromarty Milton McCurdy, 1su1 Eirkton Alex J. Rohde, 18128 Mitchell Agents T'hoa. G. Ballantyne, RR1 Woodiness Clayton Barrio RR1 Mitchel. Stanley Hooking Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Seeretery-Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Ezeter For Sale Frame cottage on James St. Reasonably priced. Immediate possession Brick dwelling vers centrally located. Galeria St. 'Weal. New furnace. Could be divided for apartments• Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences including 8-pleeo bath, hardwou.' floors, modern kitchen Full basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and al- most immediate possession. Brick dwelling in Egmondville. Can be used as two apartments. Immediate possession. 'ya acre of land. M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Pho11e 47