HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-10-27, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, October 27, 1955 YOUR SUPERIOR SPECIALS Green Giant Niblets Corn , . 2 for 33c 14 ozTin SWIFTS GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE. , 2 for 53c 1 )b. STOKLEYS TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. tin 27c EDDYS RED BIRD MATCHES 3 Boxes 25c AYLMER.FANCY PUMPKIN 28 oz, Tin 18c PURE PEANUT BUTTER, large 24 oz. Jar .. 57c HALLOWE'EN KISSES 1 Tb Bag 29c 12 oz. Bag -25c GOOD CANDY ASSORTMENT, all cello bags Regulate 25c lines 2 Bags 41c BETTY CROCKER WHITE CAKE MIX ..pkg...31c YOUR CHRISTMAS PUDDING AND CAKE SUPPLIES are in Fresh. Raisins & Cherries, etc. LARGE SEED LEXIAS RAISINS 2 lb 45c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, large 95....5 for 25c LARGE TENDER CRISP CELERY (California) See the beautiful Betty Lou Dolls on display in our window. Only 2.49 with a 5.00 purchase WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES 11111111=0, 0 BAZAAR And Horne Baking Sale at St. Patricks Parish Hall Dublin WED. EVENING, NOV. 16 AT 8.30 P,M. Auspices of the Altar Society Rummage Sale Women's Hospital Auxiliary SATURDAY, OCT. 29 2 TO 5 P.M. LIBRARY BASEMENT Pick up donations Friday after- noon Phone 318 J Phone192 W SALE The yearly Event you have waited for, High Quality merchandise at a low price OCT. 28th to NOV. 5th KIDDIES 1s NEST DOOR TO THEATRE mom valeximmaoswau ' onun11unuu11nuuo11nu,nnnnuuu11u11uuu11uu11uuuu11u111111uuuuunnnnun111111nu11num11nuuu Anniversary Sale Carol Lyn Shop FRIDAY, OCT. 28th to SATURDAY, NOV. 5th DRESSES—SPECIAL GROUP, Small sizes, also half sizes Fall materials and colors 5.95 2ND GROUP—Regular 14.95 up 9.95 BLOUSES — 1.98 . 2.98 20% off Regulars LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS—Narrow hems for edgings. Regular 29c. 6 for 1.00 Special Nylon..79c. 2 pr. 1.50 20% OFF STORE WIDE 0111111111II,II,11, W„1„11,1,1,,, 1111111„11111,u1111111111111111l„,1111,,,I,I111 I,,,, 111111111111111 llllll 111111 lllll 1111111111111. A TOWN TOPICS Mrs. 3. W. Elliobt and two children, ,Crombie St., leave this week to spend the winter in London where Mrs, Elliott will tale a hairdressing course. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Kellar halve returned from a two -weeks vacation in West Virginia. Mrs. Kellar's mother, Mrs. Ida Mick; .who spent the summer here, re- turned with them to her home in Parkersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney and Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney spent the weekend in Dundas, guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. O'- Rourke. Miss Barbara Jordan,London. spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Jordan. Miss Leona Purcell RAV., Tor- onto, was .a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs, John Nigh and (Miss M. McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. John McQuaid, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Jos. MdQuaid. Mr. ,and Mrs. Jack (Cleary, London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. 'Cleary over the weekend. Mr. Geo. (Sills, London, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. C. P. (Sins. A young couple who were married in (Sault (Ste. Marie last Friday the '21st, are on their honeymoon in Eastern Ontario, visiting at the (homes of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot, Mr. and Mrs. Rolbt. 'Tyndall, and Mrs. Harry Tyndall. They are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley MacDonald. Mr. MacDonald is a grand nephew of Wm, Murray and Mrs. Harry Tyndall. Mrs. MacDonald was formerly Eileen Bell of Gordon Lake and his home was at Des- barats. They are now in Hespeler visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Mac- Gregor, his sister and (brother- in.lanv and will make their home in Sault Ste. Marie where he is employed in the steel plant. HULLETT On Monday 23 adults of Fire- side Farm P'orum met at the Home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hog- WINTHROP CAVAN UNITED CHURCH Invites all its former members, adherents and friends to partici- pate in its SOth Anniversary on SUNDAY, OCT. 30 Services at 11 A.M. with Rev. D. A. MacMillan of London, guest speaker 7.30 P.M. Rev. C. D. Daniells, of llensall Special music by the Choir Assisted by Mr. Donald McDonald of Walton Wed. Even'g, Nov. 2 A TURKEY SUPPER will be served by the Ladies of the congregation at 5 o'clock Film strip and variety program Adults 1.50 Children 75c Another Big Co-op Feed Meeting This time HOGS will be the subject And it will be held in SEAFORTH LIBRARY AT 8.15 P.M. on Tuesday, Nov. 1 Our Feed Specialist, Don Corman (OAC Grad) will be on hand to bring us up to date on Hog Feeding and Management Special interest will be shown in the grading of hogs as we expect to have government graders here with carcasses toexplain grading, and cut the carcasses for your inspection So keep this date in mind for a profitable evening DOOR PRIZES REFRESHMENTS Seaforth Farmers Co-op FEED DIVISION PHONE 9 There is a Co-op Feed for Every Need gart to make plans for the com- ing season. The new president, Mrs. Joe Balbcoek, welcomed all especially the new neighbors. Press secretaries are Mrs. Har- vey Taylor, (Mrs. Wan. IDolmage and Mrs. Geo,. (Carter. The com- mittee to send 'boxes to the sick is Mrs. 3. Howatt .and Mrs. Wm. Dolmage. It was decided to join the travelling library and se-, oure.books from Goderich. As next Monday is Hallowe'en all are requested, to go in cost- ume and meet at 8.15. Each family (bring some Munch and candy or other treat for the, children. (Bring one chair and because of school cthildren, go home early. There will be a pen ailty for those not in costume. j This meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. iBob Dalton. All ,members who can do so are asked to bring to a meeting on or before Dec. 5, articles suit- ably wrapped for Christmas gifts for the Children's Aid So- ciety. 'These articles may be new or used clothing, (books or toys provided they are (clean and in good condition Please state on outside of wrapper the age and sex for which giift is suit - Male. It was decided for this season no (person was eligible for more than one prize a night. The host and hostess may decide the form of recreation at the meeting. Most games, Mrs. Joe Babcock, (Bob Jamieson; lone hands, Mrs. Frank IHIuliey and Hugh Flynn. :Consolation, Mrs. Bolb •Dalton, Don Buchanan. WINTHROP The October meeting of the C:G.LT. was (held M. the base- ment of the church on Saturday afternoon when we entertained Walton IC,G.ItT., '0'et. 715th. The meeting opened with a singsong led by Joan (Somerville, followed by the'C.G.I.T. purpose and the singing of the IC.G T.T. hymn. The caul to worship was given by Audrey Godkin on "Giving 'thanks”, Hymn 578 "Sing to the Lord of Harvest” was sung and Grace Doig read the scrip- ture followed with prayer by Merle Godkin, We then enjoyed an instrumental by Georgina Little, this was followed with a duet by Margaret and Edith Boyd. Ruth Ann Ennis and Rosemarie Bolger of the Wall - ton IC.'G.,I.T, gave an interesting account of their experience at camp. Jean and Margaret Hillen played a piano duet. Hymn 314 was Sung and 'Sandra Doig told a story. Mrs. Toll led in a dis- cussion. (Seventeen members an- swered the roll call, hymn 485 was sung and Audrey Godkin pronounced the benediction. Re- creation followed and lunch was served. The meeting closed with "Taps„ BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Carman Mogh and Wendy of St. Thomas with his SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL 'This year the (pupils plan to collect• pennies instead of can- dies and donate the proceeds to the Lion's Pool, if each house- holder would donate one penny to each child calling. We would appreciate the co-operation of the parents to insure that the pennies are returned to school. Prizes for •the rooms with the largest collection. STOP ! LOOK ! LISTEN ! for- - - on NOVEMBER 9 Rev. Ernest Clarke (Former Seaforth boy) will present Lantern Slides taken during his recent Post Graduate course in Europe Auspices 0. E. S. parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogh. Mr. Fred Herbert was confined to Stratford Hospital for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ElIigson and family of Kitchener, Mr. An- drew Wickie of Tavistock, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elligson. Mr. and Mrs, 0. Ray Hart of London with her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Rock, Don Ahrens, Hamilton, Gwen Rock, R.N., Kitchener, and Mar- lene Diegel, nurse in training, of Stratford, were at their homes over the week end. Mrs. Lichtie, mother of Mrs. Rudolph Franeck, was injured in fall from a tree while picking ap- ples. She is confined to Victoria Hospital, London, BAKING SALE In Dick Box's Store on Sat., Nov. 5th 3 P.M. By the W. A. of Bethel Church, McKillop OPENING OF SEAFORTH Badminton Club Pot Luck Supper at 6.30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2 In Club Rooms at the Town Hall All PROSPECTIVE mem- bers welcome Seaforth District High School Night School REGISTRATION NIGHT THURSDAY, NOV. 3RD Only those courses will be offered for which there are at least 10 applicants on Registration Night, If you wish the Night Classes to oper- ate, be at the High School on Thurs- day, November 3, at 8 P.M. Seaforth Lions Club AND DRAW FOR 1955 OLDSMOBILE SUPER '88' FOUR -DOOR HARDTOP Who will win the Oldsmobile Hardtop Sedan and the $1,000.00 ? ? Draw takes place at 11.30 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 28 Seaforth Memorial Arena — Doors Open at 7.30 p.m. — GAMES OF CHANCE • OVER -AND -UNDER • RING THE MONEY • GROCERY BOOTH • KIDDIES' GAMES • FOWL BOOTH 0 BIRD CAGE Free! - Candy for the Children - Free! CHILDREN'S EVENTS VALUABLE PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES If weather is cold, Arena will be heated for your comfort Proceeds for Lions Welfare Work and New Lions Pool —ADMISSION— Children (under 12) FREE , Adults, 25c Each Admission entitles Holder to a Free Draw Ticket BINGO IN THE HEATED AUDITORIUM Seating for 500 VALUABLE PRIZES Cards 10 cents Program Outstanding Program on Brightly Lighted, Elevated Stage, featuring BILL JAMES in an Amazing Exhibition of Comedy Magic STEVE NICKLING and JUDY Juggling that defies the Law Of Gravity OTHER ADDED ATTRACTIONS DANCING JITNEY DANCING ON THE HIGHLY - POLISHED TERRAZZA DANCE FLOOR TO LILTING MUSIC. THIS WILL BE A DANCING TREAT YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS