HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-01-12, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS -Thursday, January 19, 1956
Aylmer Choice Golden Corn 2 for 23c
15 oz. Tin
Campbells Tomato Soup, 10 oz, tin..3 for 350
McCormicks Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits
1 l 29c
5 ROSES FLOUR ..7 tb Bag 47c
Apex Fruit Cocktail, 15oztins .. 2 for 49c
Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon .... Y2 size 43c
2 for 85c
Alsweet Margarine, 1 Ib pkg..... 2 fb 67c
Tip Top Pork & Beans; 20 oz. tins.. 3 for 490
Pie Ready Cherry Pie Filling..20 oz. tin 31c
One loaf of Sliced Bread, 15c value, with each $3 Order
through our check out. 2 Loaves on $6, and each multiple
Rose Bucl Pattern Dishes are coming back again, \Vatcb our
aclvt. next week.
rt iz,r
WE are very fortunate to be able to offer
you the best fertilizer on the market to -day.
made of the highest quality ingredients
YOU are fortunate to be able to purchase
this Preliiier Quality Fertilizer at a "Special
Patron's Discount," as well as being able to
Mike advantage of early order and cash
N. B. We stock fertilizer and our patrons
will be able to get any last minute require-
ments from OUR warehouse.
Contact iris to -day
Farmers Co -Operative
"The Home of Quality Chick Starters"
Phone 13 Phone 9
of Used Cars
Mr. W. J. Finnigan, who has
Ibsen in an 'oxygen tent at ISeobt
Memorial Hospital since last
Thursday, is now' slightly am.•
('moved. Members of the family
from out-of-town who were here
during the 'weekend were: Mr.
and 'Mrs. ;Stewarlt Finnigan, ;Sar-
nia; Mrs. Wm. Rollins, Sarnia;
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edmunds,
Welland; %fr. and Mrs. Harold
Finnigan, London.
Mr. and Mrs. •Gladson iOamlp-
beM. of 'Brighton, (Ont., were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
McMdblan over the [Christmas
'Miss Reta Walsh, of [London,
spent the weekend with cher par-
ents, Mr. and M•rs. J. Walsh.
Mae and. Mrs. R. McFadden
:end family spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. A•rmold Stan -
sell, Aylmer.
Mr. Ran Sills, of Kitchener,
spent the weekend with Mrs. C.
P. Sills.
Miss Jo McIver' of Kitchener,
spent the weekend at leer 'home
The fowth meeting of the Me-
Killop Busy Beavers was held at
Ibhe home of Dorothy and MTs.
Keys on Jan. 5th. Our meeting
'opened by singing the 'Institute
Ode 'and repeating _ 4-111 'Cloth
Pledge. The moll 'call was an-
swered with 18 aneanbers showing
saanpies of garments with lines
suitable for themselves.
(The next; meeting Twill (the held
at the home of June 'and Mar-
jorie 'Smith
ar-jorie'Sm:ith on Jan. 12th. ;Our
home 'assignments are: 'Fill out
olobhing inventory pages in our
mennbers' pamphlets Land work
on wardrobe •chart. The Troll call
is to give a report (oar the pro-
gress of the wardrobe 'chart and
'exhibit 'our sewing boxes. One
leader [demonstrated to the jun-
ior members (how to sew a 'but-
ton !role. (Suitable (clothing tor
every occasion was read by Mas.
Keys and (discussed by the mean-
hers. 'O•ur meeting was adjourned
by singing God save the Queen.
A delicious lunch was served by
the hostess and enjoyed by all.
uneral service for the late
John Hillebrecht, prominentSea-
forth district farmer, son of the
late (Henry F. Hillebreoht and
Anna Sohernbarbh, who passed
away art 'Scott Memorial Hospit-
al, Seaforth, on Tuesday, Jan. 3
was !held at the G. A• Whitney
funeral home on Friday, Jan. 6,
with many friends and relatives
attending from surrounding dis-
trict. Interment took place in
Maitlandbank cemetery.
The service was conducted by
the Rev. J. R. Holden of Duff's
United 'Ohurch 111e1Mop. Mrs.
Frank Kling sang, 'accompanied
by Mrs. John Caydno.
!Surviving are his wife the
former Annie Mae .Campbell,
two .brothers, (Henry and Norman
of Brod'hagen, one sister (Carrie)
Mrs. Geo. 'Stoskopf of .'Fullerton.
The pallbearers were Frank
Murray, Arthur Devereaux, Har-
old Jackson, Keith Kelly, Leslie
McKenzie, John 'Henderson.
Bearers of floral tributes
were Leslie Pryce, Kenneth
Campbell, Harold Stoskopf, Lu-
cien tHemberger, Albert Durst,
Jno. O'Reilley.
Friends and relatives attend-
ing from a distance were Mr. and
'Mrs. Geo. M. Stoskopf and Har-
old and Austinr'Mr. and Mrs.
Alf Messerschmidt all of Fuller-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. (Cecil Baxter,
Aylmer; Mr. and Mrs. Adair
Dodds, Listowel; Dr. Walter
Harding, Preston; Jno. O'Reilley
of Toronto; Wm. Bolton of Ro-
chester, N.Y., Miss Reta Somes,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hardick and
Dale of !Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Echinger of London.
Group 2 W. A. of Northside
'Church held their first meeting
for 1956 at the Thome of Mrs. B.
Savauge with 20 ,members pre-
sent, Mrs. B. Walters in charge.
She opened the meeting with a
.poem and singing of the hymn,
"At the (Portal", and repeating
the Lord's Prayer. A short (busi-
ness 'discussion followed. Phials
were made for a dinner to be
served to Mr. and Mrs. L. Web-
ster and guests on Jan. 23, the
occasion being their 50th wed-
ding anniversary, and to whom
we extend our heartiest wishes.
In the yearly report from the
secretary the net figure was
$380. The scripture reading ap-
propriate for the new year was
taken by Mrs. W. Learning from
chap. 1 and 2, of Bed. and pray-
er by Mrs. J. M. Scott. Mrs. (Sa-
vauge read an interesting story,
(Christmas for Katie. A whistling
contest and a proverb contest
.conducted by Mrs. Savauge pro-
vided anuuh amusement, A della,-
boas knell was served by the
hostess, assisted by !Mas. Bryans
and Mas. Hoffman. The thanks
of the meeting was .conveyed
Mrs. It Shannon.
The regular aneeting of Group
Three of 'Northside W.A. was
held at the 'home of Mrs. B. F.
Christie on Jan. 10th with a
goad attendance. Mrs. E. C.
Chamberlain, vice president,
gave a reading, New Year Reso-
lutions. Mrs. N. Knight, presi-
dent, (presided during the (busi-
ness period and it was 'clecided to
carry on with the mite (boxes,
and (plans were made to hold a
tea and bake sale early in Mar.
Mrs. H. Travis conducted the de-
votional period and :read a poem,
God Bless the New Year, follow-
ed wirb two verses of hymen 571.
Scripture lesson was read alter-
nately. Mrs. P. Dunlop favored
with a piano solo, followed by
a read'in'g "Do What You Want
and Live [Longer," by 'Mrs. C.
Cochrane. A contest followed,
the close and a 'delicious lunch
was served by the committee.
Next meeting will be at the home
of Mrs: Andrew McNichol.
•Continued from page 1
various organizations taxa for
grants was read, on which coup-
civ' took no 'action. We could
keep a man 'doi4 nolihieg else.
but attending all these associa-
tions, Mayor McMaster said.
Reeve 'S coins :and 'Oouncillor
Kellar were named delegates to
the Wednesday night meeting at
Clinton of the Upper Grand De-
velopment 'Assn. 'This is an in-
dustrial project Which 'Seaforth
will take part in.
A !letter from 'Seaforth Shoes
Ltd., re sale of a vacant lot at
old public school was 'concurred
in by couuucil.
A request from the Mire (bri-
gade for a doubled grant to
$1,000 was explained by the
Reeve. The fire 'brigade now cov-
ers an area of 125 sq. miles and
'two out of three calls are rural.
You can ask a dozen wren to
join the fire 'brigade 'without get-
ting one, he said. It used to be
an honor to be a fireman, but
times are changed, it takes mon-
ey now. The hourly rates for
rural fires don't pay for time
lost, the said.
'Councillor (Scott said at one
'time there was talk of training
farmeboys to help the firemen,
but nothing had come of it. The
fire and water committee will
see if some help can be obtained
from the townships towards an
increased grant to the firemen.
Mayor McMaster said the high-
ways engineer at ,Stra.tfcr'd had
requested a letter from the
town. asking for early start on
the rebuilding of No. 8 highway
through Seaforth. They plan to
scoop out two or three feet and
till with coarse base, the hills at
the east will he out down and
fill at the (bottom. The brig cul-
vert near .Coleman street will be
7 feet wide by three feet high.
The cost is $40 per lineal foot,
the dept. taking care of about
half the required width and :the
town the balance, They had ask-
ed that the sewer excavation
work be done by the highway
contractor ,to avoid confusion.
(Councillor Jack Kellar asked
if a sewer would be laid under
the east enol of Goderich street
and the Mayor replied no, also
that :widening west Goderich St.
would have to be decided.
:Councillor Christie said coun-
cil should find out what all this
twill cost, and pointed out that
with higher public school rate
and other things the rate would
be 86 to 90 mills which is too
high for Seaforth.
'Councillor Kellar thought the
engineer's estimate of $52,000
for proposed sewer work might
not be accurate, he had been
wrong before. How much is the
present sewer system costing to
operate. The answer was $700
last year for the disposal plant.
[Reeve IScoins said he was not
opposed to laying a sewer under
Goderich street while the pave-
ment is torn up, but he thought
we should know how much it
and the highway work are going
to cost .us.
Mayor McMaster said the dept.
will be letting the contract soon.
Much detail work is necessary
before sewer work can be start-
ed, it can't be done in a week.
Councillor (Leslie stated about
80 per cent of the ratepayers
had hooked up to the present
sewer where it was available.
The Woman's Auxiliary of St.
Thomas' Anglican (Church, Sea -
forth, held its January meeting
on Tuesday afternoon in the
parish hall. The meeting opened
with MTs. John Oldfield reading
the .gospel for Epiphany, Mrs.
'George McGavin, president,'(pre-
sided ,and led in prayers. Mrs. J.
Jaanes spoke of anissionary work
in Newfoundland. A' latter was
read advising this branch that
:oorntribntions of (St. 'Andrew's
Day self-denial fund would be
used this year for flood [relief in
the stricken diocese of :Asi'rin4t-
sar :and Pakistan in India.
The Junior Auxiliary Will
sponsor , a'candy (booth at the
Valentine tea and home bake
sale to be held an Fridley, Feb.
3, im the parish hall. The meet-
ing closed with the 'benediction.
Agricultural Society
To Hold Banquet
Bob (Cat{bert of Wingham is
to address the annual [meeting
of the Seaforth .A(grieultural So-
ciety on Jan. 17 at a dinner
meeting to be held in Egrnond-
ville United (Churcth. Three tro-
phies are to be presented to
4-H Club members of 1955: The
McMaster Trophy to the boy or
girl having the hest baby beef
calf at the Seafonth fall tale;
the Seaforth 'Co -'operative iro-
7aliy to the boy or girl. with the
:best junior heifer calf in :the
calf :club and the 'Seaforth
Creamery (H. Leslie) 'trophy to
the boy or girl collecting the
most points throughout the pro-
ject, in the dairy 'calf •club.
The Baby !Beef Calf ;Club with
18 members, and the Dairy Calf
Club with 15 members were both
sponsored by the ,Seaforth Agri-
cultural 'Society.
Members of the Baby Beef
Calf. Club, led by Robt. W.
Campbell, R. R. 1, Dublin and
Erie Andersen, R. R. 1, Londes-
boro were: Arnold Campbell,
David Crich, 'Catherine Camp-
bell, 'Harvey Dale, Ken!Campbell,
Dorothy Keys, Leslie Campbell,
Charles McGregor, Theo Melody,
Pill Murphy, Joe Murphy, Don-
ald Moylan, Louis Nigh, Robert
Scott, Jean Scott, Bill Strong,
Fergus Kelly and James Sloan.
William Boyd, R. R. 2, Walton
and Irvin Trewartha, R, R. 1,
.Seaforth, led the Dairy Club
composed of Edith Boyd, Cecil
Bruinsma, Gloria Boyd, 'Don-
eld'Carter, Marjorie Boyd, Em-
ily Collins, Everet Hessels,
Douglas Hugill, Nelson McClin-
chey, Louis Murray, Beverly
Nott, Jim ,Dann, Mervyn Pep-
per, Betty Storey and Gloria
'Carter. The members of both
clubs are to be the guests of
the fair board at the dinner. A
review of the year's achieve-
ments is to be given by the
various committee conveners;
the financial statement will be
presented by Earl McSpadden,
sec.-treas., directors for 1956
will ,be elected and delegates to
attend the Agricultural Socie-
ties' Convention in Toronto in
early 'February will be chosen at
the meeting.
Council passed a bylaw mak-
ing the following ,appointments
of 'officers and 'officials:
Town 'Cleric, D. H. Wilson,
Town Treasurer, D. H, Wil-
son, $1,000.00.
Fire 'Chief, John 'Scott, $300.
(Harold Maloney, street fore-
man etc., $2,'500.00.
Solicitors, McConnell & Hays,
Auditors, Brocic, Davis and
Broughton, $500.00.
Fence Viewers, James Antche-
son, James 'Henderson, Wan.
Public Library, Mus. IC. E.
'Comanunity ICentre Board,
Mayor McMaster, 'Councillor
Hospital Board, E. S. Box.
Alf Price, streets assistant,
The Friendly Few FaTnn For-
um met strike home of Mr. and
Mrs. (Frank Riley with an at-
tendance of 14. The topic dis-
cussed concerned price 'supports.
Prizes for 'cards went to MTs.
Ross McGregor and Verne Dale
for most games; consolation to
Wilbur Jewett and Bill Dale.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Bill
Dale, and the forum isinvited to
William. Jewi'tt's for :the next
W. L Plans Visit Seaforth Women's
To County Home Institute
The 'Seaforth Warren's lase-
trate held their regular• meeting n
at the (home of Mrs. Alec Pepper
on Jan. 10 et 2 o'clock with a pANcE
large attendance of members
and visitors. The roll 'call was
answered by Do's Land Don'ts of
the traffic rules. Our president,
Mrs. .Gordon MacKenzie was in
charge dor the business part of
the meeting. A memoriam service
was held followed by Prayer.
Thankyo'u notes were read from
Telephone gists, Mrs. John
Wood, 'Sandra Hugili, Miss !hate
Ellison, Miss Thelma Elgie, Mrs.
John Gordon, Miss Jean Scott,
Mrs. John McLachlan, Mrs. John
IH4lldbrecht. A letter from our
Sister W. 1. in England was read
and pictures received of their
W. I. A letter from a Greek
family was read thanking our
Institute for a parcel received.
Thanks was received from Child-
ren's Aid Society for parcels and
money donation. A report from
the Rally :held at Grand Bend
was given by Mrs, John McLean,
Our Citizenship and Education
(Committee consisting of Mrs.
Alec Pepper, Mrs. Wallace' Haugh
and [Mrs R. 3. Doig to look into
a suggested project of "Book
Reading for Our Children".
Our girls plan to go to the
County Home on Feb. 10th with
program and treats for the pa-
tients. The committees in charge,
Program: Mrs. Ross Gordon,
Mrs. Elmer Cameron, Mrs. John
McGregor. Boxes: Mrs. Lorne
Carter, Mrs. J. Aikenhead. The
Seaforth W. I. have a pickle
fund that is used at our euohres,
anyone wishing to donate to this
please give it to our treasurer,
Our committee for this euchre:
punchers, Mrs. 'R. J. Doig, Mrs.
Harold Hugill, Mrs. John Kerr,
Mrs. G. •Mac•Kenzie. The other
committees are the same as in
last week's paper. Mrs, John
herr 'took the chair for the so-
cial part of the meeting., open-
ing by community singing. The
motto was given by Mrs. Wilfred
Coleman, "If we think Well". London was groomsman. The
ushers were Clifford Green and
Lorne 'Cedmore. both of Lon-
don, brother-in-law and brother
of the bride. For the reception
Friday, Jan. 13
At Community Centre
at 8.30 sharp
Music by Bruce's Orchestra
Ladies please bring lunch
Lucky Lunch Prize
Admission 50c per person
In 1.0.0. F. Hall
8.80 P.M.
Sponsored by the Order of
the Eastern Star
Everyone welcome
Euchre and Dance
St. Patrick's Hall
at 8.30
Norris Orenesta•a
Auspices of the Altar Society
Gingham Dance
Community Centre
Adults $1. Students .75
Auspices Women's Hospital
wile pink roses. Mrs. Clifford
Green was her sister's only at-
tendant wearing a ballet -length
turquoise corded satin gown
with matching headdress and
carried an old fashioned nose-
gay of pink roses and white car-
nations. Mr, Frank Wakeling of
This contained food for thought
for each one of us. Mrs. Ross
Gordon gave a demonstration on
fancy cookies. She gave us the
Juniors Battle
For Second Place
With a loss to Owen Sound
here Tuesday night the Seaforth
Jr. B's have slipped from top
position in the western group
and will fight to hold 'their po-
Waterloo 'Siskins climbed into
a tie far first place with Bur-
lington IHalliidays in the .OHA
Junior "B" 'Big Ten hockey
group at Waterloo on Saturday
night by (whipping Seaforth
Hurons 8-1.
The Siskins rolled up a 5-0
lead in the first period and coast-
ed the rest of the way. Let -t-
winges Joe Montague headed the
goal -scorers with two. 'Others
wore distributed among Tom
Brown, Bali Mikal, Toni Clarke,
Joe Hogan, Art 'Schmidt and
Wayne 'Litzgus. Gary Vena
scored the only goal for the vis-
Seaforth-Goal, Salter; de-
fence, 'O'Cain, Lockridge, Bell,
Thompson; forwards, Mci•]wain,
Baechini, ,Sluantz, Mason, Vena,
,Smith, McFadden, Griffin, Mor-
ris, Dinsmore.
Waterloo -,Goal, Adamson; 'de-
fence, :Mikol, :Schmidt, Kurchin-
slei, 'Parker, Fixter; forwards,
Hogan, Leclair, Hupp, Litzgus,
Brow'', Rintehie, Clarke, Mon-
First Period
1 -Waterloo, Brown [(•Litzgus,
Kurchinsky) 2.20
2 -Waterloo, Mikol :(Jlupp, Ho-
gan) 7.00
3 -Waterloo, Clarke (Montague,
Rintohie) 9.06
4 -'Waterloo, Hogan (Hupp)
.5 -Waterloo, Schmidt ((Hupp)
Penalties -'Bell 5.15, (Hogan
12.85, Brown 19.00, !lint-
chie 19.65
Second Period
6-Seaforth,-Vena '(Smi'th) 9.35
Penalties - (Main 2.38,
'Schmidt 11.02. Mikol 11.25,
Morris 11.20, Kurohinsky 13.-
25, Shantz 18.58.
Third Period
7 --Waterloo, Montague'(Claske)
8 -Waterloo, Litzgus 17.15
9 -Waterloo, Montague (Olar'ke,
Rinrbdhde) 18.36
Winthrop Charge
IOawan. Winthrop: Church at
10 a.m., 'Sunday (School at 11
a.m., Duff's Service at 11.15
a.m.,'Bethel, (Service 2 p.m. Win -
thew, 8 pen, Friendly Sunday
Evening. -!Rev. J. R. Hoiden,
recipes acrd a sample of each at Hook's restaurant, the bride's
cookie. A reading on "Cur New mother received the guests in
Calendar" by Mrs. Doug Wallace. an ash green ensemble with
God save the Queen. Lunch was black accessories and a corsage
The meeting closed by singing of pink roses. The groom's moth -
served and a social half hour er assisted wearing a navy en
spent. Each W. 1. member somble with a corsage of red
please bring a cake to the eu- roses. For travelling to the East-
chre' ern USA the bride donned a
'charcoal wool suit with pink ac-
cessories and matching corsage.
Mr. and ;Urs. CVIcGill will reside
hi London.
The bride, who is a grand-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Cudmore of Kippen and Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Oke, formerly of Sea -
forth was honored prior to her
marriage by showers given by
Miss Joan !Stewart. Mrs. C.
Green, Miss :Barbara Shoebottom
and Miss 'Graven Britton, a skat-
ing party and shower was given
by Miss Barbara Houser, all of
[London. Mrs. 'Stewart (Cudmore
gave a trousseau tea in her
daughter's (honor, Dec. 19. The
tea table which was decorated
with (Christmas scheme was pre-
sided over by the bride's grand-
mothers, Mrs. Sam C•udmore of
Kippen and Mug. Cecil Oke of
Mr. James McNaughton and
Mr. Norman IDiekert attended a
banquet in Toronto on Saturday
evening returning 'home on Sun-
Mrs. Cliff Watson of ;Centralia
is spending a few days with her
daughter, Mrs. Peter Gridzak
who has been ill.
Mrs. Rev. N. McLeod is visit-
ing her daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Garth Mosher in
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. 'Cooper
have returned 'home after visit-
ing their son and daughter-in-
law. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cooper
in Toronto.
Mrs. J. MdCiymont 'has re-
turned home after a pleasant
holiday with her daughters, .Mtn.
Alice Cook in London, and Mss.
Jennie Schilthe in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider,
Judy and Paul of Stratford visit-
ed on 'Saturday with Mr. Robt.
Messrs Don and Bill Brock
have returned to OAC in Guelph
after a pleasant holiday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Russel :Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaekstetter
and [Gail spent Saturday in Lon-
Recently at the home of the
bride's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart (Ctudmore of London,
Dixie Ann Louise tCudmore (be-
eame the bride of Donald Bert
McGill, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Neil MdGill of Granton.
The doulblering ceremony was
performed Iby Rev. F. E. Clyde -
dale, great, great uncle of the
bride before the fireplace decor-
ated with evergreen and bridal
bells flanked with candelabra.
Mrs. Walter Batten of 'Blyth
played the wedding music and
Mr. Walter Butbtetl sang. Given
in anarriage by her father, the
bride was lovely in a floor length
gown of wihite lace and !writ
styled with e Peter Pan collar
)banded with sequins and seed
pearls, and lily -point sleeves.
The 'b:ouffaaut skirt was worn
over a hoop. Her full-length, veil
of F1rendli illusion fell from a
sequin and seed pearl tiara. She
'carried a white Bible crested
The annual aneeting of the
Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas'
Church was held in the parish
hall on Tuesday afternoon, Jan.
10. The president, Miss Parke,
presided and the aneeting opened
with the scripture reading, the
gospel for the first Sunday in
Epiphany read by Rev. James,
prayers for She palish were fol-
lowed by the Lord's prayer in
unison. Following the roll call,
the minutes and treasurer's re-
portts were adopted. Before the
election of officers Mr. James
co:manen•ded the Guild members
on their work in the Church and
expressed his good wishes for
the coming year. Miss Parke
:'thanked the members for their
co-operation bhroughont the year
and hoped 1956 would' be as sac-
cessfel. Executive for 1956:
Hon. Pres., Mrs. James and Miss
Parke; Pres., Mrs. (R. ISpittal;
Sec., Mrs. C. Rowcliffe; Treas.,
Mrs. Ada Reid; rectory coon.,
(Mrs. W. Oldfield, Mrs. G. M!c-
Gavin and M1s. K. Chambers;
Nominating C•om., Mrs. A, Moore,
Mrs. G. McGlavin and Mrs. Betali
une. After the secretary's and
treasurer's annual •reports were
read and adopted, Mr. James
turned the meeting over to the
new [presi'den't. A short (business
tddsoussion followed and after the
collection was received land ded-
ieated, Mr. James adjourned the