The Seaforth News, 1956-01-26, Page 1The Seaforth
Fr. Stephen Eckert
May Be Saint
One of the preliminary steps
towards canonization was taken
on Sunday on behalf of the Bev.
Father Stephen Eckert, a Capp -
Chin priest Who was born in 1St.
IGolunilb;an near Seaforth.
In all Roman'Catholic 'Church-
C urclies, an edict from Bishop (Cody, of
the 'London 'Diocese, was read
.asking anyone who has any let-
ters ,Or ,d(ocuments written (by the
late Father Eckert, 'or any in-
formation, either to his credit,
OT discredit,' to forward them to
the Bishop before February 14.
The edict was one step in the
process of investigation which is
undertaken when a .person ii be-
ingconsidered for •eanonization
and was anade under an order
fa•ani .the Archdiocese of Milwau
tee where Father Eckert died in
The priest, who devoted his life
to work among the Negroes aft-
er he joined the Capuchin Order,
was +born in St. 'Golureban in
'Born in McKillop twp. he was
John Eckert until he became
Father .Stephen, and attended
St. Jero re's College, Kitchener„
then Berlin. After a year in De-
troit as novaibiate in 11891, the
went to Milwaukee where he
was ordained in 1896 on July 1.
Until 1905 he was at, Yonkers,
N. Y., and then for six months
was in Wisconsin. Returning to
the New York area he remained
there until 1913, when he wenn
to Milwaukee. There he founded
a religious centre which today
occupies two city 'blocks at the
corner •ef •10th and Wisconsin
avenues. There is a church, hos-
pital, -convent and residential
and day school. A statue was
erected there in his memory.
While there and at New York
he gave missions among the ne-
groes, and his life wasdevoted
to improving their lot.
Another brother, Father Mich-
ael, was Joseph Eckert before
jetseieg the Dominican Order. He Chicago in 1939, and had
served in Minneapolis from 1904
to 1930. -
Mr. Fred Eckert, of Dublin,
aho will be t89 in April, is a
brother, 'and Mrs. John Murray,
of McKillop, a sister, wild be 85
this summer.
Northside Church
Annual Meeting
The annual aneeting of the
congregation of Norbhside Unit-
ed 'Church was held on Thursday
evening with an exceptionally
large attendance. Rev. Bruce Hall
opened the aneeting with prayer.
Dr. Paul Brady was elected
Chairman of the meeting and
Mrs. Russ Murdie secretary.
Very encouraging reports were
received, showing activity in .all
departments. The WMS. and Mae
Lane Evening; Auxiliary showed
totals of $775 and $177 respec-
tively. The W. A. groups had a
net total of 11720.
It was decided to increase the
number of elders from 15 to 20,
5 to he elected each year for a
4 -year term. Voting for 5 new
elders is taking place, ]rant .Sun-
day and next Sunday:
Eiders re-elected for 4 years
at the meeting were: T. M. 1$eott,
William .Leeming, Dr. J. C. Mac-
Lennan, D. A. Aikenhead, Bev,
(Stewards elected for 3 -year
term: Chas. Pinder, D. Kohl,
Bruce Walters, Wan. Henderson,
For 2 years, Dr. W. R. lBeyans.
A quartette consisting• of J.
Scott, C. Walden, Fred Snow and
Gann Scott sang tevo,;aaumbers.
The repot of the building
'committee showed a substantial
reduction in that 'debt during the
year. Lunch was served at the
Lady Curlers
Entertain Visitors
Seaforth Ladies' Curling Club
entertained rinks from surround-
ing paces on Monday ata social
get-together, 'during the after-
moon and evening, A potluck
supper was served at 5 o'clock.
Skips of the rinks taking part
were Mrs. Gurney, Wingham;
- s. Wilma Kerr, Wingham;
Neal.,Millie Whetstone, Goderieh;
M%%. Gwen French, Herisall; Mrs.
Reg. Reid and Maas. Helen Baines
of Stratford; Mrs. Jean (Staple-
ton -and Mrs. Anna Kling, Sea -
Winner of the lucky door prize
was Mrs. D. E. MacKinnon,
Stratford; lucky cup prize, Mrs.
Peg, Woods, Goderich; prize for
longest time curling, Mrs. French
orf Hensel].
William George Bolger, a
pioneer resident of the Lacadena
district, passed away in the Es -
ton Hospital on Tuesday, Jan-
uary 10bh, following a brief
illness, at the age of '72 years.
Barn in 1Moaris Twp,, .Huron Co.,
Ontario, Mr. Bolger crane West
in 1911, settling en his 'home-
stead south of Lacadena, where
he .has resided until the present
time. He is survived, (besides his
wife, the forme. Allison T. Ste-
venson, to whom he was married
in 1911, by two daughters:
•(Ella) Mrs. J. L. Wansborough,
of Superb, 'Sask., and ((Thelma.)
Mrs. N.C. O'Leswick, of Prince
George, and one son, Orval, at
home. There are five geaaadchild-
ren. He was predeceased by one
son, James Ivan, in 1953.
Funeral services were held in
Lacadena United ,Church, on
Saturday, Jan. 14th, at 2 p.m.,
with Rev. Stokes officiating.
Mrs. lB'red Turner was at the
console of the organ. Tlie_ choir
was in attendance and sang
"Abide with Me." Hymns sung
by the congregation. were "Safe
in the Arms of Jesus" and
"Nearer My God to Thee".
Interment was made in the
family plot, 'Clearwater Lake
Cemetery, with the following
acting as pallbearers: F. Irvine,
A. Booth, E. Denning, M. Goetz,
0. Day, and B. 'Headman.
Flowerbearers were: W. Furse,
J. 'Harkness, G. Denning, and P.
Mark Fifty Years
Of Wedded Life
Marking !bhe '50th wedding an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Webster a dinner was served to
the family and friends at Norbh-
side United 'Chinch on Monday
evening, with the W. A, cater-
ing. Arno•ng the guests were the
bridesmaid and groomsman of
50 years ago, Mrs. Wilbert Web-
ster, Geaforbh, and Daniel Hen-
derson, Wingham; [Fred J. Lawr-
ence. Goderieh; Rev. and Mrs.
John ;Stimson, 'London, and Rev.
Bruce Hall, •Seatforbh. The table
decorations were beauticfully
done in gold.
For, the reception on Monday
afternoon, Mrs. F. S. tSavauge
and !Miss Annie Lawrence pour-
ed tea, and helping to serve were
Mrs, Bev. .Christie, Mrs. Florence
Flood, and Mrs. (Cecil Oke, Lon-
don. In ibhe evening Mrs. Wilbert
Webster and Mrs..Archie Kerr
poured tea, and Mrs. Ben Rising
and Mrs. Art Wright (John St.)
helped serve. During the after -
neon and evening the daughters
took turns at the door aaad guest
Mr, and Mrs. Webster were
(presented vrith a gift by the fam-
ily. A book compiled by Mrs.
Feed Babcock, 'Golden Memor-
ies of the Fifty Years," was
.Much admired by the 'guests, and
contained the story in pictures
of her parent's wedded life.
Tlhe four -tier wedding cake
for the occasion was made and
decorated by another daughter,
Mrs. Will Dodds. A wedding gift
of fifty years ago, a table cloth,
was used on the table during the
Funeral service for Williaan
MdCallum, 76 -year-old retired
building contractor, of 275 Rid -
out street south, • London, who
died Saturday at Gt. Joseph's
Hospital, London, was .held Mon-
day at the A. Millard George
funeral home, with the Rev. J.
W. A. Stinson, of Wesley United
Church, officiating. Pallbearers
were James (Clerk, George Mc-
Nichol, 'George McCalhrm, Os-
mond Lines, Royal .Scott and
Peter :Sheers. Interment was in
Fared Lawn Memorial Gardens.
Born in Walton and retired
ainee 1946, Mr. McGalium:was a
fernier elder and member of the
board of management 'of Wesley
United IClurroh.
His wife, the former Isabella
B. Mc,Couyt, survives with a son
and a daughter, William B. Mc-
Callum, of (Sarnia, and Laura,
Mrs. John Hatton, at Byron; Own
grandchildren; one brother, No-
ble McCallltien, of (Seaforth; and
.three sisters, Mrs. Janet Brough-
ton, of Monkton • Mrs. Elizabeth
d4IcNiehol, at Walton, and Mrs.
Fannie Engler, in Kirtchener.
Northaide United Church
Bev. Bruce Hall, •Minister.
10 am., Ohurch (School and
Adult (Class.
11 a.m., .Sermon "A Bag with
Jr. (Congregation and Tod-
dlers' Group.
7 p.m., Sermon "The Right
Kind of Popularity."
- 8.15 Young People's Union,
tEgmlondville United Church
Rev, W. E. Milroy, Minister
Friday evening, Jan. 27, at 7
.o'clock, pot-lucksnapper, to be
followed by the •congregational
annual, meting.
110 a.m., 10hiurch .School and
,Adult Bible 'Class.
11 a.m., Morning Worship:
.Sermon "illeavenly :Recognition
from ;Bible Assertion".
'Thursday at 7.30 midweek
McKillop Charge
.Cavan Church, Winthrop: Ser-
vice 10 a.m.. 'Sunday 'School at
11 a.m., Duff's, (Church 11 a.m.;
'Bethel, ;Church .2 .p.m, --Rev, J.
R. Hoiden; Minister.
'On Tuesday evening, the Bar-
bara 'Kirkman Auxiliary of First
Presbyterian 'Church, held their
first aneeting of the New Year.
Mrs. Keith .Sharpe presided and
opened the aneeting with a poem
"Another Year", followed Iby the
hymn "'Standing at the Postal
of Another Year". Mrs. Sharpe
then led in prayer. After the
minutes were read by Mrs. Riv-
ers, the offering was taken up by
Mis. Dale Nixon, and Mrs. Wal-
lace Ross. The hymn "Unto the
hills around do I lift up any
longing Eyes" was sung and Miss
Belle Smith read the scripture,
'Psalm 145. Mrs. Andrews offer-
ed prayer. Mrs. Munn appealed
to the ladies to help with Red
Cross knitting, The •guest'spealk-
er, .Mrs. D. 3. Lane, of .01inton,
.was 'introduced by Mrs. ICansp-
bell. Mrs. Lane spoke, very gra-
ciously. and sincerely on ' Stenv-
ardship". We have nothing that
we have not received from Gad,
and .when we give, we give back
only wheat He has given to us.
God has given us .nada. theme -
Zola our responsibility is great.
We, as members of the Mission-
ary 'Society, should realize we
are in this work for what we can
give, not for what we can get.
Freely ye have received, freely
let us give. After a period of
di.seusslon Mrs. Sharpe 'th'anked
Mrs. Lane for her message. Fol-
lowing the hymn, "Take my life
and let it be Consecrated Lord
to Thee" Mrs. 'Sharpe closed the
meeting 'with prayer.
Members are asked to remem-
ber the social evening to beheld
Monday evening, Jan• 30 at the
Walton Church
Annual Meeting
About '80 members of Duff's
United 'Chumah attended the an-
nual,congregational supper in
the srlheok'ooan of the 'Church on
Thursday evening, Jan, 19th.
The ladies of the Walton group
were in charge of setting tables
and preparing the areal and the
McKillop group .cleared the ta-
bles and washed' dishes.
Rev. W. M. 'Thomas presided
over the annual' meeting which
followed die supper. Mrs. Har-
vey Craig was elected secretary
for the evening .'and read the
minutes of the last annual meet.
ing. Mr. Rey Housbton gave a
stalk on the work of the Huron
Presbytery Men's (Council for
1955. Mr. ,Oliver McDonald was
elected to anen's'council for 1968.
The treasurer, IMrs. Harvey
Craig gave a very, encot'iraging
report. The amount sent to the
M. & M. Fund was $1,100.00.
Rev, Thomas moved a vote of ap-
preciation to Mrs. Craig for
her fine work ars treasurer, Don
Achilles, treas., of the Sunday
School gave a splendid report.
During bhe year a Ryerson Films
Service Projector was purchased.
Rev. Thomas gave the session re-
port after which all stood in re-
membrance of 'those in the con-
gregation who had passed away
'during .bhe year. A poem entit-
led The Arrival" was read by
Rev. Thomas. Ruth Ritchie and
Irene Litouski sang "My Secret"
as a duet. Mr. John Leeming
was elected representative for
Presbytery .and .Conference for
the taming year. Miss Donna
Smith gave the young people's
report and. Shirley Bowman sang
a solo. Tho Mission Band report
was given by Bobby Houston af-
ter which a New Year's poem
was read by Gerald Smith. Mrs.
Frank Kirkby outlined (the work
which had been done by the
WMS. and Mxs. 'Nelson Reid gave
the financial report stating
$909.40 had been sent to (the
Presbyterial Treas. Auditors for
the Ordinary Fund and M. & M.
Fund were re-elected as follows:
Mr. Andrew Turnbull and 'IL'.
Clarence Martin. Mrs. Bert John-
ston gave a summary of .bhe
work done by the W. A. and. the
treas., Q4Irs. Andrew iCautts,
gave a very encouraging report.
Rev. 'Thomas en behalf of the
church thanked the .ladies of the
W,M!S. and W.A. for the very
wonderful work they are doing.
Donald McDonald moved a vote
of appreciation to Rev. and Mrs.
Thomas for their splendid work
done in the eongregaation. Mrs.
Herb Travis sang "Lets go to
Church next Sunday Morning".
Mr. Allen ;Searle -was elected on
the committee of 'Stewards to re-
place Mr. George McArthur Who
was resentiy elected to session.
Mr. Limes .Smith was appointed
eo'llector in place of Mr. W. R.
ISholdice who was also elected to
session. -
The following new slate of
ushers were elected. Herbert
Kirkby, Ronald Ennis, Ronald
,Smith, Wayne McMichael, +Leslie
Oliver and Bert Johnston. A
splendid .C.G.I.T. report was giv-
en by DonnaSmith after which
a solo was sung by Marilyn
Johnston. Accompanists for bhe
evening were Mrs. Jack Bryans
and Mrs. W. C. Hackwel'i. 'The
Baby Band report was given by
Rev. Thomas in the absence of
the leader, Mrs.. Gordon MoGa-
vin. A vote of appreciation was
moved to the choir and 'organist
Mrs. Harvey :Brown and the
caretaker, Mi. Jarhes 'Clark. Mr.
Jack Bryans thanked :the ladies
for the splendid meal 'they had
served. The meeting. closed with
prayer rby .the minister.
Envelopes smaller than four
inches long and 2g 'inches wide
will not be accepted for trans-
mission througththe mails after.
February 1, the !past olffice de-
partinent has announced.
The new regulation covering
the .minimum size of envelopes
fellows a decision ride by the
Universal 'Foetal Union. It had
originally been intended for en-
forcement Oet. 1, but a delay
was allowed Ibec'ause manufact-
urers and retailers still had con-
siderable quantities on hand.
The post office :department
bas ruled there will be no further
extension. Letters or cards in en-
veloroes' smaller than bhe size in-
dicated, in either ,dimn.ension, will
be returned to the sender if a
return address is on the cover,
or else diverted to the undeliv-
ered mail office.
The regulation effects mostly
many types of greeting cards,
announcements and • invitations,
as very little ordinary corres-
pondence is conducted on sail;
tioneiy as small as the size men-
tioned. Reason for the ban is
that very small envelopes con -
not he handled in cancelling ma-
chines, get lost in sorting cases,
and are subject to being trapped
in large pieces of mail and thus
The post office said it is in the
interest of a more efficientpost-
al operation and the benefit of
'the public generally that this
nnisan•co item will no longer be
The New Year meeting open-
ed with a supper with groups 1
and 2 entertaining 3 and. 4. The
leaders, Mrs. Anne Henderson,
Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Ruth Knight
and Miss Lawrence, ably assisted
by Mrs, ,Chamberlain, Mrs. Snell
and Mrs. Walden, made sure
there was nothing left out of
this lovely supper. There were
ever 50 present: The meeting
proper opened with Mrs. Walden
gneng a New Year Greeting,
Hymn 502 What A Friend We
Have In Jesus" and prayer rby
Mrs. (Loss .Savamge which was
composed by one CIf our shutin
members, Mrs. B. Lawrence. It
stressed that we cannot all do
and perform the same tasks .hut
we are all •called to pray.
Mrs. Grace Scott took over the
business with greetings to all and
especially 'our new -corners and
visitors. She 'thanked the groups
for the lovely supper. The mes-
sage from our (Dominion Pres-
ident to members was read. Min-
utes of the December meeting
and executive meeting were read
and approved. Mrs. ISavavge gave
a reeding on Friendship. Reports
of home and hospital calls were
made. Correspondence read by
Mrs. Close. Stoll call by Mrs. an-
ima'. World Day of Prayer ttibis
year will be Feb. 17 in 'Norbh-
side United 'Church. Business
olosed and Miss Fennell took
over (bhe program.. 'Hymn 249,
the Lord's Prayer in _- unison,
scripture, Luke e: 1-6 was read
by Miss iAlilbie ,Seip. Miss Fennell
gave a very interesting talk on
"Sympathetic Understanding of
our New 'Canadians", Mrs. Wal-
den and Mrs. (Cochrane assisting.
Mrs. IScobt read 'a poem by E.
Pauline Johnson, "The song my
Paddle •S'ings . The meeting
dosed with hymn 252 and Miz-
tpalh Benediction.
The annual comgregaitiomall
meeting is to the held in Egmionrd
vibe iChurah on Friday evening.
A pot-lucksupper will be served
at 7 o'clock and .bhe business
meeting will (follow
Mr. and Met. Aubert IOlark and
'daughter Barbara 'were (Saturday,
visitors with 'Mrs. 'Cl'ark's par-
ents, Mr. and; ,Mrs. J. IS. Watson,
Miss Lemma McMillan of Tor-
onto spent the weekend with her
mother, iMns. W. F. McMillan.
Mrs. Grace McCallum spent
the weekend at her home in
Blyth. .
W. 1. NEWS
The Seaifmarth Women's Insti-
tute are packing a bale of cloth-
ing to Jbe sent tto Korea. Anyone
having anything to donate please
contact any W. d. member 'or call
Mrs. Wilfred 'Coleman.
SL.GU a Year
Authorized as second Class mail, Pod
Office Dent., Ottawa
Snowdon Etas.. Publisher.
eike eat
48 -pc. Service for
• Cliest included
either nattern
Fire Destroys
Hullett Barn
Wire which was 'discovered
around 6.30 o'clock Saturday
morning completely destroyed
the large barn on the farm .of
William Manning, on the 10th
concession of Hulled (bwp., one
anile west of Londesboro.
Blyth fire (brigade responded
to the alarm. at 6.45 'but on ar-
rival found the whole structure
ablaze. Nothing could he done to
save the barn. The lire fighters
were able to keep the fire from
spreading to other (buildings.
Mr. Manning had a sale last
fall and sold all of ehe livestock
except some 25 pigs and one
calf. These perished in the fire.
'The .pigs .and oalf had been sold
the day before, .but hadnet been
delivered. Mr. and Mrs. Mann-
ing had planned to leave for a
vacation in Florida newt week.
Firemen wexs called on Friday:
afternoon to the apeetnient orf
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Storey in
Jacis 'Thoanpson's block on Main
Street when smoke was noticed.
earning fs'oan the rooms'. Meat
burning in an electric automatic
oven iwhich bad Ibeconne over-
heated was fonlnd to be the cause
off the 'smoke. No one was home
at *se lime
These 2 popular 1847 Rogers Patterns are icing discontinued this Winter. Now is
your, last chance to complete your set. Terms arranged if desired.
All pieces may still be obtained while the Factory's plaseut etock hats. Let us have
your order to -day
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
Returns From Trip
To Europe
Mr. Peter Christensen, local
contractor, arrived home from a
business trip to tDenmark, on
Saturday, Jan. 21, landing at
He had a very pleasant and in-
teresting trip. Leaving Malton
on Wednesday, Jan. 4, went to
Montreal and changed planes,
T.C.A. landing first at Prest-
wick, Scotland, this was neces-
sary on account of tad 'weather,
then on to Dusseldorf, Germany,
where he took the train to Den-
They travelled nine hours over
the ocean at 450 miles an hour
at a height of 24,000 ft., with
considerable disturbance of air
pockets etc., necessitating the
fastening of safety belts several
times; above the clouds in beau-
tiful sunshine but coming• down
for landing in very thick :murky
.0•n the return trip they took
off from Copenhagen but had
trouble and had to land at Lon-
don, England, and change en-
gines and were seven hours late
leaving 'London. They were ten
and one half hours from London
to Montreal, mostly good weath-
er but struck some bad districts.
,Group 1 of bhe W. A. of
Northside United Church met on
Jan. 11th at the home of Mrs.
III. Connell with 16 present. 'Mrs.
Walden and Mrs. Mua'die had
charge sof 'the program. Mrs.
Walden read a New Year poemm.
Mrs. Gordon Elliott. read the
scripture and Mrs. Murdie led in
(prayer. Elden Connell sang a de-
lightful solo. Mrs. Iiell'ar as
guest speaker chose as her topic
"The ,Child and his Teacher",
which was very inetructive and
enjoyed by all. Mrs. 'Connell pre-
sided over the business: ways ,of
raising 'money for the coming
year were discussed. An Easter
tea and bake sale is to the held
on 'Saturday, April 7 in the
(Church. Mrs. Walden and Mrs.
Murdie assisted the hostess in
serving a lovely lunch.
New Butcher Shop
Opens This Week
A new butcher shop is 'being
opened this week in the former
W. L. Whyte store on Main St.,
by Harold Fuhr, of Stratford,
who is installing equipment and
expects to be open on 'Friday.
Mr, Fuhr has had extensive ex-
perience in the business in (Strat-
ford. He will move his family to
Seaforth in the near future
Elizabeth Jansen
Speaks Here
Miss Elizabeth Jansen, of
Kitchener, recently elected pre-
sident of the Progressive Con-
servative Women's Association
of Canada, is the guest speaker
at a dinner meeting being 'held
on Wednesday evening in the
parish hall of St. Thomas'
,Church, Seaforth, attended by
wonnen frons all parts of the rid-
ing of Huron.
Dr. Brady Heads
School Board
Dr. P. L. Brady was re-elected
chairman of ]bhe .Seaforth Public
Scheel Board at its inaugural
meeting on Wednesday evening.
F. E. Willis ,and Dr. Bratty
were named to the finance com-
mittee; W. T. Teall :and Mrs. A.
W. rSiliery, property; and J• A.
Westeo'bt and Mrs, John Canino,
supply. Mac. McKellar was re-
appointed sec. -treasurer. Mrs.
Elva Ellis, a member of ,.the
school's staff, was reappointed
to the Library Board; C. A. Bar-
ber was named the school's re-
presentative to the.Seaforth Dis-
tiiicit High (School Board; and
the attendance officer will be
Robert Joynt.
Principal John Talbot report-
ed that the average attendance
for 1955 was 293.79; the en-
rolment in Dec.,last year was
Although the -auditoriums. is be-
ing used as a classroom, Mr.
Talbot stated that tide accommo-
dation is quite comfortable.
twins Peter and Paul are spend-
ing a month with. her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clyne Munro at
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wilson of
Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs.
Petrick Ryan.
Mrs. Tom Butters and Phyl-
lis in London.
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Dever-
eaux of Seaforth with Miss Mon-
ica Byrne.
.Jin and Mrs. Pete Groseck,
Mrs. Ken Wickens, Miss Patricia
Costello all of London, Mr. ,Gor-
don Costello, Egansville, with
Mr. and Mrs. Dan 'Costello.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Don-
nelly Jr. and family have moved
to Stratford.
Mrs. Joseph Atkinson in Tor-
onto with her daughter, Miss
Mary Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'taste of
London with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Lane.
Mrs. Fred Overdulve of Hamil-
ton is spending two weeks with
her ,mother, Mrs. Mary Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney
of Kitchener with Mrs. 'Cather-
ine Feeney.
A progressive euchre and so-
cial evening was held in St. Pat-
rick's parish b'a'll on Friday, Jan -
20, sponsored by the ladies of
the .Altar Society. 25 tables
played euchre. Mrs. Martin
Klinkhamer won the ladies'
prize and Mr. James J. Kraus-
kopf the gentlemen. Norris Or-
chestra supplied music for .danc-
ing. Miss 'Noreen Dalton winning
the spot dance prize. Lunch was
served by the ladies in Charge.
The sixth meeting of the Mc-
Killop Busy Beavers was 'held at
the Thome of Agnes Bicknell
with 19 members present on Jan.
1'8th. We opened our meeting by
singing the Institute Ode and re-
peating the 4-H (Club pledge. The
next meeting twill be 'held at the
borne a Catherine and Luella
Moylan on Jan. 24. The roll call
is, what new garment or acces-
sories I need, plans for colour,
texture, and design, to suit in
my wardrobe. Home assignments
are: .Continue work an !blouse,
chart, anti record book. Also
bring your chart and record
book to this meeting. Mrs. Keys
and Mrs, Pryce discussed with
us a well fitted blouse. Each girl
fitted her blouse while Mrs. Keys
and Mrs. Pryce checked and. aid-
ed us in our :alterations. 'Our
meeting was adjourned by sing--
ing, God save the Queen. Lunch
was Servet: by the hostess.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Joe aVIelone and,
son Bobbie of Winnipeg are
:visiting Mr. and Mrs. man Cost-
ello and Mr. and Mrs. John Ma-
Rev. Father John McConnell
M. M. of Marykaaoll, New York,
with chis mother, Mrs, David Mo
Mx. anti Mrs. William rabaple-
s Fort ;Erie. •
IMrs. Delmar iCamei'on . and
The Friendly Few Foam For-
um met at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Verne Dale with an attend-
ance of 12. As it was review
night there was no discussion and
after listening to the rbroadoast
two contests were conducted by
Mis. Earl •Laweon. Then pro-
gressive euchre was played,
winners being Mrs. Earl .Lawson
and Ross McGregor, and conso-
lation prizes to Mrs. Bill Dale
and Frank !Riley. Lunch was
served by Mrs. Lawson. Next
meeting will be held aft the home
off Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt.
Mr. William (Dale was in Lan
don on Tuesday, attending a dir-
ectors' meeting of the Fair
Board; also in Toronto on Wed-.
nesday attending the 'annual
meeting of the CNE.