The Seaforth News, 1955-11-17, Page 4Kippen News
Kippen Native Is
Wheat King
Word was received here on
the week end that Mr. Robert
Cochrane of Grand Prairie, Peace
River District, Alberta, had been
. chosen Wheat Kine,'of the World.
Mr. Cochrane waS born 011 the
town line west of the village, a
son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
James Cochrane and attended
school at SS No. 3 Hay, and col-
lege at Belleville. He later moved
to North Dakota, and to Winni-
peg, where he was employed as
a contractor. Then he moved as a
pioneer to Grand Prairie, in the
Peace River district, travelling
the 350 miles north west from
Edmonton by pony caravan,. and
some time later coning out to
Edmonton for oxen.
This summer Mr. and Mrs. Co-
chrane enjoyed a 10,000 mile nto-
tor trip through British Columbia
and the United States, and spent
several weeks in this district.
While on this trip Mr. Cochrane
collected hundred of varieties of
rock and stone, and rare varie-
ties of lumber which is a hobby.
He has rare varieties of rock in
the University of Alberta.
Mr. Cochrane a few years ago
was chosen Timothy King et the
World's Fair in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane have
two daughters and elle son James
who with his family farms with
his father at Grand Prairie.
Mr. Cochrane has one brother,
John H. of Kippen, and sisters,
Mrs. Hugh Cameron in Clinton,
Misses Jessie and Agnes Coch-
rane, also of Clinton, Mrs, Bruce
Walker in Hensel!. and Mrs, Har-
ry Fuss of Zurich.
W.M.S. Meet for Birthday Party
The WMS of St. Audr'ew'a Un-
ited Church met on Wednesday
afternoon in the church and were
hostesses to the Evening Auxi1-
lacy and the WMS of Heusall Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor of
United Church. The occasion waw Stratford visited with Mrs. Deus
the annual Birthday Party. Mr's, dale and Miss Mabel Whiteman.
Robin McAllister and Mrs, Ross Miss Peggy Goddard of Hensall
Love were hostesses. The presid- spent the week end with Miss
ent, Mrs. Emerson Kyle, was in
charge and opened the meeting
with a few words of ,welcome to
the guests. Hynin 488 was Sung.
Mrs. Wm. Caldwell was in charge
of the worship. Mrs. Bruce Mc-
Gregor reported for the visiting
committee. Mrs, R. McAllister
and Mrs, Ross Love are the vis-
itors for November, Mrs. 0. Ken.
nedy or Grand Bend, favored with
a solo accompanied by Mrs, Ross
Broadfoot. Mrs. McLeod and Mrs.
R. M, Peck were appointed to
select a personal Christmas gift
for our Prayer Partner, who is
Miss Ada Sandell. Mrs. Kyle ted
in prayer for Miss Sandell.
Mrs. T. Coats and Mrs. G.
Hess of I•Iensan favored with a
duet accompanied by Mrs. L.
Mickle. Mrs, David Kyle or Hen-
sel]. favored with a reading, Mrs.
Emerson Kyle then introduced
the guest speaker, Dr. Judith
Brigham, of Grand Bend, who is
a daughter of a former United
Church minister in Exeter. Dr.
Brigham is an analyst and lec-
turer and spoke on, How your at-
titade towards Life affects your
physical health. Mrs. Winston
Workman favored with a poem.
Mrs. Wilmer Jones thanked the
ladies who took part in the meet-
eeting, Hymn 485 was sung. Mrs.
Emerson Kyle pronounced . the
benediction. The ladies were in-
vited to the tea room which was
Prettily decorated with autumn.
Tea was poured by Mrs. R. el.
Peck aucl Mrs. N. McLeod, Mrs,
H. Chesney out the large birth-
day cake. The HenSa11 ladies ex-
tended thanks.
Don't forget the bazaar and
home baking sale in Sunday.
school room.
Mrs. Hughes of Calgary, Al-
berta, spent a few days last week
with Rev. and Mrs. McLeod at
the Manse.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter
and girls visited recently with
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Dennome in
Mr. and Mrs. David Mayer and
Adele of Parry Sound spent a
few days last week with Mrs.
Mayer's father, Mr. Robt. Thom-
Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Peter.
bore are spending a few days
with the latter's brothers, Mr.
Wm. Ivison, Mr. Henry Ivison,
and Miss Jean Ivison.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Young of
London visited recently with
their son and daughter in law,
Mr. and Mrs. James Young.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Elston Dowson were Mr. and
Mrs. Ewasack of Stratford, Mrs.
Noble, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs.
Mere, Zurich, Mr. Wm. Cook,
Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Kerr, of Winthrop.
Hobby Fair
Men's Club, First Presbyterian Church
of Seaforth
Games and Fish Pond for children
Hobbies and Produce
Wed. Nov. 23
8 p.m.
Admission Free
The Infantryman
Margaret Pligie,
Miss Alice Pfaff of Pjxetee spent
the week end with her sister and.
brother in law, Mr, and Mrs. Ro-
bert 1Dlgio.
Mr. Henry Rode observed his
Slat tbirthday on Nov. 9th.
Mrs. 'Ivan IBennewies and
baby :son returned Home from
,Stratford hospital.
Miss (Phyllis Hinz, ,daughter
of Mr. .and Mrs. Albert Hinz en-
tertained a few friends on the
occasion •of her •91h Ibiatthdaer on
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rock •olb-
served their 49411 w'edd'ing anni-
versary. The immediate family
were present eo celebrate the oc-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed IScherbarbh
and Marlene moved from their
farm in Logan now occupied by
their son Edward to the home
!which they recently (purchased
from John Aubuckl'e.
Mrs. August ISoherbarbh, avlho
had been confined Iwo 'Stratford
:Hospital, has returned home.
Mr. Harry Tait anet with an
accident on the county road
leading Trani Bornholm to Bro:d-
hagen. He is confined to Strat-
ford Hospital.
Flowers adorned the Altar of
1St. Peter's Lutheran 'Church 'at
the !Sunday ,morning service in
memory of Mrs. .George 'Diegel
mho massed away five years ago
Nov.. 9th. They were placed by
emir ihusbrerd and family.
A basket was also (placed in
the 'chancel of the church, by the
family of (Mrs. 'C'ar'oline Miller,
who observed her 90th biethday
on ,Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew 'Hicks and
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ralph Nicks and
Alvin, in Toronto, on !Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe
and Don visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Michael 'Connolly, ,Sebring-
ville on Sunray and attended
the 120th anniversary orf 'St.
John's Lutheran 'Church, See-
bach's Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mow
and family visited Mr. .and Mrs.
Gordon Kleber in Kitchener on
Sunday. Miss +Shirley Kleber was
hurt in a car accident recently
and has been •confined to 1St.
Mary's Hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Don .Stauck,
Warren and Janet of Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Quer-
engesser on Friday.
Mrs. 'Wm. 'Barth of Marble
Rock, Iowa, is spending a few
iveeks with her sister, Mrs. Geo.
Eickmeir and Mrs. Fred Her-
bert and other relatives.
IMr•. and Mrs. John Mueller
and Ruth Ann of Hamilton, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug.
Hillebredl,lt. Ruth Ann having
her tonsils removed at ISeaforth
:Hospital on Saturday. Mrs.
Mueller and Ruth Ann remaining
here for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb and
girls of Glencoe with /Mr. and
Mrs. Heroic' 'Smyth.
Mrs. Midtford Bannerman and
'Sharon o0 Teeswater rwibh Mr.
and Mrs. Ford Diol inson,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert ,Smith
Sandra and Arthur of ,Orange-
ville with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed 'Smith, .and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold 'Wurdell.
Messrs Geo. and /Calvin Die -
gel attended the Royal Winter
Fair .in Toronto on (Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green
of Grand end called .on friends
on Sunday.
Mr. Ronald Ahrens, Hamilton,
with his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs.
(Chas. Ahrens.
Public Address installed
A public address system has
been installed in St. Peter's Lu-
theran !Church here and was •ded-
icated on 'Sunday by the pastor
Rev. E. iFisdher. Members of the
Ladies' Aid and :other ladies of
the congregation financed the
project. The installation work
was done by Mr. Edgar Elligson
and Harold Dietz.
Mrs. Sidney Kitney '((Pearl
Weseruberg) of Toronto, died at
the age of 44 years. She was the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Ed
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogk and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk and
Nancy attended the funeral in
Toronto on Wednesday.
(Master Richard Leonhard/,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
'Leonhardt was the lucky winner
.of a Tornado Deep Pryer at
WaIdie's Hardware, Stratford.
Mrs. Emma. Miler, Mr. Milton
Miller ,and Grant ,of Waterloo
with Mrs. •Rosina Miller, Mrs.
Toledo Beueaman and Mrs. Car-
oline Millen:
Mr. and Mrs. (Chris W. Leon-
hardt with Par. and Mrs. (Chas.
Matthers art. Tavistock on :Sun-
Mr°. •and Mrs. Wan. ,,Bennewies
abtended tike christening of (their
ears. HalveyBen ewies, of
Kitchener, un !Sunday.
eV*. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz load
the misfortune of losing their
barn and stock in a fire on Tues-
day forenoon.
Here's a job for the active man who uses his head,
likes the feel of action and working in the open air.
Today's Infantry soldier, recognized as the most
important man in the Army, has the best - in train-
ing, weapons and care. His chances for specialized
training and promotion are almost unlimited.
Infantry and the other special branches of the
Army offer hundreds of good -paying, lifetime careers.
To see where you fit, visit your nearest recruiting
office. No obligation, of course.
Remember, in the Army you team up with men
and leaders you can rely on - right down the line.
Serve Canada and Yourself in the Army
The Army requires men of reliable character and stability -able to pass
special Army tests, To be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age,
skilled tradesmen to 45. When applying bring birth certificate
or other proof of age.
NO, 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. - Telephone 9.4587
Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont. -Telephone 4738
Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W„ Toronto, Ont, -Telephone Em. 6.8431 -Local 276
No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks,
Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. - Telephone 4.1601- Local 135
Army Recruiting Station, 230 Main St. W., North Bay, Ont. -Telephone 456
Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. East, Hamilton, Ont. - Telephone 2.8708
De sura to see "6ateflne , .. " the exciting new TV show - every other Friday night.
Beautifies and
protects your
home. Change
from screen door
t0 storm in
seconds. Person.
Piked with your
own initial.
Assigned with
many exclusive'
"�"' " '1 Now Only
Today 69.50
3.3 "who If Rales
M Shies"
Ltd. -
McKILLOP TI -IE SEAFORTH MOWS -Thursday, November 17, 1955
The farm Forum met et IS IS
2, 1VIc(K.illop on Marxday alight et
the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter Scott. There was a good at-
,tendance and ate topic under
discussion was "Is Local Govern-
ment Effective in local Areas
The .foinmm Melt 'that we have
quite efficient locsil government
and that farmers should keep to-
gether- and try to ° induce the
government to ''educe costs and
fight inflations, and. so restore
,balance to the economy of the
country. A progressive euchre
was enjoyed. Winners were, la-
dies most games, Mrs. 'Stewart
iDelanag'e; lone hands, Mrs. 'Cecil
Oke; consolation, Mrs. ISecord
MaBrien. Men's most 'games.
Ephraim ICIarke, tone hands,
Stewart Dolmage; consolation,
Wayne IDolmage. Next week's
meeting will be held at the home
of Kr. .and Mrs. Ephraim (Clarke:
Most Travelled Family of Bell(e)s
WHEN IT COMES TO TRAVELLING -by telephone wire
that is -you'll go far to match the accumulated record,
of the five Martin sisters of Montreal. Reading from
left tonight, Margueritd, Raymonde, Lillian, Yolanda,
and llluguette, all work at the Bell Telephone Company
of Canada. They share a mutual interest in providing
fast, courteous Long Distance Service to thousands of
telephone customers. Marguerite, an assistant Chief
operator, was the first to join the company, ten years
ago. She must have said some nice things to her sisters
about the Bell! Ruguette, the youngest, completed the
quintette just over a year ago. We like having more
than one member of a family sharing in telephone work.
It says more forcefully than we ever could that "The
Bell is a good place to work." We think, too, that as long
as we have employees like the Martin sisters, you'll have
the kind of telephone service we want you to have always.
The IC.G.S.T. orf ,Duff's United
'Church met Sunday afternoon
with 13 members present. The
meeting opened with the ,C'GIfP.
Purpose and hymn followed by
gro'ulp singing, led by the presi-
dent, Audrey 'Backwell, 'I1 was
.decided that Si vesper service
would be held in the church, on
Sunday, Dec 18. The worship
service was conducted by Donna
(Smith, assisted by (Shirley Bos-
man. A. study and discussion per-
iod on the Adventures :of St.
Paul followed. The eneetinlg clos-
ed with "Tarps".
lir. and Mrs. Ted McCreath
and Mrs. Andrew !Coedits spent
the weekend in Toronto with
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Coutts and
The ICouuncil of the Township
of Hiblbert met this week -with
all members present and 'Reeve
Edgar Butson presiding. A dele-
getion ,frown the Women's Insti-
tute met the 'Council, asking if
it would be possible to have a
new ceiling and some shelving
placed in the :basement of (the
township hall. As these are nec-
essary, the 'Council agreed to
have the work done as soon as
Count of .Revision on tete 1955
assessment roll was held to con-
sider four appeals against asses-
sment. Three were disallowed,
but one against $10.0 'business
assessment was allowed for W.
A. Ramsay, Joseph +Looby, evh,ose
(building is under 'construction,
was granted a tax refund orf $50;
and Mrs. }Tubbs, whose ,property
has been vacant for one year,
was granted a tax refund of $3.2.
ICoun•cil approved grants of
$50 to the (Children's Aid'Socie-
ty, and 110 to the Hir+leton Pub-
lic Library.
As the ''McMillan drain had
been inspected and gassed by
the engineer, :the contractor, K.
(Clark, was ,paid. The !Council
+passed a resolution to pay Sam
Norris $65 for a heifer that was
killed, 'presumalbiy chased by
dogs. Road accounts totaling
•$11267:85, and general accounts
amounting to 1$2,294.95 were
ordered paid,
Regent 'Theatre
George Montgomery - Nancy Gates
(Technicolor). Moet 'Bat" Masterson -Gunman turned Lawman.
"Bat" Masterson was all Dodge City had and all it needed. The
toughest Lawman that ever went against a lynch mob
LION. TUES. WED. SO THIS 18 PARiS (Technicolor)
. Tony Curtis - Gloria De Haven
The wonderful story of three sailors on leave; three girls in love,
and five little orphans in trouble
Gary Merrill - Wanda Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge
and Mary (Ellen of ICobourg and
Miss Sherry Young of Hamilton
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Sam 'Hey.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Welber of 'Wal-
lenstein and (Miss Edith ISte'dlele
who spent a tiew weeks with her
sister, returned to the 'home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menno
Steckle, recently.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold (Soper
and /family of Varna have moved
into their residence in Blake.
We 'welcome them to the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Manson
of Dundas spent (the 'weekend
with Mrs. Mary Manson.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Newell 'Geiger
and son John, and Mr. and Mrs.
Roe spent a day at (Sarnia.
Several from this vicinity art -
tended the funeral of the late
Mr. Wilfred (Weide in Zurich on
Monday afternoon.
The Friendly Few Farm For-
um met at home orf Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Jewitt with 04301111 25
persons in •attendance. The topic
"Local Government" was •dis-
cussed with some 'thinking that
a few clhanges could be made in
local government, but in the
whole they are roost satisfactory.
While another 'v'iew was ,that the
questions in the guide were rath-
er useless. Progressive euchre
was played, those !winning priz-
es were high, IMr, and Mrs. Wan.
Dale; low, Miss Joyce Jewitt and
9tr. Frank Riley. 'Lunch was
served by Mrs. Ross MacGregor
end Mrs. Verne Dale invited the
forum for .the next meeting.
6.30 Focus -Weather
6.45 Focus -Farm
7.00 Focus-4S'ports
7115 Focus -News
7.30 The (Falcon
.8.00 'Wayne & Ishueter
8.130 Ploulffe Family
9.00 Opening Ceremony
9.30 Star Stage
10.001Cay. of Sports
10.46 Jim 'Coleman
11.00 ICRC News
11.15 Pajama Playhouse
1.46 Preview
1.50 Football
5.00 Bill Hickok
5.130 iD•isneylamd
6.30 'ear. Fix -it
6.45 T.B.A.
7.00 'Burns & Allen
7.30 Theatre
18:30 'Honeymooners
19.00 IOn /Camera
0.30 'N1LH:L. Hodkey
10.45 King Whyte
11.1,00 CBC News
11.10 'Pajaona Playhouse
11.00 /Church !Service :(Ito '12.30)
15.00 flChildeens' Magazine
6.00 Exploring Minds
6.80 Fattier Knows Best
7.00 This is the Life
7.30 Neivvs Magazine
8.00 Fid Sullivan
9.00 4 Star Theatre
9.30 GE IShow,tiane
10.00 Folio
11.00 •CBIC. News
11.10 Pajama (Playhouse
3:55 Preview
4.00 Round World
4.30 Fur & Feathers
4.45 (Aubrey & ,Guts
5.00 'Carttoonia
5.130 Howdy Doody
inwarm and dry FOOTWEAR
Regular 5.45
now 4.35
MEN'S - 6 to 11 Regular 6.95 now 4.95
LADIES WARMETTE - (over the foot)
Regular 6,45
now 4.95
This is just a few - WE HAVE OTHERS
The Little Store with the "Big Values"
411,1 , 1„111,111„11,4„,,,u.,, 111,11„1,1„1,111,1„1,,,111„an,,u,a,aa",,,,au„n, unu„e„au,O,yuua,ua11111
6.00 Range Rider INVIOWISANIMAifeetAniRANWO
6.80 Focus Weather
6.45 Focus -Tamil
7.00 IFo cus4Sports
1.1.5 Focus -News
7130 Theatre
9.00 Medic
9.80 Paragon Playhouse
10.00 'Studio One
11.00 OBIC News
111.15 /Wrestling
The Nov. meeting of the Mar-
ion Ritchie Auxiliary was held
in the (Church with Miss Margar-
et Walker presiding and leading
in prayer. The scripture lesson
was read by Miss Anita Sors-
dalll. Mrs. John (Miller had
charge of the study book •'and
the topic on "Remembrance"
was given by Mrs. Gordon ,Scott.
Flans were made for the (bazaar
which will be held on the even-
ing of Dec. 2nd.
Thurs., Nov. 24
Woodstock vs. Seaforth
At 8.30
We need your support
We are quoting GIVE AWAY
Our Large stock of "O.K."
till our inventories are cleared ready
for our 1956 NEW CHEVROLET
We will remain open evenings
Low Down Payments Easy Terms
Open Daily Phone 573
Enquiries Are Invited
Telephone Numbers
Exeter 41 Clinton 1620 • Seaforth 673
No Parking will be allowed on Main Street on
Friday nights between the hours of
2 A.M. and 8 A.M.
to facilitate the cleaning of the street Saturday
By order of the Town Council