The Seaforth News, 1955-12-29, Page 21TED SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, December 29, 1955 SPECIALS From Your Superior Food Market. Green Giant Peas, 15 oz. tins . 2 for 33c Ellmar Peanut Butter 16 oz. Jar 29c Aylmer Sweet Cerkins Pickles .... 16 oz. Jar 29c Stokleys Tomato Juice .... 48 oz. Tin 29c Fisherman's Sockeye Salmon 1/2 size tin 47c FLUF'FO SHORTENING 1 lb 28c Interlake White Cross Tissue .. 2 rolls 25c Carnation Milk, tall tins 2 for 27c Chase & Sanborn Coffee .... 1 Ili bag 99c Wishing you and all a Happy New Year WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES TOWN TOPICS 'Mr .and Mrs, C. E. 'Barrett and family, of 'Burlington, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Louis Dberhart. Mies Ann, Morrison, Toronto, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. R.Spittal, and Mr. Spittal. John Muir, Jr. of ,Springfield, 'spent Christmas rw59h this per encs, Mr, and Mrs, John !Muir. Miss Ruth Jo'y,d of Toronto is a holiday visitor with her par- ents, Mr. 'and Mrs, Robert Joynt, Mr. iDiruglas Wilson, Toronto, spent IChx istmas with Mr.and Mrs. D II. Wilson. ;Stewart Hayter, sof •the school for the 'Blind, Brantford, is spending Christmas with his (par- ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. !Hayter, of Varna. He has as his guest, Richard 'Broderick, Dauphin, of Man., ,also 'from the school. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Laidlaw and daughter, Toronto, .spent •Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. 3, IE. Langstaff. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Me - Naught of Stratford •and Miss &Lary Russell of New York were guests of Mr. and Mrs. (Geo, Me - Gavin for (Christmas. 'Christmas visitors at the (home of Mr. Lorne Dale were: Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Walton; Mr. Geo. Johnston, Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon Johnston and family of Miss Grace Krauter of Toron- to, spent (Christmas with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey and •Brenda spent the 'Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg, IOollingwood. They re- turned (home with them to spend a week's 9tiolidaays, (Christmas 'guests at •the home of Mrs. Theresa Maloney were Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Maloney of Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Victor 'Overholt of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs,'Arnold Bedour of Goder- ich, Mr. and !Mrs.'Carl Hewitt of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Au.. 'bin, of (town, and 12 grandchild- ren. Miss Doneld'a Adams left an Saturday from Marlton airport by TOA 'Super Constellation plane for Winnipeg to spend !Christmas with her brother and Sister-in-law, 'Cpl. and Mrs. K. T. Adanns and Gerald. Cpl. Adams is stationed at the RCAF base at Winnipeg. Peter and Paul (Spittal are spending the week in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. John Stinson and family Droved to London on Wednesday. Mr. Stimson will re- turn for the services next Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hulbert and daughters, (Carol and Jane, of New Toronto, ;end Mr. P. 'Houle of 1St. Jacobs, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, A. Bethune. Mrs. Maly Skinner sof Detroit spent 'Christmas with cher anoth- er, Mrs. R. S. lSays. Mr. Ross Hill and Mrs, Ed Hill of Georgetown • spent (Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. Reith. Mr. and Mrs, D. Davidson, (Bruce land Karen, of .Listowel, spentChristmas with Mr, and MTS. A. Wright, John street. (Miss N. MoDowell, Mrs. B. Clarke and 'children, Messrs. E, W. and ID. McDonnell of London, and Mr. and Mrs. I McDonald of Exeter spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. M.Berger.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman •SeJhnei- der spent 'Christmas with her fa- ther, Mr. Sham, 'of Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. t0askinette et Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. (G. (Slavin of Kip - pen ,spent 'Christmas with Miss Thelma Elgie. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Den- oxmne and daughter, Toronto, and Mr. Wyman Reid and dau- ghter, had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R3icknell. Mr. •and Mrs. !Clarence Malone visited her brother, Dr. Malady at Dublin. On Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nivins of Goderich visited Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Malone on (Christmas. My. and Mrs. Wm. 'Spicer and family visited relatives in Lon-' don over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Houston 'of Ayton visited the Houston home. . Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Vincent (of Kitchener visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Barney (Hildebrand, Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Neely and boys of Stratford and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Webster of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs, J. Nett of Clin- ton, visited MTS, George•'Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, Joey and ,Susanne of New Hamburg, visited M2. and Mrs. Herb Trap- nell. Mr. 'Sylvester Johnson of Rip- ley spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. James Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Finlay- son and family spent Monday with Mrs. Jas. Finlayson. Clearance Sale STARTING DEC, 29 20% off all Winter Stock SEE OUR SPECIALS on SNOW - SUITS, COATS, WOOL DRESSES AND JACKETS The Kiddies Shop NDXT DOOR TO THEATRE HAPPY N SEAFORTH til TOPNOTCH FARMERS COOP Z FEEDS LIMITED PRODU'C'E DEPT. h MAIN ST. PHONE 13 PHONE 15 SEA'FORTH i1Ji ED BOYCE SAND AND GRAVEL Phone 852r41 TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR MAIN (STREET 6� PHONE 347-R 1SEAPORTH YE SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. PHONE 47 AUSTIN DOLMAGE GENERAL 'STORE Winthrop Phone 834r11 .. ..•y ,I 1,111 .1,1111 1111111u1 un 11u u11nu11111111111111111,1111111.1,1111111111111;1111.n:111,111.111111111111111111111111111111, 1111111111111H111;111111111111•ig1111111111n111111111n1111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111,11111r1U11N,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111.1111111.11111111111111111.1111111111111111,1111111111111,11,11,11,111111111111r1111111111111111II I„' III I' 1111111111111t11111111111111111111111,1,11111111111 I 1 1 Cleave & Peg's B -A SERVICE Goderich St. E. ,N11t...1.111,1141 E. H. CLOSE Music Store and Barber Shop JOHN BACH International Harvester Dealer 'SEAFORTH J. E. LONGSTAFF te NEIL C. BELL OPTOMETRIST • SHELL SERVICE PHONE 791 SEAFORTH PHONE 462 Goderich at. West Seaforth &;JACKSON HOMES 7 LIMITED Phone 31 Seaforth WILLIS DUNDAS s r COAL — FUEL OIL PHONE 868 J 'S'EAPORTS aS►P DICK'S GROCERY GORDON DICK, PROP. PHONE 91 ,SEAFORTH KERSLAKE'S FLOUR AND FEED STORE SEEDS, SALT 'P.HO+NE 6 1SEAPOE 1 f1 SAVAUGE'S Diamonds - Jewellery Fine IOhida 'Seaforth The • KIDDIES SHOP >c (OHILDREN''S WEAR & WOOL MAIN ST. SEA:FORTH SMITH'S BAKERY CAKES, ETC. MAIN ST. PHONE 37 ,1 111111n111111n1111.I111111p▪ .11.11111.1111111'1111t11I1111.111111111I11.11111111111111111;1111111„IOtu11111,111x11,rr,q,1„Ir,.1.1(rll,.rllrrlr.......r1,t,,,,,,,r,,„,,11,1/I ▪ ,N,,,,N11„u1,Nr11„�;,IIx/,tNIbNn111rtlr„Iu1n,.eiul�In1111111111111111111„,I,I,1i 11111111101111,11,1111,11111111111p11,11I111111111' , ,i, II,Io.11111110It11,111111111,11111111111111111,11olI11,11111111. 111111111,111111111111111111111111,111111111 11 1 JOHN MODELAND HLROTRI'OIAN Frigidaire Dealer Phone 660r4 ►t? ,Irl' 161;'. h(? GORDON McGONIGLE GROCER PHONE 166 S I + ORTH CANADIAN TIRE s HAROLD WHYTE i STORE & SON G. & W. (SMIT'H, PROPS. Auto Accessories, Tires Batteries Phone 792 1Seaforbh MEAT MARKET PHONE 341 SDAIORTH KEATING'S • PHARMACY "The Rexall Drug Store" J. E. Keating, Phm. B. Phone 28 .h; NORMAN SCOINS 'CLEANERS AND DYERS PHONE 242 SEAFORTH u,Sumnununnmnltmtuu”aruonuuurcl”11u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a,,,,,,n,rnr,muuu,u,uun,unnunnnuunl"1 ,unutnuuuol❑uuun.nnuuumn,,,,,, mm�unnnnl▪ lunlull.l,uuu.uunmuummo,,,,,,,,, 11j111+"•+unhurt, 1 u,,,,, a namuur nnnuuunuunaunnunununuunnnnnnuuonuuu1111n,,.lununuunvunulnuuanuuum 1 1 1? � SEAFORTH it JOHNNIE BLUE SUPER MARKET 41(44. JOHN DEERE EOKE3NSWIILLERS Sales & (Service Fresh Frruits, Meats, Groceries Phone 645 Egmondville 'SEAPORTS PHONE 8 PHILLIPS FRUIT • e STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL S PHONE 63 SEAFORTH WALDEN & BROADFOOT FINA PRODUCTS (Phone 354w • MAPLE LEAF DAIRY 'H'ARVEY TRAVIS$, PROP. PHONE 161 SEAPORTS WHITNEY FURNITURE TELEVISION Funeral and Ambulance Service P Phones: Day or Night 1.19 WM. M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. S1Sw e9 DENNIS ELECTRIC !ELECTRICAL 'CONTRACTOR Television and .Home Atppliances Phone 467 Seaforbh T. PRYDE & SON J. A. WESTCOTT SEAPORT(( MONUMENT WORKS PHONE .363 J JEWELLER _Vehicle Permit Issuer Seaflorth �G. A. SILLS & SONS ke SEAFORTH HARDWARE BEAUTY SALON Heating .Plumbing Tinsnrithing Over Whyte's Butcher Shop PHONE 56 SEAPORTS; bP 'Phone 1157 Seaforth CRICH'S BAKERY WHITE CLOVER BREAD Cakes (Candy Ice IGream Phone 34 Seaforth WONG'S GRILL PRONE 95 ,SEAFORTH ,, * W. C. OKE ' COMMERCIAL ,REAL IETATIE & INISURANOE HOTEL ,Phone 488 Office in Queen's Hotel PHONE 227 SEAPORTS! BALL-MACAULAY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LIME, (CEMENT l' DODGE AND DE SOTO J. I. Case Farm Implements Seaforth Phone 787. 'Clinton 97 ROWCLIFFE MOTORS (Phone 267 Seaforth BALDWIN HARDWARE Most !Complete 'Stock .of General Hardware Glidden Paints 1P1 LONE 61 ,SEAFORTH SHINEN'S SEAFORTH ti CREAMERY MEN'S AND LADIES' WEAR GENERAL 'DRY (GOOD'S sand Locker Storage ,SEAFORTH • Harvey 11. Leslie, Prop. PRONE SO 'SEAFORTH STAR CAFE T. 'GHONG, PROP, 1? STAFFEN'S PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 46 CHRISTIE'S MEAT MARKET Fresh and Cured Meats Phone 58 'Seaforth r.� 111111111111111(x1111111111111111n11,111111.11,.111111111 IIIn11111111t11111111,111111111111111.111.11.111111111,11Y11111111111. 1 ii,Illltll,l,t111111111nr11111.111111,111'1111111111.1111111111111111111111111nn11n11111n1111,1,1111111111,111,11,111111n111,11n11111,111111,,,111111 Ilm11r11n It11111Y1111111111111ltl,11111111111111116111111111.111111111111,1111.111,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,n,t1n IfII tnnrll rI nfr1111 rin 111111 FRANK KLING Electric Wiring. (Plumbing and 'Heating ;Sheet Metal Work PHONE 19 'SEAFORTH ELLIOTT'S QUICK LUNCH WILLARD ELLIOTT, Prop. PI -TONE 477 ,SEAFORTH CROWN HARDWARE General Hardware • Paints, Appliances Phone 797 M. Nott, K. Sharp SMITH'S GROCERY PHONiE 12 'SEAFORTH AUSTIN MATHESON • ELECTRICAL 'CONTRACTOR PHONE 340 W SEAFORTH Watson ; & Reid Insurance and Real Estate M. A. REID, PROP,