The Seaforth News, 1955-12-15, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 77 Dial Phone Sets Will Be Installed Notices are (being sent this week to over 250 telephone sub- ecrilbers of the Tuckersmath Municipal system connected to the !Clinton exchange, that new phones will be placed in their homes early in next year. !Sub- scribers are 'asked to 'decide on a suitable place - in the house for !the new instrument which will be of the. table type instead of wall phone .mostly used now, Installers will start work on Jan. 2 and change over a line at a time so the work will be com- pleted (before April 15, the date .dial operation will begin. In the aneantime the new phones twill .operate with a "com- mon !battery", when the receiver is lifted. The dial will be of the latest type with easily read fig- ures, and subscribers can prac- tises the re- ceiver it Son using so g a ceiver is on the hook. No further work will be necessary on the phone when dial •operation starts. Lovely Blue Spruce Christmas Tree lSeafortlh has a very special and graceful Christmas tree this year, erected in front of the town hall +on Monday by S':IJ•O, w orkmen, It is a Pacific Blue 'Spruce from the home of Mr. Charles Barber, 'Goderieh .St. Planted about 3+2 years ago the beautiful tree )had reached a height of nearly 40 feet, but as it had started to die on one side, Mr. +Barber donated it to the Lions Club for the annual tree this year. HOCKEY +Clinton will play the Seaforth Bantams next Saturday evening in the Arena at 7 o'clock. WIN TURKEYS Winners in the turkey draw Monday evening in aid of the Women's Auxiliary to Scott Memorial Hospital were Miss Madeline Fortune and Jack Marks, Listowel. CAROL. SERVICE • There will be a :Christmas !Carol :Service, in costume, at '7 p.m. !Sunday evening in North- side United 'Church, by the Jun- ior +Choir, directed by Miss Mabel 'Turnbull. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy of Dublin, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary Loretta, to Mn John Tvan Krpan, soa'of 3iIr. and Mrs. Peter Krpan, Edmonton, Alta. 'The marriage will take place on Dee, 81, at 10 o'clock, St. +Colunban's !Church, St. Co - lumbar:. L.D.B.A. EUCHRE 'Winners at the L.O.B.A. Eu- chre are as follows: Ladies' ,Most games, Mrs. J. Coutts; lone hands, Mrs. A. Forbes; con- solation, Mrs. H. IHuisser. Men's most .games, Mr. S. Pethick; lone hands, Mr. J. 'Tremeer; con- solation, Mr. D. Popple. STRICKEN WITH POLIO Friends here were sorry to learn that Mrs. Thomas (Craw- ford, the former .Barbara Wright of +Seaforbh, is in King George Hospital, Winnipeg, with a sev- ere attack of polio. Her mother, Mrs. Thelma Wright, has receiv- ed word that Bartbara's husband, Flying Officer 'Crawford, who was also in hospital for observa- tion for polio, was to lbe released on Wednesday. ST. THOMAS' GUILD The regular meeting of the Ladies' Guild was held on Tues- day afternoon, Deo. 13 in the parish hall. ;Miss Parke presided and the meeting opened with -the scriipture reading by Miss Gal- braith. Prayersfor the parish were followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Following the roll call tbhe minutes and treas. report were read and approved. Previous to the !business discus- sion the president thanked all members for their splendid co- operation at the !bazaar and tea. After the collection was receiv- ed and dedicated Mr. James ad- journed the meeting with the benediction. Seaforth Approves New ,Industrial Plan Tuesday, December 27th was declared Boxing Day for Sea- forbh by the town .council at the final meeting for the year on Monday night A lettev lrom the enerahants' committee e the C. of C. was repudiated +byta peti- tion signed by 41 merchants asking for the Tuesday holiday. Three merchants, the members of the merchants' committee, asked that Monday be declared (boxing day. All members of council were (present and mayor McMaster presided. The Mayor revealed that a new industrial organization is being formed for the counties of Huron, Perth and Waterloo. At a recent meeting at Kitchener plans were outlined for a re- gional !orgahization +wlhich would employee a full time industrial commissioner. If the counties will raise 410,000 the province will match it with an equal sum to provide •funds for promotion. The cities are acquiring scores of valuable industries, the may- or stated, because !they have ample funds to send delegations to Europe or wherever required to lay their advantages before prospective industries, 'This set- up will give the smaller places an equal chance, he said.. !Donnell unanimously endorsed the plan, which will cost .Sea- forth$130 annually. Councillor E. H. 'Close gave the streets report, Snow was being removed tonight for the second time this season on Main Street to give cars .a chance to !park. In reply to a question he said cost is $10.00 an hour for loader and two trucks. .Last time the work !began at '7 o'- clock and finished at three. Reeve 1Scoins, reporting for the property committee, said he was now willing to o.k. the con- tractor's account for the police building if council approved, Heating is working well in the new building now, and a new door is on order to replace one which came that opened the wrong way. He said a new appli- cation had been received Monday for relief for a load of coal. :Councillor Christie, fire and :water committee chairman re- ported that fireman Allan Reid had lost three days from his work as a result of injuries re- ceived at the Daly fire. This amounted to $39.00, but he would be satisfied with $30.00. "I don't know how we can do anything else but pay it," Coun- cillor Christie said. .Application had been made to the Workmen's Compensation which now covers volunteer firemen, but it was not clear if he was off work long enough to get compensa- tion. !Councillor !Scott Habkirk said most insurance policies do not cover the first week. Councillor John Kellar said when a enan volunteers as a fire- man the least we can do is see that he gets his full wages, we spend money in lots of less im- portant ways. .A motion was passed that Al- lan Reid be paid the full amount of his earnings if the Work- men's +Compensation does not pay it. The treasurer's report showed. tax arrears receipts in excess of $112,000 and current tax re- ceipts of over $97,000. Mayor McMaster said the Waterworks department are pay- ing off their loan well, 47,000 has been paid, leaving a balance of $3,000. Councillor Leslie said there is a hold -back of over $1200 on the Sparton firm. Mayor McMaster was heartily supported by council on recom- mendation to provide a Christ- mas goose for each town em- ployee. An indigent funeral account several years outstanding was discussed, and it was left to- the Reeve to find out if any collec- tion could be made through the county,: before taking any action. 'When the letters from the merchants committee of the C. of C. were read, :councillor Christie said: "That merchants' committee only includes five members. They never discussed it with other- merchants. I 'don't think it fair to the other aneesh- ants•„ Councillor Kellar thought it a matter for the C. of C. to straighten out. Councillor 'Leslie said it was up to tllhe merchants to object to the action of the merchants' corn- anittee. The Mayor then produced a petition signed 41 to 8 .in favor of holding Boxing Day on Tues- day and staying open all day Wednesday. Reeve +S'cbins said all the other places are closing on Tuesday, .Northside United Church Rev. John Stinson, Minister 40 a.m., Church !School and Adult 'Bible (Class. 11 a.m., Christmas service: Sermon theme, "Music Out Of Darkness". Jr. and .Sr. 'Choirs. Toddlers' Group, 7 p.m., !Carol .Service !by Jr. :Choir. "Christmas by Candle- light," in costume, 8.15 pan., Y. P. U. Egmondville United Church Rev. (W. E. (Milroy, Minister 10 am., 'Church School and. Adult !Class. 11 'a.m., Morning Worship: (Sermon, "The need tor a ;Say-. dour". , 7.30 p.m., tC.GLT., Vesper !Service. All welcome. McKillop Charge (Cavan, Winthrop: !Church Ser- vice 10.00 a,m„ (Sunday School 11 a.m,; Duff's, Church !Service 11.15 a.an.; Bethel, !Sunday (School 1 p.m., Service 2 p.m. !Candlelight Christmas Vesper (Service, Winthrop, 8 pas. The balance ,of the regular $500 !grant to the fire brigade was passed, over $200.00 'was paid previously towards the re- union deficit, Reeve Scoins said a motion had been passed by the brigade asking for an increase to $5 instead of the old $2 tax rebate for •assessed foremen. The usual motion was passed asking the Department of High- ways for +bile grant under the Highways Act. In reply to a question by +Councillor (Scott, it was stated that this amounts to 25% on ran expenditure up to !$8,000. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEIVIBER 11y55,, 1955yu n A .at SUGGESTIONS from $1.60 a Year Brother Killed In Saltford Accident Mrs. Kenneth !Swan was called to Goderioh by the death of her brother, William Garrick, Jr 18, , who was killed in a cal accident at Saltford on Tuesday night. Besides the parents Mr. and Mrs, William Ga•irick, he is sur- vived by three brothers and three sisters. Two other Goder- ich young mesa were killed in the same accident. Leonard Steel 18, and Paul Swan 16 (not related to the 'Swan family at !Seaforth). In ,hospital with serious injuries are Gary 'Ross 20 and Charles Robinson 19. Mrs. Kenneth Swan was form- erly Miss Clara Garrick. No appointment. was necessary Continued on Page 5 Present.53 Awards At North Side S.S. The boys and girls of North the e hared in Side church school s white gift service last Sunday morning, 'Supt. Sam Scott pres- ented 53 awards of Tbolbt. Raikes seals .and diplomas to the follow- ing; 1st year :diplomas, Susan Mac- Lennan, Kenneth 'Scott, Billy MacLennan, perdu (Christensen. 2nd year seals, W'en+dy Gilbert, Allan 'Carter, Louise )Bradshaw, :Barry Fleming, (Donald !Carter, Karen Pinder. 3rd year seals, IB•rend'a Ferris, Elaine Oke, Larry Mcllwain, El- izabeth lOanter, Nancy Berger, Lee Fleming, Jimmie Carter, !Sharon McNichol, Jessie Ferris, Ruth - Pinder, Jimmie IMoIlwain, Mrs. Leeming, (Sam Scott. 4th year seal's, !Kerry ]Camp- bell, Helen Elliott, Karl 'Camp- bell, Kenneth Mcllwain, (Carol Carter, Lois Scott, Donna Berg- er, 'Gloria Carter, Marion Moll - wain, Darrell Schneider, Carl Berger. 5th year seals, Maurice Stin- son, Mary Belle Stinson, Dianne Byerman, Mary (Scott, Joan Bach, Bill Roberton. 6th year seals, Joan Rtrberton, Emily Elliott, Robert Elliott, Bill Scott, Miss A. Lawrence. 7th year seals, David Stinson, Alice :Christie. 10th year seals, Linda Sav- aauge, Kenneth Thompson. 11th year seal, Sandra - ISav- auge. 12th year seal, Dora Ann !Stinson. 13th year seal, Bob Knight• 20th year seal, Mrs. J. W. Stinson. NORTHSIDE COUPLES CLUB The ,December meeting of the !Couples Club was held on Dec. 12 in the. church school room. A T. V. set was installed by Ab• Whitney prior to the meeting to watch the !Saddlers Wells Ballet group perform "The !Sleeping Beauty" as many were interested and did not want to miss it. The devotional opened with a +CChristnoas Story by Shirley Steffen. Scripture Luke 2 was read by Toni and Helen Willbee with several !Christmas carols !be- ing sung :between each verse. Fuzz !Stewart accompanied at the piano and Audrey !Stevens ac- companied on the violin. A prayer followed by 'Rev. Stinson. Two duets were sung by Edna !Bell and Elsie Kohl. 'Helen Wil - bee then read a story entitled, "A !Christmas Gift". Hymn 65 closed the devotional. Dr. and Helen 'Brady presided over the election of the new of- ficers, for 1956. They are as follows: Pres., Tom and Helen Wilbee; Vice -Pres., Neil and Ed- na Bell; Sec., Evan and Jean !Hoffman; Treas., Harold and Helen Connell. Audrey Stevens then Ied in a couple of games !before luneh. Lunch consisted of cheese bis- cuits, relishes, !Christmas - cake and tea. At the completion of the lunoh Dr. and Helen Brady, on behalf of the 'Couples Club ,read a farewell address and ,presented Rev. and Mrs. Stinson with a !beautiful silver tray. Thanks were returned by the (Stinson. The meeting closed with the sing- ing of taps. MRS. ANNA E. McLEAN The death took place at the Muir Nursing Home about, tri 2'of noon on Friday, Anna Millson, widow of the late Albert McLean, after a long ill- ness. A native of 'Huiletb, she married in 'Detroit in 1905, and returned to this district in 1952. Surviving are two brothers, Da- vid Millson, of Hullebt, and !Charles Wilson of Ingersoll, and one sister, Mrs. Peter 'Lindsay of Egmondville. The funeral took place from the Whitney funeral home, on Monday, Bev. John Stinson, officiating, .assisted by Bev. W. E. Milroy. Interment was in Maitlan+dlbank cemetery. The pallbearers were five neph- ews, Kenneth and Gordon Man- son, Ingersoll; Ross Millson, Hulletb, Wilfred 'Millson, Bur- lington, Fred lDawdry, Inlgersoll, and Howard Armstrong. WILLIAM JOHN HACKWE14L William John Hacldwell passed away at his late residence an Rosetown, !Bask,, on November 14th, 1965, aged 85 years. The deceased was born in MMeKiillon. twp. the spent the early part of his life there, In 1900 he was married to Nellie J. !Copeland, Palmerston, !Os t. They settled in Stratford, !Ontario, where he rail- roaded for 15 years: In April, 11918, he moved his family west to Madison, +Sask., where the farmed until 1926, when he mov- ed to Rosetown, He was employ- ed with the Colwell Lumber Co. end the B.A. Oil Co. He retired The `:tore of 1000 X losawsanecemmacesemagraesruers Authorised no Second Class mall, Poet Office Dept., Ottawa Snowdon Pros., Publiehero SILVER Flatware Complete sets: and single pieces in all standard patterns including •Flair, Heritage, Daffodil, South Seas, White Orchid, Evening Star, and other well advertised patterns,. Sterling Silverware international Sterling Wallace' Sterling Heirloom Sterling Sterling by Roden Buy in complete sets or in single pieces. Silver Holloware Sugar & Cream & Tray Sets ....from $3.95 up Butter Dishes from ........ $2.50 up Relish Dishes from $3.50 up 3 piece Tea Sets from $14.96 up Many other beautiful Silver Plated holloware gifts:to choose from. Hammered. Aluminum The gift that always remains the same -needs no polishing, Bon Bons from $1.75 up Jam "Jars with spoon from $1.65 up Lazy Susans from $4.00 up Two-tier Trays from $5.00 up Many other smart aluminum gifts Stainless steel Flatware "Flight" Pattern "Trellis" Pattern "Lordship" Pattern Dinnerware & Teaware Wedgwood Spode Royal Albert Royal Doulton Royal Crown Derby Royal Worcester Johnson Bros. Sovereign Potters Over 100 patterns of dinnerware and teaware to choose from. Buy in com- plete sets or open stock. CLOCKS The new small mantel clocks 24.95 up Fireplace Electric Clock 24.95 400 -day Clocks .. , , , $24.95 and 09 Westelox Alarms $2:75 and up Westclox Electric Kitchen Clocks 5.95 up G.E. Electric Kitchen Clock 7,95 up Cornflower Glassware Sherbets, plates, tumblers, and many fancy pieces at attractive prices. Pen & Pencil Sets Waterman, Sheaffer, Parker & Ever - sharp, including all the newest Ball Points, Cartridge Fill, Snorkel, Jotter, Liquid Lead, etc. Pens as low as $1.95 Ball Point Pens as low as 98c WATCHES U L.O'V �p p lAne �7" Qfcc ttv�t�l is lr�r r v, ''10 / Your Choice /$4,9.50 ...-- GODDESS {�OT,T�IME SENATOR I7 gIttigMNOelt6 17.ie'..k, ,Ash raohtnnt •eepwtefdf soiawMt esbnourry W kexpon. om�f5• Bulova Watches from , , , . $29.75 Gruen Watches from $29.75 Bennis Watches from $29.75 Elgin Watches from .. , , , $33.75 Certina Watches from $24.96 Elco Watches from $24.95 Westfield Watches from $19.95 Cornell Watches from .. , $19.95 Westelox Watches from 7.95 up up up up tip tip up up tip as illustrated $45. Just 3 of many liig values awaiting your selection. Ladies Wedding Rings from $7.00 up Gents Wedding Rings from $8.00 up Ladies Diamond Wedding Rings from $25.00 up Ladies Birthstone Rings from $5.00 up Ladies Signet Rings from., $4.00 up Rebekah & Eastern Star Rings from $10.00 up Gents Onyx Initial Rings from $10 up Boys Signet- Rings from .... $2.00 up JEWELLERY Smart Rhinestone necklet and earring sets, boxed .. $5.00 & up Beautiful Sterling Rhinestoue Sets from $15,00 up Rhinestone Expansion bracelets 3.95 up Smart Modern Metal Sets from $3.00 up Pearl 'Necklets & Earring Sets 15 up Wide Bracelets $2.00 up Coro1.00 Jeweller Necklets, earrings, bracelets, brooch- es, etc. You'll be amazed at what smart gifts our $1.00 table offers you! Electric Shavers New Schick "25" Razor $31.95 Remington "60" De Luxe , • , , $31.95 Sunbeam Shavemaster new model) $31,75 Philishave $27.95 Packard "Imperial" $26.95 Ronson Razor $21.95 IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS 113. Photo Ideate .. .... $7.95 up Other Smart Idents $4.50 up CUFF LiNK SETS Cuff Link & Tie Bar Sets.. $2.50 up Tie Bars $1.50 and up Last -Minute Engraving We are prepared to handle engraving up to the last day on most articles we handle. CHINA Royal Doulton Figurines Bunnykins Ware Cups & Saucers Scotch Tartan Cups & Saucers (26 different Tartans) Cups & Saucers of the Month Scotch & Irish Cups and Saucers Eastern Star Cups & Saucers Rebekah Cups & Saucers Angels of the Month Teapots Planters Novelty Salt & Pepper Sets Sugar & Cream Sets Ronson Lighters Smart Ronsons for $4.95 up Ronson Table Lighters , , , $8.95 up Wall Plaques Many novel designs in Devonware and Rockalite Musical Powder Boxes .. $4.95 up Jewel Boxes 3.95 and up 3 -piece Toilet Sets, Brush, Comb & Mirror ....7.95 up 6 pc. Toilet Sets - 10.95 up Nut sets, complete with cracker & picks ... , $2.00 up These are just a few ideas. You'll .and many more if you conte in and look around "The Store of 1000 Xmas Gifts" UittM4 VAX.: ,i0kOlit4 004 m 1951. He is survived by his widow, three daughters, •Isobel, !Edmonton; Mrs. Ethel Turley, 'Rosetown; Mrs. Johnny (Winni- fred) Franklin, Rosetowar, Sask. Two .daughters predeceased him. Laura, 1910, and Myrtle ((Mrs. Hugh 'Stewart) Madison, :Sack., in April 1955. Six grandchildren 'and :one great grandson. Three sisters, Mrs. Mary Gardiner, Tor onto, Ont., Mrs. John .(Isobel) Buchanan, !Stratford, Ont., Mrs, !Emily Naylor, Rochester, N.Y.,+ and three brothers, Joseph, Thomas and Wesley, all •of Wal- ton, :Ontario. (Funeral service !took place in the United lChurcih, Rosetonvn, on (Nov. 18th. Interment was made an Roselawii Perpetual Care !Cemetery. NATIVE OF STANLEY DIES IN WEST The following is taken from the Virden •Empire -Advance, of Virden, Manibofba: A long-time resident of the district, Mr. Ralph Millard Ste- phenson passed away at his home There on Friday; Nov. 11th. He was in Ins 83rd year. Born an SAV AUGE'S Jewellery Gifts Fine China Seaforth Huron (County, Ontario, on :Sep- tember 10th, 11872, Mr. 'Stephen- son came to Virden in 1899. Un- til his retirement in 1946 he farmed in the Pacific District. A faithful ,member of St. Mary's Anglican !Church, Mr. Stephen- son served for many years on the vestry and as Peoples War- den. Left to mourn his loss are his wife Eleanor; two daught- ers, Mrs. Frank Finch ((Gladys) and Mrs. Cecil !Carruthers :(May) ; two sons Ralph and Jack, of the Pacific District; a brother Nelson in New Westminster B.C., • two sisters, Mrs. Edith Hutchison and Mrs. Ann Ander- son, both of Virden; and nine grandchildren. The funeral service was ,con- ducted by Rev. C. 51. Gregory at 8 p.m, on !Sunday, 'Nov. 13th. Beautiful flowers from the fata- lly .and organizations bore silent testimony to the esteem in which he was held Iby all who knew hien. !Honorary pallbearers were Chas. Kerr, F•ranlc Finch, Jerry Heaman, Won. Pollock, Frank Carefoot and H. McMillan. Ac- tive bearers were Wm. Ashton, L. ,Newman, !George Knowles, J. Cope, R. iDoclobill and E. Hales. Mrs. J. S. Watson were Mr. and !Arrangements were in the care Mas. Albert Clark of Muirkirk of G. Roy Carecadden's Funeral and Miss Alice Watson of Lon - Home. Burial in the family plot, don. Virden, EGMONDVILLE ;Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ivy !Henderson were Mrs, Daniel 'Love of New Westmins- ter, BC., and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Broadfoott of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hous- ton of Kitchener were ISunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. And- rew Houston. Mr. and Mays. Rtobt. Neilson and daughter Annie and Mr. Don Finlayson of Lorne Park, were week end visitors with their grandparents, Mrs. Jas. Finlay- son and Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Wei- land, Item. W. E. and Mrs. !Milroy visited with Rev. and Mrs. Grant Mielelejohn of Lucknow on Mon- day. 1N;rs. W. F. McMillan. was re- moved to, (hospital at London this week for further treattnent. We hope for a speedy recovery. Recent visitors with Mr, and Fill out wardrobe chart; SEAFORTH SEWING SUSIES The second meeting of the !Seaforth Sewing !Busies was held at the home of Mrs. Aikenhead on Monday evening, Dee. 11th. Ruth Crozier opened the meet- ing by all singing "Jingle Bells". Gloria 'Caliber read the minutes. 'The roll' call was answered by 8 girls showing a piece of mater- ial that suited two, types of girls.' A demonstration by our leaders showed which types of clothes suited for tall, medium, and short stout figures. The next meeting will beheld at Ruth Crozier's on Tuesday, Dec. 20th. Meeting closed with "God save the Queen", and lunch was served. Gloria !Carter•mov_ ed a vote of thanks to the host- ess ost ess on behalf of the club .girls.. The home assignments for the next meeting will (be, (1) buying blouse material and pattern. '(2)