HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-01-26, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, January 26, 1956 SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET SPECIALS St. Williams Orange & Grapefruit Marmalade -- large 24 oz jar .... 25c Aylmer Choice 4-5 Peas 2 for 33c Large 20 oz. Tins Golden Dew Margarine 1 lb 27c Chase & Sanborn Instant Coffee 10c off 2 oz, Jar -53c. 25c off 6 oz. Jar -1.59 Monarch Chocolate & Gold Cake Mix 2 Pkgs. 52c Schneiders Crispy Flake Shortening - 1 tb cartons 2 for 410 Delicious Water Ice Wafers .. 1 tb Bag 35c Assorted Flavors Eatmore Wheat Berries .. , . 5 lb Bag 33c Toasted Wheat Flakes Apex Tomato Catchup . , 11 oz. Bottle 19c Old English Self Polishing Floor Wax qt. tins 79c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES Valentine Tea HOME BAKE SALE AND CANDY BOOTH Friday, Feb. 3 3 TO 6 P.M. In the St. Thomas Parish Hall Under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary Gingham Dance Community Centre FRIDAY, FEB. 10 Adults $1 Students .75 Auspices Women's Hospital Auxiliary "�9i VINTHROP The W. A..an'd WMS. of Ca- van 'church will 'hold their u:egu- Mr meeting in the church base- ment on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at 2 o'clock. The thought for bhe sheeting will be on prayer. 'Circle 4 will finish the program and group 3 will provide the lunch, BORN McGrath—At Scott Memorial hos- pital, on Jan. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGrath, Sea - forth, a. son Dale—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Jan. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Eu- gene Dale, Seaforth, a son Besharah — At Scott Memorial hospital, to LAC and Mrs, Ray- mond Besharah, Egmondville on Jan. 24, a son. St. Columban PARISH HALL Cards, Program, Lunch MONDAY, JAN. 30 9 P.M. Admission 500 O. E. S. BAKING SALE SATURDAY, ,JAN. 28 AT 3 P.M. M. E. Clarke's Showroom ( TOWN TOPICS Mdss Minnie .Somerville, who has been in (Stratford Hospital for the past six weeks, returned on Monday to her home in bhe Wright 'apartments on 'Goderich Sit. West, Mr. John W. Thompson Jr., of McKillop 'and,M•r. Jinn. Jarm.ieson of :Hullett left on 1Sun•day on a motor .trip to Mexico and !Cali- fornia. Don Finlayson and Mrs. Roy Weiland of Toronto were week- end visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs. H. Weiland. Mr. William Wei- land who has been visiting for the past two weeks and Mr. and Mrs. Weiland Sr. returned 'to Toronto for the winter. Miss Baribara Jordan, London, spent ,bhe weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jor- dan. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, spent :bhe weeicend wibh Mrs. 11. Kennedy. Mr. Jos. Dunn, London, was a guest at the home of his grand- mother, (Mrs. N. (Dunn and aunt Miss M. Dunn over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ed fGaskenette of Woodstock were weekend visit- ors with Mr.:and Mrs. Leo Kelly. Mr. Archie Hubert, Oshawa, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. 'Hubert. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Aslin, of Toronto, and Miss Joan Walsh of London, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh. Miss Dorothy :Smith, Hamilton, spent the weekend wibh her farth- er. Mr. C. IM. Smirch. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. C. P. 'Sills were Miss Mary Lou 'Sills, 'Chatham, Miss Pat Reynolds, Kitchener, Mr. Ron Sills, Kitchener, and Mr. George Sills, London. Attending bhe funeral of the late William McCallum at Lon- don on Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. 'No'ble McCallum, Seaforbh, and their sons 'Russell, of Mit- chell; George of Galt, and Har- old, Walton; Mrs. James Mc Nichol of Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNichol of Seaforbh; Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNichol, of Tuckersmith. Mrs. D. H. Wilson, who has :been a patient in Scott Memor- ial Hospital, expects to he able to return home this week. McKI LLOP The January meeting of 'bhe WIMS. and W.A. of Duff's (Church, McKillop, was held :at the hone of Mrs. George Wheat- ley on Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 2 p.m. with a good attendance of anetnbers and visitors. The roll call was answered by payment of fees. Mrs. James Kerr, our new WMS, pres„ was in charge of the Meeting. Mrs, Gordan Pap- ple read the scripture and Mrs. STOP when School Bus STOPS An amendment • to the Highway Traffic Aet which becomes effective February. 1; 1956; makes It an offence to pass a stopped school bus. (1 ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY 1st when a motorist overtakes a school bus which • is marked on the rear SCHOOL BUS DO NOT PASS WHEN BUS IS STOPPED and Red, Rear, Flashing Lights are operating and • is stopped upon a highway outside a city, town, village, police village or built-up area for the purpose of receiv- ing or discharging • school children he shall STOP his vehicle and SHALL NOT PROCEED until c�. • the school bus -resumes motion or • the driver of the school bus signals hirci t to proceed or • the flashing signals are no longer actuated. Watch for the STap message on SCHOOL BUSES S . OBEY THE LAW -- PROTECT OUR CHILDREN ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Jas. N. Allen, Minister' Les Pryce took the study book.' Our meetings are to .he the 3rd Wednesday of every month. The new program was given put. Thankyou notes were read from Mrs. John HilkebTedht, Murray Dalton, Mrt'`ilden, Mrs. R. Campbell, Mrs. Robt. Hogg. Mrs. Ross .Gordon, the new Women's Association president had :charge of the W.. A. meeting. It opened by singing -hymn 322 followed by prayer. Work for the new year was 'discussed. is hoped to re- pair our church basement in bhe near future, Rev, Mr. Holden spoke :to us in regard' :to the so- cials of the three charges. Duff's is to be responsible for the lunch at the Feb, social. Committees were appointed to look after this. Lunch was served by die hostess and her helpers and a social half hour spent Meeting closed with Miupah'Benediction. Officers of the W.M.S. for 1956 are as follows: Hon. Pres., 'Mrs, Rev. J. Hol- d en; Past Pres., Mrs. R. S. Mc- Kercher; Pres., Mrs. James Kerr; Vice Pres., Mrs. L. Bryce; Treas. Mrs. R. M. Scott; Sec., Mrs. 0, E. Papple; Baby Band headers—. MTs. Arnold Scott and lb1rs. 0. Storey; Mission Band :Leaders— Mrs. Ken !Stewart and Mrs. D. Shanon; Fr•ess Sc.,.eMrs. G. E• Papple; Temperance Sec., Mrs. Alec Smith; ,Christian Steward - Ship, Mrs. Geo. Wheatley; 'Com- munity Friendship, Mrs. Elsdon Kerr; .Christian :Citizenship, Mrs. Eldon Kerr; Supply Sec., Mrs. Kerr; Missionary Monthly See., Mrs. David 'Muir; Associate Helper Sec., Mos. 1. Hillebreoht; Literature Secretary, Mrs. Les 'Pryce; Finance !Committee, Mrs. G . Wheatley, Mrs. R. N. .Scott, Mrs. K. Stewart, Mrs, J. Hille- brec'bt; Pianist for both socie- ties, Mrs. !Murray Dalton. W. A. 'Officers: Past Pres,, Mrs. Eldon Kerr; Pres., Mrs, Ross Gordon; 1st Vice Pres„ Mrs. R. M. (Scott; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. A. Jantzr; 'Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Geo. 'Campbell; Flower and Fruit 'Convenor, Mrs. G. Wheat- ley. VARNA The funeral of bhe late Art - emus Keys was held on Jan. 17 from the Beattie Funeral Hoarse in (Dunton by the Rev. T. J. Pitt. Interment was in 'Bayfield (Cem- etery. tPallbearers were: Elgin Mc- Kinley, John Armstrong, Richard Robinson, Fred McClymont, El- more Keyes, Clifford Keys. Flower+bearers: Bert 'Peck, Gordon Keys, Wilbur Keyes, Sherlock Keyes. Special music: Duet 'by Mrs. Elmore Keyes and Mrs, Elmer Hayter, accompanied by Mrs. Bruce Keys. Mr. Keys was a former reeve of •Sbanley fir. He was also very Prominent in Church work, (being supt. of 'Goshen United Ghurcn .Sunday School, and an elder of the Church for :many years. SEALY HAS DONE IT AGAIN 75th DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Magic Rest Mattress REGULAR 59.50 ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE U • BOX . FURN:ITURE FUNERAL SERVICE House Furnishings Floor Sanding PHONE 43 Floor Coverings Westinghouse Appliances SEAFORTH GRAND FRIDAY, JAN. 27th Fuhr's Butcher Shop In the former W. L. Whyte store, Main Street, Seaforth Drop in and leave your name on a free chance on a Kroehler Hostess Chair OPENING SPECIAL For Friday and Saturday 1 Ib. package of Weiners fZ lb. package Rindless Bacon All for 1 lb. package Lard 69c Everybody welcome to a free Coca Cola „.1,)„.,p.a.,.a,.,a,,,.,aa.,111111,11111,,a.p.,.a„.,,..,....aa,.111111,1,1,aa,.,,aa.aa.....,,a,...a1a,.a.,aa..., 1,111...,. ..a..,,.,a.a,..a..a.aa.apa.,... Nancy Ellen, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. R. C. Smith, Byron ,,,,,,,,„1ilea a.tp.n,aa..,.,a.aaal pa,a,,a,,.,,.,,a„p,pili„,O,,,,,,,b,,,,,,,,,,,b,,,,,,„,a.,baflat,,aNH,,,,,,,tlll,,,,,,,,„mums” u,,,.,,,,,,,,,1„tuaN„t,,,, a, 115„)b,,,,,,,,��,. Mr. Barrett will be in the Seaforth area on Tuesday, Jan- uary 31st, photographing children in their homes. For an appointment to have your child photographed at this time, phone the studio in London — 4-5453