HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-11-17, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, November 17, 1955 SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS AT WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD Mkt. while variety is complete, for your Christmas Baking supplies just arrived EXTRA SPECIAL XMAS MIX CANDY .... '1 fib 29c FRANKFORD (STD.) PEAS 15 oz..... 3 tins 29c QUICK QUAKER OATS 3 lb ,Box 37c NABOB COFFEE 1 Ib Bag 1.09 SWIFTS PREM. CANNED MEAT.... 12 oz Tin 39c GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR.... 10 ib Bag 85c INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 9 Rolls 1.00 GOLDEN NET SALMON 2 size 35c GERBERS & HEINZ BABY FOODS3 tins 27c GRAPE FRUIT Large Size 5 for 25c A Good Breakfast Treat NESTLES CHOCOLATE QUICK 1 Ib 55c The ideal Chocolate Drink, mixes in cold milk— good for children WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES • DUBLIN Misses Ann and Helen Nolan of Kitchener, are visiting with Ml•. and Mrs. James Nolan. WALTON The Ladies of St. George's Guild are busy getting ready for their annual bazaar which will be held in the community hall on Saturday, Nov. 26. rrsrarer+ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Eighty -Eighth ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, Nova 20th Rev. Harry S. Rodney, S.D. Knox Presbyterian Church St. Thomas, Ont. + Morning at 11 a,m. "WHERE THE GOSPEL BEGINS" ANTHEM—"Sing Allelulin Forth" Thimatl SOLO—"Grateful, 0 Lord, Am I" Caro Roma Mrs. Frank Kling + Evening at 7 p.m. "ON AN AMAZING RELIGION" ssATHEM—"We Praise Thee" Mueller DUET—"I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say" Rathburn Mrs. Ross Hamilton and Mr. David R. Stewart + Mr. Rodney and his capabilities are known to many from his previous visits here. You are assured of a message that will reach you. Bring your friends to this Eighty -Eighth Commemoratory Service REV. D. GLENN CAMPBELL ALAN D. BENNETT Minister Organist -Choir Leader .401.111 TOWN TOPICS Mrs. D. Ma'Lauchlin and Mrs. D. W. Neches. of Toronto and Mr. 'Russell "Ferguson of Mon- treal were recent visitors with Musses Annie and Maude Fergu- son. Mr. and Mrs, 'Ross Murdle and. Mr. and Mrs.:Milt (Stewart spent. (Sunday (with friends in Wood- stock. Mr. and Mrs. John'MdNwb and Paul spent Tuesday in tolwn at- tending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Whitfield. Miss (Doris Pullman, London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, MT, and Mrs. (S. 'Pullman. Mrs. Geo. MacDonald, Strat- ford, was a guest over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, R. Mc- Fadden. 'Mr. and Mrs. G. Rietz, Toron- to, were weekend guests of (Dr, and Mrs. E. A. 'McMaster, Mr. and Mrs. Leo !Cremin, of (Watford, were 'weekend guests .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boussey. Miss Mary .Lou Sills of Chat- ham visited over the weekend 'with her mother, Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mr. Ken Willis, Kitchener, Spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Frantic White, of London, were guests over the weekend with .Mrs. B. Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Asliau, Tor- onto, visited over the weekend with the laltter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh. Miss Ann (Brodie, Toronto, spent the weekend ,at her home here. Miss Elaine Etue, (London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu!dolph Etue. Mr, and Mrs. :Gordon McGavin leave next week on a trip to Washington, D.C. and Chiba. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lou Matthews and daughter, 'Detroit, were weekend visitors at (the !home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary. Mr. Ronald McKindsey, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mc- Kindsey. Mr. and Mrs. Si. E. (Smith spent the 'weekend art ,Corrie, guests of Mr. 'Smith's sister, Mrs. !Cloyne Mi•ohel: and IMr. (Michel 0 Reception - Dance For Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Flynn at Londesboro Hall THURS., NOV. 17 Music by Huron Ramblers Collection at door. Ladies bring lunch Euchre and Dance In Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, NOV. 18 AT 8.30 P.M. Murdoch's Orchestra Ladies please bring lunch Lucky lunch prize Admission 50c RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Don Fawcett in Staffa Hall FRIDAY, NOV. 18 Harburn's Orchestra Everybody Welcome DANCING In the Seaforth Community Centre SAT EVE., NOV. 19 Sponsored by Seaforth Junior Farmers Popular Orchestra Dancing from 9 to 11.45 Everybody Welcome Laws Guild of St. Thomas Anglican Church Bazaar and Tea IN THE PARISH HALL WEDNESDAY, NOV 23 3 TO 6 P.M. BORN CHRISTENSEN—At Scott Mem- orial Hospital, on Nov. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Christensen, SeaforL17, a son MU'NR0—.a rott Memorial hos- pital, olltt SL., 12 ,to Mr. and Mrs. George Munro, Seaforth, twins (son and daughter) RONFIY—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Nov. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roney, rr2 Dublin, a daughter MILLER — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on ,Nov, 15, to Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller, Staffa, a daughter MCCALL'UM—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on November 7, to Mr .and Mrs. Harold McCallum, of Walton, a daughter Aprons, Knitting, Children's Boots, Candy, Mincemeat Christmas Cake and Pudding Produce, Home Baking and Santa's chimney for the children EVERYONE WELCOME WALTON Mm. and Mrs. Frank Marshall and daughter (Susan Lyn of North 'Bay, •spent a few days at the home of his mother Mrs. Louella Marshall, Walton. Mr. Mardhall is an engineer with the department of !highways. The WMS. of (Duff's 'United iChurah held their regular meet- ing, Nov. .3rd. Mrs. A. Turnbull presided. Worship period was "The Call to Fellows'biip". Sec. report and roll call also treas. report were given. Literature Sec. reported the new books have not arrived. Topic, "Different Tribes of 'Canadian !Indians" was presented by Mrs. G. Wat- son, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. W. Bew- ley, and Mrs. 'E. Watson, mem- bers of 'Walton and 9th of Mor- ris group. The .Baby 'Band nvas entertained following ,this meet- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Gray, (Strait- ford, Strapford, with Jos. Slarkwell, Miss (Annie (Gordon has gone to reside in ISeaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Marks have moved to their new home on King St. West, The Walton group of the (WIVIIS. of 'Duff's .United (Church met Wednesday evening, Nov. 16 at the home of Mrs. 'Herb Traviss, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall of North Bay visited over the weekend with Mrs. Ella Marsh- all, also Mr. and Mrs. (M. Fraser. Mrs. Robert Cecil Gowland A greatly loved and higihly respected woman in the person of Mrs. Robert Cecil Gowland passed 'peacefully away on Oct. 30, 1955, in 4Dufferin Area Hos- pital, Orangeville. The funeral was conducted on Nov. Il by the Rev. O. 'Glen Taylor of Melville United (Church, (Fergus, inter- ment in Belsyde (Cemetery. Pall- bearers were ,Lloyd (Hogg, Hamil- ton, Roy Williamson, Walton, Howard Burt, Fort Erie, W. (Stewart, ,Creernore and L. Gear and Alex IScarrow of )Fergus. Mrs. Gowland had suffered a severe attack of coronary 'thronilbosis on ,September 30, 1954 and hvas hospitalized in the Toronto (General for a time. For the past year her con- dition had been improving 'but the attack which occurred in Orangeville on (Oct. 25 was fol- lowed by a fatal seizure five days later. (Born Cora E. Forbes, .daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Forbes of Walton, She was educated in Brussels,High!Sahool and Toronto Normal. The first seven years of her married life was spent on a ranch in Alberta, part (of ,which time, (both she and her husband taught school. After taking up residence in Fergus She partici- pated actively for over 20 years in ISundaiy'Schaal (work, ,first with boys' and girls' classes and is later years the 'Wohelo (Bible (Class looked to, her for guidance and counsel. Being elected as President of the 'Home and School Club for a -number of years was a tribute to her inter- est in matters of education and advancement. A devoted wife and another leaves to mourn her loss, her husband and children, Mrs. 'W. Thistle (Eileen) 51. Eustaohe-sur-le-lac, ,Que., Frank, Port (Credit, Mrs. L. Perkocha (Florence) San Francisco, Roht, Midale, 'Sask., and Norman, Hamilton, also one sister; Mrs. T. Williamson, Walton, and one brother, Adin, ISeaforth. r nein TAKE A TIP FROM OLD ST. NICK ! Don't get caught -- Christmas shop NOW ... and do it in one quick stop at SILLS We have gifts for EVERYONE Time is running out -- so make sure you visit us RIGHT AWAY Bison, Mrs. Verne Dale and Mrs. Charles Riley; 'Card con- vener, Mrs. (Brown; (Christmas boxes for slhutins, Mrs. ,Brown; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Mill son. Group leaders to arrange program for each meeting. Mrs. W. L. Wh)rte, Mrs, Earl Lawson and Mrs. Babcock. PHONE 56 HULLETT Twenty-eight adult members of the Fireside Farm Forum met CONSTANCE Mr. Wm. (Dale Spent the ,week- end in Toronto at the Royal Winter Fair. A very pleasant evening was spent Tuesday, Nov. 8, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Addison. It was the •occasion of (their 25th wedding anniversary. IA turkey supper was enjoyed by about 35 friends and relatives, including ,the 'bridesmaid, Mrs. Walter Wallace of Simcoe, the ,former 'Oral Finnigan of Nile, and Joe Hoggart of near (BlFth, the .groomsman. The evening was spent in music, .contests and a mock 'wedding. Many beautiful gifts were received. Among those from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wallace of Simcoe; Mr. ,and Mrs. Frank Wright of 'Brantford, and Mr. Norman Snyder of Woodstock. The regular meeting of the W.A. and 'WI1VES. was held in the (Sunday . 'School room of the (Church on .Nov. 9. The slate of officers is as follows: For the W. A., (Pres:, 'Mrs. Verne 'Dale; 1st Vice, 'Mrs. ,George Meliwain; Sec., Mrs. Frank Riley; Treas., Mrs. Earl (Lawson; Pianist, Mrs. Jewitt; Assistant, Mrs. Frank Riley. For the W.M.S., Pres.,, Mrs. Ross McGregor; Vice. (Pres.,. Mas. W. L. Whyte; Sec. and Press Sec., Mrs. Frank Riley; Treas., Mrs. (Earl.La!wson;,Tem- perance, Mrs. Wan. Jewitt; Mis- sion Band leader, Mrs. W. Dale; Assistant, Mrs. Geo. ;M'cllwain; iC!hristian, 'Stewardship, " ,Mrs. Brown.; Visi�tinigiCom., Mrs. Ad - at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Haaglh Flynn to discuss local gov- ernment. The local people Should understand the needs of the community much .stetter than someone much further away, and Should have a greater inter- est in solving their problems, They can also do it at less ex- pense, If at all possible, attend meetings, vote and help candi- dates for local offices in council or on school boards. They should know which of their neighbors are capable of transacting their business, Women would go more freely to vote if there were wo- men officials in ithe politng booths. Most games, Mrs. Wil- liam iDolmage, lone hands, Mrs. George Haggard:, Hugh Flynn. Consolation, 'Mrs. Geo. Carter. Don Buchanan invited the forum for next week. Ni'AIVea/her" 15040' SEALED BEAM DOUBLE POWER PASSING BEAM SAME AS NEW CAR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT 6 -Volt, Per Unit REG. LIST $2.15 12 -VOLT Per Unit ___ 7RTHEREA FOR MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY -- Install All -Weather Headlamps In pairs . - bo sure they are properly aimed. 130 12 yourself — or we will do the complete job at a moderate service charge. Install them f0day — you will 000 the difference tonight. For Safer, Easier Driving in Snow, Rain, Fog and Clear Weather CANADIAN TIRE FEATURES the all-new G.E. "All -W slather 5040" Sealed Beam Headlamps. .. Engineered to give more powerful and better -controlled headlightin 5 in all kinds of weather than any existing units. They are available for 6 or 12 -volt systems and are intercha ngeable with all other sealed beam lamps 0n the same voltage. Simply take out the old unit and replace wills the new All- Weather" Sealed Beam Headlamp without any alteration. A screwdriver is all you nee d. They're the greatest improvement in safe night driving since the original invention of the first sealed b eam units. Equip your present car —at Canadian Tire's money -saving prices! &ET Mi fiREWM GENUINE ETHYLENE GLYCOL "POLAR" ANTI -FREEZE FULL-STRENGTH REGULAR -GRADE ETHYLENE GLYCOL — at a bargain price. Special inhibitors guard against rust and corrosion. Permanent anti- freeze protection keeps your car safe all Winter long. Equal to many of the best-known brands selling up to 14.30 a gallon. Sold only in sealed contain- ers. SAVE SAFELY 1 .99 GAL. .78. QT. Moto -Master "PERMA-FILL" 319 GALLON QUART "g5 The 'bast that money can buy! Extra -quality 100% ap- proved Ethylene Glycol with nOW 3 -step improved inhibi- tors; wont foam or waste away. Harmless to hose, gas- kets and car finish. Protects down to 62 degrees below rero. New Low Price! ..'11. CRspdion - 7IRE y .03POaR71C M:�I Moto -Master "SUPER" 1199 GALLON QUART .54 Cancentrated Methyl -Hydrate baso — blended with special corrosion and rust inribitonl evaporation rotord.d to Oivo full winter protection at nor mal engine tomparatureS. Allows efficient oar beater oporatlon. Put anti -freeze In now) ANTI -FREEZE TESTER — Accurately test, all types of anti -freers .55 THERMOSTATS■t/■�■— Original equipment quality; most popular cars. From .05 RADIATORHOSE Heavy duty, cut to length ar moulded. As low as VT. .44 GAS -FLOW -- Put Into gas tank — Prevents gas Hoe freeze -ups .24 RAD. FLUSH — Removes rust and scale safely from clogged rad. RAD. SOLDER —Saab leaks permanently, prevents antifreeze loss FAN BELTS — Save up l0 50%. Original equipment quality. Most WATER PUMP LUBRICANT — Stops squeaks. Add to anti -freeze .34 .34 .85 to 1.70 .39 SAVE $21 — Arvin Hot Water Heater UNIVERSAL 6 -VOLT or 12 -VOLT A powerful heating plant with mamnioth 2,800 sq. in of radiating surface; complete change of hot. water every two seconds. Super -sine 7" fan, Com- plete with Variable -Speed Switch, Fittings and De- froster Outlet. Custom Defroster Kits — For most cars 8.85 3.60 to 4.98 Other Efficient Hof Water Heaters 16.95 to 39.95 Save on Heater Hose, Switches, Motors and Replacement Parts STORE 111►1111►►► A ►►