HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-01-19, Page 8WANTED Loan of $600 wanted at 7 per cent. Apply at News Office CHIX For quality Chix of 'all ages, capons, broilers, etc. Leave your: order at Dale Produce early and receive price reductions PIGS FOR SALE. 15 choice York chunks. Apply Lloyd McCarthy, phone 3611,4 Dublin FOR SALE 21 good pigs, ten weeks old. Gerald Van Den Hengol. Phone 852r11. R115 Seaforth WANTED. Barn wanted for wrecking, 32 x 70, or what have you? Apply to Gerald Van Den Hengel, phone 852r11. 13.115 Seaforth FOR SALE 1 Astral refrigerator in good ' condition. Apply to Mrs. James CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors for their kindnesses, messages of symp- athy and flowers during the re- cent bereavement; also Father McCowell, Father Ffoulkes, and Father O'Rourke of Stratford. —Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan and family WEEK -END SPECIALS Che.ese W,tjz ..w„ .,1 ,rge-59c; small 35c R;Kraft Cheese Slices 27c Delmar Margarine : f .,,f tl 2;or ; 5.§c Holly Peas, 20 oz. 2 for 39c Inter Lake T. Tissue 2 for 25c Canadian Beauty Pastry Flour 7 tbs 35c 24 lbs, — 1,10 Wheat Berries 5 lb 35c Sugar 10 lbs 87c KLEENEX — REGULAR 2 for 37c CLAIR HANEY Egmondville GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY. Aikeuhead, Executrix, Mrs, W. Worden estate. Tel. 662r4 Sea- forth WANTED A good home for two nice cats: Phone 845r3 Seaforth tion en (Con: 8 and 9. He an- swered all questions that were asked on this project. At this time the following bylaws were drafted: No. 1, Set- ting the salaries for the various twp. officials. No. 2, Naming the various twp. officials for 1956. No. 3, The borrowing bylaw for the Bank of Montreal. No. 4, Tihe expenditure bylaw for tnvp. roads and (bridges, No. 5, Nann- ing the tw[r solicitor for 1956. Moved by T. Leiper and E. Hesit, that the accounts es ap- proved be passed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Geo, Brown and E. Hesk, that the clerk revise the voters' list in accordance with the voters' lists Act. 'Carried. Moved by E. Hesk and T. Lei- per, that we do now adjourn 'to meet on Feb. 6, at 1.30 p..m. Car- ried. Accounts: Relief $59.59; Ad- ministration $38.00; G^ants $25. Roads and bridges $193.83. VARNA Varna United .Church Mission- ary Society met in the Church on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 12, with Mrs. Geo. Reid in charge of the worship service. The theme was, "The Call to the Mission of the Church Through One's Voca- tion”. Hymn 375, "Jesus, Thou Divine .Companion," was sung. Mrs, Gladys Coleman, Mrs. Geo.' Stephenson, Mrs, 'Charles Reid and Mrs. Gordon Johnston read passages from Luke's Gospel. After singing hymn 356, Mrs. Reid announced the presentation of Life Membership to Mrs. Waft -I son Webster. Mrs, Webster took charge of the business of the meeting. Seventeen calls to shut- ins were reported, and cards of thanks for Christmas cards and treats were read. The Study Book, "No Vanish- ing Race", was 'taken by Mrs. Geo. Stephenson, Mrs. Gladys Coleman and Mrs. Gordon John- ston. The meeting closed with hymn 206 and the benediction. 'Lunch was served by the la- dies of the east group and a so- cial hour enjoyed by all. • i�; HERE'S A VERY UNUSUAL SALE OF WOMEN'S & MISSES' SPRING COATS at Half Price Away before the spring season opens, we offer You 50 coats in full length style in both fitted or full back style along with a few belted models at this big 503/4 Discount. choose from lovely all wool spring coatings in a wide range of shades that include grey, powder, beige, rose, navy, red and fawn -- Cloths are cut velours, plain cashmeres, Kenwood fleeces, tweeds, nubby effects and novelty weaves -- See These Bargain Coats Now You must hurry as 50 coats won't last long HERE ARE THE PRICES Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular 29.95 39.95 49.95 59.95 65.00 ON SALE AT ON SALE AT ON SALE AT ON SALE AT ON SALE AT 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 32.50 A STEWART SALE IS ALWAYS A GENUINE SALE Great Sale of Fringed Chenille Spreads You'd expect to pay 10.95 for these thick quality chenille bed spreads when you see them. — Full bed size, fringed on four sides. . Colors rose, yellow green, blue and wine, Very specially priced. Each 95 24 x 48 Washable, Non Skid, Mothproof All Viscose SCATTER MATS Thickly tufted scatter mats suitable for bedroom or bathroom, in rose, green, turquoise, blue and wine. Very specially priced. Each 3.98 STEWART ROS. THE STORE WITH THE BIG VALUES ! HULLETT The inaugural meeting of theersonHesk, and Archie Young R Jewitt and councillors Mr, G. C. Brown, Thomas Leiper, Em- Hullett Township Council was held Monday, Jan. 9, 1956 in were present. The clerk admin - the Community Hall, Londesboroistered the oath of office and at 11 a.m. The reeve, Mr. Wm. all members subscribed to same Ge nu uumnununlulu,uouonumuunuuluuuulu,ua,nnuunuuauum"unuonnll„"ssuuln"nnu,. NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP All car owners in the Township of Mc- Killop are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township dur- ing the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow plows. Please note that Provincial Police will take the necessary action to see that cars are not left on roads, and prosecutions may follow W, J, MANLEY Road Superintendent and were duly sworn into office for 1956. The minutes of the last meeting of Dec, 28, were read, Moved by Geo. Brown and Ar- chie Young, that the minutes of Dec. 28 meating be adopted as read. Carried. At this time the Rev, Mr. White addressed the council. He thanked them for 'be- ing asked to be present with them at this their inaugural meeting, He spoke very 'befit- tingly and instructively. Moved by Tom Leiper and Geo. Brown, that we move a vote of thanks to Mr. White for his inspiring message to the Council. 'Carried. Moved by E. Hesk and A. Young, that we do now adjourn to meet again at 1.30 pan, Car- : ried. The 'Council then retired to the home of the Clerk and Mrs. ('Cowan where they were enter- tained tto ,dinner. Mr. Geo. Brow% on behalf of the ,Council thank- ed Mrs, 'Cowan for the dinner which had been prepared and served. The 'Council reconvened after (their adjournment for dinner. Moved iby Geo. Brown end A. Young, that we join and pay membership fees to the Ontario Good Road's Association and the Association of Rural Muncilpa1i. ties.!Carried, Moved by T. Leiper and E. Hesk, that we make a grant of 1125.00 to the Huron 'Soil and !Crep Tmuprovement Association. Carried. At this tinne the Engineer, Mr. Robt.Dowson of :Stratford ad- dressed the Council on the new bridge *jell is under co Illllllllll1,1,111111111,IIIllll1111II.h1, 11x1111,ill,1111111111,1,11111,I,1,,, l,lll,lllllllllnnln„ ,11„llllllllal, l,la111111 i n6trnc-. HENSALL CARD OF THANKS I would like to . thank my friends and neighbors for cards and treats sent to me while in Scott Memorial Hospital. Thanks too to Dr. Gorwill and the nurses, also special thanks to my friends and neighbors for kindness since corning hone. Annie E. Reid CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jas, Aitchison takes this opportunity to thank the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Dr. Sta- pleton, Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Rev. J. R. Holden, 11, S. Box, C. Cornish and to all those who sent cards and treats, and visited ale while a patient in both Stratford and Seaforth hospitals, Special thanks to the blood donors. All was much appreciated CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my appreci- ation for the many kindnesses shown me while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital by the nurses, staff and doctors and by friends and neighbors, Mrs, Norman Schade CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. James I-Iowe Jr, wish to express our sincere thanks to Dr. E. A. McMaster, Dr. M. W. Stapleton, the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Rev. J. H. James, Rev. Samuel Herr•, Mr. G. A. Whitney and staff of the Whit- ney Funeral Home and also to friends and neighbors who sent flowers, essagesinso ofmany sympaways. Ithyt, and helped m was all deeply appreciated —Mrs. James Howe Jr. and daughter Alice FOR SALE Quantity of good mixed baled Tray, at Lot 20, Con. 14, Grey, Phone 43117 Brussels. Wilbert Pratt HONEY FOR SALE Clover $2. Amber $1.75. In 8 lb. pails only. Wallace Ross Apiaries, Seaforth SALES HELP WANTED WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only re- liable hustler considered, Write Rawleigh's Dept. A-364-131, Mon- treal, P.Q. SALESMEN WANTED The Seaforth area requires a dealer to service well established clientele. Possibilities to make $50 to $100 weekly. Write for free catalogue and sales plan. Fami- lex, Box F, Station 0, Montreal Auction Sale To be held at the farm, Lot 14, Con. 2, Stanley Twp„ 114 miles west of Bruceleld, on Tuesday, an. 24, at 1.30 p.m. Consisting 1: Cattle -35 high grade Hol- tein cows and heifers, some of hese are fresh, several close springers, others due in Feb. and arch, also a few heifers due in pring. Hogs — 16 Yorkshire hunks; two York sows due soon. Plan to attend as this is an ex- eptional good line of cows and eifers with lots of size and con- ition. Salo will be held under over. Terms cash. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer D'Arcy Rathwell, Proprietor Miss Joyce Farber, daughter of J Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faber, under- o went an appendix operation in s Clinton Hospital last week. Joyce t was able ,to return home on ,Sun- M day. Mr. Ross .Corbett was confined c to his room during the past week owing to illness. Miss Gladys Luker, who has d been a patient in Victoria Hos- c pital, London, for several weeks receiving treatment following e fall, was able to return home last week. Mrs. Aida 'Sim9nons left Lon- don on 'Sunday for Los Angeles, California, where she intends spending the remainder of the winter with her sisters. Ms. Stewart Bell, who under- went an operation in Scott Memorial hospital, 'Searforth, last -week, was able to return to his Ihoone on Sunday. DIED Howe, James—At Scott Mem- orial Hospital, on Dec. 31, be- loved husband of Bessie Mac- Kay and father of Alice Howe, age 63 years. A grave is only a sacred, yet empty resting [place, Sod cannot hold imprisoned, ,Our loved one's gallant grace. At night the silent stars look down, And Shine their twinkling light. The moon will cast o'er his quiet grave Its same ethereal light. His willing hands will toil no more, His troubled nights are past. And in our aching hearts we know He Sas found sweet rest at 'last. —Wife and daughter for sale 2 storey brick residence in Eg- mondville. All conveniences. Robt. Eber'hart estate Comfortable home in Egmond- ville on Main St. Reasonable terms. Modern home on West William St. Low taxes, small down pay- ment Modern residence on East Wil- liam. Owner leaving town, must be sold Farms in Tuckersmith, Mc- Killop and Hullett. HAROLD JACKSON Phone 474 or 266 Four Room Cottage • To Rent Has oil burner heater and electric stove Also linoleums on floor. Furnish- ed with living room, dining room and bedroom suites 3 piece bath, Trot and cold water on tap Situated 3 miles west of Seaforth on highway 5 miles east of Clinton Possession at once. Apply to JONATHAN HUGILL 667r13 Seaforth 616r13 Clinton FOR SALE 1 good general purpose mare, 8 years old. Make real wagon horse. Will drive or ride. H. MoLlwain, Seaforth, phone 112 APARTMENT TO RENT On North Main et., 5 rooms with private bath, hot and cold water•. Children welcome. Immed- iate possession. H. McLlwain, phone 112 Seaforth FOR SALE Complete bedroom suite, includ- ing bed, springs, mattress, dress- er and chest, B. F. Christie. Phone 272 SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Spy, Greening, Tolman Sweet, Baldwin and Peewalkee, Free delivery in Seaforth. Phone Clin- ton 513-24. Fred McOlymont, Varna TO RENT 3 room apartment, oil heated, heavy wired, hot and cold water; 3 piece bath; partly furnished, Thomas Oliver, James street; phone 331 J FOR SALE Four registered Shorthorn bulls between 10 and 20 months old. Apply to Frank Falconer, second farm south of Clinton RCAF houses FARM FOR SALE 75 acres in McKillop, E s4 Lot 7, Con. 11. 11$ storey house, barn and straw shed, hydro, drilled well, drive shed, Joseph Manley, Walton RR 2 WANTED Roomers with board in mod- ern home, men or girls. 1 room large enough for 2, with 2 beds, Phone 586-R. Mrs. Andrew Mc- Nichol EARN $54.00 011 MORE A WEEK Part or full-time opportunity in Huron County for a farmer or ambitious man with agricul- tural background. Age 25 - 50 preferred. 'Car essential. Take orders in exclusive territory. Be home every night. No invest- ment. We provide complete train- ing at home office plus field assistance. Reply giving age and exper- ience im first letter to Na-Ohurs Plaint Food Co., 2 Langarth St. W., London. NOTICE Township of Tuckoremith Ratepayers and others are requested to not park cars or vehicles t,n roadsides in the township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. The township will not be responsible for damages to any vo- hicle parked on roadsides caused by snowplowing operations. (Signed) E. P. CHFSNEY,'Clerk RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpealive and garateed radio repairs to aR binds of radios. at TERRY'S iXADIO REPAIR. Oppeeit. Disk Reuse, phone 8475. Seaforth FOR SALE OR RENT Prairie house, furnished. Call Seaforth News BALMS AND SERVICE ' Viking Cuter Separators. All eleerle models and t. type models- Repairs for all Models. Authorised dealer for die - (riot of saferA, Clinton and Brumfield. Allowaaee made for uaad Separator) Basil O'Bourlre. Bromfield. 984r21 Spates VETERANS CAB L. LEQATE, Prop. Phone 546 Seaforth NOTICE Town of Seaforth The Town dumping grounds will be closed to the Public during the winter months and will be opened as soon as weather condi- tions will permit. Any persons dumping on the Streets and Public Property will be prosecuted accord- ing to the laws. Property Committee Town of Seaforth THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, January 19, 1956 BOX Funeral Service ARil�ll srANGi+ i;,P,v Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers forall occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC B. A, McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., dally except Wednoeday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are. desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 106 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF P Optometrist Phone 791. Main St, Seafort Hours—Seaforth daily except Men. 9 t• 5.80: Wed. 9 AM to 12.86 PM ; Clinton —MnLarens Stadio,,Mon. 9 to 5.88 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All lends of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First. Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST, SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 `bine coal' the solid fuel for solid comfesi WILLIS DUNS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R Ala PERSONAL Hygienic Supplier) (rubber mailed postpaid in plain sealed envel000ps. with price list, 6 samples 26c; 24 Sara. plea 01.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov. Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - ReQ,,,318,,w FREE SERVICE I'd' FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fieldu and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch. Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 870, Soafarth The McKillop Mutual Fire. Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, J. H. McEhring, Blyth; Vice-Pres.,R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Rad, Serforth. Dirootors--J. L. Malone, Seaforth • Z. N. MS cwing, Blyth ; W. S. Aler:nnier. Waitron: B. J. Trewart3w Clinton; �. H. Pepper. Brucefield ; C. W. Leon. hardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderiob 1 R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broad. foot. Sexiest. Asante—Wae.. Leiper Jr., Londedgro 1 J. F. Praetor, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baso- er, Bramels ; Edo Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect inmranee er transact other busbies., will be prompHy attended to by application to any of the above named officers aidroesedto their respective poet office. NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Aeeodath• Where Better Bulls Aro Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breed. of cattle. For service or inform. ation Phone Clinton 516 collect, between 7.89 and 10.00 A.M. on week days ad 7.80 and 9.81) A.M. on .Sundays. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Martis Feeney, RR2 Dublin Vice -President E. Clayton Colquhoun, RIM Selene 11111 Directors Harry Coates, Centralia Wm A. Hamilton, Cromer* Mitten McCurdy, RR1 iirttoo Alex J. Rohde, RRA Mitchell ts Thos. G. Ballantyne, 1151 Woedbu Clayton Harris, RB.1 Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane. Exeter Secretery.Trasurer Arthur Frame, Baeter For Sale Frame cottage on James St. Reasonably priced. Immediate possession Brick dwelling very centrally loeated- Goderich St. West New Amman Cosdd be divided for apartments. Two bedroom stucco eaters. with all modern conveniences .including S -pleas Math, hardwmw' floors, modern kitchen. Full basement frith furnace, Garage end good garden. Reasonably priced and s.1. moat immediate poemaelon. Brick dwelling in Egmoadvill•. Can be used as two apartments. Immediate possession. Us sa• of land. M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. PhelM 41<r