HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-10-27, Page 8BOYS SANFORIZED PLAID DOESKIN SHIRTS Sizes 6 to 16 — Wide choice, of plaids and checks. Special OTHER QUALITIES AT 2.25 TO 2.05 .`.., sa oaransneeewsenssinienmrewe Boys Two Pant Suits Smartly styled boys suits in flint grey, charcoal grey, and the new fleck patterns. All have two trousers. Sizes 6 to 16 years 18.95 to 24.50 Boys Lined Shirt & Jean Sets Sturdy blue and grey jeans, fully lined In plaids to match the shirts. — Junior sizes 3 to 6X Boys sizes 8 to 16 3.95 to 5095 SET Boys Storm Coats Water repellant nylon gab- ardine storm coats with quilt- ed insulated linings. — Colors Grey. Fawn and navy. Sizes 6 to 16 10.95 EACH Boys 3 Piece Snow Suits Fine nylon twills. pure wool or, nylon blend gabardine in smart Jacket. ski pant and cap sets, — Colors brown, navy, green. Sizes 3 to 7 9.50 to 14.9„.§ BOYS COWBOY KING JEANS These popular heavy weight western Jeans are now back in stook. A SIZES 3a©6 S2 toS16 5$c Stewart Bros. WINTHROP In bhe year 1874 the Rev. 'Thomas Thomson was ordained and inducted as the minister of Duff's !Church, of the 'Presby- terian IChureh of (Canada, in 'the tem. of McKillop, Enron coun- ty, That same year a number of families residing north of Duff's Church in the vicinity of the village of Winthrop, request- ed haat Sunday services anlg�ht !be held in or close to Winthrop. The nnajority of these people at- tended Duff's Church and had to drive a considerable distance. Mr. Thomson agreed to the re- quest, the elders of Duff's •Church were also favoraible, and for a while services were held in the home of YIr. Andrew Govenloek, About the same time a 'Sunday !School was organized with Mr. Goveulcck as bhe first superintendent. In 1875 services were held in bhe new school house at Win- throp and 'in Judy, 1875, a peti- tion for organization as a con- gregation was forwarded to the Presbytery through bhe session of Dudf's ;Church. This petition was signed by 23 members and 21 adherents of Duff's Church, residing in bhe Winthrop dis- trict. It came 'before the Presby- tery resbyter'y of (Huron, meeting at God- erich on Aug. 10th, and by ac- tion of the Presbytery bhe con- gregation was constituted with 24 members and Rev. Thomas Thomson as minister. 'Shortly af- ter 'three elders were elected, James Bilden, Donald Campbell and Robert (Calder. 'The !congregation was ,active and energetic, for that same year bb.e first church building was constructed. It was a com- modious frame structure and it stood on the site of the present church until 1907. Hiram Blan- chard was the builder and the lunniber came from the mill of Andrew Govenlock, The 'build- ing was opened and dedicated on Dec. 29th. Principal Cavan of Knox 'College conducted the ser- vices, and henceforth the !Church was known as Cavan Church. A fine brick church replaced the original frame ehurah in 1907. The 90th anniversary of the congregation is to be celebrated on Sunday with fitting services at 11 o'clock in the morning, and 7.30 in the evening, Rev. D. A. MacMillan, of London" is to be the guest preacher in the horning'. As a former minister of Northside united Church, Seaforth, Mr, V'acMillan is well known in this district. Rev. C. D. Daniel, of 'Hensail, a past president of the London Con- ference will be the guest preach- er at the evening service. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Oliver Anderson, has been preparing appropriate music. and Mr. Donald MacDonald,of Walton. is to be the guest ao of at both serh. les, Ananniversary committee, with air. W. E. Hawley, of Winthrop, as secre- tary, has forwarded invitations :o attend to former members of the congregation at widely scat- tered points. An anniversary. turkey supper is to be held un - de: the auspices of the Women's A,. •ziation on the Wednesday following. The longest pastorate was that of Rev. Peter Musgrave, form- er.y c r Milverton, who was call- ed :f; 1,•70 after Rev. Thomson had been called to Brueefield. He served the two congregations of Duff's and Cavan until his death in 1903. Rev. C. Carswell, 'new retired and living in Tor- onto, was the minister when the present church was built. ST. COLUMBAN A. bazaar sponsored thy bhe lo- esi snlbdivision of the !Catholic {Women's League was held in the Parish Hall on Wednesday afternoon. The various booths which had large displays of children's wear, aprons, fancy work, homemade baking, candy, mystery boxes, and novelties were well patronized. The at- tractive tea room proved very popular and the fish pond was a big attraction for bhe children, On Friday evening bingo games and a lunch counter were feat- ured in connection with the lba- zaar; a large ' crowd attending. Winners of the special .game at bingo were 'Mrs. John :Shea Jr., A ciuilt; Mrs. Jos. Jordan, a blanket; Mrs. John Walsh, $5. Other winners were Mrs. Louis Looby, Mrs. Frank Bowman, Miss Sandra Doig, Mrs. Leo Ha- gan (2), Donald Coyne, Stephen Maloney, Mrs. Pat Jordan and Patricia 1Vlanley {(bis), Jerry Eckert, 1Stepllen Murray and Miss 011ecia Coyne We),Jack +O'- Re51ly, John F. Murphy, (Leon- ard Maloney, Mrs. August Du - charm, and Mrs. ,Menheere. Drawing for the prizes •resulted in ,Mrs, %Richard Downey win- ning the quilt, and Arthur Mur- phy, the three -tiered fruit cake. Approximately $600 was rea- lized from the bazaar and !even- . H ENSALL Mr, and Mrs. Garry !Corlett of Toronto were weekend visitors ,with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 01. E. 'Cook, FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News October 1915 Jewels ;were presented to .20 past grinds of Fidelity Lodge of Oddfellows by the grand chaster on his first IOAlh to Sea - forth. The following past vends were presented with jeaelst Brothers 'Wm. lScdater, (Samuel Trott, James Beattie, John C. Thompson, Alex. Davidson, Dr, Burrows, John A. Stewart, C. Alberhart, A. D. Sutherland, R. +Smith, J. R. Archiibald, L, 'T. De - Lacey, Chas. Layton, H. R. Scott, Charles ;Clark, Jas. B. Thompson, Dr. F. Harburn, Mal-. Cohn McKellar, Edward Mole, Frank Weiland. It was learned with deep re- gret that Charles Holmes of town and Stewart Knox of Brueefield, had been wounded at the front. MrBarry Little !las sold his farm west of Brueefield to Ar- thur Woolley of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Little intend to locate !at Goderich. Misses Clara McKinley and Sarabel Paley attended the Hp- wortlh League convention at Blyth. Mise Sleeth and Mr. Jas. Sleeth were in Sarnia attending the wedding of Miss Sleeth's niece, Miss H. Gutteridge. The world will read with in- ! divination the putting. to death of Nurse Edith Cavell in Bel- ! glum. I Township of BlcKillop carat OF REVISION The Council of the Township of 'Mc- Killop wi31 meet as a Court of Revision or. the A.:c..ment of 1:91-35 at Carnegie HsU c t •sth, on Monday, Nov. 7, 1955, at lo A.M. Parties interested should govern th:m'elves accordingly. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop Town of Seaforth COURT OP REVISION The Court of Revision for the Assess- ment Roll of 1098 for the Town of Soo - forth, trill meet in the town hall at n P.M. on Thursday, Nov. :led. D. II. WILSON, Clerk if you are in need of BEET PULP Don't wait but order now as the supply is limited, and our cars will soon be here, Get your requirements right off the car and save looney. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP Phone 9 Feed Dept. stemammins A good accountant is interested in people! Some people think accounting is a 'natter of cold figures and facts. In a way it may be . . . but an Accountant at any branch of The Toronto -Dominion Bank is a man on his way up. He's learned about money as well as people. He's learned to use his specialized knowledge to assist people in their financial planning ... and he's learning more all the time. The Accountant is an important man in any Toronto -Dominion branch, We think we've got some of the best in the business and they're there to help you. TORONTO -DOMINION BANK Wig 8E807 line 8ANK1NG SERV5GE 13242 J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager Seaforth Branch gfoceammoomasioaciameernansasatiume HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS HALLOWE'EN MIXED CANDY 32c ill STOKELY'S PUMPKIN, 28 oz. 2 for 35c FLUFF0 SHORTENING 2 Ills 490 3 Ib Tin 89c 3 for 25c WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 2 for 25c AYLMER TOMATOES 28 oz. 2 for 49c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX 19c CRISCO SHORTENING RED BIRD MATCHES IBEX FLANNELLETTE BLANKETS 70 x 90 $5,49 (Cash) c 1 PHONE 72 HANEY Egmondville GENERAL KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. R. Stokes and Larry of London, visited recent- ly With Mrs. Stokes' father, Mr, Robt, Thomson. Miss [Esther Neelb of Dash- wood ashwood visited on !Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold •Gaeltstet- ter (Mrs. W. MdClymont returned to her hoane here on Sunday af- ter a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mis. Alice iCooic in 23ondon. Mr. Eddie Taylor of -(Strat- ford visited over the weekend ,with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Mrs. Taylor returned to !Stretford with him sifter spending soon time hers Mr. Robt. Thomson visited re- cently'with his daughter and son-in'law, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard (Cornish in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Homan Long spent the weekend with 'their daughter and son -in la'w, IM'r. and Mrs. 10liver Utah in Wind- sor. Mrs, (Norman Diekert and IMerle and Miss Isabelle ICald- nvell spent Monday in 'London, Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Campbell of Seaforth and Miss Isalbelle Ross of Winnipeg were Saturday evening guests a Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. (Chicken Pox are making the rounds in the district. Mr. Alvin McBride has sold his fine farm on the 2nd con. of Stanley tap. to air, Hugh Hen- drick of near Grand Bend, who gets possession in the spring. Mr. Robt. (Flood has sold this fine farm west of Kippen to Mr. Ervin Robinson of Wilton 'Grove who gets possession on March 1, 1956. Miss Ina Kopp of Zurich spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaekstatter. Si'. Andrews United Church are observing their annual fall anni- versary on Sunday, Oct. 30 at 11 arm, and 7.30 p.nn. The guest speaker at both services will be Rev. Arthur Watson, of Blyth. Spacial music by the etch'. The YPU held their first meet. Mg of the season in the Sunda) school room with Rev. N. McLeod iu charge in the absence of Hank Benedyke. After the devotional period the election of officers took place with Hank Benedyke as honorary pres.; pees., Bonnie Kyle; vice pees., Keith Love; sec. Pat, Lovell; treas., Marilyn And- ersen. Program committee, Bram Benedyke and Kathryn Anderson. Pianist, Marie Jarrett. A contest was enjoyed and a dainty lunch served, Mr, Wm. Cook of Goderich was a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs, E. Dawson. Mrs. 81. Kilpatrick of London spent the week end with her sis- ter and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson, and also visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowson. FARM FOR SALE 120 acre farm with hydro and water, 5 miles south of Goderich. Bank barn. House has red insul brick siding. Apply Seaforth News YOU CAN EARN UP TO $18 A DAY AS A SKILLED TRADESMAN 1N ONE OF THESE INTERESTING FIELDS: Diesel Television Welding Refrigeration Sign Writing We Test, Train and Place Thousands of Men Every Year — From 16 to 60. All Training Is The Prac- tical Learn. - 13y - Doing Type. No (Need To Quit Present Employment. Day, Evening and Hone Study Courses Available. W H Y Postpone A I3righter Future For Yourself? Get Complete Information Free and Without Obligation. Write For Free Illustrated Literature Chicago Vocational Training Corp. Ltd. 935 Weston Rd., Toronto 9 d NAME ADDRESS CITY MERCHANT FREE DELIVERY CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to ex- press my sincere gratitude and apprcei- ellen to my neighbors for the ploughing bee they staged on my farm for my benefit, and also for get well cards, (lowers and baskets of fruit sent tome by friends and different organizations EMERSON HESIC The family of tho late John Elder of Hensel! wish to express their sincere thanks to all who assisted in may way, and appreciation for the hematite' floral tributes, messages of sympathy and kindnesses during their recent bereave- ment HELP WANTED Government Departments at Clinton, Ointario Require CLERKS, GRADE 1 - $1500-$1920 per annum CLERKS, GRADE 2A - $1800 $2400 per annum Further Particulars on posters clic• 1>htyed et Post officesEmploymandent OfficesSeryof Tho National Application forms, obtainable thereat, should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 20 St. Clara Ave. E., Toronto 1, Ontolgo NOT LATER THAN NOVEMBER 4TH, 1055 Please quote competition num- ber 55-T1094 for Clarks, Gr. 1. Please quote competition num- ber 55-x1095 for Clerks, Gr. 2A. FOThroe yearling ISAford heifers. AP - 017 Jones Morris, Seaforth Nino chuFR nks. Apply Eto W. James Blown, phone 6221.31 Seaforth FOR SALE Sprayed Apples --Spy, Creeping, Tal - man Sweets, Uelidous, Poowallcee, Bald- win mid Cider apples. Phone Clinton 613-34. Fred McClymmrt, Varna FOR SALE A number of slightly used 7 -inch stave pipes, and storm whitlows. Apply to the News Office Grass farm FOR SALE 1.31., 100 acres. Shinto and spring wafer. Apply to The Neve office 22 weaned FOR 01,4SAsix . clunks 76 pounds. Pat Ryan, Dublin FOR SALE A quantity of eider apples. John BML phone 8.17,1 5eai'ortia Regent white te Rru,mol Ecok -stove in good condition. Priced low for quick sale. Win. Montgomery, phoneFOR 163 Boys trench SA fit size 13 to 1.f years. In goal condition. Phone 3071± 100 Fishers Fa tp SALE dotte, starting to hay. Alsotaking orders for ducks alive or dressed, 11'm. T, Livingston, RR2 Seaforth. Phone 047x31 Niro choice FORc SALEiunke Tom Borns, Mitchell R114 T Small white and �tan dog. mala An,. veers to name "Peaches". Strayed from home Friday. Gordon McIfenzie, phone 882x2 Seaforth TO RENT Lower ;1 room apt.. Private bath, hot and cold water, self contained and partly furnished. Reasonable. Contact William Feeney, Dublin SALE OP REGISTERED Scotch Shorthorns George L. Reid & Son REIDGROPP PARK 2 Miles south of Varna THE SEAPORT(! NEWS Thursday, October 27, 1955 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flower's for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695W MARTIN W.STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.O. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC D, A. McMaster, B.A., MD., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 P.m. to 6 P.m., doily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-5 p.m. Appointments made in -advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYAN'S, D.V,M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phono 701. Main St., Seaforth hours-Seaforth daily except Mon. 9 to 6.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM; Clinton —MaLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 6.30 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. DEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Blyth;sVrice-Pres., 11. A.rohibaId,Sega. forth; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Direetors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth; A R. MoEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. 2. Trewartha, Clinton; A E. Pepper, Bruoefiold; 0. W. Leon. hardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller. Goderieh i R. Archibald. Seaforth; Allister Broad foot, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeaborot J. P. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bak- er, Breesele; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance on transact other business. will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective poet offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All lands of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAPORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 4 a call' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE 0I1. DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R Sat., Nov. 5 - 1.30 pm 31 HEAD 8 COWS with calves at foot, re -bred 6 BRED HEIFERS, 4 OPEN 1OE1I''ERS 5 BULLS Serviceable Age, including Herd Sire SUNNY HILL BARONET 20TH Grandson of Edellyn Rosman Mercury An International Grand Champion 3 steers about 850 lbs. 28 pigs 8 weeks old. Terms Cash. Poor health has forced me to reduce the Ilerd. James McKinley, Moapeth, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale Will be held for Harvey Johnston at Lot 28, Con. 8, Morris Twp., on Friday, October 28th at 12 o'clock sharp. Purebred Shorthorn bull, 2 years old; purebred. Shorthorn cow, 8 yearn old; 16 Grade cows to freshen in Feb. and March; 1 heifer due in Dee.; 10 spring calves. Purebred Yorkshire boar; 8 purebred Yorkshire sows, bred; purebred York- shire sow and 12 pigs acedy to wean ; purebred Yorkshire sow and 11 pigs 2 weeks old; purebred Yorkshire sow, op- en. M-11 6 it. combine with motor, used 8 years; Ford tractor bought in San. 1960; Ferguson manure loader. 1 yr, old; Fer- guson power mower; Ferguson diso; tractor cultivator; tractor grader, trac- tor Coekshutt manure spreader; Ford tractor drive pulley ; set heavy duty tractor tire chains, 2 drive belts, tab for Ford tractor, tractor poli -hole anger new, McCormick binder 7 ft. cut, M.H. No. 4 siderako, M.H. fertilizer grain drill, Fleury-Bissel 10 ft. packer, Cock- ohutt farm wagon, 4 sections John Deere harrows new, dump rake, drag saw, buck -rake, cut hay conveyor, Woods 2 h.p. electric grain grinder, In- ternational 1948 half ton truck with. grain box and stock rack, fanning mill with bagger. 30 ft. ladder, 3 ladders, 2 colony houses, electric brooder, ,iub' Sty of lumbar. 150 bus. fall wheat about 2000 bus.. mixed- grain, 56 to 80 tone of hay. Beach cook stove, heavy duty rang - este, 5 dining froom chairs, dining room arm chair, G kitchen choirs, writing desk and book -case, writing - table, three beds, 3 bedroom dressers and wash stands, 2 cupboards, bed springs, wood heater, 00al hearer, number of tables, sap pails and spites, 8860 lbs, of Hard Blue Coal. No reserve as the farni is sold. Iiar- vey Johnston, Prop.; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; Ed. Chesney, Clerk. Notice to Creditors in the Estate of JANET LAVEBY All persons having claims against the. Estate of Janet Lavery, late of the Township of IIilrbert, in the County of Perth, widow, deceased, who died on the 17th .day of October, 1005, are .hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 1811, clay of November, 1055, after which date the assets will be die. tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of. October; 1965, MCCONNELL& HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor PERSONAL - Hygienic Supplies (rubber geNis) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 26c; 24 em- otes 31.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton. Oat AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call' Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 370. Seaforth • RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds ofdvosos at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 847E. Seaforth NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Brooding AesociatMo "Where Better Bolls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton 516 collect, between 7.80 and 10.00 A.M. on weak days and 7.50 and 0.80 A.M. on Sundays. Purebred Leiceesrr st A shheep,-shearling and ram lambs, 16 ewes and a few ewe lambs. Wm. R. Penner, Seaforth 11RO. Phone' Olinton 616,21 In Walton, one ac YFOR SALE good garden- ing land and fruit trees, good well and buildings. Will cell for best offer, Pro- perty of the lone James Bishop. Agnes Alderson, RIM, North Bay, Ont. FOR SALE Girls winter coat, size 12 or 14, quilt- ed insul-lined, bine ,with velvet biro trim, very good condition. Apply Betty Muegge, phone 808:w FOR SALE Five room cottage, hardwood fleets!, bath and modern kitchen, new Furnace. Priced for quick sale. 50% down, bal- ance arranged, Apply Box 12711, The Seaforth News SALESMEN WANTED Attention 1 It you want to make 560 to 376 weekly and be yopr own Bose here is what you need. Guaranteed line of daily necessities.. Fall or peat time. Large i renter Small ' investment. FAMTLEX, Station "0", Montreal . Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47