The Seaforth News, 1955-12-08, Page 1".;
;LEE a Year
Authorized as Second Masa mail, Poet
Wane Oepit., Ottawa
Snowdon Brae.. 1'1161411es-a
Fergus Coombs In
Hospital after crash
Fergus ;Coombs •of Egenoncl-
ville is in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital with concussion, at least
one (broken Tiki, and severe lac-
erations, from an accident about
8 .o'clock Monday night when
his car went out of .control on
the ice near the recreation
grounds. The 1951 Ford struck
a tree and was badly damaged.
Fergus was alone M the car.
The C.N.R. station at Sea -
forth was struck by lightning .cut
2 o'clock Sunday morning, burn-
ing out wiring and the radio in
the theme of Station Agent F.
W. Marshall. There had been
only e. couple a thunder -claps
during late -season storm.
W. I.
The regular ;meeting of the
Securest% Women's Institute will
be held at the ;Seaforth Distriet
High 'School •on Tuesday, Dec.
18, at 2.80 p.m. This is the Sea -
forth Women's Institute Family
Night in rharge of Mrs. Lorne
(Carter and Mrs. Harold Hugill.
The 4-H Club film will be shown
by Mr. tains thl. IScorbt. Each,
anermber is to bring a loaf •of
(bread and sandwiches unless
otherwise eontacted.
A. number from ISeaforth and
district attended a banquet at
Hotel London on Saburday even-
ing marleing the beginning of the
second ;century of the Progres-
sive ;Conservative party. It was
a memorable .occasion, with
speakers coming from coast to
coast. Premier Prost was pre-
sent, as well as three former
Ontario premiers ((Hon. Geo.
Dresv, T. L. Kennedy, M.P.P.,
and Geo. S. 'Henry), and the
wife of a former premier, ;Mrs.
G. Howard Ferguson.
Mrs. John ;Cluff, .East William
St., ISeaforth, died in Scott Mean -
;oriel Hospital on Th-ursday aft-
ernoon, following three months'
illness. Mrs. ;Clef, the former
!clatherine Anne Scott, was a
lifelong resident of !Setif oath.
She was predeceased by her
hestband. Mrs Chaff was a mem-
ber of the First ;Preebyteria-n
Church, Sesuforth. Surviving are
one daughter, Janet, .at home,
one son, Scott, Tuckersmithtwp,
also a sister, Miss Janet !Scott,
Seaforth. A. private funeral ser-
vice on Sunday was conducted
by Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, with
(burial in Maitlandbank Ceme-
tery, ISeaforsh,
Thomas J. McAdam, 89 of
ISeaforth, who died suddenly in
the •Senith Nursing Home, at
Mitchell, on Dec. 6, came to Can-
ada from Ireland at the age of
ee, For many years he was a
'clothing salesman at Stratford
and (Seaforth, and came here to
live 15 years ago. He was a
smarter of First Presbyterian
Church. His -wife, the former
Elizabeth J. ISparksedied 2 years
Surviving is one nephew, Wil-
liam .Marsh, of Willowdale, near
Resting at. the Whitney funer-
al home here, where services will
be conducted Thursday at 1 p.m.
by the Rev. D. Glenn Campbell.
Interment will he made in Avon
dale Ceanetery, Stratford.
Mrs, Thomas Worden, 80, who
died .Sunday in (Scott Memorial
Hospital, was the former While -
(mania 'Coleman, •of Tuokersmith,
and had lived here since the
death of her hushan.d, seven
years ago. She was a ;member
of First Presbyterian Church
here. Funeral service was held
on Tuesd.ary from the Box Fun-
eral Home conducted by Rev. D.
Glenn ;Campbell. Burial was in
Stale Cemetery.
Mrs. Frank Kling sang ac-
eompanied by Mrs. John Clardno.
The palhearers were Lyle
Worden, Percy Miller, William
Worden, (Cameron, Har-
old ;Coleman', Wilfred !Coleman.
The Nowerbearers were Clar-
ence lOolenian, Elmer Cameron,
Alex Miller, Thomas Laing.
Northside United Church
Rev. John;Stinson Minister
10 •a.m., Ohuroh rechool and
Adult Bible Class.
11 a.m., Morning Worillep:
The White Gift service.
Junior lOongTegation and Tod -
tilers' group.
7 men., Evening Worship;
"Operation (Chrietmas".
8.15 pan., Y.P.U.
Egmondviile United Church
Bev. 'W E. MilroY, Minister
10, Church School and
Adult 'Mese.
in am., Morning Worship:
Sermon, "The Pace of Jesus."
7 p.m. (Evening Praise: Med-
itakion, "What Jesus says about
Life's Main ;Business."
Thnrsday at 7.80 n.m., Mid-
week service.
. McKillop Charge
;Cavan, Winthrop: Church 10, Sunday School 11 .a.m.;.
Duff's, Church 11.15 am.; Beth-'
el, Sunday .School n p.m, (Church
2 pm. Young People's Union, in
Cavan Church at 8
Joe Maverty Is
Hockey Coach
.A new coach for the Seaforth
hockey team, Joe Maverty, of
Stratford took ever last Wed-
nesday night following an acci-
(dent which put coach Gordon
"Rooster" Muir in the hospital.
Coach Maverty has Worked on
many a winning team and you
will see a rejuvenated Junior B
hockey learn this week. Exten-
sive practices have been carried
on all week.
The team plays in Neke Ham-
burg on Wednesday night and
;the return game is here on Fri-
Mrs. Arnold Westeett was
'hostess to group 4 W. A. of
(Nrorthside 'United Church for our
Christmas; meeting when a pot-
luck supper was enjoyed by 21
members and two visitor s.
Mrs Riley,. Pres., opened the
meeting with a poem, and Mrs.
Healley read the .scripture and
Mrs. ,Hudson led us in prayer.
The roll cell was taken with
everyone naming their favorite
'Christmas ICarol. Minutes were
read and adopted. Several
Christmas ;Carols were sung
throughout the evening. Mrs.
Stinson conducted the tontine -
tions and it was moved by Mrs.
Westcolt and seconded by Mrs.
Hudson that the following slate
of officers he adopted for ehe
coming year:
;Pres., Mrs. A. Riley; Vice
Pres, 1VIrs. J. [Currie; Sec., 1VTrs.
H. Therivpson: Treas., Mrs. A.
Weeteott; Press Sec., Mrs. H.
Thompson; Card Con., 1VIrs.
Turnbull; Tel. (Captains, Mrs.
Hudson, !Mrs. Dalton, Mrs. Wil-
son, Poems were given by Mrs.
Westcott and Mrs. Turnbull. All
were .asked to attend the Gen-
eral W. A. meeting to be held
on Dec. 14. Meeting closed with
all repeating (the 1Vlizpah Bene-
diction and exchanging gifts.
Elizabeth Jean (Harrison, 15
months old, died Wednesday.
Elizabeth was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harrison,
Egmondvillc, formerly of God-
erich. The baby, who had been
in failing health since birth, is
survived by her parents and one
;Mather, John, aged four. A pri-
vate funeral service from the
Box funeral home by Rev. J. H.
James, rector of St. Thomas'
Anglican Church, ;Seaforth, was
held on Friday, Dec. 2. Burial
was in Maitland Cemetery at
The monthly meeting of the
.C.W.L. was held in the vestry
of the Church on .Sunday, Dec.
4, The President, Mrs, Jos. Kale
opened the meeting with prayer.
The minutes were read by Mrs.
Albert Cronin. The Sec. Vice
Fres. reported 8 parcels of lit-
erature and 75, lbs. 'clothing
sent to Missions. Mrs. Wen. Me -
%Allan reported two visits to pa-
tients in hospital. MTS. Angus
Kennedy gave the treasurer's
report. The euchre parties in
homes 114T8 proving a decided
success. It was .decided to send
;$15 to our Lady's Missionaries.
10hristmas donations are to be
given our Pastor, Rev. P. J. Me -
Cowell, our former Pastor, Rev.
J. O'Drowski, and Father
Hennessey, chaplain .at West-
minster Hospital. Mrs: Jos. Kale
reported on Deanery.meeting isa
St Marys. Tickets were sold on
a box of candy donated by Mrs.
Jas. McQuaid and won by Wire.
E. Molady. Meeting adjourned
and closed with prayer.
On !Saturday, Nov. 19, in St.
Stephens Anglican C hu re
Stratford, Rev. C. Russel per-
formed the double -ring cere-
mony that united in marriage
Miss Rosa Lillian Axibmann and
Mr. Charles Herbert James Phi-
dy, ISteatford. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and MTS. H. L.
Axianann, 'Walton. Mrs. Mar-
garet Fiddy, Stratford, do moth-
er of the .groom. The wedding
enusic was played by Miss Eliz-
abeth Mott. Given in marriage by
her brother James, Ibbe ;bride
was wearing a chepel-length
gown of (nylon net and lace
over satin. A hooped crinoline
held ;out the full ;skirt which had
a matching bolero with long lily -
point eleeves. Her fingertip veil
of nylon net was held in place
by a crown oX pearls and she
oarried white roses on a white
Bible. As rbridesmaid, Miss Betty
Anabmann, Walton, attended her
sister, wearing a charpel-length
gown" of white net over taffeta
Avith a pink taffeta bolero and
matching mittens and hat. Her
nosegay was pink roses end
white carnations with pink
streamers. The Bower girl was
Miss Marilyn Emerson, Kincar-
dine, (niece of the groom, swear-
ing a blue taffeta ankle -length
gown trimmed (with rhinestone
settings. Her nosegay was mink
roses and white carnations with
pink strew/tars. IVIr. John
iStratford, was best man. Mr.
Douglas Fiddy, brother of the
groom was usher. A ;wedding
dinner was served in the base -
anent of the church, 'Guests were
present from Stretford, Welton,
;Buffalo, Kincardine, Mee Craig
and Taman. For a wedding trip
to Florida the bride .ehose a
charcoal wool dress ‚witch white
hat and gloves. The ;couple are
now residing at 42 113rydges ISt.,
C. W. L. Hold
Successful Bazaar
'The St. James Catholic Wo-
inen's League held their .annual
on Saturday afre.rno.on.
Guests were received by the
president, Miss M. Dunn and in-
vited into the tea room, The tea
tables were centred with gay
Christmas decorations made by
Mies Frances Fortune. Penning
tea were Mrs, Thos. alleknell,
Miss ;Olive McCormick, Miss Lu-
ella 'Burke and Mrs. J. M. Eck-
ert. The capable conveners of
the tea room were Mrs. M. Eime
and Mrs. M. Williams. Their
assistants were Mrs. R. S. Box,
Mrs. Wm. 'Box, Mrs. Peter Ban
non, Mrs. Aiim ISmale, 1VIrs.
Ken Etue, Mrs. John Maloney,
Mrs. James Devereaux and Miss
Modeling Fortune. In .charge of
the various other booths were:
Sewing: Miss Rose Dorsey, Mrs.
Allan Pretty, Mrs, Joseph Me -
Connell, Mrs. Jerry Bannon.
Home baking: °Mrs. '0. P. Sills,
Mrs. James 'Slattery, Mrs. Mein
vin !Larne, 'Mrs. ;Gordon Dick,
Mrs. James Nash, Mrs. Wm,
Demean Mrs, John PlannerY,
1Vliss Mice Stiles, Wire. Ellen
B.annon. Mystery boxes: Mrs.
Jean Fortune and Mrs, John Ho-
thhem, Candy: MTS. Lester Leon -
Stara, tChristanas cake rackets:
•Mrs. Wan. Hart, Platform Rook,
er tickets: Mrs. Russell Pringle,
Mrs, ;Gordon Reynolds and Mrs.
J. M. McMillan.
The prizes of the bazaar were
.drawn by Rev. E. P. Weber, the
:winners being the Rocker, 'Doug
White, and Cihristmas cake, Cary
To each and everyone who
made this bazaar the ..decided
success it was, an ,behalf of the
C.W.L. the writer says, "Thank
you very much".
Ladies Aid Elects
Officers for 1956
The December meeting of the
Ladies' Aid was held on Tuesday
with Mrs. H. Whyte president,
in the chair. The -meeting was
opened Witlh a poem rby Miss 18.
I. Graham, "St. Ignace and the
Vision", read 'by MTS. J. ,A.
Munn. The secretary's and trea-
surer's reports were read and
adopted. It was satisfying to
note that around $400 was real-
ized from the bazaar. The nom-
inating committee brought in
their report of officers for the
coming year.
Past Pres., ;Mrs. Ed Said*
Pres., Mrs. H. Whyte; 1st Vice
Pres., Miss Jean Scott; 2nd Vice
Pres., Mrs. E. Geddes; pianist,
Mrs. McGregor; Hospital Rep.,
Mrs, E. ISmith; Treas., Mrs. Bat;
Sece Mrs, F. Wigg; [Flower Con-
vener, Mrs. S. Pullman; Press
Reporter, Mrs. J. A. Munn
Group Leaders, ;(1) Mrs. Meg.
Kerslake and Mrs, R. MaKind-
sey, (2) Mrs. 51. 'Scott and Mrs.
T. Flynn, (8) Mrs. ;Coleman,
Miss M. Grey, Mrs. J. L. Bell.
1(4) Mrs. Scott Habkirk and Mrs.
Mae (Dorrance.
The service of installation
was ,conducted by Mrs. Ritchie.
The speaker for the afternoon
was Mrs. 3. Scott, who as always
was most intereeting. She read
the .greatest Christmas Story of
all first, Luke 2; and then told
two other ;Christmas Stories,
"Holy Night", a legend and
"Where Love is there God Is".
They were very much enjoyed
by all.
A. social half hour followed
with lunch served by the Execu-
tive who were in charge of the
John D. .Cairne, 73,of Bruce -
field, who died here Sunday in
Scott Memorial Hospital, was
born in Hibbert (temp., and farm-
ed there until retiring seven
years ago. He was a member of
Carmel ;Presbyterian !Church, at
Hensall. Surviving is his wife,
the former Jean Murdoch: Fun-
eral service was held on Tues-
day from the G. A. Whitney
funeral home conducted by Rev.
Donald McDonald, Hensall, and
Rev. Sidney Davidson, Brute -
field. Burial was in the Presby-
tezian !cemetery. at ,Mitchell.
;The Bantam hockey game in
Milverton on Thursday night
ended with an 8 to 5 score for
Seaforth. The lineup:
ISeaforth: Goal -Bryan 'Brady;
;defence -Bob Reith, Gord Fer-
ris, Jim (Broadfoot, Ted Lamont;
forwards - Larry Dale, Ray
ISCOIT1S, Hill Pinder, Doug Row-
oliffe, Harvey Dale, Gary Ast,
Robert Elliott, Brian Flanagan.
George Kruse, Coach; Car-
anan Rowcliffe, Manager.
Larry Dale 3 goals; Ray Scoins
3 goals; Gary Ast 1 goal; Bill
Pinder 1. goal; R. ;Steins 2 as-
sists; Bob Reith 4 assists.
(Clinton.plays here on Dec. 17
and. Seaforth et Clinton on
Dec. 19th.
The Friendly Few Fenn Fer-
uan met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Riley with an at-
tendance of 16. An interesting
!discussion was 'held on the topic,
after which several games of
euchre were played. Prize win-
ners were: most games, Dennis
Jewitt and Ross MoGregor; low,
Gary Jewitt and W,m. Jewitt.
Lunen was served by Mrs. Earl
Lawson. Mrs. Bill Dale invited
the Forum for the next meeting.
'Arrange Dump
For Tuckersmith
Tuckerstnith council met in
Seaforth on Tuesday at 1 min.
All members were present and
the reeve :presided.
!Bylaw .eonfirming rates of
taxation for the year was green
its required readings and passed
and also a bylaw prohibiting
parking on No. 4 Highway was
given its required readings and
passed subject +to the approval
of the .Department of Rieman
of .Ontario. °
The Reeve and Clerk were au-
thorized to have an agreement
signed with Alex. Boyes, owner
of lot 12, con. 8 HRS., to provide
a damping ground for the town-
ship. It is expected when :final
arrangements ahave been made
that the .dumping ground will be
available for nee of ratepayers
two days each -week under su-
Surety Bond on the Tax Col-
lector was reneged with the Do-
minion of Canada 'General As-
surance and premium of 587.150
ordered paid.
(Appointments for 1955 were
made as follows: South Huron
High .School District, J. C. ISmil-
lie; Seaforth High (School Dis-
trict, James McIntosh; Clinton
High (School ;District? Geos Fal-
coner; Scott Memorial .Hospital,
William C.a,meron.
'Authorization was given to
have plans prepared eOr a :con-
crete bridge to replace what is
knoWu as; the O'Brien ;bridge.
The Road .Suntt. was Instruct-
ed to proceed with the neces-
sary work to alleviate a drain-
age problem on; road adjoining
lots on E. Centre Street in the
village of Egenondville.
The Clerk was instructed to
investigate procedure to be fol-
lowed in the ease of persons re-
fusing to make available female
calves for (Brucellopis treatment.
Accounts passed included:
Fire protection, 5125.00; hospit-
alization, 5555; postage, $35.00;
printing and supplies, 5171.41;
South Huron High School, $315.-
60; Brucefield lights, 525.00;
Share of burial costs, 515.00;
salary and allowance, 5175.00;
rent, $3000; Diiieion Court.
Pees, 525.00; Brucellosis Con-
trol, 5183.25; Road Aecounts,
5942.13; relief, 525.00; side-
walk construction, $383.50,
;Council will hold a special
meeting on Dec. 15th at 1 Tem.
to conclude the year's business.
The Dec. meeting of group 2
of Northside Chureb took the
farm of a potluck supper and
was much enjoyed ;by 25 mern-
boas at late home of Mrs, Wm.
.Leeming. Mrs. Bruce Walters
opened the meeting with the
following poem: "What can I
give Him, poor as I am, If I
were a shepherd, I would (bring
a lamb, If I were Wise Man, I
would do my part, Yet whet I
.geve Rim, give Him my
The president, Mrs. Shannon,
conducted business. Nominating
committee brought in the 1956
slate of officers: Mrs. Bruce
Walters will be our next presi-
dent; Mrs. Lorne 'Carter and
1VIrs. Rugill will be our social re-
presentatives. Mrs. Moffat re-
ported tete birthday calendars
nearly all sold. !Scripture lesson
was taken by Mrs. Ross ISavauge
end prayer by Mrs. Hay. Mrs.
Lawson gave a Christmas etory.
Contests were conducted by Mrs.
S. Bray. Mrs. J. M. Scott thank-
ed the hostess and all :who had
assisted with the meeting.
The Christmas meeting of
Group 3 Of the W. A. of North-
side 'United !Church was held on
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs. ;Albert Hudson with 21
members and 8 visitors present.
Mrs. ICharnheriains opened with a
poen], "Peace and Goodwill,"
Hymn 51 was sung followed with
prayer by Mrs. Talbot. The pre-
sident, Mrs. Norman Knight,
then took over .and the secre-
tary's report was given. Roll call
was answered by "Your Favorite
Christmas Carol," The Visiting
Committee reported four home
calls and the !treasurer's report
showed a good year for the
group. The nominating commit-
tee presented the slate of offi-
cers for 1956 !which are as fol-
lows: Pres., ,Mrs. N o r an an
Knight; vice pres., Mrs. !Cham-
berlain; sec., Miss Abbie Seip;
treas., Mrs. Harvey Travis; cor-
responding sec., 'Mrs. Milton
!Berger; press reporter, Mrs. Pe-
ter Dunlop; lunch eoanmibtee,
Mrs. Mf Beuermann and .Mrs.
Relater ;Snell; pianist, 'Mrs. A.
Matheson; visiting committee,
Mrs. 'Cleve !Cochrane. Mrs. Chris-
tie took the devotional part and
Mrs. Crozier read a poem,
"(Christmas in your Heart." The
hymn 52 was sung ;and Mrs,
'Pinder led in prayer. Mrs.
:5011 showed pictures and told of
their trip to the Rockies this
summer, which everyone enjoy-
ed. The meeting closed with .all
singing "Silent Night" a-nd the
1Vlizpah. Benediction. A social
time was spent in exehanging
gifts and a .delicious lunch was
served. The January Meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Bev.
75!T. A. P. Keys is at present
in the Clinton Public Hospital.
His many friends wish drinn
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Tont Pitt of
Hibbert Federation
Holds Banquet
'The Hibbert Federation of
Agriculture held its annual ban-
quet in the Statfa twp. hall on
Thurs. evening, Dec. 1 and ior
the fourth consecutive year all
available tickets were sold. 127
district residents sat down to a
delicious turkey ;banquet served
by the .Staffa Women's Institute,
Mr..A.ugust .Ducharme was toast-
master and opened the program
by listing some of the achieve-
ments of the Federation of An.-
rmulture and urged all present
to do their share m making this
organization a complete success,
Mr. Bruce 1VIcCorquo.dale, as-
sistant agricultural representa-
tive for Perth County, intro-
duced the guest speaker of the
evening, Miss Eleanor .Setracuse
of Watford. Miss Saraeuse is
Rural Advisor to community
programs which is the adult ed-
ucation branch of the Depart-
ment of Education. She is also
.past president of the Junior
Farmers of .Ontario. Miss Sara-
euse spoke on adult education.
In her opening remarks she
commended the Federation of
Agriculture and farm foruan for
doinga goad job of education
eepecially .along the lines of
marketing and selling and ob-
served that the provincial exe-
cutive of the Federation of Ag-
riculture 'presented their an-
nual brief to the governanent to-
day. Education is designed to
assist people in earning a living
and in learning to live with other
people said Miss Saracuse. We
need to study history, litera-
ture, science and economics and
avail ourselves of the opportun-
ity to develop Art, she contin-
ued. Adult education is a volun-
tary program, stated Miss !Swa-
mis° which we can start in our
own homes by developing- neigh-
bourliness, good citizenship, and
civic and local organization re-
sponsibility. We need also to
satisfy the urge for rhybhmie
games, folk .and square dancing
etc. The ultimate goal of adult
education is assisting people in
the search for a fuller and hap-
pier life and the development of
a whole individual. Miss Sara-
euse ended her talk by saying
that adult education is helping
to earn a living, live a life land
live it more fully.
The speaker WAS Thanked by
Filmer ;Channel. A. H. Daynard,
field man for Perth Federation
of Agricuture, spoke to the
gathering about this work stat-
ing 'that the work of a field man
is getting more andanore a job of
getting out information. He said
that the Federation has made
great ',regress and 'was fulfilling
its dream of getting all farm
organizations to come together
and smite their efforts. We have
learned thaw to approach gov-
ernments and how to get our
story across to other people.
Then, too, eve finally sew the
wisdom of hiring experts to do
things for us in the fields of
law, economics, information etc.
said Mr. Daynarcl.
Lorne Roth, Blanshard twee,
newly elected President of Perth
Federation spoke briefly. Musi-
cal selections by Mrs, RoIbt. D.
Sadler accompanied by Mrs 171.
Rayburn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Harburn; and Mrs. ;Calvin ;Chris-
tie were much enjoyed. The
Staffs Women's institute w,as
thanked by Calvin ;Christie and
Mrs. Cecil Bowman replied for
the ladies.
C. W .L.
The St. James' Catholic Wo-
men's League held their month-
ly meeting on Tuesday evening
in the school with the president
Miss M. Dunn presiding. The
minutes of the last ;meeting were
read by the Sec., Mrs. M. Wil-
liams. Mrs, R. Pringle;first vice
president, reported 97 paid up
rneanbers. The treasurer's report
was given hp Mrs. Wm. Hart and
the correspondence read by Miss
Rose Dorsey. Miss M. Dunn gave
a short talk on the Deanery
meeting ,held at St. Marys.
Mrs. G. Van den Mengel and
MTS. J. Lansink (then delivered
a lovely account of their native
land Holland. The time when
!Santa tomes to the children in
}Tolland is ;December 6th. One of
the family or a neighbour is
Chosen to take :the part of Santa.
He is dressed as a Holy Man
and the adults as well as the
children look forward wlth great
joy to his visit. The children
put out their wooden shoes
filled with carrots or bay for
Santa's horse. They also nave
Slack Pieter who carries his bag
and whip for the ;bad !children.
A description was then given of
the beautiful little country of
Holland and the acres and acres
of tulips and hyacinths that are
grown for export. One thing yea
would see in Holland that we do
not see in Canada is the (many
elderly people e5 or 70 years of
age riding their bikes through
the country.
Because the county le over-
crowded and for the future a.nd
freedom of their children, we
have these lovely' people from
Holland (with us.
The meeting closed with pray-
er atter which lunar was served
bv Mrs. G. Reynolds, Mrs. M.
Etu e and Mrs. M. Williams.
Toronto visited last,week with
Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Pitt.
Mr. Harvey Turner is at pre-
sent confined to the house. We
wish ;him a speedy recovery.
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Mn. Robert Cooper is visiting
(hie 'daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Love, 3n Caro, Mich.
Mr. Ray Hilhar of London
spent the week end with his
wife and San, -who have been
spending some time with the lat-
ter's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl of
Listowel were week end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson
and family spent a day recently
in London.
Miss Velma Hepburn of Lon-
don spent the week end with
Miss Merle Dickert.
Mrs. Allan Johnson, teacher
of S.S. No. 14, Stanley, is pre-
paring her minds for their con-
cert on Dec. 16th.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick .CorniCh and
family of Goderieth visited on
!Sunday with her father, Mr.
Robt. Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Burke of
Wroxeter visited +the former's
sister, Mn. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis.
Mrs. 03rownlee of Oregon, is
visiting her brothers, Messrs.
Wm. and Henry Ivison and niece,
Miss Jean Ivison.
Mr. Robt. Love of the 'Univer-
sity of Toronto spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Love.
1VIr. Ross Faber of the Agric-
ultural ;College at iltidgetown,
spent tete week end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Faber.
Quite a number attended the
annual meeting and turkey ban-
quet of Hay Federation of Ag-
riculture which was held in Zur-
ich Tuesday evening.
Mrs. A. Gackstetter and girls
visited on !Sunday with Mn. and
Mrs. W. Homey in Exeter.
Mrs. Ducharme of Dashwood
visited on Monday with her ano-
ther, Mrs. J. MeClyment.
The Rev, H. L. IBrox and Mrs.
Brox entertained the McKillop
Evangelical 'congregat 1 on to
"F.amily Night" at the parson-
age in .Serbrin,gville .on Monday
McKillop friends and rela-
tives were present at the '4Orth
wedding celebration, of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis iBennesvies, Logan,
on Thursday evenine.
McKillop Evangelical S. S.
will hold their !Christmas ser-
vice on Thursday, Dec. 22,
S. S. No. 8 is holding their
concert on Dec. 19th.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock and
children visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter 'Connelly in Logan on
At a recent meeting of the'. ;Bro. W. R. .Dougallwas
presented with a ,pen and pencil
set, having retired from the of -
flee of Secretary of the Order
for the past 35 years. The ac-
companying address was read bp
Bro. John M. Glenn and .bhe
presentation made by Bro. John
MeMurtrie. Bro. Dougall was in-
stalled in 1920 with Bro. Alf
Clarke D.D.P. Although taken
bp. surprise the recipient spoke
briefly expressing his apprecia-
tion of the gift.
Rev. IStanley Moore officiated
at a wedding in the "United
Church Manse, Goderich, when
Margaret Jean Reid became the
bride of Robert Melvin Talbot,
Bayfield. The bride is the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norval
Reid, Hensall, and the groom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard
Talbot, Hayfield. For her wed-
ding the (bride wore a gray suit
with red accessories and a red
rose corsage. Miss Ann Porter
of Bayfield, as maid of ;honor,
chose a grey suit with matehing
accessories .and pink rose cor-
sage. Raymond !Scotchmer of
Hayfield attended the grown.
The ;bride and groom will re-
side .at Hayfield.
Mn. and Mrs. Thos. 3. Adams
will be 40 years married Dec. 8.
Congratulations and best wishes
to Mr. and Mrs. Adams on their
wedding anniversary, which they
will observe quietly at their
S. S. No. 12 and No. 7, Me-
Killop, (Christmas concert will he
hetet. in Walton hall, Wednesday,
Dec. 14th, 8.30 pan. Lunch will
be served, followed ;by dance
with Wiibee's ;Orchestra.